Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 397: Conquer the star world, condensed with three flowers on top!

Chapter 397: Conquer the star world, the three flowers condense on top!

When Su Xing said this, he spoke righteously.

There was no hint of lies at all.

Coupled with the blessing of the talent of "Master of Deception", Xing Slave no longer has any doubts at this moment.

I saw that he was already in tears and started to tremble when he spoke excitedly. Finally, Xiang Xingxing knelt down in the tunnel and said:

"You, you finally admit your identity... This old slave has been waiting for this day for 40,000 years!"

"This lineage of old slaves has been waiting for the return of the Lord of the Stars since thirty-seven generations ago..."

"After three million years... now the wish of the entire Star Witch descendants has finally come true in my hands!"

Su Xing listened to Xing Nu's words with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The Star Realm lineage has been waiting for the Lord of the Stars for three million years?
Maybe... after the Star Witch clan moved to the Star Realm, they started waiting?

Su Xing just thought about it for a moment. He was not interested in the history and inheritance of the Star Witch clan.

Right now, he only focuses on how much benefit he can get from the Star Witch Clan! ?

Thinking of this, Su Xing said to Xing Nu:
"Ahem, actually this time I return to the star realm..."

"In addition to bringing you little Zhou Tian's stargazing method, I also need you to help me with something!"

"I need star stones, the more the better!"

After Xing Nu heard Su Xing's words, he naturally agreed respectfully and said:
"Lord Lord of the Stars... the entire star world belongs to you. You can naturally have as many star stones as you want..."


"Star stones are condensed from meteorites from outside the sky. They are rare in number... even there are not many in the entire star world!"

"If I were the only one from the Ziwei tribe, I'm afraid that with all the efforts of the tribe, we would only be able to gather thousands of star stones..."

"And if we summon all the star realm tribes, we may be able to provide you with enough star stones!"

Speaking of this, Xing Nu said more respectfully:
"I beg the Lord of the Stars to order the start of the Star Conference..."

"Invite all tribes in the Star Realm to attend the meeting..."

"The entire star world has been divided for too long...it's time to unify!"

Su Xing fell into thinking after hearing Xing Nu's words.

Obviously, the unified star world will bring greater help to Su Xing!
There are thousands of tribes in the Star Realm. If they are divided, a single tribe will bring little help to the awakening.

But if we can gather the power of the entire star world, Su Xing will have terrifying help and resources.

As for the various tribes in the star world, will they submit like star slaves...

Su Xing is not worried.

Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method is regarded as a bible by every tribe!

If they want to practice cultivation, they must worship Su Xing as their master.

In addition, Su Xing has the talent of "Master of Success", and his own strength is even more powerful.

Under the premise of having candied dates in one hand and a big stick in the other, Su Xing did not believe that those tribes in the Star Realm would not submit.

Thinking this, Su Xing nodded slightly:
"If that's the case, then I'll leave the matter of the Star Conference to you?"

"About how long will it take?"

After hearing this, Xing Nu thought for a moment and said:

"The various tribes in the Star Realm are far apart... and they fight on their own."

"Even if I gather the tribes together in the name of the Lord of the Stars, it will take a lot of time..."

"However, in as long as one year or as short as half a year, most of the tribes will be here!"

"The Star Conference lasted for three years... After I informed the whole world, tribes came one after another..."

After a pause, Xingnu said with some confidence:
"I dare not say anything else, but those tribes that are attached to my Ziwei tribe will definitely come over as quickly as possible..."

After Su Xing heard Xing Nu's description, he gradually clarified his thoughts.

The general meaning is that in the next year, which may be as long as one year, or as short as half a year, these tribes will come one after another.

To wake up, you just need to wait quietly for the Star Stone to be collected!
Even so, Su Xing still said:
"I have great use for the star stones. The faster you get there, the better... Collect as many star stones as possible for me!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Xing Nu was unambiguous and said directly:

"Lord of the Stars...I am giving an order right now to collect all the star stones in the Ziwei tribe and give them all to you!"

