Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 390 The mystery of alien talent, meeting the Red Moon tribe! [8k monthly ticket requested]

Chapter 390 The mystery of alien talent, meeting the Red Moon tribe! [8k monthly ticket please~]

"Alien talents must be brought out..."

Su Xing murmured, there is nothing to worry about at this point.

Su Xing still doesn't know whether the strength of the alien talent can be preserved.

But if there is a delay, Su Xing will lose an opportunity to explore information.

"As for the choice of spiritual realm...and body training?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and found that his current spiritual realm was still far behind.

But even if the spiritual realm is not brought out this time, the spiritual realm should be able to reach the current level during the next simulation.

On the contrary, it is about refining the body.

The fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique was achieved with the help of a strong heart and the awakening was barely achieved.

It is not easy to trigger the heart of the strong, and awakening must be grasped.

Thinking this, Su Xing quickly made a decision.

"I chose to bring out the alien talent, and I have reached the fifth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique!"

As he finished speaking, Su Xing heard the simulator prompt in his ear.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the red mythical talent "Alien", you spent 100 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 981 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique, spending 150 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 831 points...]

The simulation prompt sounded, and Su Xing felt that his strength had skyrocketed again!

Previously, the awakened Great Witch was in the second half of the fifth level's minor achievement, not far from the fifth level's Dacheng.

But after this simulation, Su Xing directly broke through to Dacheng, and his physical strength increased more than three times again!
Not only the physical strength has skyrocketed, but also the recovery power, qi and blood, etc., have tripled in all aspects!
"Huh... I should be considered to have the strength of a golden immortal now!"

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling full of security in his heart.

With the power of the Golden Immortal and the size of three thousand worlds, it can be said that you can go anywhere!
"Also, this new talent is alien..."

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to activate the alien talent.

Soon, an illusory panel appeared in front of Su Xing.

This is a specialized, alien talent panel!

[Fire Demon Clan (700/10000)]: Activated, possesses weak divine power, strength has been saved, and can be read at the cost of energy source in the next simulation.

[Shadow Clan]: Not activated, initial activation requires 10 energy sources.

[Bad Demon Tribe]: Not activated, no energy source is required for initial activation.

[Other Alien Races]: Not unlocked...

Su Xing discovered that his red mythical talent was indeed very different from his golden talent!
Alien talent is equivalent to giving Su Xing an extra identity.

With this identity, Su Xing can continue to simulate in the future and master more information.

Moreover, the strength of the alien identity can also be preserved!

"The other two alien races are still inactive, and the other alien races have not yet been unlocked..."

"But, what does the number behind this alien Balrog... 700/10000 mean?"

Su Xing thought for a while.

"Seven hundred years... I started from the nine hundredth year and ended at the sixteenth hundred years. It seems that the survival time of the Balrog alien race is exactly seven hundred years!"

"And the number ten thousand after seven hundred seems to be the lifespan of a weak alien race?"

Su Xing suddenly realized.

It turns out that after each simulation, the alien identity will not be cleared, and only a certain amount of energy source needs to be paid.

The next time you simulate, you don't have to start over when you wake up.

In this way, Su Xing's strength will be stronger and he will be able to investigate key information about the alien race faster.

However, aliens also have lifespans.

The power of the Balrog in the form of awakening.

The weak divine power of the Balrog has a lifespan of ten thousand years. If it cannot break through to the medium level of divine power within ten thousand years, this alien form will not be able to continue.

"However, even if the Balrog clan has limited talent, it shouldn't be difficult to break through to become a true god..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, which saved him a lot of effort.

"Fifteen hundred years later, the Southern Barbarian Territory has been completely invaded... With my current ability, can I resolve this crisis?"

Su Xing pondered for a long time and finally came to the conclusion.

Totally unsolvable!

After all, this is still too far away from awakening, a full fifteen hundred years later!
Secondly, the level of awakening is too low... Even if we say that one of the five major human regions is going to be destroyed, no one will believe it!
In the end, Su Xing had no idea how the aliens invaded the Southern Barbarian Territory, let alone being able to stop them.

"Huh... I still have the last simulation opportunity left, so I might as well just use it!"

