Chapter 386 Mythical red talent, alien!

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this:

"According to the previous development, we will have to fight against that foreign god again... I hope that the talent of Heart of the Strong can be successfully triggered!"

"I just don't know what kind of cultivation will be blessed by the strong heart talent this time?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 320th year, the immortal boat was intercepted and killed by aliens in the void. 】

[In this battle, you performed outstandingly, and the alien god's mansion is not your first enemy... In this case, a foreign race's second-level god's mansion is eyeing you! 】

[Today, you, the Avenue of Speed ​​is not far from the fifth level, the great witch has reached the fifth level of body training, and his magical powers are remarkable. 】

[Even if you are in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it will be difficult for you to be crushed. 】

[You have fought with this alien second-level god for dozens of rounds. Although you have been suppressed by it, you have not shown defeat. 】

[In this case, you deliberately exposed a flaw, and then took the opportunity to release the "Sword of the Void", and almost cut off the head of this alien god with one sword! 】

[This sword directly wounded him severely, making the foreign god's heart rise with endless anger... At the same time, the White Emperor who was fighting in the distance also showed a look of surprise! 】

[In this case, this alien god summoned a sickle-shaped weapon and launched a full blow at you...]

[During the crisis, Bai Di took action and sent out a body-protecting sword, directly killing the alien god! 】

[At the same time, the offensive of the alien god’s residence also attacked you, causing you to be seriously injured and on the verge of death...]

[In this situation, your blood and energy are restless, and you are recovering from your injuries like crazy. Xiaoqiang, who is gifted with the ability to be invincible, also shows his power, ensuring that you will not die on the spot. 】

[So, you can only temporarily withdraw from the battlefield and return to the fairy boat to recuperate. 】

[In the blink of an eye, seven days passed...]

[After seven days, your injuries have healed, and at the same time... the great witch's body training skills have become much better! Your physical strength has more than doubled compared to seven days ago! 】

[After recovering from your injuries, you rejoin the battlefield. 】

[A few days later, Bai Di defeated Xue Er, and the fairy boat was safe again...]

[Xianzhou, continue to sail towards the direction of Tianji Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:
"This time I was seriously injured by the alien god, but I didn't fall into a coma... Although the talent of Strong Heart is still triggered, it shows that the gap between me and the Golden Immortal has become closer and closer!"

"My Void Sword is the most powerful move... and it can even severely injure the Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing estimated that his current comprehensive strength should be barely at the level of "pseudo golden immortal". There is still some distance from the early stage of golden immortal, but it is not much different.

"When the Great Way of Speed ​​enters the fifth realm and the great witch reaches the final level of body training, it should be almost done, right?"

"In the next simulation, maybe I can kill that foreign second-level god with my own hands?"

Su Xing was thoughtful and said:

"The effect of the Heart of the Strong is still applied to the body-training cultivation, so for this simulation, it is better to major in the Great Witch Body-training Technique!"

Thinking this, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[You became an outer cabinet elder in the Tianji Realm. In order to ensure the stable practice of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique, you began to hunt down foreign gods...]

[But with your previous experience, you naturally cannot reveal your true identity. Instead, you can disguise yourself and hunt down foreigners in the Tianji Realm. 】

[Next, you spent more than seventy years hunting down more than three hundred alien third-level gods, and obtained about thirty thousand kilograms of alien flesh and blood essence. 】

[In the 400th year, you used your contribution points from killing foreign gods over the years to exchange for the flesh and blood essence of many second-level foreign gods. 】

[Next, you officially start practicing in seclusion. 】

[As your cultivation level improves and you successfully enter the Great Witch Body Forging Technique, your ability to absorb the essence of flesh and blood will further improve. 】

[You can swallow about three kilograms of the same level of flesh and blood essence every day! In just over thirty years, you have absorbed all the essence of thirty thousand kilograms of flesh and blood! 】

[In the 430th year, after absorbing these flesh and blood essences, your physical strength will increase by about 10%. 】

[But as your body continues to grow stronger, it becomes more and more difficult to improve your cultivation. 】

[Thirty thousand kilograms of flesh and blood essence, even the real ancient witch clan, will take a long time to fully digest. 】

[Although your physical strength has only increased by 10%, considering your cultivation level, the improvement is still considerable. 】

[Next, you spent ten years absorbing the flesh and blood essence of the foreign second-level god's residence, and your strength increased by about 10% again. 】

[In the 450th year, the scope of your spiritual realm has increased to 9,600 feet, and the distance from the ten thousand feet spiritual realm is getting closer and closer. 】

[In the fifth hundredth year, in the past few decades, you have been hunting and killing foreign gods, accumulating information, and your physical strength has increased by about 20% again...]

