Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 414: The first time chapter, the Great Witch Tribe Chrome!

Chapter 414: The first time retrospective, the Great Witch Tribe Chrome!

Su Xing looked at the updated content of the simulator in front of him and felt happy.

"A total of seven updates...excluding the unreliable seventh one..."

"Tsk tsk, the simulator has changed a lot this time!"

Wake up and compare one by one.

The first is the increase in talent lottery probability.

The useless purple talent has finally been completely replaced, and the probability of drawing a golden talent has been increased to 100%.

Even the probability of drawing a red talent has reached 20%, which is undoubtedly much higher than the previous 5%!
"There is a 20% probability that in future simulations, red talents will gradually replace golden talents!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"As for the second update, the upper limit of the talent bar has been directly cancelled... This means that in the future, as long as the talents are useful to me, I may be able to bring them out!"

"Even if my cultivation reaches a bottleneck, I can become a numerical monster just by relying on the accumulation of pure talent!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. This second update undoubtedly greatly increased Su Xing's upper limit.

It is no longer a dream for one person to possess a hundred divine bodies!

Su Xing’s current goal is to collect the complete ten holy bodies!

By then, one person who wakes up will be worthy of the geniuses of three thousand worlds...

"As for the third point, the storage limit of simulation opportunities has been increased to five times... This means that I can conduct up to six consecutive simulations. If there is not enough energy within a month and a half, it can be postponed."

Su Xing nodded slightly, but this didn't help him much.

After all, the extra simulation times of awakening can be completely consumed through immersive simulation.

"As for the fourth update, it is newly added, the reward storage function!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

This feature he has been waiting for for a long time has finally been updated!

With the reward storage, if the awakening is short of money and the simulation energy is not enough, the rewards can be delayed.

Or, when it is difficult to decide on the awakening reward, you can temporarily store the reward and pay an additional fee to withdraw it.

For example, in a simulation, Su Xing gained a red talent, Qi refining cultivation, and body refining cultivation.

There are three rewards. If it were in the past, Su Xing could only choose two.

But now, Awakening has a reward storage, and you can pay extra energy to temporarily store this reward.

Then wake up and pay energy again to bring out the rewards.

Although this consumes more energy, the efficiency of bringing out rewards is much higher.

"As for whether this new function has other uses, it is currently unknown..."

Su Xing thought for a while and looked at the fifth update.

"Is there a new time point preset function... For example, if my simulation for the next few years is fixed, there is no need to waste time and I can start directly from a fixed time point..."

Su Xing thought about it and found that this new function seemed to be of little use.

Later, Su Xing turned his attention to the sixth new function.

It is also the most anticipated new feature of Su Xing!

"Back in time!"

"Not only can it simulate the future...can it also simulate the past?"

"It's just the past in the simulation, it doesn't have any impact on the present..."

"But if I go there and simulate it, can I bring out what I have gained?"

At this moment, Su Xing heard the sound of the simulator.

[Ding, the time rewind function...is similar to randomly triggering an adventure back in time. 】

[The host can personally participate in a past event. After the event is over, the simulation will end immediately and return to reality...]

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing the simulator's prompt.

This time backtracking actually has a time limit.

What exactly is a past event?
Su Xing was a little curious and said: "So during the time review, can I get rewards?"

[Ding, you can bring out items obtained from past events...]

"Huh? Can you really go back in time and bring out items?"

Su Xing quickly thought of those innate spiritual treasures, heavenly materials, and earthly treasures that existed in the past timeline!
If it can be brought out, it will save a lot of trouble in waking up!
Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

The above is all the updated contents of this simulator.

Su Xing still has three simulation opportunities left in his hands, as well as more than five million energy sources.

"So, do you want to try the new function?"

"Even simulating the future is not enough to bring out cultivation... Why not try going back in time?"

Su Xing thought for a while and decided to try the time retrieval function first.

"Start simulation!"

[Ding, please choose to simulate the future or the past...]

"I choose to simulate the past!" Su Xing said silently.