"Alien talent can only be used once in each simulation. What if it's in the real world?"

"Will he become an alien and unable to change back?"

Su Xing murmured.

Unexpectedly, the simulator gave him a response at this time.

[Ding, because the alien is a red mythical talent, the level is extremely high... The host can freely transform between the alien and human forms in reality, but it needs to pay a certain amount of energy source to bring out the strength of the alien in the simulation...]

After receiving the simulator's reply, Su Xing was thoughtful.

"Can you transform into a foreign race in reality? And there are no restrictions... you can even bring out the alien's cultivation in the simulation!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. It seemed like this talent was of great use!

"Yes, if there is a chance in the future, I might be able to use it in reality..."

"But for now, let's use the last simulation opportunity!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Start simulation!"

[The 140th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 831 points... The remaining number of simulations is 192. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Ice Soul Divine Body, Alien... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Ice Divine Body]: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies. It is a mutated constitution of the water divine body. It has strong sensitivity to the water element and can control ice magical powers...

"Huh? Draw another hundred divine bodies..."

Su Xing took a look and saw that this talent was of little use to him.

But if you give it to others, it's still good.

"The main task of this simulation is still to improve your cultivation!"

"The starting point of Balrog's identity will be higher, and he should be able to get more information..."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please select the target talent applied by Xi Jiayi talent...]

"I choose late blooming talent..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You went to Tianji Pavilion...]

[After that, you go to Blue Star and start preparing for the migration of the human race. 】

[In the second year, you found a piece of land near Baidi City for the Blue Star tribe and established the country of Great Xia...]

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion sent Taiyi Golden Immortal to Blue Star...]

[In the tenth year, two Taiyi returned seriously injured, and the alien race accelerated their invasion of Blue Star...]

[Next, you spent more than thirty years collecting the inheritance of Luo Tianzong scattered in various worlds of Qingyuan Domain...]

[In the 40th year, you went to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[Little Qingyun Realm has been invaded by alien races, and alien races from the True Immortal and Mysterious Immortal realms have begun to appear on the battlefield...]

[You killed the enemy on the frontline battlefield, performed bravely, and obtained a large amount of flesh and blood essence...]

[For forty years of fighting the enemy on the front line, you have stabilized the situation in Xiao Qingyun Realm and made the Tianyuan Army stronger and stronger. 】

[In the 80th year, you went to the Nine Heavens Realm and began to comprehend the Great Dao...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
"Use immersive simulation for 70 years!"

[Ding, you spent 25550 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 831 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


In the ninth heaven domain, somewhere in the secret realm of the fifth heaven.

Su Xing took out the Tao Enlightenment tea leaves and the Tao Yun treasures of various Tao Tao insights, and thought about it.

"The Avenue of Speed ​​has successfully entered the fifth realm... So what kind of avenue should we learn next?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while. The avenues he urgently needed to improve at present were the Avenue of Swords, the Avenue of Five Elements, Space, and the Avenue of Karma and Destiny...

These avenues are the most helpful for awakening, and they have all entered the fourth realm...

"If we can get Bai Di's guidance on the Way of Swords, we will make progress faster than imagined!"

"And the Five Elements Avenue can help the alien Balrog obtain higher talents..."

Su Xing finally decided to comprehend the Five Elements Avenue first!

After all, he possesses the Five Elements Holy Body and can practice the Five Elements Great Way at an extremely fast speed!
Secondly, the Five Elements Avenue includes the Avenue of Fire.

If the awakening of the Avenue of Fire enters the fifth realm, it will be more beneficial to the improvement of the Balrog's strength!
With this thought in mind, Su Xing took out various Tao Yun treasures such as the innate hibiscus branches and began to comprehend the Five Elements Great Way!

In the blink of an eye, fifty-four years have passed.

In fifty-four years, Su Xing spent three cups of enlightenment tea and one inevitable opportunity for enlightenment.

The speed of understanding the Five Elements Avenue is faster than imagined!
"Huh... The Five Elements Avenue can be regarded as the top avenue, and its difficulty is far beyond that of the Speed ​​Avenue..."

"But I didn't expect that the Five Elements Holy Body would be so helpful to the Five Elements Avenue."

