Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 415 Luo Linger, Patriarch Luo Tian! The secret of Luo Tianzong’s founding!

Chapter 415 Luo Linger, Patriarch Luo Tian! The secret of Luo Tianzong’s founding!
In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"That witch giant with the gorgeous decoration on his head should be the leader of the Chromium tribe, right?"

"You are in your prime, and you have the combat power of the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, so you are not weak at all... But with this strength alone, it is still far behind the Wu Clan in its heyday!"

However, the Wu clan's bellicose and clear-cut attitude did not exceed Su Xing's expectations.

"Then let's go to the Chromium Tribe and find out what is the big event in this time travel?"

Su Xing had a vague guess in his mind and looked at the simulation panel.

[Soon, you followed the leader of the Chrome tribe back to the tribal village. 】

[This witch giant named "Chrome" is sorry for your previous behavior. 】

[As soon as you returned to the Wu Clan village, you saw dozens of Wu Clan giants in their prime being busy. 】

[Some are holding huge axes that are several feet tall, and some are lighting firewood and making fires, dragging monsters hundreds of meters long, splitting flesh and blood. 】

[The Witch Clan usually makes a living by hunting monsters. Their strong physical strength requires them to obtain enough energy from the flesh and blood essence of monsters. 】

[Especially the children of the Witch Clan who are in their growing period. Without enough blood and flesh from monsters and beasts, it will be difficult for them to grow into powerful Witch Clan warriors. 】

【伱 followed the clan leader "Chrome" into the Witch Clan. 】

[Large pieces of demonic beast flesh and blood are presented after being simply cooked and grilled, and sprinkled with the witch clan’s special mineral salt. Although there is a lack of condiments, the unique deliciousness of the demonic beast’s flesh and blood will still make your index fingers tick. 】

[Not long after, several more warriors from the Wu clan came to you, carrying wine jars that were several feet high. 】

[The Wu tribe loves wine and meat. You saved this tribe, defeated the aliens, and received the greatest hospitality from the Wu tribe. 】

[After three rounds of drinking...you chatted with the great wizard named "Chrome". 】

[He asked which tribe you came from and why you came to the territory of the Chrome tribe. 】

[You look like a giant of the Witch Clan at the moment, so it is inevitable that Chrome will have this doubt. 】

[But you can’t directly say that you are a human being, so you lied that you came from a distant tribe. The tribe was destroyed by the invasion of foreign tribes, and you just wandered...]

[After hearing what you said, Chrome expressed deep regret and did not cross-examine carefully. 】

[You were chatting like this. During the conversation, you asked insinuatingly about the current situation. 】

[Soon, you will know that the era you are in now is shortly after the separation of the upper world and the lower world. The ten major domains in the world were first established, and the location you are in is called the Eastern Domain...]

[In this era, the Witch Clan has completely declined, and most of the remaining Witch Clan tribes are no longer pure in blood, and their power is far less than before. 】

[You continue to ask, the strength of this world of immortality...]

[Chrome replied that he had never heard of the Advent Sect, nor did he know about the so-called Luotian Sect and Qingyun Sect... But when you asked about Tianji Pavilion, Chrome said that he had heard that there seemed to be an organization named Tianji Pavilion among the human race. 】

[After hearing this, you thought thoughtfully, and then asked for the names of several powerful human beings you knew. 】

[Until he asked about Bai Emperor, Chrome said that he had vaguely heard that there was a strong man named Bai Emperor who achieved the Taiyi Golden Immortal Dao Fruit thousands of years ago...]

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this.

At this moment, he already understood the timeline he was looking back on.

"The upper and lower realms have just been separated, Luo Tian Sect and Qing Yun Sect have not yet been established... Bai Di has just reached the realm of Taiyi!"

"This timeline is indeed tens of millions of years old..."

So, what big thing happened at this point in time?
Su Xing thought for a while and seemed to have a guess in his mind, but he couldn't express it.

I had to continue looking at the simulation panel.

[After hearing Chrome’s words, you have an idea of ​​the rough timeline...]

[Just when you were about to continue asking, you suddenly felt the sound of fierce fighting outside the tribe. 】

[You and Chrome looked at each other, stood up in unison, and headed outside the tribe. 】

[With your amazing eyesight, you saw a human woman wearing a blue dress running away from high in the sky. Her long black hair was wet with sweat, and she looked a little embarrassed. 】

[Behind her is a terrifying alien god, whose strength is approximately at the peak of the Golden Immortal. 】

[The woman only had the initial strength of the Golden Immortal, so she was obviously invincible...but she did not fight back from time to time through the mysterious fluctuations around her body. 】

[After seeing the battle situation, Chrome frowned slightly and looked at you, as if asking you if you want to help the human woman. 】

[You are attracted by the woman's fighting moves. The mysterious fluctuations are clearly the spiritual realm...]

