Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 388: The Balrog awakens, a foreign career starting from scratch! [0k monthly ticket requeste

Chapter 388: The Balrog awakens, starting a foreign career from scratch! [8k monthly ticket please~]

[When your talent to seek good luck and avoid evil comes with an early warning, you will know that the alien race and the Advent Cult are eyeing you...]

[You don’t know when they will appear, but you know that if you don’t respond, you won’t survive long. 】

[In the past, you had no chance to dodge when faced with the attack from Blood Er. 】

[But now, it’s different...]

[You went to the nearest small thousand world that was invaded by aliens, and immediately activated the alien talent! 】

Awakening in the simulation activated his talent. In the real world, Awakening also had three choices before him.

"So, should we become the Shadow Clan, the Fire Demon Clan, or the Evil Demon Clan..."

Su Xing hesitated for a moment and made his choice.

"I choose to transform into the Fire Demon Clan!"

"Conduct an immersive simulation lasting... ten years!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy source is 982 points...]

[Ding, you choose to become an alien of the Balrog clan, spending 1 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 981 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world...

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he felt the huge changes in his body.

In just a few breaths, Su Xing transformed from a human being into a three-meter-tall balrog with a fiery aura all over his body!
The whole body was as red as a ball of flame, and even the original eye sockets were replaced by two balls of flame...

"Am I...still a human being now?"

Seeing the huge changes in his body, Su Xing murmured subconsciously.

Strictly speaking, after waking up and becoming a Balrog, he was no longer a human race, but completely transformed into another race!
In other words...he is just a Balrog who only retains his own memories when he wakes up!

Yes, only memory!
The originally abundant strength quickly decayed in the body.

In just one breath, Su Xing went from a powerful being like a golden immortal... to a newborn Balrog.

"So, my current identity should be that of a newly born Balrog?"

"The strength is about... the early stage of master level?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, this feeling of going from strong to weak was very bad...

"Huh... But then again, the alien race is really blessed!"

"The Balrog is just an ordinary alien race, not the top among the alien races, but he has such strength right after he was born... he should not be underestimated!"

"In comparison, the human race is really far behind..."

The Balrog is a master level as soon as he is born, which is equivalent to the golden elixir stage of a human monk.

It is equivalent to a baby that can easily massacre a city of humans... Such a huge gap is difficult for humans to make up for!
"But... things are a little difficult!"

Su Xing tried to sense his original power, but finally found it to his disappointment.

Everything I once owned has disappeared!
Lingtian Cave Heaven, Luo Tianjing...the various talents, physical strength, and soul power brought by the simulator are all gone!
Even Su Xing believes that the great enlightenment that belongs to "memory" cannot be fully exerted in the body of this Balrog!

"No, it's not that I can't put it to good use...it's that Balrog doesn't have the talent to practice swordsmanship..."

Vaguely, Su Xing felt like he was being restrained.

But, it’s not completely restrained!
"My understanding of the Avenue of Fire... seems to have been preserved to a great extent!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and a wisp of extremely hot flame appeared in his hand.

Fire control!
The most basic natural talent of the Balrog clan!
But the awakening flame is different from ordinary flames...it already has the prototype of a avenue of fire!

After waking up and summoning this flame, there was a vague feeling in my heart...

This feeling comes from the blood of the alien race of Fire Demons!
"I see...the Avenue of Fire is known as the Law of Fire among the Fire Demon tribe!"

"And the law of fire is what the Balrog clan is best at, so is it preserved to a great extent?"

Su Xing carefully inspected his new body, including his soul!
Because it is a simulation, Su Xing cannot use the simulator...

However, even the previous property panel has disappeared!
Instead, there was a small text that only Su Xing could see.

This introduction comes from the "alien" talent!
[Ding, our transformation into a Balrog alien has been detected...]

[Strength cleared from the air, soul body temporarily transformed...]

[Ding, it has been detected that most of your original talents cannot be applied. Now the transformed part is adapted to the body's talents and is the natural talent of the Balrog...]

[Your talent is a late bloomer and you retain some of your abilities...]