[In the next hundred years, you will continue as usual. In addition to practicing in the spiritual realm, you will hunt foreign gods every day, accumulate flesh and blood essence, and increase the strength of your physical body. 】

[The six hundredth year, this year, your spiritual realm has grown to nine thousand nine hundred feet, and you are only one step away from reaching the final ten thousand feet spiritual realm...]

[So, for the time being, you will spend more of your attention on spiritual realm cultivation. 】

[In the 700th century, your physical strength has reached a new level. With the nourishment of a steady stream of flesh and blood essence, you are getting closer and closer to the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique! 】

[In the same year, your spiritual realm finally took a step further and entered the ten thousand feet level! 】

[After the spiritual realm is ten thousand feet long, you obviously feel some changes in your spiritual realm...]

[It seems that you can combine your own spiritual field and cave with the spiritual realm. 】

[This change makes you a little confused. 】

[So, you went to Luotian Mirror and read a lot of Luotian Sect's classics on spiritual realm cultivation. 】

[In the end, I only came to one conclusion! 】

[After practicing in the spiritual realm to a certain extent, you can reverse the space and completely make a certain space your own! 】

[In that space, the Lord of the Spiritual Realm is the absolute god! 】

[The records in the classics are quite obscure. After studying for a long time, you finally got some results, but you still need the guidance of a powerful monk. 】

[So, you found Bai Emperor and asked about his spiritual realm...]

[Bai Di, although he is a sword cultivator, he is still a Da Luo Jin Immortal. His views on the spiritual realm are not comparable to that of a little Xuan Immortal like you...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"The spiritual realm... is finally over!"

"Before, I had a premonition that things would change after the spiritual realm was ten thousand feet long! Sure enough, now the premonition has become a reality!"

"Since it is Bai Emperor's personal guidance, naturally it cannot be must be understood as much as possible!"

After saying that, Su Xing muttered silently:

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts for one year!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 365 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1284 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


Tianji Realm, Tianji City.

As soon as he woke up and opened his eyes, Bai Di's instructions came to his ears:

"I didn't expect that you would have such an outstanding level of cultivation in the spiritual realm..."

"But be aware that you can't bite off more than you can chew... The way of swordsmanship is enough for an ordinary monk to study hard for a lifetime. If you learn multiple ways at the same time, you will often never reach the end, which is not a good thing..."

Su Xing listened to Bai Di's words and agreed deeply. If he hadn't owned the simulator, it would have been difficult for him to practice multiple avenues at the same time.

"However, since you can cultivate the spiritual realm to the level of ten thousand means that you also have some talent in the spiritual realm!"

"In that case, let me give you some pointers!"

With that said, Bai Di stretched out his hand and pointed at the center of Su Xing's eyebrows. The next second, Su Xing felt a change in the surrounding scenery.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing appeared in a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters and extremely rich spiritual energy.

"This... seems to be a cave?" Su Xing looked around and thought to himself.

But I heard Bai Di say:
"This is my spiritual realm... This spiritual realm covers a total of 189,600 miles, which is about the size of a small world!"

"In this spiritual realm, I am the absolute master!"

Bai Di pointed his finger casually, and bursts of soft moans suddenly came from the sky.

Immediately afterwards, millions of swords appeared out of thin air and floated high in the sky, making Su Xing's eyes widen.

These swords... seem to be Bai Emperor's sword intentions?
Condensed into substance!

Seeing the shock in Su Xing's eyes, Bai Di nodded with satisfaction and said casually:
"My talent in the spiritual realm is not outstanding..."

