Chapter 400: Refining Qi and becoming a god with faith!
[The 146th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 286 points... The remaining number of simulations is 7128. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Taiyin Divine Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Taiyin Divine Body]: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies, possessing part of the power of the lunar star in the sky, and has the innate ability to control sneaky ghostly objects.

"The Taiyin Divine Body? It seems to be the opposite of the previous Sun Divine Body..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while and realized that this talent might be very suitable for those ghost cultivators, but he still had no need for it.

"The top priority is to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose Xi Plus One...]

"I choose to be a late bloomer..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You stayed in the star world for a month and harvested more than 300,000 star stones...]

[After obtaining enough star stones, you left the star world and went to Blue Star...]

[After safely bringing back the humans on Blue Star, you went to Tianji Pavilion and sold the Red Moon information...]

[Next, you go to various places in the Qingyuan Territory to take back the Luotian Sect inheritance. 】

[In the thirtieth year, you set out for the endless sea. 】

[In the forty-eighth year, you successfully arrived in Tianji Realm, Baiyun Realm. 】

[For the next two hundred years or so, you will stay in the Baiyun Realm and practice with all your strength, practicing in the spiritual realm while improving your cultivation. 】

[In the blink of an eye, time has reached the third hundred years. 】

[At this time, your cultivation level is close to the late stage of the ninth level of Xuanxian...]

[In the same year, the fairy boat arrived, you boarded the fairy boat and rushed to the world of heaven...]

[In the 320th year, aliens intercepted and killed Xianzhou. 】

[In this battle, you showed great power, killed many foreign gods and gods, gained the favor of Bai Emperor, and earned a lot of contribution points from Tianji Pavilion. 】

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[You start to think about the next direction of practice...]

In the real world, Su Xing thought about this after seeing this.

"In this simulation, there is still enlightenment tea left that has not been used... Now it's time to comprehend the new avenue!"

Currently, among the various avenues of awakening, those that have reached the fifth realm include the Avenue of Swords, the Avenue of Five Elements, and the Avenue of Speed!

Other avenues of awakening may be able to be put aside for a while, but for the avenue of causality, destiny, and space, awakening needs to be promoted to the fifth realm as soon as possible.

After all, these two avenues are related to the safety in waking reality and the speed of energy acquisition.

"Then next, Space Avenue, let's enter the fifth realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and decided to give priority to promotion to Space Avenue.

Once the Space Avenue enters the fifth realm, the awakening speed will be further improved.

By then, the speed of waking up and traveling to various worlds will be faster!

Thinking of this, Su Xing silently said:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 70 years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, and the remaining energy source is 284 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


In the blink of an eye, the seventy-year immersive simulation is over, and the person wakes up and returns to reality.

"Phew, the Avenue of Space... has finally taken a step further and reached the level of the fourth level of Xiaocheng!"

During this seventy-year simulation, Awakening spent a lot of Tao Yun treasures, plus Enlightenment Tea and Necessary Enlightenment, as well as nine top-quality Wen Dao Pills.

Only then did he finally reach the fourth realm of Space Avenue!
Obviously, the difficulty of cultivating the Space Avenue is much higher than Su Xing imagined.

Su Xing estimated that it would take at least three to four simulations before the Space Avenue can successfully enter the fifth realm!

"However... just from the entry into the fourth level to the minor achievement, my overall escape speed has increased by more than 10%!"

"At this speed, after the Way of Space enters the fifth realm, my escape speed will probably double!"

"By then, it will only take ten days to travel between the Star Realm and the Little Qingyun Realm..."

For Su Xing, time is the source of energy and strength!
The faster the awakening escape speed, the easier it is to travel to other worlds.

Naturally, the speed of obtaining the source of energy is also faster.

"The Qi refining cultivation level has also been successfully promoted to the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal Realm, which is close to the late stage level... Then the strength will be steadily improved for a period of time!"

With a plan in mind, he woke up and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fourth hundred years, your understanding of the way of space has taken a further step. 】

[Next, you spent a period of sixty years accumulating knowledge and practicing the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue every day. 】

[In the 460th year, your cultivation has successfully entered the late stage of the ninth level of Xuanxian...]

[In addition to daily practice, the frequency of your missions is slightly higher, because you need to make more contributions in exchange for the Divine Flower. 】

[You didn’t choose to go to the trouble of Chitong God Mansion. After all, the benefits you would gain by killing him would be extremely limited. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another two weeks have passed...]