[Xiao Qiang, who cannot be defeated by your talent, retains some of his abilities...]

[Talent and good luck, retain some abilities...]

[The natural fire god body is highly compatible with the Fire Demon Tribe and retains all abilities...]

[The talent is born with an inexhaustible pulse, retaining some abilities...]

A series of sounds rang in Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing's eyes widened and he said after a long time:
"I see, most of the talents have become invalid...but there are five talents above the gold level that have been retained...but the effect seems to be greatly weakened!"

Su Xing took a look at the five reserved talents.

Among them, the fire divine body is transformed into the Balrog's understanding of the law of fire! Basically all are retained.

The late bloomer of talent means that after awakening in this body for a hundred years, the speed of cultivation will be doubled...

The invincible Xiaoqiang gives Balrog greater physical power! Resilience is also greatly improved!

The talent of good luck was greatly weakened and turned into strong luck... giving the Balrog body a certain amount of luck.

Probably, the luck from SS+ dropped to A-level luck.

As for the innate talent of terminal pulse, it further strengthened the training speed of Balrog's body.

"Huh... Generally speaking, it's not completely starting from scratch!"

"I have retained a few useful talents... So it seems that the Balrog in my body can be regarded as an absolute genius among the Balrog clan!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, as long as he didn't start from scratch.

"Although the cultivation level is a bit low... but fortunately, the talent is good, and the cultivation should not be slow!"

Su Xing glanced at his feet and accidentally discovered a storage bag.

This storage bag is for awakening yourself!

What is contained in it is some of the essence of flesh and blood that was hunted before awakening!
"Oh, what a mistake!"

"If I had known that after transforming into an alien, the Lingtian Cave would disappear... I would have transferred all my resources and money into the storage bag!"

Su Xing sighed and opened the storage bag to take a look.

In this storage bag, there is only the essence of flesh and blood.

The lowest level is also the alien god level...

With the cultivation strength of this fire demon, if it were swallowed, it would probably explode!

"Oh, but after practicing for a period of time, these flesh and blood essences should be put to use..."

Su Xing thought so.

Just when Su Xing was taking the storage bag and preparing to leave, suddenly an extremely terrifying aura came from high in the sky!

The next second, a man in black robe appeared in front of Su Xing.

The person coming is none other than Xue Er!
Su Xing was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously took half a step back, thinking that Xuer Er had discovered him.

But after seeing Su Xing, Xuer Er just frowned slightly and looked at the storage bag in Su Xing's hand.

"Where did you get this storage bag?" Xuer asked coldly.

After hearing this, Su Xing just said: "I picked it up."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Su Xing was stunned because what he said was actually an orthodox foreign language!

I originally thought that Xue Er would not understand, but I didn't expect that Xue Er not only understood it, but also waved to Su Xing and said:

"Bring me the storage bag in your hand and show it..."

Su Xing was a little reluctant at first.

But when I think about it, he is just a little Balrog now, not even an immortal.

If he made this bloodless person unhappy, he would probably kill him.

So Su Xing had to reluctantly hand over the storage bag.

Xuer Er carefully checked the storage bag and found that it only contained some alien flesh and blood essence, so he put it back.

"Oh, you Balrog, you are so lucky... you actually picked up this bag of flesh and blood essence!"

The flames in Su Xing's eyes jumped twice, but he did not speak.

Xuer Er searched the area and found no trace, so he was about to leave.

Su Xing suddenly spoke and said in the language of the Flame Demon Clan:
"This storage bag is mine..."

Xuer Er was stunned for a moment after hearing this. He didn't expect Su Xing to dare to ask him for it.

After sneering, Xuer Er dropped the storage bag, and then his figure flashed and disappeared.

After Xuer Er left, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

I secretly said:

"Phew, it's so dangerous... This alien talent is indeed magical, it actually blocks Daluo Jinxian's perception!"

What Su Xing did just now was actually a bit risky.

If Xue Er is unhappy, he will kill Su Xing immediately.

But if this storage bag is lost, the awakening will lose a lot of help, and I am afraid that an unknown amount of time will be wasted.