"But together with the spiritual realm, it also has top-notch magic and magical powers... The most important thing is that the spiritual realm has a terrifying blessing on the avenue!"

"After entering the Immortal Realm for the first time, if you encounter a strange ordinary Immortal may also be able to open up a paradise and have his own Immortal Cave..."

"Compared with ordinary caves, this portable cave is obviously safer and more convenient..."

After a pause, Bai Di continued:
"But not all immortals are treated like this..."

"And the portable cave is not omnipotent...and it is easy to be invaded by other monks, which has various disadvantages."

"However, if the spiritual realm reaches ten thousand feet... you can try to transform the spiritual realm into the spiritual world!"

"The spirit world... has a radius of more than 100,000 miles, and can contain countless living beings. All the living beings in this spiritual world can be a help to the monks!"

"And in the spiritual world, the monk's strength will be greatly improved!"

"For example, if I were in reality, due to some reasons... my swordsmanship might only be 90% effective, but if I were in the spiritual realm, my swordsmanship could be 120% powerful!"

Bai Di explained for a long time. Su Xing was confused at first, but finally he understood.

In general, the spiritual realm can be materialized!

Moreover, the awakened spiritual field cave can also become part of one's own spiritual domain!

So, Su Xing asked the doubts in his heart:

"Senior Baidi, I also have a spiritual field cave... I just don't know how my spiritual field cave can be turned into a spiritual realm?"

After hearing this, Bai Di explained:
"Experience it with your heart... In the portable cave, try to turn everything here into a part of your own spiritual realm!"

"The spiritual realm can continue to grow!"

"If you can completely integrate the spiritual realm and reality...then you will have a place in the three thousand worlds in the future!"

As he spoke, Bai Di seemed to have thought of something and said:
"Once upon a time, there was a woman who almost reached the end of the three thousand worlds on the spiritual realm... The entire world was that person's spiritual realm!"

"Its strength is so strong that even I... feel ashamed!"


In the blink of an eye, one year has passed.

When he woke up and opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

Over the past year, Su Xing has been following Bai Emperor's instructions to practice the spiritual realm, trying to combine the spiritual realm and the Lingtian Cave into one.

However, little success was achieved...

"Huh... It seems that it is not that easy for the spiritual realm to go further."

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows. He was determined to transform the Lingtian Cave into a part of the spiritual realm.

In this way, Su Xing's combat effectiveness will be further improved!
More importantly... if the spiritual realm after awakening continues to grow, reaching one hundred thousand feet, or even one hundred thousand miles...

At that time, wouldn't it be possible for Su Xing to truly have a world of his own?

In fact, Su Xing can easily contain all the creatures on Blue Star in his spiritual realm!

"No, at that time, it should not be called the spiritual realm...but the spiritual world!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of expectation.

"However, I have plenty of time. In the next simulation, in addition to improving the cultivation level, the spiritual realm will also be the main improvement target!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 710th year, you have been comprehending the spiritual realm for ten years, but you still have not been able to integrate the spiritual realm and the portable cave into one. 】

[But you did not panic, but continued to steadily improve your cultivation and improve your own cultivation...]

[In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred years have passed. 】

[In the 800th century, the war between the Tianji Domain and the foreign races is about to break out. 】

[During this war, you hid your identity and were cautious, killing many alien gods. 】

[You survived this battle successfully. 】

[In the 810th year, the war that lasted for ten years ended. You returned to the Tianji Realm and continued to practice the Great Witch Body Training Art. 】

[In this way, another sixty years passed. 】

[In the 870th year, you feel that your body is not far away from breaking through the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique...]

[However, when you went out to hunt aliens, you were still targeted by Blood II! 】

[Xue Er caught you and searched your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

"Huh... eight hundred and seventy years of simulation is not a loss at all!"

"The most important thing is that in this simulation, the cultivation level and spiritual realm have been improved!"

"It seems that in the next simulation, my Great Witch Body Training Technique will successfully reach the fifth level of attainment!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the simulated reward list.

