Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 385 Re-entering the fifth heaven, the secret of the spiritual realm! [5k monthly ticket requ

Chapter 385 Entering the fifth heaven again, the secret of the spiritual realm! [8k monthly ticket please~]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded when he saw this:
"The flesh and blood essence of foreign races is not much different from the monster beasts, but it is more violent. If it is not refined into elixirs, it will be difficult for ordinary monks to take it."

"But my talent for swallowing heaven allows me to perfectly absorb the essence of flesh and blood."

"In this way, it is equivalent to every alien race being a walking cultivation resource..."

At the beginning, before Su Xing became an immortal, he took the essence of monster flesh and blood in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and his body refining strength was greatly improved.

Later, when practicing the Great Witch Body Training Art, each stage required different auxiliary materials, which made the essence of flesh and blood less important.

But now for awakening, the essence of flesh and blood is the most sufficient supplement!

It can strengthen Qi and blood and improve cultivation.

After all, although natural materials and earthly treasures are good, they are expensive and the quantity is ultimately limited.

But the flesh and blood essence of the alien race can be said to be inexhaustible.

"However... I have now reached the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art. Taking Xuanxian-level flesh and blood essence, the effect may be limited..."

"It's a pity that I'm not a match for the alien's second-level god, otherwise my cultivation level would improve even more quickly."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Take one kilogram of flesh and blood essence every day... You have to kill one or two foreign gods at least a year to ensure the required cultivation!"

"I just hope that when performing the mission, we won't encounter too many dangers..."

Su Xing knew that wealth could be gained through danger, but he still needed to be cautious when hunting those alien gods.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 400th year, you began to take on the task of hunting down the foreign gods. 】

[In recent years, alien races have continuously invaded the world of Tianji Domain, and the small world has fallen almost every year...]

[Although the human side has not yet started a complete war, it has been organizing small-scale counterattacks. 】

[In Tianji Pavilion, there are many missions to hunt down foreign gods and save a certain small world. 】

[This kind of mission not only provides detailed information, but also all the proceeds from the hunt belong to you. Even Tianji Pavilion will give you an extra contribution point, which can be used to exchange for training resources. 】

[Before, you were cautious by nature and worried about alien ambush, so you rarely took on this type of mission. 】

[But now, in order to improve your cultivation, you have to take certain risks. 】

[Next, you spent three months and took on three missions to hunt down the alien gods. 】

[For each mission, you carefully select it and investigate the information yourself to prevent accidents. 】

[In the 401st year, you officially start hunting the foreign gods. 】

[The targets you have chosen are all third-level divine mansions, comparable to Xuanxian...]

[But for you, if you use all your strength, these divine mansions will not even last more than a hundred rounds. 】

[In the blink of an eye, one year has passed...]

[In the past year, you have successfully completed three missions to hunt down alien gods, and successfully obtained more than three hundred kilograms of flesh and blood essence! 】

[This essence of flesh and blood is enough for you to practice for one year, so you practice for now...]

[In the 403rd year, after taking more than three hundred kilograms of flesh and blood essence, your physical cultivation has improved. 】

[After tasting the sweetness, you begin to take on large-scale tasks and hunt down foreign races. 】

[In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed. 】

[In the fifth hundredth year, after a hundred years of hunting, you have killed more than 200 alien gods in total! 】

[The essence of flesh and blood obtained from hunting will make your physical body continue to grow. 】

[Although you have not reached the fifth level of Great Witch Body Training, your physical body is nearly 20% stronger than it was a hundred years ago. 】

[At the same time, over the past hundred years, you have continuously hunted foreign races and accumulated enough contribution points. You decided to exchange them for some Golden Immortal-level flesh and blood essence. 】

[The merits you have accumulated over the past hundred years have allowed you to exchange for about five hundred kilograms of flesh and blood essence from the second-level god's mansion. 】

[After receiving such a large amount of resources, you decided to retreat for a while. 】

[The flesh and blood essence of the second-level god's mansion has an effect comparable to that of a golden fairy monster...]

[Based on your physical body and digestive capacity, you can only take it once every three days, with a maximum of half a catty at a time. 】

[But even so, the effect of this flesh and blood essence is several times greater than before! 】

[Next, you spent a whole ten years digesting all the essence of flesh and blood. 】

[In the 510th year, your physical strength has grown horribly, about 30% stronger than ten years ago! 】

[You know in your heart that this is because it is your first time to take such a high-grade flesh and blood essence... As you take it more often and your cultivation level continues to increase, the effect will definitely not be so good...]

