Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 384: Bring out the rewards and fight against the foreign gods again! [8k extra please monthl

Chapter 384: Bring out the rewards and fight against the foreign gods again! [8k extra please monthly ticket]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the heart of a talented person. You spent 10 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 1591 points...]

[You successfully brought out the third level of cultivation in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, spending 400 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1191 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the source of awakening energy dropped sharply.

But at the same time, two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was the surge in cultivation...

Half step into the Mysterious Immortal Realm, first level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm... second level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

In the end, Su Xing's cultivation level was promoted all the way to the third level of Xuanxian!

The whole process only lasted as long as a cup of tea...

This breakthrough has a great impact on Awakening!
The first thing I felt when I woke up was that the total amount of mana in my body had increased by at least three times!
And the quality of mana has not been improved even a little bit...

The most important thing is that Su Xing felt that some subtle changes seemed to have occurred in his body and soul!

After going from half-step to the Mysterious Immortal Realm, the awakened life essence has completed a sublimation!
The most obvious thing is that the awakened lifespan has been increased by a full five hundred thousand years!
In addition, Su Xing also vaguely noticed that his understanding of "Tao" was deeper.

To practice Taoism, all monks are cultivating the "Tao in the heart"!
As his cultivation level improved, Su Xing could feel that he was getting closer to the great road.

Understanding the great road seems to become easier...

After a long time, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, full of energy.

"Finally, now I... am also a Xuanxian!"

Su Xing was about to experience the growth and changes in his own cultivation when he suddenly felt several auras approaching rapidly.

Su Xing's expression suddenly changed and he murmured:
"I'm afraid it was the movement of my breakthrough just now... that attracted the nearby monks!"

"It's better to leave this place as soon as possible..."

Su Xing quickly erased the traces of his breakthrough on the spot, then took a few steps, spanning a hundred thousand miles in the blink of an eye, and appeared in Baidi City.

After entering Baidi City, Su Xing changed his appearance again and turned into the vest appearance of "Su Ye". He went to Wanjin Pavilion to find his dear "partner".


Just a moment after Su Xing left Shiwanda Mountain, two figures appeared in the cave where Su Xing broke through the retreat.

One of the figures is the Lord of Baidi City!

A true fairyland existence...

I saw Lord Baidi looking at the surrounding auras, a touch of shock flashed across his face, and he said to his companions:

"Just now, was there a senior Xuanxian who... made a breakthrough here?"

The old monk who was accompanying him nodded slightly, with a look of admiration on his face and said:

"I'm afraid it's a senior who has been in seclusion for many years... and he successfully broke through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm in one go!"

"If you break through in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, you're probably a rogue cultivator, right?"

After hearing this, Lord Baidi nodded slightly and said with some regret:
"Senior Xuanxian! It would be great if I could join the Baidi Tower..."

"Oh, if I can recruit the fighting power of a mysterious immortal, the overall strength of my little Qingyun Realm will definitely increase greatly!"

"It's a pity that the senior doesn't seem to want to meet us... he has already left..."

Speaking of this, both of them had a look of regret in their eyes.

In the entire Xiao Qingyun world, the highest combat power on the surface is only the true fairyland...

Only the one from Tianmo City has combat power that far exceeds that of a true immortal!

But that person would only take action when the little Qingyun world is in danger...


On the other side, Speedy returned to Baidi City and was discussing cooperation with his partner Bai Xuan.

Wanjin Pavilion, in a private room.

Bai Xuan poured a cup of fairy brew for Su Xing, looked at Su Xing, and said in surprise:

"Brother Su, why haven't we seen each other for a while...I feel like you have changed a bit?"

"Why do I feel ashamed of myself in front of you?"

Bai Xuan was confused for a moment. This was the first time he encountered such a thing.

After hearing this, Su Xing smiled and said nothing, and stepped into the Xuanxian. Su Xing's cultivation aura formed an absolute crushing effect on the mere earthly immortals.

Even if Su Xing hides his own cultivation, it still has some influence.

But Su Xing just took a sip of wine and said casually:

"Maybe it's your misunderstanding, right? Did something go wrong in your recent practice? Or maybe... you indulged too much?"

Su Xingyi glanced at the dark circles around Bai Xuan's eyes pointedly.

