Chapter 413 Simulator version 7.0 update, big changes!

Feeling the rays of light from the sky falling on my body, I feel particularly happy when I wake up.

"The Golden Immortal Realm! Finally reached it!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and carefully felt the changes in his body.

The inexhaustible immortal power in the body and the perfect body all embody two words - powerful!
There is also the soul that is becoming fuller. When it wakes up, it is just a movement in the heart, and it can feel the movement in half of the star world.

Within the scope of Su Xing's soul, no disturbance could be hidden from Su Xing's eyes.

"Now, how powerful is my soul?"

Su Xing was a little curious, and with a thought in his heart, he released all his consciousness.

Divine consciousness spreads out like a tide.

One hundred thousand miles...five hundred thousand miles...a million miles...

Three million miles...five million miles...

In the end, the awakened consciousness actually reached a range of eight million miles!
"It's a full eighty times improvement from before! Is this the power of the soul of the powerful Golden Immortal?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

This kind of power is something Su Xing has never experienced before!

He is now absolutely sure that his strength is absolutely comparable to that of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen monks!
"The only drawback is..."

Su Xing looked at his remaining energy sources, only a mere five million...

This makes Su Xing feel completely insecure!
"More than five million energy sources... are not even enough to break through to the first level of the Golden Immortal Stage. It is difficult for the physical body to break through to the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art!"

"Oh, I have to leave the Star Realm and go to Blue Star..."

"There are only more than three months left before Xue San arrives at Blue Star, so we must be fully prepared!"

Su Xing glanced at the time, it was time to leave the star world.

Thinking like this, Su Xing took a step forward and appeared in the Ziwei tribe.

As soon as I arrived at the Ziwei tribe, I saw the star slave who had been waiting for a long time.

I saw that Xing Nu was very emotional at the moment, and there seemed to be tears flashing in his eyes.

Kneeling down on one knee in front of Su Xing, he said excitedly:

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Stars for regaining his strength and entering the realm of the Golden Immortal! May the Lord of the Stars live as long as the sky and have boundless magical power..."

When Su Xing heard the old man chattering and flattering him, he touched his nose in embarrassment and said:

"Ahem, there has been a small improvement in strength, not worth mentioning..."

No need to think about it, Su Xing knew that it was because he made too much noise when he broke through the Golden Immortal that even the star slaves a hundred thousand miles away could sense it.

A breakthrough in the Golden Immortal Realm must be so powerful that even if there is a simulator to cover it up, it will prevent the calamity from falling.

If Su Xing breaks through on Blue Star, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

"It seems that in the future, Taiyi Golden Immortal's breakthrough cannot be carried out on Blue Star..."

Su Xing murmured.

The star slave in front of him was filled with admiration after hearing Su Xing's words.

A major event like breaking through the Golden Immortal is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Lord of the Stars...

Su Xing didn't know what Xing Nu was thinking, so he just said:

"Next, I will leave the Star Realm for a while, and it may take a few months before I come back..."

"How many star stones have you collected over the past few days? Give them to me!"

After hearing this, Xing Nu quickly took out a storage bag, handed it to Su Xing, and said:

"Lord Lord of the Stars... I have a suggestion. Many tribes are coming in the next few days, and they will offer a lot of star stones..."

"If you are not pressed for time, you can stay in the Star Realm for another three to five days..."

After Su Xing heard Xing Nu's words, he thought for a while.

He is now escaping extremely fast, heading for Little Qingyun Realm and Blue Star. It is estimated that he can arrive there in ten days, and it won't take much time.

So he nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I'll just wait in the Star Realm for a few days!"


Five days passed quickly.

Su Xing took another storage bag from Xing Nu.

The two star stones combined provide approximately five million energy sources for awakening.

Although there are quite a few, there are still some things that are not enough to see today’s awakening.

After getting this source of energy, Su Xing left the Star Realm and went to the Little Qingyun Realm.


Ten days later, in Xiao Qingyun Realm.

In Baidi City, Su Xing found his former partner Bai Xuan.

As a veteran immortal in the late Earth Immortal period, Bai Xuan still looks like he has "kidney deficiency", but his overall mental state is much better than a year ago.

It seems that since cooperating with Su Xing, he has made a lot of money.

Bai Xuan's attitude towards Su Xing was as respectful as ever, and he said politely:
"Brother Su! Haven't seen you for a while? What have you been busy with lately?"

"Here, these are the exotic metal ores collected during this period...can you count them?"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, took the storage bag, and tried to convert it into the source of energy.