[Rock and Earth Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Fourth Level of Xuanxian Cultivation]: Only by condensing the five qi in the chest and bringing the five qi towards the Yuan can you ascend to the position of Xuanxian! After eight hundred years of practice, you have barely entered the middle stage of Xuanxian. The energy source is sold for 100 million.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: The Great Success in the Ten Thousand Zhang Spiritual Realm began to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world. With the guidance of Bai Di, he embarked on the right path of the spiritual world. The price is 50 energy sources.

[Fifth Level of Great Witch Body Training Technique]: The secret method of body training of the ancient witch clan is only one step away from the fifth level of perfection. It is comparable to the middle stage of Xuanxian. The body shreds the void and its own aura begins to gradually form a "battlefield" , priced at 250 million energy source.

Looking at the reward in front of him, Su Xing silently said:
"I choose to bring out the results of the great witch's physical training... and the results of the spiritual realm!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the results of spiritual realm practice. You spent 50 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1234 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Great Witch’s body forging skills and achieved a small level of cultivation. You spent 250 million points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 984 points...]

In the blink of an eye, another three million energy sources were used.

The source of energy in Su Xing's hand shrank a lot again. However, this simulation of nearly 900 years of hard training has brought Su Xing the increase in strength, which is completely worth it!

The power of the awakened physical body tripled again in a short period of time!
At this moment, an invisible force appears around the awakened body... This is different from Yuanli, but a brand new force, the battlefield!
The ultimate physical body made Su Xing feel as if he could tear the sun in the sky to pieces with his bare hands!
This is not an illusion, the current awakening can really do it!

And that battle field can allow people to wake up in the void and still have the upper hand against aliens...

"Also, the improvement of the spiritual realm!"

"The Ten Thousand Zhang Spirit finally achieved!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and carefully perceived the changes in the spiritual realm within his body.

At this moment, the awakened spiritual realm is at a certain critical value.

As long as you take one more step, you can complete a huge transformation from quantitative change to qualitative change!
"We are getting closer and closer to the strength of the Golden Immortal!"

"In the next simulation, we may be able to defeat that second-level god's mansion head-on!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at his remaining two simulation opportunities.

He said decisively:
"Start simulation!"

[The 138th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 984 points... The remaining number of simulations is 9857. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the red mythical talent, Alien... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Alien]: The red mythical talent can transform itself with endless power. After possessing this talent, you can choose to turn on the "alien mode" and become a member of the alien. No matter in terms of life essence, strength or soul, you can completely become an "alien" "One of the members, even a saint can't figure it out!"
"Huh? Damn it!"

"Red mythical talent...what the hell is this?"

Su Xing's eyes widened. This was the second mythical talent he had obtained!

No, strictly speaking, this is the first red talent that Su Xing has drawn... After all, the previous Five Elements Holy Body was formed by the fusion of five golden talents.

"The five percent chance... just happened to me!"

Su Xing took a deep breath to calm down the excitement in his heart, and then carefully read the introduction to his newly extracted talents.

"The alien talent...seems to be the perfect way for me to become a member of the alien race!"

"I just don't know, how exactly does this change?"

Su Xing touched his chin and kept thinking about the benefits of becoming a foreigner...

First of all, becoming a foreign race makes the simulated future even more uncertain.

The human race is weak, and foreign races are rising from the sky... If you only practice among the human race, or just behind closed doors, you may not be able to learn useful experience from the alien races.

If you wake up and practice all the way, as steady as water, it may not be difficult to become a Da Luo Jinxian.

At most, it will only take hundreds of years...

But, what can we do even if we become Daluo Jinxian Queen?
Although there are not many Da Luo Jinxian in this world, it is not impossible.

Stronger than Bai Di, Qing Yunzi, Patriarch Luo Tian... or even the Master of Tianji Pavilion, as a Da Luo, isn't it still impossible to expel the aliens and restore stability to the three thousand worlds?
Su Xing believes that his foundation is not weak, and after reaching Daluo, he may not be worse than them!

But if there is just one more Daluo Jinxian at this doesn't seem to change anything!
"Just in the simulation... becoming a member of a foreign race seems to be a new attempt!"

Su Xing murmured.

In addition, at present, even the monks in the entire Three Thousand Worlds don't know much about foreign races.

Where did they come from? And how much strength does it have?

Awakening is unknown...

But if so, Su Xing can become a member of the alien race and infiltrate the high-level alien race!

