Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 404: Promotion to God’s Mansion! Terrifying belief in Shinto!

Chapter 404: Promotion to God’s Mansion! Terrifying belief in Shinto!

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"There are ten total legions under the alien tribe!?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. Now, he finally had a rough understanding of the alien race's strength.

As far as Su Xing knows, the main mission of the Third Legion is to invade the Tianji Domain.

And the Fifth Legion invaded the Qingyuan Territory...

During a simulation during Layer Jin, Su Xing also learned the news that the Seventh General Legion had completely destroyed the Southern Barbarian Territory.

But so far, Su Xing only knows that the alien race has seven legions.

What I never expected was that the alien race actually had ten legions!

Even the independent Seventh General Legion can destroy a large area of ​​the world of immortality on its own!
It should be noted that the Seventh General Legion ranks only seventh among the ten legions...

"There are ten legions...which means there are at least twenty main gods!"

"The first-level divine residence even has hundreds of statues!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing suddenly felt a headache.

The total number of Daluo Jinxian in the human race is probably no more than two hands.

As for the Taiyi Golden Immortal corresponding to the first-level divine residence, the human race lags far behind...

Not to mention the backbone combat power and low-level monks...

Just the endless evil demons can kill the low-level monks in the three thousand worlds.

"Alas, there is still a long way to go before we can completely defeat the alien race!"

"For now, let's focus on improving our strength..."

Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[After learning about the terrorist power of the alien race, you did not panic. You just concentrated on cultivating the evil demons and gathering the power of faith. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed...]

[In the past hundred years, the number of your lemure followers has increased and finally exceeded the tens of billions threshold! 】

[The power of faith accumulated over the past hundred years has allowed you to cultivate ten saint-level apostles. This is also the limit of the number of apostles you have now. 】

[Your ten saint-level lemure apostles offer sacrifices to you regularly, and a large amount of faith power pours into the sacred tree of faith. 】

[The happiest thing for you every day is to quietly watch the power of faith grow. 】

[In this way, another two hundred years have passed...]

[In the 800th century, the number of your lemure followers has reached one hundred billion! 】

[Most of them are the most elementary pan-believers, but the number of intermediate believers is constantly growing. 】

[One hundred thousand fist-sized fruits of faith hang on the tree of faith. 】

[But the growth rate of your faith power has slowed down in the past hundred years. The main reason... is that the number of apostles has reached a bottleneck. 】

[So, you decided to mobilize the power of faith and achieve a breakthrough in realm! 】

[You chose an auspicious day to use up 90% of the fruits of faith on the tree of faith. 】

[The golden fruit of faith turns into little bits of light and pours into your divine body. 】

[You can feel the continuous growth of your divine power, and your godhood and divinity are also growing rapidly. 】

[With the blessing of the huge power of faith, your understanding of the laws of space, cause and effect, and speed has all reached the fourth realm! 】

[Your divine power continues to grow...]

[Your godhood has completed a sublimation. 】

[Congratulations, you successfully broke through to the third level of God's Mansion! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes widened when he saw this.

"In just a few hundred years... he was promoted from the level of a true god to a level three god's residence?!"

Su Xing was a little unbelievable.

It should be noted that the third-level divine residence corresponds to Xuanxian!

And the realm of cultivation in the awakening reality is nothing more than a mysterious immortal...

In just a few simulations, the realm of awakening the evil demon vest is almost catching up with the original one!
"Hiss, the power of faith... is so terrifying!"

Su Xing's eyes were filled with shock. He had finally experienced the terror of the power of faith!
With tens of billions, hundreds of billions, or even trillions of believers as the foundation, a large amount of faith can easily complete the climb to the realm of cultivation!
For a strong man who follows the path of faith, his followers are the source of all his strength!
Even those who are strong in the way of faith do not need cultivation resources.

Because the power of faith is the best resource for practice.

"But after looking through the information, it seems that neither the alien god of faith nor the human race's incense fairy has such a terrifying improvement..."

Su Xing murmured.

The incense immortals of the human race are often limited to one realm.

Perhaps in a world, a large number of living beings believe in a certain immortal, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of human beings, which is already considered good.

But even if there are a billion human beings, the power of faith may not be able to create an immortal.

If it were the Middle Thousand World or even the Great Thousand World, with the incense of tens of billions of human beings, it would be the limit to be able to create just one Mysterious Immortal.