As a dignified earthly immortal, his appearance of excessive indulgence is really puzzling.

After hearing this, Bai Xuan blushed and quickly changed the topic and said:
"Ahem, Brother Su... I received a new batch of goods from our previous cooperation, do you still need it?"

With that said, Bai Xuan took out several storage bags.

"This storage bag contains 30 million iron essences, two million fire coppers, and a full million spiritual irons... Brother Su, can you buy them?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this.

The total value of these ores is worth millions of energy sources!

A level one cultivation level that is enough to wake up and bring you out of the Mysterious Immortal Realm...

Su Xing nodded naturally and said:
"Of course... these are the spiritual stones purchased this time. You can count them..."

Su Xing said and handed over a storage bag. While Bai Xuan was counting, Su Xing handed over a storage ring and said:

"There are 20 million high-grade spiritual stones here... Just pay the deposit for the next batch of goods!"

"We're still doing the same thing... I'll take as much as we have!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Xuan quickly took the storage ring, his eyes turning into spiritual stones.

"Hahaha, easy to talk about!"

"Brother Su, you are really my noble man! I just like your arrogant look..."

Bai Xuan smiled from ear to ear, he was happy from the bottom of his heart!
As an old monk whose cultivation had been stagnant for many years as an Earth Immortal, Bai Xuan's original goal was to grow his family and give birth to several immortal descendants...

But since he met Su Xing, he has made a lot of money!
In fact, Bai Xuan is already accumulating resources and trying to touch the threshold of immortality!
Once you become an immortal and your lifespan is doubled, you will be able to live for tens of thousands of years again!

However, although Bai Xuan earns spiritual stones from waking up, he really has something.

Although his cultivation level is not high, Bai Xuan still has some connections in Baidi City and even in the three-acre area of ​​Xiao Qingyun Realm.

Since Bai Xuan received Su Xing's cooperation half a year ago, he has traveled to dozens of fairy cities and signed contracts with various chambers of commerce.

As a middleman, Bai Xuan acquired the entire Xiaoqingyun world, and more than half of the output of the three ores!

Then, sell it to Su Xing and earn the price difference.

Su Xing estimated that Bai Xuan's profit would be around 10%.

This is not low, after all, you can earn millions of high-grade spiritual stones with just one order!

But Bai Xuan saved Su Xing a lot of time... Su Xing was happy to earn money for him.

After the transaction, the two had a few more drinks.

Afterwards, Bai Xuan reluctantly sent Su Xing away.


After Su Xing left Baidi City, it took him an hour to arrive at Tianmo City.

Among them, it also includes waking up and changing into a new vest, Ye Tian!
Ye Tian's strength is slightly higher, and what he shows when he wakes up is that he is at the peak of a true immortal, very close to the cultivation level of a mysterious immortal!
After arriving at Tianmo City, Su Xing quickly contacted several of his subordinates.

"Lord Qi, in the past two months... the Tianyuan Army has recruited a total of 876 soldiers. According to your instructions, only monks who are above the integration stage will be recruited."

A young man in white robe reported respectfully to Su Xing. This young man in white robe also had cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm.

Su Xing was temporarily short of people, so he was given the position of adjutant.

When Su Xing was away, this adjutant helped Su Xing recruit his subordinates.

After seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly, handed over another storage ring, and said:

"There are some pills here, called Rebirth Pills. Taking them can help body-refining monks strengthen their bodies..."

"There are also tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. Use these to recruit as many soldiers as possible..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"And what I asked you before, the information on the alien frontline strongholds... have you made any progress in the past two months?"

The white-robed deputy general nodded quickly after hearing this, took out an information jade slip and said:
"Lord Qi, the information on the foreign strongholds on the front line is all here..."

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly, put away the jade slip, and then dismissed the lieutenant.


After a while, Su Xing finished reading the contents of the jade slip, rubbed his eyebrows, and murmured:

"Currently, the situation in the Little Qingyun world is not tense... There is no one who is too strong among the foreign races!"

"On the frontline battlefield, the foreign race is like a third-level god's palace... but it is equivalent to a mysterious immortal!"

"And my target is those alien gods..."

Before waking up, he promised the Lord of the Demon City to kill a certain number of aliens every ten years.

This is naturally not just for the safety of Xiao Qingyun World.

