Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 383: Face to face with the foreign gods, the heart of the strong is triggered! [8k, please v

Chapter 383: Face to face with the foreign gods, the heart of the strong is triggered! [8k, please vote monthly]

[The perfected Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique, terrifying fluctuations gradually condense in your hands...]

[However, the second-level alien race in front of him is still grinning wantonly. 】

[It seems that I look down on you, a little Xuanxian monk, at all...]

[Indeed, the power of the Five Elements Avenue entering the fourth realm is still far from enough to pose a threat to this foreign god's residence. 】

[However, the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique is already one of your strongest moves. Facing an enemy of this level, you cannot be careless at all! 】

[Finally, the brilliant five elements of color exploded towards the second-level god's mansion. 】

[Unexpectedly, he just stretched out his hand, firmly grasped the Spirit Explosion Technique Cyclone, and then threw it into his mouth, as if he was enjoying some wonderful food...]

[The five elements fluctuations in the air gradually dissipate... It is inevitable that a trace of despair will arise in your heart. 】

[The strength of the foreign god in front of me does not seem to be as simple as becoming a golden immortal for the first time...]

[After the first attack failed, this god's residence launched a counterattack! 】

[The terrifying black energy is entangled with fluctuations and coming towards you...]

[Although it's just a casual blow from Jinxian, you don't dare to underestimate it. Use the way of space with all your strength, and the surrounding spiritual realm will make the space begin to tremble...]

[A deep different-dimensional space appeared, sucking in the black air and transporting it to an unknown location. 】

[This is a new move you have learned after entering the fourth realm of Space Avenue. 】

[Use the spiritual realm to cooperate with the way of space, distort the space, and briefly open an ultra-long-distance transmission channel. 】

[This different-dimensional portal can be used to save life, or it can absorb all energy into it as a defense. 】

[But this technique contains the Dao of Space, which consumes extremely high amounts of immortal power and the Dao of Space. That is to say, you can only release it barely after you break through the Xuanxian and gather the five qi in your chest! 】

[Seeing that the move released by this god was blocked by you, a look of anger appeared in his eyes. 】

[I saw it appear behind you in the next second, so fast that you couldn't react at all. 】

[But the stinging pain in the center of your eyebrows and the premonition of danger are spreading wildly, causing you to subconsciously release your defenses. 】

[The rich earth spiritual energy condenses into an indestructible fortress in an instant. Towering giant vines wrap around the fortress, protecting you firmly within it. 】

[This is the use of your Five Elements, integrating offense and defense...]

[However, this second-level god will shatter your spell with just one blow. 】

[If you are severely injured, you will fly dozens of miles away, spit out a mouthful of blood, and your breath will begin to wane...]

[Just now, this casual blow from the God's Mansion was like a falling star, enough to destroy an entire continent... If you weren't physically strong, you might have been beaten into a pulp! 】

[But you finally withstood the blow, took out a healing elixir, and your injuries recovered quickly. 】

[You stand up again, looking at this god's mansion with piercing eyes, fighting spirit igniting in your heart. 】

【What about the God's Mansion? So what if it's comparable to the Golden Immortal? After entering Xuanxian... your strength has improved to a big level! 】

[It is no longer the same existence as before...in the hands of Jinxian, without the power to resist! 】

[For several rounds in a row, this god has not been able to kill you, which makes him inexplicably angry...]

[And anger will affect the rationality in battle, even in the God's Mansion! 】

[You persisted for several more rounds, and finally found a flaw! 】

[Without hesitation, taking advantage of the angle that the alien god didn’t notice, you launched your most powerful attack! 】

[This sword originated from the powerful magical power you realized when you first observed the White Emperor's "Galaxy Falling into the Nine Heavens" sword intention... combined with the terrifying ax of the Demon General! 】

[Although it is only beginning to take shape...but you are confident to release it! 】

[I saw that your spiritual realm with a radius of seven thousand feet began to shrink rapidly, condensing within three feet around you! 】

[The terrifying sword intent continues to gather, and twisted white light flashes in the space...]

[The way of space, the way of sword, and the way of killing, this is your most powerful move that combines the three ways into one... You have a hunch that the power of this blow will even exceed the body-protecting sword! 】

[I saw that you slashed out with your sword, and the sword light spread across three hundred miles. The rich sword energy was like silver light all over the sky, shining in the void. 】

[Subsequently, the sword intent condensed into a point, as if jumping through space, passing through a distance of dozens of miles, and struck at the life gate of the alien god's mansion! 】

[In this sword, there is even more of your endless killing intent... Let the power of the sword be increased by three points again! 】

[At this moment, regardless of martial ethics, the talent is activated, and the power of the sword move is doubled! 】

[That alien god has despised you after all! 】

[The sword passed through the void, distorting the space, and also caused it to misjudge the landing point of the sword energy...]

