Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 410 The power to intercept the future, the horror of the Mirror of Nothingness!

Chapter 410 The power to intercept the future, the horror of the Mirror of Nothingness!
The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


The fifth heaven, somewhere in a secret realm.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, wasting no time, and directly started to understand the avenue of space.

"The enlightenment tea has been brewed, and other Tao Yun treasures for enlightenment of the space avenue have also been prepared."

"Then, let's start to understand..."

Su Xing took a sip of enlightenment tea as he spoke, and the mysterious space Tao Yuan flashed around his body.


In the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed.

The immersive simulation ends, and the awakened consciousness returns to the original body.

Slowly opening his eyes, Su Xing had a trace of regret in his eyes.

"A hundred years of immersive simulation, the way of space is still a short step away from the fifth realm..."

Su Xing sighed, he had underestimated the difficulty of comprehending the fifth realm of the Great Dao.

"But it's not much different. After three more simulations, I'll be able to enter the sixth realm..."

Su Xing is not in a hurry. The most important thing now is to successfully enter the Golden Immortal realm.

"Counting the time, it's almost the third year of simulation..."

"The Immortal Boat of Tianji Pavilion is about to arrive, and we must perform well next... to gain as much contribution as possible!"

"In this way, we can obtain the permission to use the Mirror of Nothingness..."

Su Xing had already planned to simulate working for Tianji Pavilion this time, hunting foreigners.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the third hundred years, your enlightenment is over, but the way of space is still one step away from the fifth realm. 】

[There was no time to regret, Baiyun Realm soon encountered great changes. 】

[You take the Bai family siblings onto the fairy boat. The fairy boat turns into a stream of light and sails towards the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed. 】

[In the 320th year, Xianzhou was intercepted and killed by aliens as expected. 】

[Baidi, Xiao Zhanlong and other powerful monks took action, but they were entangled by the alien god Di and Xuesan and were unable to escape to protect the immortal boat. 】

[In this case, you took action...]

[You didn’t hold anything back this time, and Jinxian’s late stage strength was fully revealed. 】

[In just a few days, nearly a hundred alien gods died in your hands, and countless alien true gods died under your all-encompassing thunder. 】

[After this battle, you were favored by Bai Emperor and exchanged contact information. Bai Emperor invited you to join Tianji Pavilion and granted you the position of prefecture-level elder. 】

[Of course you didn’t refuse this and readily agreed. 】

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the same year, you joined Tianji Pavilion and began to perform tasks. 】

[Because your goal from the beginning is to gain access to the Mirror of Nothingness, you need to constantly travel on missions and accumulate contribution points. 】

[With your status as a prefecture-level elder, you can take on most tasks. 】

[Seventy years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[The fourth hundredth year. In the past seventy years, you have performed hundreds of missions, killed hundreds of alien gods, and rescued more than ten human worlds that were being invaded by alien races. 】

[Your reputation gradually spreads throughout the Tianji Domain. 】

[You are on the Prodigy List, ranking 28th. 】

[In the same year, you performed a key mission to hunt down the foreign god's mansion that was comparable to the late Golden Immortal! 】

[In addition to your participation in this operation, there is also another elder in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. 】

[But you know that this Golden Immortal Elder Sect is not of much use...]

[A few months later, you successfully found the red-eyed god's mansion, and the war is about to begin! 】

[This battle lasted for three full years! 】

[Although your hard power is higher than that of the Red Eye Divine Residence, it is not that easy to kill an enemy who is comparable to the late Golden Immortal. 】

[But you won in the end, killing a late-stage Golden Immortal with red eyes, and your reputation grew rapidly. 】

[And his ranking on the Tianjiao list has also been raised to 23rd. 】

[Of course, what you care about most is Tianji Pavilion’s contribution points, which are growing rapidly. 】

[Including the contribution of killing the Red Eye God's Residence, you have accumulated half of the contribution points for using the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[But you didn't slack off at all and continued to perform the task. 】

[Because you have the advantage of foresight, a lot of alien intelligence emerges in your mind. 】

[Therefore, under Taiyi Golden Immortal, there are almost no elders who can perform tasks more efficiently than you. 】

[You have also become a recognized "mission maniac" in Tianji Pavilion, and you are even regarded as a role model by human monks. 】

[In this way, another two hundred years have passed...]

