Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 412 Three flowers gathered together and finally became a golden fairy!

Chapter 412 Three flowers gather together and finally become a golden fairy!
"Another red mythical talent, Heavenly Thunder Holy Body... finally achieved!"

I feel very good when I wake up.

This Heavenly Thunder Holy Body had a tendency to evolve a long time ago, and at that time it was only a half-step Holy Body.

Su Xing has been busy improving his cultivation and enlightenment, so he has neglected the evolution of the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body.

It was only now that Su Xing took advantage of the opportunity to overcome the tribulation and allowed the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body to finally complete its promotion.

"But this is just an appetizer!"

"The big drama...is still to come!"

The thunder tribulation has been passed...will the Golden Immortal be far behind?

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel expectantly.

[When the thunder reluctantly receded, the sky, which was originally dark clouds, gradually became clear...]

[The hazy weather for many days gradually faded away, and the colorful rays of light penetrated through the gaps in the dark clouds with a hint of warmth. 】

[The dark clouds retreated faster and faster, and the thunder finally dispersed...]

[The dazzling light once again shrouded the land... just like the first clearing up after heavy rain, which makes people feel at ease. 】

[The auspicious clouds gradually gather in the sky, and the colorful rays of light fall on you from the nine heavens. 】

[You stand on the top of the mountain, close your eyes slightly, feel the rays of light and the auspicious clouds, and suddenly feel blessed...]

[I don’t know when, above your head, an illusory lead-colored flower gradually blooms...]

[After the shadow of the first lead flower condensed, the second small silver flower also bloomed! 】

[In the end, the golden flower is entrenched on the two illusory flowers of lead and silver...]

[The moment when three flowers gather together, all the flowers within a thousand miles of you bloom, and the dead trees bloom! 】

[All things revive and auspiciousness is born...]

[Countless monks looked at the top of the mountain where you were, and saw the scene of three flowers gathering at the top. 】

[These monks all felt something in their hearts, and a thought came up in unison: auspiciousness appears in this world, three flowers gather at the top, and a golden immortal will be formed! 】

[Since then, there is another golden immortal in the world! 】

[Congratulations, you successfully broke through to the Golden Immortal Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath and could no longer hold back the joy in his heart.

"It's done! Finally promoted to Golden Immortal!"

"From now on, the world is so big that you can go anywhere!"

The birth of a golden immortal is also an extremely rare thing in the Three Thousand Worlds.

After all, this realm already symbolizes the top combat power in the world!

"With my background, after being promoted to Golden Immortal, my strength may have touched the threshold of the Golden Immortal peak!"

"If we meet an opponent like the Shadow God's Mansion who is restrained by me, I can even defeat the real peak Golden Immortal!"

"Huh, I wonder to what level my magic power has increased after being promoted to Golden Immortal?"

"But thinking about it, with my current strength, I should be able to enter the top ten on the Prodigy List, right?"

Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation panel.

[After being promoted to Golden Immortal, your life essence has once again completed a sublimation. 】

[The immortal power that was originally as turbulent as the rivers and lakes gradually became calmer... because the sea is always so calm. 】

[But just a slight wave can trigger a devastating tsunami. 】

[The mana in your body has become three times richer after being promoted to Golden Immortal! 】

[The mana that is several times stronger gives you the illusion that your mana seems to be inexhaustible...]

[Your body is vaguely coated with a layer of golden light, and finally returns to calm. 】

[This invisible golden light is unique to the Golden Immortal. It has the effect of bringing luck and auspiciousness to the body, and is immune to all evil. 】

[After adjusting your breath slightly, you adapted to the identity of Jinxian more smoothly. 】

[At the same time, you feel that many eyes are watching you, and many monks are coming after hearing the news. 】

[Some monks are very powerful and have reached the realm of Xuanxian and Jinxian. They want to make friends with you. 】

[There are also some monks who want to see the elegance of the Golden Immortal...]

