Chapter 405 New changes, the awakening of being watched

[It is not difficult for you to cultivate an army of tens of billions of evil spirits. 】

[As the god of lemures, you have the talent to easily cultivate a large number of lemures. 】

[And with the blessing of your godhead, the strength of the lemure believers can be greatly improved. 】

[So for the next fifty years, you steadily cultivated lemure believers and continued to absorb the power of faith. 】

[At the same time, you also paid attention to the information about the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

[The Southern Barbarian Region is indeed the weakest among the five major regions. 】

[In the entire Southern Barbarian Territory, only the Southern Barbarian Emperor is the Great Luo Golden Immortal...]

[According to the information from the foreign race, the Southern Barbarian Emperor is a long-established Daluo Golden Immortal, but he suffered hidden wounds in his early years that damaged his foundation, so he is not particularly powerful among the Daluo Golden Immortals. 】

[And the overall strength of the entire Southern Barbarian Territory, whether it is the number of powerful men or the strength of the backbone, is far inferior to the Seventh General Legion. 】

[In the 1200th year, when your army of evil demons officially entered the battlefield, the entire Southern Barbarian Territory was completely defeated. 】

[More than two-thirds of the world has been occupied by alien races, and the Southern Barbarian Emperor was also injured by the Six-Winged Lord in a battle 1200 years ago. 】

[Most of the remaining human races are huddled in the northernmost part of the Southern Barbarian Territory. The few remaining worlds are struggling to support themselves with the Southern Barbarian Territory as the core. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"The Southern Barbarian Emperor was injured by the six-winged god one thousand two hundred years ago?"

"Doesn't that mean... just in the past few years?"

"Is the current Southern Barbarian Emperor already injured or not injured yet?"

Su Xing was a little uneasy.

It is very difficult for Daluo Jinxian to be injured. Normal injuries will recover quickly.

But if the foundation is really damaged, it will be difficult to recover even if it takes ten thousand years, let alone a thousand years.

"When did the Southern Barbarian Emperor get injured? Maybe we can investigate later..."

Su Xing murmured.

Then he looked at the simulation panel.

[Next, you try to join the battlefield to see if your own misfortune can interfere with the speed of the alien invasion. 】

[In the 1300th year, you personally participated in the war and invaded a middle-thousand world with a first-level god. 】

[This battle took a hundred years. In the end, the first-level god was killed by a Taiyi Golden Immortal of the human race, and the momentum of the alien invasion was greatly slowed down. 】

[You luckily escaped with your life, returned to the alien base camp, and continued to wait for the opportunity. 】

[In the 1500th year, you participated in the war for the second time, and another first-level god was tricked to death by you...]

[This battle lasted for another hundred years. 】

[Time soon came to the 1600th year, and the Southern Barbarian Territory was still not completely invaded. 】

[You did single-handedly slow down the alien invasion. 】

[But the power of the God of Disaster is also limited...]

[Even if you killed two first-level gods and slowed down the invasion. 】

[In the 1700th year, the final war still broke out! 】

[The Six-Winged Lord God designed to attack a vast world and led out the Southern Barbarian Emperor. 】

[During this battle, the alien race set up layers of ambushes, and the six-winged lord killed the Southern Barbarian Emperor at the cost of losing one of his wings! 】

[However, before his death, the Southern Barbarian Emperor also fought back with all his strength, killing several first-level gods with his own strength...]

[Unfortunately for you, you died in the aftermath of the Southern Barbarian Emperor's offensive...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

"So, the world where only I was injured has been achieved again..."

Su Xing sighed, a little helpless.

This time he simulated the identity of the evil demon vest, and he was in the Cao camp and his heart was in the Han Dynasty.

Although he is in the midst of a foreign army, everything he does is for the human race.

But unfortunately, the human race does not know his identity.

"Alas, this alien talent cannot change back to its original form after becoming an alien in the simulation..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

In simulation, you can only become a foreign race permanently.

But in reality, Su Xing can use the alien talent countless times.

This gives Su Xing a lot of room for maneuver.

"Huh, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..."

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Innate Dao Body]: Red talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: The Six Thousand Miles of Spiritual Realm begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 10 energy sources.

In this simulation, the purpose of awakening is only to enhance the understanding of the avenue, so the number of rewards that can be brought out is small.

Only the innate Taoist talent and spiritual realm cultivation results can be used.

