Chapter 396 Unexpected changes, the so-called Lord of the Stars!
In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The Tree of Yuanli...can we find clues only in the seventh heaven?"

This was beyond Su Xing's expectations.

After all, the seventh heaven is too dangerous!

The sixth heaven has to reach the strength of the Golden Immortal before it can enter.

As for the seventh heaven, I'm afraid you need the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm to try it out...

No matter how bad it is, you still need the strength of the Golden Immortal Peak to be able to peek into the seventh heaven, and even risk your life!

"But having said that...the Tree of Yuanli is a treasure tree of the Witch Clan in ancient times, and its fruit has become extinct in this world."

"Only in the battlefields of ancient times and the Nine Heavens Realm can we find clues, which is reasonable..."

Su Xing had already expected that the practice of the great witch's body training technique would not be so easy!

After all, this thing has been lost for a long time, and it is also a method of body refining of the Witch Clan.

It was just that Su Xing's previous training in the body-forging technique was too smooth, which made Su Xing ignore this point.

Now, if the Tree of Yuanli cannot be found, Su Xing will never be able to reach the sixth level!

"The current plan...the only way is to improve your Qi refining cultivation..."

Su Xing sighed, but placed his hope in the hearts of those with strong talents.

"If I trigger the heart of a strong person in body training, can I forcibly enter the sixth level of the Great Witch's body training technique?"

Su Xing thought for a while and shook his head slightly.

It's probably unlikely.

Even the heart of a strong person cannot produce a tree of Yuanli out of thin air to help Su Xing break into the sixth level.

"Alas... I can only improve my cultivation first, and then go to the seventh heaven to explore when I have the peak combat power of the Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing knew that with his current strength, wanting to explore the seventh heaven was no different than risking death.

Accumulating strength and exploring the seventh heaven with all your strength is the way to go!

"Therefore, Qi refining cultivation must be promoted to the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing has some desire in his heart. After entering the Golden Immortal, Su Xing's strength will definitely skyrocket!
At that time, explore the seventh heaven and obtain the Tree of Origin Power.

The realm of double golden immortals in body refining and qi refining... coupled with the awakening spiritual realm, various talents, and the blessing of Tao enlightenment.

Only when he wakes up can he have a strength infinitely close to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal...

At that time, the world was so big that it was easy to wake up!

Even the Red Moon lurking on the Blue Star and the Blood Three of the Advent Sect are still capable of fighting when they wake up!
"After the Golden Immortal, you can also go to the Heavenly Demon Prison... As the Heavenly Demon General said, I will definitely go and see what Patriarch Luo Tian left behind!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and went through the goals in his mind.

"Then, let's continue the simulation!"

"After this simulation... we will try our best to improve our Qi refining cultivation! We still need to get more energy sources!"

It is foreseeable that after awakening and entering the Golden Immortal, these mere millions of energy sources may not be enough at all.

You must accumulate more energy sources before the Golden Immortal in order to be prepared.

"Star Realm, it's time to go there!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After reaching the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art, it will be difficult for you to improve your body training strength. 】

[So, you start to put more attention on spiritual realm practice. 】

[In the 600th century, the scope of your spiritual domain has increased to 2,800 miles! 】

[The seventh hundred years, three thousand miles in the spiritual realm! 】

[In the 750th year, your Qi refining cultivation finally barely reached the sixth level of Xuanxian...]

[In the 800th century, the scope of your spiritual domain has increased to 3,300 miles! 】

[In the same year, the first war between the Tianji Domain and the alien race broke out...]

[Three years later, you were targeted by the Red Eye God Mansion. 】

[You fought with the Red Eye God's Mansion for several months, but were finally defeated. You transformed into an evil monster and went to the small thousand world in your memory. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The training mission of the first eight hundred years is completed... Then the next step is to improve the realm of the evil demon vest!"

Su Xing only felt that the Evil Demon Vest was currently the most cost-effective option.

Not only does he have a high status and great potential among the alien races, he even has the "hidden talent" of controlling the evil demon race.

More importantly, there is no need to use the energy source, which can save a lot of time for awakening.

[After transforming into the lemure vest, you were discovered by the Red Eye God Mansion and taken to the alien seventh legion to begin training. 】

[In the blink of an eye, two hundred years have passed. 】

[In the first thousand years, your strength has increased. At the same time, under your influence, the Seventh Legion suffered many setbacks in wars and its strength was greatly reduced. 】

[In the 1,200th year, you have accumulated divine power and successfully reached the middle stage of medium divine power. 】

[In the 1500th year, after a steady supply of flesh and blood essence, you have reached the late stage of medium divine power...]