[You frown slightly when you see this, and put away the illusory three flowers above your head. 】

[After all, the gathering of three flowers is too ostentatious, and there will be no golden immortal wandering around with the three flowers on his head...]

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but smile knowingly when he saw this.

"If there really is a golden immortal who goes out to show off with three flowers on his head all day long, how much more trouble will it take?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. After being promoted to Golden Immortal, Su Xing's biggest goal in the short term has been achieved.

But just the Golden Immortal Realm is not enough!
Awakening to the Golden Fairyland is to better improve combat power!

Then, next, we have to find a way to go to the seventh heaven...

"But this simulation has already reached more than 800 years... It probably doesn't make sense to go to the seventh heaven."

"In the remaining time, let's raise the level of the lemure to a higher level!"

Su Xing remembers that his evil demon vest is only one step away from the second-level god's residence!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed since you successfully became a Golden Immortal. 】

[In more than ten years, you have completely adapted to the identity of Jinxian and learned your true combat power. 】

[You have consulted and discussed with Bai Emperor many times. After Bai Emperor learned about your general strength, he definitely told you that your strength has reached the top ten on the earth rankings! 】

[However, there is still a big gap between the top five, the top three and even the first place on the list! 】

[After hearing this, your heart moved, and you asked Bai Di what the strength of the top five, top three, and number one on the Earth Ranking was. 】

[Bai Di tells you that the top ten on the earth rankings have the peak combat power of the Golden Immortal, which is the foundation! 】

[The top five on the earth rankings need to be invincible under Taiyi. Ordinary golden immortals are not the enemies of this kind of monks. 】

[The top three on the Earth Ranking, their true combat power is close to half a step to the level of Taiyi. They are the true pride of heaven. With their own methods, they can even temporarily compete with Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[And the number one on the earth list, its strength has even reached the standard of Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[You may think thoughtfully after hearing this. The current number one on the Earth Ranking should be Fairy Ziling. Her cultivation at the peak of Golden Immortal was indeed comparable to that of Xue San, who was Taiyi Golden Immortal, for a long time. 】

[Bai Di also tells you that, including him, all the old Da Luo Jinxian were once number one on the earth rankings...]

【This is a symbol! Being number one on the Earth Ranking is like an honor. All the monks who are ranked number one on the Earth Ranking will definitely become Daluo Golden Immortals in the future if they do not perish. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing sighed and said:

"Sure enough, there is a gap between strong men!"

"With my strength, I have just entered the top ten on the Earth Ranking... If I want to become the top five on the Earth Ranking, I am afraid that the Great Witch must reach the sixth level to have a chance..."

"As for the top three on the Earth Ranking... maybe the cultivation level needs to be improved further, or maybe a certain avenue has entered the sixth realm?"

"But the final ranking is number one..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. He had experienced the terrifying strength gap between Jinxian and Taiyi.

Just like him now, he still has no power to resist in front of Xue San.

"Fairy Ziling, who possesses a holy body and has unparalleled cultivation qualifications... was accepted by the Qingyun Sect, the top immortal sect, and became the true successor of Qingyunzi..."

"Even so, it took tens of thousands of years to reach the peak of the Golden Immortal before I had the confidence to fight against the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

"Although the magical powers I have learned are not bad, and my Dao perception is also an advantage, not inferior to Fairy Ziling... But if I want to reach the top of the Earth Ranking, I am afraid I need to refine my body to reach the peak of the sixth realm, or the peak of Golden Immortal, right? "

A very simple reason, the number one on the land list right now is Fairy Ziling.

And Su Xing must have the strength to defeat Fairy Ziling before he can reach the top of the earth rankings.

This at least requires Su Xing to truly fight against a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and be evenly matched...

