Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 389: After 15 years of simulation, Daluo Jinxian died in battle! [8k monthly ticket requeste

Chapter 389: Simulating fifteen hundred years, Daluo Jinxian died in battle! [8k monthly ticket please~]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"So that's the case. No wonder the aliens adopt a multi-front combat model... They use legions as units to invade a certain world..."

"From eliminating powerful combat forces and viable forces... to allowing low-level alien races to invade, burn, kill and loot, thereby increasing their own strength, a complete set of combat strategies has been formed!"

Su Xing's face looked a little unhappy.

The alien race has obviously developed a set of excellent fighting methods that rely on war to support war. This is something that the human race cannot match!
The powerful alien gods took the lead in strangulating the elites of the human race, gaining the most benefits and improving their own strength.

It can almost be said that after every battle, the strength of these alien gods will further increase!
Low-level aliens, on the other hand, can increase their own strength and quickly become stronger by devouring humans after invading a certain world.

In this way, basically every hundred years, the strength of a foreign legion will increase significantly!
This natural advantage of the alien race is unmatched by the human race.

If things go on like this, the alien race will become stronger and stronger, and the human race will become weaker and weaker...

"Alas, the alien race is so powerful that it is hard to resist!"

"The most important thing is that there are too many aliens... I wonder if there is a way to kill a large number of aliens?"

"If I know the coordinates of the alien invasion in advance, I can prepare in advance to prevent the alien invasion!"

"However, with my current strength and identity in the Balrog body, I'm still a little behind..."

"There is also detailed information about Hong Yue and the information about the top alien god's residence. I don't know much..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and the best way for him to simulate now was to improve his strength as soon as possible!

At the very least, you need to become the commander of a legion...

And this requires at least Su Xing to have the strength of a foreign god.

"In the simulation, Balrog is already at the holy level... He is only one step away from being a foreign god with weak divine power..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1020th year, ten years after arriving in this world, in this small world, the human race’s defense line basically collapsed...]

[Although you did not participate in the invasion of the human race, the strength of the alien army is too far behind that of the human race. 】

[After the invasion of this world, a period of barbaric growth of alien races in the legion ushered in...]

[During this period, the aliens crazily devoured human flesh and blood, slaughtered monks...even monsters, trees, and all creatures containing vitality became nutrients for the aliens! 】

[Basically, after a hundred years, the strength of all alien races below the emperor level will be able to increase by a large level! 】

[This is equivalent to more than doubling the strength of the foreign legions! 】

[Such a terrifying speed of improvement will leave you stunned...]

[Of course, in addition to invading the human race and devouring living creatures, many alien races also fight with each other and devour flesh and blood...]

【You are one of them. 】

[You spent a hundred years hunting and killing thousands of aliens, and your strength increased greatly... In the end, your cultivation reached the peak of the saint level! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing frowned slightly:

"The alien army, every hundred years... will its overall strength increase by a big level?"

"This speed... is a bit too scary!"

The emperor-level alien race is equivalent to a monk in the integration stage!

A monk in the stage of returning to the void or integrating body can practice for a few hundred years or a thousand years before he can achieve a breakthrough and advance to a great realm.

At this point, he is already considered a genius among monks.

However, ordinary aliens can reach a great level within a hundred years. This speed is really far behind!
"If you hadn't experienced it yourself, it would be unimaginable...that aliens could be such terrifying creatures!"

"It's no wonder that under the invasion of alien races, the human race has been retreating..."

This terrifying speed of strength improvement reminded Su Xing of a technique he had seen before.

Blood Immortal Sutra!

The Blood Immortal Sutra is the supreme skill within the Advent Sect!
As for the Advent Sect, as a lackey of the alien race...the Blood Immortal, the connection with the alien race does not seem to be that simple.

"Huh... But my strength has also been raised to the peak of a saint!"

"Next, we have to break through to the god level!"