[In the 600th century, even though most of your time is spent hunting foreigners, your practice has not fallen behind. 】

[This year, your spiritual realm has expanded to eight thousand miles. 】

[However, there are no large-scale wars among alien races. They are annihilating alien races on a daily basis, and the speed of accumulating contribution points has also slowed down. 】

[Calculate the contribution points you have accumulated. If you performed normally in the 800-year war, it would be enough to exchange for the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[So, while performing the mission, you also don’t forget to understand the spiritual realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"Almost, this simulation should be able to obtain the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness."

"What kind of existence is this Mirror of Nothingness? I'm really looking forward to it!"

Su Xing then looked at the simulation panel.

[Time flies, and more than two hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[The first war between Tianji Domain and aliens is about to break out! 】

[On the eve of the battle, you have adjusted your condition to the best and are ready to join the battle. 】

[Similar to the previous simulation trajectory, you successfully joined Xiao Zhanlong’s command. 】

[Subsequently, in just a few years, the number of foreign gods who died in your hands was no less than hundreds. 】

[The losses on the side of the human monks were also extremely heavy. Several years after the war broke out, more than a thousand human true immortals were killed. 】

[Even more than ten golden immortals died! 】

[As for the losses suffered by the immortals, they are countless...]

[Among them, the Shadow Clan God's Mansion at the peak of the Golden Immortal was particularly terrifying, having hunted and killed more than three Golden Immortals on the battlefield. 】

[Therefore, this Shadow God's Mansion is on the Tianji Pavilion's hunting list. If you kill the Shadow Clan God's Mansion, you will get a lot of contribution points. 】

[And this is the moment you have been waiting for. 】

[The contributions accumulated over hundreds of years, if combined with the successful killing of the Shadow Clan God's Residence this time, can basically achieve the use authority of the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[At that time, you only need to pay a large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures as a price to trade, and you will be able to use the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[But after all, the opponent has the strength of the Golden Immortal Peak. Even if you have a deep knowledge of the way of space and are very restrained by the Shadow Clan God's Mansion, you don't dare to underestimate the enemy. 】

[So you call Xiao Zhanlong and prepare to join forces to assassinate him...]

[After a year of fishing, the shadow clan god’s mansion finally showed its flaws! 】

[After you experienced a great battle, the Shadow Clan God Mansion assassinated you...] [But you have been planning for a year, and this is the moment you have been waiting for. 】

[The moment it left the Shadow Realm, you quickly blocked the surrounding space and placed a ban, making it lose the ability to travel between the Shadow Realm and the real world! 】

[Without this ability, the strength of the Shadow God Mansion will be greatly reduced...]

[But in a pure competition between physical body and magical power, you are confident that you will not lose to him. 】

[This battle lasted for about half a year. In the end, at the cost of your own injuries, you killed the Shadow God Mansion with your own hands! 】

[And Xiao Zhanlong, who was hiding in the dark, didn’t even take action...]

[After this battle, your status in Tianji Pavilion will be higher. 】

[This shadow clan god is the most powerful enemy you have ever encountered, and it has also promoted you to the 16th place on the Prodigy List. 】

[A few years later, the war between the human race and the alien race came to an end. 】

[From large-scale wars to small-scale battles again...]

[And you have returned to the Tianji Realm, using all your contribution points and the large amount of heavenly materials and earthly treasures you have accumulated before, in exchange for a chance to use the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

In the real world, Su Xing clenched his fists when he saw this.

"Finally, the opportunity to use the Mirror of Nothingness is here!"

"I want to see what kind of existence this Mirror of Nothingness actually is!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation, one year in duration..."


The beep fell, and the awakening consciousness entered the simulated world.


The headquarters of Tianji Pavilion is in the deepest secret realm.

When he woke up, he came to a strange space. This space was the place where he exchanged the magic flower and the Qi Refining Stone before waking up. It was also the treasure house of Advent.

Soon, a voice came to my ears, coming from the spirit of this space.

"Please select the item you want to redeem..."

Su Xing did not hesitate and said:
"I want to redeem the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness!"

Su Xing said so and waited quietly.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the weapon spirit of the treasure house seemed to be stunned for a moment. The originally cold and mechanical voice suddenly took on some humanistic color.

After a while, a notification sound came from Su Xing's ear.

"It is detected that you are satisfied with the opportunity to use the Mirror of Nothingness..."