[Finally, a sword struck the alien god’s neck, cutting half of his neck into pieces, and traces of divinity and god’s blood began to flow... dyeing the void red! 】

[Who said that God’s residence can’t kill him? Golden Immortal can’t kill him? 】

[This is your most powerful sword. You look at the alien god's mansion with expectation, hoping that he will fall...]

[However, even if your sword reaches the Golden Immortal level, it is impossible to directly kill this foreign god! 】

[Under contempt, you did severely damage this foreign god's mansion with one sword! 】

[The god stayed where he was and touched his neck, his black palm stained red with blood...]

[The next second, He roared angrily, and his voice penetrated the sky! 】

[How many years has it been... how many years has it been since a second-level divine residence has not been injured? 】

[And today, he almost died in the hands of a little "ant" like you...]

[The face of Shendi cannot be humiliated! 】

[Now, He has completely put away his contempt and is staring at you, wishing to tear you into pieces. 】

[Without leaving any hand behind, its palm tears apart the void, and a sickle-like weapon appears in its hand, striking towards you. 】

[At the same time, Bai Di, who was fighting in the distance, glanced at the Lingzhou battlefield and saw the alien god's mansion that was injured by you, with a look of admiration on his face. 】

[I saw him nodding his head and saying: What a good boy, your swordsmanship is good, you have a bit of my style back then, and your temperament is also excellent... You can’t fall here! 】

[Baidi was already fighting with the Blood 2 on the other side. Seeing that you were about to die, Bai Di forced the Blood 2 back with one strike of his sword. Then he flicked his finger and shot a sword beam towards you. 】


[Looking at the angry god in front of you, you can see the terrifying sickle rising like the god of death, about to harvest your life. 】

[At this moment, you are no longer able to resist... You have been hit one after another, and your immortal body is about to collapse. The most powerful space sword just now has left you even more powerless. 】

[The black sickle still touches you... In just a moment, you feel that your life span is being cut off quickly, and your life essence is quickly withering...]

[Just when you were suffocating and felt that you were about to die, the alien god suddenly fell down powerlessly, and the sickle in your hand turned into black energy and disappeared...]

[Before you fell into coma, you could only vaguely see a golden sword cutting the god's mansion into pieces...]

【You are unconscious...】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Fortunately, it's not a direct death...According to the convention of the simulator, people who are unconscious usually don't die!"

But soon Su Xing's face became a little solemn.

"The gap between Xuanxian and Jinxian is really unexpectedly big!"

"With my current strength and foundation... I can barely fight against the Golden Immortal, but if it comes to a life-and-death fight, I will still die without a doubt!"

"There is such a gap between Xuanxian and Jinxian, let alone Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian?"

Su Xing knew in his heart that the further he advanced in cultivation, the harder it would be for him to fight higher.

When he first became an immortal, Su Xing was at the peak of human immortal cultivation and could even fight against heavenly immortals.

But when you wake up to the peak of Xuanxian, it is already considered very good to be able to defeat the enemies in the late stage of Golden Immortal...

"And the speed of improvement in cultivation is getting slower and slower... I don't know how effective the Heart of the Strong talent is?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

The heart of a strong man, coupled with the talent before awakening, "Invincible Little Strong", seems to be a strong combination!

As long as the person wakes up and does not die immediately, no matter how serious the injury is, he will eventually be able to recover.

But he still survived in the face of death, and he was able to trigger the talent of the heart of the strong!
In this way, the awakening cycle continues, and each time it is triggered, the strength can be rapidly improved!
"And Bai Di's strength is really terrifying... When fighting against a great Luo, he was able to separate his mind and kill the Golden Immortal with just one sword attack!"

"With such strength...he is worthy of being the veteran Da Luo Jinxian!"

Su Xing estimated that there was also a gap between Daluo Jinxian!

Daluo Jinxian, such as Qingyunzi, Baidi, and Tianmojiang, who are famous in the three thousand worlds, should be the best in this realm, and they are expected to have a glimpse of the existence of the saint!

