Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 403: The terror of the innate Tao body, the strength of the alien race is finally revealed!

Chapter 403: The terror of the innate Tao body, the strength of the alien race is finally revealed!
"Innate Dao Body!"

After seeing the newly drawn talent, Su Xing's eyes widened.

This is the second red-level talent Su Xing has drawn, and the third myth-level talent he has.

"The effects of red-level talents are far from comparable to those of golden legendary levels..."

"Originally, my acquired Dao body has already allowed me to comprehend the Dao at a speed several times that of monks of the same realm..."

"Isn't the speed at which the innate Dao body can comprehend the Dao more than ten times that of monks of the same level?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart pounded.

Currently, the source of awakening energy is about to be exhausted, but the number of simulations is still not used up.

The cultivation level is not enough for the time being, but the progress of enlightenment of the great road cannot be slowed down!
After all, every avenue requires a lot of time.

Su Xing has been immersed in simulation for seventy years each time, and after accumulating little, he will eventually reach the end of the road.

"With the innate Tao body, the goal of this simulation needs to be changed!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the target blessed by Xijiayi talent...]

"I choose to bless...the gift of great wisdom and foolishness!"

That's right, this awakening did not choose to bless the late bloomer, if it was simply to improve the understanding of the great road.

Although the talent of a late bloomer is good, it is obviously not as high as the bonus of being wise and foolish.

The following is the effect before the talent of Dazhiruoyu is strengthened.

[Great Wisdom and Foolishness]: Purple talent, you may usually act naive or even a little stupid, but at critical moments, you can take out the wisdom you have accumulated before and burst out with unprecedented wisdom and understanding. This talent is an active talent and can be freely switched between three modes: "Foolish", "Wise" and "Mediocre".

But as the simulated text in front of Su Xing's eyes changed, the introduction of the talent of Dazhi Ruoyu also changed rapidly.

[Great Wisdom and Foolishness (Enhanced)]: Golden talent, with three states: Fool, Ordinary, and Transcendence. Three days of Fool status can be exchanged for one day of Transcendence status. In the state of detachment, your understanding will be improved tenfold!
"A full tenfold improvement!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly, and when he saw the enhanced Dazhi Ruoyu, Su Xing knew that he had made the right bet this time!

The original great wisdom is like a fool. Ten days of stupidity can be exchanged for one day of extraordinary understanding, and only three times the blessing of understanding.

But now, not only has it become a three-to-one exchange, but the understanding blessing has also increased to ten times!
It should be noted that a gold-level late-blooming talent is only five times the blessing of overall cultivation, and the blessing of understanding is only five times.

The enhancement option of Dazhiruoyu is obviously more suitable for awakening and comprehending the great road!
"With the dual blessings of the innate Taoist body and the great wisdom and foolishness... I don't know how exaggerated my current understanding will be!"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with anticipation in his heart.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You spent ten days and returned to the star realm. 】

[After taking away all the more than 300,000 star stones in the star realm, you returned to Blue Star. 】

[You moved the Blue Star human race to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[You went to Tianji Pavilion to sell information...]

[After that, you went to Qingyun Sect and made a deal with Qingyunzi, and you got two cups of Enlightenment Tea. 】

[You ask Qingyunzi for more Enlightenment Tea. 】

[Qingyunzi rejected you...]

[Don’t give up and continue to propose a deal to Qingyunzi. 】

[You propose to exchange the Dragon of Spiritual Veins for the Enlightenment Tea in Qingyunzi’s hand. 】

[Qingyunzi agreed...you got three more enlightenment tea leaves. 】

[You offered to exchange the enlightenment tea leaves you drank with Qingyunzi... You exchanged the innate hibiscus branches and some other treasures for the only eight enlightenment tea leaves left in Qingyunzi's hand. 】

[Although you suffered a big loss in this transaction, you still left with satisfaction. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Unexpectedly... I can exchange for three more pieces of Enlightenment Tea!"

Su Xing took a deep breath. Perhaps it was because Su Xing's strength had improved and he was close to the Golden Immortal's cultivation, and he had the right to talk to Qing Yunzi on an equal footing.