"Cultivation matters can be achieved step by step...but now, the evil demon vest must be promoted to the second level of the divine residence!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 830th year, you left the Tianji Realm and went to a small world that was being invaded by alien races. 】

[You quickly transformed into the appearance of the Evil Demon God, with an aura that even a saint would not be able to spot. 】

[Soon, a powerful foreigner contacted you. 】

[You successfully became the deputy commander of the third foreign army. 】

[With the help of the power of foreign races, you can easily obtain a large amount of flesh and blood essence, and can quickly cultivate believers. 】

[In the blink of an eye, six Jiazi passed by...]

[In the 1200th year, you have accumulated enough lemure believers, and you have trained more than lemure apostles. 】

[So you no longer continue to use the power of faith to cultivate believers, but accumulate the power of faith and prepare to use it to break through the realm. 】

[During this period, the Six-Winged Lord God came to see you, but you rejected him. 】

[In this way, another three hundred years have passed...]

[In the 1500th year, you have accumulated the power of faith for three hundred years. 】

[You begin to continuously use the power of faith to improve your realm...]

[With the consumption of countless powers of faith, your godhead gradually improves and your divine power continues to grow...]

[Finally, after you have instilled most of the power of faith, you have naturally entered the second level of the God's Mansion! 】

[The improvement of the new realm allows you to feel that your own strength has become stronger. 】

[With just a thought, you can contact the faith network of countless lemure apostles. 】

[The number of lemure apostles you can cultivate has been directly increased to one hundred! 】

[At the same time, you have awakened a new ability...accelerating the birth and hatching of lemures! 】

[As long as you are willing to consume the power of faith, you can even accelerate the cultivation of lemure believers to ensure the birth of more apostles in the future. 】

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"The strength of the Evil Demon Vest has finally reached the level of the second-level God's Mansion... The plan after that will be much more convenient!"

"However, as the strength of the lemures increases, the disadvantages of the power of faith are also revealed..."

"No, it's not so much a shortcoming of the power of faith, but rather that the simulation time is not long enough..."

Su Xing kept thinking.

As his level of evil demon vest improves, his future promotion to the first-level god palace, or even to the main god level, will undoubtedly require more power of faith.

Every time you simulate awakening, you need to accumulate believers from scratch, and you also need to pay part of the power of faith to cultivate the lemure apostles.

After all, the base number of the evil demon apostles is enough, and only by awakening can they gain more power of faith.

In this way, the number of times Su Xing can use the power of faith to improve his realm is limited.

Ideally, Awakening uses all the power of faith in the early stage to cultivate believers. Until the number is enough, Su Xing once again uses these beliefs to break through the realm.

However, we need to wake up and grasp a balance point.

"The longer the simulation lasts, the more power of faith will be collected!"

What is now known in Awakening is that the Evil Demon Vest will be intercepted in the 1600s and 1800s.

If you want to simulate the awakening for a longer time, you need to pay special attention to these two points in time.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1500th year, after being promoted to the second-level divine residence, your strength has grown a lot. 】

[But you are more cautious, because as the strength continues to increase, the Divine Body of Disaster will also exert more terrifying power. 】

[You decide to start accumulating faith and save it for future improvement of the law of destiny. 】

[In this way, one hundred years have passed...]

[In the 1600th year, you received an order to lead your evil demons to invade a middle-aged world. 】

[If it were you in the past, you would definitely take action. After all, with you here, you can disrupt the aliens' actions. 】

[But this time, you refused, because you knew that this operation was actually a trap set by the human race, and its purpose was to assassinate you. 】

[So you hide in a foreign tribe’s base camp and continue to retreat. 】

[In the next two hundred years, you will be cautious and stay in the base camp to accumulate the power of faith. 】

[Soon, the time comes to the 1800th year. 】

[This year, you will use all the power of faith you have accumulated to understand the law of destiny. 】

[The Law of Destiny, like the monk's way of destiny, can give you a glimpse of good and bad fortunes and help you seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. 】

[With the continuous infusion of the power of faith, your understanding of the laws of destiny continues to improve. 】

[Finally, your power of law has entered the fifth realm. 】

[After the Law of Destiny is improved, you breathe a sigh of relief, and then you peek into your future destiny from time to time. 】

[Every time before receiving a mission order, good or bad luck will be predicted. 】

[Once things go wrong, you will directly refuse the travel mission. 】

[Although this approach has been criticized by many alien gods, who think that evil spirits are very timid and lazy. 】

[But due to your identity, these aliens dare not say anything...]