"One day, I will reach that level!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[When you open your eyes again, you are already in the spirit boat. 】

[A full half a month has passed since that life and death battle! 】

[At this moment, there is no part of your body that is not hurting... but your mental state is surprisingly good! 】

[It feels like I have regained my energy after sleeping for a long time! 】

[Just when you were doubting, you suddenly felt that something was wrong with your cultivation aura! 】

[Your cultivation has actually jumped directly from the first level of Xuanxian to the early stage of the second level of Xuanxian! 】

[The gap is a whole level of small realm! 】

[Obviously, you have been practicing hard for decades, but you are still in the early stage of the first level of Xuanxian, but this time you were promoted to the first level after falling asleep for only half a month! 】

[You know in your heart that these are the effects of the heart of a talented person! 】

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but feel happy when he saw this.

"Damn it, the heart of the strong... once triggered, can it directly increase the level of a small realm?"

"Doesn't that mean that every time I simulate, I can practice an additional realm?"

After entering Xuanxian, Su Xing became increasingly aware of the difficulty of improving his cultivation.

Su Xing estimated that it would take at least four to five hundred years for him to go from the first level of Xuanxian to the second level of Xuanxian with his own talent and the bonus of Zhengyi Convincing Qi Art!

It is equivalent to an ordinary Xuanxian practicing hard for 20,000 to 30,000 years!
But once the heart of the strong is triggered, it directly saves so much time for awakening!
Don't underestimate the difference in this realm!

This is the gap between the first level of Xuanxian, and it is also huge!

"Tsk, tsk, if you get the talent of the heart of the strong in the human immortal stage...I am afraid that with one breakthrough, you can directly go from the early stage of human immortal to the peak of human immortal!"

"But fortunately, it's not too late now... If every simulation can have this benefit! At least it can guarantee that I can break through two realms in one simulation!"

"In other words, simply improving your cultivation level, from the early stage of Xuanxian to the peak of Xuanxian... may only require five simulations..."

A talent that at least saves the time of two or three awakening simulations!
After Jinxian and Taiyi, the talent of the strong heart may still be effective!

"Tsk tsk...this talent must be brought out!"

Su Xing said with determination in his heart.

He now has no shortage of perception talents. After all, every simulation can give him nearly 20,000 years of perception time.

In the next year, there will be at least fifty simulations, which is equivalent to a million years of understanding!

A million years of enlightenment is enough to wake up and cultivate a certain avenue to the sixth realm!

The sixth realm of the Great Dao is an existence that even the Golden Immortal can't match!

However, Su Xing's cultivation level can't keep up...

Calculated based on the calculation of one thousand years of simulation, fifty simulations and awakening are equivalent to fifty thousand years of practice.

If he were to practice at his previous awakening speed, he would be able to reach the peak of Golden Immortal in fifty thousand years at most, and would miss Taiyi.

But now, Su Xing is even confident that he will reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm within a year!
"This talent comes at just the right time!"

"Next, we must improve our cultivation as soon as possible... and reach the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After feeling the growth in cultivation, you feel happy. 】

[A few days later, most of your injuries have recovered, and Bai Di comes to talk to you...]

[In his words, Bai Di made no secret of his admiration for you, and gave you the sound transmission jade slip, saying that he would teach you swordsmanship when he has time in the future...]

[You nodded slightly when you heard the words, returned to the room on the spirit boat, and continued to practice peacefully. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed...]

[In the 330th year, the spirit boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[After arriving in Tianji Realm, you became the elder of Tianji Pavilion because of your outstanding performance on the battlefield. 】

[At the same time, you are on the Prodigy List, ranking 51st on the list...]

[To be in the top fifty on the Earth Ranking, you must have the strength of the Golden Immortal to be on it! 】

[At this time, the number one position on the Earth Ranking is none other than your senior sister, Fairy Ziling! 】

[It’s just that you know in your heart that although Fairy Ziling is only a Golden Immortal, she already has the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[With his strength, he can definitely be on the Heavenly Ranking... But he has been growing flowers and grass in the Qingyun Sect and has no chance to compete, so he is not ranked on the Heavenly Ranking. 】

[After breaking through to the second level of Xuanxian, you did not slack off. You continued to practice in the Tianji Realm, and sometimes went out to perform tasks. The days passed smoothly. 】

[In the blink of an eye, seventy years have passed...]

