Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 399: Use the most precious refining stone to kill the Shadow God Mansion!

Chapter 399: Use the most precious refining stone to kill the Shadow God Mansion!

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little hopeful when he saw this.

"Whether you can trigger the heart of the strong depends on whether you can find a suitable opponent in this battle!"

The first battle between the Tianji Domain and the alien race was huge.

Judging from the scale and strength of the participation of both parties, everyone from the Mahayana and Tribulation Periods to the Great Luo Jinxian participated.

The number is more than hundreds of millions? There are nearly a hundred worlds affected by the war.

In this case, there are a lot of strong men from the alien race, and they are very hopeful that they can find matching enemies to wake up.

His strength is at the peak of the Golden Immortal, but he is not the best among those at the Golden Immortal Peak. He can defeat Su Xing and threaten his life, but it also gives Su Xing hope to save his life.

"The strength is about fifteen on the Prodigy List, which is the most suitable!"

Su Xing made some estimates and found that his current comprehensive strength should be barely able to rank around twenty on the list of geniuses.

The top ten are already comparable to the Golden Immortal Perfection, and around fifteen, Su Xing is no match, but there is no hope of escape, so it is the most suitable.

"However, for the sake of safety, it may be necessary to ask a strong person to help..."

Su Xing Xin is looking for suitable candidates.

Although Bai Emperor is strong, he needs to face the high-end combat power of the alien race to prevent the alien "main god" from taking action!
After all, the main god of the foreign race is an existence comparable to the Great Luo Jinxian!
Su Xing thought about it for a while and found that the suitable candidate and the person related to Su Xing was only "Xiao Zhanlong" who had escorted the immortal boat!
Xiao Zhanlong is a heaven-level elder of Tianji Pavilion. He is also a genuine Taiyi Golden Immortal under the guidance of Bai Emperor!

Su Xing and Xiao Zhanlong had some friendship, and Su Xing had defeated the alien god on the immortal boat and saved the immortal boat.

Xiao Zhanlong owed Su Xing a favor...

Perhaps in this battle, Xiao Zhanlong will be the one who supports his awakening.

"If we can ask a Taiyi Golden Immortal to take action, our lives will undoubtedly be protected!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the eighth hundred years, the war is about to break out. 】

[The participants in this battle are almost all the elders of Tianji Pavilion, and Xiao Zhanlong is no exception...]

[As Taiyi Golden Immortal, Xiao Zhanlong will undoubtedly become the commander of an army, and with your strength comparable to that of the late Golden Immortal, you have also become Xiao Zhanlong's adjutant. 】

[At the beginning of the battle, you performed outstandingly, killing foreign gods along the way. In just three years... no fewer than ten thousand foreign gods died in your hands! 】

[During the battle, you are always paying attention, looking for suitable targets that can help you trigger the heart of the strong! 】

[The alien gods who are comparable to the peak of the Golden Immortal are equivalent to the peak of the second-level god's mansion, very close to the first-level god's mansion... Those who can reach this existence are almost all the emperors or royal clan leaders among the alien races. 】

[Soon, the time came to the 805th year. 】

[After several years of observation, you finally found a suitable enemy. 】

[A second-level god’s shadow clan! His own strength is in the late stage of the second level Divine Palace, very close to the perfection of the Golden Immortal...]

[On the battlefield, he mainly performed assassination missions. In just five years, the number of golden immortals assassinated by him has been no less than three! 】

[This Shadow Clan god has also become a very troublesome existence for the human race. 】

[Not only is his speed ridiculously fast, it is close to the sixth level of the Avenue of Speed! He even has the ability to hide in the dark dimension...]

[Once they are surrounded and suppressed, they will escape into the dark dimension and cannot be killed at all. 】

[In this case, you volunteer and are willing to serve as bait, and request Taiyi Golden Immortal Xiao Zhanlong to take action to jointly kill this Shadow Clan God's Mansion! 】

Seeing this, Su Xing nodded slightly.