[You successfully used the time retrieval function... the adventure is being triggered! 】

[The 151th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 523 points... The remaining number of simulations is 7856. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden Tianmiaoyin Divine Body... The probability of drawing a golden talent next time is 100%...]

[Miaoyin Divine Body]: Golden talent, one of the hundred divine bodies, with an extraordinary understanding of the direction of music, and can understand the way of music.

"Another hundred divine bodies...but unfortunately it's of no use to me now..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, what he had learned now was quite complicated.

If you add the method of music, even with the simulator bonus, it will be quite difficult.

"In this simulation, let's try some time retrieval first!"

"I don't know when it will happen."

Su Xing was a little curious. Time regression meant arriving at a random place and a random timeline.

Even the strength of the awakened deity is preserved randomly.

[Ding, please choose the object of Xijiayi talent blessing...]

"I choose blessing, a late bloomer..."

To be on the safe side, Su Xing still chooses to use late blooming talents.

[You started a time retrospective...]

[In this retrospective event, you can only exert your body-refining cultivation... your qi-refining cultivation has fallen to the human fairyland. 】

[All your talents can be preserved...Lingtian Cave is temporarily sealed...]

[You returned to a random timeline...]

[...] [When you regain consciousness, you find yourself lying in a mountain. 】

[You looked around warily and decided to leave the mountain first to look for traces of the world of immortality. 】

[You emit your spiritual consciousness and instantly cover the land a hundred thousand miles around the mountain. 】

[Soon, you discover a "small village" where life exists. 】

[You decide to explore that small village and figure out what timeline it is now...]

[After a while, you arrived at this small village, and you saw the villagers in the village...]

[These villagers are each dozens of feet tall and as strong as a mountain. 】

[The first time you see these villagers, you will understand their identities... they are the Witch Clan! 】

[You keep thinking in your mind that the timeline of the Witch Clan’s existence must be before the ancient times. 】

[But you don’t know whether this is the time when the Witch Clan is about to be destroyed in ancient times, or whether it is a period further away...]

[You decided to explore the village... But after you got close to the village, you quickly discovered something unusual. 】

[A battle is taking place in the village, and thousands of aliens are invading this Wu Clan village. 】

[And in this Wu Clan village, it seems that only some old, weak, sick and disabled people are left, and none of the young and strong Wu Clan seem to be in the village. 】

[Most of them are old Witch Clan and Witch Clan children, and not many of them have the strength of true immortals. 】

[The invading foreign race has dozens of true gods. 】

[In comparison, the strength of the Wu Clan’s village is hugely different! 】

[In the short period of time you observed the situation, several more elderly giants from the Witch Clan were killed...]

[Seeing this situation, you did not hesitate and stepped forward to help the Witch Clan. After all, foreigners are the enemies of the world of immortality at all times! 】

[Even if there is a conflict between the human race and the Wu race, it is far less important than the extermination of the alien race! 】

[But before going to the witch tribe, you were cautious and did not appear directly as a human being. Instead, you launched the Great Witch Body Forging Technique and transformed into a ten-foot-tall giant. 】

[In addition, you changed your appearance, so your aura looks very similar to that of the Witch Clan. 】

[After changing into the appearance of the witch clan, you quickly participated in this battle. 】

[I saw you stretched out your broad palm, shouted softly, and jumped to the side of a foreign race. 】

[With both arms, this alien two-horned demon god was torn in half alive by you. 】

[Although the Qi refining cultivation has been temporarily sealed, with this body refining strength alone, the great witch body training technique... these alien races are far from your opponents! 】

[After you joined the war, in just half an hour, this wave of alien armies was defeated by you alone. 】

[But even so, there were heavy casualties among the Wu tribe. 】

[Originally, the Wu tribe was sparse in number, with only a few hundred people left in the tribe. A tribe with thousands of Wu giants can be considered a large tribe. 】

[In this battle, dozens of the old, weak, sick and disabled people left by the Wu tribe were killed, leaving only dozens of old, weak, sick and disabled people. 】

[After killing those aliens, the expected gratitude did not happen. Instead, the witches looked at you in horror and did not dare to approach you. 】