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:
"I choose to bring out the innate Taoist talent and the results of spiritual realm cultivation..."

[Ding, it has been detected that you have the same type of talent, Houtian Dao Body, and it is being replaced automatically...]

[You successfully brought out the innate Tao body, spent 100 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 126 points...]

[You successfully brought out the results of field practice, spent 10 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 116 points...]

In this simulation, the rewards brought out by awakening are very few, so more than one million energy sources are still enough.

As two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing felt that his perception of the avenue was more acute, several times more than before.

At the same time, the scope of the domain also increased by a thousand miles, reaching the scope of six thousand miles.

After carefully understanding his own changes, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh, the energy source spent in this simulation is not much... and I still have three simulation opportunities. Do I want to improve my understanding of the avenue again?"

Su Xing thought for a while.

If it were to happen again, Su Xing's understanding of the path of cause and effect and destiny would probably directly enter the fifth realm.

By then, the safety of the awakening will be greatly guaranteed.

"Until a large amount of stable energy sources are found, the energy to bring out cultivation in the future will definitely not be enough..."

"It may take a month of accumulation before you can improve your cultivation... As for the number of overflow simulations, it is best to naturally improve your Dao perception!"

Su Xing thought for a moment.

He is now only one step away from the Golden Immortal realm. Once he reaches the Golden Immortal realm, the energy source needed to advance to a small realm may be tens of millions!

At that time, how can Su Xing obtain such a large amount of energy sources?
Therefore, the number of simulations must have overflowed.

At present, Su Xing still has three simulation times in his hand. After five days, Su Xing can return to the star world and harvest the next wave of energy source.

During this period, Awakening can be fully immersed in one more simulation.

An immersive simulation for a hundred years cost thirty to forty thousand energy sources, but the improvement it brought to the awakening was not small.

“So, it’s time to start the next simulation!”

"But before the next simulation, there is one more thing to do..."

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at a talent on the panel.

Red mythical talent - Alien!
Since receiving this talent, Su Xing has not transformed into a foreigner in reality.

And the changes in reality are reversible.

Su Xing really wanted to experience the difference between a foreign body and a human body.

"Then, let me try the alien form..."

Su Xing took a deep breath, began to concentrate, and tried to activate the alien talent in his mind.

There is no doubt that Su Xing directly chose the form of the evil demon vest.

The next second, Su Xing felt that the strength in his body began to decrease rapidly.

The originally powerful body... gradually became weak.

Of course, this weakness is relative...

Although the body of the evil demon god is not strong, it is far better than ordinary mysterious immortals. It’s just that compared with the awakened self, there is still a lot of difference...

At the same time, Su Xing's appearance began to change.

Scales began to grow on the originally smooth skin, and the height also increased by ten feet.

It turned into a humanoid creature about five meters tall and wrapped in black scales.

He carefully looked at his changed appearance as a lemur.

Although it doesn't look like the human race, from a human aesthetic point of view, it does have an evil sense of beauty.

"Huh...low-level lemures can be said to be the ugliest race among lemures..."

"But after being promoted to a god, his appearance has changed dramatically..."

Su Xing felt a little emotional.

It can only be said that the aesthetics of intelligent creatures are similar after all.

Even if it is a foreign race, a powerful individual will not be too ugly in appearance.

"Huh...this body has about the strength of the early stage Xuanxian...but in the same realm, it can only be regarded as average, and it is far from being able to fight across levels!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The power of the lemure god's residence is not its individual strength, but its command over all lemures and its status in the lemure clan!
"The evil demon gods, the way of faith...I want to see the difference!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, her mind gradually sank, and soon she entered a wonderful space and saw a huge sacred tree.

The tree of faith!

At this moment, there are only a few fruits of faith hanging on the tree of faith.

The power of faith that Su Xing can mobilize is pitiful.

Su Xing tried to communicate with the faith network, but was helpless to find that he didn't have any believers!

"Yes, even if there are hundreds of millions of believers, they are only in simulation... In reality, I still have no believers!"

"If you want to exert your maximum power, you still have to appear among the alien races as a deviant vest..."

Su Xing murmured.

"After a while, you will be able to feel a big feeling!"

"As the God of Evil Demons, I might be able to deceive many believers by going to the alien base camp... and even defraud a large amount of flesh and blood essence!"

