Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 402: Arriving at the ancestral land of the foreign race, the red gifted innate Tao body!

Chapter 402: Arriving at the ancestral land of the foreign race, the red gifted innate Tao body!
The "oracle" of awakening quickly reached the hearts of the evil apostles.

With the wisdom of the lemure apostle, perhaps for some reason the lemure god only needs the flesh and blood essence of the foreign race.

But this did not prevent him from carrying out the oracle.

This saint-level lemure apostle soon began to recruit a large number of believers and began to hold regular sacrificial activities.


Soon, the immersive simulation ended, and the awakening consciousness returned to reality.

Rubbing his brows, Su Xing thought carefully about what he had gained from immersive simulation in the past year.

"The path of faith is a path different from previous practice!"

"Judging from his status as the God of Evil Demons, his potential is definitely huge!"

A strange light flashed in Su Xing's eyes. The identity of this evil demon vest really gave Su Xing a big surprise!

"Also, are we finally going to the ancestral land of the foreign race..."

Su Xing's eyes flashed.

During the final stretch of the immersive simulation.

Su Xing received a message from his consciousness, the general content of which was:

Let Su Xing, the "god of evil demons", go to the ancestral land and accept the baptism of the ancestral land!
And Su Xing will also be the first god of the evil demon clan to enter the ancestral land in history!

"What kind of existence is the alien ancestral land?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel with curiosity in his eyes.

[In the 1411th year, after being promoted to the True God of the Evil Demon Clan, you have an opportunity to enter the ancestral land. 】

[Entering the ancestral land is what all foreigners dream of...]

[According to legend, the ancestral land is the origin of all alien races, where the "noble" alien mother was born! 】

[It is also the source of all alien power...]

[Any foreigner who enters the ancestral land can gain huge benefits. 】

[In this case, before you enter the ancestral land, you want to find more detailed information about the ancestral land. It is best to have it witnessed by a foreigner who has been to the ancestral land. 】

[However, the number of foreigners who can enter the ancestral land is too small. In the entire second largest legion, only the legion commander, who is the first-level god's mansion, has been there once after being promoted to the first-level god's mansion. 】

[But according to what he said, what each foreign tribe sees and gains in their ancestral land is different. 】

[This makes you even more confused...]

[Finally, three years later, you got a chance to enter the ancestral land. 】

[Under the leadership of the legion commander, you stepped into a wonderful teleportation space. 】

[After entering this space, everything you see is pitch black. 】

[In this space, time and space seem to have stopped...]

[You follow your instinct and walk in a certain direction...]

[I don’t know how long it took, but a faint light appeared in front of your eyes. 】

[Under the guidance of this faint light, you gradually move forward...]

[Finally, you come to a strange space. 】

[Withered towering trees, blood-red sky, ink-black earth, and a huge, squirming mass of pink flesh. 】

[Except for the wriggling mass of flesh and blood and the dying giant tree, you did not sense the existence of any life...]

[Just when you are doubting, a guiding voice suddenly comes from the bottom of your heart. 】

[This voice of guidance seems to come from the squirming pink flesh. 】

[As you gradually get closer to the mass of flesh and blood, you can clearly see the size of the mass of flesh and blood. 】

[It is like a huge mountain, tens of thousands of feet high, exuding an evil aura. 】

[You stretch out your hands and slowly approach the mass of flesh and blood...]

[Soon, your entire body was sucked in and embedded into the mass of flesh and blood. 】

[Your consciousness gradually falls asleep...]


[I don’t know how long it took, but when you woke up again, you were no longer in your flesh and blood body, but returned to that strange space. 】

[A black passage opens, and you feel something in your heart. As long as you enter this passage, you can leave this space. 】

[And that mass of flesh and blood may be what the aliens call the Mother Goddess! 】

[The origin of all alien individuals...]

[Before you leave, you take one last look at this space. The withered giant tree seems to be unable to hold on for long...but there is still a trace of life. 】

[The mass of flesh and blood seems to be parasitic on the giant tree and continues to grow...]