"If an ordinary monk wants to comprehend the Five Elements Great Way and enter the fifth realm, it will take at least two hundred thousand years or more..."

"But with the help of Enlightenment Tea and about four immersive simulations, I can completely enter the fifth realm!"

"This efficiency is even faster than comprehending the Speedy Way!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

He has now reached the fourth level of the Five Elements Avenue...

Based on this calculation, it will take about three immersive simulations before Five Elements Avenue can completely enter the fifth realm!
"There are still sixteen years until this immersion ends... Then continue to explore the fifth heaven and get more treasures!"

Su Xing has no plans to go to the sixth heaven. There is no secret realm of treasures there.

If the awakening strength is enough to enter the seventh heaven, maybe you can go and take a look...

With this thought in mind, Su Xing spent the next sixteen years exploring the fifth heaven.


The immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

After digesting the memory, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

"It becomes more and more difficult to improve the understanding of the Great Dao... It seems that we will really have to spend a lot of simulations in the future specifically to understand the Great Dao!"

He regained consciousness and looked at the simulation panel again.

[In the 150th year, you collected a lot of useful resources and treasures in the fifth heaven. 】

[This year, you began to prepare to leave the Qingyuan Realm and go to the Tianji Realm...]

[In the 160th year, you successfully arrived at the South China Sea...]

[In the 170th year, you passed through the endless sea and successfully arrived at Baiyun Sect. 】

[For more than a hundred years, you practiced quietly in Baiyun Sect. 】

[In the blink of an eye, the time has come to the third hundred years! 】

[This year, your Qi refining cultivation has reached the third level of peak. 】

[At the same time, your physical training has also improved slightly. 】

[The scope of the spiritual realm is only one step away from the vast distance...]

[While you are waiting, Xiao Zhanlong rides the fairy boat and arrives at the Baiyun Realm. 】

[You set foot on the fairy boat and take the Bai family siblings to the Tianji Realm...]

[In the 320th year, the alien army robbed Dao and launched an offensive against Xianzhou...]

Seeing this, Su Xing felt a little nervous.

"With my current strength, it seems that the second-level god's mansion can no longer put me in danger and trigger the heart of the strong..."

"Alas, if you want to continue to trigger the heart of the strong, you must find other suitable targets..."

Su Xing thought for a while and found out that his current comprehensive strength was about the early stage of Golden Immortal.

If he uses all his means, Su Xing may be able to barely kill an alien in the early stage of Golden Immortal...

At the same time, in the hands of a strong person in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, Su Xing is also certain that he can save his own life...

"So, the most suitable medium to trigger the heart of the strong requires about the strength of the Golden Immortal in the middle to late stages..."

"If I go beyond the late Golden Immortal stage, I'm afraid I will be instantly killed and there will be no chance of triggering the Heart of the Strong!"

"If you are in the early stage of Golden Immortal, you are not qualified to trigger the heart of the strong..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, this condition is still harsh enough!
Neither one that is too strong nor one that is too weak will work...

"It seems that in this simulation, we have to find a way to find a suitable target... If it doesn't work, we can only wait until the 800th war to trigger the heart of the strong again!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. If there was no other way, he would not wait until the 800th year.

After all, if you wake up like this, you won't be able to hit your energy. If you specifically improve a certain cultivation level, your strength will be greatly affected...

"Forget it, let's see how much pressure this second-level divine mansion can put on me!"

"If it really doesn't work, we can only wait until later to find a way..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The alien army launches an offensive towards the fairy boat, and the war is about to break out...]

[Xiao Zhanlong quickly dealt with the alien first-level god, and Bai Di also took action, facing the second-level Daluo Jinxian Blood. 】

[Thousands of alien races began to attack the fairy boat...]

[In this case, you take action! 】

[The alien true god and the third-level god's residence are like a chicken and a dog in your hands, with no power to fight back. You have no reservations in this battle. 】

[This is your rare opportunity to obtain a large amount of flesh and blood essence! 】

[So, after a day of fighting, you were targeted by the alien’s second-level god! 】

[The war is about to break out! 】

[Forty-nine hundred body-protecting swords are released without any reservation. The terrifying physical power can compete with that alien second-level god! 】【This battle lasted for a full month! 】

[You used the "Void Sword Technique" sword to severely damage the foreign god's mansion, but you were also seriously injured...]

