Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 411 The three flowers on the top condense, and the disaster of the Golden Immortal is finall

Chapter 411 The three flowers on the top condense, and the disaster of the Golden Immortal is finally over! [Monthly ticket additional updates]

Su Xing finally understood why Bai Di said that the Mirror of Nothingness could help Su Xing condense the top three flowers.

Because the ability of the Mirror of Nothingness is to intercept part of the future...

Therefore, helping Su Xing condense the top three flowers is indeed overkill...

The best use is to use the Mirror of Nothingness when waking up and stuck in a certain state.

To save countless years of wasted time...

"So, the Mirror of Nothingness can only be used once in a person's life... So for me, can I use it in every simulation?"

Su Xing felt a little hesitant.

If it really can only be used once, is it too early for him to use it now?

"No! We must arrive at the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible. We can't delay..."

"If we drag it on any longer, it will be too late by the time Blood Three comes to Blue Star!"

Su Xing no longer hesitates, reaching the Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible is a top priority!
Even if he can only use this opportunity once, he must use it!
While making up his mind, Su Xing also had a doubt in his heart.

"Then, is the Luotian Mirror, which is also the most precious treasure of chaos like the Mirror of Nothingness, really only as powerful as it is now?"

"How many functions does Luo Tianjing have that I haven't been able to develop?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little excited.

It's as if there is a huge treasure house waiting to be explored when you wake up!

Luo Tianjing is in a state of impaired function!
It takes enough mana injection to restore Luo Tianjing!

Before Jinxian, although Su Xing's magic power was strong, maintaining the operation of Luo Tianjing was already exhausting.

If more is injected, it will be harmful to the practice of awakening.

"But, what if I break through to the Golden Immortal?"

"Mana will definitely reach a new level again!"

"At that time... maybe we can try other functions of Luo Tianjing..."

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind, but the voice of the weapon spirit came to his ears.

"So, are you ready? Do you want to use this only opportunity?"

After hearing this, Su Xing took a deep breath and said without hesitation:

"I am sure!"

"Okay...as you wish!"

After the words fell, a strange light shrouded Su Xing's body.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.


Su Xing had a long dream, in which he saw a figure that looked very similar to himself.

But it was not a person, or rather it was just a human-shaped halo.

The shape of the halo is similar to Su Xing's body shape, and even the breath is very similar.

The only difference is that it is more powerful than waking up!
In the dream, the halo slowly merged with waking.

In an instant, Su Xing fell into an extremely mysterious state.

Pieces of realization came out of nowhere and awakened the mind.

"Those who refining the spirit and return to the void have sufficient energy and need the spirit. The spirit is the source of the body and the spirit soul can wake up in the world. If it sheds its shell and becomes weak, if it enters the realm of void and returns to the void of the spirit, then the golden peanut will appear. …”

Under the blessing of this mysterious state, Su Xing felt that his energy and energy were more abundant than ever before!
Before that, Su Xing's energy was full. The blooming of lead flowers and silver flowers made Su Xing's energy reach the golden immortal level.

Only the golden flower has not bloomed for a long time, making the soul a little weaker.

But now, Su Xing felt that his soul was expanding at an unprecedented speed!

Yes, swell!

The speed at which this soul is getting stronger is no longer enough to be described as growth.

Use the most appropriate example to illustrate.

The scope of the awakened consciousness was one hundred thousand miles, the realm of heaven and man!

And during this mysterious process, the scope of the awakened consciousness instantly increased to more than a million miles!

It even vaguely began to approach Qianli Divine Consciousness!

This is enough spiritual consciousness to cover most of the Small Thousand Worlds!
Just like the small Qingyun world and other small worlds, Su Xing can even directly sense the southern part of Shiwan Mountain from Tianmo City!
Under the violent expansion of the soul, a small golden flower gradually bloomed in the awakening orifice...

Refining the void and returning to the spirit will lead to golden flowers!


When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he unknowingly returned to the real world.

After getting out of that mysterious state, I woke up and had a long aftertaste.

"So, my soul..."

Su Xing subconsciously sensed his own consciousness, but there was no change at all.

"Huh, my soul in the simulation should have become extremely powerful, right?"

"So, was the golden flower successfully condensed?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel impatiently.

[In the Mirror of Nothingness, you gradually wake up...feeling that your energy is more abundant than ever before. 】

[The sudden increase in spiritual consciousness gives you the illusion that you can sense any corner of the world with a movement in your heart! 】

[The voice of the weapon spirit comes to your ears, slightly tired. It tells you that it is time to leave the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[Because there is a disaster waiting for you outside...] [Before you could react, your figure disappeared from the place and appeared in Tianji City the next second. 】

[The originally clear sky is now covered with dark clouds, and within a radius of 100,000 miles, thunder is roaring...]

