Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 391 Incarnate as a shadow, an unexpected spy! [8k monthly ticket requested]

Chapter 391 Incarnate as a shadow, an unexpected spy! [8k monthly ticket please~]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

"Sure enough, this red-eyed alien is pestering me so much. He must have learned something from Hongyue!"

Su Xing knows that the foreign gods have their own "god domain"!
Although the Red Moon is above the Blue Star, it may be able to pass through the divine realm and convey some information to his people.

"It's really a bit tricky! The strength of this Red Eye Divine Residence is in the late Golden Immortal stage, and I can't compete with it now..."

"Alas, it seems that we must change into a foreign race in order to continue to live..."

Su Xing also didn't expect that this red-eyed alien would stare at him so closely.

It seems that the awakening feeling in the previous simulation also came from this foreign god's mansion.

"Then this simulation... why should the change be about aliens?"

Su Xing thought for a while.

There are three forms of aliens he can change into now.

The Fire Demon Clan, the Shadow Clan, and the Lemur Clan.

In this simulation, if you continue to transform into the Fire Demon Clan, the advantage is that you can continue your previous cultivation and start with low-level divine power.

The disadvantage is that the Balrog clan has limited potential...

After cultivating to the true god, the speed of cultivation will inevitably slow down...

"The Shadow Clan is one of the ten most powerful imperial clans. It should have quite a lot of authority... Perhaps, in this simulation, I can become the Shadow Clan?"

Su Xing made a quick decision in his heart and looked at the simulation panel.

[After passing through the void, you can still feel the vague threat. Obviously, this Red Eye God Mansion still has not given up chasing you. 】

[In this case, you chose to quickly escape into a small world. 】

[You came to a small world called the Dark Water Realm. This small world has been basically occupied by alien races. 】

[After arriving in this world, you quickly erased your traces and blocked the secrets. 】

[Then, you took out all the flesh and blood essence you prepared in advance and put them into several storage bags you prepared in advance. 】

[After doing all this, you activated the alien talent and chose to change into a "Shadow Clan" alien! 】


[Ding, you successfully spent 821 energy sources to activate the shadow alien. Each subsequent change requires spending 192 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are points...]

In the real world, a notification sounded in Su Xing's ears.

"Then let's see what the difference is between the so-called imperial clan and ordinary alien clans!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 810th year, you descended into the Dark Water Realm, activated your talent, and transformed into a shadow clan alien. 】

[You have changed from your original human appearance to a foreigner about two meters tall, with a dark body and a somewhat ferocious appearance. 】

[It has sharp black barbs on its body, like armor... its sharp fingertips seem to be able to cut through space. 】

[Just after transforming into a shadow clan alien, you have the strength of a heavenly king-level professional, comparable to a human Nascent Soul monk! 】

Su Xing smacked his lips when he saw this and murmured:
"Do the newly born Shadow Clan have the strength of Nascent Soul cultivators... The talents of foreign races are indeed unique!"

On the panel, a line of talent changes for the Shadow Clan appeared.

[Ding, it has been detected that you have transformed into a shadow clan alien...]

[Strength cleared from the air, soul body temporarily transformed...]

[Ding, it has been detected that most of your original talents cannot be applied, and now the transformation part is adapted to the body's talents...]

[Your talent is a late bloomer and you retain some of your abilities...]

[Xiao Qiang, who cannot be defeated by your talent, retains some of his abilities...]

[Talent and good luck, retain some abilities...]

[The talent is born with an inexhaustible pulse, retaining some abilities...]

[The acquired body of your talent has changed, and your talent understanding of the way of space, the way of shadow, and the way of speed has been greatly improved...]

[The Shadow Clan is extremely talented in the ways of speed and space. Your understanding of the ways of space and speed has been preserved to a certain extent...]

A series of prompts appeared on the panel. Su Xing looked at it carefully and nodded:

"It's similar to the previous transformation of the Balrog alien race, both retaining five talents..."

"Only the fire divine body is different, it has been replaced by the acquired Taoist body..."