[In the end, Bai Di took action, defeated Blood II, killed the alien first-level god, and also killed your opponent with a wave of his hand...]

[You take the opportunity to take away the flesh and blood essence of this foreign race’s second-level god’s mansion... A great battle ended with the victory of the human race. 】

[However, the only pity is that you did not trigger the heart of the talented person...]

[Even so, after this war, you became famous in Jiyu, ranking 49th on the Prodigy List! 】

[The Immortal Boat sailed towards the Tianji Realm smoothly and arrived at the Tianji Realm in the 330th year. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Alas, as expected, the talent of Heart of the Strong still hasn't been triggered..."

"Next, we must find a way to find a stronger enemy!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and found that although there were many foreign races with the strength of Level 2 Divine Residence and above, they were not easy to meet.

Therefore, we must use the intelligence of Tianji Pavilion to select this opponent when performing tasks.

"Let's see if we can find a foreign race with corresponding strength..."

Su Xing felt a little nervous. If he couldn't find it, his cultivation level in this simulation would fall far behind.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 330th year, you became the elder of the outer pavilion of Tianji Pavilion, with a status comparable to that of a prefectural-level Golden Immortal elder. 】

[After becoming a prefecture-level elder, you have higher intelligence authority, and you begin to look for news about the alien’s second-level god’s mansion. 】

[In the next fifty years, you will practice, hunt aliens, and investigate intelligence. 】

[But unfortunately, there are too few foreign gods with suitable strength. 】

[Either you are too strong and you cannot survive at all, or you are not strong enough to help you trigger the heart of the strong...]

[It wasn’t until the 390th year that things took a turn for the better! 】

[This year, after countless investigations, you finally identified a foreigner with suitable strength. 】

[This is an alien whose strength is in the middle stage of the second-level God's Palace, comparable to the middle stage of the Golden Immortal in the human race...]

[For you, its strength is the most suitable! 】

[The information you have received is that this alien led an army to invade a Middle Thousand World. 】

[And Tianji Pavilion urgently needs to recruit two elders above the middle stage of Golden Immortal to go together...]

[Currently, an elder in the middle stage of Golden Immortal has been recruited, but there is still one missing. 】

[Although you are not strong enough, you still intend to take on this task. 】

[At first, Tianji Pavilion did not agree, but after waiting for several months, no new Golden Immortal took over the task, so you can only force it...]

[Three months later, you and the elder in the middle stage of Golden Immortal went to the Zhongqian World together. 】

[He is the main leader in this mission, and you are assisting...]

[In the 395th year, after arriving in that world, you witnessed the real human tragedy. 】

[The entire Zhongqian World is like a purgatory on earth! 】

[Half of hundreds of billions of living beings were slaughtered in just a few years! 】

[You and the Golden Immortal elder led a team of a thousand people. Every member of the team has strength above the Immortal Realm. 】

[You quickly contacted the local monks in this world and began to launch a counterattack. 】

[In the counterattack, the human side went very smoothly. 】

[In just a few years, you have killed nearly a thousand alien gods and obtained countless flesh and blood essences. 】

[You put all the flesh and blood essence you harvested in a special storage bag for later use. 】

[Time will soon come to the 398th year...]

[This year, you finally met the second-level alien god...]

[The Jinxian elder who led the team didn't say much, and quickly fought with the alien race, wanting to test its background. 】

[Only you, looking at the red pupils of the humanoid alien, felt suddenly startled. 】

[Intuition tells you that this second-level divine residence is not that simple! 】

[After seeing Him, your eyebrows have been tingling. This shows that this alien god is truly capable of killing you! 】

[As expected, the elder Jinxian who led the team fell into a disadvantage just after fighting against this alien second-level god. 】

[Seeing that Elder Jinxian is under great pressure, you don’t dare to hold back and join the battlefield together. 】

[In this way, an elder in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, plus you, barely managed to draw with this foreign god...]