"As long as I am promoted to the god level and can roam freely in the void with the body of a foreign race... I will be able to find a way to investigate the information!"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1,110th year, this small world was completely invaded by aliens. 】

[The world that was originally full of spiritual energy and peaceful creatures has become a desperate place on earth! 】

[The alien legions, like locusts crossing the border, crazily absorb the nutrients from this world until the world is destroyed...]

[And this year, your strength has also increased to the peak of the saint level, and you have begun to think about ways to break through to the god level. 】

[According to the information you have obtained, certain rituals are required for aliens to advance to the divine level... You are not aware of the ritual process. 】

[So, you decided to visit the Mind Flayer and ask him for advice on how to break through to the god level. 】

[After receiving the news of your arrival, the Mind Flayer came to meet you in person. 】

[In just a hundred years, you have become the most powerful alien under the command of the Mind Flayer. 】

[But after knowing that you want to find a way to break through to the god level, the mind flayer's expression is a little subtle. 】

[According to the rules of the alien race, once the alien race in the legion reaches the same level as the legion leader, he will automatically be promoted and become a member of a higher-level legion. 】

[This means that you will be on the same level as the Mind Flayer...]

[Therefore, the Mind Flayer was naturally a little unhappy. 】

[Even so, the Mind Flayer did not make it too obvious. He only told you that he would inform his superiors of your news, and someone would come to teach you later. 】

[After knowing this news, you wait quietly. 】

[But in the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed! 】

[In the 1,200th year, you have been waiting for a full hundred years, but still no news! 】

[In the past hundred years, you have helped the mind flayers and hunted down many aliens from the enemy legions. It can be said that you have made great achievements in battle. 】

[But your realm has not improved for a hundred years! 】

[You can't wait any longer. You know that the Mind Flayer doesn't want you to leave his legion. After all, you are his most capable general...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"I didn't expect that there would be such suppression among foreign races..."

This is quite common among humans.

For example, an official who has made great achievements is suppressed by his superiors and cannot be promoted smoothly...

Another example is that soldiers who have made great achievements on the battlefield cannot be promoted in rank.

But Su Xing didn't expect that foreigners could be so philistine.

"No, we can't stay under the command of this mind flayer any longer!"

"We must find a way to join a higher-level legion... before we can break through!"

Su Xing naturally has no loyalty to foreign races, and besides, the Mind Flayer is not a good thing either.

They're just using each other...

Su Xing made some calculations in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1210th year, you followed the mind flayer army and invaded another small world. 】

[But this time, you no longer obey the command of the mind flayer, but start to contact other legion commanders...]

[The legion to which the Mind Flayer belongs is commanded by a legion commander with medium divine power. Under his command are dozens of alien gods with weak divine power, as well as countless great emperors and saint-level aliens. 】

[But you don’t plan to take refuge with this alien race, but plan to go directly to the commander-in-chief of the invasion of this world, a powerful flame demon! 】

[First, aliens with powerful divine power have many resources and many aliens under their control, so they will not suppress you. 】

[Secondly, since you are also a Balrog in this body, you may be able to gain some favor. 】

[The only concern is that your strength is too weak, and this powerful alien god is somewhat looked down upon. 】

[But no matter what, you have to give it a try! 】

[Facts prove that you are worrying too much! 】

[This powerful flame demon is very welcome to your arrival. 】

[According to him, the Balrog clan needs to unite in order for the Balrog clan to become one of the top 100 royal clans...]

[You were surprised after hearing this. You originally thought that the royal status of foreign races was innate, but according to what this fire demon said, it seems that the ranking of foreign races can still change? 】

[According to the explanation of this powerful divine fire demon, the so-called foreign royal family needs the birth of a second-level god within this race. 】

[And the Flame Demon clan, for countless years, has only given birth to a third-level god, which is only one step away from the throne of the royal family...]

[Perhaps, the potential of the Balrog clan is limited, but there are many alien races, and there are always mutated individuals among them! 】

[Only when that person completes the breakthrough, he can become a second-level god, go to the ancestral land, lead the entire Fire Demon clan, and be promoted to the royal family! 】

[At that time, the entire Flame Demon clan will have great benefits...]