"The gods of the Shadow Clan are cautious by nature... They are difficult to kill. They must lure the enemy deep and lay down numerous dragnets before they can be killed!"

"And with the peak strength of his second-level god, even if the Golden Immortal makes a perfect move, he may not be able to keep it... Therefore, it is appropriate for Xiao Zhanlong to take action!"

Su Xing observed Baidi's swordsmanship and learned the "Sword of the Void", possessing the terror of escaping the void and traveling through space to kill enemies.

Xiao Zhanlong has also received guidance from Bai Di and has similar special skills and magical powers, which is most suitable for cooperating with Su Xing.

"Not only can it cooperate to trigger the heart of the strong, but it can also make contributions. This plan will definitely succeed!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and felt that there was nothing missing. He looked at the simulation panel.

[After determining the target, you will frequently appear in the area where the Shadow Clan God's Mansion is active for the next period of time. 】

[In just half a year, you have killed hundreds of alien gods. 】

[And this Shadow God's Mansion has been observed for half a year...]

[In the past six months, he has not taken action, but whenever you appear, you can always feel a vague feeling of being spied on. 】

[You know in your heart that this is the God of the Shadow Clan, observing your strength. 】

[When it is sure that you cannot threaten Him, the God of the Shadow Clan will come out of the dark dimension and give you a fatal blow! 】

[Because of the existence of the Shadow Vest, you know a lot about the methods of the Shadow Clan. 】

[The Shadow Tribe can be ranked among the top ten Imperial Tribes. In addition to their fast speed and extremely strong body, the most troublesome thing is the so-called shadow shuttle ability! 】

[The Shadow Clan can perceive a shadow realm that does not exist in the real world. This world corresponds to the real world, but the distance is infinitely shortened. 】

[By escaping from the shadow realm, the shadow clan can travel thousands of miles in an instant, and can even assassinate targets from the shadows...]

[What you have to do is use yourself as bait to block the fatal blow from the Shadow God's Mansion, and then use your own space to interfere with its entry into the Shadow Realm. 】

[For the next period of time, you continue to hunt aliens in this area, quietly waiting for the appearance of the Shadow God's Mansion. 】

[Soon, another half year passed. 】

[In the 806th year, the God of the Shadow Clan, who you thought would never show up again, finally took action! 】

[This is after you experienced a hearty battle, and after three months, you finally killed a second-level alien god. 】

[You have just killed this alien god and your magic power has been greatly damaged. You are about to return to the human race’s base camp to recuperate for a while. 】

[It was at this moment that you felt a tingling sensation between your eyebrows. 】

[The hairs all over your body stand on end. Between life and death, you activate the body-protecting sword without hesitation! 】

[After the Avenue of Swords enters the fifth realm, the power of the body-protecting sword is further enhanced! 】

[Fifty-six hundred body-protecting swords will protect you firmly...]

[It was at the same time that a black figure shot out of the void behind you, directly attacking the vital part of your neck. 】

[In an instant, most of the 5,600 body-protecting swords were shattered, and a terrifying shadow power attacked your body. 】

[You groaned, spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, but quickly distanced yourself. 】

[Seeing that one blow failed to kill you, the Shadow God Mansion frowned slightly and launched another attack on you. 】

[With the idea of ​​​​a quick victory, this shadow clan god wants to kill you as soon as possible. 】

[But your physical strength is strong, and with the Mo Bing Sword in hand, your swordsmanship has not fallen behind in a short period of time. 】

[In this case, the Shadow Clan God Mansion did not leave in a hurry, but just used its own speed to suppress you steadily. 】

[The battle has just lasted for more than a hundred rounds, and your body is already covered with wounds...]

[But fortunately, the strength of the physical body allows your injuries to recover quickly. 】

[But as the battle continues, your pressure is increasing...]