With that said, the Star Slave first arranged a place for Su Xing to live, and then ordered the collection of star stones, and ordered the major tribes to convene a star conference!


Su woke up and arrived at his temporary residence, turned around and entered Lingtian Cave, opened the simulation panel, and prepared to start a new round of simulation.

A full three weeks have passed since the last simulation.

Now Su Xing has accumulated three more simulation times in his hands!

With the addition of more than six million energy sources, Su Xing is ready to improve his cultivation level first.

By the way, let’s see if anything unexpected happens at the Star Conference...

Thinking this, Su Xing opened the simulation panel and said silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 144th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 686 points... The remaining number of simulations is 9207. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Immortality... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Immortality]: Golden talent, you are born with the ability to live forever, and your lifespan is ten times that of monks in the same realm.

"Huh? Ten times life span, immortality!?"

Su Xing blinked, this was undoubtedly a king-level talent!

The longevity is ten times that of monks in the same realm, which means that when you wake up in the Golden Immortal realm, you can have tens of millions of years of longevity!
Comparable to Taiyi Golden Immortal!

If ordinary monks get this talent, they don't have to worry about lifespan at all, they can live until the end of time.

With enough longevity, you can build up your cultivation and magical powers... until you become the overlord of the Three Thousand Worlds!
However, Shouyuan no longer has much effect on awakening!

Now that Su Xing has a life span of more than 500,000 years, every simulation cannot be used up...

"Tsk, tsk, it's a pity... This immortality talent can't be used for the time being, but it is definitely a bug-level talent. It will definitely be useful in the future!"

Su Xing murmured, the most important thing for him right now is the improvement of his strength!

"Now, my body training has reached the fifth level of perfection... I wonder if I can break into the sixth level with the help of the heart of a strong man without the Tree of Yuanli?"

"If you can't, you can only do your best to improve your Qi refining skills!"

Su Xing thought so.

"There is also the unfolding of the Star Conference, which also needs attention..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the talent blessed by Xijiayi...]

"I choose to bless late bloomers..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You left Lingtian Cave and waited quietly in the Ziwei tribe. 】

[One day later, the Star Slave found you and presented you with various quality star stones, a total of more than 8,000...]

[These star stones are already in stock in the entire Ziwei tribe. 】

[Next, you waited quietly in the Ziwei tribe for a month. 】

[Within one month, one hundred and seventy-two tribes came to participate in the Star Conference and presented more than 100,000 star stones. 】

[You have been in the Star Realm for half a year. 】

[In the past six months, a total of more than 1,700 tribes participated in the Star Conference, and a total of more than 600,000 star stones were presented. 】

[Half a year later, you left the Star Realm and went to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In Xiao Qingyun Realm, you reported the news above Blue Star...]

[Afterwards, you are going to return to Blue Star to bring out the human race. 】

[However, as soon as you got close to Blue Star, you felt a stinging pain in your eyebrows, and the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil sent a crazy warning...]

[You do some calculations and realize that if you continue to go to Blue Star, you may be in danger of life or death. 】

[You understood instantly, I am afraid that Blood II has come to Blue Star to ambush you...]

[In this case, you cannot take risks and have to temporarily return to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"Calculating the time, will Blood II arrive at Blue Star in more than seven months at the latest?"

"The time left for me is running out!"

In seven months, the awakening will be followed by more than 20 simulations at most.

Can he possess the strength comparable to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal during these more than twenty simulations? Only then can Su Xing be able to protect himself from the blood!
"And seven months is still the latest time... It stands to reason that reaching the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal within half a year is a little more guaranteed."

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a sense of urgency in his heart!
"No, I can't stay in the Star Realm for too long... In a month at most, I will leave this world and return to the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing made some estimates and found that one hundred thousand star stones were obtained within a month, which was not too little.

