Chapter 432: The old enemy, today’s experienced baby!
"As long as we can escape Hong Yue's pursuit, we can continue to develop our strength and explore deeper levels..."

"Every additional level explored may be a gain of hundreds of thousands of energy sources!"

"And after this simulation is over, 30 million energy sources will definitely be enough for my strength to rise to another level!"

Su Xing thought so.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After arriving at Xiao Qingyun Realm, you begin to prepare to cultivate the Tree of Origin Power. 】

[You have opened up a thirty-fold difference in time flow speed inside and outside Luotian, which allows you to consume about one-half of your mana every day. 】

[You informed Tianji Pavilion of Blue Star’s information...]

[You went to Qingyun Sect and successfully reached a deal with Qingyunzi, obtaining the key treasure Enlightenment Tea. 】

[Afterwards, you spent ten years collecting all the scattered inheritance of Luo Tian Sect. 】

[In the twentieth year, you successfully arrived in Tianji Realm, Baiyun Realm. 】

[According to your imagination, for the next period of time, you will still be waiting quietly in the Baiyun Realm for the arrival of the Immortal Boat from Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Because you participate in the Immortal Boat Defense War, you can guarantee that you will have accumulated enough contributions to use the Mirror of Nothingness after eight hundred years. 】

[In the next two hundred and eighty years, you carefully cultivated the Tianyuan Divine Tree, and at the same time practiced the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue and the Spirit Realm. 】

[In a blink of an eye, time has arrived for the third hundred years of simulation! 】

[This year, your Qi refining cultivation reached the early stage of the third level of Golden Immortal with great difficulty! 】

[The quality and total amount of mana in the body have been further improved, making it easier for you to maintain the time difference between Luo Tian and abroad. 】

[In the same year, the Tianyuan Divine Tree matured and the Tianyuan Fruit began to grow. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this:

"Yes, as my Qi refining cultivation continues to improve... after entering the middle or even late stage of Golden Immortal, maintaining the time flow rate of Luo Tianjing will not be so expensive..."

"It may even be possible to maintain a higher flow rate by then, fifty or a hundred times!"

Su Xing knew that Luo Tianjing had only been repaired one-third at this time and was unable to exert its full power.

"If the Luo Tian Mirror is completely repaired, its potential will definitely not be inferior to that of the Mirror of Nothingness..."

"It's just that my current mana is still not enough... After I reach the peak of Golden Immortal, I may be able to try further repairs!"

Su Xing thought so.

However, after entering the third level of Jinxian, Su Xing's overall strength has taken a small step upwards.

"I just don't know if there is a chance to practice to the middle stage of Golden Immortal in this simulation..."

Su Xing thought about it and felt that it might be difficult.

"Then, the strength must be at least raised to the peak of the third level of Golden Immortal... In this way, it only costs 10 million energy sources..."

"By the next simulation, we should be able to enter the middle stage of Golden Immortality."

"It is also necessary to refine your body and improve your understanding of the Dao..."

Su Xing quickly thought about the next development direction of this simulation.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the third hundred years, the Tianji Pavilion Immortal Boat arrived in the Baiyun Realm. 】

[In the 320th year, the Immortal Boat was attacked, and your performance in this battle was amazing...]

[In the 330th year, you arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[Because of your amazing performance in the previous battle, you were on the Earth Ranking, ranking eighteenth on the Earth Ranking. 】

[You know that this ranking is far from your strength, but if you fail to reach the top of the earth rankings, it will make no difference to you. 】

[So you stay in the Tianji Realm and continue to practice silently. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another seventy years have passed. 】

[The fourth hundredth year, this year your spiritual realm will be increased to 15,000 miles. 】

[In the same year, the first batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit matured. 】

[Except for practicing the Zhengyi Confucian Qi Art for an hour every day, you spend almost all the rest of your time practicing the Great Witch Body Strengthening Art. 】

[In this way, another hundred years have passed. 】

[In the fifth hundred years, after a hundred years of hard work, the tree of Yuanli in your body has grown to one foot and one foot. 】

[The energy in the body has been purified by about 10% again. 】

[After entering the Great Witch Body Forging Jue, the tree of Yuanli grew significantly faster. 】

[However, there is still a long way to go to reach the sixth level of Great Witch Body Forging Technique. 】

[Because the standard for Dacheng is that the tree of Yuanli within the body grows to a height of three feet! 】

[You are not discouraged and continue practicing. 】

[This year, you went out on a mission and killed the six-winged god. 】


[In the 600th year, the tree of Yuanli within your body has grown to one foot and three feet. 】

[In the 700th century, the tree of Yuanli grew to one foot and five feet...]