[You left this passage and returned to the Tianji Domain. 】

[At this moment, you can feel the huge changes in yourself! 】

[You have awakened the natural talent of the lemure clan... and it is also the first talent of the lemure clan! 】

[This talent allows you to sense the existence of lemure believers to a greater extent, and directly doubles the power of the power of faith! 】

[The most important thing is that your individual strength will affect the strength of the entire lemure clan! 】

[And the overall number of lemure demons will strengthen your divine power! 】

[You call this talent aggregation! 】

[Gather the power of all evil spirits to perfect yourself! 】

[Perhaps, the lemure clan is not weak...it just lacks this natural talent! 】

[And now the talent you have and the path of faith you are walking on are a perfect match! 】

[When you return to the real world, you are vaguely aware of the changes in your followers...]

[All Lemur believers, their bodies have become stronger, their claws have become sharper, and their skills have become more agile...]

[The individual strength of the evil demon clan is finally no longer the weakest among all the alien races...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

Although the information obtained from the simulation was somewhat abstract, Su Xing generally gained something useful from it.

"Aggregation...is it the natural talent that the Evil Demon Vest has learned?"

"Roughly...as the god of lemures, my personal growth in divine power will be fed back to the entire lemure clan!"

"Although they are still cannon fodder, compared to before, the strength of the individual lemures has at least increased several times!"

"And the number of lemure demons will strengthen my strength in all aspects?"

Wake up and your eyes will light up.

This talent is undoubtedly a perfect match for the divine way of faith.

As long as the lemure demon clan continues to grow, the strength of Su Xing's lemure demon vest will also grow to a terrifying level!

Besides that, what Su Xing is most concerned about is the so-called ancestral land of alien races!

According to the text description that Su Xing saw, there was no life in that ancestral land.

Only the towering tree and the mass of flesh and blood were noteworthy.

"That mass of flesh and blood is the source of alien power?"

"If this is really the case, it would be a bit outrageous..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, thinking it wouldn't be that simple.

Maybe that huge mass of flesh and blood is related to the alien race and can give the alien race power.

But judging from the overall strength of the foreign race today, the ancestral land is more like a symbol.

"But what is certain is that the so-called blessing from the ancestral land is true!"

"Foreign races can indeed go to their ancestral land and gain some new powers..."

Just like the awakened evil demon vest.

"Where exactly that ancestral land is... is still unknown..." Su Xing shook his head slightly and decided to focus on improving the strength of the evil demon vest.

For now, it's better to take it one step at a time.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Next, you start to continuously collect the power of faith, and your strength continues to increase. 】

[In the 1450th year, you summoned the second Lemur Apostle. 】

[In the 1500th year, you used the power of faith to summon your third lemure apostle. 】

[At this moment, you have three lemure apostles, and you hold regular sacrifices every year. A large number of lemure believers continue to provide you with the power of faith. 】

[The number of believers you have continues to grow, and the growth rate of the power of faith is more than ten times that of before! 】

[In the 1600th year, you exhausted most of the power of faith to improve your cultivation. 】

[You broke through from the middle stage of True God to the peak of True God in one fell swoop! 】

[In the 1630th year, you followed the Second Legion on a mission. 】

[Misfortune favored you in the end...]

[You died in the hands of a Taiyi Golden Immortal. 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

"The power of faith is really powerful!"

"In just a few hundred years, from entering the realm of True God for the first time, to being promoted to the peak of True God..."

Su Xing is still very satisfied with the improvement of the evil demon vest, and it is not in vain that he has spent so much energy to improve the strength of this vest.

When the realm rises further, the Evil Demon Vest should be able to appear in reality.

"But what's more important is that this simulation successfully united the people!"

"It's extremely close to completely condensing the top three flowers..."

Su Xing couldn't wait to look at the rewards of this simulation.

[Taiyin Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Half-step to the Golden Fairyland]: Condensing the five qi in the chest, the three human flowers on the top have been successfully condensed, refining the qi, and getting a glimpse of the way of the golden fairy. The price is 400 million energy source.

[Results of spiritual realm practice]: Seven thousand miles of spiritual realm, it begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 20 energy sources.

[Psychic Flower]: An innate treasure, it is a precious treasure that can help monks refine their energy and become gods, and condense the three flowers on top. It sells for 150 million energy sources.