Therefore, Su Xing had no choice but to take a chance!
"Huh... right now, it's not a good opportunity to explore and go to other worlds..."

"The strength of my body is still too low. I must improve my strength as soon as possible!"

A mere golden elixir cultivation level does not have the strength to travel through three thousand worlds!

I can't even get out of this little world...

"Right now, as a member of the Fire Demon race, I have three ways to improve my strength!"

"First, find a place where the Yihuo element is abundant, and practice with concentration...the growth of your strength will not be slow."

"Secondly, by swallowing the flesh and blood essence of foreign races, the strength will increase rapidly..."

"Third, swallow the human race..."

Su Xing eliminated the third point without even thinking about it.

Although he now has the appearance of a foreign fire demon, the nature of the human race determines that it is impossible for him to do this...

"As for hunting aliens..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Among alien races, cannibalism is not strange. There is nothing wrong with Su Xing using the flesh and blood essence of alien races.

But now, Su Xing's strength is too low...

"Hey, let's find a place first and practice for a while!"

Su Xing took the storage bag and started exploring this small world.

Nearly half of this small world has been occupied by foreign races.

Under the strong sensitivity of the Fire Demon clan to the fire element, Su Xing quickly found a crater with abundant fire elements!
Later, he woke up and practiced in this crater!

Balrogs draw their power from the element of fire!

Su Xing, on the other hand, has a strong understanding of the Way of Fire, plus he has the talent of transforming into a divine body of fire.

This makes Su Xing's talent among the Balrog clan absolutely extremely powerful!

In just one year, Su Xing has grown from a master-level alien to a king-level one!
It took another two years to wake up and evolve into a royal alien race!
When ten years of immersive simulation are coming to an end, Su Xing has become a legendary alien at the pinnacle!

At this moment, the appearance of waking up is completely different from that of the newly born alien race!

At first, Su Xing was just a three-meter-tall baby alien, and even the horns on his head only grew slightly.

But now, Su Xing is more than three feet tall, his whole body is wrapped in flame stone armor, the horns on his head are ferocious, his whole body is covered with strong muscles, and he is full of violent aesthetics!

Even from the perspective of the human race, although the Fire Demon Clan is not considered "beautiful", it can definitely be called a "tough guy with two doors"!
"Phew, ten years...the immersive simulation is coming to an end, and it's time for me to go see this little world!"

Su Xing was a little curious. In the past ten years, this world had been completely occupied by aliens.

In this small world, the strongest person is only the True Fairyland, and there are no less than a few alien true gods who have invaded this world!

Su Xing, who possesses legendary strength, has extremely fast escape speed.

After spending several days, waking up and running thousands of miles, I finally found a village where humans existed!

In the awakening consciousness, the human race in this village is being massacred by aliens!

When Su Xing stepped into the village, he quickly saw dozens of low-level human monks lying on the ground miserably.

There were thousands of human civilians lying in a pool of blood.

Dozens of different types of aliens were lying on the ground, eating the flesh and blood of monks and human civilians.

Seeing Su Xing walking into the village, these aliens just glanced at it and ate their own food.

Scattered heads and broken limbs were everywhere, and howls and cries for help reached the awakening ears.

Seeing this scene, Su Xing felt inexplicably uncomfortable...

Su Xing took a deep breath and took a few steps.

Then he casually trampled to death a two-horned alien.

Seeing their companions being trampled to death by Su Xing, the other aliens raised their heads in confusion, but they saw Su Xing's iconic double horns of the Balrog and the exploding muscles all over his body.

These low-level aliens just took a few steps back, farther away from awakening, and continued to eat flesh and blood...

In the eyes of foreigners, strength and race are everything!
Although the Balrog transformed by the awakening is not a top alien race, he can still be regarded as a strong one among the alien races.

There are tens of thousands of alien races, demons, demons, saints, gods... countless. The potential and talent of the Balrog clan should rank among the top five hundred, which is considered extremely good!

After all, in addition to the hundred royal families, the ten royal families, the imperial family, etc... Balrog can be regarded as a powerful warrior among the foreign races.

