Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 387 The use of alien talents, the secret of becoming a saint! [8k monthly ticket requested]

Chapter 387 The use of alien talents, the secret of becoming a saint! [8k monthly ticket please~]

Su Xing's heart moved and he tried to activate the new talent "Alien"!
Immediately afterwards, a brand new panel that only he could see appeared in front of Su Xing's eyes.

[Please select the alien race you need to convert. The currently available alien races are as follows:]

[1. Shadow Tribe, the royal race among alien races, has strong talents in speed and space. After choosing this race, you will transform into an infant Shadow Tribe. If you choose this race, you will need to pay energy source for each change. 】

[2. The Balrog tribe, a common race among aliens, has considerable talent in the way of fire. After becoming this race, it will transform into the Balrog tribe in its infancy. Each time it changes into a Balrog, 1 energy sources must be paid. . 】

[3. The lemures are the lowest race among the aliens. They are very mediocre, but they have super strong digestive power. They can devour all life and quickly grow themselves. Although they are extremely weak at the beginning, they have great potential. To transform into a lemure, there is no need to pay for the source of energy. 】

"This is... the panel that comes with the alien talent?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect this red talent to be so extraordinary.

"Every change actually requires so much energy..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. This consumption of energy source was obviously not in simulation, but every time he used this talent, Su Xing would consume energy source in reality!
"However, at such a high price...this talent should be very powerful!"

Su Xing is interested in trying to transform into other races, but not now.

After all, now that he is in the sixth heaven and has become a foreign race, what is the difference between that and death?
"However, the differences between these three races..."

Su Xing thought for a while.

Among these three major races, the Shadow Clan is obviously the most powerful!

But each change requires 100,000 energy sources, which is a bit too expensive!

Relatively speaking, the Fire Demon Clan is relatively average, their talents are not weak, and their consumption of 10,000 energy sources is not much.

"As for the evil demons..."

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured:
"This race should be one of those races with a very low starting point...but an extremely high end point and great potential!"

Su Xing thought about it carefully. Each of these three major races has its own advantages and disadvantages, and seems to be suitable for different scenarios.

"If you want to try it for the first time... just try the Flame Demon Clan... maybe you can give it a try after you leave the Qingyuan Realm and go to the Tianji Realm!"

Su Xing thought so.


After the immersive simulation ends, wake up and return to reality.

"Huh... the changes in this simulation are quite big!"

"With the way of speed, I have successfully entered the fifth level, and with my body training skills, I am not far away from achieving the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique..."

"However, the most important thing is the use of this alien talent!"

Su Xing touched his chin and already thought of the appropriate scenario for using this talent.

But before that, Su Xing should improve his cultivation level first!

"Next, it's time to head to Tianji Domain!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 150th year, you left the Nine Heavens Realm and returned to the Qingyuan Realm. 】

[Everything in the Nine Heavens Realm has caused you to have many doubts. You decide to go to the Tianji Realm as soon as possible to find clues to the Nine Heavens Realm...]

[In the 160th year, you arrived at the South Sea Realm and rode the stars, sun and moon shuttle across the endless sea. 】

[In the 170th year, you arrived in the Baiyun Realm and joined the Baiyun Sect. 】

[In the next hundred years, you can stay in the Baiyun Realm with peace of mind, practicing in the spiritual realm while improving your cultivation. 】

[In the third hundred years, your Qi refining cultivation has been successfully promoted to the peak of the third level of Xuanxian...]

[In the same year, the fairy boat from Tianji Pavilion came to the Baiyun Realm. You followed the Bai family siblings and boarded the fairy boat together. 】

[The fairy boat sailed towards the Tianji Domain, and twenty years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the 320th year, Xianzhou was intercepted and killed by aliens! 】

[Looking at the surging alien race in front of you, endless fighting spirit surges in your heart! 】

[In this battle, you showed great power. In just three days, you killed no less than dozens of alien third-level gods! 】

[As expected, you were also targeted by the foreign second-level god...]

[Facing this foreign god’s mansion that is comparable to a golden immortal, you no longer have any fear in your heart! 】

[This foreign god's figure flashes and appears behind you... Its speed is so fast that Xuan Xian cannot see clearly...]

[He is fast, but you are faster! 】

[The moment it prepares for a sneak attack, you react, the invisible spiritual realm unfolds, and a mysterious space fluctuation flashes across your body. 】

[You easily teleported a hundred miles away and escaped the sneak attack of this alien god’s mansion...]