[Not long after, the entire Seventh Legion invaded a vast world. You knew that it would be very unlucky to go this time, so you did not go there. 】

[In the 1600th year, the entire seventh legion was destroyed. Bai Di killed the first-level god and became famous in the three thousand worlds again. 】

[After losing the protection of the Seventh Legion, you chose to join the Fifth Legion. 】

[The strength of the fifth army is more powerful than that of the seventh army, and there are more foreign gods. 】

[But by virtue of your identity as a god and evil demon, you still achieved the position of legion commander. 】

[But before it was stable for a long time, the Fifth Army was also encircled and suppressed by the White Emperor...]

[In this battle, the entire fifth army and hundreds of millions of aliens were wiped out by the human monks led by Bai Emperor...]

【You are not immune either...】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing sighed.

"Sure enough, bad luck comes with the Evil Demon Vest!"

"Although I escaped the disaster for fifteen hundred years, I still died in the sixteenth hundred years..."

Fifteen hundred years later, the White Emperor took action and wiped out the seventh legion.

In the 1600th year, the White Emperor took action again to destroy the fifth legion!
The two consecutive attacks were only separated by a short period of a hundred years.

Su Xing seemed to read some different information...

"In the 1500th year, the Southern Barbarian Territory was completely invaded... The demon will go to the Southern Barbarian Territory to destroy the alien races!"

"And after this year, the White Emperor of the Tianji Domain became more frequent, and Da Luo Jinxian had to enter the venue in advance under this situation!"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

Logically speaking, veteran Daluo Jinxian such as Tianmojiang and Baidi should pursue the endless path!
Based on their experience and realm, although they could not be said to be indifferent to all sentient beings, the survival of monks in one world could no longer cause much disturbance in their hearts.

And these two have been fighting against the aliens, and have even given up on pursuing the path of saints!

"So... the situation of the human race, after fifteen hundred years, has it really reached the point of survival?"

Su Xing was keenly aware that the fate of the human race's Great Luo Jinxian seemed to mean the split between the two major factions!
The first type of faction may pursue the way of saints with all their strength, hoping to fight against foreigners on their own. For example, the Master of Tianji Pavilion.

The second faction, Daluo Jinxian, personally went out to prevent or delay the demise of the human race!

"Perhaps... this is a decision between Daluo Jinxian?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

"Alas, but the lemure's talent is still a bit low. This time the simulation has only reached the late stage of medium divine power... there should still be some distance between it and powerful divine power!"

Su Xing took stock.

A foreign race with medium divine power, with a lifespan of approximately 20,000 years.

And the evil demon vest of Su Xing was simulated three times before and after, which consumed about three thousand years of life.

"At least the evil demon vest won't put your life in danger..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Delusion-breaking Eyes]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Sixth Level of Xuanxian Cultivation]: Only by condensing the five qi in the chest and bringing the five qi towards the origin can you ascend to the position of Xuanxian! The price is 100 million energy sources.

[Results of spiritual realm practice]: The 13-mile spiritual realm begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is energy sources.

[Perfection of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique]: The secret method of body refining of the ancient witch clan, cultivated to the fifth level of the Perfection of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, has terrifying strength comparable to that of the Mysterious Immortal Perfection, and is priced at 150 million energy sources.

"The Delusion-Breaking Eye is good but it doesn't seem to be's just very effective when facing illusions."

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to give priority to improving his strength, so he muttered silently:

"I choose to bring out the results of the great witch's physical training... and the results of spiritual realm cultivation!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out the results of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, spending 150 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 699 points...]

[You successfully brought out the results of spiritual realm practice, spending 13 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 686 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, and the aura in his body continued to rise!
The well-proportioned muscles trembled gently on the body, vaguely revealing a faint red light.

Su Xing only felt that the physical strength that had been approaching the limit had reached a higher level at this moment!

With a full 50% strength bonus, Su Xing now has the terrifying power to truly crush the world with one punch!

The physical strength, power, and recovery ability are all improved by 50% at this moment.

Let Su Xing finally reach the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique!

There is only one step left to reach the sixth level!
"Phew...the feeling of becoming stronger is as wonderful as ever!"

Su Xing breathed out gently and felt the temporary tightness in his physical body due to the great improvement.

After getting used to the increase in strength, Su Xing carefully experienced the changes in the spiritual realm.

The spiritual realm has grown from two thousand miles to three thousand three hundred miles!
Awakening is one step closer to the Wanli Spiritual Realm... only two-thirds of the distance is left.

