Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 407: The evil demon's strength increases again and returns to the star world!

Chapter 407: The evil demon's strength increases again and returns to the star world!
[But in the past sixty years, your strength has not improved at all...]

[Because every simulation, you need to accumulate followers again, which has become the biggest obstacle to the growth of strength...]

[But fortunately, a large number of lemure believers are growing wildly like leeks. 】

[The speed at which you obtain the power of faith is also gradually accelerating...]

[The time soon came to the 700th century. In just two hundred years, the number of followers of the evil demon has exceeded 100 billion. 】

[At the same time, you have cultivated the first batch of lemure apostles, a total of twenty. After receiving the support of the apostles, they will be sacrificed regularly every year, allowing you to gain the power of faith faster. 】

[The seeds of faith have been planted, you just need to wait for the harvest. 】

[So, another three hundred years have passed...]

[In the first thousand years, you finally accumulated enough power of faith. 】

[You mobilize all the power of faith and start to improve your realm...]

[With the consumption of a large amount of faith power, your realm has been directly promoted from the early stage of the third-level divine residence to the middle stage of the third-level divine residence! 】

[In just three hundred years, your strength has once again risen to a higher level! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this,

"Tsk, tsk, three hundred years to reach the middle stage of the third-level divine residence, this speed is too fast!"

"At this rate, I'm afraid after one or two more simulations, the Evil Demon Vest will enter the second-level God's Mansion... Toki, which is equivalent to the realm of the Golden Immortal!"

The evil demon vest has reached the second level of the divine residence, at least in terms of cultivation level, surpassing the awakening deity.

"Phew...but the speed has still slowed down a bit..."

"Because the Evil Demon Vest carries a body of misfortune, it is difficult to live long...and the power of faith needs to snowball and cultivate more believers."

"Believers need to be re-trained for every immersive simulation... Otherwise, according to this progress, I am afraid that it will take ten thousand years to become a first-level god!"

It is not difficult for Su Xing to imagine if he had trillions of lemure followers and tens of thousands of lemure apostles.

So how fast can you gain the power of faith?
"But we still can't be too greedy. This speed is enough... I don't know whether the realm can break through to the late stage of the third-level God's Mansion in this simulation?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with a little anticipation.

[Since becoming a lemure, you have used the power of your faith in a planned way. 】

[The first batch of faith power needs to ensure the birth of lemure apostles. In the middle of the third-level god residence, the number of lemure apostles you can cultivate has reached fifty. 】

[Just to train these apostles, if you start from scratch, you will need to accumulate nearly three hundred years...]

[But the benefits are also obvious. With more apostles, the speed at which you can harvest the power of faith will increase several times. 】

[So, you spent the next hundred years expanding the number of apostles to fifty, and then waited for the next batch of harvest of the power of faith. 】

[The time soon comes to the 1100th year. This year, news came from the Southern Barbarian Territory. The Six-Winged Lord God personally invited you to the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

[But you know that after going to the Southern Barbarian Territory, you need to cultivate believers again, which is not helpful for improving your realm. 】

[So you rejected the Six-Winged Lord God and concentrated on improving your cultivation...]

[Although the Six-Winged Lord God is a little dissatisfied with this, your identity is here after all, and countless aliens need to please you. 】

[However, you still sent several evil demon apostles to the Southern Barbarian Territory to prevent the Six-Winged Lord from disturbing you. 】

[In this way, another three hundred years have passed...]

[The tree of faith is once again filled with enough fruits of faith, even more than before. 】

[You did not hesitate to absorb all the fruits of faith and transform them into your own cultivation...]

[But this time, after consuming all the power of faith, you are still one step away from the late stage of the third-level God's Mansion. 】

[You will immediately understand that as the realm improves, the required divine power continues to increase. 】

[Even if the power of faith is abundant, the speed will inevitably slow down. 】

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"Sure enough, any cultivation path in the world becomes more difficult the further you go. It is more reasonable that the speed of cultivation slows down..."

Although Su Xing felt a little regretful, he also knew that this was normal.

Next, Awakening only needs to practice steadily, and he will surely be able to advance to the late stage of the third level of God's Mansion.

