Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 406 I wish that there would never be a foreign race in this world!

Chapter 406 I wish that there would never be a foreign race in this world!
Simulated world, ninth heaven, fifth heaven.

Su Xing took out the enlightenment tea prepared in advance, as well as the Tao Yun treasure that comprehends the path of cause and effect and destiny.

"Four cups of Enlightenment Tea can last for a total of seventy-two years of enlightenment, which is equivalent to more than 100,000 years of enlightenment for ordinary immortals..."

"Within less than ten simulations, and in about two months, I was able to complete the path of enlightenment of a golden immortal... This speed is really terrifying!"

Before officially starting to comprehend, Su Xing sighed with emotion.

A Golden Immortal has a lifespan of millions of years. Even if he is extremely diligent and spends most of his time cultivating and understanding the Dao, his lifespan will only last for hundreds of thousands of years.

Not even as good as the immersive simulation of being awake for two months!

The price to be paid for awakening is only eight immersive simulations and less than 30 energy!
"Immersive simulation can be said to be the biggest way for me to improve my strength now! I must seize every opportunity!"

Su Xing calculated the time.

There are only less than five months until Blood Three comes to Blue Star.

Count in the time it takes to wake up and return to Blue Star to make arrangements in advance.

There are only about twenty simulations left for waking up to improve your strength.

Breaking through the Taiyi Golden Immortal within twenty simulations... Su Xing was not sure of this.

Therefore, the only thing that can be done is to improve the understanding of the great road as much as possible.

Overtaking in corners... Since my cultivation is not enough, I can achieve the purpose of competing with the blood three through a lot of understanding of the avenue.

"If within twenty simulations, my cultivation can reach the late stage of Golden Immortal... plus a certain avenue reaches the sixth level, even if I lose to the Blood Third, I can at least save my life in the hands of the Blood Third..."

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"Then, let's start this enlightenment!"

Su Xing drank the Enlightenment Tea, adjusted his breathing, and looked inwards. He was quickly immersed in the Star Observation Method of Xiao Zhou Tian. The countless stars in the universe brought Su Xing inspiration, and his speed of understanding the Great Dao continued to increase.


In the blink of an eye, seventy years passed.

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, traces of cause and effect and destiny were scattered around his body.

A strange phenomenon appears between heaven and earth...

Su Xing's heart moved, and those visions began to dissipate quickly.

The next second, Su Xing stood up with satisfaction, nodded slightly and said:
"The avenue of cause and effect and destiny has finally entered the fifth realm..."

"Then let me see how terrifying the path of cause and effect and destiny in the fifth realm is!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and his consciousness expanded rapidly, quickly covering the entire secret realm.

In the awakening consciousness, in these secret realms, there are mountains, rivers, trees, and rare animals...

The seven thousand miles of spiritual realm instantly enveloped the entire secret realm.

Then, Su Xing gently opened his mouth and said:

"There have never been any living beings in this secret realm..."

After Su Xing finished speaking, he quickly felt that some negative forces in the world were blessing Su Xing.

Nearly half of the awakening mana was consumed, and his lifespan was lost for thousands of years in an instant.

This price is not high for Su Xing.

But the next second, something amazing happened!

I saw that between the heaven and the earth, which was originally full of living creatures, the mountains and rivers began to disappear, and the living creatures also disappeared in place.

In just a moment, all the creatures in the entire secret realm disappeared!

It's like...there has never been a living being in this secret realm!

"Hiss...the power of karma and destiny is really a terrifying power!"

Su Xing sighed slightly. It is obvious that after entering the fifth realm of cause and effect, Su Xing's ability to reverse cause and effect and change destiny has been greatly improved!
With such a wave of his hand, the entire secret realm and the creatures nearly ten thousand miles away have never existed before!

The terrifying method is close to the power of creation!
It should be noted that this is not simply killing all those creatures...

Instead, by relying on the power of cause and effect, these creatures never existed!
Su Xing carefully sensed the progress of his path of cause and effect, and said with some uncertainty:

"Compared to the Fourth Realm, the power of my Karma and Destiny is approximately three times greater... which means that my ability to change reality has tripled!"

"And within the coverage of the spiritual realm, this effect is enhanced to ten times!"

If Su Xing is willing, he can even easily turn an ordinary person with no cultivation qualifications into a Tianlinggen monk regardless of any restrictions!