Wouldn't that... be able to know more information!
Countless simulations of the future tell me to wake up...

Intelligence is the most critical to awakening!
"Also, becoming part of a foreign race...maybe I can simulate it for a longer time? By then...I will be able to better understand the changes in the three thousand worlds?"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

Although his strength is now close to that of the Golden Immortal, he still faces such a terrifying alien race and the advent sect that mostly hides in the dark.

Even Taiyi Golden Immortal may not be able to say that he can guarantee his safety.

But if Su Xing changes into the appearance of a foreign race... not even a saint can tell...

That awakening, at least will not be assassinated by the Advent Cult, and may be able to simulate it for a longer period of time!
"Huh...this alien talent, regardless of whether you want to use it or not...even if it gives you more possibilities in the future, it's worth it!"

Su Xing is extremely interested in this new talent.

I just don’t to use this talent?

"This simulation... maybe we should try how to use this new talent!"

Su Xing thought so, Su Xing was not in a hurry about using this alien talent.

What Su Xing wants to do now is to take the Great Road of Speed ​​and enter the fifth realm as soon as possible!

Look at the analog panel!

[Ding, please choose the blessing target of Xijiayi talent...]

"I choose to bless my late blooming talent..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You went to Tianji Pavilion and told me about Red Moon...]

[After that, you returned to Blue Star and picked up most of the humans on Blue Star...]

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion sent two Taiyi to Blue Star to investigate. 】

[In the tenth year, two Taiyi Golden Immortals returned seriously injured, and the alien race took advantage of this to invade the Qingyuan Domain...]

[You went to Qingyun Sect and got two cups of enlightenment tea...]

[Next, you spent decades taking out the inheritance of Luo Tianzong in the entire Qingyuan Domain one by one...]

[The time is coming soon, the eightyth year...]

[This year, you went to the ninth heaven and arrived at the fifth heaven...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use immersive simulation for 70 years!"

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 982 points...]

Su Xing's vision changed, and he soon appeared in a secret realm in the fifth heaven.

Looking at the brewed enlightenment tea in his hand, Su Xing took a deep breath and said:
"The Avenue of Speed, it's time to enter the fifth realm!"

With that said, Su Xing drank the cup of Enlightenment Tea without hesitation.

Feeling the great blessing of his own understanding, Su Xing began to understand the path of speed with the help of Tao Yun Zhibao.


In the blink of an eye, fifty years have passed!
One day, Su Xing escaped from his enlightenment and felt the rich Tao Yun around his body, with endless excitement in his eyes.

"The Avenue of Speed ​​has finally entered the fifth realm!"

After several simulations in succession, Su Xing mastered all the enlightenment tea on the realization of the Speedy Way!
Now I finally have the results!

The Avenue of Speed ​​has entered the fifth realm, the realm of entering the palace!

"Today, I have finally reached the Golden Immortal level in terms of escape speed! Even... faster than an ordinary Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and the figure turned into a stream of light and fled towards the distance.

After carefully understanding the increase in speed, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"My speed...has doubled after entering the fifth realm!"

"Now, it will only take me ten years to cross the entire endless sea, right?"

"Moreover, the Avenue of Speed ​​is also an extremely useful combat avenue! In actual combat, my strength will also be greatly improved!"

"I only need the Great Witch Body Training Technique, and after officially entering the fifth level of Dacheng... I will truly have Golden Immortal-level combat power, right?"

Su Xing was very excited. Although it was only a breakthrough from the fourth level of perfection to the fifth level, it was really a world of difference!
"There are still four years left for the Enlightenment Tea. There are still inevitable enlightenment and hearing pills that have not yet been used. Perhaps they can be used to understand the spiritual realm..."

"There are still more than twenty years of immersive simulation... It seems it's time to explore the sixth heaven!"

Su Xing raised his head and looked at the layers of fog.

In other words, before waking up, I was only 80% sure that I would successfully reach the sixth heaven.

Now, as the Avenue of Awakening Speed ​​has successfully entered the fifth realm, we are at least 98% sure!
As for the 2% risk... Su Xing thinks it's bearable!
"Then, let's go to the sixth heaven and have a look!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he released the body-protecting sword to protect him on the left and right, and then took a step forward, spanning a distance of thousands of miles.