Because of this, these ordinary alien races did not dare to resist after seeing Su Xing as a Balrog. They just protected themselves wisely and hoped that Su Xing would not kill them.

But when he wakes up, will he stop there?

After crushing the alien's head with one foot, Su Xing took a few steps forward and killed several aliens one after another.

These aliens, whose strength was only at the level of kings and masters, had doubts in their eyes. They didn't know why this strange alien wanted to kill them instead of eating the good "flesh and blood"!

In the end, they had to think that the awakened demon wanted to swallow all the flesh and blood!
"There's... a lot of blood food here. You, a demon, can't finish it all..."

Finally, a skinny looking alien opened his mouth and said to Su Xing.

Su Xing ignored it and still stepped on it!

Within a moment, all the dozens of low-level aliens around were killed by Su Xing!

At this moment, Su Xing felt a foreign aura approaching quickly.

Soon, Su Xing saw a legendary big-horned demon!
This alien race of big-horned demons has a thick single horn on its head. It looks ugly and resembles a jackal, but it is ten meters tall.

In terms of strength alone, this big-horned demon is even stronger than Awakening, but its race is not as powerful as the Balrog alien race.

Behind the big-horned demon were dozens of Martial Emperor and Legend level demons.

Obviously, they conquered this small village where monks gathered!
The big-horned demon seemed to have thought of something when he looked at the alien corpses scattered at Su Xing's feet, and then at the broken limbs and broken arms around him.

So he picked up the head of a human monk, threw it to Su Xing, and said:

"Those ordinary people with poor bloodline...eat the flesh and blood of the monks!"

Obviously, this big-horned devil also wanted to snatch food after waking up.

Su Xing glanced at it, he saw that this was a human monk in the stage of returning to the void. He was not weak in strength, but he also died in the hands of these aliens...

A burst of anger ignited in Su Xing's chest!

Aliens invade three thousand worlds and feed on human flesh and blood!
Countless ordinary people died at the hands of these aliens... Hateful, abominable!
So, Su Xing looked at the big-horned demon in front of him with a strong fighting spirit in his eyes!
The big-horned demon sensed the meaning in Su Xing's eyes, and a hideous smile appeared on his face:
"You want to eat me? Then...just try it!"

As he spoke, the horn on the head of this big-horned devil flashed.

Dozens of aliens behind him also swarmed up, obviously wanting to kill Su Xing together.

From their eyes, Su Xing saw the look of desire!
If they could share the flesh and blood essence of a Balrog, it would obviously be of great benefit to their bloodline evolution!


A quarter of an hour later, Su Xing stepped on the head of the big-horned demon, and all the surrounding aliens were killed by Su Xing!

Even if he is only at the legendary level, Su Xing's combat experience, as well as the Avenue of Fire and various talents, are not something that these mere low-level aliens can fight against!

After killing all these aliens, Su Xing took away the essence of the alien flesh and blood, which amounted to several thousand kilograms.

Before leaving the village, there were not many living people in the entire village.

The total number of old, weak, sick and disabled people is only a few dozen...

These people were hiding in the dark, quietly looking at Su Xing, with looks of fear, confusion, shock, etc. in their eyes...

Perhaps these human races don’t know why Su Xing, a foreign race, wants to kill his own kind?
I don’t know why Su Xing didn’t kill them?

Su Xing sighed and didn't look back, he just left the place.

From the alien perspective, cannibalism is a matter of course!

Even if he wakes up, didn't he eat the essence of foreign flesh and blood before to strengthen his own cultivation?

The difference is... just the stance!
Su Xing, after all, is a human race...

After leaving this village, Su Xing took the flesh and blood essence with him to retreat in his previous cave.

Next, Su Xing spent several months devouring all the flesh and blood essence!

Later, Su Xing worked hard and became an emperor-level demon...

Equivalent to a human race monk in the integration stage!

"Sure enough, if you still swallow the essence of flesh and blood, your strength will increase faster!"