"The great witch's body training has entered the fifth level of perfection... with a strength that is finally very close to the late Golden Immortal stage!"

Su Xing moved his body a little, and his muscles and bones made an explosive sound.

After a while, Su Xing adapted to the physical body after the surge in strength and began to plan for the next step.

"Right now, I still have more than six million energy sources in my hands..."

"If you save money, it will be enough for two simulations."

"But the number of simulations is gone..."

"What's more important is that the Tree of Yuanli... can only be found in the seventh heaven!"

"My current strength is not enough to enter the seventh heaven..."

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and began to plan step by step.

"First of all, the source of energy is definitely not enough... Regardless of whether I can find the Tree of Yuanli, even if I find it, my current source of energy is not enough to break into the sixth level!"

"In addition, with the improvement of cultivation level in the Golden Immortal stage, the source of energy is also far away..."

The current source of energy for Su Xing mainly comes from the stable supply of Little Qingyun Realm and Blue Star.

Three million energy sources a month are available... but they are not enough.

Therefore, we must go to further worlds to get more resources.

Su Xing’s current goal is the star realm!

The Star Realm is relatively close to the Yellow Sand Realm. With Xing Xing's current speed, he can reach it successfully in about twenty days.

And star stones are an excellent source of energy.

All that Su Xing needs to pay for is the Little Zhou Tian Star Observation Technique that he has already comprehended, which has no impact on Su Xing at all.

It’s equivalent to using the Star Stone for free!

"So, we have to go to the Star Realm... to trade!"

Su Xing murmured, looking towards the endless void.

Thinking of this, Su Xing no longer hesitated, casually tore open a crack in space, and stepped into the void.

Then he drove the star sun and moon shuttle and headed towards the star world...


In the blink of an eye, twenty days passed.

Time soon came to June 2026, 6.

Su Xing looked at an earth-yellow planet in the distance and was in no hurry to enter.

According to previous simulations, star realm monks are extremely xenophobic and are good at divination.

Su Xing first disguised himself and calmed down, transforming himself into the costume of an indigenous monk in the Star Realm, and then shielded his own secrets before entering the Star Realm.


One day later, the largest tribe in the star world, the Ziwei tribe. A man with a strong build and strange clothes was wandering around the tribal market.

The fairy boats flying in the sky and the skyscrapers built with strange materials all show the cultivation civilization of the tribes in the star world.

Most of the monks walking on the road are strong and strong.

The average height of male cultivators is over two meters, while that of female cultivators is over 1.8 meters.

And most of them are strong and strong, and they also practice physical training.

Su Xing casually walked into a chamber of commerce, ready to learn about the value and market situation of star stones.

"This fellow Taoist seems a little unfamiliar?"

The shopkeeper, who had sallow skin and a strong body, looked at Su Xing, then stepped forward and asked in the dialect of the star world.

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and replied in the language of the star world:
"I came from the Firefly Tribe and wanted to collect a batch of star stones..."

The relationship between the major tribes in the Star Realm is delicate.

Su Xing knew that the Yinghuo tribe was dependent on the Ziwei tribe, so in order to cause unnecessary trouble, he had to temporarily conceal his identity.

After hearing Su Xing's explanation, the shopkeeper felt relieved and said:

“I don’t know what quality star stone you want to buy, and how much do you want to buy?”

"The prices in our store are fair and honest. Low-grade star stones are sold for 1 high-grade spiritual stones, or equivalent items can be exchanged..."

"The mid-grade star stone is priced at 1 high-grade spiritual stones... As for the high-grade star stone, the price is 10 high-grade spiritual stones."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, knowing the price of the star stone.

"Then let's get ten of each of the upper, middle and lower grades of star stones!"

Su Xing said, throwing over a storage bag.

After hearing this, the shopkeeper suddenly beamed with joy. Ten high-grade star stones were considered a big order!

Soon, dozens of stones of different sizes appeared in Su Xing's hand.

Su Xing's heart moved and he tried to absorb these stones.

[Ding, a small amount of energy source material has been detected, worth a total of 1665 energy source points...]

Su Xing heard the beep of the simulator and nodded slightly.

The value of the star stone is the same as what I learned before waking up.

A high-grade star stone is worth 150 points of energy source.

The middle grade has fifteen points of energy for the lower grade, it has 1.5 points of energy source.

If he bought it with spirit stones, Su Xing would definitely suffer a huge loss.

But as long as Xiao Zhoutian stargazing method is given, Su Xing can easily own hundreds of thousands of star stones!
This is also the purpose of waking up in this world.