[In the 1400th year, the exhaustion of the power of faith made it difficult for you to respond to the requests of believers in a timely manner. In just one hundred years, the frequency of your "manifestations" became significantly less frequent, and believers began to reduce sacrifices. 】

[And this will further slow down your ability to harvest the power of faith. 】

[You summarize your experience and lessons and know that you need to leave part of the power of faith in the future as a tool to respond to believers and maintain faith. 】

[But fortunately, the power of faith recovered quickly. 】

[In just one hundred years, many more fruits have appeared on the tree of faith. 】

[In the 1500th year, this year, the Six-Winged Lord God sent news, informing that the entire Southern Barbarian Territory had basically been invaded. 】

[You sighed after hearing the news. Sure enough, without your "help", the Nanman Territory fell faster. 】

[These news did not frustrate you, and you continued to practice. 】

[But as time goes by, you unexpectedly find that the stronger your level of strength becomes, the more unlucky you become...]

[You know, this is the horror of the misfortune divine body. The higher the level of cultivation, the greater the impact of misfortune! 】

[In just a hundred years, you have been assassinated several times by human monks. Every strong human being assassinated had the cultivation level of a golden immortal! 】

[But fortunately, you have always been more vigilant, so you simply hid in the base camp to eat, drink and have fun, occasionally responding to the needs of believers, and waiting for the power of faith to accumulate again. 】

[In this way, another two hundred years have passed...]

[In the 1700th year, the number of your followers has exceeded one trillion. 】

[You have used the power of faith accumulated over hundreds of years to directly upgrade your realm to the late stage of the third-level God's Mansion! 】

[The divine power increases rapidly, and your understanding of the law also increases rapidly. 】


[In the 1900th year, you received a mission to invade a vast world. You thought this would just affect the speed of the alien invasion. 】

[So he happily followed the legion into battle. 】

[Unexpectedly, this foreign legion was ambushed by the human race, and the one who took action this time was the Great Luo Jinxian White Emperor! 】

[Bai Di’s target this time is you! 】

[He is well aware of the terror of an evil demon god's mansion...]

[So, he assassinated you with his own hands...]

[Under Bai Emperor's assassination, you have no power to resist. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

"It's a pity that it's almost two thousand years... Next time before this time point, you must use up the power of faith, otherwise you will lose money!"

Su Xing secretly noted the time.

However, Su Xing was also a little helpless about this.

After becoming a foreign race, it is inevitable to be targeted by strong humans.

But this is not important. What is important is that Su Xing's goal of this simulation has been successfully achieved again.

"Let's take a look at the rewards for this simulation first!" He looked at the reward list.

[Pure Marrow Jade Body]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: The Seven Thousand Miles of Spiritual Realm begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 10 energy sources.

[2 Spirit-Gathering Flowers]: A rare treasure bred by heaven and earth, which can increase spiritual energy. The price is energy sources.

Without any hesitation, the talent for this simulation was purple level, and there was no need to bring it out when he woke up.

"I choose to bring out the results of spiritual realm cultivation and 20 spirit-gathering flowers..."

[You successfully brought out the results of field practice, spent 10 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 102 points...]

[You successfully brought out 2 Spirit-Gathering Flowers, spent 100 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 8244 points...]

As the beeps fell one after another, Su Xing felt that his spiritual realm had become a few points stronger.

At the same time, the scope of Lingtian Cave has further increased, reaching a radius of seven thousand miles.

There were nearly 20 Spirit-Gathering Flowers in the originally awakened Lingtian Cave, and with the addition of the newly obtained flowers, the number reached more than .

"It's a pity that the scope of Lingtian Cave is too large. If it is limited to a certain range..."

"Perhaps the cave will surpass the level of the cave and become the rumored big cave..."

"By then, my cultivation speed will probably be even faster!"

In ancient times, when saints were alive, it was said that there were ten big caves, three hundred small caves, and countless blessed places in the upper world...

Among them, the large cave is full of terrifying spiritual energy. It is said that if a container is placed under a plant, the dew dripping from the plant the next day will be the best spiritual liquid!
Only Daluo Jinxian is qualified to live in such caves!
If he wakes up, he can transform his spiritual field cave into a big cave.

Not only will your cultivation speed be greatly increased, but you will also be able to obtain inexhaustible spiritual liquid.