Looking from a distance, Su Xing turned into a stream of light and quickly approached the sixth heaven.


After an unknown amount of time, an invisible wall of energy appeared in front of Su Xing.

"After crossing this restriction, you should be able to go to the sixth heaven..."

Su Xing tried to get closer to the invisible wall of air, but felt an external force pushing Su Xing away.

After several attempts in succession, Su Xing frowned slightly.

"This forbidden air wall seems a bit like the scene when we first entered the Taixu Realm...perhaps enough external force is needed to break this air wall?"

Su Xing thought for a while, and his strongest blow now should be the "Sword of the Void" that he understood after observing Bai Emperor's sword!
Only with that sword could he barely reach the level of the Golden Immortal Realm!

"Then, let's try it!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and the sword intent in his body continued to condense.

Finally, that silver sword, Thousand Miles of Sword Qi slashed towards the restriction of the Qi Wall in front of me!
With a sword slashed out, the originally devastating offensive hit the air wall, but seemed to be half restrained.

The transparent air wall only emits waves like water waves.

Just when Su Xing was confused, a temporary passage for one person only appeared in front of Su Xing.

Seeing this passage, Su Xing understood it.

"I see, with the strength of the Golden Immortal level... can we enter the sixth level?"

"This is different from before..."

Su Xing nodded slightly. Seeing that the passage was about to close, Su Xing stepped into it without hesitation.


Passing through this invisible wall of air, Su Xing seemed to have entered a new world!
What caught his eyes was no longer the layers of fog.

There are no longer secret realms waiting to be explored...

Here is a ruined battlefield!

There are ruins everywhere!

In the distance, mountains hundreds of thousands of feet high collapsed... Large dry rivers, thousands of feet wide, formed dry cracks on the ground.

There is no sun in the sky!

But unfortunately, I can see every place here clearly...

This place is filled with the atmosphere of killing and war, but there is no life, just like a desert in the world...

There are also those huge white bones, half submerged in the soil, but the only exposed part is like a mountain, which is shocking.

Su Xing looked at the scene in the sixth heaven, remained silent for a long time, and finally said:

"Is this... really a battlefield from ancient times?"

"So, only by entering the sixth heaven above the Golden Immortal Realm can we know the real secret of the ninth heaven realm?"

Su Xing looked at everything around him. The scene after the war frightened Su Xing.

What kind of battle between powerful forces can create such a scene?

Just when he was awake and thinking, his consciousness suddenly sensed two breaths approaching rapidly.

It seems that they are two golden immortal monks!
Su Xing's face changed slightly. The visitor didn't know why, but he must have sensed the newcomer, Su Xing, entering.

"There seems to be no need to meet these golden immortals for the time being!"

Su Xing shook his head and decided to explore the sixth heaven alone.

Thinking like this, he woke up and turned into a stream of light, quickly escaping far away.

Along the way, Su Xing looked at the scene in the sixth heaven, which was still so shocking!

I don’t know how long that war has been going on...

But time seemed to have stopped.

Everything here seems to be what it looked like shortly after the war.


He woke up in the sixth heaven and wandered around for twenty years!

A whole twenty years!
Even with the speed of waking up, the exploration still hasn’t been completed...

Even, how big is the sixth heaven! I don’t even know when I wake up...

" doesn't seem like there are treasures or secret realms in this sixth heaven..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

If we say, the first five heavens are full of dangers and opportunities.

The sixth heaven is like a desolate world after the war, waiting to be developed.

There’s even aura here!
But... there is no cultivation civilization!
"The sixth heaven... seems not worth exploring for the time being. When I have a chance later, maybe I can ask Bai Emperor about the ninth heaven?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

"Right now, immersive simulation is coming to an end..."

"But the new talent 'Alien' has not been used yet, maybe it can be developed..."

Su Xing thought this, and then tried to stimulate his new talent...

(This chapter is a key plot point recently. I wrote a lot of things and deleted and revised it several times, so I posted it a little late. I hope everyone is satisfied... By the way, please vote for the big chapter~)

(End of this chapter)

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