[After hearing the words of this fire demon god, you are thoughtful. 】

In the real world, Su Xing keenly captured the key word, ancestral land!

"Is this so-called ancestral land the ancestral land of the Balrog clan, or the ancestral land of the entire foreign race?"

Su Xing prefers the latter, otherwise it would not be possible. Going to the ancestral land can make Balrog become one of the top 100 royal families!

Su Xing had a hunch in his heart that this alien ancestral land might be related to the key secrets of the alien race...

"As long as one strong person from the alien race is born who breaks through the limits, can the potential of the entire alien race increase?"

"This is indeed very mysterious..."

Su Xing also heard that there was a strange race in ancient times.

As long as someone in the clan becomes an immortal, the cultivation and spiritual qualifications of the clansmen related to their bloodline will be greatly improved!

"Huh, but let's find a way to advance to the god level first!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You asked Balrog for advice on how to become a foreign god. 】

[This powerful flame demon tells you that to become a god, you need to master three things: divinity, godhead, and divine power! 】

[As long as you master one of these three things, you can become a foreign god...]

[Only when you master all three can you become a true god! 】

[You feel thoughtful after hearing this information. 】

[According to your previous guess, the divinity of the alien race is very similar to the power of the avenue! 】

[You don’t know how to condense the alien godhead. As for divine power... you need to increase your physical strength, or kill other creatures with divine power! 】

[For you, understanding divinity is obviously the easiest...]

[So, you decide to understand divinity first and become a god. 】

When Su Xing saw this, a long-standing doubt in his heart was finally solved.

"I see. No wonder the probability of dropping divinity after killing foreign gods is not high... It turns out that only true gods and above can possess 100% divinity!"

"Among these three, divinity should be more difficult to condense...but for me, it is not difficult to understand the Great Way of Fire!"

"Next, as long as you master the law of fire, you can try to condense divinity!"

The law of the great road corresponds to the divinity of alien races, which Su Xing already knows.

In addition, the talent of the awakened Balrog in the simulation is not weak, so comprehending divinity is obviously the optimal solution.

After figuring out how to become a god, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1230th year, you began to understand the law of fire and tried to condense divinity. 】

[The specific method is not complicated. 】

[The Fire Demon clan is born with a strong understanding and control of the law of fire. 】

[Your body is like a barrel. All you need to do is to keep filling the bowl of "water" of divinity into it. Until the barrel is full, you can completely possess divinity! 】

[With your talent, it took you seventy years to successfully condense your divinity! 】

[In the 1300th year, you successfully became a god-level Balrog! 】

[After being promoted to a foreign god, your power has undergone earth-shaking changes. 】

[The overall strength has been increased by at least ten times! 】

[At the same time, you have the ability to survive in the void for a long time. 】

[The most important thing is that you discovered that you are connected to the alien divine domain! 】

[Alien God’s Domain, this is something you have never been exposed to. Before you owned the God’s Domain, you had never known the existence of the God’s Domain…]

[You just feel that your soul seems to be able to enter a mysterious place. This place is wide and boundless, somewhat like the Taixu Realm of human monks. 】

[However, the functions of the Divine Realm are completely different from those of the Taixu Realm! 】

[God’s Domain is more like the Internet among alien races! 】

[All alien gods are in this divine domain...]

[As soon as you entered the divine realm, you felt the gaze of countless alien gods... At this moment, all the alien races knew that a new god was born! 】

[However, these aliens only watched for a moment...According to the huge scale of the aliens, thousands of gods are born almost every day...]

[Soon, a consciousness connected to you, and it sensed that you were a balrog! 】

[And the owner of this consciousness is also a fire demon. 】

[He asks you, which legion you are in, and who is the leader of your legion. 】

[You did not hide anything and told the name of the commander of your regiment. 】

[After a moment, this consciousness informed you of a coordinate...]

[According to the rules of the alien race, after becoming a god, you are completely freed from cannon fodder...]