[During the battle, you kept looking at the red pupils of the alien god, and you always felt a little familiar. 】

[These crimson pupils look a bit like the red-eyed alien race, but they are completely different! 】

[Compared to ordinary aliens, the red-eyed aliens of the same realm are slightly weaker. 】

[But the alien god’s residence in front of me is obviously stronger than ordinary aliens...]

[You will soon understand that the alien god in front of you probably has extremely high bloodline! 】

[Either the ten great imperial clans, or the rumored saint clan... definitely not the strength that a royal clan among foreign races can achieve...]

[You cooperate with Elder Jinxian to fight against this foreign god...]

[In a two-on-one situation, the battle still became intense. 】

[In the blink of an eye, one year has passed...]

[This battle lasted for a whole year! 】

[The fight between three powerful people at the level of Daluo Jinxian changed the entire Zhongqian World beyond recognition...]

[During the battle, what you find most difficult is the terrifying killing law of the Red Eye God Mansion! 】

[Those alien gods who were killed by you were able to miraculously resurrect...]

[And the law of killing makes this red-eyed god's residence stronger and stronger with each battle...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw the pupils move suddenly.

"The Law of Killing...Red Eye God's Residence!"

"The identity of this foreigner cannot be related to Hongyue!"

Su Xing suddenly remembered that he had seen Hongyue's red pupils.

According to the information obtained from Su Xing's last simulation, the foreign races are divided into different races.

According to Hongyue's strength back then, it was undoubtedly one of the most advanced races among the alien races!

Most likely, he is the patriarch of a certain holy clan or imperial clan...

And the red-eyed alien we met this time may be a member of the red moon alien race.

"Finally...I learned more clues about Red Moon..."

Su Xing murmured.

Among alien races, there is a huge gap in strength between different races!
They are both second-level divine residences, and the second-level divine residences among the Saint Clan and the Imperial Clan are like the geniuses among the Golden Immortals, with very strong combat power.

However, ordinary second-level divine residences do not have such strength...

"Oh, things are a little tricky!"

"I don't know if I can survive in the hands of this red-eyed god..."

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[As the battle continues, you feel more and more unable to hold on. If it weren’t for the Golden Immortal Elder fighting with you, I’m afraid you would have been killed by him at this time...]

[Finally, after fighting for more than a year, this red-eyed alien seems to be a little tired of it. 】

[I saw a ferocious smile on his face, followed by terrifying fluctuations...]

[The next moment, the red-eyed alien disappeared, replaced by the pair of red moons in the sky! 】

[No, that’s not the moon, but a pupil! 】

[The red pupils exude a strange aura...]

[The next moment, you feel that your vitality is rapidly diminishing... In just a short breath, your lifespan has been lost for thousands of years! 】

[And the other Golden Immortal elder is not feeling well either... Both you and him seem to be temporarily immobilized, unable to move at all. 】

[But fortunately, before going on the mission, the Golden Immortal Elder asked for a registration card...a fifteenth-level delusion-breaking spell! 】

[With the help of this talisman, the golden immortal elder managed to escape. 】

[Looking at the red moon in the sky, this elder knew that he was no match. This mission had failed! 】

[Before leaving, this Golden Immortal elder took you with him...]

[Through the void, you and the Golden Immortal Elder escaped successfully. 】

[But at this moment, your soul has been severely damaged...and finally fell into a coma! 】

In the real world, Su Xing took a breath when he saw this.

"Hiss, this Red Eye God's residence is actually so terrifying?"

"With my strength, plus a middle-stage Golden Immortal elder, I am still no match for... this red-eyed alien, I am afraid that the strength is close to that of the late Golden Immortal stage!"

After a pause, Su Xing said again:

"But fortunately, I fell into a coma... I think I escaped successfully!"

"As long as the Heart of the Strong talent can be successfully triggered this time... then the Red Eye Divine Residence will be a good opponent for triggering the Heart of the Strong!"

Su Xing hopes that the Heart of the Strong talent can be triggered smoothly.

Look at the simulation panel.