[You have taken a big step towards achieving the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique! 】

Su Xing looked at the text in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

"The growth of physical strength cannot be ignored!"

"In a hundred years, my overall strength has increased by at least 20%..."

"If I can successfully enter the fifth level of achievement, what kind of terrifying situation will my physical body enter?"

"Tearing the void apart with the flesh and crossing the void is not a dream!"

Su Xing felt some yearning in his heart.

Although he is now able to cross the void, he is still unable to stay in the void for a long time without being affected by his physical body.

And the flesh body tears apart the void, so handsome!
"If the great witch reaches the fifth level of body training, with my physical body, I might be able to try to go to the Heavenly Demon Prison..."

"There are still three hundred years left. I wonder if the physical body can successfully break through to the fifth level?"

Su Xing thought to himself, looking at the simulation panel.

[The improvement of your cultivation strength will allow you to hunt down foreign gods more easily. 】

[For the next hundred years, you will continue to hunt foreign races and obtain the essence of flesh and blood. 】

[In the 600th century, after nearly a hundred years of hunting, you obtained nearly 30,000 kilograms of God-level alien flesh and blood essence, and exchanged it for nearly a thousand kilograms of the flesh-and-blood essence of the second-level alien God's Mansion from Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Such a large-scale exchange has almost completed most of the "Golden Immortal Level" flesh and blood essence in Tianji Pavilion. 】

[For this reason, Bai Di also asked you why you want to exchange so much flesh and blood essence. 】

[You just said that the skills you practice can increase your own cultivation by swallowing the flesh and blood essence of foreign races. 】

[Bai Di was greatly surprised after hearing this, saying that the world of immortality is so vast, and indeed there are many amazing techniques...]

[Having obtained so many resources, you are ready to retreat for a long time. 】

[Next, it took you eighty years to completely digest thirty thousand kilograms of flesh and blood essence. 】

[Your physical strength has increased by nearly 30%. 】

[In the 680th year, you began to take the flesh and blood essence of the alien’s second-level god. 】

[Strength the body every day, absorb it according to the exercise route of the Great Witch's Body Training Art, and transform these essences of flesh and blood into pure physical power. 】

[In the 700th century, after you have consumed this thousand kilograms of flesh and blood essence, you finally successfully entered the Great Witch Body Training Technique! 】

[The Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has been completed, and he can already begin to shatter the void with his physical body! 】

[With a single movement of your hands, you have terrifying destructive power, allowing you to almost destroy stars and the world. 】

[The fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is no weaker than the Xuanxian monks... Even in the void, because of the scarcity of spiritual energy, he has a natural combat advantage. 】

"Huh, the great witch has finally reached the fifth level of body training... It only took seven hundred years. This kind of speed is probably unprecedented!"

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

To be able to maintain such an astonishing cultivation speed in such a profound realm, it can be said that Su Xing's body training qualifications are indeed not weak.

Of course, what is more important is the blessing of a strong heart!

Without the help of a strong heart, it may take more than 1,500 years to wake up and reach the fifth level of success.

"I don't know, how much growth will it bring to my overall strength after completing the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

"However, we can't slack off now. There will be at least one or two hundred years before the end of this simulation... The body training and cultivation should be able to go further!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has successfully entered the fifth level, you continue to perform tasks in the Tianji Domain to hunt down the alien gods. 】

[In this way, thirty years have passed...]

[In the 730th year, you frequently hunted the alien gods, and finally you were targeted by the aliens! 】

[Ten third-level alien gods have joined forces to kill you! 】

[This is the most difficult victory you have ever fought. 】

[Although the alien god is very powerful, as you continue to devour the essence of flesh and blood, your strength is no longer what it used to be! 】

[Under the Golden Immortal, there are not many beings who can enter your eyes...]

