Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 401 The mystery of the power of faith, the first apostle to awaken!

Chapter 401 The mystery of the power of faith, the first apostle to awaken!
[Under your plan, the number of lemure demons expanded rapidly in a short period of time. 】

[The power of countless faiths turns into crystal light spots, constantly nourishing your body and strengthening your divine power. 】

[In the 1410th year, one day you felt something in your heart, and the huge power of faith allowed you to enter the realm of true God without any surprise! 】

[You begin to carefully understand the difference in believing in becoming a god...]

[You can feel that the power of faith is different from ordinary power...it is more like a great power that can realize all wishes - the power of wish! 】

[Your divine body is like a huge container, constantly containing the power of faith and being filled up bit by bit. 】

[Your godhead has a brand new ability. 】

[Construct a huge belief network that all believers are linked to! 】

[On this belief network, you can easily perceive the status, strength, and even emotions of all believers who believe in you! 】

[At the same time, you can also spend a certain amount of faith to help these believers realize their dreams and strengthen their faith...]

[As you carefully experience the power of faith, time passes bit by bit...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The power of faith condenses the divine personality to become a true god..."

"This may be a brand new path worth exploring!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart moved and he said silently:
"Using immersive simulation, one year in duration..."


Awakening consciousness is immersed in the simulated world.


When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he had become an evil demon god.

Closing his eyes slightly, an invisible web of faith appeared before his eyes, like the most sophisticated spider web in the world.

And Su Xing is the master of this big network, and can sense every move on this belief network.

Coming into contact with the power of faith for the first time, Su Xing was a little curious.

Try to sink your spiritual thoughts into it.

Then he selected a shining point of light, and Su Xing's vision changed, taking on the perspective of a believer.

The next moment, Su Xing appeared on a battlefield.

A small piece of information poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing knew the identity of his believer.

A gold-level lemure is also the most common cannon fodder on the battlefield.

The lemure commander of this legion, a king-level lemure, died tragically, so that all the lemures did not dare to continue fighting and became deserters.

This is a normal thing on the battlefield.

Lemurs are timid, weak, and have little intelligence... but are naturally driven by powerful lemures. This is an instinctive obedience.

The powerful lemures are slightly more intelligent.

Because of this, every legion has a lemure commander who commands the lemures under his command to die as cannon fodder.

But once the high-level lemures in the legion die, the other low-level lemures will be very frightened and flee in all directions, even worse than cannon fodder.

This is the current situation of this evil demon.

Now, Su Xing can clearly sense the emotions of this lemure believer.

Panic, fear... and a glimmer of hope!
He placed his last hope on the great "God of Evil", hoping that a miracle would happen and save him.

Because this evil demon is about to be executed as a deserter.

Praying for a miracle from the God of Evil Demons was still the best way he could think of.

Su Xing didn't care about the death of a mere golden lemure.

There are hundreds of billions of believers like this who have awakened...

But for the first time he came into contact with the power of faith, Su Xing tried to use it.

In Su Xing's body, it seemed as if a towering tree had grown, with countless golden fruits of different sizes hanging on the tree.

This is the awakening - the tree of faith!
It is also a tool for awakening and gathering faith.

There may be tens of thousands of fruits on this tree, or perhaps more.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to take out a fist-sized golden fruit and inject it into the believer's body.


In an instant, the believer's strength changed drastically!
Gold level... master level... grand master level... king level!

Finally, the Martial Emperor level!
In just a few moments, the believer's strength directly crossed five realms after awakening!
From a small gold level lemure cannon fodder, he turned into a martial emperor level lemure!
It should be noted that the Martial King-level evil demons are extremely rare and can become commanders!
Sure enough, the lemure that was being chased on the battlefield suddenly stopped, with a trace of confusion in its eyes.

What's going on? Why do you feel like you're suddenly different?

This is what this evil demon believer is thinking at the moment.

Behind him, the chasing aliens also stopped and stared at the changes in the lemure believers with wide eyes.

These aliens can feel that the lemure believers have directly transformed from a small gold-level lemure into a martial emperor-level one!