Or maybe it’s because the treasure that Su Xing took out is really touching...

In short, the three additional Enlightenment tea leaves obtained were something Su Xing did not expect!

"It seems that, counting the previous nine pieces... the number of Enlightenment Tea in my hand has reached a full twelve pieces!"

"In addition to the eight used Enlightenment Tea Leaves... we can refine twenty more Wen Dao Pills by then!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart.

He had a hunch that through the Great Dao of Enlightenment this time, Su Xing's overall strength would have a huge breakthrough!

"In this simulation, leave everything behind and concentrate on understanding the great path!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[Next, you go to various places in Qingyuan Territory to look for Luo Tian’s inheritance. 】

[In the 40th year, you found enough Luo Tian inheritance and decided to go to Tianji Domain. 】

[In the sixtyth year, you successfully arrived in the Tianji Domain. 】

[Next, you go to the Nine Heavens Realm...]

[You have arrived at the fifth heaven of Tianji Domain...]

[You have found a secret realm in the fifth heaven. 】

[You have activated the talent of being wise and foolish...]

[For the next three hundred years, you will be in the "fool" state...]

[In the 360th year, you successfully switched from the fool's state to the ordinary state. At this moment, you have accumulated a full hundred years of "transcendent" understanding! 】

[You no longer hesitate and are officially ready to comprehend the great road...]

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation...100 years in duration!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 36500 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 126 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


The fifth heaven, somewhere hidden in a secret realm.

Su Xing set up a lot of restrictions to ensure that no one would disturb his retreat.

Later, Su Xing took out the resources he had prepared in advance.

Hundreds of great treasures of Tao Yuan enlightenment.

From the Five Elements Avenue, the Space Avenue, to all the avenues involved in awakening, it’s all there!
There are nine pieces of Enlightenment tea leaves, and a cup of brewed Enlightenment tea.

A spiritual elixir, an inevitable opportunity for enlightenment.

These are all the preparations Su Xing has made for this time to comprehend the great road.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing directly drank a sip of enlightenment tea, opened up the state of great wisdom and foolishness, and understood the great avenue of space!

I saw Su Xing sitting cross-legged, with several space treasures floating in front of him.

As Su Xing continued to comprehend, his understanding of the avenue of space continued to deepen, and the mysterious fluctuations almost changed the color of this secret realm.

After drinking nine sips of the Enlightenment Tea in a row, eighteen years passed in the blink of an eye, including the weakening effect of the Enlightenment Tea.

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, the progress of his understanding of the avenue of space was directly promoted from the fourth level of minor achievement to the fourth level of great achievement!

"Huh, in just eighteen years, the fourth realm of Space Avenue has reached its completion!"

It's hard to hide the joy when I wake up. This feeling of comprehending the great truth and constantly improving is particularly refreshing.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing continued to comprehend the avenue of space.


Another eighteen years passed, and the second cup of Enlightenment Tea was completely exhausted.

Understanding the avenue of space and successfully reaching the peak of the fourth realm!

At this moment, we are only one step away from entering the fifth realm!
"Huh... my understanding of the great road went surprisingly smoothly!"

Su Xing brewed the third cup of enlightenment tea, and then continued his enlightenment.

Another eighteen years have passed.

The third cup of enlightenment tea is exhausted, and the way of space has successfully entered the fifth realm!
The invisible Tao Yun of space surrounds Su Xing.

"The fifth realm of Space Avenue has been successfully achieved!"

Su Xing stretched out his hand and a large mountain in the distance disappeared out of thin air.

Along with the mountains disappearing, there is still space for the entire mountain!

The fifth realm of Space Avenue, intercept space!

This is the real golden fairy method!
After entering the fifth realm of the way of space, Su Xing can even intercept the space at will.

Su Xing's heart moved and he slowly stretched out his hand.

A miniature mountain appeared in Su Xing's hands. This is not a model, this is a real mountain!
The entire mountain, with a radius of ten miles, was picked up by Su Xing and compressed.

If during the battle, Su Xing was surprised and smashed the mountain, even an immortal would not be able to eat it and carry it around.