"However, from the description of the text, it can be seen that the qualifications of the Shadow Clan are indeed much higher than that of the Balrog!"

When I woke up on the Blue Star, I once encountered a shadow clan.

At that time, Su Xing was assassinated by the shadow clan and almost died.

Now it seems that the Shadow Clan was probably born not long ago. If it is an adult Shadow Clan, it is not something Blue Star can fight against.

"The shadow clan form can inherit my understanding of speed and space to a great extent... which is not bad!"

Su Xing was a little curious as to how high the Shadow Clan's growth talent was.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After becoming a shadow alien, you can feel that the talent of your body is not low. Even among the shadow clan, it can be regarded as a genius level. 】

[In addition, you also have a new natural talent, Shadow Travel! 】

[Shadow shuttle allows you to jump in the shadows. Its essence is very similar to space teleportation! 】

[Even when you are just born, you already have the ability to travel through shadows and can teleport dozens of meters in the shadows. 】

[This terrifying natural talent may be one of the reasons why the Shadow Clan ranks among the Imperial Clan. 】

[It’s just that your strength is extremely low at the moment. You are already extremely exhausted after just teleporting once. 】

[After becoming a member of the Shadow Clan, you relaxed a lot, found a safer place, and began to devour the essence of flesh and blood to increase your strength. 】

[You have prepared a lot of flesh and blood essences before, from the king level to the god level, everything! 】

[These essences of flesh and blood are enough to ensure that you can smoothly survive the weak initial stage of becoming an alien...]

[Soon, ten days passed! 】

[The talent of the Shadow Clan is astonishing. In just ten days, you have devoured thousands of kilograms of Heavenly King-level flesh and blood essence, and successfully broke through to the Martial Emperor level! 】

[Ten days later, a terrifying aura suddenly appeared near you...]

[It’s the red-eyed god who is chasing you...]

[The Red Eye Divine Mansion quickly sensed your presence, but you are not worried. Not even the Great Luo Golden Immortal can discover your true identity, let alone a Golden Immortal? 】

[But after discovering your existence, Chi Tong Shen Di quickly showed a look of surprise on his face. 】

[Obviously, He recognized your race...]

[The Red Eye God Mansion came to you, and after careful inspection, it was determined that you were a newly born shadow alien...]

[There was a look of surprise on his face, and he murmured: I didn’t expect that in addition to the ancestral land, a shadow would also be born in this world. What a good luck! 】

[Having said that, Red Eyes Divine Residence has extended an invitation to you, hoping that you will join his legion...]

[After hearing this, you did not refuse and joined the army of Red Eyes God's Residence. 】

[Red Eyes Divine Residence did not pick you up immediately. He told you to grow up in this world with peace of mind. He will come to find you after you break through to the god level. 】

[You nod slightly after hearing this to express your agreement...]

[Subsequently, Chitong Divine Residence left a thought on you and left this world. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"What do these words from Chitong God's residence mean?"

"In addition to the ancestral land, a shadow was also born in this world?"

Although it was just a simple sentence, Su Xing captured a lot of information.

First of all, most of the foreign races should be born from their ancestral land!
Secondly, can alien races be born in the world of human monks?
No... maybe it means that there is a chance that a new high-level alien race will be born in the invaded world?

"So that's it. Aliens are constantly invading new worlds... Maybe there's a reason for this?"

"This news is worthy of attention..."

Invading the human world will not only increase the strength of low-level alien races, but may even give birth to new alien races!
It is precisely because of this that alien races continue to invade new worlds, like parasites... constantly absorbing nutrients from these worlds to strengthen themselves!
"However, judging from the red-eyed alien race, the Shadow Race's status among the alien races should not be low, otherwise they would not receive such attention!"

"Among alien races, there is indeed a huge gap in status among different races!"

"Then let's see how talented the Shadow Clan is!"

Su Xing wanted to see how long it would take for him to break through to the god level.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Next, you devour the essence of flesh and blood in the dark water world, and your strength continues to increase. 】

[One year later, you broke through to the legendary level. 】

[Three years later, you broke through and became an emperor-level alien...]