[Immediately afterwards, you hold the Mo Bing Sword, slash out several sword energy, and slash towards the alien! 】

[With the blessing of the Way of Speed, your sword energy is faster, even the Golden Immortal can't dodge it! 】

[The sword energy in the sky hit this foreign god’s mansion! 】

[However... although the sword energy is fast, it is not powerful enough to kill the Golden Immortal. 】

[The foreign god's residence suffered several sword wounds, but only minor injuries. 】

[Although he was only slightly injured, this undoubtedly annoyed him! 】

[In anger, this foreign god’s mansion begins to lose its mind and attacks you crazily. 】

[But after successive simulations, your strength is no longer that of the rookie who first entered Xuanxian. 】

[In the face of the heavy attacks from the alien god's mansion, you can handle it with ease. 】

[Unknowingly, after hundreds of rounds of fighting, you and I have no chance of winning or losing...]

[Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of several powerful people, including Bai Emperor. 】

[Every Golden Immortal is valuable combat power! 】

[And you are just a mere Mysterious Immortal, but you can fight back and forth with the Golden Immortal. This is even more eye-catching! 】

[You didn’t notice this, but fought against this alien god with all your strength, not daring to be distracted. 】

[Although the Avenue of Speed ​​has entered the fifth realm, you are only slightly ahead of it in terms of speed. 】

[In terms of strength and means alone, you are still no match for this second-level god. 】

[In the blink of an eye, you have fought hundreds of rounds again...]

[As the battle intensifies, you begin to be gradually suppressed by this foreign god...]

[Injuries gradually began to appear on your body, but fortunately, your recovery speed was extremely fast, and you did not suffer any signs of failure in a short period of time. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Sure enough, having only comprehended the Avenue of Speed, my current strength can barely reach the level of Golden Immortal...but it is only the weakest one!"

"Compared to that foreign god's mansion, I should still have a certain gap..."

"However, the question now is...can this simulation still trigger the talent of the strong heart?"

Su Xing hesitated a little, thinking about whether to put some water in this simulation.

So that the talent can be triggered smoothly.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the blink of an eye, half a day passed...]

[Your fight with this alien god attracted many monks on the immortal boat to watch. 】

[At this point in the battle, you have been seriously injured, and the alien god's mansion opposite has also fired real fire. 】

[You count the time and think it’s time to decide the outcome...]

[So, you deliberately took a loophole and took advantage of the alien god to use the black air sickle to slash out in the void...]

[This sword represents your strongest combat power at this moment! Without the blessing of martial ethics, it has been able to threaten the life of Jinxian...]

[Finally, the silver sword energy passed through the void and accurately struck the body of the foreign god! 】

[After one blow, you almost killed the alien god on the spot...]

[But at the same time, the scythe of the foreign god's mansion also cuts on you. 】

[In an instant, your body begins to collapse, and the terrifying power almost makes you faint on the spot...]

[The result of this battle is that you are both injured! 】

[At this moment, Bai Di waved his hand with a body-protecting sword, directly killing the seriously injured alien god! 】

[You breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this, and no longer held on, but returned to the fairy boat to recuperate...]

[A week later, your injuries finally recovered... In this battle, you were seriously injured and your life hung on a thread. Therefore, you successfully activated your talent of Strong Heart! 】

[With the blessing of the strong heart, your physical strength further increases. 】

[Finally, breakthrough to the fifth major achievement of the Great Witch Body Training Technique! 】

[At this moment, you truly possess the power of a Golden Immortal! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Fortunately, the talent of Heart of the Strong was triggered..."

"My physical strength has been further strengthened. If I was infinitely close to the Golden Immortal before... then now I can really fight against the Golden Immortal!"

Golden Immortal represents many things in the Three Thousand Worlds.

In a thousand worlds, the strongest one is just the Golden Immortal!
Even in the Great Thousand World, among top powers such as Qingyun Sect, Jinxian is also a guest.

Nowadays, although Su Xing is only in the realm of Xuanxian, he has the strength of Golden Immortal... Three thousand worlds are big, Su Xing can go there!

"Finally, I have some ability to protect myself..."

"There is also a ranking on the list of Tianjiao, it is time to continue to mention it..."

Su Xing blinked, feeling quite good.