One can imagine the status of an evil demon god among foreign races...

Next, Su Xing tried to change back to human appearance.

Between breaths, he wakes up and becomes his true self again without any side effects.

"Phew, the alien talent... perfectly changes between the two races, it's really powerful!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, feeling a little mysterious in his heart.

"Then let's start a new round of simulation!"

"Start simulation!"

[The 148th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 116 points... The remaining number of simulations is 4744. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Pure Marrow Jade Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Pure Marrow Jade Body]: Purple talent, your appearance is as pure as a piece of marrow jade, and your talent in practice is beyond that of ordinary monks.

Su Xing took a look at the new talent, which was only purple level. Although it was a talent type that increased qualifications, the help was limited.

"Huh, since your talent is not enough, let's do our best to understand the great path in this simulation!"

Su Xing has planned to continue to comprehend the great path through this simulation, which will save the most energy.

As for the choice of reward, spiritual realm awakening is a must.

After all, after reaching Wuzhang, one can promote the spiritual realm to the spiritual world after awakening.

Now the scope of the spiritual realm is six thousand miles, and the distance is not far away from ten thousand miles.

"Then in addition to the spiritual realm, we also need to bring rewards other than cultivation..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and the Soul-Gathering Flower might be a good reward.

This thing is the universal currency of the Three Thousand Worlds and is extremely valuable.

Moreover, after the awakened spiritual realm increased to 6,000 miles, the spiritual energy within the 6,000-mile radius of the Lingtian Cave became even thinner, and it could no longer maintain the blessed land level.

Su Xing also had to arrange a formation to seal off the spiritual energy in a certain area of ​​the Lingtian Cave as a cave for his own practice.

With a plan in mind, he woke up and looked at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the target of Xijia blessing...]

"I choose to bless the talent of great wisdom and foolishness..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You returned to the star world and took away the star stone...]

[You returned to Blue Star and took away most of the human race. 】

[In Xiao Qingyun Realm, you sold information to Tianji Pavilion...]

[You activate the Luotian Mirror and enter the Luotian Realm. Next, in the Luotian Realm, you ask Shennong Arita and others to cultivate the Soul Gathering Flower. 】

[In the next thirty years, you began to collect Luotian Sect inheritance. 】

[During this period, you received information that the activities of the Advent Cult have become more frequent near the Star Realm...]

[You went to eliminate several members of the Advent Sect and gained a lot of spiritual stones. 】

[In the thirtieth year, you set out for the Tianji Domain. 】

[In the 40th year, you successfully arrived in the Tianji Domain. 】

[You have activated the Fool state, your wisdom has dropped significantly, and you have become a fool...]

[In the next three hundred years, you will start cultivating the Spirit-Gathering Flower in the Lingtian Cave. 】

[Although your wisdom has declined, it does not greatly affect your planting of Soul-Gathering Flowers. 】

[Every year, you can plant about a thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers...]


[Three hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the 340th year, you planted and cultivated 40,000 new Spirit-Gathering Flowers. 】

[Including those cultivated by Luotian Sect disciples over the past three hundred years, you have obtained a total of about 200,000 Spirit-Gathering Flowers...]

[In the 340th year, you went to a secret place in the fifth heaven and began to retreat to comprehend the great road. 】

In the real world, Su Xing was a little confused when he saw this.

"In the star world, the activities of Advent Cult have become more frequent?"

Su Xing was a little confused, but didn't know why.

However, the Star Realm is not far from the Little Qingyun Realm, and Advent Sect already covers this area, so Su Xing didn’t pay much attention to it.

Instead, he is looking forward to the newly cultivated Spirit-Gathering Flower.

"Yes, two hundred thousand Spirit-Gathering Flowers, I'm afraid even Taiyi Golden Immortal would be tempted...but I got them so easily."

"Then the next step is to understand the great road..."

"Using an immersive simulation, lasting a hundred years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, and the remaining energy source is 112 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


At the same time, there was a strange space somewhere in the Qingyuan Domain.

An evil demon god suddenly opened his eyes from his deep sleep, raised his head and looked in a certain direction, thoughtfully.

"Huh? Another god has actually appeared in our he newly conceived by the Mother Goddess?"

"The Mother Goddess finally favors our clan again!"

This evil demon god suddenly became excited.

I saw that his consciousness was quickly connected to the divine realm...

(End of this chapter)

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