"Attention, the Mirror of Nothingness is the most precious treasure of the human race. Each person can only use it once in his life..."

"Once you enter the Mirror of Nothingness, if you meet the conditions, you can maximize your potential and complete a breakthrough in cultivation or realm."

"Note, this opportunity only comes once in a person's lifetime... Do you want to use it?"

After Su Xing heard the voice in his ear, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked tentatively:

"You mean, this treasure house is in the Mirror of Nothingness? And you are the weapon spirit of the Mirror of Nothingness!"

Su Xing finally understood why Tianji Pavilion valued the Mirror of Nothingness so seriously!

Because the entire Tianji Pavilion headquarters is built inside the Mirror of Nothingness!

Especially the treasure house of Tianji Pavilion, as well as the treasures of heaven, materials and earth accumulated by Tianji Pavilion for countless years, are all here...

"It seems that the function of this Mirror of Nothingness is somewhat like the Luo Tian Mirror!"

"The only difference is that Luo Tianjing is still in a damaged state...while the Mirror of Nothingness should be in its prime!"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

As the largest sect in the past, the Luotian Sect possesses the Luotian Mirror, which is the most precious treasure in the world and even surpasses the innate treasure in level!
And now the most powerful force in the world is Tianji Pavilion. It seems normal to have treasures of the same level?

"So, the Mirror of Nothingness is a treasure of chaos at the same level as the Luotian Mirror!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

Soon, the sound of confirmation from the weapon spirit came to my ears.

"Yes, the Mirror of Nothingness is where the headquarters of Tianji Pavilion is established..."

When Su Xing saw that this weapon spirit could actually answer his own questions, he suddenly felt confused and said:
"I would like to ask about the use of the Mirror of Nothingness. What do you mean when you say that each monk can only use it once in his life, and to stimulate his maximum potential?"


Su Xing asked several questions in succession, roughly asking about the specific functions of the Mirror of Nothingness.

Unexpectedly, this weapon spirit actually answered one by one:
"The Mirror of Nothingness can temporarily use the power of time... to give the monk part of his future strength!"

"And this effect of obtaining future power can only be used once by a person... and it will cause certain damage to my body..."

It seems that in order to better explain its function, the weapon spirit of the Mirror of Nothingness said:

"Nine million years ago, Immortal Tianji Pavilion took the initiative to use the only opportunity to improve his attainments in the Avenue of Destiny to the seventh level!"

"Eight million years ago, Emperor Bai took advantage of this opportunity to elevate his understanding of the Dao of Swords to the seventh realm..."

"Six million years ago..."


"In short, the Mirror of Nothingness can intercept part of the future power from time and space and advance it to the user in advance..."

The weapon spirit of the Mirror of Nothingness explained several things in succession, and Su Xing was stunned after hearing this.

Could this Mirror of Nothingness be able to directly enhance a monk's understanding of the Great Dao?

"Hiss, what a terrifying ability is this?"

Su Xing was stunned.

The seventh realm of the Great Dao is that the Great Dao has been completed!
It is also a realm that only Daluo Jinxian can reach!

Countless Taiyi Golden Immortals have spent their entire lives and spent countless years trying to get a glimpse of the realm where the Great Dao has been completed, but they are helpless.

And this Mirror of Nothingness can actually do it directly!
Su Xing was silent for a moment, and then said:
"Then can you directly upgrade my cultivation level to Daluo Jinxian?"

Su Xing immediately changed his mind and pursued a golden fairy with a hammer!

If we could really use the power of future time and space to intercept the power of the future from time and space, wouldn't it be invincible?
Su Xing is absolutely confident that in the future he will be Daluo Jinxian.

But now...it's just an advance!

However, after hearing the request to wake up, Qi Ling explained:

"This is impossible. First of all, the user has the potential to become a Da Luo Jinxian..."

"Secondly,... I can't intercept too much future power at once... What I can touch is more of the existence of nothingness."

"And you can only intercept a small part at a time..."

"Based on your current situation, you can ask me to help you enter the final steps of comprehending the Three Flowers on the Top..."

"In other words, I can make you directly enter the state of comprehending the Golden Flower..."

"As for whether I can successfully comprehend it, I don't know..."

After hearing this, Su Xing felt a little regretful.

Okay, can I still only comprehend the Golden Flower?

"Just let me enter the state of comprehending the Golden Flower..."

"That's true, not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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