[You squint your eyes slightly and look at the rolling thunder in the sky... You know it's time to overcome the tribulation! 】

[The legendary calamity of the Golden Immortal! 】

[In just a moment, dozens of elders from Tianji Pavilion approached. They told you to try not to survive the tribulation in Tianji City. 】

[You know clearly, the power of the Golden Immortal Tribulation is too terrifying, and may even damage the barrier of Tianji City... thereby accidentally injuring the common people and low-level monks. 】

[Without hesitation, you took one step, left Tianji City, and appeared on the top of a mountain a hundred thousand miles away. 】

[The thunder in the sky also moves with your movement. 】

[The rolling thunder comes like a wave. This terrifying tribulation thunder is more terrifying than any thunder tribulation you have experienced before! 】

[However, you are not afraid at all! 】

[The golden flower has just been condensed. Now you are full of energy and vitality. This is your most prosperous period! 】

[There is no need to make any more preparations. If you cannot survive the thunder tribulation now, how can you survive it later? 】

[So, you sit cross-legged on the top of the mountain, close your eyes and rest your mind, gradually synchronize your breathing with the way of heaven and earth, adjust your breath to the best state, and quietly wait for the thunder disaster to come...]

[Finally, as the thunder continued to gather, the first thunderstorm struck in the sky shrouded in black clouds. 】

[The thunder calamity comes from the sky, carrying a power that can destroy the world, and hits you hard. 】

[If you are an ordinary Xuanxian at the peak, I am afraid you have to be careful when dealing with this first lightning disaster...]

[You were a little nervous at first, but after feeling the power of the first thunderstorm, you smiled contemptuously. 】

[Strong Yuan Power wraps around your left hand. You don’t have to dodge or dodge, and punch the thunder tribulation. 】

[With just one punch, this Golden Immortal Thunder Tribulation was shattered by you! 】

[Golden Immortal Thunder Tribulation, no matter how powerful it is, is only aimed at the peak of Xuanxian and the early stage of Golden Immortal...]

[And your strength has already exceeded this category! 】

[Even with pure physical strength, you can withstand the calamity without being injured. 】

[There is a strong fighting spirit in your eyes, and you feel that the lightning in the thunderstorm is constantly tempering your body...]

[So, you made a bold move and made a provocative gesture towards the thunder in the sky. 】

[Could this power tickle you? 】

[As early as when you went through the thunder tribulation before, you knew that the thunder tribulation was part of the way of heaven, and it also had a weak consciousness. 】

[Sure enough, under your provocation, Thunder Tribulation was successfully angered, and even more terrifying thunder began to gather. 】

[But you didn’t panic at all, but became more and more excited! 】

[One...two...ten...hundreds! 】

[As the thunder continues to strike, you feel that your understanding of the Way of Thunder is being tempered along with your physical body! 】

[The Heavenly Thunder Holy Body, which you have forgotten for a long time, seems to be gradually being perfected...]

[And these streaks of thunder made the surrounding monks start to panic. 】

[Countless golden immortals looked at the thunder from a distance and were shocked in their hearts. 】

[The power of this thunder catastrophe has already exceeded the ordinary Golden Immortal catastrophe. Not to mention the peak of Xuanxian, even some Golden Immortal monks may not be sure to resist it. 】

[Through this thunderstorm, not only did I not have any fear, but I actually enjoyed it...]

[You can feel that your physical body is growing stronger during the thunder tribulation, and the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body is gradually taking shape...]

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this.

"Is the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body finally completed successfully?"

Su Xing didn't expect such an unexpected surprise.

The originally awakened Heavenly Thunder Body was only a semi-finished product, exceeding the ordinary golden talent, but it did not reach the red talent, mythical level.

Not as good as the real Heavenly Thunder Holy Body!

But he didn't expect that under the catastrophe of the Golden Immortal, the awakened Heavenly Thunder Holy Body would usher in another evolution!
“It’s really a double happiness!”

"The Golden Immortal breakthrough is imminent, and the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body will also complete its evolution..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth.

After successfully condensing the golden flowers, Su Xing no longer had any worries.

As for the mere calamity of the Golden Immortal...

If even the awakened strength cannot survive this calamity, then there will be no Xuanxian in the world who can survive it.

"Huh, after this disaster, the Golden Immortal is in sight!"

Su Xing'an resisted the excitement in his heart and looked at the simulation panel.

[This Golden Immortal Tribulation lasted for seventy-seven forty-nine days...]

[In the beginning, there was an endless stream of thunder, and there seemed to be countless thunders waiting to strike in the sky. 】

[In the end, the power of thunder no longer became stronger, and the frequency of thunder strikes became less and less...]

[Finally, seventy-seven forty-nine days later, the thunder in the sky gradually dissipated. 】

[You look at the dissipating Thunder Tribulation and look up to the sky and laugh, and you seem to feel the Thunder Tribulation's reluctance. 】

[You seem to be aware of the meaning of the Heavenly Tribulation, which is roughly: You wait, wait until you break through again, and see if I don’t kill you! 】

[You don’t care about this at all, because after forty-nine days of thunder baptism...]

[Your Heavenly Thunder Holy Body has finally completed its evolution! 】

(End of this chapter)

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