And the price that needs to be paid is only a few months of life...

"Even if I use the pseudo-spiritual roots between heaven and earth, I don't even need to spend my life span, I just spend some mana, I'm afraid I can do it!"

"This kind of power of cause and effect and destiny is close to that of creation... far beyond what could be compared before!"

Su Xing used his spiritual consciousness to carefully search the entire secret realm. There was indeed no sign of the existence of any living creature in the secret realm.

"Tsk, tsk, the way of cause and effect and destiny is indeed mysterious!"

"Huh... I hope that this secret realm will be restored to its original state!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, a mysterious energy once again covered the entire secret realm.

In an instant, all living creatures became active again, and everything returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened...

At the same time, Su Xing felt that his body was a little uncomfortable.

One-third of his mana was consumed again, and even his lifespan was lost for thousands of years.

"Tsk... Sure enough, even if the cause and effect is reversed, I still have to pay the price..."

"Even so, this kind of power is still intoxicating!"

Su Xing was immersed in the newfound huge power, and thought carefully about it. How would the path of cause and effect increase his actual combat power?

After a long time, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

The way of cause and effect and destiny can affect those weak beings, or even directly obliterate them.

But if he wants to deal with an enemy whose strength is similar to his own, Su Xing may have no choice but to force one for another...

The lifespan of Su Xing is reduced by one million years, and the lifespan of the other party is reduced by one million years, and they both die together.

But if you are facing an enemy whose cultivation level is higher than that of Awakening, you may not be able to even exchange one for one.

Suddenly, Su Xing thought of something.

"Wait...since I can make the creatures in the secret realm never exist...then what if! What if I do that..."

"The ability to express words... Then give it a try. It's in the simulation anyway, so there won't be any loss... At most, it will be lost directly in the simulation."

Thinking of this, Su Xing took a deep breath and finally said what he had been thinking about for a long time.

"I wish that there would never be any alien race in this world!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, the world was quiet for a moment.


There seemed to be a crow flying by in the distance, making an awkward cry, but the whole world did not change at all.

"Sure enough, it still failed..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. With his own power, even if he could control the cause and effect, how could he directly make the entire alien race disappear?
How big of a cause and effect does this have to be?
"Oh, that's right... If it could really be done... I'm afraid there would be no aliens in the world!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, just as he was about to continue practicing the next avenue.

Suddenly, Su Xing froze on the spot.


The next second, Su Xing's entire back was soaked with sweat, and he was covered in cold sweat, as if he had seen something terrifying!
The whole process was like a god of death holding a sickle and gently lifting it over a mortal's head. Even if no harm is done, not even touched...

But just the difference between gods and mortals is enough to make the mortals speechless in shock.

After a while, Su Xing gradually came back to his senses.

The whole person seems to be immersed in the river...

This is the first time this has happened to Xing Xing, who has become an immortal...

Even if he died in the hands of Daluo Jinxian before, Su Xing had never been so out of his mind.

This kind of terror strikes directly into the depths of the soul!

Su Xing gasped a few times until he felt that his mana was gradually recovering, and his whole person came to life again...

"Just now, it seemed like something was really going to happen?"

"It seems... an exchange of equal value!?"

"In exchange for my life, the entire alien race will disappear?"

"No...this is impossible!"

Su Xing thought about it with his toes and knew that this kind of thing could not happen.

"But it's strange. I felt like I really wanted to ask for something from me... but I failed in the end."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, still feeling a little scared now.

The next time Su Xing does something like this, he won't do it again.

"You still have to consider your own strength..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"Right now, there are still ten Wen Dao Pills left, and an inevitable opportunity for enlightenment... The avenue of causality and destiny has successfully entered the fifth realm. Next, it is time to try to understand other avenues..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while. At present, there seems to be no need to continue to improve the other several achievements.

"Whether it is the Avenue of Power, the Avenue of Thunder, or the Avenue of Killing Intent, they are not my main source of strength..."

"Therefore, the only things that can be improved to a limited extent are the Way of the Sword, the Way of the Five Elements, the Way of Speed, the Way of Space... and the Way of Karma and Destiny..."

Su Xing thought about the direction of his future strength growth. This step is still very critical.

"Right now, the path of cause and effect and destiny cannot continue to improve..."