"The power of space is so terrifying..."

"If I could intercept an entire small world and then release it with the power of space, this magical power would probably be able to severely damage even the Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened slightly. As the Avenue of Space entered the fifth realm, Su Xing had another means of combat!

After waking up, he took a step forward, crossed a hundred thousand miles, and appeared directly in another secret realm of the fifth heaven.

"After entering the fifth realm of the way of space, I have become more sensitive to the secret realm, space and even world coordinates..."

“Crossing the world in an instant no longer seems like a dream!”

Su Xing thought about the blood three from back then!
Coming to Blue Star from the small Qingyun Realm.

Although he has used the space magic weapon, he must be able to do it, and the way of space can successfully enter the fifth realm.

"My current strength... is not enough to cross the world. Maybe after reaching the fifth realm, I can directly reach the Blue Star from the Little Qingyun Realm?!"

It should be noted that the distance between Xiao Qingyun Realm and Blue Star is exactly three void nodes.

There was once a Daluo Jinxian who crossed the void with his physical body, without passing through the void nodes, and measured the distance between the two void nodes.

The shuttle between each void node spans approximately one billion and millions of miles...

That is to say, ten thousand light years...

What Awakening can do now is to accurately reach from one void node to another.

But it’s not enough to cover the distance of hundreds of millions of miles in one step.

"So, when a powerful monk is on his way, he has to pass through the void node in order to quickly reach another world!"

Su Xing blinked. Now his escape speed is second to none in the entire Three Thousand Worlds.

The path of speed and the avenue of space have both entered the fifth realm!
Even among the Golden Immortals, there are not many monks who can compare to the sober ones in terms of escape speed.

Su Xing's heart moved, and he returned to the original secret realm, and began to figure out the process of his enlightenment.

"Three cups of Enlightenment Tea, in just fifty-four years, the Space Avenue has successfully entered the fifth realm from the fourth realm... This speed is comparable to the Xuanxian's 100,000 years of hard work, right?"

Su Xing did some calculations.

Late-blooming talent brings twice the blessing of understanding.

The talent of great wisdom and foolishness, after blessing, can bring about a tenfold improvement in understanding!
Innate Dao body, another tenfold improvement in understanding!
With the blessing of Enlightenment Tea, your understanding will increase tenfold!
The most important thing is that these four kinds of blessings can be multiplied with each other!
Putting aside personal qualifications, heavenly materials, earthly treasures and other factors, the speed of awakening and understanding the great road is about two thousand times that of monks in the same realm!
Therefore, the fifty-four years of awakening and enlightenment are roughly equivalent to the Xuanxian's enlightenment of the way of space, which lasts for one hundred thousand years!

If the speed at which he had awakened and comprehended the Great Dao before, seventy years of immersive simulation, he could be promoted from a small achievement to a great achievement in the fourth realm.

"In my previous immersive simulation, the acquired Taoist body was improved by about three times, the wisdom was three times as foolish, the enlightenment tea was ten times, and the late bloomer was five times..."

"To put it all together, my speed of enlightenment before was about four hundred times that of monks at the same level..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth.

Now, he finally found a suitable method of enlightenment.

The efficiency is almost five times that of before!
"However... I currently have a lot of avenues under my control. It will still take some time to push them all into the fifth realm!"

Su Xing made some calculations.

He has now successfully entered the fifth realm, namely the Avenue of Speed, the Way of Sword, the Way of Space, and the Way of Five Elements.

Su Xing does not intend to move all avenues into the fifth realm.

But the avenue of cause and effect and destiny is necessary for awakening to enter the fifth realm!

"There is still a cup of Enlightenment Tea left, twenty Wen Dao Pills to be refined, and a chance for epiphany."

“I don’t know to what level it can elevate the path of cause and effect and destiny?”

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

The avenue of cause and effect and destiny is the most difficult avenue that Su Xing has mastered.

After all, whether it is the avenue of cause and effect or destiny, it is the top avenue.

And if these two avenues are comprehended together, the difficulty will be even more terrifying!
Even if Su Xing mastered Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method and had the talent of "astrology", it would still take a lot of time.