"Now, I have some strength... If I am more careful, I should be able to quickly increase my strength by hunting down foreign races and seizing the essence of flesh and blood!"

Su Xing thought so.


The immersive simulation ends, and the awakened consciousness returns to reality.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Su Xing had a look of emotion in his eyes.

"Being a member of a foreign race is indeed a mysterious experience..."

"However, I must obtain more information next... What will be the development of Tianji Domain after my death?"

Su Xing kept thinking, and with the help of the alien talent, he was able to live a second spring.

Without the threat of Adventism and alien races, Su Xing can more freely explore the secrets of alien races and the future.

But the premise is that Su Xing must survive!

Live as long as possible, improve your strength...and explore the development of the three thousand worlds in the future!

After making plans for the future, Su Xing added:

"But for now, let's improve our cultivation and find a way to leave this world..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Simulating the 900th century, you are in the Rock and Wood World. The Rock and Wood World is invaded by alien races...]

[You choose to improve your strength as soon as possible, so you start hunting foreign races...]

[Soon, thirty years have passed! 】

[In just thirty years, you have hunted thousands of aliens, most of the time crushing them...but occasionally you will encounter difficult enemies, causing you serious injuries. 】

[After thirty years of devouring, your strength has been successfully promoted to the peak of the emperor level. 】

[Next, it took you more than seventy years to grow from the peak of the emperor level to a foreigner in the early stage of sainthood. 】

[With the continuous improvement of strength, the shortcomings of the Fire Demon Clan are also revealed...its potential is insufficient, and after advanced cultivation, it becomes more and more difficult to improve. 】

[In the first thousand years, you received an invitation from a foreign god. 】

[Although it is an invitation, in fact, it is you who have been hunting aliens for hundreds of years, arousing the doubts of high-level aliens. 】

[Several saint-level aliens entered your retreat and "invited" you to meet the alien god. 】

[This alien god is from the Mind Flayer clan. His body is slightly weaker, but his spirit is extremely strong. He is at the same level as the Balrog. 】

[After asking about your origin, the Mind Flayer knew that you had not yet joined the Legion, and became even more enthusiastic towards you...]

[This mind flayer obviously wants to take you under his command and become a general in his army. 】

[You take the opportunity to ask him whether there are also legions among alien races? 】

[After hearing your question, the mind flayer showed surprise on his face. He was a little confused that you didn't know the common sense among aliens. 】

[After the mind flayer’s explanation, you understand that the alien race is completely militarized! 】

[Including every alien race, every alien race is a member of a certain legion! 】

[From the god-level aliens, even the first-level god-level aliens, to the weakest cannon fodder aliens, they are all part of the legion! 】

[The weak alien race is vassal to the powerful alien race! 】

[On weekdays, vassal aliens can still open their own legions, recruit aliens to join, and provide themselves with resources. 】

[But whenever there is a war, the foreign race must obey the instructions of the superior legion leader and participate in the battle. 】

[After hearing what the mind flayer said, you felt a little silent in your heart. 】

[Contemplating whether to join this mind flayer...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Right now, I still know too little about foreign races..."

"Among the alien races, there is actually a model where all members are soldiers... using the legion as a unit to invade a certain world or a certain region?"

"No wonder the alien race has such fighting power and has been suppressing the human race!"

Intuition told Su Xing that becoming a subordinate of the mind flayer and joining the alien race would allow him to learn the internal news of the alien race faster.

But there are also some concerns...

After joining the alien legion, if you want to take action against the human race, it will be difficult to wake up...

Moreover, the Mind Flayer has limited potential and is not a very good backer.

"I can't control that much right now... With my own strength, I don't know how long it will take to leave this world!"