[Over the years, Bai Emperor has occasionally taught you swordsmanship. Every time, you feel that your swordsmanship has improved. Even when Bai Emperor is by his side, your swordsmanship has also increased. 】

[In the fourth hundred years, your spiritual realm has been successfully raised to eight thousand feet, and you are one step closer to the completion of your spiritual realm! 】

[In the past seventy years, you have never slackened in your practice, practicing the Zhengyi Qi Jue every day, but you are still far away from the middle stage of the second level of Xuanxian. 】

[You estimate that it will take at least forty or fifty years to reach the middle stage of the second level of Xuanxian...]

[So, you continue to practice peacefully. 】

[In the 450th year, you successfully broke through to the middle stage of the second level of Xuanxian, and your mana increased by 10% again. 】

[In the Mysterious Immortal Realm, every 10% increase in mana is extremely difficult. 】

[There are many mysterious immortals who have not made progress in ten thousand years...]

[But you have a solid foundation. Although your talents are mediocre, you have abundant resources and your cultivation has been growing steadily. 】【In the 500th year, you went out on a mission and found traces of the Advent Cult. 】

[Based on the previous lesson, you did not take action to destroy the Adventist stronghold yourself, but reported it to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[After that, you stay in the Tianji Realm and continue to practice peacefully...]

[In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed. 】

[In the 600th year, your spiritual realm has increased to 8,500 feet. 】

[Because you don’t like to go out on weekdays, you just stay in the Tianji Realm safely and haven’t encountered many dangers. 】

[The battle with that god made you realize the importance of cultivation, so you practiced hard, and in the blink of an eye, another fifty years passed. 】

[In the 650th year, your cultivation has finally reached the late stage of the second level of Xuanxian. 】

[This year, because you missed too many missions, you had to go out and participate in several missions in order to maintain your status as an elder of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[When you go out on a mission, you will become more and more familiar with the situation in the Tianji Domain. 】

[Over the past hundreds of years, the speed of alien invasion has been accelerating. Thousands of small worlds have fallen one after another, and even more than a hundred small worlds have fallen. 】

[Nearly one-tenth of the entire Tianji Territory has been occupied by aliens... Countless creatures have become nourishment for aliens. 】

[What’s even more exaggerated is that according to Tianji Pavilion’s internal intelligence, among the five major domains, Tianji Domain is already considered to be in the best condition! 】

[Qingyuan Territory, nearly one-fifth of the world has been invaded by aliens...]

[There are even rumors that more than half of the world in the Mannan Region far to the south is occupied by alien races! 】

[You feel quite helpless after hearing this. If at this rate, the top human race does not take action, I am afraid that within ten thousand years... the alien race will completely occupy the five major regions! 】

In the real world, Su Xing sighed after seeing this.

"Three Thousand Worlds... is just a virtual finger, but the five realms really exist!"

"The Tianji Realm located in the Central Realm, also known as the Central Realm, is the first of the five major regions and is also the region with the most powerful people!"

"The Heavenly Demon Territory in the West is the base camp of the Heavenly Demon Prison. It is called the Western Region and is the dojo of the Heavenly Demon General..."

"The Qingyuan Territory is located in the north of the five major regions. It is also called the Northern Territory, headed by Tianyuan Sect and Qingyun Sect."

"As for the Eastern Territory, it is the most chaotic gathering place for casual cultivators... There used to be the Luo Tian Territory, but now the dragons are leaderless..."

"The Mannan Territory is the weakest in terms of comprehensive strength among the five major regions, and it is also not very civilized. It is difficult to resist the invasion of foreign races..."

Information about the five domains flashed through Su Xing's mind. This was what he learned in Tianji Pavilion.

The Blue Star where he was before he woke up was actually at the junction of the Qingyuan Territory and the Eastern Territory.

That place was originally the territory of Luo Tianyu.

However, after the fall of Luo Tianzong, many areas were included in the Qingyuan Domain.

This is also the reason why there were rumors that the Qingyun Sect was planning to target the Luotian Sect.

Because after the fall of Luotian Sect, Qingyuan Sect has gained a lot of benefits, including a lot of resources, worlds, and monks.

"Sigh, but after that battle, powerful men joined forces to impose restrictions... making it impossible for the four major regions of southeast, southeast, and northwest to communicate with each other. Only through the central Tianji region can one go to the other three regions."

"There is also the dangerous isolation of the endless sea. Under the Golden Immortal, it is difficult to cross the territory!"

Su Xing was determined to go to the Heavenly Demon Prison, wanting to see the Demon General himself, and was also curious about the Demon General's promise.

But unfortunately, the current strength is not enough, so we have to put it on hold temporarily.

"The situation in Three Thousand Worlds is getting worse and worse!"