"The next step is to successfully arrive at the Tianji Realm..."

"Everything remains the same...improve your body training first, and then consider your alien talent!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[This battle ended with the victory of the Xianzhou side... The first-level god of the foreign race was beheaded by the White Emperor, and the Daluo Jinxian Xueer was seriously injured and escaped! 】

[In this battle, you can be called the third combat force on the human side. Apart from Xiao Zhanlong and Bai Di, you are the one who contributed the most! 】

[Afterwards, you were naturally invited by Bai Emperor to become a prefecture-level elder of Tianji Pavilion...]

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[You begin to accept tasks in Tianji Pavilion, and disguise yourself to regain your breath...Hunt the foreign gods' mansion! 】

[In just over seventy years, you have hunted and killed no less than three hundred alien third-level gods... and obtained tens of thousands of kilograms of flesh and blood essence! 】

[However, with your current strength, although you have reached the combat power of the Golden Immortal, hunting down the second-level alien god's residence is too risky. If you are not careful, you may be in danger of overturning...]

[So, you choose to hold on to your development for the time being and continue to improve your strength. 】

[In the 400th year, you start taking flesh and blood essence to improve the body-building skills of the great witch! 】

[After entering the fifth level of Great Witch Body Training, the Xuanxian-level flesh and blood essence will be of much less help to you...]

[You take ten pounds of the same level of flesh and blood essence every day, but it will help you very little. 】

[In ten years, you have swallowed tens of thousands of kilograms of flesh and blood essence, but your physical strength has barely increased by less than 10%. 】

[On the contrary, the golden immortal-level flesh and blood essence exchanged for contribution points will increase your physical body by about 15%. 】

[So, you practice steadily, in addition to improving the body-building skills of the great witch, you also understand the spiritual realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed...]

[The fifth hundredth year, in this year, you suddenly feel that the spiritual realm seems to have gradually begun to merge with the spiritual field and cave...]

[This will surprise you greatly. Once the two are integrated, your combat power and foundation will be greatly improved! 】

[So, you went to find Bai Di and asked him for advice. 】

[Under Bai Emperor’s guidance, your understanding of the spiritual realm has improved...]

[When leaving, you are going to ask Bai Emperor about the secrets of the Nine Heavens Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"The secret of the Nine Realms... Bai Di must know it!"

"Using immersive simulation, one year in duration..."

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 982 points...]

The simulation prompt tone fell, and the awakened consciousness entered the simulation world.

Bai Di's voice came to his ears.

"Do you want to ask about the Nine Heavens Realm?"

Bai Di held a small sword in his hand and was fixing his nails while asking casually.

After hearing this, Su Xing quickly said seriously:
"Yes, Senior Baidi... I heard that the Nine Heavens Realm was a battlefield in the ancient times... it contains countless secret realms, as well as precious treasures passed down from ancient times."

"But why does the sixth heaven look like a ruin?"

"Why is there not another world of cultivation there?"

"Also, how big is the Ninth Heaven Realm, and what is hidden in the Ninth Heaven Realm?"

Su Xing asked many questions at once, and there were not many opportunities to ask questions to a Da Luo Jinxian.

When Bai Di heard that Su Xing asked so many questions in one breath, he suddenly felt dizzy and quickly waved his hands and said:
"Why do you have so many questions? Well... I'm in a good mood today, so I'll answer them for you one by one!"

As he spoke, Bai Di pointed his hand at the sky and said:
"Indeed, as rumored, the Nine Heavens Realm was indeed a battlefield in ancient times..."

"In other words, it's not just the ancient times, it can be called the battlefield of the ancient times... It has a history of tens of millions of years!"

There was a trace of reminiscence in Bai Di's eyes, and then he said:
"When I became an immortal, the Nine Heavens Realm was already like this..."

"Later, I became successful in my practice, and I once entered the eighth heaven... That place is indeed a treasured place!"

"Almost all Da Luo Jinxian... will go there! And they will definitely gain something. After returning, they may be able to find their own way... and their strength will be greatly increased!"

After Su Xing heard Bai Di's words, his eyes showed longing.

Is this Nine Heavens Realm really that magical?

Even Daluo Jinxian wants to explore?

Bai Di went on to explain:
"The nine levels of heaven are divided into the upper three levels, the middle three levels, and the lower three levels!"