After Su Xing determined the value of the Star Stone, he left Fangshi.

When it got dark, Su Xing took a step forward and appeared in the largest palace of the Ziwei tribe.

This palace is where the leader of the Ziwei tribe and the astrologer rest.

Su Xing did not deliberately cover up his own aura.

As soon as he entered the palace, an old voice reached Su Xing's ears.

"Who dares to break into the divination temple of my Ziwei tribe?"

As he spoke, an old man wearing a star-striped robe, with a wrinkled face and gray hair appeared, a few feet away from the awakening.

Su Xing had no ink marks and just said:
"Your Excellency Xing Slave, I am here... to make a deal with you, or the entire Star Realm!"

Su Xing knew the identity of the old man in front of him.

The most powerful person in the star world, a monk who has reached the peak of true immortality!

He has lived for tens of thousands of years...even his lifespan is running out.

And this astrologer named "Star Slave" is also one of the most prestigious people in the entire star world.

The goal of waking up is naturally to take out the Little Zhoutian Star Observation Method and then trade with the entire star world.

While gaining a large amount of energy source, awakening can also gain a lot of goodwill.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the star slave frowned slightly and said:

"Hmph, your Excellency, you have such a loud tone?"

"Not only did you break into my Ziwei Temple without permission...but you also said you wanted to trade with the entire star world. Who do you think you are, the Lord of the Stars?"

"I want to try it. How many pounds do you have?"

As he spoke, the star slave stepped slightly with his left foot, and a huge hole was sunk into the ground.

The old man clenched his fist with his left hand and struck towards the awakening door at a terrifying speed.

Even if he is an astrologer, he is good at magical powers...

But the star witch bloodline passed down from ancient times in the star world still gives him terrifying physical power.

His physical training is no less than that of a true immortal at his peak...

Facing such a menacing blow, an ordinary true immortal would probably be severely injured.

But Su Xing just stretched out a finger and tapped the old man's fist.

The next moment, the old man's expression changed drastically. He took dozens of steps back and barely managed to stabilize his body, but his back was soaked with sweat.

"You...who are you?"

Old man Xingnu's face changed drastically, he gasped violently, and broke into cold sweat all over his body.

Just that blow just now, he felt like a mayfly shaking a big tree.

After hearing this, Su Xing just smiled softly and said:

"I said, I came here to trade with the Star Realm..."

Before he finished speaking, Su Xing seemed to feel something. Through the glazed roof of the temple, he looked at the shining point of light in the void.

"Ha, the old man went a little too far..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, then flicked his fingers, and nothing happened.

At the same time, the smile on Old Man Xingnu's face, who was waiting quietly, gradually froze, and finally burst into disbelief.

"No, that's impossible!"

"Who are you? Why are you the all-powerful star guide of my tribe in the star world!"

"Even...the ability to control the stars is actually better than me!"

When old man Xingnu said these words, his voice was already trembling.

When it comes to physical strength, this old star slave is not the number one in the star world.

After all, he is already old and frail, and his vitality and blood are greatly reduced. Some mature monks in the late stage of True Immortal may be able to defeat him.

But if compared to Wanxiang Xingyin, the top method in the star world, the old man Xing Slave is definitely the number one!

With this magical power alone, this old man is even sure to threaten a monk who has just entered Xuanxian!

But now, Su Xing defeated him in a way that he could not imagine!
With just a slight movement or a look, the old man's control over Stardust was broken silently!
He has never experienced anything like this!
Seeing the old man's shocked look, Su Xing remained unhurried and just said:

"The all-encompassing star guide is passed down from the ancient star witch clan. It is the innate magical power of the star witch clan's bloodline... It can also be achieved by practicing the Great Witch Duan Tijue!"

"The Star Witch Clan, the descendants of the Star Witch of the twelve ancient ancestral witches... Because of the conflicts between the Star Witch and other ancestral witches, they respected the hometown of the witch clan and came to the lower world..."

Su Xing's two casual words shocked the old man.

Every word Su Xing said just now is the biggest secret to the entire star world!

Even he, the highest-ranking and oldest monk in the Star Realm, could only glean a few words from the ancient books handed down from his ancestors, but not as detailed as Su Xing's.

"Who...are you? Why do you know so clearly?"

The old man looked at Su Xing differently, and he had a vague guess in his mind.

Seeing this, Su Xing no longer pretended to be ignorant, took out a jade slip and said:
"It doesn't matter who I am...I'm here to trade!"

"To show your sincerity, please see if you are interested in this thing!"

Su Xing said, casually throwing the jade slip in his hand over.