Just because the quality of star stones is different, it is still uncertain how much energy source they can bring.

But what is certain is that after eating this wave, Su Xing will have to go back.

After all, this trip took longer than before!
"Judging from the simulation, it seems that only about a quarter of the major tribes in the Star World will be able to participate in the Star Conference within half a year."

"Taking into account the distance factor...more than half of the people who will attend the Star Conference within a year should eventually..."

"In three years, maybe two-thirds?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while.

After millions of years, there are still close to two-thirds of the monks in the entire star world who are willing to recognize him as the Lord of the Stars, which is considered very good.

"But there is still a long way to go before we can completely conquer the Star Realm!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and if he wanted to completely restore the Star Realm, he might need to induce him with benefits.

Just relying on the title of Lord of the Stars may not be enough!

"In that case, let's get a big vote!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

However, the simulation must continue for now, and the improvement of cultivation needs to be accelerated.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion sent two Taiyi Golden Immortals to Blue Star to investigate. 】

[You followed the two Taiyi Golden Immortals and successfully transferred the Blue Star human race into the spiritual realm. 】

[The battle between the four Taiyi Golden Immortals is not something you can participate in, so you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the next five years, you will go to Qingyun Sect and trade Enlightenment Tea. 】

[In the tenth year, two Taiyi Golden Immortals returned seriously injured...]

[You spent the next thirty years collecting Luotian Sect inheritance. 】

[After doing all this, you did not choose to stay in Qingyuan Domain, but went to Tianji Domain! 】

[In the fiftieth year, you arrived at the South China Sea. 】

[In the sixtyth year, you successfully passed through the endless sea and arrived at the Tianji Realm. 】

[After arriving in the Baiyun Realm, you practice in this realm. 】

[There is no way to make progress in your physical cultivation. You can only spend more time on improving your Qi cultivation and learning in the spiritual realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, two hundred and forty years have passed...]

【The time will soon come to the third hundredth year! 】

[This year, your cultivation finally reached the late stage of the fifth level of Xuanxian. 】

[The scope of the spiritual realm has also expanded to 3,800 miles...]

[You successfully boarded the fairy boat sent by Tianji Pavilion and headed to Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 320th year, the immortal boat was robbed by aliens. 】

[You killed nearly a thousand foreign gods, and it took you half a month to kill a second-level god with your own hands. 】

[Next, the fairy boat sailed smoothly towards the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[Because you actively fought against foreigners and gained the favor of Bai Emperor, Bai Emperor decided to take time to teach you your swordsmanship. 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

“It seems that we made the right move by not using immersive simulation in advance this time!”

"If Bai Di personally gives guidance and cooperates with the Enlightenment Tea... the swordsmanship training speed will definitely be much faster!"

"Entering the fifth realm of swordsmanship is no longer a dream!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing silently said:

"Use immersive simulation for 70 years!"

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 684 points...]

After the beep falls, wake up and enter the simulated world.


Tianji Realm, somewhere on the top of a mountain.

Su Xing looked at the figure in white clothes and holding a wooden sword in front of him.

"So, are you ready...to ask me for swordsmanship?"

"But I promised you in advance...I won't take any disciples, I'm just going to give you some guidance!"

Bai Di said lazily while fidgeting with the wooden sword in his hand.

Su Xing nodded after hearing this. Bai Di was very good at being able to give pointers.

"Then are you ready?" Bai Di looked at Su Xing and asked. This Daluo Jinxian really admires this young man Su Xing from the bottom of his heart.

Not only is he highly talented and kind-hearted, he is also handsome!
If it weren't for this, Emperor Bai wouldn't be willing to give personal guidance.

I don’t know how many Taiyi Golden Immortals dreamed of teaching Bai Di such a move, but they couldn’t help it.

Su Xing also knew how valuable this advice was, so he took out a cup of enlightenment tea that had been brewed in advance, took a sip, and felt that his understanding had greatly improved.