[The super strong physical body gives you super endurance and recovery power... coupled with the five qi Chao Yuan, your mana can be quickly restored. 】

[You fought with these ten alien gods for two and a half years, and finally, at the cost of serious injury to yourself, you killed all ten alien gods! 】

[After this battle, you will be famous in the Tianji Domain! 】

[You are called the first person among the three thousand worlds’ golden immortals…]

[At the same time, you are on the Prodigy List, ranking 50th on the list! 】

[Although it is only one place higher than before, it means that you already have the strength close to the Golden Immortal! 】

[After all, the top forty-nine geniuses on the list have all had the record of defeating Jinxian head-on... The fact that you can achieve such a ranking just by killing an enemy with the strength of Xuanxian is evident from the sensation of this matter. 】

[After this battle, you return to the Tianji Realm to quietly recuperate and practice. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another sixty years has passed...]

[In the 800th century, Tianji Pavilion declared a full-scale war against the aliens and began to organize a large number of monks to start a decisive battle with the aliens. 】

[As the elder of Tianji Pavilion, you have no reason to shirk and must join this war. 】

[According to the past, with Bai Di’s leadership and your own caution, it stands to reason that there is not much danger...]

[But this time, it’s different from before! 】

[Your reputation is already quite famous in the Tianji world, plus you make a career out of hunting down alien gods. 】

[At the beginning of the war, many alien gods have set their sights on you... This makes you extremely stressed on the battlefield! 】

[But your strength, under the Golden Immortal, is invincible, so although the battle is a little difficult, there is no risk to your life after all. 】

[But in the third year after the war began, the situation changed...]

[In the 803rd year, although you have been careful, the foreign race really does not care about martial ethics, and finally sent two second-level gods to surround you! 】

[With one god, you might still have a chance to escape... But with two second-level gods, you can't escape...]

[You were killed by two alien gods working together...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing was stunned for a moment.

This simulation ended too suddenly!
According to Su Xing's idea, it can be simulated for at least nine hundred years...

As a result, just after passing the eight hundred year mark, Su Xing died!

"Sure enough... we still can't be too high-profile!"

"Even if you are hunting aliens... you should conceal your identity!"

"In this way, we will not be targeted on the battlefield in the future..."

Su Xing sighed. If he died prematurely, he would have lost a hundred years of cultivation!

"Oh, but that's it...the goal of this simulation has been successfully achieved!"

"It's time to choose your reward!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate. Anyway, every simulation he performed was better than the last.

Sooner or later, Su Xing will be able to defeat Jinxian...and that day is coming soon!
Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Spiritual]: Purple talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Fourth Level of Xuanxian Cultivation]: Only by condensing the five qi in the chest and bringing the five qi towards the Yuan can you ascend to the position of Xuanxian! After eight hundred years of practice, you have barely entered the middle stage of Xuanxian. The energy source is sold for 100 million.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: After choosing, the understanding of the spiritual realm has been greatly improved. The coverage of the own spiritual realm has reached 18 feet. The power of magic powers in the spiritual realm has been greatly improved. The understanding of the great road can be used as desired. The price is The source of energy.

[Fifth Level Cultivation of the Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The ancient witch clan's secret method of body training has reached the fifth level, which is comparable to the middle stage of Xuanxian. The body shreds the void, and the own aura begins to gradually form a "battlefield". The price is 300 million energy source.

"Although this simulation did not trigger the heart of a strong person, the Qi refining cultivation level has barely broken through to the fourth level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm... But if it is brought out, it is still not worth it!"

Looking at the reward in front of him, Su Xing didn't worry too much and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the great witch's physical training skills... and the results of spiritual realm cultivation!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the results of spiritual realm practice. You spent 18 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1587 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Great Witch’s body forging skills and achieved a small level of cultivation. You spent 300 million points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 1287 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, the awakened body began to change, and a lot of insights flooded into his mind.

From the entry into the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique to the completion of the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, the awakened body has grown more than three times in size!
This is an all-round increase from vitality and blood to resilience, strength and even patience!
Coupled with the improvement of the awakening spiritual realm, the spiritual realm increased from 7,000 feet to 8,800 feet.

"Huh... In this simulation, my overall strength has increased by at least 50%!"

"If I face that alien god again, I won't be so embarrassed..."

The corner of Su Xing's mouth raised. His strength has been improving, but the strength of the alien second-level god has stagnated.