[After fighting for half an hour, the Shadow God Mansion finally seemed to have lost its patience. 】

[In your perception, the surrounding void seems to be three points darker... Then the Shadow God's Mansion seems to merge with the void and become a real shadow. 】

[The next moment, a shadow-like monster a hundred feet tall attacks you...]

[This intimidating magical power and terrifying speed made you stunned for a moment. 】

[But you reacted quickly, without any hesitation... 5,600 body-protecting swords poured out! 】

[However, thousands of swords sank into the black shadow, like stones sinking into the sea, without making any waves. 】

[And after the black shadow touches you, you only feel that your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, and your soul is seriously injured in an instant...]

[You look at the huge black shadow. There is no trace of panic in your heart, but the corners of your mouth are slightly raised. 】

[The moment before you fell unconscious, you saw a sword light coming from thousands of miles away, penetrating the void thousands of miles away, and hitting the black shadow...]


[When you woke up from the coma, it was already a month later. 】

[Xiao Zhanlong lived up to your expectations. With his absolute swordsmanship, he killed the black shadow off guard! 】

[Although you were seriously injured and unconscious, you survived in the end. 】

[In this battle, you and Xiao Zhanlong cooperate to kill a golden immortal peak alien, which is a great achievement! 】

[This was originally killed by Xiao Zhanlong himself, so he should get most of the credit. 】

[But Xiao Zhanlong said that if you hadn’t put yourself in danger, this Shadow Clan God Mansion would never have been able to kill him. 】

[Therefore, you take most of the credit, and you also get an opportunity to go to Tianji Pavilion and choose a treasure...]

[You are not in a hurry to pick out treasures, but after recovering from your injuries, you carefully sense your current cultivation level. 】

[You successfully triggered the Heart of the Strong talent...]

[My cultivation level has gone from the middle stage of the eighth level of the Mysterious Immortal to the early stage of the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal! 】

In the real world, Su Xing clenched his fists excitedly when he saw this.

"Finally, I successfully triggered the heart of the strong and entered the ninth level of Xuanxian!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, unable to hide the excitement in his heart.

After entering the ninth level of Xuanxian, awakening is only one step away from reaching Xuanxian perfection!

And judging from the strength of the Shadow God Mansion, Su Xing may be able to use it to help him trigger the heart of the strong before he completely steps into the Golden Immortal.

In addition, Su Xing also got a chance to choose treasures from Tianji Pavilion!

That is the treasure of Tianji Pavilion!
It is said that the three thousand worlds are the most precious treasure house!

The treasures in it would probably make even Taiyi Golden Immortal jealous...

If Su Xing hadn't made this contribution, I'm afraid it would have taken thousands of years to get a chance to enter the treasure house just by relying on his own accumulation.

"Right now, we are getting closer and closer to the consummation of Xuanxian...then it's time to consider condensing the three flowers on top!"

The three flowers on the top are condensed to achieve the golden fairyland.

If it were done solely by the monks themselves, it would undoubtedly take a lot of time.

However, with the help of treasures, you may be able to save a lot of time.

Because the condensation of the three flowers on the top is actually a sublimation of one's own "essence". If we can use the treasures of Tianji Pavilion, we may be able to condense them smoothly.

Thinking of this, Su Xing touched his chin and said:
"Perhaps it's time to search in Tianji Pavilion to see if there are any suitable treasures..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 810th year, the war ended. You survived successfully and followed the human army back to the Tianji Realm. 】

[At this moment, you have an opportunity in your hand to choose the treasure of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[But you don’t know the treasures of Tianji Pavilion, so you plan to ask Bai Emperor for advice on how to choose suitable treasures. 】

[After Bai Di heard your request, he thought for a while and told you that there is indeed a treasure that condenses the three flowers on the top of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[In the treasure house of Tianji Pavilion, there is a treasure called the Refining Stone, which is an innate treasure that can help monks refine Qi and condense human flowers. 】

[There are also divine flowers, which are rare flowers of heaven and earth, and can help monks refine their energy and transform into gods, and condense the flowers of the earth. 】