[You have been living like this for hundreds of years. 】

[Time will soon come to the second thousand years...]

[One day, you received a mission from an alien race. This time, the alien race’s target is a vast world that is very close to the Tianji Realm, the Canglan Realm! 】

[If the Canglan Realm is captured by the aliens, the Tianji Realm will fall into a passive position, and the human race will be in danger...]

[Before this operation, you did some calculations and found that your life is not in danger. This shows that the alien operation should be relatively smooth. 】

[So, before you had to participate in this operation, you followed the First Legion to Canglan Realm. 】

[A few months later, an elite team led by the Shadow Lord arrived at the Canglan Realm first, followed by hundreds of millions of evil demon cannon fodder led by you. 】

[As soon as you arrived at Canglan Realm, you found that you had been trapped! 】

[The human race released the news in advance to lure the alien race to attack, and even set up layers of ambushes in order to annihilate the main force of the alien race! 】

[The strongest man in the Canglan Realm, a Daluo Golden Immortal known as Canghai Daluo, invited Bai Emperor to lead more than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals and hundreds of Golden Immortals to ambush in advance...]

[In this battle, Tianji Domain has assembled almost all its combat power in order to defeat the foreign race in one fell swoop! 】

[You have not seen the outcome of this battle. 】

[Because not long after the war broke out, you, as the evil demon god’s residence, became the target of the human race. 】

[The first-level god who protects you on weekdays has too much time to take care of himself...]

[And a Taiyi Golden Immortal takes action and beheads you easily...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over...]

Looking at the simulated text in front of him, Su Xing took a deep breath.

"Has a new incident occurred... In the second millennium, the second all-out war between the Tianji Domain and the alien race broke out?"

"I don't know, what was the outcome of that war?"

"But according to the simulation, the human race is well prepared, but the alien race doesn't seem to know...so the human race should be able to win, right?"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Forget it, who knows what will happen two thousand years later?"

"The top priority is to bring out the rewards from this simulation!"

The Golden Immortal Realm, the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body, is right in front of you!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the reward list expectantly.

[Netherworld Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Results of Spiritual Realm Practice]: The Nine Thousand Miles of Spiritual Realm begins to gradually transform from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world level. The spiritual realm has a stronger impact on reality. The price is 20 energy sources.

[Early Stage of Golden Immortal]: Gather the five qi in the chest, gather the three flowers on the top, transform into a whole body of immortal power, successfully advance to the Golden Immortal Realm, enjoy a lifespan of millions of years, and sell for 1000 million energy sources.

[Heavenly Thunder Holy Body]: One of the ten holy bodies, the holy thunder body that breaks the initial illusion and eliminates all evil spirits. It greatly blesses the thunder spirit root, greatly improves the efficiency of sensing thunder spirit energy, and deepens the understanding of the road of thunder. The price is 50 energy sources.

Looking at the four options in front of him, Su Xing did not hesitate.

The Golden Immortal cultivation level and the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body are what Su Xing must bring out!
"It's just that these ten million energy sources... are too expensive to enter the realm of Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing's face looked a little ugly.

Just as he had guessed before.

The improvement of the Golden Fairyland, a small realm, requires 10 million energy sources!

So from the first level of the Golden Immortal to the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal, at least 100 million energy sources are needed!

This is just for refining Qi. If you include the Great Witch’s body training technique, it would need to be doubled...

"Has the source of 200 million energy reached the perfection of the Golden Immortal and the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, this number was indeed a lot.