"These five major regions are still dominated by the human race... not to mention, there are also many chaotic regions that have been completely occupied..."

"I'm afraid it has become a paradise for aliens!"

Su Xing sighed.

According to legend, in ancient times, there were ten domains between heaven and earth!

All monks from the ten domains can practice... There is not only one main race in the world, the human race.

But after the catastrophe, aliens invaded, and the ten major regions fell into five regions, leaving only the current five major regions.

And those five major regions may have become the strongholds of alien races.

"However, with my cultivation level, I haven't worried about these things yet..."

"To care about the situation in the five major regions, you must be at least above the Taiyi Golden Immortal to be qualified..."

"Now I'd better improve my cultivation level honestly!"

Su Xing thought this way, his goal for this simulation is to practice as steadily as possible to the third level of Xuanxian...

Look at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through to the second level of Xuanxian, you continue to practice hard. 】

[In the seventh hundred years, the scope of your spiritual realm has increased to 8,600 feet. 】

[In the 800th century, after a hundred years of hard training, your cultivation has finally reached the peak of the second level of Xuanxian! 】

[It just so happened that this year, Tianji Pavilion called on the monks to start a war with the aliens...]

[In this battle, the human race suffered countless casualties, but the alien race did not feel easy either. 】

[The White Emperor killed the foreign gods with one man and one sword, and the foreign gods were frightened...]

[This battle lasted for ten years...]

[Years of fighting have made you more proficient in the use of magical powers. 】

[The aura in your body continues to grow, getting closer and closer to the third level of Xuanxian. 】

[Because you are cautious on the battlefield, not many foreigners noticed you, a little Xuanxian monk. 】

[So, you survived successfully...]

[In the 810th year, after the war, you returned to the Tianji Realm and began to practice hard. 】

[You start preparing to break through to the third level of Xuanxian! 】

[For the next few decades, you will be in seclusion...]

[In the 850th year, after more than forty years of retreat, you have consumed hundreds of millions of high-grade spiritual liquid! 】

[Finally, you successfully broke through to the third level of Xuanxian! 】

[After entering the third level of Xuanxian, the mana in your body is once again 10% or 20% stronger. 】

[After exiting the customs, you have to do it because you have accumulated too many tasks before. 】

[So, we can only go to some safer locations to perform tasks...]

[Unexpectedly, you were still targeted by Xue Er! 】

[In the 880th year, when you were performing a mission, you had a premonition that you might not be able to escape death...]

[Sure enough, Xue Er found you that afternoon. 】

[Xue Er has searched your soul...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Xing Xing was in a very good mood.

"In this simulation, I went from half-step to the third level of Xuanxian in one go! This is an extraordinary performance!"

"The consummation of the Mysterious Immortal Realm... can be said to be getting closer!"

"Hmph, with every simulation, my strength is growing... I think I won't be so embarrassed when I encounter that alien god's residence in the next simulation!"

With every simulation, the gap between Su Xing and Jinxian is constantly narrowing!
Sooner or later, that alien god will be killed by Su Xing alone!

"Next, it's time to look at the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing was looking forward to it and looked at the reward list.

[Heart of the Strong]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Third Level of Xuanxian Cultivation]: Only by condensing the five qi in the chest and bringing the five qi towards the Yuan can you ascend to the position of Xuanxian! You are already the top combat power among the immortals, enjoying hundreds of thousands of years of life. You have mastered the avenues and magical powers and have blazed your own path. The energy source is priced at 400 million!
[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: After choosing, the understanding of the spiritual realm has been greatly improved. The coverage of the own spiritual realm has reached 18 feet. The power of magic powers in the spiritual realm has been greatly improved. The understanding of the great road can be used as desired. The price is The source of energy.

[Perception of the Way of the Sword]: Observe the swordsmanship and sword intention of the swordsman Bai Emperor, gain insights from the experience, and receive guidance from the White Emperor. After receiving it, the perception of the sword will be greatly improved. The price is 20 energy sources.

[Proficiency in magical powers]: Years of fighting, you continue to hone your skills, and your combat skills become more and more proficient. The price is 1 energy sources.

"In this simulation, the spirit realm is not in a hurry to take it out... The heart of the strong is the talent that must be brought out!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the talent of the strong heart...and..."

Su Xing was halfway through his words when suddenly cold sweat broke out on his head, as if he had seen something terrible!
This feeling is all too familiar to Su Xing!

This is a reminder to Su Xing from pursuing good fortune and avoiding misfortune!
"If I bring out my cultivation now...will I be in danger?"

