Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 408 Golden Talent Space Source Body! Smoothly condense the ground flowers!

Chapter 408 Golden Talent Space Source Body! Smoothly condense the ground flowers!
[Ding, a large amount of energy source has been detected, with a total value of 2024 million energy sources. Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Fuck, how much?"

"Twenty million energy sources!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, the excitement in his pupils difficult to conceal.

A full 20 million energy sources!
This is the first time in Su Xing’s history that he has received such a huge sum of money!
If we follow Su Xing's current simulation speed, this energy source will be enough for the next four or five simulations!

And every simulation can bring out your cultivation!
This means that as long as Su Xing is willing, he can be promoted to Golden Immortal at any time!
The huge surprise only made Su Xing excited for a moment. After all, he was someone who had seen strong winds and waves.

Surprised, Su Xing also began to think about the future development path.

"Now that the source of energy is enough, there is no need to specifically improve the understanding of the avenue..."

"The best strategy is to advance your cultivation to the realm of Golden Immortal as soon as possible!"

Su Xing is confident that once he advances his cultivation to the Golden Immortal realm, he will be able to find a way to enter the seventh heaven!
In the seventh heaven, Su Xing can find a way to find the Tianyuan Tree!

With the fruit of this tree, the awakened great witch will reach the sixth level.

With breakthroughs in both body refining and qi refining, Awakening's strength will once again make great progress!

It is truly equivalent to the perfect strength of Jinxian!

It should be noted that in the entire Three Thousand Worlds, there are probably only a few hundred monks who can achieve this level of strength...

Once achieved, Su Xing can barely be regarded as the top powerhouse in the Three Thousand Worlds!

"After making breakthroughs in both body refining and qi refining, I'm afraid it's still a bit unrealistic to fight against Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

"But under Taiyi Golden Immortal, there are not many people who can threaten me..."

"When the time comes, after a few more simulations, and after further improvement in cultivation, I might be able to rival Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

"Once I have the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal, I won't be afraid of Red Moon and Blood Three!"

"At that time, there will be no need to fear or hide... but you will truly be able to stand head-on against the aliens!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing trembled with excitement.

He had been waiting for that moment for too long.

Isn't it just for that moment that I endured countless times?

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at his simulation panel.

"There are three simulation opportunities left!"

"Enough...to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm!"

"After breaking through the Golden Immortal, let's leave the Star Realm. It will be faster then..."

Su Xing thought this and silently said:

"Start simulation!"

[The 149th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 2127 points... The remaining number of simulations is 3323. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent space source... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Space Source Body]: Golden talent, one of the top hundred divine bodies. You are born with a very high talent for sensing space, and your understanding of the way of space is far beyond ordinary people.

"Space source body... talents related to the understanding of the way of space!"

Su Xing felt happy and secretly thought that today was a double blessing.

Not only did he obtain more than 2000 million energy sources, he also obtained the coveted talent related to the way of space!

"After possessing this talent, I will understand the way of space in the future, and my speed will be more than doubled!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

However, he knew that the key now was to improve his cultivation to the level of Golden Immortal!
With this belief, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the target blessed by Xijiayi talent...]

Su Xing thought for a while, since this simulation is mainly about improving cultivation.

It is better to be a late bloomer.

"I choose to bless my late blooming talent..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[Without hesitation, you left the star world. 】

[After leaving the Star Realm, you quickly rushed to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[You sold information related to the Red Moon. 】

[You go to Blue Star, knowing that the time left for you is less than three months. 】

[Three months later, Red Moon and Blood Three will pay close attention to Blue Star. You need to move all the human race away from this place before then. 】

[The huge improvement in the spiritual realm and the seven thousand miles of spiritual field and cave sky are enough for you to take away the human race on Blue Star who are willing to migrate as soon as possible. 】

[You have contacted the Daxia military. The Daxia Kingdom has extremely strong execution capabilities. In less than a month, most of the civilians have moved into Lingtian Cave. 】

[As for other countries, some humans are willing to leave, while others are not. 】

[You did not force it, and took part of the Blue Star human race to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[When you left Xiaoqingyun Realm, you looked up at the sky and saw the blood-red sky and the red moon in the sky! 】

[But you just looked at Hongyue provocatively, not afraid of it. 】

[Because you know that what is here is only the clone of Hong Yue, not the real body. 】

[And Red Moon has not yet been fully resurrected, how can it threaten you now if you are a different person? 】

[You feel the wrath of the red moon, countless red-eyed aliens, resurrecting from the endless abyss...]