"Huh, then let's officially start to realize it!"

Su Xing took out the Dao Yun treasures he had prepared in advance and began to understand the path of cause and effect and destiny.


In the blink of an eye, eighteen years have passed.

On this day, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and carefully realized the progress of his enlightenment.

"Unfortunately, there is still some distance between us and the fourth realm..."

Without hesitation, Su Xing used the inevitable epiphany opportunity.

Ten days later, he awakened to the avenue of cause and effect and destiny, and successfully reached the fourth level of success.

Twenty Wen Dao Pills were also given, and the awakening was not wasted.

It took several years to completely digest Wen Dao Dan.

Su Xing's understanding of the path of cause and effect and destiny is only one step away from achieving the fourth realm.

There is a qualitative difference between the fifth realm and the fourth realm of the great avenue!
If the path of cause and effect and destiny successfully enters the fifth realm, Su Xing can even pay the price and change the cause and effect of reality on a large scale!

The hundred-year immersive simulation ended quickly. Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, digested the memories in his mind, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Huh... After a hundred years of immersive simulation, the way of space has successfully entered the fifth realm... The way of causality and destiny is also close to the completion of the fourth realm... At most, in the next simulation, the way of causality and destiny can also enter the fifth level. !”

"This speed is comparable to the previous seven or eight immersive simulations..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"With less than 40,000 energy sources, my overall strength has increased by at least 30%!"

"The most important thing is that with the improvement of escape speed... it will be easier to obtain resources in reality!"

Originally, it might take ten days to wake up and return to the star realm.

But now, after waking up for up to five days, you can successfully return to the star realm.

If you travel at full speed regardless of the cost, you can even return to the Star Realm in three days.

And the time to return to Blue Star from Little Qingyun Realm will also be shortened to six hours...

This undoubtedly greatly accelerates the speed of awakening and development.

The faster the escape speed, the wider the range that the awakening can radiate.

Originally, Su Xing could only collect energy sources from a few small worlds near Blue Star, and he also had to worry about alien races and advent cults "stealing" them.

But now, Su Xing can explore the dozens of small worlds near Blue Star.

Even if the Speed ​​Avenue enters the sixth realm, it won't take much time to wake up and go to Tianyuan Realm.

After his understanding of the great road improved tremendously, Su Xing began to plan the next simulation.

"Currently, the energy source in my hands is still too little..."

"It will be too difficult to bring out the cultivation level next. In that case, let's improve the level of the Evil Demon Vest!"

Su Xing is a little curious, if he has enough time.

To what extent will the power of faith of the evil god be enhanced?
Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 460th year, after a hundred years of retreat, your understanding of the great road is far greater than before. 】

[You went to a small world invaded by aliens in the Tianji Domain, and then changed into the identity of the evil demon vest. 】

[You were quickly discovered by the alien race and attracted the attention of the entire Third Army Corps. 】

[A true god and evil demon is enough to raise the strength of the entire alien army to a new level. 】

[You have received an invitation from the Third General Legion, the First Legion. 】

[You are greeted by a Taiyi Golden Immortal-level deputy army commander. You accepted his invitation and became the deputy army commander of the first army. 】

[In the next period of time, you began to encourage the lemures to have children and began to cultivate your own followers. 】

[In the blink of an eye, forty years have passed...]

[In the fifth hundred years, after forty years of development, the number of your followers has reached one billion. 】

[Nearly a billion lemures spread across dozens of legions and hundreds of worlds. These lemures continuously provide you with the power of faith. 】

[At the same time, after forty years of exploration, you have also learned some important information! 】

[The Third General Legion is mainly responsible for invading the Tianji Domain. It has more than 200 large legions under its command, ranked according to the overall strength of the legions. 】

[And the entire Third General Legion has a total of more than thirty first-level gods and two main gods! 】

[The commander of the first legion is a shadow clan of the main god level! He is also the leader of the Shadow Clan! 】

[Such terrifying strength makes you feel a little scared...]

[And there are ten alien races as powerful as the Third General Legion! 】

(End of this chapter)

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