"There is no danger in the lower third level. Many immortals under the True Immortal will explore it..." "As for the middle third level, although there is some danger, the rewards outweigh the danger. It is a good place to explore before the Golden Immortal! "

"Until...the sixth heaven!"

"The sixth heaven is the existence that divides the inside and outside of the nine heavens!"

"Under the sixth heaven, every heaven is in a state of chaos and fragmentation... Therefore, there are not many powerful beings appearing!"

"But after the sixth heaven...even Taiyi Golden Immortal will die if he is not careful!"

"Only Daluo Jinxian can explore the eighth heaven..."

When Su Xing heard this, he subconsciously answered:
"Then, what about the ninth heaven? Have you ever been to the ninth heaven, senior?"

After hearing Su Xing's question, Bai Di shook his head slightly and said:

"I tried...but failed!"

"With my current strength, it seems that I am still not able to go to the ninth heaven... Even if I force myself to enter, it may not be beneficial to my practice."

Bai Di paused after saying this, a look of longing flashed in his eyes, and said:
"Since ancient times, saints have not appeared... Rumor has it that the path to sainthood in the three thousand worlds has been cut off!"

"For millions of years... no saint has appeared..."

"There is such a rumor... that the opportunity to become a saint is in the ninth heaven!"

Hearing this, Su Xing's eyes widened and his body began to tremble slightly.

The Nine Heavens Realm is actually related to the chance of becoming a saint! ?
This is something Su Xing never thought of...

After all, in Su Xing's view, even the Nine Heavens Realm was a battlefield in ancient times.

But now that it is no longer what it once was, what does it have to do with the secret of sanctification?

As if seeing the doubts in Su Xing's heart, Bai Di hesitated for a moment and sighed:
"You are the younger generation I am more optimistic about... In the future, the safety of the Three Thousand Worlds will still be in the hands of younger generations like you!"

"Although your strength has not yet reached the level of the Golden Immortal, you have the combat power of the Golden Immortal...you are indeed qualified to know these things!"

Bai Di organized his language and said:
"In ancient times, the world was divided into ten domains...you should know this, right?"

"But in fact, the world of immortality is not only divided into ten realms, but also into the upper realm and the lower realm!"

"The place we are in now, including the five major domains, and even the former ten domains... all belong to the lower realm!"

"The spiritual energy in the lower realm is thin, and the treasures of heaven and earth are scarce... The upper realm is filled with treasures of heaven and earth, and even the rivers on the land are made of spiritual liquid. The spiritual energy is abundant, surpassing the best caves, and reaching the level of the Immortal Mansion. !”

Speaking of this, Bai Di's eyes flashed with a trace of reminiscence and said:

"In ancient times, there were all kinds of races in the world, including the Witch Clan, the Dragon Clan, the Wind Clan, the Monster Clan, the Ghost Clan... and the Human Race!"

"At that time, our human race could be said to be at the bottom among all races..."

"Until tens of millions of years ago, a catastrophe broke out among all races. The two major factions, led by the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan, launched a war crazily... That war lasted for a full hundred thousand years!"

"After that battle, the upper realm was shattered into pieces... Countless worlds and great realms were shattered and drifted away, becoming today's ninth heaven realm..."

Listening to Bai Di's words, Su Xing seemed to have imagined the horror of that battle.

Bai Di continued:
"In ancient times, it is said that there were ten saints in the world... Daluo Jinxian, and there were no less than a hundred!"

"They all live in the upper world and enjoy endless resources!"

"Let me give you an example. The acquired treasure and the innate treasure are both treasures that are hard to find nowadays. Even Taiyi Golden Immortal may not have them!"

"But in that era, acquired treasures were everywhere, and all true immortals could enjoy them...Although innate treasures were somewhat scarce, those at the Golden Immortal level could still control them."

"That era was the real prosperous age of cultivating immortals!"

"It wasn't until after that battle that the morale of all races was greatly damaged...foreign races also invaded the Three Thousand Worlds for the first time!"

"Since then, the upper world and the lower world have been separated...divided into nine heavens!"

"The human race, as well as some demon races and small races... fled to the lower world, which has become the Three Thousand Worlds today!"

As he said that, a trace of regret flashed in Bai Di's eyes, and he said:
"According to legend, after that battle, Heaven was angered, so saints were no longer allowed to appear in the world..."

"There are also rumors that only by reaching the final ninth heaven can one get a glimpse of the chance of becoming a saint!"