[When you wake up again, you have escaped to a small world with this Golden Immortal Elder. 】

[At this moment, your soul is injured and your longevity is lost, and the condition of this Golden Immortal elder is not much better. 】

[The first thing you do when you wake up is to check your cultivation. 】

[As expected, your strength has jumped from the peak of the third level of Xuanxian to the late stage of the fourth level of Xuanxian! 】

[The triggering of the strong heart this time will save you at least five hundred years of hard work! 】

[After successfully escaping, you and the Golden Immortal Elder recovered from your injuries in this small world. 】

[Half a year later, you escaped back to the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 401st year, return to the Tianji Realm and submit the general mission information. 】

[Because he misjudged his opponent's strength, he missed the opportunity to save a thousand worlds... and even caused his thousands of immortal disciples to never come back. 】

[The losses in this battle are undoubtedly heavy! 】

[After this battle, you stayed in the Tianji Realm to recuperate from your injuries, and occasionally gained insights into the Spiritual Realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed...]

[In the fifth hundredth year, after a hundred years of recuperation, your soul injury has long been healed. 】

[And in this year, your spiritual realm has successfully entered the realm of ten thousand feet! 】

[In the following decades, you continued to delve into the spiritual realm, and the strength of the spiritual realm also increased...]

[The 550th year, this year, your spiritual realm has reached a thousand miles! 】

[Your spiritual realm begins to merge with reality, and the scope of your cave has reached a thousand miles! 】

[At this moment, the spiritual realm is finally completely solidified! 】

[Before the spiritual realm was vast, it was still an existence of nothingness... But now, your spiritual field and cave sky are already your own spiritual realm! 】

"In this simulation, what was improved was Qi refining cultivation..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and said it was a pity.

If he continues to improve his body training skills, it may not take long for him to reach the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique...

By then, Su Xing will be truly indestructible, and his physical body will be comparable to a golden immortal!
"Sigh, but it's a great luck to be able to successfully trigger the Heart of the Strong talent... You can't ask for too much!"

"In this case, for the rest of this simulation, let's do our best to improve our Qi refining cultivation!"

Su Xing estimated that it should not be difficult to upgrade this simulation to the middle stage of the fifth level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm...

"The spiritual realm has also reached a thousand-mile range again..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[After successfully breaking through the spiritual realm, you began to focus on improving your Qi refining cultivation. 】

[With the help of Zhengyi Fu Qi Jue, your cultivation speed is far faster than that of ordinary Xuanxian. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another sixty years has passed...]

[In the 610th year, you received the order to go out on a mission. 】

[But ever since you met that red-eyed alien, your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil has sent warnings from time to time. 】

[Therefore, you do not plan to go out to take risks on missions, but continue to practice in the Tianji Realm. 】

[In this way, nearly a hundred years have passed...]

[In the 700th year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the fourth level of Xuanxian! 】

[For the past hundred years, you have been using the excuse of being seriously injured and remaining in the Tianji Realm. 】

[The Tianji Realm is safe, but it cannot hunt foreigners, so there is less fun in life. 】

[After breaking through to the fourth level of Xuanxian, you start preparing to break through to the fifth level of Xuanxian. 】

[This breakthrough lasted for sixty years! 】

[Finally, with the help of the Spirit Vein Dragon, you successfully entered the fifth level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm! 】

[After entering the fifth level of Xuanxian, the mana in your body is 30% stronger again...]

[In the 760th year, you begin to prepare the resources needed for the alien vest after encountering danger...]

[In this way, decades have passed...]

[In the 800th century, the war between the Tianji Domain and the alien races is about to break out! 】

[This time you cannot shirk, you must join this battle. 】

[The war is cruel, countless monks and immortals have fallen, the earth weeps blood, and the mountains and rivers wail...]

[But you are lucky. The war has just begun, although you have received "special care" from several second-level gods. 】

[But after your strength increased, you did not encounter too many dangers, and still survived successfully, and killed many aliens...]

[Until one day, you saw that familiar figure, the Red Eye God Mansion! 】

[There is no doubt that you are being targeted by him...]

[On the battlefield at this moment, there are no other golden immortals nearby who can come to your aid. The only one you can rely on is yourself! 】

[And you are not his opponent at all...]

[Without any hesitation, you desperately used the power of space, opened a void passage, and fled to the void...]

(The 8k chapter is still updated on time today, please give me a monthly vote, thank you~)

(End of this chapter)

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