Su Xing could feel that his Little Zhoutian Star Observation Technique had reached perfection.

This means that the awakening of the Path of Karma and Destiny has reached the end when it reaches the fifth level.

If you want to continue to improve, you must rely on your own insights or find the corresponding treasures...

"The most famous expert in the Three Thousand Worlds who practices the path of cause and effect and destiny... is naturally the Master of the Tianji Pavilion!"

"In other words, it is in her hand, the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Technique... which is also the other half of the Zhoutian Star Observation Technique."

It is not difficult for Su Xing to imagine that the Star Observation Method of the Big and Small Heavens is a system of its own. If Su Xing can practice both, he will be able to reach the end of the path of cause and effect.

The only problem is that Su Xing cannot obtain this technique.

Even in the Tianji Pavilion, the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Method cannot be redeemed.

"Currently, the only possibility... is to get the first place in the earth rankings, get a request and commitment from the master of Tianji Pavilion, and maybe get the Great Zhoutian Star Observation Technique!"

Su Xing thought so.

Since the path of cause and effect and destiny can no longer be understood, there are not many choices left for Su Xing.

After thinking carefully, Su Xing decided to give priority to promotion, the way of space!

Or because the way of space integrates offense and defense, which can not only help the awakening to save life, but also enhance the speed of awakening to obtain the source of energy!

But currently, in reality, what Su Xing lacks most is the source of energy!
So, next, Su Xing began to comprehend the Tao of Space... and tried to push the Tao of Space to the sixth realm - the true realm of Tao!
This is the realm that Taiyi Golden Immortal can reach!

At the same time, somewhere in the ninth heaven.

A woman wearing a black robe, whose appearance was unclear, suddenly raised her head and glanced at the sky.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, seeming a little surprised.

"Huh? There are actually such stupid young people in this world. How much karma has been involved... to actually alarm the law of heaven?"

The woman just paid attention for a while, then shook her head slightly, sensing the presence in a certain direction, and murmured:

"finally found you……"


In the real world, awakening consciousness returns.

Rubbing his brows to digest the memories in his mind, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"The path of cause and effect and destiny has finally entered the fifth realm..."

"Huh, it's just that the sixth level of enlightenment is a bit too difficult!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Ten Hearing Pills and one inevitable epiphany were worth tens of thousands of years of enlightenment.

But Su Xing's understanding of the way of space is still at the fifth level of entry level.

If you want to step into the true realm of the sixth realm... you are still far behind!
"It seems that it will be impossible to enter the sixth realm in a short period of time... Sure enough, it was too reluctant to comprehend the avenue of the sixth realm when I was a Xuanxian..."

Su Xing was a little helpless.

Generally speaking, reaching the fifth realm can only be achieved by a Golden Immortal, and at the worst it can only be achieved by a Black Immortal.

At the same time, if you want to enter the sixth realm, you can't do it without the cultivation of the Golden Immortal Peak.

It was extremely difficult for Su Xing to try to comprehend the sixth realm of the Great Dao when he was at the peak of Xuanxian.

"Alas, the path of space is still too difficult... Let's try the path of speed next time..."

Su Xing thought so.

The goal of this simulation has been basically achieved.

In the immersive simulation, Su Xing gained enough insights into the great road.

Then the next step is to improve the cultivation of the evil demon vest.

"Huh... I don't know how high the evil demon can be promoted?"

Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 440th year, you left the Nine Heavens Realm and went to a world invaded by alien races. 】

[You have changed into the identity of the Evil Demon God's Mansion...]

【Every so often, a foreigner contacts you. 】

[The Commander of the Third General Army, personally invites you to join and become the deputy commander of the Third General Army. 】

[You may be a little surprised by this. Please note that only Taiyi Jinxian is qualified to serve as the deputy commander of the alien army. 】

[But you are only a third-level god, and you are able to obtain this position. That is due to your status as the god of evil spirits. 】

[Becoming the deputy commander of the army is beneficial to you. Not only can you obtain more resources, but you can also investigate alien intelligence, so you agreed without hesitation. 】

[Next, you steadily cultivate believers and accumulate the power of faith. 】

[In the blink of an eye, sixty years have passed...]

[In the fifth hundredth year, in just sixty years, the number of your followers has exceeded 10 billion, and you have also cultivated three saint-level evil apostles...]

(End of this chapter)

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