[You follow the coordinates informed by this consciousness and quickly arrive at a palace of nothingness. 】

[Entering this palace, you see the consciousness of thousands of alien gods! 】

[Among them is your legion commander, the powerful Balrog. 】

[After sensing your arrival, this powerful Balrog greeted you and connected to you with his consciousness. 】【You naturally come to the back of this powerful divine fire demon...】

[At the same time, behind the powerful Balrog, a small chair one foot high appeared, on which your consciousness can sit. 】

[This is very similar to the human race. 】

[The powerful alien gods are located at the front of the palace, and are ranked according to their strength...]

[Located at the top of this palace is a third-level divine fire demon, equivalent to the human race's Xuanxian monk! 】

[According to the alien race, this third-level god-dwelling Balrog is the leader of the Balrog clan, and under his throne, there are several other third-level god-dwelling Balrogs...]

[Only after arriving at this palace of gods will you realize how terrifying the alien race is! 】

[In this palace alone, there are tens of thousands of seats, and each seat represents a Balrog above the level of a god! 】

[The overall strength of the alien race may be ten times or even dozens of times that of the human race! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"The Fire Demon Race is only a second-rate race among the alien races... It is not even one of the so-called top 100 royal clans. Its ranking among the alien races is only about five hundred..."

"But even so, do you actually have tens of thousands of god-level Balrogs?"

Su Xing did some calculations and found that there were about five hundred alien races with the same strength as Balrog.

This means that there are at least millions of alien gods!

Thousands of aliens who are above level 3 gods!

"No, it doesn't even count like that!"

"There are more than tens of thousands of races among alien races?"

"Although the Balrog is stronger, there may not be gods at the level of other races!"

"What's even more terrifying is the so-called Hundred Royal Clan, Imperial Clan, and God Clan! The number of gods in their clans... is unimaginable!"

It's hard for Su Xing to imagine how many powerful gods there are among the foreign races!

"Three thousand worlds...are there so many immortals?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Even he didn't know how many immortals there were in the three thousand worlds.

But what Su Xing can be sure of is that there are definitely not as many aliens!
"In the entire five major domains, there are probably no more than ten Daluo Golden Immortals..."

"Taiyi Golden Immortal, I wonder if there are three digits..."

"As for the Golden Immortal and above, I'm afraid there are more than ten thousand, which is pretty good..."

The gap between human race and alien race is not just about top combat power...

Instead, the low-end, mid-range, and top-end combat powers were all crushed by the aliens!
"Huh... Finally, I have a rough grasp of the strength of the alien race..."

"What kind of monster race did the human race encounter?"

Even if I wake up, I can't help but feel a trace of despair in my heart...

"If you don't become a saint, you will never be able to change the situation between the alien race and the human race!"

"Even if you become a saint...how can you guarantee that there will be no saints among foreign races?"

Su Xing sighed, he finally knew why the Master of Tianji Pavilion would leave everything behind to pursue the realm of a saint!
Because, without becoming a saint, the human race would not have the sea-fixing needle.

It is completely impossible to compete with foreign races!

“Oh, it’s really a long road ahead!”

Su Xing murmured that after becoming the Balrog this time, he finally got some useful information!

"At this time, the simulation has reached the 1300th year. I don't know what the situation is in the Tianji Domain... In the entire three thousand worlds, what is happening to the human race?"

Su Xing was confused and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1300th year, after becoming a foreign god, you have the ability to form your own legion. 】

[However, you cannot stand the aliens under your command killing the human race. 】

[To this end, you have decided to form a legion composed entirely of "different eaters". 】

[At first, it will be difficult for you to recruit subordinates. 】

[After all, strange eaters are relatively excluded among alien races. The vast majority of strange eaters will conceal their identities. 】

[And strange eaters will only choose to join a powerful legion to seek asylum. 】

[But you are just a newly promoted alien god, and you cannot recruit powerful subordinates at all...]