After seeing the rewards from this simulation, Su Xing did not hesitate.

What he needs most now is naturally to bring out the half-step golden immortal cultivation level and the divine flower to prepare for the next simulation!

But the problem is, it’s too expensive!

Just to condense the human flower, plus the cultivation from the ninth level of the Mysterious Immortal to the Great Perfection of the Mysterious Immortal, this half-step of the Golden Immortal Realm, it is necessary to awaken a total of four million energy sources!

If you include the Divine Flower, a full 550 million energy sources will be needed!
The number of energy sources in Su Xing's hand is 284 points.

A gap approaching three million energy sources...

"Now, I still have one simulation opportunity left in my hand, which means that within the next twenty days, I must bring out the reward, otherwise it will be a waste of one simulation opportunity..."

Su Xing murmured.

At the moment, there is still a wave of earnings that have not yet been withdrawn from the awakening in the star world.

One month later, 300,000 star stones will indeed be enough to make up for the 3 million energy gap.

But within this month, Su Xing will not do nothing.

"In one month's time, there won't be much benefit from staying in the Star Realm..."

"Looks like I have to go to the world around me to make extra money..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, whether there were Luotian inheritance coordinates near the star world.

"With my current speed, I can make the round trip smoothly within half a month..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and found that within this radius, there were really two Luotian inheritances.

One place is called Biluo Realm, which is the Middle Thousand World. The distance from the Star Realm is about five void nodes, which is about four times the distance from Blue Star to Little Qingyun Realm.

There is another place called Yuanmeng Realm, which is a small world about six void nodes away.

At Su Xing's current speed, he could barely explore both worlds and return successfully in a month.

Thinking of this, Su Xing no longer hesitated, tore open a passage in the void, controlled the star, sun and moon shuttle, and quickly headed towards the Yuanmeng Realm.


Twenty days later, Biluojie.

In the secret realm under an ancient tree, Su Xing successfully retrieved the Luo Tian inheritance buried in this world.

With a thought in his heart, Su Xing tried to convert some of the unused inheritance into energy source.

[Ding, a large amount of energy source material has been detected, worth 227 points of energy source... Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing did not hesitate and directly chose to absorb.

Counting the energy source explored in the Yuanmeng Realm ten days ago, the two Luotian inheritances provided Su Xing with a total of about 4 million energy sources.

Now, the number of awakened energy sources has reached 6.8 million points!

"Finally, it's enough to withdraw the rewards from the previous simulation!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then said silently:
"I choose to bring out the half-step Golden Immortal cultivation level...and the Spiritual Flower!"

[Ding, you successfully brought out half-step of Golden Immortal cultivation. You spent 400 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 280 million 1344 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Divine Flower, spending 150 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 130 million 1344 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the number of awakened energy sources dropped sharply.

However, Su Xing's cultivation also began to grow at this moment.

In the Lingtian Cave, he woke up with his five hearts in the sky and carefully realized the changes in his body.

I saw slivers of light pouring into the originally empty entrance aperture.

The light spots continued to gather, and at the same time Su Xing also noticed the changes in his soul.

Refining Qi...

The whole process was as uneventful as water. After only a dozen breaths, Su Xing felt that his energy was completely different.

"Huh... With the three flowers on top, the human flowers have finally gathered together smoothly!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at a piece of soil not far away.

Palm-sized trance flowers bloom on the Five Elements soil.

After Su Xing came closer, he nodded slightly.

"We've got the Spiritual Flower, now it's time to gather the Earth Flower!"

At this moment, Su Xing still had 130 million energy sources left in his hands.

The fourth simulation is about to be refreshed, in order to ensure that the number of simulations will not be wasted.

Su Xing did not hesitate and was ready to start a new round of simulation.

"Start simulation!"

[The 147th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 130 points... The remaining number of simulations is 1344. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the red legendary talent Innate Dao Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Innate Dao Body]: Red legendary talent, a rare innate Dao body in the world, possessing a terrifying understanding of the Dao beyond ordinary people's understanding, and a legendary physique that even Daluo Jinxian dreams of.

(End of this chapter)

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