Chapter 431 Red mythical talent, one more shot!
[Jinpeng Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Fourteen Thousand Miles in the Spiritual World]: The spiritual realm transforms and reaches the level of the spiritual world. The power of magical powers and the way of space within the spiritual world is greatly improved, and the spiritual world gradually evolves into the real world. The price is 20 energy sources.

[Second Level of Golden Immortal]: Peak cultivation level of the second level of Golden Immortal, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Results of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique]: The sixth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has been completed. The tree of Yuanli in the body has reached one foot, and the Yuanli is endless. The price is 700 million energy sources.

Four simulated rewards flashed before his eyes.

The results of Qi refining, body refining, spiritual enlightenment... and the new golden talent, Golden Roc Divine Body!

"For body training, the tree of Yuanli was already eight feet nine inches before. Now it can be raised to one foot high. Only 700 million energy sources are needed..."

Su Xing nodded slightly. It seemed that the cost of improving body training was as he expected.

A total of 3000 million energy sources are required to go from entry level to the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique.

Compared with Qi refining and cultivation, it is still cheaper.

Looking at the four rewards in front of him, Su Xing thought about it and said silently:
"I choose to store the talent of Jinpeng Divine Body and the peak cultivation level of the second level of Jinxian into the prize pool..."

After Su Xing finished speaking, there were two more unclaimed rewards in the prize pool.

However, spiritual world enlightenment and physical training are still in a state of uncollection.

Subsequently, Su Xing withdrew the two rewards temporarily stored in the prize pool, paying only an additional 10% fee.

[Ding, congratulations on bringing you to the second level of Golden Immortal peak cultivation. You spent 2 energy source points...the remaining energy source points are 157 points...]

[Ding, congratulations on bringing out the talented Jinpeng divine body. You spent 11 energy source points...the remaining energy source points are 157 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing you 20 miles out of the spiritual world, spending 137 energy sources...the remaining energy sources are 4430 points...]

Three prompts sounded in succession, and Su Xing brought out three rewards at the minimum cost, leaving only the body training level.

After all, the energy source left to wake up is not enough.

Before heading to the endless abyss, Su Xing must improve his strength as much as possible!
I saw that the mana in Su Xing's body increased by about 3%, reaching the peak of the second level of Golden Immortal.

The new talent Jinpeng Divine Body has improved Su Xing's qualifications on the Road of Speed.

The scope of the spiritual world has also been increased from 12,000 miles to 14,000 miles.

After a while, Su Xing adapted to the increase in cultivation within his body.

After leaving Lingtian Cave, Su Xing looked up at the sky and murmured:
"It's time to head to the endless abyss..."

After that, wake up and take a step forward.


A moment later, Su Xing appeared on the first level of the endless abyss.

This is not the first time Su Xing has come to the Endless Abyss, but Su Xing knows that after this time, he will not come back in a short time.

So now, we must do our best to squeeze out the value of the endless abyss.

Thinking like this, Su Xing didn't let go of anything. He spent half a day sweeping from the first level of the abyss to the 101st level of the abyss.

Another day later, Su Xing appeared on the 201st level of the abyss.

In just a day and a half, Su Xing harvested hundreds of thousands of energy sources.

"After repeated sweeps, the number of aliens in the abyss is still least, it is not endless refreshing in place."

Su Xing murmured, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

But he didn't stop and continued to the lower level of the abyss.

Another day and a half passed.

Entering the endless abyss in just three days.

After waking up, he arrived at the 300th floor!

As the last alien true god on the 300th floor of the abyss was awakened and killed.

After taking away the Abyss Stone and converting it into energy source, Su Xing took a look at the remaining energy sources on the list.

736 points…

"Huh... It's finally enough to raise the body-refining cultivation level to the sixth level. To be on the safe side, it's better to improve the cultivation level first... and then continue to explore!"

Su Xing thought this, called out the simulation panel, and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the great witch's body-forging skills..."

[Ding, congratulations on bringing out the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique. You spent 700 million points of energy source...the remaining energy source points are 36 points...]

The lifting sound fell, and Su Xing's aura surged again.

However, the improvement in the small realm of body refining is not as obvious as that of qi refining.