[In the 825th year, you successfully grew into a saint-level alien! 】

[In the 850th year, you reached the peak of the saint level and began to prepare to break through to the god level. 】

[The breakthrough from saint level to god level is very difficult. Even for you, it took a full fifty years! 】

[In the 900th century, with the help of enough flesh and blood essence, plus your deep understanding of the ways of space and speed! 】

[In this year, you successfully understood the way of shadows and were promoted to a god with powerful powers! 】

[It only took ninety years for your consciousness to be connected to the divine realm...]

[When your consciousness enters the divine realm, you will soon receive the attention of multiple consciousnesses. 】

[A new shadow god is extremely precious! 】

[Soon, a consciousness link connected to you and told you the coordinates of the "Shadow Temple"! 】

[Your consciousness passed through the divine realm and soon came to a huge and magnificent palace...]

[This Shadow Temple is much taller and more magnificent than the original Flame Demon Temple. In comparison, the Flame Demon Temple is no different from a slum...]

[After entering the Shadow Temple, you quickly felt the terrifying aura in the temple. 】

[There are about 100,000 god consciousnesses in the entire temple! 】

[However, what makes you feel horrified is that the consciousness above the god level exceeds a thousand levels! 】

[And above the throne of the temple at the top, there is a terrifying consciousness that makes it almost difficult for you to look at it! 】

[That is a god's mansion at the level of the main god! Also, the leader of the Shadow Clan! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes widened when he saw this.

"The Shadow Clan, the leader of the Imperial Clan, is already at the level of the Lord God!"

The main god level of the alien race corresponds to the human race Daluo Jinxian!

This is an existence above the first-level divine residence!

Among the foreign races, there are fully ten imperial clans!
This means that among the foreign races, there are at least ten Daluo Jinxian-level beings!
In addition, there are also so-called saints and gods among the alien races...

Among those races, are there more terrifying alien gods?

"Do the ten imperial clans alone possess such terrifying strength?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. As he continued to understand, he became more and more aware of the gap in strength between the human race and the alien race.

Whether it is low-level, mid-level or high-level combat power, the aliens are crushing them in all directions!

If this trend continues, it will be a matter of time before alien races annex three thousand worlds!

Unless, the one in Tianji Pavilion can really get a glimpse of the holy way, maybe there will be a turn for the better...

"Forget it, since you have become a god... As a member of the Shadow Clan this time, you should be able to get more useful information, right?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[Ten years later, Chitong God Residence contacted you and asked you to join his army. 】

[The legion he belongs to belongs to the third general legion and the seventh legion. 】

[The identity of Chi Tong Shen Di is the deputy leader of a large legion... There are countless gods and gods under his command! 】

[And the commander of the seventh legion is a first-level god who is comparable to Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[As a member of the Shadow Clan, after joining this legion, your status is extremely high. 】

[Except for some long-famous gods, even some real ones are very polite to you. 】

[After all, it is only a matter of time before the Shadow Clan has the potential to become a god...]

[In the next few decades, you followed the Red Eye God's Mansion and conquered all directions, hunting down many alien races. 】

[And in the process, you also found out the race of the Red Eye Divine Residence...]

[It is one of the ten imperial clans of the alien race, the Red Eye Clan! 】

[According to legend, the true body of the Red Eye Clan is a huge eye that possesses terrifying power and is responsible for killing and illusion... This naturally corresponds to the Red Moon. 】

[The Red Tong clan has a very high status among the foreign clans. Even among the ten imperial clans, they are among the top three. 】

[After joining the Seventh Legion, although you gradually gained the trust of the Red Eye God Mansion, you did not get much key information... You still don't know Hong Yue's current location. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another few decades have passed...]