"But the formation of the Great Cave Sky is not that easy... I'm afraid we need to arrange a more advanced formation to condense the spiritual energy..."

Su Xing estimated that with his current formation method, it was still a little worse.

"Let's talk about the matter of the Great Cave in the future... What is urgently needed now is the source of energy!"

Su Xing glanced at the simulation panel and saw that the energy source was about to fall below one million points.

"Then next, we must obtain a large amount of energy source as soon as possible..."

Su Xing did not hesitate, stretched out his hand to tear open the space, and took one step forward to appear in the void.

Then he took out the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle and turned it into a stream of light and rushed towards the star world.


In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

In the past five days, Su Xing traveled day and night and finally arrived at the star realm.

Returning to the Ziwei tribe, there is no difference from before.

After all, Su Xing had only been away for more than twenty days.

Soon the old man Xing Slave appeared in front of Su Xing and invited Su Xing to participate in the Star Conference.

Su Xing didn't want to attend at first, but when he thought that this conference was related to Su Xing's acquisition of the source of energy in the future, he had to go.

Soon, Su Xing appeared in the main hall of Ziwei tribe.

The originally empty temple was now crowded with thousands of monks.

These monks are all from major tribes, and they came to Xingchen to attend the meeting.


The moment Su Xing appeared in the temple, the originally noisy temple gradually became quiet.

Su Xing thought for a while, walked up to the monks, and said loudly:

"Thank you all for coming to the Star Conference... As you think, I am the Lord of the Stars..."

"That's right, the towering giant you saw before..."

As soon as these words came out, the monks from various tribes below were all excited.

Although they had expected it, they were still excited when they saw Su Xing admit it in person.

Whether these first batch of monks were impressed by the awakening body-building method or the Little Zhoutian stargazing method, they must still maintain awe and faith in the Lord of the Stars.

After Su Xing appeared, he said a few words briefly.

The general meaning is that if you follow me and work hard, you will be popular, drink hot food, improve your realm, practice resources, and have beautiful fairies in the future!
Su Xing had heard these words countless times in his previous life.

But now Su Xing himself finds it quite interesting.

In addition, Su Xing has the blessing of the "Master of Success", and his own level of strength far exceeds that of the tribal representatives below.

So soon all the representatives attending the meeting came to Su Xingcheng from the bottom of their hearts.

This scene stunned the Xingnu on the side.

Originally, he thought that Su Xing was not good at facing this scene, and wondered whether he would be asked to brainwash him personally. But now that he saw it, he was simply overthinking it.

"You are worthy of being the Lord of the Stars. Not only is your cultivation extremely strong, but you are also so courageous..." The old star slave watched this scene quietly in the corner and said with emotion.

An hour passed quickly, and the thousands of monks present had been brainwashed by Su Xing for a full hour.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Xing didn't mince words and said directly:
"Ahem, since everyone agrees... then I will take out the Great Witch Body Training Technique and the Little Zhoutian Star Gazing Technique... This must be what you need!"

"Everyone here and every tribe can get the enlarged jade slips of these two exercises."

"But I also need you to give me some star stones... The star stones are related to the fortune of my Star Witch clan..."

As soon as Su Xing finished speaking, a tribal representative not far away shouted:
"Sir, why are you saying this?"

"We, the Wolf Tribe, are willing to contribute all the star stones we need, a total of 8679!"

"We, the Tianyun Tribe, are willing to contribute 3216 star stones..."

"Sir, our Caixi tribe is relatively poor. We haven't prepared many star stones. We only have more than five hundred... we will make up for them later!"

"grown ups……"


As the voices in the temple came and went, there were soon close to 200 representatives of the tribe, all of whom were willing to offer the star stone.

Su Xing looked at this scene with satisfaction and glanced at Xing Nu.

Star Slave quickly understood and arranged for his men to collect these star stones one by one.


When the conference was over, Su Xing returned to his room.

Taking out the storage bag filled with star stones, Su Xing took a deep breath and said:
"Unexpectedly, the number of star stones obtained this time was even more than in the simulation... Was my previous speech too exciting?"

A total of more than 39 star stones were obtained during this awakening.

Nearly a third more than in the simulation.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing tried to convert the star stone into the source of energy.

The simulator beep sounded in my ears...


(End of this chapter)

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