[However, things soon took a turn for the better. 】

[In the 1360th year, after you became one of the alien gods, the former legion commander, the Mind Flayer, launched an attack on you! 】

[According to him, you betrayed Him and became a subordinate of other gods. He is qualified to hunt you. 】

[Facing the menacing Mind Flayer and the hundreds of saint-level aliens under its command, you are not timid at all. 】

[This battle lasted for a full month! 】

[In the end, the Mind Flayer was killed by you, and all the saint-level aliens under his command were killed by you! 】

[You almost single-handedly destroyed an army led by a veteran alien god! 】

[Your reputation has gradually become louder among the Balrog clan... Even the alien gods of other races know your name. 】

[As a foreigner who has just been promoted to a god, you have killed an old god who has been a god for thousands of years... This further shows that you have great potential. 】

[After this battle, alien eaters began to join your army one after another. 】

[In just over forty years, you have recruited thousands of strange eaters above the emperor level. 】

[Your reputation as the "Baroque" Flame Demon begins to rise...]

[After killing the mind flayer, you discovered that your divine power seemed to have increased a little, and even the so-called godhead began to slowly condense...]

[You will immediately understand that an excellent way to condense your divine personality and gain divine power is to hunt down foreign gods! 】

[After knowing this, you began to put your mind on those alien gods. 】

[In just a few hundred years, you hunted and killed more than a dozen alien gods...and absorbed the alien eaters in their legions. Your godhead and power were slowly growing. 】

[In the 1500th year, the number of aliens in your legion has exceeded ...]

[This kind of strength is not weak among gods with weak divine power. 】

[This year, your legion received a mission...]

[Cooperate with the Seventh Alien Army to completely destroy the Southern Barbarian Territory! 】

[After learning the information about this mission, you were shocked...]

[Because this means that the Southern Barbarian Territory, one of the five major territories of the human race, has completely fallen...]

[And the "Southern Barbarian Emperor", who was Daluo Jinxian, was also completely killed in battle! 】

[The situation of the human race has become worse than imagined! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw the pupils shrink suddenly.

"The Southern Barbarian Territory was destroyed... Daluo Jinxian died in battle!?"

"Hiss, this..."

Su Xing took a breath, this was something he never expected!
This is also the first time he has heard that a certain Da Luo Jinxian will die in battle in the future!

"Although the Southern Barbarian Domain is the weakest among the five major domains, it is vast after all... and has a lot of immortals. The number of Golden Immortals and Taiyi Golden Immortals is not less than that of other domains."

"And the Southern Barbarian Emperor..."

The information obtained in the Tianji Realm flashed through Su Xing's mind.

The Southern Barbarian Emperor is the absolute ruler of the Southern Barbarian Territory and the long-famous Great Luo Golden Immortal!

As early as two or three Yuanhui ago, the Southern Barbarian Emperor was already the existence of Da Luo Jinxian!
Moreover, the Nanman Emperor is a dual practitioner of Qi...not only a Da Luo Jinxian, but also an extremely strong physical practitioner.

In the past, the Southern Barbarian Emperor and the Heavenly Demon General had a record of fighting, but they almost lost half a move...

However, such a powerful Da Luo Jinxian actually died in battle!

"The one dispatched is the Seventh General Legion of the Alien Race..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. The powerful divine flame demon army he belonged to was just an insignificant small army in the seventh general army.

And the seventh one means that the alien race has at least seven such powerful legions!
Just one general legion is enough to destroy the Southern Barbarian Territory?

That is one of the only five major domains of the human race!
"Hiss...Fifteen hundred years later, the Southern Barbarian Territory will be destroyed. This incident will definitely become a turning point for the alien race and the human race!"

It is not difficult to imagine that the destruction of the Southern Barbarian Territory almost caused the human race to lose one-fifth of its overall strength!

The alien race has freed up a whole legion of troops to invade other worlds!

"In the simulation, the legion I am in belongs to the second general legion, the seventy-ninth great legion, and the thirty-second small legion..."

"That's just it. The commander of this small legion is already a powerful alien... So, how terrifying is the strength of the larger legion that goes up?"