Immediately, the simulator beep sounded in my ears.

[Ding, detected... energy source worth 234 points, do you want to absorb it? 】

Su Xing smiled slightly after hearing this. In two months, he obtained more than two million energy sources.

It seems that Bai Xuan has not been lazy during this period.

Su Xing was in a good mood, patted Bai Xuan on the shoulder and said:
"There has been a small breakthrough in my cultivation during this period..."

"This is 50 million high-grade spiritual stones... which will be used as a deposit for you to purchase the ore in the next few months!"

"Even if the price is higher...the most important thing is that the quantity must be guaranteed!"

Su Xing casually handed over the storage bag containing 50 million high-grade spiritual stones.

Bai Xuan was stunned when he saw it. After confirming the spirit stone in the storage bag, he was so frightened that his legs almost softened.

This is fifty million high-grade spiritual stones!
Not to mention a little earthly immortal like him, even heavenly immortals and even real immortals will be jealous when they see him!

"Su...Brother Su, with such a large amount of spiritual stones...are you really relieved?"

Bai Xuan swallowed. He didn't have the slightest demeanor of an Earth Immortal monk.

If he gets these 50 million high-grade spiritual stones, the Xiao Qingyun world is so big, where can he go?

Even helping him forcefully break through the Celestial Immortal is enough!

Bai Xuan is really curious. Is this mysterious "Brother Su" in front of him really afraid that he will donate money and run away?

Su Xing smiled slightly after hearing this.

Fifty million high-grade spiritual stones was indeed a huge sum of money for him two months ago.

But in the past two months, Su Xing has found several Luotian inheritances and taken away the remains of Taoist Huangsha.

This mere fifty million energy high-grade spiritual stones is nothing to the awakening.

Su Xing took out such a large number of spiritual stones this time not to show off, but to let Bai Xuan increase his efforts in collecting ores.

The general meaning is, buddy, you are not short of money, you can get as much goods as you want here!

As for... is Su Xing afraid that Bai Xuanjuan will run away?
Su Xing smiled slightly at this, and looking at Bai Xuan who didn't know the situation in front of him, Su Xing's heart moved.

There was just a wisp of energy that enveloped Bai Xuan.

In an instant, Bai Xuan felt that his whole body was soaked with sweat. He stared at Su Xing with wide eyes, unable to even breathe under Su Xing's pressure!

The whole process lasted for about half a minute. After waking up, he put away his momentum and turned into a harmless person again. He patted Bai Xuan on the shoulder and said:
"Brother Bai, we have such a happy don't want any conflicts, right?"

After saying that, Su Xing gave Bai Xuan a thoughtful look and left the Wanjin Pavilion private room.

After Su Xing left, Bai Xuan couldn't bear it anymore and sat down on the ground in fear.

Between the two buttocks, there was constant trembling.

"This this……"

"This Brother Su...oh no, what kind of cultivation level does Senior Su have!?"

Bai Xuan swallowed. Under the momentum of his awakening just now, he had no intention of resisting at all!
As a well-connected Earth Immortal, Bai Xuan's family is considered prominent in the Xiao Qingyun world.

The true fairyland city lord of Baidi City is actually Bai Xuan's uncle!
Because of this, Bai Xuan was able to eat and wait for death in Baidi City, but still had so many connections.

Therefore, Bai Xuan has seen a powerful True Immortal take action, but both the momentum and the sense of oppression are far inferior to the one he just woke up from.

"So, this Senior Su is a major cultivator in the True Immortal Realm? Or even higher!?"

Thinking of this, Bai Xuan's breathing became slightly stagnant. How could he dare to have the slightest intention of reviving the spirit stone?
Now he only has one thought, even if he doesn't eat, drink, or have sex with women, he still has to get Senior Su's affairs done!


On the other side, after Su Xing left Baidi City, he did not stay too long and returned directly to Blue Star.

Half a day later, he woke up outside Blue Star's restricted barrier and carefully calculated to make sure that he was not in danger.

Then he used the method of shielding the aura and returned to Blue Star safely.

Returning to Daxia Kingdom immediately, Su Xing was very sure that Xue San was not aware of Blue Star's situation at this time.

So Su Xing first found Jin Congxue and Luo Shuying and took out all the profits of the Tarot Chamber of Commerce in the past two months.

Then he went to the puppet organizations scattered all over Blue Star.

Together, the two brought another two million energy source benefits to Su Xing.

At this moment, the number of energy sources in Su Xing's hands has once again approached 1500 million!