Listening to Bai Di's words, Su Xing's eyes flashed with yearning.

Subconsciously asked:

"Senior, has anyone ever reached the ninth heaven?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Di was silent for a moment and said:

"Yes! As far as I know...two women have reached the ninth heaven!"

"The first one is the Patriarch Luo Tian who had an outstanding figure hundreds of thousands of years ago and was able to dominate all the great people in the three thousand worlds..."

"The second one is the current Master of Tianji Pavilion..."

After Su Xing heard this, he was stunned for a moment and blurted out:
"Grandmaster Luo Tian, ​​is she a woman?"

In Su Xing's imagination, Patriarch Luo Tian should be like Qing Yunzi, a seasoned Taoist with an immortal spirit.

Or maybe he is a fighting madman like the Demon General...

But Su Xing never expected that Patriarch Luo Tian... would actually be a woman!
And overwhelming all the Da Luo Jinxian!
"and many more……"

Su Xing suddenly thought, in the last simulation, Bai Di once said that there is a woman who has cultivated the spiritual realm to the extreme.

Therefore, I am talking about Patriarch Luo Tian.

"Also...the master of the Tianji Pavilion is not in the Tianji Realm now. Could it be that he is in the ninth heaven?"

Su Xing thought of something.

The Master of Tianji Pavilion is now the leader of the righteous monks in the Three Thousand Worlds!

The most powerful and mysterious existence among Da Luo Jinxian...

It is precisely because the master of the Tianji Pavilion is not here that the foreign races dare to invade the Tianji Domain in such a large scale!
As for the urgent situation in Tianji Domain, why did the Master of Tianji Pavilion still not come?

I am afraid that at this moment, the Master of Tianji Pavilion is preparing for the critical moment to explore the secret of sanctification!
All of a sudden, all the mysteries were solved...

Why were the Tianji Domain and even the Three Thousand Worlds invaded by aliens?
Because there is no saint in the world!

"So, does the alien side...do they have saint-level combat power?"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

Su Xing estimates that there should be none...

Or, yes, but due to some reasons, I cannot visit the Three Thousand Worlds in person!

That's why the aliens invaded on such a large scale just to consume the vitality of the human race!

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

Bai Di then said:

"Your cultivation level is still low now...you should practice harder...I don't know how long peace can last!"

"Knowing too much is of no use to your practice..."

With that said, Bai Di sighed and disappeared.

But Su Xing, at this moment, wants to go to the Nine Heavens Realm and explore some more!
"The sixth heaven...the upper realm! So, the ninth heaven corresponds to the three thousand worlds. Is it really as big as the entire three thousand worlds?"

"Not much, the Nine Heavens Realm should be bigger than the Lower Realm!"

"Because there are only five major domains in the lower realm now, but there used to be ten major domains..."

Su Xing thought for a while and asked for the coordinates of the passage to the Nine Heavens Realm from the Tianji Pavilion.

Then he drove the star, sun and moon shuttle to the ninth heaven.

After spending more than half a year, Su Xing arrived at the sixth heaven.

The sixth heaven here is similar to what Su Xing saw in the Qingyuan Domain. They all look like they have been baptized by the flames of war.

Su Xing searched for several months, but still couldn't find anything.


The immersive simulation ends quickly, and you wake up and return to reality.

"The Ninth Heaven Realm... I hope that one day I can go to the Ninth Heaven Realm and explore the secret of sanctification!"

Su Xingxin is fascinated.

But for now, we still need to continue to improve our cultivation!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You spent more than half a year traveling from the Tianji Realm to the Ninth Heaven Realm and exploring it, but you gained nothing. 】

[In the 501st year, you start practicing again. 】

[After receiving Bai Emperor’s guidance, your progress in the spiritual realm has accelerated by three points. 】

[In the next hundred years, you will practice in the spiritual realm while hunting down foreign gods and polishing your body. 】

[In the sixth hundred years, your physical body is more than 20% stronger than before...]

[If you face the alien second-level god again, you are sure that you can kill him with your own strength alone! 】

[In the 680th year, when I went out to hunt the alien gods, I encountered a second-level god ambushing me. 】

[You fought with it for three full years...and finally escaped. 】

[In the 710th year, one day, you felt something in your heart, and your spiritual realm began to change...]