Why is he fighting against Su Xing?
Now, what Su Xing is worried about is that the alien god cannot kill Su Xing and cause a life-and-death crisis to Su Xing... thus triggering the heart of the strong!
"Huh... According to this progress, if I simulate it for two more times at most, that god's mansion will not be able to kill me... By then, I will have to look for opportunities to trigger the heart of the strong again!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. It would be a pity to lose such an opportunity.

"However, your cultivation level always needs to grow, and you cannot stagnate... After you kill the second-level god's mansion, you will have to find new pressure..."

There is no need to worry about waking up.

Now he still has three chances to simulate, and he simulates one after another. Su Xing wants to test how far his strength can be improved!
In this way, after a little adaptation to the increase in cultivation, Su Xing silently said:
"Start simulation!" [The 138th simulation is started, and the remaining energy source is currently 1287 points... The remaining number of simulations is 5772. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Rock Divine Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Rock Divine Body]: One of the mutated divine bodies, it is the result of the mutation of the earth element divine body. With this divine body, not only is it sensitive to earth spiritual energy, but it also has defensive power beyond ordinary monks.

"Huh? This physique..."

Su Xing thought about it and felt that this newly extracted divine body seemed to be of little use to him.

After all, he already possesses the Five Elements Holy Body, which is an existence that can completely crush the Earth Elemental Divine Body.

As for the enhancement of defense... it may be good for ordinary monks, but Su Xing is a body-refining monk, so this increase is of little use to Su Xing.

"Alas, nowadays...there are fewer and fewer talents that can be put to use. Maybe only if the simulator is upgraded again and brings red talents, will my strength further increase?"

Su Xing thought this, and besides, there are not many blank columns for his talents now, and they have to be reserved for key talents.

"In that case, let's continue as always, improve your cultivation and gain spiritual realm!"

"The spiritual realm... is not far away from Wanzhang!"

Su Xing was extremely looking forward to it.

After the Wan Zhang Spirit Realm, some changes will occur in the Spirit Realm...

Look at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the talent blessed by Xijiayi...]

"Blessed late bloomer..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[Now, your strength is hard to match in the entire Xiao Qingyun world...]

[You went to Tianji Pavilion and informed Red Moon of the information. 】

[Next, you spent a year migrating some of the humans from Blue Star to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion sent two Taiyi Golden Immortals to Blue Star to look for traces of Red Moon. 】

[In the tenth year, two Taiyi Golden Immortals returned seriously injured, and the alien race accelerated their invasion of the human race. 】

[After leaving Qingyun Realm, you began to look for the Luotian Sect’s ruins scattered across the three thousand worlds. 】

[Next, in addition to practicing the Zhengyi Fuqi Jue every day, you will also start to strengthen your body and take the heavenly materials and earthly treasures from the fifth heaven to improve your cultivation. 】

[In the blink of an eye, seventy years have passed...]

[The situation in Qingyuan Territory is gradually deteriorating. Without your intervention, the future trajectory will be the same as before. 】

[In the eightyth year, you go to the fifth heaven and begin to prepare for enlightenment...]

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly:

"The development of things is similar to the previous simulation... The only difference is that in addition to Qi refining practice, my body refining practice has also begun to improve!"

"I don't know which cultivation level will be blessed by the triggering of the strong heart this time?"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"There is also the understanding of the great avenue. This immersive simulation should be able to cultivate the great avenue of speed to the peak of the fourth realm. Next time... we can successfully enter the fifth realm!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 70 years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 25550 energy source points, and have 1285 remaining energy source points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


The fifth heaven, in the secret realm of the wizard giant.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and looked around.

"Yes, there are countless treasures of heaven and earth on this island...and many of them are extinct. They are passed down from the ancient witch clan and can indeed be used as an important resource for me to practice the great witch body forging technique!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and was not in a hurry to understand the great path.

Instead, it took a month to transplant all the heavenly materials and earthly treasures into the Lingtian Cave.

After that, he brought these heavenly materials and earthly treasures into Luotian Mirror and handed them over to Shennong Arita and others to take care of them.

In this way, you only need to spend mana to wake up and bring it out from Luotian Mirror, and you can enjoy more heavenly materials and earthly treasures, ensuring the improvement of body training.

A month later, Su Xing brewed Enlightenment Tea and began to comprehend the Great Way of Speed.

In the blink of an eye, fifty-four years have passed...