In a mountain on the outskirts of Kyoto, Su Xing quietly waited for Grandpa Lu's appointment. "When you return to Blue Star this time, you must be fully prepared...because the next time you come back, Blood Three may already be ambushing you here!"

"This means that I can no longer return to Blue Star until I have the absolute strength to defeat Blood Three head-on."

"Therefore, all the energy sources that can be taken away must be taken away..."

"Judging from how cautious I am in doing things, Blood Three should not know my true identity... But if I am in Blue Star, I will definitely be sensed by Blood Three!"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind and thought of several preparations and backup plans.


Not long after, a figure appeared in the mountains, it was Lu Yuanwu.

At this moment, Lu Yuanwu came over in a hurry, and after seeing Xing Xing, he quickly said:
"Senior, what do you want from me?"

Su Xing did not say the purpose immediately, but said:
"In the past three months, the military situation in Daxia should be good, right?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu nodded repeatedly and said:

"Thanks to seniors... Now the overall strength of our Daxia military has improved again!"

"In fact, a second powerful emperor is about to be born in Daxia Kingdom...and that one also has some hope of breakthrough!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, knowing what Lu Yuanwu said.

It should be the powerful man at the peak of the Great Emperor at the Demon Suppressing Pass.

Although this kind of strength is no different from an ant in Su Xing's eyes, to the Great Xia Kingdom and the Blue Star human race, it is indeed a pinnacle-like existence.

After Su Xing confirmed that his elixir had taken effect, he said:

"In the next period of time, I will need to travel far away. It could be as short as half a year or as long as a year..."

"Therefore, I need you to provide a sufficient amount of foreign metals!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu patted his chest and said:
"No problem, senior, I'll have people prepare it right now. One hundred thousand tons of fourth-order exotic metals have already been prepared..."

After Su Xing heard Lu Yuanwu's words, he shook his head slightly and said:

"not enough!"

Lu Yuanwu was stunned for a moment after hearing this. One hundred thousand tons of fourth-level exotic metals were not enough?
So he asked: "What does senior mean?"

Seeing this, Su Xing no longer concealed anything and said:
"I need Daxia's military, all the exotic metals that can be mobilized... and various dungeon props!"

"The sooner the better!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"As for the price..."

Su Xing took out a storage ring and said:
"In this storage item, there are 100 eighth-level rebirth pills, 1000 seventh-level rebirth pills, sixth-level rebirth pills... and ten ninth-level rebirth pills!"

"Presumably these things can help Daxia Country's strength improve a lot..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu finally completely lost his composure.

The eighth-level rebirth elixir is enough to promote a powerful emperor to the holy level!
With 100 rebirth pills, if time allows, the Daxia military can even cultivate more than ten saint-level experts!
Not to mention the 1000 level seven rebirth pills and the 1 level six rebirth pills...

As for ten ninth-level rebirth pills, this was something Lu Yuanwu couldn't even imagine!

without any exaggeration.

With this elixir, the strength of Daxia's military will be enough to increase tenfold in the next ten years!
And it’s an increase in top combat power!

" said you want all the exotic metal inventories and replica props of the Daxia military?"

Lu Yuanwu still felt a little unsure.

Although the wealth in front of him is huge, not even Lu Yuanwu has the right to mobilize the exotic metals and replica props owned by the Daxia military.

But, the opportunity is right in front of you!

How could such a large amount of elixirs and such an excellent opportunity be comparable to that of different metals?

If he missed this opportunity, Lu Yuanwu suspected that he would regret it for the rest of his life.

So, Lu Yuanwu gritted his teeth and said:
"Senior, give me a month and I will try my best to mobilize all the exotic metals and replica props in Daxia's treasury..."

"This matter involves too much, I need to ask the opinion of the person at the Demon Town Gate..."

Su Xing thought for a while after hearing this. Su Xing could not afford to wait for a month!

So he nodded and said:
"That's fine, it does take time for you to mobilize the different metals... Then let's meet here again in a month!"

After that, Su Xing stepped out and left this place.


In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing took a look at his remaining simulation times.

"There are three simulation opportunities left, 1500 million energy sources..."

"It should be okay. Can we improve our cultivation a little more?"

Now Su Xing has taken all the energy sources that can be obtained in a short period of time.

As for the Daxia military, if they want to get the source of energy, they still have to wait for a month.

Naturally, this month of waking up cannot be wasted.

Therefore, Su Xing plans to use up the remaining three simulation opportunities.

"After breaking through to the Golden Immortal, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Qi refining cultivation to increase in a short period of time..."