[In the 580th year, your cultivation has finally taken a step further, reaching the ninth level of peak. 】

[You begin to launch a retreat attack towards the final Mysterious Immortal Dzogchen. 】

[This retreat lasted for seventy years. 】

[Until the 650th year...]

[It took more than 300 million high-grade spiritual fluids, and with the help of countless heavenly materials and earthly treasures, to finally break that layer of barriers...]

[Congratulations, you have been successfully promoted to Xuanxian Dzogchen! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Finally, the breakthrough to the Great Perfection of Xuanxian..."

"It's quite expected..."

Before this simulation, Su Xing was close to the middle stage of the ninth level of Xuanxian.

But it took a full six hundred years to cultivate from the middle stage of the ninth level of Xuanxian to the perfection of Xuanxian!

If it were an ordinary Xuanxian, it would probably take no less than 30,000 years to take this step!

With enough spiritual liquid resources, coupled with talent and hard work, Su Xing has reached this point...

"However, the completion of Xuanxian is just the beginning, not the end!"

"Next, it's time to attack Jinxian..."

"Gather the three flowers on top, refine the's time!"

Su Xing clenched his fists, feeling a little excited.

After entering the Golden Immortal, Su Xing's strength will undoubtedly be greatly improved again.

At that time, under Taiyi, it was difficult for anyone to pose a threat to Su Xing.

Maybe in the future, Su Xing will no longer have to hide so much, but will be able to fight guerrilla warfare openly?

After all, the invasion speed of alien races is not as fast as the growth rate of Su Xing!
"From six hundred and fifty years to eight hundred years... one hundred and fifty years, I wonder if it can be successfully condensed?"

Su Xing felt a little nervous and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 650th year, you announced your retreat to the outside world and began to prepare to refine your Qi and condense your human flowers. 】

[Refining essence and transforming qi, human beings are born from essence within the mother's body, so the essence is the seed of reincarnation. 】

[The process of refining and transforming qi may provide a glimpse into the wonders of reincarnation...]

[You entered the Lingtian Cave and threw away all external interference. Even the usually noisy Spirit Vein Dragon sensed something and fell into a deep sleep. 】

[The mind begins to empty out gradually, lust and desire slowly disappear from your heart...]

[Under the dantian, the essence refining stone emits a warm breath, starting from the dantian and traveling through every inch of your body. 】

[The meridians, wrapped in this warm energy, gradually undergo some mysterious changes...]

[You feel like you have returned to your mother's body, your whole body is wrapped in a kind of warmth. This is unprecedented comfort...]

[Outside world, time passes bit by bit...]

[But you don’t feel the passage of time at all...]

[The mysterious orifice in the body has also undergone some subtle changes with the passage of time...]

[Little bits and pieces of crystal luster begin to gather in the Xuan Guan orifice, and the way of yin and yang begins to change in your body...]

[Gradually, you seem to have forgotten your physical body, and your whole body falls into an ethereal state. Your whole body is as soft as a baby, and your physical body exudes a luster like jade. 】

[The soul is extremely pure at this moment, and it has never been more enlightened...]

【I do not know how long it has been……】

[When you open your eyes again, like a newborn baby, everything in front of you feels so strange and novel. 】

[Memory, like the tide, gradually unblocks...]

[You look at everything around you curiously, and the world begins to change in your eyes...]

[Originally, the "Tao" floating between heaven and earth has become increasingly clear. 】

[It seems that you are closer to them! 】

[You maintain the posture of the first retreat, but you no longer know the passage of time. 】

[Pinch and count, you won’t know until you let go...]

[This retreat has actually lasted for a full one hundred and forty years! 】

[One hundred and forty years passed quietly... You even feel that you just closed your eyes slightly and flicked your fingers. 】

[At this moment, it is already the 790th year of simulation! 】

[Congratulations, you have successfully washed away the lead of human desire, refined your Qi, and condensed your human flowers! 】

In the real world, Su Xing blinked when he saw this.

"Huh? People and flowers...are just so united?"

Su Xing was originally surprised that the condensation of the three flowers on top would be extremely difficult.

But I didn't expect that under the influence of the refining stone, it could be achieved so easily!
" body has not lost its original yang, and since I have been practicing Taoism, I have always restrained myself and reduced my desires. That's why I can condense human flowers so easily?"

"It was like taking a light nap. When I opened my eyes again, I had successfully condensed..."

"When people and flowers gather together...then I can be regarded as a half-step golden immortal!"

Su Xing felt happy in his heart, the Golden Immortal Realm was getting closer and closer.

"Furthermore, in the 790th year of simulation... there are still ten years before that war. I can definitely accumulate enough merits and find a way to bring out the Ancestral Flower again..."