The old man was unambiguous when he saw this, took the jade slip directly, and used his spiritual sense to spy on it.

But just this peek caused the old man's expression to change dramatically in just a few moments!
At first, it was doubtful...

Then there was solemnity...and then shock!
In the end, the oldest and most prestigious astrologer in the star world, the leader of the Ziwei clan, burst into tears!

" could you come back?"

"The art of stargazing...the most precious treasure of our Star Witch clan! Why is it coming back again!"

"Could it be...that God took pity on our Star Witch clan? It gave us a chance to make up for our mistakes again!?"

As the old man spoke, he began to burst into tears. He still looked like he was in a high position.

After confirming again and again, the Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Technique in his hand was indeed an ancestral inheritance of the Star Witch Clan.

The old man began to look at Su Xing carefully.

Vaguely, the old man seemed to feel an extremely familiar and friendly atmosphere in his almost perfect body.

This is how the descendants of the witch clan feel about the body of the ancestral witch!
Furthermore, the old man seemed to sense the endless starry sky from his awakening eyes.

In the end, the old man's face changed drastically, as if he had thought of something.

"You...are you the rumored Lord of the Stars?"

"The Lord of the finally here! Do you long we have been waiting?"

As he spoke, the old man knelt down directly in front of Su Xing, with his hands on the ground, as if he was worshiping something.

Su Xing frowned slightly, took half a step back calmly, and was about to say something.

But he saw the old man excitedly saying:

"Yes, it must be!"

"The Lord of the Stars must have returned..."

"If you are not the Lord of the Stars, how can you cut off my all-powerful star guide with a wave of your hand?"

"There is also this vague feeling in the blood...the sea of ​​stars in the eyes, and even the faint suppression, it must be the return of the Lord of the Stars!"

The old man kept mumbling to himself, looking vaguely crazy.

When Su Xing saw him, he was afraid that something might happen to the old man, so he flicked his finger and shot a heart-clearing spell into the old man's heart.

The old man just woke up from his gradual madness.

At this time, Su Xing said:

"I don't know, what is the Lord of the Stars you are talking about?"

"Maybe I'm not the Lord of the Stars you said!"

Su Xing recalled it, and it seemed that this so-called Lord of the Stars had never appeared in previous simulations.

It is still uncertain whether the Lord of the Stars will wake up sometimes...

What if the Lord of the Stars takes on the task of leading the star world to glory? Wouldn't Awakening suffer a big loss?
But no matter how Su Xing explained it, the old man refused to listen and kept identifying it. Su Xing was the so-called Lord of the Stars!

Su Xing explained for a long time. After seeing that the old man refused to listen, he changed his mind and asked again:
"What does the Lord of the Stars you said need to do? Is there any benefit?"

Su Xing's question was so straightforward that the old man was stunned for a while.

After a long time, the old man shook his head slightly and said:
"Lord of the don't have to do anything!"

"Because you are the only one on the Ancestral Star who is supreme... and also the hope of our Star Witch descendants!"

"You don't have to do anything... being able to follow you is already the greatest honor for us descendants of the Star Witch and the thousands of tribes in the Star Realm!"

"I only hope that after you restore your supreme identity, you can lead us back to our clan star..."

After a pause, the old man continued:
"As for the benefits you mentioned... please calm down the Lord of the Stars, we can't give you any benefits..."

"After all, the entire star world... thousands of tribes are your servants... How can a servant benefit his master?"

Su Xing was originally very disappointed when he heard the first half.

If there is no benefit, why should Su Xing bear the responsibility of being the so-called Lord of the Stars?

But after hearing the second half...

Su Xing was stunned!
Does the entire star world belong to the Lord of Stars?
I felt a little dazed for a while after waking up...

Although he is a major Xuanxian cultivator, Su Xing has always been considered a lonely casual cultivator. Compared with ordinary Xuanxian cultivators, his status is far behind!
But now, Su Xing has become the Lord of the Stars!

The entire star world is awake!
This is the true master of one realm!

Star Realm... This is a powerful world comparable to the Middle Thousand Worlds!

In the entire world, there are several true immortals... dozens of heavenly immortals... and tens of thousands of people above immortals!
Moreover, all the monks in the Star Realm have the blood of the Witch Clan and have cultivated bodies, so their combat power is even more powerful.

Coupled with the star stones produced by the entire star world...

Thinking of this, Su Xing sighed, nodded slightly, looked at the long starry sky at a 45-degree angle, and let out a long sigh:
"Alas~ I can no longer hide my identity after all!"

"That's right...I am the Lord of the Stars as rumored!"

(End of this chapter)

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