"It's better to join a legion first to facilitate the collection of intelligence!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After receiving the invitation from the Mind Flayer, you hesitated for a while, but decided to join its army. 】

[The Mind Flayer was immediately overjoyed after hearing this. The addition of a Balrog with great potential is enough to greatly enhance the overall strength of the Mind Flayer Army! 】

[So, the Mind Flayer took out his precious collection...the corpses of several Mahayana monks and invited you to eat. 】

[You said that you are not used to eating human flesh and blood and refused. 】

[After hearing your words, the mind flayer's expression changed slightly and he asked bluntly: Why are you like those "different eaters"? 】

[After hearing this, you are confused and ask this mind flayer, what is a strange eater? 】

[After the mind flayer’s explanation, you know. 】

[It turns out that among the alien races, there are also those who do not like to eat human flesh and blood. They like to devour the flesh and blood of alien races, but they do not eat the essence of human flesh and blood! 】

[Of course, don’t think that these strange eaters are on the side of the human race...]

[In fact, alien eaters just like to devour the flesh and blood essence of alien races. They still kill the human race, but they just don’t eat it themselves...]

[Normally, they will hunt aliens, but after receiving instructions from their superiors, they will also join the alien army and hunt down human monks! 】

[You felt something in your heart after hearing this. This strange eater is a good excuse for you! 】

[In this way, you can avoid eating human flesh and blood...]

[So, you nod and agree that you are a strange eater. 】

[After hearing what you said, the Mind Flayer didn't say much. He just warned you that you can usually hunt the aliens from other legions to improve your strength, but at critical moments, you must carry out the mission! 】

[You nodded and agreed...]

[In the next few years, you worked under the mind flayers and learned a lot of information about alien races. 】

[For example, the Mind Flayer is a member of the 173rd Legion and the 37th Small Legion... The leader of the Mind Flayer is a two-horned devil with medium divine power. 】

[Among the alien races, the strong one is the commander of the legion, and his subordinates lead the weaker alien races...]

[If a foreign race performs well, it can also be appreciated by its superiors and rewarded with some items. 】

[But in short, everything depends on military merit and performance! 】

[After staying with the Mind Flayer for a few years, you decided to leave temporarily and continue to hunt aliens, hoping to improve your strength. 】

[The Mind Flayer did not stop you after hearing this. He just told you that they will leave this world in ten years at most. 】

[Let you come back before then, otherwise you will not be able to take the "different boat" and leave this world. 】

[After hearing this, you nod in agreement and continue to hunt the aliens. 】

[In the next ten years, you killed many alien races. After devouring them, your own strength increased to a certain extent. 】

[Of course, as a member of the Mind Flayer Legion, you cannot hunt the aliens in the legion, but you can hunt the aliens of the enemy legion. 】

[Among alien races, we will not stop similar people from killing each other. We will only speak based on our strength! 】

[Of course, if one day you are hunted by another alien race, there will be no excuse...]

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. 】

[In the 1010th year, you returned to the mind flayer army and prepared to leave this world. 】

[In just a hundred years of alien invasion, all living things in this world, even flowers, plants and trees, were devoured! 】

[At this moment, this world has lost its value, and your legion must accept the mission and go to the next world...]

[This year, you saw the so-called "different boat"! 】

[Yizhou is completely different from Xianzhou! 】

[Because Yizhou is a huge void beast that can travel through the void! 】

[This strange beast in the void looks like a hundred-mile-long space battleship, but it is a living form... capable of sailing in the void! 】

[The first time you see this strange boat, you will think of the "sky-covering beast" you once saw on Blue Star! 】

[Although they do not belong to the same category...but there must be similarities between the two! 】

[You follow the mind flayer and enter the body of this strange void beast called "The Alien Boat", and then go to the next world. 】

[A few months later, you landed in a small world. 】

[Next, the alien race’s plan is to invade this small world. 】

[According to the information told to you by the Mind Flayer, the strongest person in this small world is no more than a heavenly immortal...]

[Waiting for the alien gods above to defeat all the powerful monks in this small world, then you can move freely and devour the lives of this small world...]

[After the mind flayer’s explanation, you also know the rules of alien invasion. 】

[The powerful alien race takes the lead in sweeping away the human monks in a world, and at the same time enjoys the most victory results and blood food! 】

[When the power of this world is almost exhausted, the slightly weaker alien races will move freely to fully invade and devour the entire world...]

[Until all the lives in the world are swallowed up, the world loses its value...]

(End of this chapter)

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