The essence of flesh and blood of alien gods, as well as divinity, are excellent energy-gaining substances!
According to the price recovered by Su Xing to the simulator, one pound of the flesh and blood essence of an inferior alien race is worth one point of energy source!
And a low-grade alien with divine power, flesh and blood essence, weighs about a hundred kilograms!
This means that if you wake up and kill an alien god with inferior divine power, you can earn at least a hundred points of energy source!

The most important thing is, the higher you go, the more you earn!

A foreign god with medium divine power, worth a thousand energy sources!
A powerful alien god with an energy source worth 10,000 yuan!
The true god of the alien race, the essence of flesh and blood in his body is worth one hundred thousand energy sources!
The alien third-level god's mansion, the essence of flesh and blood, is worth one million energy sources!


As long as you wake up and kill a sufficient number of alien gods, you can quickly earn energy sources!
Su Xing did not choose to do this before.

Firstly, it's because it's not strong enough... Secondly, it's too dangerous!
But now, Su Xing has broken through Xuanxian and is strong enough. There are only a few people in Xiao Qingyun World who can threaten Su Xing's existence.

At present, there is no second-level divine residence (comparable to the Golden Immortal) among the foreign races.

Now is the perfect time!
If we wait a few more years and the alien race's strength increases, Su Xing will easily be targeted by powerful beings...

"This time, let's kill the aliens for ten days first and see how much energy source we can earn..."

"And the excess essence of alien flesh and blood can also be refined into a rebirth elixir!"

For Su Qing, the more sources of energy, the better...

With this thought in mind, Su Xing set off for the frontline battlefield.

An hour later, Su Xing appeared in an alien stronghold.

There are dozens of alien gods in this stronghold, and there are thousands of aliens under the gods.

Without any hesitation, he woke up and circulated his sword energy. Thousands of sword energy crisscrossed this foreign stronghold.

Every sword energy hit the alien's head accurately.

After a while, only alien corpses and the smell of blood were left around.

"Huh...the blood of these aliens really stinks!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, then used a spell to take out the flesh and blood essence of thousands of aliens and put it into a storage ring.

It only takes a few breaths to kill thousands of aliens.

It took half an hour to collect the flesh and blood essence of the alien race.

Plus the time it takes to find a foreign stronghold.

After waking up for one day, I can probably clear out five alien strongholds...

"I want to see how much these alien flesh and blood essences are worth?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to convert the flesh and blood essence in the storage ring into the source of energy.

The beep of the simulator came to my ears.

[Ding, a small amount of energy source material has been detected, worth a total of 18789 energy source points. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said casually, but felt a little dissatisfied.

In this stronghold, the strength of the main alien race is still too weak.

Dozens of alien gods, all with low-level divine power, provided Su Xing with thousands of energy sources.

In addition, the alien races under the gods provide even less, and thousands of them only provide more than 10,000 energy sources.

"However, at this speed... running to five strongholds in one day, we can only get 100,000 energy sources!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. With his current vision, he naturally looked down on this source of energy.

"The real value is the essence of alien flesh and blood with powerful divine power. If you kill one of them, you can earn 10,000 energy sources!"

Su Xing murmured.

Among the information he obtained, there were dozens of powerful alien races.

After waking up and spending a few days to eliminate some alien races, how can I earn one or two million energy sources?

Thinking like this, Su Xing couldn't wait to destroy the alien stronghold...

In the blink of an eye, ten days passed.

On this day, Su Xing withdrew from the alien front line and returned to the Demon City.

In the Mansion of Tianmo City, Su Xing was in a very good mood, counting his income in the past ten days.

"In ten days, we killed nearly a thousand foreign gods, countless gods... and even killed several powerful aliens!"

"The total energy source earned is nearly three million points!"

In ten days, the energy source earned from killing aliens was half more than Su Xing imagined!
The main reason is that the alien divinity is valuable!
The divinity of alien gods is equivalent to the fragments of the avenue needed by human monks.

Every piece of divinity, even if it is incomplete, is worth at least tens of thousands of energy sources!
The only pity is that the explosion rate of alien gods is not high. After Su Xing killed so many alien gods, he only exploded twenty or thirty copies.

But it brought nearly one million in energy source income to Su Xing!
"Huh, I've been here in Xiao Qingyun for more than half a month, and I've earned another four million energy sources. That's really good!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth.