A lemure of this level is already qualified to become a commander!
There is no doubt that this evil demon believer saved his life and got the chance to rise to great heights from now on!

On the other side, Su Xing felt the change in the power of faith. The consumption of the power of faith that was the size of a fist just now caused Su Xing to lose about one ten thousandth of the power of faith.

"Interesting... so interesting!"

"The power of faith is indeed beyond my imagination!"

Use your own power and faith to realize the wishes of your believers.

Perhaps, in the awakening awareness, this is the real god!
And other alien gods may only be called "slightly more powerful individuals"!
After spending a little power of faith, the awakening did not stop.

But with a thought in his heart, he picked dozens of fist-sized light groups from the Tree of Faith and injected them into the body of the lemure believer.

Martial Emperor level...Legendary level...Great Emperor level...Saint level!

In just a few moments, Su Xing directly upgraded this evil demon believer from the Martial King level to the Saint level!

This kind of power is astonishing!
Even the alien gods cannot easily grant other aliens power!

This may be the difference between the gods of the belief system!

And countless distances away, the evil demon alien also sensed the changes in himself.

The surge in strength again made him feel that he seemed to have encountered some big "opportunity"!
But for a while, he had no clue.

As a believer, he has prayed countless times for the god of evil spirits to perform miracles and save him from suffering.

But none of the manifestations were successful...

So much so that after Su Xing actually performed a miracle, the evil demon didn't even know the source.

Su Xing also discovered that this evil demon believer seemed too stupid...

So Su Xing took the initiative to contact him with his spiritual consciousness.

The next moment, this newly promoted saint-level lemure trembled with excitement.

Then he crawled on the ground and kept kowtowing in a certain direction.

The other aliens around him were a little stunned when they saw this scene, and they didn't know why.

As the lemure believer continued to kowtow, Su Xing could feel the power of faith in him undergoing subtle changes.

A thumb-sized ball of faith light was gradually collected and regrown on the tree of faith. "Hey, a mere believer provides so much power of faith?"

Su Xing was a little confused.

The power of faith that is the size of a thumb is naturally not much.

After all, the total number of beliefs that Su Xing currently has, there are tens of thousands of fist-sized fruits hanging on the sacred tree.

What's more, the cost of waking up just now was enough for dozens of fist-sized fruits of faith.

The reward is only so little... of course it's a big loss!
However, the power of faith in Su Xing's hand comes from hundreds of billions of evil demons!
On average, tens of millions or more lemures can contribute such a tiny fist-sized amount of faith.

And this lemure, just one, contributed a thumb-sized mass of faith.

It is worth the contribution of hundreds of thousands of lemures...

"So, different lemures contribute different amounts of power of faith?"

Su Xing thought for a while, and soon the true explanation of the origin of blood came to his mind.

A bunch of information poured into Su Xing's mind, and Su Xing knew the reason for all this.

It turns out that beliefs or believers are also divided into levels!

Junior believers, intermediate believers, advanced believers... and the highest, apostles of gods!
Different believers, because of their different levels of faith, contribute even millions or tens of millions of times in the amount of power of faith they contribute!
Even if the faith of the evil demons awakens, they are only the most junior believers.

In other words...pan-believers!

The power of faith contributed by this kind of believer is extremely rare, and only tens of millions of them can contribute just a handful.

As for intermediate and advanced believers, their contributions are very objective!

Right now, this evil demon that has been awakened and manifested as a saint is obviously a high-level believer!

This kind of believer can dedicate everything he has to awakening!

In addition, the strength of believers is also an important factor that affects the power of faith.

Holding large-scale sacrificial activities can also allow Awakening to gain a lot of faith power in a short period of time!

"So, if you want to increase my divine power, you not only need to cultivate a large number of high-level believers, but you also need to hold regular sacrificial activities!"

Wake up thoughtfully.

"Also, it seems that this high-level believer can transform into an apostle after his strength reaches the saint level?"

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to transform the saint-level evil demon into an apostle!
In an instant, thousands of fruits of faith dissipated on the awakened sacred tree of faith and were injected into the body of the lemure believer.