[You have some doubts about this, but it’s hard to say it outright. 】

[I simply lit up a fire, took out all the essence of the alien flesh and blood, and ate barbecue next to the tribe. 】

[The tempting fragrance quickly spread throughout the entire Wu clan. You watched helplessly as many Wu clansmen were hiding in the dark, drooling at the barbecue in your hand. 】

[And you deliberately pretended to be eating deliciously. 】

[Soon, a few bold young wizards could not resist the temptation and gradually approached you. 】

[You didn’t hesitate when you saw this, and just threw a few pieces of roasted flesh and blood essence over. 】

[The eyes of the Wu children suddenly lit up after seeing it, and they hurriedly took over the barbecue and started eating it. 】

[Soon, more and more Wu Clan approached. 】

[You raised the corners of your mouth slightly when you saw this, and asked about the situation seemingly casually while eating barbecue. 】

[These Wu Clan children are not very thoughtful and will quickly tell you some basic information. 】

[The village you are in is actually one of the tribes of the witch tribe, and this tribe of witches is called Chrome, and they believe in Jumang, one of the twelve ancestral witches. 】

[After hearing this, your heart moved, and you asked what timeline these young wizards were on now. 】

[But how do these children know? 】

[They only said that the ancestral witches have not shown their saints for a long time... The relationship between the witch tribes has become worse and worse. The adults in their tribes have to go out to hunt, but they have not had enough to eat for a long time...]

[You felt something in your heart after hearing this, and when you were about to continue asking, you suddenly felt a stinging pain between your eyebrows. 】

[Without any hesitation, you used your legs and jumped hundreds of meters away, dodging the incoming blow. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

From the text in the simulation, Su Xing has wisely deduced the timeline of this time retracement.

"The Twelve Ancestral Witches have not shown their spirits for a long time... the young children in the Witch Clan tribe don't even have enough to eat. This is a sign that the Witch Clan has declined!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and found that the timeline of this time travel should be the ancient era, close to the modern era.

It may only be tens of millions of years ago...

"So what major events happened in that timeline?"

Su Xing didn’t know much about that period of time.

"It seems that when I have time in the future, I have to take a look at the major events in the history of the world of immortality..."

"Also, what happened to that sudden murderous intention?"

With such doubts, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You dodged the sudden blow, and when you took a closer look, you saw a strong man dozens of feet tall, with explosive muscles all over his body approaching. 】

[This strong man from the Wu tribe has a gorgeous feather decoration on his head, and he seems to have a high status in the tribe. 】

[As both body-refining cultivators, you can see the terrifying power in his body. His cultivation level is probably no less than that of a Golden Immortal! 】

[After the attack failed, the strong man from the Wu Clan showed a look of surprise, then jumped up again and attacked you. 】

[With one punch, the mountains collapsed and the rivers were cut off...]

[You raised your eyebrows when you saw this. After dodging several times, you became more angry and decided to fight with the young man from the Wu clan. 】

[This battle lasted half a day. 】

[You deliberately did not allow the battle to take place in the tribe, but the aftermath of the battle emanating from the stretches of barren mountains is also frightening! 】

[You are very sure that this young man from the Witch Clan is no less powerful than you. 】

[With his physical strength alone, he is already close to a monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal... just like you at this time. 】

[And this strong man from the Wu clan, after fighting with you for half a day, actually has a hint of appreciation in his eyes. 】

[I’ve heard for a long time that the Wu clan is warlike, and it turns out that’s true. 】

[At this moment, two elders from the Wu tribe came belatedly and informed the strong man of the Wu tribe about what had happened in the tribe before. 】

[After hearing this, the strong man from the Wu clan looked much better, and he is no longer hostile to you. 】

[Instead, with a hint of apology in his eyes, he invites you to drink in the tribe and apologizes to you. 】

[After hearing this, you thought for a while and went to this witch tribe just in time to understand the timeline you are currently in, so you agreed...]

[Soon, you will return to the Chrome tribe...]

(End of this chapter)

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