[A red barrier appears in the sky, seeming to prevent you from leaving this place. 】

[An ordinary golden immortal would probably not be able to escape from such a space restriction. 】

[But your understanding of the way of space has entered the fifth realm. 】

[Tear apart the barrier easily, and you take billions of humans away with you. 】

[Riding the star, sun and moon shuttle, it only took you one day to arrive at the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[It’s not that you can’t be faster, it’s that the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle is only a middle-grade acquired spiritual treasure after all. 】

[If you want to be faster, you need to obtain a higher-level fairy boat. 】

[After returning to Xiao Qingyun Realm, you spent a sum of spiritual stones to buy the land near Baidi City, which is enough for the remaining human race to live here. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Sure enough, at this point, the stars, sun and moon shuttle can no longer keep up with my pace..."

"After all, it's just a mid-grade acquired spiritual treasure, and its speed has a limit... It would be great if it were an innate spiritual treasure!"

But Su Xing also knows that innate spiritual treasures are hard to come by.

The best way now may be to further upgrade the Star Sun and Moon Shuttle so that it can go further.

And this requires Su Xing to have higher weapon refining skills.

"However, with my current strength, as long as Hongyue is not my true self and is just a clone, there is nothing I can do."

Su Xing was a little lucky that his way of space had entered the fifth realm.

Otherwise, there may still be certain risks in the face of Red Moon's restrictive blockade.

"Then the next step is to find a way to improve your cultivation and condense the top three flowers!"

Su Xing looked at the psychic flower not far away.

With this psychic flower here, it shouldn't be a big problem. Look at the simulation panel.

[Next, you take the time to go to Qingyun Sect. After completing the transaction, you get three cups of Enlightenment Tea. 】

[Then you spent more than thirty years searching for all the Luotian Sect inheritance in the Qingyuan Domain. 】

[It took ten years, but you successfully arrived in the Tianji Domain. 】

[In the 40th year, in the Baiyun Sect, you began to accumulate a period of great wisdom and foolishness. 】

[In this way, one hundred and sixty years have passed. 】

[In the second hundred years, after you have accumulated a certain amount of time, you will begin to prepare to comprehend the great path. 】

[You went to a secret realm in the fifth heaven and began to comprehend the great road. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Although the goal this time is to gather the earth flowers, the number of immersive simulations cannot be wasted..."

"Use immersive simulation for 100 years!"

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 2123 points...]

The beep falls and you wake up into the simulated world.


The ninth heaven domain, in the sixth heaven.

Su Xing skillfully took out the Enlightenment Tea and the treasure of the Tao Yun of Space that he had prepared in advance.

"Space source body, new golden talent... I want to see how much comprehension bonus it can bring to me..."

Su Xing understood the way of space in the last simulation.

It was just ten Wen Dao Pills, plus an accidental epiphany.

His understanding of the way of space has not improved, and he is still stuck at the beginning of the fifth realm.

Now that I have newly obtained the golden talent Space Source Body, I think it will be much better.

Su Xing felt a little hopeful, so he began to understand the way of space.


In the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed.

When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he had returned to the real world.

After using his magical power and digesting the memory, Su Xing nodded slightly, quite satisfied.

"Four cups of Enlightenment Tea, an inevitable epiphany, and ten Hearing Pills... I have finally reached the fifth level of enlightenment with my understanding of the Way of Space."

From entry to success, it is only one step away.

But it is enough to make a golden immortal study hard for more than 50,000 years.

"I didn't choose to add the Great Wisdom and Ruoyu talent this time. Otherwise, with my current understanding of the way of space... I'm afraid it would be even stronger."

Su Xing roughly calculated that the space source body roughly doubled his understanding of the way of space.

"The speed is indeed not slow..."

"According to this progress, after four or five simulations, we may be able to advance to the sixth realm!"

Four or five opportunities for immersive simulation, in exchange for the sixth realm of space.