"Senior, then I will start practicing my sword skills..."

As Su Xing was talking, Bai Di's eyes widened.

"Enlightenment tea? Damn it, why do you have such a good thing?"

Bai Di swallowed his saliva. He still looked like the Great Luo Jinxian, the best swordsman in the world.

A treasure like Enlightenment Tea is a rare thing even for Daluo Jinxian.

Not only because it greatly improves the speed of comprehension, but also because this tea... is bitter at first and then sweet, with endless aftertaste!

But Bai Di was only slightly envious.

With his status as a great Luo Jinxian, he would not snatch Su Xing's cup of enlightenment tea.

So, Su Xing began to demonstrate his sword skills.

From the simplest sword moves, to the swordsmanship of the three talents of heaven, earth and man... to the sword energy honed by awakening and killing tens of thousands of aliens, leveling mountains after mountains.

From the body-protecting sword... to the Void Sword, and then to the awakening "Safe Sword Intent", they were all vividly displayed in front of Bai Di.

Although Bai Di is superb in swordsmanship, he doesn't have the airs of a Daluo Jinxian.

Bai Di taught Su Xing swordsmanship, not simply instilling his own swordsmanship into Su Xing.

On the contrary, it is more like a kind of communication...

Use his thousands of years of experience to teach Su Xing and help him go further in the way of swordsmanship.

The whole process of waking up was extremely easy.

Su Xing was deeply touched by the sparks of inspiration brought about by the accidental collision of swordsmanship between the two sides.

In addition, after Su Xing drank the enlightenment tea, his understanding was greatly improved. With the innate sword body, Su Xing was able to draw inferences from one instance and easily understand Bai Emperor's instructions.


Time flies in the blink of an eye, and seventy years have passed.

In the past seventy years, Su Xing did not discuss swordsmanship with Bai Di every day.

Most of the time, Su Xing studies alone.

But when encountering some doubts, Su Xing would always go to Bai Di and ask for advice.

Under this circumstance, the awakening swordsmanship perception improved rapidly.

In just seventy years, Su Xing went from the beginning of the fourth level of swordsmanship to the fourth level of mastery!

On this day, Su Xing counted with his fingers and realized that the immersive simulation was almost over.

So I wanted to ask Bai Di some questions in his mind.

"Senior Baidi, may I ask how far your swordsmanship has reached?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Di smiled and said:

"The great avenues of the world are divided into eight realms... The eighth realm is when the great avenue enters the body and becomes a saint through the Tao... Immortals who can reach the eighth realm can already be called saints!"

"And I am just Daluo Jinxian. What level do you think I am?"

When Su Xing heard Bai Di's words, he understood what Bai Di meant.

The world is so vast, only Daluo Jinxian can become a saint by entering the eighth realm of a certain avenue!

And under the saint, the seventh realm is...the great road has been completed!
As the number one sword cultivator in the Three Thousand Worlds, Bai Di should have reached the pinnacle of the seventh realm of the Great Dao...

But it hasn’t reached the eighth realm yet!

"Bai Di, the best swordsman in the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing was very emotional and thought to himself.

When Bai Di saw Su Xing's expression, he knew that Su Xing understood what he meant.

But when he saw that Su Xing was silent, he thought that because Su Xing knew that his realm was too high, his Taoism was damaged.

So he comforted:
"Ahem, you are still young now!"

"When I was in your grade, my swordsmanship was not as good as yours!"

"Now that you have reached the fourth level of swordsmanship... you are not far from the fifth level!"

"With your age and talent, how many people are there in the world?"

Bai Di didn't know Su Xing's actual age, but assumed that Su Xing was no more than 100,000 years old.

After Su Xing heard Bai Emperor's words, he didn't explain much. He just bowed solemnly to Bai Emperor and said:

"Senior Baidi, thank you for your guidance these days... In the future, I will drive out the alien races and restore stability to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Bai Di rolled his eyes and said:

"Hey, good boy... your tone is quite good!"