"If we can successfully bring out the Divine Flower, then in the next simulation, we will be able to successfully refine Qi and transform into God, and successfully condense the Earth Flower!"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with anticipation in his heart.

[In the 790th year, after successfully condensing the human flower and becoming a half-step golden immortal, you spent some time getting used to your brand new body. 】【The condensation of human flowers gradually brings you to a state of returning to nature, but your mana does not seem to have increased much...】

[Ten years passed quickly...]

[In the 800th century, the first war between the alien race and the Tianji Domain broke out. 】

[In this battle, you no longer held back, killed a large number of foreign gods, and accumulated a lot of credit. 】

[In the 805th year, you and Xiao Zhanlong planned to kill the Shadow Clan God's Mansion. 】

[This step of planning lasted for a full year...]

[In the end, with your superb acting skills and in cooperation with Xiao Zhanlong, you killed the red-eyed god. 】

[And in this battle, you took risks and achieved first success, but you were also seriously injured. 】

[After you recovered from your injuries, you explored the changes in your own strength. 】

[The talent of Heart of the Strong was successfully triggered! 】

[But your state has not changed at all. You are still at the stage of refining Qi and successfully condensing human flowers. 】

[However, you find that your mana is nearly 10% stronger than before you fell into coma! 】

[You know, this is because your strength has reached a bottleneck and you cannot continue to break through. 】

[Therefore, the heart of a strong person can only make you powerful...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"It turns out that after the realm reaches the critical point, the heart of the strong cannot be triggered smoothly..."

"But you can rely on your strong heart to continue to increase your mana and improve your strength..."

"According to this principle, the bottleneck of the physical body should not be broken through. We can only increase our strength and blood..."

Su Xing thought about it and realized that this was not a bad thing.

After all, after reaching the bottleneck, this ten percent of mana was obtained in vain.

This is equivalent to having half a realm more accumulation and foundation than a monk of the same realm!
After reaching a high realm, or even becoming a Daluo Jinxian, isn't that what you fight for?

"When the time comes, everyone will be Daluo Jinxian... isn't the competition just about accumulation and foundation?"

Su Xing understands this deeply.

The most obvious example is the battle between Bai Di and Xue Er!
Xue Er was also a Daluo Jinxian, but he was suppressed and beaten by Bai Di throughout the whole process, and even almost died.

Isn't it just because Bai Di has broken through Daluo Jinxian for so long, and his own accumulation, whether it is great avenue or powerful mana, is much more than blood two!

Therefore, there is also a gap between Da Luo!

"This time the war is over...then the next step is to find a way to redeem the Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures for the Divine Flower!"

Su Xing doesn't know if his contribution points are enough.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 810th year, after the war, you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

[You go to the main pavilion of Tianji Pavilion and want to use your accumulated contributions over hundreds of years to exchange for a divine flower in Tianji Pavilion. 】

[But the Tongshen Flower is too precious and is the dream of Xuanxian Consummation monks. 】

[Even if the contribution is enough, there will only be one flower in Tianji Pavilion...]

[And there are several monks who have successfully condensed the human flowers, waiting for exchange. 】

[But you are bound to get the Divine Flower, so you must exchange it...]

[So, you asked someone to contact several other monks who needed the Divine Flower, and gave them some treasures to compensate them, and then reluctantly let them withdraw from the competition. 】

[In the end, you successfully got the chance to exchange for this only divine flower. 】

[The number of divine flowers in the entire Three Thousand Worlds does not exceed ten...]

[And there is only one like this in Tianji Pavilion...]

[Every flower that communicates with the gods is extremely precious. 】

[You carefully plant the Tongshen Flower on the Five Elements soil in the Lingtian Cave. 】

[There is not much time left for you at this moment. You cannot take risks. If you waste this magical flower, your efforts will be in vain...]


In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"Fortunately, as long as I get the Psychic Flower, everything will be easy..."

"With this magical flower, the cohesion of earth flowers is not far away..."

"Next, it's difficult to improve my strength, so let's improve the strength of the Evil Demon Vest..."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[When the time comes to the 820th year, you went to a small world and transformed into the form of the evil demon vest. 】

[In the following decades, you cultivated many evil spirits in this small world. 】

[Your existence quickly attracted great attention from the alien race. 】

[The third largest legion personally invites you to join. 】

[You did not refuse and became a deputy commander of the Third Army. 】

[In the 1000th year, your realm has been successfully promoted to the late stage of powerful divine power. 】

[In the 1200th year, you comprehended the laws of space, and the power of the laws successfully entered the third realm, and your divine power increased...]