[No, the spiritual world! 】

[This Golden Immortal woman from the human race has terrifying control over the spiritual realm, and has already reached the level of the spiritual world... This is almost impossible to achieve in the early stage of the Golden Immortal realm. 】

[It is precisely by relying on the control of the spiritual realm that a woman can compete with the aliens at the peak of the second-level god palace with the initial cultivation level of the Golden Immortal. 】

[You just thought for a moment, then jumped up and headed towards the alien god's mansion in the sky. 】

[Chrome on the side smiled slightly after seeing it, and soon joined the fight. 】

[With three guarantees, even if your strength is limited to body training, with the help of two golden immortals, you still have the absolute upper hand. 】

[This battle lasted for three full days, and finally this alien god was killed by you. 】

[Although you are three against one, the three of you are all injured to varying degrees. Wu Chrome's left arm was cut off by the root, but with the terrifying resilience of the Wu clan, it only takes a few days to nurse it back. 】

[And there was a deep wound on your chest that was visible to the bone, but fortunately it was not serious. 】

[Just when you were about to ask about the woman's identity... the woman's breath suddenly became disordered and she fell from the sky. 】

[Fortunately, you were quick-sighted and rescued him in time and took him to the Wu Clan village. 】

[A few days later, with the help of Wu Clan herbs, this woman successfully woke up, but she still looked at you with a wary face...]

[Although we shared the adversity and killed the alien god, in this timeline, the relationship between the Witch Clan and the Human Clan is not harmonious. 】

[This woman looked at you cautiously for a few times, thanked you, and prepared to leave. 】

[But as soon as she stood up, the woman's legs weakened and she fell down weakly. 】

[Before being chased by the alien gods, this human woman had been seriously injured and was severely depleted of energy and spirit. 】

[Even the top three flowers have a vague tendency to be insecure...]

[In desperation, the woman can only recuperate in the witch tribe. 】

[In the next few years, this human woman was recuperating in the tribe, while you and the great wizard went hunting in the mountains outside the tribe. 】

[You become familiar with each other and gradually become good friends...]

[And during the few years we have been together, you also learned the woman’s identity. 】

[This human woman’s name is Luo Ling’er. She is a casual cultivator with no sect. After gathering the three flowers on the top, she plans to travel to the ten regions in search of opportunities for breakthrough...]

In the real world, Su Xing thought about this carefully after seeing this.

"Luo Ling'er? Is there such a strong person in the current timeline?"

Su Xing has never heard of it.

"It seems that this woman may not have survived until this time..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, time is like this.

Even the most amazing genius may be lost in the long river of time.

Luo Ling'er, who can compete with the foreign gods at the peak of Golden Immortal at the early stage of Golden Immortal, can be regarded as a genius. But I haven’t lived until now…

"I don't know, what exactly is this simulated adventure?"

Su Xing was a little curious.

The introduction of the time retrieval function said that it would allow Su Xing to participate in a major event.

But at the moment, the attack on the Wu tribe should not be considered a big event, right?

"Perhaps there will be different developments in the future?"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Luo Ling'er's injuries finally recovered, and it was time for her to leave. 】

[Before leaving, Luo Ling'er invites you to travel to further places together. 】

[After hearing Luo Ling'er's words, you felt a little hesitant, but you didn't expect that Da Wu Chrome would be the first to agree. 】

[It turns out that alien invasions have become more and more frequent in recent years, and there are many old and weak people in Wu Chrome's tribe. In addition, there are fewer and fewer monster prey in the mountains. 】

[Therefore, Chrome plans to move his entire family and find a more suitable place to build and rebuild his home...]

[Seeing Wu Chrome saying this, you have no reason to object. 】

[So next, the three of you took the entire Chrome tribe and hundreds of witch tribes to find a more suitable home. 】

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed...]

[After ten years of traveling, the three of you have formed a very deep friendship. 】

[But at this moment, an accident happened...]

[Although Luo Ling'er is a casual cultivator and has not joined the sect, he comes from a family of cultivators. 】

[And now, Luo Ling'er received a message that the Luo family suffered a genocide. Thousands of people were killed. Only less than a hundred people were lucky enough to escape with their lives, and they are being hunted...]