"I don't even dare to say that I can expel alien races..."

Su Xing didn't say much after hearing this.

He is different after all!

Every simulation is a new opportunity!

If it doesn’t work once, do it ten times; if it doesn’t work ten times, do it a hundred, a thousand, or ten thousand times!
As long as there are enough awakening simulations, what do the aliens have to fear?

When the immersive simulation ends, the awakening consciousness returns to reality.

After digesting the memory first, Su Xing felt the sudden increase in his understanding of the way of the sword, and nodded with satisfaction.

"At this rate, the next immersive simulation... may be able to enter the fifth realm of swordsmanship in one go!"

"This speed is much faster than I imagined!"

Su Xing deeply understood the difference between someone's guidance and his own research.

Although Su Xing possesses an innate sword body, he is extremely talented in the art of swordsmanship.

But with the blessing of the Five Elements Holy Body, it is obvious that one has higher qualifications in the Five Elements Path.

Even so, it took three semi-immersive simulations for Su Xing to barely reach the fifth realm of the Five Elements!

But now, under Bai Di's guidance, he has completed the leap from the beginning of the fourth realm to the completion of the fourth realm in just one awakening!

"Yes, this immersive simulation is definitely worth it!"

"It seems that we can no longer do it behind closed doors in the future. If there is a chance, we should ask for more advice!"

Su Xing counted the time, and the seventy-year immersive simulation was over.

Then it’s the 400th year.

This year, Su Xing will go on a mission to find the Red Eye God's Mansion.

"I wonder if the triggering of the strong heart this time will allow me to further my body training?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with a little anticipation.

[In the fourth hundred years, you will follow an elder in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Stage to annihilate the red-eyed alien race. 】

[With your current strength, plus a middle-stage Golden Immortal elder, facing the Red Eye Divine Residence, even if you lose, the threat of death is not great. 】

[Sure enough, just as you guessed, the Red Eye God Mansion’s methods are weird and unpredictable, even if the war lasts for a year. 】

[In the end, you were seriously injured at the hands of Chi Tong Shen Di, although part of the reason was because you wanted to protect the elder in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal Stage. 】

[This battle was a narrow defeat. With the help of the Golden Immortal Elder, you escaped smoothly. 】

[The two of you escaped back to Tianji Realm and began to nurse your injuries. 】

[After a month of recuperation, your injury has recovered smoothly...]

[At the same time, your cultivation level also surged, breaking through to the middle stage of the sixth level of Xuanxian! 】

[Crossing almost an entire small realm has increased your mana by nearly 30%. 】

[Although your Qi refining cultivation has been successfully achieved, you still have some regrets in your heart. 】

[Next, you will focus more on improving your Qi refining skills...]

In the real world, Su Xing sighed when he saw this.

"The heart of a strong man, doesn't he strengthen his physical training?"

"Perhaps, without the Tree of Yuanli, it would be impossible to continue to improve the body training level?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and no longer placed his hope on the strong.

Perhaps the best choice would be to go to the seventh heaven and look for the Tree of Yuanli after reaching the level of Golden Immortal in Qi refining!

"Then in this simulation, try to improve your Qi refining cultivation to the seventh level as much as possible!"

The sixth level and seventh level of Xuanxian are the difference between the middle and late stages of Xuanxian.

The difference is not small.

Once a breakthrough is made, the awakening mana will probably be more than twice as powerful!
By then, Su Xing will truly have the strength to challenge the late Golden Immortal on his own!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with anticipation.

[After breaking through to the middle stage of the sixth level of Xuanxian, you should practice Zhengyi Qi Jue every day, day and night. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed. 】

[The fifth hundredth year, this year your spiritual domain range will be increased to 4,200 feet! 】

[Because the improvement of Qi refining cultivation does not require the supply of flesh and blood essence, you are only performing the most basic tasks and spend more time on cultivation. 】

[In the 580th year, your cultivation finally broke through to the late stage of the sixth level of Xuanxian. 】

[In the 700th century, the scope of your spiritual domain has been increased to 4,800 feet! 】

[In the 760th year, after a decade of practice, your cultivation has finally reached the peak of the sixth level of Xuanxian! 】

[At this moment, you are only one step away from the seventh level of Xuanxian...]