[The most famous one is the Mirror of Nothingness, which is a treasure once used by the master of Tianji Pavilion. It can help monks refine their gods and return to the void, and condense smallpox! 】

[When the three flowers gather together, they can move into the Golden Immortal Realm in one go! 】

[However, each of the three treasures is more precious than the last, and their preciousness is no less than the innate treasure. Even if Taiyi Golden Immortal wants to exchange it, it will take a lot of time to earn merit. 】

[Among them, the Mirror of Nothingness can only be borrowed temporarily and cannot be purchased. 】

[Therefore, Bai Di advises you to be honest and rely on your own strength to reach the top of the Three Flowers. 】

[It usually takes thirty to fifty thousand years to condense...]

[If you have good luck and high qualifications, maybe it will take 20,000 years to successfully condense...]

[After you heard Bai Emperor’s words, you became more determined to exchange the treasure. 】

In the real world, Su Xing twitched his lips when he saw this.

It takes 30 to 50,000 years to condense the top three flowers?
Even if he wakes up and has a simulator and various talent blessings, he may still need to spend more than ten simulations before he can successfully condense.

After all, it’s better to exchange for those treasures!
"It's just that with my merits, it may be difficult to redeem it... I can only redeem it after the eight-hundred-year war. I don't know if I will have enough time by then?"

"Well, if it really doesn't work, we can only spend the energy source to bring the treasure out..."

Su Xing thought for a while and realized that the three flowers on top must be condensed.

"So, these three treasures must be exchanged smoothly!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and looked at the simulation panel.

[After Bai Di’s answer, you went to the Tianji Realm and entered the Tianji Pavilion in Tianji City, ready to use up your exchange opportunity. 】

[After entering Tianji Pavilion, you expressed your intention and soon entered the deepest formation of Tianji Pavilion under the leadership of a Taiyi Golden Immortal guard. 】

[Through this formation, you come to a strange space. 】

[Everywhere in the space here is white, somewhat like when you first entered the Luotian Mirror. 】

[This seems to be an independent space. You are surprised in your heart. Just when you are about to explore it carefully, you hear a mechanical prompt in your ear. 】

[This prompt asks you what treasure you want to exchange for... You took out the exchange token, indicating that you want to exchange for the opportunity to use the Refining Stone, the Divine Flower, or the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[The merits you have accumulated can only be exchanged for one refining stone. 】

[Soon, you got a fist-sized, crystal-clear stone...]

[You keep this stone. 】

[For the next period of time, you will stay in the Tianji Realm and work hard to improve your cultivation, and occasionally go out to perform tasks...]

[Time will soon come to the nine hundredth year...]

[This year, when you were out on a mission, something unexpected happened...]

[You have been feeling uneasy, and there is a tingling pain in the center of your eyebrows. After the divination, you even found out that you are going to die...]

[Under various signs, you think about it... maybe Xue Er wants to deal with you. 】

[But now you want to escape back to the Tianji Realm, but it’s too late, so you go to a small world occupied by aliens and change into the identity of the evil demon vest...]

[A few days later, a powerful aura descended on this world. As expected, Blood II is chasing you. 】

[But after you transform into a lemur, even a saint cannot see through you. How can this mere Great Luo Jinxian see through you? 】

[You successfully escaped and began to practice as a deviant vest. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"It's been so long... that I almost forgot about the fact that the Second Blood II was chasing me..."

"But fortunately, the evil demon vest can still help me save my life..."

In these several simulations of Su Xing, he was chased by the Red Eye God Mansion and turned into a foreign vest in about 800 years.

Now that Chitong Divine Mansion was killed by him, he almost forgot about it when he woke up.

"Then let's practice as a demon vest... We just want to practice to the realm of true gods as soon as possible!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 900th year, as a powerful lemure demon, you were spotted by the third legion, recruited into it, and became its deputy commander. 】

[Next, you practice steadily and use your own bad luck to frequently defeat the foreign legions. 】

[In the blink of an eye, four hundred years have passed...]