[In this case, Luo Ling'er had to go back to rescue the family. 】

【So I am ready to say goodbye to you...】

[But you were worried that Luo Ling'er would go back alone to help, so he said goodbye to Chrome for the time being and agreed to meet at the agreed place three years later. 】

[You followed Luo Ling'er to the place where his clan members were hiding. Not long after, you encountered hostile forces who came to pursue you. 】

[Without much effort, you killed the pursuers one by one...but you learned a shocking news. 】

[The largest human clan cultivating immortals in the Eastern Region secretly communicated with foreign races and planned to sacrifice blood to humans. However, Luo Ling'er's family accidentally discovered this and was hunted down. 】

[After learning about the situation, you know that you cannot fight against it with your own strength alone... After all, there is Da Luo Jinxian in the largest sect in the Eastern Region! 】

[So, you and Luo Ling'er escort the Luo family members to join the Chrome tribe...]

[Three years later, you reunited smoothly. 】

[Nothing unexpected happened in the Wu tribe, but you are a little confused about where to go next. 】

[The largest sect in the Eastern Region and the invasion of foreign races, even the Golden Immortal cannot be immune to this torrent. 】

[What's more, there are still old and weak people in the Luo family and the Wu tribe who need to be taken care of...]

[At this moment, Luo Ling'er found you and Chrome. She told you that she had discovered a secret cave during her early travels. 】

[That secret cave is not only hidden, but also very large. The resources inside are enough for the Luo family and the Wu tribe to live together...]

[The only problem is that the secret place is suspected to be from ancient times and is extremely dangerous. It is difficult for her to explore it alone. 】

[You thought thoughtfully after hearing this, and the three of you soon made a decision to explore that secret place together! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and finally determined which big event he was involved in!

"Luo Ling'er... the witch tribes all went to a secret place to take refuge together, so will a new force be created in the end?"

"Then, the name of this force is self-evident...Luo Tianzong!"

Su Xing took a deep breath. He never expected that the time he went back to was before the founding of Luo Tianzong!

Moreover, I happened to meet the two founders of Luo Tianzong!
"Oh no... In this timeline, maybe I am the third founder?"

Su Xing scratched his head, a little confused.

The Luo family happens to be a major faction of Luo Tianzong.

Coupled with the participation of the Wu tribe...

Su Xing is already more than 90% sure that Luo Ling'er... is Patriarch Luo Tian!
"Hiss... No wonder he has comprehended the spiritual world in the first stage of Golden Immortal... only Patriarch Luo Tian can do it!"

A strange look flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

Now that we know the time point we traveled to, we know the big event we are about to come into contact with.

Then when you wake up, you will know what to do next.

"So, is the key still the secret realm?"

"That secret realm should be the place where Luo Tian Sect was established, right?"

"The foundation of the Luo Tian Sect is the Luo Tian Mirror, one of the three great treasures of chaos."

"And in the simulation, Luo Ling'er doesn't seem to have obtained Luo Tianjing... so is Luo Tianjing in that secret realm?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing became interested in the next development in the secret realm.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[Soon, under the leadership of Luo Ling'er, you went to the secret realm that she had explored before. 】

[Stepping into the secret realm, you seem to have entered a brand new world. 】

[The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, there are deer running around in the forest, and there are birds singing and flowers everywhere...]

[What surprises you even more is that there is a stream formed by the gathering of spiritual liquid in the mountain forest. 】

[The aura in the air is several times that of the outside world, vaguely reaching the level of a high-grade blessed land! 】

[After seeing the shock in your eyes, Luo Ling'er explained that she had explored this place before and suspected that it was a fragment of the upper world in ancient times. 】

[Later, through the transformation of time, it gradually became the secret realm it is today. 】

[You nodded slightly after hearing this. Only in the upper world can there be such a place full of spiritual energy. 】

[And since the destruction of the upper world, and now that the spiritual energy of the world has been exhausted, this secret realm is definitely the object of competition among all major forces. 】

[But fortunately, neither the Luo family nor the Wu clan have any intention of leaving after arriving in this secret realm. 】

[There are many hostile forces chasing and killing from the outside world, but this world is the only safe place...]


[One year later, the Luo family and the Wu tribe have settled down temporarily. 】

[Luo Ling'er found you and Chrome. Deep in this secret realm, she discovered a hidden ancient palace, and there seemed to be treasures in it...]

(End of this chapter)

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