[You didn’t hesitate at all and put all your energy into sprinting to the seventh level of the Mysterious Immortal! 】

[Practice takes no time, thirty years pass in the blink of an eye...]

[On this day, you felt something in your heart and looked at the spiritual dragon not far away. 】

[The spirit dragon seems to have sensed what you are thinking. It opens its mouth and spits out a large ball of pure spiritual energy. 】

[After spitting out this breath of spiritual energy, the Spiritual Vein Dragon slumped a lot and quickly fell into a deep sleep. 】

[And you, with the blessing of this spiritual energy, launch the final sprint to the seventh level of Xuanxian! 】

[In the blink of an eye, seven days have passed! 】

[In the end, with this breath of pure spiritual energy, you successfully entered the seventh level of Xuanxian! 】

[Congratulations, you have become a late-stage Xuanxian monk! 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"Huh, finally, I have successfully entered the late stage of Xuanxian..."

"It seems like we are not far from the peak of Xuanxian!"

Wake up and calculate a little.

At this speed, after two or three simulations at most, you will be able to enter the Great Perfection of the Mysterious Immortal when you wake up.

By then, you only need to gather the top three flowers, and you will be able to successfully enter the Golden Immortal Realm!
"Calculating the time, it's almost time to prepare for the gathering of the three flowers on top and the step into the Golden Immortal..."

Su Xing murmured.

He once read a lot of information about the Three Flowers on the Top from the Tianji Pavilion during an immersive simulation.

The so-called three flowers on top actually refer to the "hua" energy in the heart!

In the world of immortality, flowers are connected with "flowers"!

The three flowers symbolize the three breaths of "essence, energy and spirit".

Also known as the "Heaven and Earth Man" Sanhua!
As long as the three top flowers are successfully condensed, one can achieve enlightenment in one day and enter the realm of golden immortality!

"The so-called human flower corresponds to the refining of Qi. According to the Tao, it means abstaining from lust..."

"The earth flower refines energy and transforms into spirit...it eliminates fear in the heart."

"As for the final smallpox, it is the so-called refining the gods to fight against the void. It is also the cultivation of the true god to reach a state of transcendence..."

Heaven, earth, man and three flowers are recorded in ancient books one after another, seemingly mysterious.

But according to Su Xing's own research and asking Bai Di and other great monks, it is actually very simple.

That is to throw away desires and become transcendent!

Previously, when Su Xing became an immortal, he had already passed through the heart-refining tribulation.

And crossed it several times.

It's just that the journey of cultivating the Tao is a process of continuous practice.

As your cultivation level increases, those desires will continue to arise...

If you want to completely eradicate it, you must reach the realm of a saint.

Su Xing is far from reaching the realm of a saint now.

Therefore, it is necessary to condense the three flowers on the top and unite one's own essence, energy and spirit, so that evil spirits cannot invade and longevity is endless.

"It's almost... we're almost close to the Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[After cultivating to the late stage of Xuanxian, the mana in your body has more than doubled! 】

[After several months of adjustments, you have adjusted your condition to its peak and are ready for the next battle! 】

[In the 800th century, the first war between the Tianji Domain and the alien race finally broke out! 】

[You performed outstandingly in this battle. In just a few years, you killed two second-level gods, and countless foreign gods...]

[At the same time, you also feel the vague sense of peeping. 】

[As expected, the Red Eye God Mansion is still eyeing you! 】

[But compared to four hundred years ago, your strength has risen to a higher level. 】

[Even if you face the red-eyed god's mansion head-on, you are not afraid at all...]

(End of this chapter)

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