The first reaction when I woke up was the red moon!
Su Xing had encountered this situation before when he broke through the Immortal.

Later, the way Su Xing chose to deal with it was to improve his understanding of the path of cause and effect, and to go to other worlds for breakthroughs.

In this way, the red moon was barely blocked.

In the past few breakthroughs to great realms, Su Xing had never sensed the danger of Red Moon.

This made Su Xing somewhat ignored.

"I'm afraid that the breakthrough in the Mysterious Immortal Realm will cause greater commotion... so Hong Yue can sense it, right?"

Su Xing thought so in his heart.

"Then, let's try to strengthen the formation that shields Tianji and see if it can shield the red moon?"

Su Xing spent the next few days setting up multiple formations to see if he could block the red moon's perception.

But the result is that it doesn’t work!
After all, Xuanxian Realm is already considered a high-level monk. If Hong Yue breaks through under his nose, he will not be able to sense it, which would be a bit unreasonable.

"Alas, it seems that the only choice is to go to other small worlds to break through..."

Su Xing murmured.

He is not in a hurry to break through. After all, as long as he does not start the next simulation, he will be able to wake up without extracting his cultivation level.

Now Awakening has three opportunities to simulate storage.

Plus seven days for the next simulation...

Equivalently, when you wake up, you can save your cultivation level for up to one month without withdrawing it!
"Forget it...then stay on Blue Star for a while, and then go to Little Qingyun Realm in half a month!"

It only takes two days to wake up and go to Xiao Qingyun Realm.

On the contrary, I haven't been back to Blue Star for several months, which makes Su Xing feel nostalgic.

After all, this is his second hometown.

So, for the next half month, Su Xing stayed with Jin Congxue and Luo Shuying and handled some trivial matters.

With the current awakening strength, there is no need to rely on the blessing of Daxia Kyoto Academy.

So Su Xing moved out of the student dormitory and moved directly into the second floor of Jin Congxue's villa.

Because of this, Yu Yan made a special call to Su Xing.

As Su Xing's best brother, he was worried that Su Xing would have difficulty finding a job in the future if he lost the blessing of the school.

Su Xing did not reveal his true strength, but only told Yu Yan that he had found a way to improve his strength and found a good job at the Tarot Chamber of Commerce.

After Yu Yan heard this, he was naturally happy and said that after finishing his busy work for a while, he would treat Su Xing to a drink after returning from Zhen Yao Pass.

In addition, Su Xing also took some time to visit his parents and sister Su Nian'an.

In the past few years, Su Xing has given Su Nian some props to help him improve his strength.

This allowed Su Nian'an to grow into a master-level professional.

After waking up and getting ready, find a time to tell Su Nianan about cultivating immortality.

As for Su Xing's parents, they are just ordinary people, nearly fifty years old, and their bodies are no longer as big as before.

Su Xing took the opportunity to return to his hometown and used fairy power to recuperate his parents' health.

It is no exaggeration to say that after being nursed back to health by the awakened wood immortal power, even an ordinary person can easily live to be four to five hundred years old.

Later, Su Xing gave his parents a book of exercises suitable for maintaining health.

After his parents recovered, Su Xing decided to gather spiritual roots for them and help them embark on the path to immortality!
In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The time comes on May 5th.

After Su Xing finished handling the tedious matters, he went to the puppet organization strongholds in the seven countries and twelve regions.

In more than half a month, Su Xing obtained hundreds of thousands more energy sources.

After doing all this, Su Xing was ready to set off for Xiao Qingyun Realm.


Coming to the weak point in the barrier, Su Xing carefully tore open a temporary passage, then drove the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and left Blue Star.

The whole process...went extremely smoothly!

After confirming that Hong Yue had not discovered him, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and drove the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle towards the Little Qingyun Realm.

Two days later, Su Xing successfully arrived at Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Afterwards, Su Xing went to Shiwan Mountain and spent several days in the mountains to open up a hidden cave before preparing to break through.

"Huh, with my current cultivation level... the great breakthrough in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, Lingtian Cave Heaven is already unbearable!"

"The fluctuations caused by its breakthrough may make the space in Lingtian Cave Heaven unstable..."

"So, try your best to break through in the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing glanced at the simulation panel, adjusted his status, and said silently:
"I choose to bring out the heart of a talented person...and the third level of Xuanxian cultivation!"

(Today is still the 8k big chapter. Dear friends, please vote with your monthly votes~)

(End of this chapter)

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