Soon, the status of the evil demon believer changed again.

From an ordinary high-level believer, he became an awakened apostle!
Apostles of gods can communicate directly with gods, and can also use part of the power of gods themselves. Their strength far exceeds that of ordinary saints!
Even, with the help of the power of awakening, this apostle has the strength to compete with weak gods!

"I see...Is this how the apostle came?"

Su Xing suddenly thought that the apostle of Red Moon was called the Apostle of Killing!
The monster that Su Xing once encountered on the killing battlefield!

It seems that with the power of a saint, he can borrow part of the power of the red moon!
And now, Su Xing can also cultivate his own "Lemo Apostle"!

Su Xing quickly thought of the many benefits of the Evil Apostle.

This evil apostle is the incarnation of waking up and walking in the world.

It can help awaken people, continue to promote and cultivate more believers!
It's like Su Xing, the evil god, is a star, and ordinary believers are like "fans."

And this apostle is the "senior fan" who maintains the relationship between Su Xing and his fans?
It can be said that as long as there are enough apostles, Su Xing can do nothing.

Those apostles will also continue to cultivate new believers for awakening.

A hugely profitable deal!

In addition, apostles are also the most loyal believers and can bring a lot of faith power to Awakening!

Thinking of this, Su Xing only felt that the thousands of light balls of the power of faith that he had just spent were no longer so distressed!
"Tsk tsk... Believe in becoming a god, it is really a unique god system!"

Su Xing smacked his lips.

Before, he followed the path of personal greatness.

But now, in the belief system, it is more like the gods and believers are one.

The more believers there are, the stronger the god becomes!
This potential is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!

If trillions of bad demons all became high-level believers, what kind of terrifying power of faith would be born?

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt even more excited.

"Besides, can this power of faith... enhance my own strength?"

Su Xing tries to use the power of faith to practice!

On the sacred tree of faith, nearly ten thousand fist-sized fruits of faith emitted an alluring luster and began to flicker.

Then the fruits of faith quickly diminished and became part of the awakening strength.

Ten thousand...eight thousand...five thousand...three thousand...two thousand!
In just a short moment, most of the awakened power of faith was lost!

At the same time, Su Xing's strength was directly promoted from the early stage of True God to the middle stage of True God!

In just one breath, the strength of the awakening is doubled!
This terrifying improvement made Su Xing take a breath.

"Hiss... God of Faith, is it so easy to improve your strength?"

"Then if I have enough faith, wouldn't I be able to become a being comparable to Daluo Jinxian?"

Su Xing quickly realized the benefits of the power of faith.

And want to harvest the power of faith on a large scale for a long time.

We need more pan-believers, and more apostles!
Let the apostles continue to cultivate new high-level believers...

Originally, when Su Xing first entered the True God, he could cultivate up to three apostles.

But now, after becoming a true god in the middle stage, his awakened divine power is even stronger, and he has been able to cultivate five apostles!

Just when I wake up and feel happy, I am ready to plan the next step.

Suddenly Su Xing sensed a small-scale sacrifice...

"Huh? It seems that the apostle lemure that was just transformed is performing a sacrifice?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he quickly saw the picture.

On a battlefield, corpses lay everywhere.

The lemures who were originally deserters quickly gathered together under the call of this saint-level lemure apostle.

Hundreds of thousands of evil spirits gathered together...

And built a platform similar to an altar.

On the platform, there are countless flesh and blood, some from alien races and some from human races...

As the sacrifice progressed, more and more faith poured into Su Xing's body.

In just a few moments, hundreds of fist-sized light groups of faith regrouped on the awakened Tree of Faith.

But Su Xing frowned slightly and quickly issued an order, which was passed into the mind of the lemure apostle.

"I only want the essence of alien flesh and blood, not the human race..."

(Sorry, I had a bad flu in the spring recently. Unfortunately, I caught it. I felt dizzy. I took medicine and reluctantly got up from the hospital bed and wrote a chapter. I’ll see if I feel better tomorrow and I’ll catch up on it again... In the recent spring There is a lot of flu, please take good care of yourself! Thank you~)

(End of this chapter)

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