Su Xing drank three cups of Enlightenment Tea, and used the Inevitable Enlightenment Talent. Finally, the Speedy Way successfully reached the peak of the fourth realm!

"Sure enough, as I expected, the Avenue of Speed ​​has reached the peak of the fourth realm... and is not far from the fifth realm!"

"In the next simulation, we should be able to successfully enter the fifth realm!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth, feeling quite satisfied.

"After the Avenue of Speed ​​enters the fifth realm, and I return to the Blue Star from the Little Qingyun Realm, I'm afraid it will only take a day...or even a week to go to the Black Water Realm and other places!"

"It will probably only take ten years to cross the endless sea... After all, the fifth level of the Speed ​​Avenue is something that only a golden immortal can comprehend!"

"And if you are just entering the Golden Immortal for the first time, you haven't even understood the Great Way of Speed..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"However, there are still sixteen years left in this simulation, so we can't waste it..."

"I haven't explored this fifth heaven carefully..."

"With my current strength, I should be able to walk sideways in this fifth heaven, right?"

When the true immortal awakens, he is walking on thin ice in this fifth heaven.

It can be said that it took a lot of effort to kill the witch giant and barely get this secret place as a place for retreat and practice.

But now, Su Xing's strength is different from before. There should be no Golden Fairyland in the entire fifth heaven, so Su Xing can boldly explore.

With this thought, Su Xing left this secluded island and began to explore the fifth heaven.

As soon as he left the island, Su Xing felt that the fog in the fifth heaven was enough to block the immortal's perception.

In every fog, there may be dangers and unexplored secrets.

Su Xing only spent a month exploring the fifth heaven and was attacked by the void winds hundreds of times!

These void winds are enough to severely injure a True Immortal cultivator!
Even if you are entering the Mysterious Immortal Realm for the first time, if you are accidentally hit by the Gangfeng, you may not be able to reap the consequences.

But with Su Xing's current strength, this mere Gang Feng would naturally not be noticed.

Four thousand nine hundred body-protecting swords will firmly protect Su Xing.

In addition, Su Xing's physical body was several times larger than before, and the mere void wind could no longer threaten Su Xing.


Su Xing, who was on his way, suddenly noticed a bright light streaking across from not far away like a shooting star.

Su Xing stretched out his hand, and something moved in his heart... Void grabbed it, and took the item in his hand.

The method of awakening and folding can be called the magical star-catching hand.

But Su Xing has never practiced this magical power, it is just a profound application of the way of space!
Different paths lead to the same destination.

The so-called star-catching hand is nothing more than the way of space, and with enough mana... it is completely possible to wake up now!

"This thing... seems to be?"

"Zhou Shanshi!"

Su Xing's eyes widened. The palm-sized stone in his hand was as heavy as several mountains.

Even some monks who have become immortals for the first time may not be able to handle it.

"Zhou Shan Stone is an excellent source of energy!"

"Since ancient times... Zhoushan has disappeared, and Zhoushan stones have almost disappeared... However, there are really many treasures in this fifth heaven!"

"This is not the first time I have discovered Zhoushan Stone... Is the collapsed Buzhou Mountain located in the Nine Heavens Realm?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes were filled with enthusiasm!

The entire Buzhou Mountain is the source of unimaginable energy...if it is really found by Su Xing!
Su Xing swallowed and put away Zhou Shanshi.

"Alas, but the probability of this is low... I'd better look for some heavenly materials and earthly treasures suitable for use in the fifth heaven!"

With this thought, Su Xing next explored the fifth heaven.

In the blink of an eye, fifteen years have passed...

In the past fifteen years, Su Xing has explored more than twenty secret places.

Killed nearly ten monsters in the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

Most of these monsters are from ancient times. Although their strength is not weak, they are somewhat violent and like to kill... to a certain extent, they are very similar to aliens!

In addition, Su Xing also found many heavenly materials and treasures in these secret realms, many of which were helpful to Su Xing's cultivation.

"Huh... Generally speaking, the fifth level of heaven is extremely dangerous... In my more than ten years of exploration, I'm afraid I have only explored less than one ten thousandth of it!"

"However, there should be no danger to me in the fifth heaven..."

Su Xing turned his gaze to the top of his head. Through the layers of fog, it seemed that he could see the world farther away.

"The sixth heaven...a place only Golden Immortals are qualified to enter!"