The only pity is that this kind of killing of aliens seems not to be done often.

Once they wake up and frequently destroy foreign strongholds, the foreigners must be on guard.

This time, it was because Su Xing caught him off guard and took advantage, that he achieved such a harvest. "However, it is also extremely good!"

"Currently, the energy source in my hand is completely enough for me to simulate the next four or five times..."

Su Xing was looking forward to it, wishing that he could immediately improve his cultivation level to Xuanxian Perfection.

"Counting the time, the next simulation cooldown is coming soon... I still have three simulations left!"

"In this way, it can be simulated four times at once, and the strength will be greatly improved!"

Thinking like this, Su Xing did not stay in the Demon City, but went to a mountain range a million miles away from the Demon City to prepare for the simulation here.

Entering Lingtian Cave, Su Xing opened the simulation panel.

The number of energy sources displayed on the simulation panel is 1608 points!
"Well, after breaking through Xuanxian this time, it seems that there is no prompt to trigger the simulator upgrade..."

"It seems that we have to wait until after the Golden Immortal to trigger the upgrade of the simulator..."

Su Xing is a little disappointed. Every upgrade of the simulation will greatly improve Su Xing's talent.

"Forget it, just concentrate on the simulation!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and said silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 137th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 1608 points... The remaining number of simulations is 1322. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent spiritualist... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Spiritual Person]: You are born with spirituality, your eyes can see through evil spirits, you can cultivate your soul more easily, and you are quite talented in spiritual cultivation.

"Purple talent..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Su Xing was no stranger to spiritual cultivation. Luo Shuying was in spiritual cultivation.

Perhaps, this talent can be given to Luo Shuying in the future to help him go further on the path to immortality!
"This simulation is mainly focused on improving your cultivation!"

Su Xing thought to himself, looking at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the talent blessed by Xijiayi...]

"Blessed late bloomer..."

Su Xing didn't hesitate, cultivation was still Su Xing's first goal.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You went to Tianji Pavilion and told Tianji Pavilion about the information about Hong Yue and Xue San. 】

[After that, you returned to Blue Star and began to plan the evacuation of the human race. 】

[You spent a year migrating part of the human race to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[After that, you went to Qingyun Sect and got two cups of Enlightenment Tea. 】

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion sent two Taiyi Golden Immortals to Blue Star to investigate...]

[In the tenth year, two Taiyi Golden Immortals were seriously injured and escaped, and they would not be able to recover for hundreds of years...]

[Taking this opportunity, the alien race accelerated their invasion of Qingyuan Domain. 】

[You know that the situation in Qingyuan Domain will become extremely bad in the future, so you made plans early and started collecting the scattered inheritance of Luo Tian Sect. 】

[Next, you spent a period of sixty years to retrieve hundreds of inheritances left by Luo Tianzong in Qingyuan Domain one by one. The total wealth you own is even comparable to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[In the 70th year, the situation in Xiao Qingyun Realm was not good. You went to the battlefield and killed hundreds of alien gods and several third-level gods to fulfill your previous promise. 】

[These years, although you are no longer in the Xiao Qingyun world, you are still paying attention to the development of the Tianyuan Army. 】

[You gave the rebirth elixir that you have refined over the years to the monks in the Demon City. 】

[Next, you went to the Nine Heavens Realm and prepared to start practicing. 】

[In the 80th year, in the secret realm of the fifth heaven, you are officially preparing to retreat to comprehend the great road. 】

"Use immersive simulation for 70 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, and the remaining energy source is 1605 points...]


After the immersive simulation ends, wake up and return to reality.

"Huh... seventy years of immersive simulation, all spent on understanding the Avenue of Speed. The Avenue of Speed ​​is finally close to the completion of the Fourth Realm..."

Su Xing rubbed his brows and digested the seventy years of memories.

"However, after breaking through the Mysterious Immortal, my understanding of the Great Dao has indeed become stronger!"

"At this rate, with up to three immersive simulations, my Speedy Way will be able to enter the fifth realm!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with excitement.

If the Speedy Avenue enters the fifth realm, the gap between him and Jinxian will be further narrowed!
Crossing the ranks to face the Golden Immortal is just around the corner!
"However, the gap between me and Jinxian is not just as simple as the understanding of the great road..."