However, this requires tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years to maintain!
It doesn’t happen overnight…

Moreover, the rise and fall of the human race of faith and the prosperity of incense are all related to the strength of the incense fairy.

That's not the most important thing.

The biggest limitation of the Immortal of Incense is that his strength and cultivation are limited to a certain realm.

Once you leave the world where believers live... their strength will not even be the same!

And once the enemy is provoked, if the believers are slaughtered regardless of the cost, the strength of the Incense Fairy will be greatly reduced.

This is why, among the top experts of the human race, there are very few who follow the path of incense.

Because the limitations are too great...

Ever since the evil demon vest became a Shinto believer, Su Xing went out to check some information.

A long time ago, a vast world gave birth to a Taiyi Golden Immortal who followed the path of incense.

It is rare to achieve the position of Taiyi through the method of incense.

But later, this Taiyi Golden Immortal was deceived out of his own world and came to another world.

As a result, he was successfully assassinated by a human traitor who was only at the peak of Golden Immortal!

Once they leave the world where their followers are concentrated, Taiyi Golden Immortals who follow the path of incense are even worse than some Golden Immortals!
The huge gap between this can be imagined!

"The foreign gods seem to be similar..."

"It's just that there are too many alien races of evil spirits and they are spread too widely... Maybe it will be different?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and realized that the path of the evil god was unprecedented.

How far it can go, Su Xing doesn't know.

But judging from the current development situation, it is entirely possible that the strength of the Evil Demon Vest will exceed that of me in the future!

"Huh, is it the way of faith... I wonder if I can practice this way at the same time?"

Su Xing was a little eager to try.

The terrifying value brought by the power of faith made Su Xing a little excited.

If you wake up and practice the way of incense and fire, it will be different from ordinary incense and fire immortals.

Because the awakened deity possesses strength, and the increase in strength brought by the incense body is only additional. "If I have a chance later, I might try it..."

"But for now, let's take a look at the progress of the Evil Demon Vest's strength..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through to the third level of the Divine Mansion, the number of apostles you can cultivate will double again! 】

[Right now, you have ten more apostles...]

[However, the power of faith has been almost exhausted, so you decided to wait for the restoration of the power of faith. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another two hundred years have passed. 】

[In the 1000th year, you spent all the incense power you accumulated before and trained ten new lemure apostles. 】

[In this way, the number of believers under you has doubled again, and the speed at which you can collect the power of faith has also been greatly improved! 】

[Next, you quietly wait for the power of faith to recover and prepare for the next improvement in strength. 】


[In the 1100th year, it has been hundreds of years since you joined the First Legion. 】

[For hundreds of years, foreign gods and gods have been killed in the first legion...]

[These gods who died in battle are all vaguely related to you. 】

[Either you personally followed the legion on the expedition, or you arranged for your subordinates to go on the expedition together, but without exception, it resulted in increased losses from the alien legion's invasion. 】

[But even so, the strength of the entire first army is still terrifying! 】

[Although the Divine Body of Disaster is powerful, it is not omnipotent... Faced with the absolute disparity in strength, the first legion's war still results in more wins than losses. 】

[Until the 1100th year, you received a request. 】

[The commander-in-chief of the Seventh General Legion, a god-level existence, personally invites you to go to the Southern Barbarian Territory and temporarily cooperate with them to fully invade the Southern Barbarian Territory! 】

(ps: The first army here refers to the first army of the third general army, and will be referred to as the first army from now on.)
In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"In the previous simulation, in the 1500th year, the aliens completely invaded the Southern Barbarian Territory... Even the Southern Barbarian Emperor of Daluo Jinxian died tragically..."

"I didn't expect that in this simulation, the Seventh Army actually invited me to invade the Southern Barbarian Territory..."

It is not difficult to imagine the thoughts of the main god when he wakes up.

It is no exaggeration to say that a god of evil demons at the level of a god's residence is even more effective on the entire battlefield than Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Because as long as this god of lemures exists, lemures will be born continuously on the battlefield.

The endless army of lemures serve as cannon fodder and are particularly critical to the outcome of the battlefield.

Moreover, as the god of lemure demons, Su Xing can even improve the overall strength of lemure demon cannon fodder on his own.