Wake up and further realize the terror of alien races!
"Huh, the Southern Barbarian Territory was destroyed in the 1500th year... I just don't know what the situation is like in other large territories?"

Su Xing wanted to know the information.

But to the alien race, each alien race is like a screw.

Apart from taking on tasks and gaining great strength, they rarely have access to intelligence.

Especially, human race intelligence...

Su Xing is just a small fire demon god with no status, so how can he know the information?

"Alas, but after the destruction of the Southern Barbarian Territory, the human race may have completely lost the power to fight against the foreign races... and can only retreat and defend!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

In order to obtain more information, to live longer, and to see the end of the human race as soon as possible.

Su Xing must improve his strength as soon as possible!

"Speaking of which, the flesh and blood essence I left behind was swallowed..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1510th year, your legion successfully arrived in the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

[In just ten years, millions of aliens have successfully arrived from one large region to another...]

[The speed of the "different boat" sailing in the void is far beyond your imagination. 】

[When your legion arrives in the Southern Barbarian Territory, the entire Southern Barbarian Territory has been basically invaded. 】

[And the mission of your legion is to devour all living things and devour everything it sees! 】

[Completely, let the Southern Barbarian Territory be reduced to a chaotic territory...and eventually, a foreign land! 】

[This will become another base camp of the alien race...]

[You watch helplessly as a human race or monk is devoured by a foreign race, but you can't do anything. 】

[Therefore, you can only choose one area to retreat and devour the flesh and blood essence accumulated before. 】

[You take out the flesh and blood essence of some weak and powerful alien races, and continue to devour it...your divine power also continues to grow! 】

[But after being promoted to a god, the speed of your practice has gradually slowed down. 】

[In the past hundred years, you have devoured tens of thousands of kilograms of flesh and blood essence, but you have still only improved to about the late stage of weak divine power...]

[According to your estimate, it will take at least hundreds of years for you to become a moderately powerful alien. 】

【1600th year...】

[One day, you saw a giant! 】

[A terrifying giant wearing black armor and holding a giant axe! 】

[This giant’s strength can lift the sky, and his energy can overwhelm any force! 】

[In your dull eyes...he swung that ax...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing was stunned.

"Damn it, why did you die like that?"

"The giant who killed me...black armor and black axe?"

"Damn it, that's the Demon General!?"

Su Xing never expected that in this simulation, he would not die in the hands of a foreign race, but in the hands of the human race Daluo Jinxian!

Moreover, it was the Da Luo Jinxian whom Su Xing was familiar with!

The Demon General, the fighting madman among Da Luo Jinxian!

"But...it seems to make sense..."

"The entire Southern Barbarian Territory fell, and the Great Luo Jinxian Southern Barbarian Emperor died in battle... It is impossible for the human race to have no countermeasures at all!"

"It's a pity that I was in the form of a foreign Balrog... but my death was in vain!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

This simulation actually broke his simulation record.

However, nine hundred years later, Su Xing has begun his second spring as a foreigner.

From a newborn alien Balrog...to a god among Balrogs...

Moreover, Su Xing learned a lot of information about foreign races, which are all priceless treasures!

"I just don't know if the strength of the Balrog can be preserved?"

Su Xing was a little curious. If the simulation had to start over again next time, Su Xing would suffer the same consequences!
"Hey, let's take a look at the reward list for this simulation first!"

[Alien]: Red talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Fourth Level of Xuanxian Cultivation]: Only by condensing the five qi in the chest and bringing the five qi towards the Yuan can you ascend to the position of Xuanxian! After eight hundred years of practice, you have barely entered the middle stage of Xuanxian. The energy source is sold for 100 million.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: The Thousand Miles of Spiritual Realm begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 10 energy sources.

[Great Witch Body Forging Technique]: The secret method of body refining of the ancient witch clan. Cultivated to the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. It is comparable to the late Xuanxian monks. It sells for 150 million energy sources.

Looking at the several rewards for this simulation, Su Xing fell into deep thought.

(End of this chapter)

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