"Golden Immortal's use of magic power, and even the richness of magic power, are far better than mine...Xuan Xian's early cultivation level is still not good enough!"

"If we can enter the middle or late stage of Xuanxian, we may be able to fight against Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing weighed it for a moment and then said:

"Next, I should prepare to go to the endless sea... and then board the fairy boat before the Baiyun Realm is destroyed, and find a way to trigger the heart of the strong! This is the fastest way to improve my strength!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 150th year, your understanding of the Way of Speed ​​has gone one step further...]

[This increases your escape speed by more than 30%. 】

[This year, the situation in the Qingyuan Territory has been extremely chaotic, and the Little Qingyun Territory is about to be invaded by aliens. 】

[And in the entire Qingyuan Domain, there are hundreds of worlds occupied by alien races. 】

[You alone can't change anything. 】

[Therefore, you decided to go to Tianji Domain to seek a higher breakthrough in cultivation. 】

[In the 165th year, you arrived at the South China Sea. 】

[Next, it took you twenty-five years to successfully cross the endless sea and reach the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 190th year, you went to Baiyun Realm. 】

[At this time, the Bai family siblings were not yet born. After you disguised yourself and gathered your breath, you became an elder of the Baiyun Sect. 】

[After that, you took more care of the parents of the Bai siblings, paving the way for you to accept disciples later. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. 】

[The Bai couple, with your help, survived. 】

[At the same time, you successfully accepted the Bai family siblings as disciples and guided them in their practice... because they practiced earlier this time, allowing their talents to be fully utilized. 】

[After more than a hundred years of hard work, your Qi refining cultivation has successfully reached the middle stage of the third level of Xuanxian. 】

[At the same time, the scope of your spiritual domain has increased to eight thousand feet. 】

[In the third hundred years, the Baiyun Realm encountered a catastrophe. You took the Bai family siblings and successfully boarded the fairy boat. 】

[The immortal boat leaves the Baiyun Realm and heads towards the Tianji Realm...]

[In the 320th year, Xianzhou was ambushed by aliens. 】

[In this battle, you showed your Xuanxian cultivation and killed hundreds of alien gods, which also made you targeted by a second-level alien god! 】

[Seeing that terrifying figure, you know that in the previous simulation, it was this god’s mansion that triggered your strong heart! 】

[Without any hesitation, you fight with this alien god! 】

[After breaking through Xuanxian, your strength has grown rapidly. 】

[However, there is still a big gap between it and the second-level divine residence. 】

[After only more than ten rounds of fighting, all 4,900 body-protecting swords and swords were destroyed... You were also seriously injured. 】

[Seeing that he failed to capture you in a short period of time, this alien god activated his true fire, released his magical power of the sickle, and attacked you. 】

[At the critical moment, you slashed out your most powerful sword. The "Sword of the Void" passed through the space, turned into silver light, and slashed at the head of the god's mansion. 】

[However, this strike, which was comparable to a golden immortal, still failed to kill this foreign god. 】

[It’s just that compared to before, the injuries to this alien god were three times more serious...]

[At the moment of life and death, Bai Di takes action! 】

[I saw that his sword accurately hit the body of the foreign god's residence, and then his whole body exploded, and his life was exhausted...]

[But the alien god’s offensive is still hitting you...]

[You fell into a coma...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Huh, finally, you should be able to successfully trigger the heart of the strong this time, right?"

What Su Xing was most afraid of was that if he didn't control his strength well and was directly killed by the alien god, then the simulation would be wasted.

Or, the alien god was killed before he could seriously injure Su Xing, and Su Xing still needs to find a way to trigger the heart of the strong.

"But fortunately, it was still triggered successfully this time! According to the previous progress... maybe I can directly enter the middle stage of Xuanxian!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing was filled with anticipation.

If you can really enter the middle stage of Xuanxian, at least you will save the five hundred years of hard training to wake up!
Look at the simulation panel.

[When you wake up again, you will be in a fairy boat. 】

[You should check your own changes as soon as possible...]

[But you are disappointed to find that your Qi refining cultivation has not changed! 】

[This makes you a little confused. Could it be that the talent of the heart of the strong has not been triggered yet? 】

[But soon, you discovered that... your great witch body training technique has made remarkable progress! 】

[Your physical strength has increased by more than 30% after this coma! 】

[Although it is still the entry-level level of the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art, it is much stronger than before...]