Su Xing only felt that his strength had increased a lot, and his Yuanli had nearly doubled.

"Huh... The sixth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has been completed. Finally, the strength has grown to its current limit..."

"Right now, use your strongest form to sweep away the remaining 100 floors... Even if you are discovered by Hong Yue, the probability of escape will be greatly enhanced..."

Su Xing took stock.

Compared with the time when he was killed by Hongyue several times during the simulation, his strength increased by about 50%.

Especially the way of space has entered the sixth realm.

Even if he is discovered by Hongyue, Su Xing is still confident that he can escape smoothly.

"Then let's see how much energy the remaining 100 levels can bring me!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he entered the 301st level of the abyss!
Divine consciousness covered the entire layer of the abyss like a tide, and the spiritual world was also covered in an instant.

In a breath, Su Xing locked onto the alien race on the 301st floor.

Three red-eyed aliens who have reached the level of third-level gods.

In the spirit world, the awakened space power exploded, and dozens of space blades slashed through the bodies of the three alien gods.

The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique appeared behind these gods and exploded instantly.

A moment later, the three alien gods died in Su Xing's hands.

The three stones of the abyss were also collected by Su Xing.

[Ding, a material containing energy source has been detected, worth 16 points of energy source... Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing said decisively and nodded with satisfaction.

A random sweep of the 301st level of the abyss can bring more than 100,000 energy sources to Su Xing, which makes Su Xing very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing went to the 302nd floor of the abyss.


Half a day later, Su woke up and reached the 330th floor of the abyss.

The energy source in his body totals more than 687 million points.

Another half day passed.

The 360th floor of the abyss.

Su Xing glanced at the simulation panel.

The remaining energy source is 1576 million points.


Time soon came to the fifth day of waking up and entering the endless abyss.

Awakening stayed in the 400th layer of the abyss.

Three red-eyed aliens who were at the pinnacle of third-level gods fell at Su Xing's feet.

At this moment, the energy source in Su Xing's body has reached 3036 million points!

"It's really amazing!"

"The 300th to 400th floor of the abyss actually provided a total of 30 million energy sources!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with excitement.

Taking a little risk this time, the benefits brought by it make Su Xing very satisfied!

Su Xing glanced at the entrance to the 401st level of the abyss.

Slightly hesitant. "Would you like to continue exploring the hundred floors..."

Su Xing was a little moved.

Just from the 300th to 400th floor, the source of energy brought to awakening is so considerable.

What if it is between the 400th and 500th floors! ?

"Would you like to... give it a try!?"

If you can continue to explore the 100th floor, you can reach the 500th floor.

I'm afraid, the energy source that can revive him exceeds 100 million!
Even if you just continue to explore dozens of layers, you can still get tens of millions more energy sources!
However, such huge gains naturally come with risks!
First of all, after the 401st level of the abyss, the strength of the alien race will reach the level of a second-level god!
It is equivalent to the Golden Fairyland of human monks!

Even if he wakes up, it would still take half a day to clear out a layer of alien gods and kill three enemies who are equivalent to golden immortals!
After all the calculations, in five days of waking up, he would only be able to explore about ten levels.

Perhaps, it can bring benefits close to tens of millions of energy sources to Su Xing!

The danger is that once entangled by the enemy, Hong Yue will find him.

I'm afraid Su Xing will be in a dilemma again.

"Is it worth taking a little risk... and gaining tens of millions more energy sources?"

Su Xing only hesitated for a second before deciding.


"If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid there will be no chance to obtain a large amount of energy source in a short time!"

"But before you fight, you can simulate it again and try the risk!"

A simulation, although it seems to take a long time.

But for Su Qing, the real world has only lasted a few minutes.

At this time, Su Xing can definitely wait!

Thinking this way, Su Xing recited decisively and silently:

"Start simulation!"

[The 157th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 3036 points...The number of remaining simulations is 2333. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, if you draw a red talent and try again, the probability of drawing a gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing a red talent is 20%...]

[One More Shot]: Red mythical talent, which can only be used once per simulation. When your mana, energy, Dao perception, etc. are all exhausted, actively activating this talent can instantly restore your state to its peak. (One more shot, boy!)