This is completely acceptable to Su Xing!
"However, that means my cultivation has not yet reached the Golden Immortal level... If I reach the Golden Immortal realm, my understanding of the Dao will be even greater! It will be a lot easier then."

For monks, the higher the realm, the more efficient they are in comprehending the great path.

The speed at which a Da Luo Jin Immortal and a Human Immortal can comprehend the Great Dao are completely incomparable.

"The immersive simulation is over, then the next step is to go to the Tianji Realm, practice steadily, and condense the flowers of the earth!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and after making sure that nothing was missing, he looked at the simulation panel.

[In the third hundred years, after the immersive simulation ended, changes occurred in the Baiyun Realm. 】

[The immortal boat sent by Tianji Pavilion has arrived in this world. 】

[You board the fairy boat and sail towards Tianji Pavilion. 】

[In the 320th year, Xianzhou successfully repelled the alien attack. You showed amazing combat power in this battle. 】

[With his own strength, he killed two second-level gods of the foreign race. 】

[You are on the Prodigy List, ranking 38th. 】

[In the 330th year, you successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[After arriving in the Tianji Realm, you became known as the elder Ke Qing. 】

[After some time, you plan to retreat and improve your cultivation first. 】

[You stay in the Tianji Realm, enter the Lingtian Cave, and take out the Divine Flower. 】

[Continuously adjust your own state until you reach the state of selflessness. 】

[At this moment, you did not hesitate, took out the magic flower, and after taking it, a warm current spread all over your limbs. 】

[The three flowers on the top are divided into heaven, earth and people, as well as essence and spirit. Refining the essence and transforming it into Qi is to store the essence in the body. After it is successful, it will condense into a human flower on the top, with an extraordinary temperament and a realm that is not shocked by honor or disgrace. 】

[Refining qi to transform into a spirit is because human survival depends on qi, which contains the qi in the heart. Only when the heart is free from fear, anger and resentment can we achieve the so-called life of eating qi. 】

[Successfully refining Qi and transforming into God, one’s own Qi will be sufficient, and they will not eat grains, but will come from Qi to make up for themselves. 】

[Of course, the method of eating Qi is not a simple method of not eating. The real method of eating Qi is to draw energy from the heaven and earth. 】

[The Qi of heaven and earth will never cease, so the Qi of people will never cease. 】

[Successfully condensing the earth flowers and refining qi and essence, you will be able to achieve a state that only the Golden Immortal can achieve, gain energy from all things in the world, and strengthen yourself. 】

[My own immortal power is endless, and I become stronger by eating Qi. 】

[Countless memories of refining Qi flash through your mind, and the breath in your heart is constantly steady. 】

[Time passes bit by bit, and you seem to have forgotten everything. You can only feel your own breathing... and the breathing of heaven and earth! 】

[The breath of heaven and earth contains the mysterious Tao Yun... You work hard to adjust your own breath, and gradually adjust your breath to the same channel as the breath of heaven and earth. 】

[This process is very difficult... Even you, with the help of the Spiritual Flower, can only barely achieve it. 】

[In this way, three hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye! 】

[In the 650th year, one day you felt something in your heart, and suddenly you felt that you were a step closer to the path. Within the acupuncture point, a small silver flower gradually bloomed. 】

[Beside it, there is another small lead-colored flower. 】

[Congratulations on successfully gathering the second flower of the three flowers on the top, the ground flower... which is also the silver flower! 】

[Your cultivation has taken a further step... you have a deeper understanding of the Dao, and you can draw energy from all things in the world and the Dao to strengthen yourself! 】

Seeing this in the real world, Su Xing could no longer hide the excitement in his heart.

"Finally, the earth flowers gather together!"

"There are three flowers on top, and only the last one is left...the golden flower!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

Once the smallpox is successfully gathered and the three flowers gather in the cauldron, it will be the real power of the golden immortal!
Even in ancient times and ancient times, the Golden Immortal monks were powerful in the world.

"Calm down...you must be steady at this time..."

"The Divine Flower is obtained successfully, then... all we need to do is obtain the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness from the Tianji Pavilion to condense the smallpox!"

Now, the simulation time is less than four hundred years.

Although it was a bit difficult, Su Xing still wanted to try to see if he could successfully obtain the Mirror of Nothingness.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

(End of this chapter)

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