[In the 1300th year, your realm has finally reached a further level and you have become a powerful evil demon in the middle stage of divine power. 】

[This year, you tried to devour the flesh and blood essence of the Red Eyed God's Mansion. You had a vague hunch in your heart that the flesh and blood essence of the Red Eyed God's Mansion would be of great benefit to you. 】

[But unfortunately, your divine power is too low, not enough to swallow the flesh and blood essence of a second-level god's mansion. 】

[In desperation, you can only continue to practice. 】

[In the fourteenth hundredth year, the Third Legion was finally destroyed due to your bad luck. 】

[Billions of alien races died in battles with humans...]

[And you were not spared and died in the hands of a golden immortal...]

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing sighed:

"It's a pity that the evil demon vest only lived for five hundred years this time..."

Although it is a pity, the improvement in the strength of the vest is only incidental.

The top priority for waking up is to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible.

Enter the seventh heaven again and obtain the Tree of Origin Power!

"Let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..."

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Solar Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Xuanxian Ninth Level Cultivation]: After condensing the five qi in the chest, we have reached the late stage of Xuanxian, and we are not far from the Golden Immortal! The price is 200 million energy source.

[Results of spiritual realm practice]: Seven thousand miles of spiritual realm, it begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 20 energy sources.

[Refining Stone]: An innate treasure, it is a precious treasure that can help monks refine energy and condense the three flowers on top. It sells for 100 million energy sources.

Looking at the rewards from this simulation, Su Xing was a little confused.

"The ninth level of Xuanxian cultivation must be brought out...but the spiritual realm results and the choice of the refining stone..."

The results of spiritual realm cultivation can greatly improve the awakening strength.

But the greater improvement is undoubtedly to enter the Golden Immortal.

Without the refining stone, waking up will take too much time...

"If we take out the refining stone this time, during the next simulation, we may be able to reach the perfection of the Mysterious Immortal in five or six hundred years... At that time, with the help of the refining stone, we may be able to condense the human flower first!"

"And if we keep it for the next simulation... it will take eight hundred years before it can be used. With only one hundred years, we may not be able to bring out the refining stone..."

"It's just that the price is a bit too expensive!"

One million energy sources, this is not a small number.

After much hesitation, Su Xing decided to bring out the refining stone!

After all, stepping into the Golden Immortal is the top priority. As for the energy source not being enough...

Su Xing can find a way to make more money!
Thinking like this, wake up and recite silently:
"I choose the ninth level of Xuanxian cultivation and the refining stone..."

[Ding, you successfully brought out the ninth level of Xuanxian cultivation. You spent 200 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 386 points...]

[You successfully brought out the refining stone, spent 100 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 286 points...]

In the blink of an eye, the number of awakened energy sources was reduced to less than three million points.

This made me feel heartbroken when I woke up.

However, as a result, Su Xing's cultivation level also increased rapidly!
The seventh level of Xuanxian... the eighth level of Xuanxian... the ninth level of Xuanxian!
In between breaths, the awakening mana increased by a full 50%, and his aura also rose to a higher level.

After spending a moment to adapt to the increased mana, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

At the same time, Su Xing looked at the crystal clear stone in his palm.

Just holding it in his hand, Su Xing felt his energy slowly increasing.

"Tsk, tsk, it is indeed an innate treasure, it is indeed extraordinary!"

After receiving the refining stone, Su Xing felt a lot more at ease.

Although it took a hundred years of energy source, as long as the next simulation goes well, we can be the first to gather people!
According to the speed of condensing one top three flowers in one simulation.

After at least three more simulations, you can successfully enter the Golden Immortal Realm when you wake up!

Thinking of this, Su Xing was inevitably excited.

"The Golden Immortal Realm is coming soon!"

He took a look at the less than 3 million energy sources he had left, and still had two simulation opportunities.

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Start simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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