"Damn it, another red mythical talent!"

"'s also a top-notch combat talent!"

Su Xing's face showed a look of ecstasy.

One more shot, it sounds like a somewhat abstract talent name.

But to put it simply, when the awakening fight reaches exhaustion, actively activating this talent can restore all awakening states to their peak!
On the battlefield, this is definitely a talent that can instantly turn the tide of battle!

"This talent can only be described in two words...invincible!"

"As long as the difference in strength between the enemy and the opponent is not too big... with this talent, wouldn't it be a sure win?"

Su Xing seemed to have imagined that he and his enemy were fighting for one Kunnian, and the two of them fought until they were exhausted.

After waking up and activating the "Backup Hidden Energy", there were two tubes of blood and two tubes of blue, and the other side also gave me a fart?

"Tsk tsk... If I had this talent when I fought with the shadow god of the seventh heaven before... I'm afraid I won't lose in the end!"

"What's even more exaggerated is that if I am promoted to Da Luo Jinxian... with the blessing of this talent, I am afraid that I will be among the top strong ones among Da Luo Jinxian!"

There is no doubt that this is a terrifying talent that can increase the potential of awakening combat!
"Tsk tsk... With this talent, I am more sure of escaping from Hong Yue!"

Su Xing couldn't wait to see if he could continue to reach dozens of levels in this simulation!

Earn him tens of millions more experience!
Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Please choose the target blessed by Xijiayi talent...]

"I choose to bless my late blooming talent..."

[In the endless abyss, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You have entered the 401st level of the abyss...]

[On this floor, there are three red-eyed aliens from the early stage of the second-level divine residence. 】

[You didn’t hold back at all, using your five elements to the fullest. 】

[After losing about one-third of your mana and the five elements, you spent four hours killing all three alien gods! 】

[You have obtained three abyss stones containing powerful energy...]

[At the same time, you sensed a gaze staring at you at the bottom of the endless abyss. 】

[The talent of pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil begins to send warnings...]

[You wasted no time and went directly to the 402nd floor of the abyss...]

[You used the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique and spent four hours to kill the alien gods on this level again...]

[On the 403rd floor, you use the Void Sword...]

[On the 404th floor, 6,400 body-protecting swords came out. You spent five hours killing three alien gods...]

[The 405th floor, the body-protecting sword...]

[On the 406th floor, you use the spirit world, use your terrifying physical body and magical powers to spend half a day to clear this floor...]

[After that, you went to the 407th floor. 】

[After three consecutive days of high-intensity fighting, the number of alien gods who died in your hands has reached nearly twenty! 】

[And you, the Five Elements Avenue, your magic power, and even your spirit are in a state of extreme exhaustion. 】

[You tried to go to the 408th floor...]

[You spent a whole day and finally killed the three alien gods on this floor with difficulty. 】

[At the same time, you feel the danger, getting closer and closer...]

[Without hesitation, you directly tore open the space, used the power of space with all your strength, and escaped from the endless abyss. 】


[Back on the Blue Star, you see the sky gradually turning red...]

[You know, the red moon is coming to Blue Star! 】

[You mobilized the space path of the sixth realm with all your strength, tearing apart the barrier of Blue Star. 】

[Before the red moon was about to arrive, you successfully... escaped from Blue Star! 】

[After leaving Blue Star, you seem to have seen the anger of Red Moon...]

[You didn’t stop at all and rushed towards the direction of Xiao Qingyun Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Finally, Hongyue didn't have time to catch up with me..."

But then Su Xing frowned slightly and said:
"It's a pity that this time... we only made it to the 408th floor of the abyss?"

Su Xing was a little dissatisfied.

At only eight levels, even those killed were second-level gods.

But what these Abyss Stones can bring to Awakening is nothing more than millions of energy sources!

This is not enough!
"Including this time, there are still two opportunities to simulate and improve your strength... You must improve your strength as much as possible!"

"Explore a few more layers of endless abyss..."

Wake up and understand that this is like fighting to feed war.

The stronger your awakening strength, the more layers you can explore.

Obtain more energy source...In turn, the more your strength will increase!
"With 30 million energy sources, it's time for them all to improve their strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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