"Then next, we have to go to the ninth heaven, the seventh heaven..."

"Only in the seventh heaven can we find news about the Tianyuan Tree..."

"...There is also Luo Tianjing. With Jin Xian's cultivation, I don't know how much he can repair Luo Tianjing."

"To understand the great road, we need to advance the way of space to the sixth level as soon as possible..."

Su Xing listed several plans for future simulations.

Before officially starting the simulation, Su Xing took a look at his current attribute panel.

[Name: Su Xing]

[Age: 24 years old]

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator]

[Cultivation level: First level of Golden Immortal, fifth level of Great Witch Body Forging Technique completed]

[Exercise techniques: Ruyi Visualization, Luo Tian Transformation Technique, Zhengyi Qi Subduing Technique, Great Witch Body Forging Technique, Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Technique]

[Talents: Five Elements Holy Body, Alien, Good Luck, Xi plus One, Innate Dao Body, Space Source Body, Late Bloomer, Not Talking about Martial Arts, Swallowing the Sky, Innate Sword Body, Unbeatable Xiaoqiang...]

[Skills: Void Sword (Small Success), Spiritual Domain (Eight Thousand Miles), Alchemy (Dacheng), Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique (Perfection), Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique (Perfection), Spiritual Consciousness Eight Million Miles (Heavenly Man) Realm), Body Protecting Sword Gang (Six Thousand Four Hundred Ways), Bagua fortune-telling (Perfection), Formation Dao (Dacheng), Sword Controlling Technique (Perfection), Puppet Way (Dacheng), several immortal cultivation techniques...]

[Perception of the avenue: The avenue of thunder (fifth realm), the avenue of five elements (fifth realm), the avenue of swords (fifth realm), the path of speed (fifth realm), the path of power (fourth realm), the avenue of destiny (Fifth realm), the avenue of cause and effect (fifth realm), the way of space (fifth realm), the avenue of killing (fourth realm)...]

[Special Physique: Heavenly Thunder Holy Body]

As Su Xing officially enters the Golden Fairyland, Su Xing's talents, skills and techniques on the panel can all be described as luxurious.

It was precisely these talents and insights that gave Su Xing the confidence to compete at the peak of the Golden Immortal when he first entered the Golden Immortal!
"However, there are not many vacancies left in the talent column... and the growth in strength has temporarily reached a bottleneck."

"The most ideal situation is to earn enough energy source...but if it is really impossible to earn it, we can only give priority to improving the Dao perception!"

Su Xing thought so.

After determining the goal of this simulation, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"

After he finished speaking, the familiar lottery interface did not appear.

Instead, a system prompt sounded in Su Xing's ears.

[Ding, it is detected that the host has broken through to the Golden Immortal Realm. The simulator version can be further upgraded. This upgrade costs 10 million points of energy source. Do you want to upgrade? 】

After hearing this prompt, Su Xing was stunned for a moment.

The long-awaited new version of the simulator is finally here!

But seeing the cost of renewing the energy source of 10 million yuan... Su Xing suddenly felt a little pained.

"Damn, I have more than 15 million energy sources in my hand..."

"But this simulator update is inevitable!"

Su Xing's heart skipped a beat. If the source of energy was really not enough for Su Xing to break through to the sixth level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, Su Xing would have no choice but to improve his Dao perception first.

As for cultivation, let’s wait until the source of energy from Daxia’s military arrives.

So, Su Xing took a deep breath and said silently:

"Confirm upgrade!"

The sound of the simulator came to my ears.

[Ding, you spent 1000 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 523 points...]

[The simulator version is being upgraded...]

【please wait……】

[Version upgrade successful! 】

After the upgrade was successful, Su Xing couldn't wait to check out the updated features.


[Ding, the updated features of the simulator version 7.0 are as follows]:
[1. The probability of drawing a lottery has been increased. The probability of drawing a golden legendary talent is %, and the probability of drawing a red mythical talent is %. 】

[2. Cancel the upper limit of talent bar...]

[3. The number of simulated storage times increases. The number of unsimulated times can be stored up to five times. 】

[4. Added reward storage function. Undrawn rewards can be temporarily stored in the prize pool at the cost of a certain energy source, and up to three rewards can be stored. 】

[5. Added time point preset function, which can preset actions before a certain time point in advance and start simulation directly from a certain time point...]

[6. A new time recall function is added. The host will randomly retain part of its strength and memory and be transported to a certain point in time in the past... Looking back on everything experienced will not change the reality in any way...]

[7. Optimize the talent prize pool lottery...]

(End of this chapter)

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