"I wonder, with my current strength, can I enter the sixth heaven?"

Su Xing felt a sense of expectation in her heart.

If you can really enter the sixth heaven, you may be able to find more resources to further block Qingyunzi's perception!
"However, time is running out for this immersive simulation..."

"Let's wait until the next simulation and try again! Then we will be more confident..."


When the immersive simulation ends, you wake up and return to the real world.

"Huh... I have gained a lot from this immersive simulation!"

"What kind of existence is the Ninth Heaven Realm?"

"Qingyunzi once said that the Ninth Heaven Realm, together with the five immortal realms... not only the Qingyun Realm but also the entire Qingyuan Realm... even other major regions can also go to the Ninth Heaven Realm!"

"Could it be that the Nine Realms of Heaven are larger than the entire five realms of the Immortal Realm combined!"

The awakening is unknown, and there are too many secrets and treasures hidden in this nine-layered heaven, which are suspected to be passed down from the ancient battlefield.

"In this simulation, maybe you can try it and enter the fifth heaven in the Tianji Domain!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel again.

[In the 150th year, the immersive simulation ends, and you have a deeper understanding of the Road of Speed. 】

[At the same time, the exploration of the fifth heaven makes you feel that you are closer to the secrets of this world...]

[After a little preparation, you left the fifth heaven and appeared in the Qingyuan Domain. 】

[You went to Xiao Qingyun Realm. At this moment, Xiao Qingyun Realm is not far from destruction. 】

[You gave some spiritual liquid and the Rebirth Pill to Tianyuan Army, hoping that Xiao Qingyun Realm can persist longer. 】

[After that, you left Xiao Qingyun Realm and set off for Nanhai Realm. 】

[It only took you ten years to pass through most of the Qingyuan Territory and reach the South China Sea. 】

[Later, you set off from the South China Sea and headed to the Endless Sea. 】

[For you now, the endless sea is not as dangerous as before... You followed the route and were safe all the way. 】

[It only took twenty years for you to reach the Tianji Domain. 】

[In the 170th year, in the Baiyun Realm, you became the elder of the Baiyun Sect and gave you many pointers to the Bai family and his wife. 】

[Next, you will practice steadily in the Baiyun Realm, and your Qi and body refinements will go hand in hand. 】

[In the second hundred years, your Qi refining cultivation has barely reached the middle stage of the third level of Xuanxian. 】

[This year, you began to inquire about the Nine Heavens Realm in the White Cloud Realm. 】

[But the Baiyun Realm is just a small world after all, and you haven’t gotten many clues... In desperation, you have to wait until you go to the Tianji Realm before exploring the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[In the 210th year, your spiritual domain has increased to nine thousand feet. 】

[Next, in addition to improving your cultivation, you will also pay more attention to improving your spiritual realm! 】

[In the blink of an eye, a period of time has passed...]

[In the 270th year, with the help of Wen Dao Dan, your domain expanded to 9,500 feet! 】

[The distance to the Ten Thousand Zhang Spirit Realm is getting closer and closer...]

[As the scope of the spiritual realm grows, the power of the spiritual realm and the blessing of spells become more and more terrifying. 】

[In addition, you also feel a slight change in the spiritual realm...]

[Originally, the spiritual realm only provided blessings for supernatural powers, spells, and avenues...it was far from being substantial! 】

[But the closer you are to the Ten Thousand Zhang Spiritual Realm, and the closer you are to the completion of the Spiritual Realm, you feel that your spiritual realm is beginning to be somewhat similar to the Lingtian Cave Heaven! 】

[In other words...Lingtian Cave Heaven can become part of your spiritual realm! 】

[But you just have this hunch. How to implement it is still unknown. 】

[Thus, you speed up your cultivation of the spiritual realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, time has arrived at the third hundred years! 】

[This year, Xiao Zhanlong rode the fairy boat and came to the Baiyun Realm to take away some qualified monks for refuge. 】

[You trained the Bai family siblings and successfully entered the fairy boat...]

(I wrote until early in the morning. I just finished writing and deleted several thousand words. I wish you all a good night! Our monthly vote list is very strong this month. Please keep working hard. Let’s see if we can reach the top 30...Today’s 8,000 votes Chapter presented!)
(End of this chapter)

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