The current stable energy sources for Su Xing are Xiao Qingyun Realm and Blue Star.

Even so, in one month, the energy sources of Xiao Qingyun Realm and Blue Star combined were only two to three million...

This means that it takes three or even five months of energy source accumulation to awaken and improve to the first level!
"But fortunately, the star realm will become my most important source of energy in the future!"

Just before, the Star Realm brought 20 million energy sources to Su Xing...

These are only the star stones of some tribes in the star world.

If all the tribes in the Star Realm offered star stones, there might be as many as 100 million or even 200 million!
These energy sources are enough for Su Xing to build up his cultivation level to the level of Golden Immortal.

The only problem is that it takes a year or two to obtain these star stones.

But Su Xing couldn't wait that long.

"So, Luca is dead!"

"If you want to continue to improve your realm, you must open up sources and get more energy sources..."

Su Xing was not in a hurry to immediately improve his cultivation level.

Being promoted to the Golden Immortal Realm is no longer a trivial matter.

The movement caused, even if it is covered by the simulator, will surely be sensed by the surrounding creatures.

Therefore, Su Xing must arrange the covering formation in advance and be fully prepared before he can be promoted.

"Then, let's find a cave and set up a formation!"

Su Xing murmured.

His current spiritual realm is not enough to support a breakthrough in the Golden Fairy Realm. If Su Xing forces a breakthrough, the movement during the Golden Fairy Realm breakthrough may make Su Xing's spiritual realm space unstable, so it must be in the real world.

"The Star Realm, a thousand worlds, should be enough for me to break through, right?"

Su Xing murmured.

In the next few days, Su Xing has been busy looking for geomantic treasures, setting up formations, and opening caves.

The concealment formation that can reduce the movement of Jinxian's breakthrough is extremely advanced.

If he were to wake up in the past, it would probably take several months.

But after the path of destiny and karma entered the fifth realm, Su Xing became more comfortable in arranging it.

When preparations were complete, Su Xing returned to the cave and officially prepared to advance to the Golden Fairyland.

In the newly opened cave, Su Xing sat cross-legged and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the Golden Immortal cultivation and the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body..."

[Ding, you successfully brought out the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body, spent 50 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1570 million, 313 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Golden Immortal cultivation level, spent 1000 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 570 million, 313 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the aura on Su Xing's body began to change.

I saw the awakened body expand a small circle in an instant, and then quickly return to its original shape.

On the surface of the skin, wisps of purple light lingered, but they only appeared for a few breaths and then quickly disappeared.

At this moment, Tianlei Holy Body has officially completed its promotion!

After being promoted to the Heavenly Thunder Holy Body, you feel that your cultivation level has begun to skyrocket!
This promotion is completely different from the past!

In general, the movement generated by breakthroughs is much greater!
The mana that was originally surging inside your body is gradually rising in your body.

The whole process lasted about a quarter of an hour.

Immediately afterwards, the breath began to converge, and gradually became dull again.

At this moment in the Star Realm, where you are at the breakthrough place, there are dark clouds within a thousand miles radius.

There seems to be a thunder calamity born in the sky...

But the thunder calamity had been brewing for a long time, but it could not be struck down.

It wasn't until you were completely promoted to Golden Immortal that you suddenly smelled a refreshing fragrance.

Above the head, I don't know when three flowers gathered at the top. Hundreds of miles around the cave, countless flowers bloomed, as if they were back in spring.

Su Xing took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and left the cave.

After leaving the cave, you looked up at the sky and happened to see the thunder calamity slowly dissipating on the horizon.

Lei seemed to have some wisdom that day. After sensing your presence, he seemed a little unconvinced.

A thunderclap roars in your ears like a child.

You smiled slightly when you saw this, and just waved your hand towards Tianjie, as if to say see you next time.

"This calamity is so frustrating... I have taken off my pants and I have to put them back on?"

(End of this chapter)

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