[In the 1300th year, the third legion was destroyed, and you joined the second legion instead. 】

[In the 1400th year, your divine power has been elevated to the peak of powerful divine power...]

[You begin to prepare to break through to the true god level. 】

[True God, unlike previous breakthroughs, cannot be achieved simply by accumulating divine power. 】

[Only with abundant divine power, condensed divine personality, and sufficient divinity can one become a true god! 】

[For you, divine power is not a problem. You have steadily cultivated to the peak of powerful divine power step by step. Your own divine power is not far from the level of a true god. 】

[Coupled with enough flesh and blood essence, it can ensure you enough divine power and become a true god! 】

[As for divinity, it is not a problem for you! 】

[Law of Speed ​​and Law of Space, you have entered the third realm, and divinity is already enough. 】

[The only thing missing is the godhead! 】

[The condensation of godhead is an extremely difficult process. In addition to obtaining godhead by killing other true gods...]

[The only way is faith! 】

[If enough creatures believe in you, you can become a true god! 】

[Ordinary alien true gods do not become gods through faith, but through killing! 】

[But you are different... As the only evil demon who is about to become a true god, all evil demons naturally believe in you! 】

[What you need is to cultivate enough believers...]

【As for how to cultivate? That is enough evil demons! 】

[Every newly born evil demon clan is your most loyal believer...]

[In this case, you start a large-scale plan...]

[For every two lemures, a hundred lemures will be bred every year...]

[You have accumulated enough flesh and blood essence to ensure the reproduction of the entire lemure race...]

[In just one year, the number of evil demons among dozens of legions has exceeded 100 billion...]

[And your goal is to give birth to trillions of evil demons! 】

[But if you want to achieve this speed, you must have enough flesh and blood essence to support...]

[So, you began to use your connections to "borrow" flesh and blood essence from the major legions. 】

[Every legion is happy to make friends with a bad demon who is about to break through to the true god...]

[Thus, you easily obtain a large amount of flesh and blood essence. 】

[So, another half a year has passed...]

[The number of lemures who believe in you is increasing...]

[You can gradually feel that the power of faith is getting stronger and stronger, helping you condense your godhead...]

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, his eyes became a little subtle.

"Do you believe in becoming a god? This is a different path!"

Su Xing also knows how powerful the so-called power of faith is.

Not only among foreign races, even in the world of immortality, there is the power of faith and incense to become an immortal!

Use the power of incense to condense the immortal body and immortality, and finally become a god and protect a place.

But incense and belief in immortality always have some drawbacks.

The reason is nothing more than that the number of creatures who believe in this immortal often directly determines how powerful the immortal power is!
If you really have enough faith, you can even be directly comparable to Daluo Jinxian!

But, it’s too difficult!

If ordinary immortals become immortals through faith, it would be considered extremely good to be able to reach the realm of immortals.

After all, there are only a limited number of creatures in this world, and there is more than one incense god.

The same is true for aliens.

Among the foreign races, the number is limited. Even if they can help become gods with the power of faith, they cannot supply too many foreign gods.

And aliens from other races often don’t believe in it…

It seems that only the evil demon clan is an exception!
"The number of lemure demons can definitely multiply indefinitely, as long as there is enough blood food!"

"And the number of lemure demons is definitely the largest among all the major races!"

"So... I seem to be able to follow the path of faith and become a god!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes became a little solemn.

Su Xing doesn't know how many lemure demons there are.

But in every war, more than a million cannon fodder of the evil demons die?
Aliens invaded three thousand worlds. Almost every day, countless worlds were invaded, and the number of evil demons who died was countless!

It is even said that the number of the evil demon clan is equal to that of all other alien races combined!
"If so, I become a god with my faith, and the evil demons will definitely be enough to provide me with faith!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes burst into light.

If this is the case, the potential of the evil demon clan is definitely greater than Su Xing believed!
Even, not inferior to the so-called imperial clan and royal clan!
However, due to the low cultivation qualifications of evil demons, there are already only a few who can become gods.

What's more, there may not be many evil demons in the entire lemure clan who have cultivated powerful divine power since ancient times.

In addition, the evil demons are simple-minded and may not be able to figure this out.

As a result, the evil demon clan is the lowest existence among all races!
But if so, the idea of ​​awakening can be realized.

The evil demon race is a proper late-stage race, the kind that uses absolute quantity to defeat quality!

"Then, let's try the path of believing in becoming a god!"

"I want to see how terrifying the potential of the evil demons is?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

(End of this chapter)

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