[Following this mysterious feeling, you begin to gradually integrate the spiritual realm with your own spiritual field and cave. 】

[This process lasted for a full three months! 】

[The moment the spiritual realm and the spiritual field merge, you suddenly feel something in your heart...your spiritual realm has entered a new level! 】

[Immediately afterwards, the scope of your spiritual domain began to skyrocket...]

【Ten thousand feet...one hundred thousand feet! 】

[In the end, the scope of your spiritual domain... skyrocketed to a thousand miles! 】

[In just one year, your spiritual realm has become much stronger than before! 】

[And as the scope of the spiritual realm skyrockets... you find that you can also open up a wider spiritual field cave! 】

[So, you went to the void and used your own space method to transfer those broken worlds into your own spiritual realm...]

[Mountains, rivers, vegetation, living creatures and rivers... Endless vitality pours into your spiritual realm! 】

[In the end, your spiritual realm is stable within a thousand miles...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw excitement in his eyes.

"The spiritual realm actually increased from ten thousand feet to a thousand miles?"

"Is this...the big breakthrough that Bai Di mentioned?"

Su Xing smacked his lips. In the previous spiritual realm, Su Xing always felt that it was a bit disappointing.

Although it has helped improve combat power, it has not yet reached the point where it can truly transform its strength!

Back then, Patriarch Luo Tian used his spiritual realm to suppress a group of great Luo Jinxian... Su Xing even didn't believe it!
But now, the spiritual realm and the spiritual field are combined!
This makes the awakened portable cave truly become a world of its own!

And...it has a range of thousands of miles!
If everything Su Xing can do in the spiritual realm can be done in this thousand-mile world, then Su Xing can truly be called the Lord of the World!
"Don't mention anything else...it's just the power to reverse the fate of cause and effect!"

"If you can do it in your own spiritual realm, it will be a huge improvement!"

"Moreover, battles between immortals can easily take place hundreds or thousands of miles away... The previous range of ten thousand feet was still too small. The enemy could easily leave this range during the battle..."

"But now, the range of thousands of miles and the actual combat power have been greatly improved!"

Su Xing was very excited.

"Even...if this spiritual realm is taken out, my spiritual field cave will become a thousand miles in scope?"

"How many people can be accommodated within this thousand-mile radius?"

Su Xing blinked.

Perhaps Su Xing can put the entire Daxia Kingdom into the spiritual realm?
By then, even if Hong Yue shows his power, Su Xing can easily save those people!
"The spiritual realm with a range of thousands of miles...it should still be some distance away from reaching the spiritual world, right?"

Su Xing thought for a while.

According to what Bai Di said, only when it reaches the range of thousands of miles can it be called a realm!
This is the so-called spiritual world...

The spiritual realm that is now awakened should still be at the "realm" level.

"However, it's soon!"

"It is the most difficult to break through such a big realm... As for going from thousands of miles to ten thousand miles, you just need to accumulate!"

Su Xing thought so.

"Huh, the spiritual realm has also successfully completed a major breakthrough... then the simulation goal this time has been basically achieved!"

"Next, it's time to find time to try this new talent..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while.

According to his original plan, between 800 and 900 years, Su Xing might be targeted by aliens and the Advent Cult!

Especially Blood II, who is completely defenseless when he wakes up...

Can't even run away!
But if he wakes up and turns into a foreign race... then Xue Er will not be able to discover it no matter what!

At that time, Su Xing can continue to practice in the Three Thousand Worlds, collect key information... and mix among the foreign races!
"Huh... then, let's wait and see!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After the breakthrough in the spiritual realm, your strength has reached a new level... Today, your comprehensive combat strength is approximately equivalent to the early stage of the Golden Immortal. 】

[In the next few decades, you will still hunt foreign races, devour the essence of flesh and blood, and improve your cultivation! 】

[In the blink of an eye, ninety years have passed...]

[In the 800th century, the war between the alien race and the Tianji Domain is about to break out! 】

[As the top combat force of the human race, you naturally have to participate in the war...]

[This battle lasted for ten years! 】

[In the past ten years, you have killed hundreds of alien gods... including one who entered the second-level god mansion for the first time! 】

[In the 810th year, the war is over. You return to the Tianji Realm and continue to practice steadily. 】

[Time will soon come to the 880th year...]

[This year, while you were hunting foreigners, you were targeted by Blood II...]

(8k big chapter today, please vote for me~)

(End of this chapter)

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