Naturally, it plays a greater role on the battlefield...

"So, do you want to go to the Southern Barbarian Territory and see the situation..."

Su Xing thought for a while.

In his simulation, the main believers are distributed in the Tianji Realm.

If you leave and go to the Southern Barbarian Territory, you will inevitably need to cultivate a large number of believers again.

The pace of development will be slow...

But going to the Southern Barbarian Territory will obviously help you understand the situation in the Southern Barbarian Territory.

Su Xing might even know the reasons for the complete destruction of the Southern Barbarian Territory in detail, which would be beneficial to Su Xing in judging the situation in Three Thousand Worlds later.

"Huh... So, let's go to the Southern Barbarian Territory!"

Su Xing quickly made the decision that the believers would need to be re-cultivated anyway without the next simulation.

But if this information is missed, it will be troublesome.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1110th year, you agreed to the invitation of the Seventh General Legion and temporarily went to the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

[The commander of the Seventh General Legion, a terrifying Six-Winged Demon Clan, whose strength has reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian. He is also the leader of the Six-Winged Demon Clan, one of the ten imperial clans. 】

[This Lord God, to the commander of the Third General Legion, repeatedly guarantees your safety and expresses that your existence is the wealth of the entire foreign race. 】

[You smiled in your heart after hearing this, your safety cannot be guaranteed! 】

[When you go to the Southern Barbarian Territory this time, you don’t want to come back alive...]

[After ten years of sailing in the void, you have successfully arrived in the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

[The reason it took so long is because besides you yourself, you also brought 10 million lemure elites and ten saint-level lemure apostles with you! 】

[After arriving in the Southern Barbarian Territory, you saw the six-winged demon clan’s main god with your own eyes. 】

[The body of this six-winged demon is similar to a human being in appearance, with three pairs of black wings growing on its back, somewhat like a fallen angel in mythology. 】

[The Six-Winged Lord is quite polite to you. After all, you are now the leader of the lemure clan. 】

[Although the lemures are the weakest among the entire alien race, they are definitely the most critical race among the alien races. There is no one. 】

[Even if one of the ten imperial clans is wiped out, the overall strength of the foreign clan will only drop slightly. 】

[But if the evil demon clan is completely exterminated, the alien race may no longer be able to invade the three thousand worlds...]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"Yes, if there were no evil demons and the foreign races had no cannon fodder, the pressure on the battlefield would be greatly increased!"

"Although it will not reverse the strength of the alien race and the human race, if the alien race wants to invade the Three Thousand Worlds again, I am afraid it will not be that easy..."

Aliens invaded the Three Thousand Worlds, and two large legions of cannon fodder appeared.

Lemurs and red-eyed aliens!
Among them, the red-eyed alien race is driven by the red-eyed alien race, and has immortality, near infinity...

However, the Red Eyes clan is very few in number, and there are only a few Red Eyes aliens that can summon a large number of Red Eyes aliens.

On the contrary, countless lemures are the main force on the battlefield.

"What if I, as the Evil Demon Vest, stop all the Evil Demons from invading the Three Thousand Worlds...will the crisis in the Three Thousand Worlds be resolved?"

Su Xing just thought about it briefly and quickly rejected his idea.

"No, this idea is still too naive..."

"Although the identity of the lemure vest is the leader of the lemure clan and the god of lemures... But if I directly let the lemure clan rebel, I am afraid that the lemure vest will be killed directly!"

"And even though he is the god of lemures, it is impossible to control all the lemures..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. From the current point of view, this idea is not feasible.

But if the strength of the evil demon vest continues to improve, that won't necessarily be the case.

"Huh, let's put this idea aside for now and let's take a look at the situation in the Southern Barbarian Territory..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[When you first arrived in the Southern Barbarian Territory, the army of tens of thousands of evil demons you led quickly occupied several worlds invaded by alien races. 】

[The Seventh General Legion also has an army of billions of lemures under its command, and is even led by a lemure with weak divine power. 】

[But there is no doubt that a lemure with only weak divine power will feel like a god after seeing you. 】

[The Seventh General Legion provides a large amount of flesh and blood essence to ensure that the lemures under your command reproduce and grow rapidly...]

[And the first task you receive is to cultivate an army of 10 billion evil spirits that can directly participate in the war within fifty years...]

(End of this chapter)

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