[In the 1000th year, in this year, you successfully advanced to the late stage of weak divine power. With the talent of the Shadow Clan, you are enough to kill ordinary aliens with medium divine power! 】

[In just a hundred years, your strength has once again risen to a new level. This kind of talent is terrifying even among the Shadow Clan. 】

[In the 1100th year, you successfully became a god with medium divine power. 】

[In just two hundred years, the Red Eye Divine Mansion has learned that your talent is not as simple as that of the ordinary Shadow Clan. 】

[As a result, it trusts you more and more, and begins to let you lead a small army alone to cooperate with it in operations. 】

[In the 1133rd year, you received the mission to lead this small army to invade a small world. 】

[When you received this mission, you resisted in your heart...]

[As a human being, how can you lead a foreign race to invade the human world? 】

[But if you don’t accept this mission, other alien gods will lead legions to invade, and eventually this world will be destroyed. 】

[So, you chose a curveball method to save the country...]

[Before invading this small world, you obtained detailed information about this small world, including world coordinates and the configuration of the strongest people and monks in the world. 】

[The legion that invades this world this time is not the only one led by you. 】【There are three legions in total, led by three alien gods. The goal is to completely destroy the world within a hundred years. 】

[After arriving in this world, you did not invade immediately, but stayed for a few days so that the humans in the small world could ask for help...]

[Until a few days later, when other legions began to invade the world, you began to perform beheading operations. 】

[You took advantage of the shadow clan and assassinated the commanders of two legions in one day. 】

[After losing the commander-in-chief of the legion, the remaining aliens were obviously a little panicked...]

[You took the opportunity to express to the legion that there may be high-level immortals with hidden strength among the human race, and ordered the three legions to defend across the board, waiting for other alien gods to come to support...]

[Later, your consciousness was connected to the divine realm, and you reported unfavorable information about this small world. 】

[Soon, a powerful shadow tribe contacted you and said that he would provide support within ten years, so you must hold on. 】

[After receiving this news, you breathed a sigh of relief. This shows that the human race in this small world still has at least ten years to wait for help. 】

[According to your information, there are other Small Thousand Worlds near this small world...]

[As long as you buy enough time for the human race, the alien race will not have time to invade. 】

[Sure enough, a few years later, an elite team of Tianji Pavilion disciples came to this Little Thousand World. 】

[The leader of the team is an immortal...]

[The moment this human team arrived, you sensed their presence. 】

[Soon, you fought with that immortal...]

[Under your superb acting skills, you naturally retreated and escaped from this small world with the talent of the Shadow Clan...]

[The three alien legions that invaded this world were all wiped out! 】

[After escaping, you returned to the alien army in the Red Eye God's Mansion. 】

[Failure to perform a mission is an extremely serious mistake among foreign legions...]

[But as one of the top ten imperial clans, you have amazing talents, and it is impossible for other clans to directly kill you. 】

[Red Eye God Mansion just comforted you with a few words, and then asked you to return to the legion and fight with him to ensure your safety. 】

In the real world, Su Xing was thoughtful when he saw this.

"Huh? Become a spy among aliens... This is a good idea!"

"The only problem is that I can't seem to contact the human race..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and with his own power, he might be able to delay the destruction of several small worlds.

However, the general trend of alien invasion still cannot be stopped.

"Sigh, but it can also be seen that the Shadow Clan still has many advantages over the foreign races..."

“Next, let’s continue to improve our level for the next simulation!”

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After the failure of this mission, in the next hundred years, you will have two opportunities to lead the army to invade Xiaoqian World. 】

[But it is no surprise that due to the betrayal of you, the "number one traitor", these alien operations failed one after another! 】

[It is common for aliens to fail when they invade the human world. 】

[But you failed three times in a row, all the alien legions were wiped out, and you were the only one who survived... This is a bit too strange. 】

[Even so, no alien has ever suspected that you are a human spy. 】

[After all, it is impossible for the human race to plant spies among foreign races! 】

[It’s just that successive mission failures have caused you to lose the opportunity to lead the legion. 】

[You feel a little regretful about this, but you can only focus more on improving your strength. 】

[In the 1300th year, this year, you have devoured a large amount of flesh and blood essence and have reached the middle stage of medium divine power. 】

[Even for the Shadow Clan, it is extremely difficult to achieve promotion to a greater realm after the gods. 】

[In the past few years, you have followed the red-eyed aliens to invade various small worlds. Although you have been swimming all the way, you have secretly written down the information and locations of these actions one by one. 】

[In the 1400th year, your strength has reached the late stage of medium divine power...]