[You suddenly understand that the increase in the heart of the strong is random! 】

[It will not only increase Qi refining cultivation, but also randomly strengthen certain strengths...either Qi refining cultivation, or body refining cultivation. 】

[Although you are only stronger through physical training, your overall strength has still improved greatly. 】

[A few days later, Bai Di found you and told you that you can ask him for advice in the future...]

[In the next ten years, the fairy boat sailed smoothly to the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 330th year, you arrived in the Tianji Realm and became the outer elder of the Tianji Pavilion. 】

In reality, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"It turns out... the heart of a strong man not only increases the cultivation level of Qi refining, but also has a certain probability of increasing the cultivation level of body refining!"

"This is not a bad thing... The only trouble is that the targets strengthened by the Heart of the Strong seem to be random."

"This means that in the future, I cannot improve a certain kind of cultivation alone. Instead, I have to refine my Qi and body simultaneously... I will wait until the heart of the strong is triggered, and then I will decide the direction I need to practice with all my strength!"

Su Xing only said it was a pity.

He had practiced qi refining before, and it took him more than a hundred years to advance from the early stage of the third level of Xuanxian to the middle stage, but this simulation seemed unable to bring out his qi refining skills.

"However, it is also very good to bring out the body through training!"

"I don't know if this time, I can go all out and cultivate my body training to the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art?"

"Also, from the secret realm of the fifth heaven, I have obtained enough heavenly materials and earthly treasures... but I can continue to replenish my energy and blood and improve my body refining skills!"

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to spend the rest of the simulation time focusing on improving his physical training.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 331st year, after arriving in the Tianji Realm, you practiced the Great Witch Body Training Art every day and took many heavenly materials and earthly treasures brought from the fifth heaven. 】

[The fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art is an all-round improvement in physical strength! 】

[When you reach the fifth level of perfection, you can even physically tear apart the void, forming a unique "battlefield" with terrifying combat power! 】

[And this requires a lot of time to polish the physical body, and it also requires a steady stream of genius and earthly treasures to ensure practice. 】

[Fortunately, you don’t lack spiritual stones...]

[For the next sixty years, you will take elixirs and elixirs brought from the fifth heaven every day, and your physical strength will continue to increase. 】

[After cultivating for the 400th year, you feel that your physical body has increased by about half a percent. This rate of progress is extremely terrifying! 】

[The ancient witch clan's lifespan is ten times that of the human race. The witch clan in the Mysterious Immortal Realm may not be able to grow physically even after thousands of years of hard training. 】

[But you have the blood of the Witch Clan, and you also have the talent "Swallowing the Sky", which allows you to completely absorb the medicinal properties of heavenly materials and earthly treasures and strengthen your body. 】

[Your stomach is like an invincible hole, and a steady stream of elixirs pour in, all of which are absorbed by you. 】

[But as you continue to practice, the number of elixirs brought out from the fifth heaven is running out...]

[Without the support of elixirs, you must find other cultivation resources to nourish your body. 】

[So, you went to the Money Chamber of Commerce in the Tianji Realm! 】

[The Money Chamber of Commerce claims to sell everything. 】

[You want to buy the flesh and blood essence of the monsters in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. You originally thought it would be very rare in the Chamber of Commerce, but you didn’t expect that it is actually sold in the Money Chamber of Commerce! 】

[Even more, there is a group of flesh and blood essences from the third-level god's mansion...]

[However, this level of flesh and blood essence is also surprisingly expensive! 】

[One pound of the flesh and blood essence of the Mysterious Fairy Beast is priced at 1000 million high-grade spiritual stones! 】

[And based on your physical needs, you have to eat three kilograms of the flesh and blood essence of the Xuanxian monster beast in one day! 】

[Even with your financial resources, it is impossible to support such a huge consumption...]

[So, you purchased one hundred kilograms of the flesh and blood essence of the Mysterious Immortal Monster to ensure your temporary cultivation needs. 】

[Next, in order to achieve a breakthrough in body training, you have only one way...]

[That is, hunting down the alien gods and extracting the essence of their flesh and blood to ensure the growth of one's own cultivation...]

(End of this chapter)

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