[The 1500th year, this year, you finally broke through to great power! 】

[Starting from the 800th year to the 1500th year, in just 700 years, you have been promoted from a king-level alien to a powerful alien with divine power! 】

[Such a terrifying speed of strength improvement quickly made the alien race realize that you are the genius of the Shadow Clan! 】

[In the 1503rd year, a second-level god of the Shadow Clan contacted you and took more care of you. Since we are both members of the Shadow Clan, he naturally hopes that the strength of the race will increase. 】

[At the same time, after being promoted to powerful divine power, you were vigorously trained by the Shadow Clan, and once again got the opportunity to lead the legion and invade the human world. 】

[This time, the mission you accept is to invade a small world of human race! 】

[This operation is led by a foreign true god, and you only need to assist...]

[According to the human race, you are a disciple of a big family, coming to the front line to join the military...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw a strange look on this face.

"Tsk, tsk, it turns out that among foreign races, there is also so-called sophistication in human nature!"

Su Xing was not surprised by this.

After all, aliens are also highly intelligent creatures, even more intelligent than humans.

Among such a race, it would be strange if there was no humane sophistication.

"Tsk, but as long as I'm here, you can't even think of invading a human world!"

In Su Xing's mind, he had already figured out how to make the operation fail again!

"However, I can write down all the information about my becoming a foreigner this time, in case it is useful in the future..."

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using an immersive simulation, lasting one day..."


Look at the simulation panel.

[After arriving in this world, aliens soon launched an attack on this world...]

[But the legion you led still paddled the whole way...]

[You even deliberately let go of a human team that was asking for help...]

[This is extremely detrimental to the alien invasion! 】

[Foreign races, after invading a small world, will usually set up a restrictive barrier to prevent the monks in the world from passing on the news. 】

[Because once the monks from other worlds know about it and successfully support it, the invasion operation will be extremely easy to fail. 】

[Sure enough, a few years later, support from the human race arrived. 】

[Because you were prepared in advance, you quickly used the talents of the shadow clan and escaped into the shadow space to avoid death. 】

[But the alien army that invaded this world would be miserable! 】

[Including the alien true god, millions of alien troops, all died tragically...]

[After this mission, you escaped back to the alien legion. Although the failure of the operation made the legion commander angry, he never doubted you. 】

[In this regard, many alien gods have privately discussed that you are the "son of luck" of the Shadow Clan, which is why you have been able to escape death many times. 】

[But in any case, after this mission, you lost the opportunity to lead the legion independently. 】

[The days just go by like this...]

[You follow the Red Eye God Mansion and occasionally perform missions. Most of the time you spend paddling, hunting foreign gods, devouring flesh and blood to strengthen yourself...]

[Time has quickly come to the 1,700th year...]

[This year, you have an opportunity to invade the Middle Thousand World. 】

[In this operation, the human monks provided timely support, and the leading monk was Xiao Zhanlong...]

【No surprise...】

[The entire legion, including you and Red Eye God Residence, was completely destroyed...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing's face twitched a few times.

"Damn it, two simulations in a row... both died at the hands of human monks!"

Su Xing was also a little helpless about this.

"Oh, but this time I simulated being a foreign race, and I finally got some useful information..."

"I have some understanding of the alien race's arrangements after a thousand years."

"It should also be possible to secretly sabotage alien operations..."

Su Xing suddenly thought of a talent that he had drawn before——

I can't be alone!

This is just a mere blue talent, but its power cannot be underestimated!
Wouldn't it be great if Su Xing used this talent on a foreign race after transforming into a foreign race?

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up...

“Perhaps we can give it a try during the next simulation!”

"But for now, let's take a look at the reward list for this simulation..."

[Ice Yuan Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Fifth Level of Xuanxian Cultivation]: Only by condensing the five qi in the chest and bringing the five qi towards the Yuan can you ascend to the position of Xuanxian! The price is 200 million energy source.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: The Thousand Miles of Spiritual Realm begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 10 energy sources.

[Great Witch Body Forging Technique]: The secret method of body refining of the ancient witch clan, cultivated to the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. After selection, the body refining cultivation level will be slightly improved. The price is 50 energy sources.

Regarding the reward selection for this simulation, Su Xing had nothing to hesitate and said silently:
"I choose to bring out the fifth level of Xuanxian cultivation and the results of spiritual realm cultivation..."

[Ding, you successfully brought out the fifth level of Xuanxian cultivation. You spent 200 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 621 points...]

[You successfully brought out the results of spiritual realm practice, spending 10 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 611 points...]

The beep fell, and two mysterious powers poured into Su Xing's body.

First of all, it is the improvement of awakening and Qi refining cultivation.

The third level of Xuanxian... the fourth level of Xuanxian... the fifth level of Xuanxian!
Su Xing's cultivation level has been improved from the early stage of Xuanxian to the middle stage of Xuanxian!

This made the mana in Su Xing's body more than twice as strong!
"Huh... the feeling of becoming stronger is really wonderful!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, and when he opened his eyes, he noticed the changes in Lingtian Cave.

The Lingtian Cave, which was originally only ten thousand feet in diameter, expanded its diameter seventeen times to a thousand miles in diameter!
The skyrocketing growth of Lingtian Cave turned the originally cramped cave into a vast world that could accommodate hundreds of millions of people.

Thousands of miles in radius, and even some demiplanes in the void, are only of this size.

"However, with the expansion of Lingtian Cave, the spiritual energy has also become much thinner!"

Su Xing felt it for a moment.

The spiritual energy in the cave has dropped from the level of the top-grade cave to the level of the blessed land.

"Huh, but the decline in the quality of the cave is not a problem... I just need to set up a few more formations and plant more spirit-gathering flowers!"

Su Xing murmured.

There are about 100,000 Spirit-Gathering Flowers in the cave now.

With the current simulation time of the awakening, hundreds of thousands of spirit-gathering flowers can be easily brought out from the Luotian Mirror by spending one simulation reward to bring out the opportunity.

By then, the spiritual quality of the cave will naturally be restored.

But the increase in the area of ​​the cave has many real benefits.

"Of course, the most important thing is that the spiritual realm enhances my strength!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and felt it a little.

"This world must have wind!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, a strong wind began to blow in the cave.

"There must be a high mountain here..."

Su Xing reached out and pointed, and on a flat ground, a mountain thousands of feet high rose.

"There must be a big river here..."

Su Xing stretched out his finger again, and a large river meandering for hundreds of miles appeared out of thin air...

In just a moment, large rivers and mountains appeared in the originally dull cave.

This kind of power... is beyond the scope of ordinary immortals!
"The spiritual realm... is really terrifying!"

"Just now, I used the five elements, the space, the cause and effect...the combination of various avenues to easily change the topography of this world!"

"If it were me before, I would never be able to do it!"

"In this spiritual realm, the power of my magical powers and avenues may be increased by nearly three times!"

Su Xing smacked his lips and realized the mystery of the spiritual realm.

"However, creating mountains and rivers out of thin air will also consume extremely terrifying mana..."

Su Xing realized that just the mountains and rivers had consumed nearly half of Su Xing's mana.

"My current spiritual realm is only a thousand miles away. If it reaches ten thousand miles in the future, how terrifying will it be after I advance to the spiritual realm?"

"Or...how can those powerful monks whose spiritual realm is comparable to a small world or even a large world be so terrifying?"

Su Xing finally realized what Bai Di said.

Within his own spiritual realm, a monk is comparable to the meaning of the words of the Creator...

After getting familiar with the power of the spiritual realm, Su Xing began to think about his next simulation plan.

"At present, the use of alien talents... seems not enough!"

"Merely investigating information eight hundred years later...is of little use to me..."

"Then, why don't you just try to transform into an alien and see what happens?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

(End of this chapter)

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