[This year, your Qi refining cultivation level has also been upgraded to the middle stage of the third level of Golden Immortal. 】

[After harvesting the new batch of Yuanli Trees, you did not continue to go out to perform tasks. 】

[Instead, he entered the Luotian Mirror for retreat, preparing to gain insight into the great path. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 100 years..."

[Ding, you succeeded...the remaining energy source is 3032 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


In the Luotian realm, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes.

Taking out the enlightenment tea and the treasure of enlightenment prepared in advance, Su Xing murmured:

"This immersive simulation is still about improving the Five Elements Avenue... This path has been upgraded to the fifth realm of Xiaocheng before."

"At the latest in the next simulation, you can be promoted to the fifth level of attainment..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing no longer hesitated and began to comprehend.


In the blink of an eye, the century-old immersive simulation ended, and the awakening consciousness returned to reality.

After digesting the memories and insights of hundreds of years of practice in his mind, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:
"The path of the Five Elements is not far away from the fifth level of perfection... With step-by-step practice, you can achieve it in the next simulation!"

"The simulation has been going on for seven hundred years... so the war is not far away..."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 710th year, you left the Luotian Realm and returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

[A century of immersive simulation, only ten years have passed in the outside world. 】

[Your understanding of the Five Elements has gone a step further. 】

[You continue to practice and prepare for the battle in the 800th year. 】


[Time has quickly come to the eight hundredth year. 】

[At this time, the tree of Yuanli within your body has grown to six feet. 】

[The range of the spiritual world has also reached 16,000 miles. 】

[You have made adequate preparations for the upcoming war. 】

[This year, a war broke out between the Tianji Domain and the foreign races. 】

[This battle lasted for ten years. 】

[You performed well in this battle, killing the Shadow God and the Six-Winged God successively. 】

[After making great achievements, you have gained the right to enter the Mirror of Nothingness once. 】

In the real world, Su Xing thought for a moment after seeing this.

"What aspect of the Mirror of Nothingness is going to be improved this time..."

There are three choices for waking up at this time. Improving the cultivation of Qi, the cultivation of body, or the enlightenment of the Five Elements are all good choices.

To bring out the great enlightenment, it requires the least amount of energy and the highest cost performance.

Bringing out cultivation can save the time of awakening and hard training, but it requires more energy.

Su Xing only thought for a moment and then made up his mind.

"Priority should be given to improving the Five Elements Avenue!"

"At this time, my Five Elements Avenue is not far from the completion of the fifth realm..."

"This time when you enter the Mirror of Nothingness, you are guaranteed to be able to reach the fifth realm of great achievement!"

"If I improve my understanding of the Great Dao again during the next simulation, I'm afraid my Five Elements will be able to enter the sixth realm!"

After a pause, Su Xing felt a little hot and said:
"And the gap between the fifth and sixth realms of the Great Dao is a world of difference!"

"As the top offensive avenue, if the Five Elements Avenue enters the sixth realm... I will definitely be able to reach the lower abyss level!"

The deeper you go, the more energy you get!
On the contrary, it may be impossible to reach the sixth level of physical training in a short period of time.

As for Qi refining cultivation, Su Xing is sure to break through to the middle stage of Golden Immortal in the next simulation!

After all, Su Xing still has a simulation opportunity in his hands!
"Then, let's improve our understanding of the Five Elements Avenue!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Use immersive simulation, lasting one year..." [Ding, you succeeded...the remaining energy source is 3032 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


In the real world, about one breath has passed.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and successfully returned from the simulation timeline.

"Huh... the Mirror of Nothingness is indeed magical!"

"The Way of the Five Elements has successfully entered the fifth realm... and even taken a solid step towards the peak of the fifth realm!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

The effect of the Mirror of Nothingness was even better than he imagined.

"According to this effect, after the next simulation, the Five Elements will be able to enter the sixth realm!"

"In the next hundred-year immersive simulation, the Five Elements will reach the peak of the fifth realm... and with the help of the Mirror of Nothingness, we will enter the sixth realm in one go!"

Su Xing thought so.

"Then, it's time to head to the Nine Heavens Realm..."

According to previous simulation experience, nine hundred years later, Su Xing will face assassinations from many parties and it will be difficult to survive.

On the contrary, going to the seventh heaven can extend the simulation for four hundred years.

The extra four hundred years of simulation will be very helpful in improving Su Xing's strength.

"Right now, my strength improvement takes priority over the evil demon vest..."

"Therefore, we must go to the seventh heaven just a hundred years ago!"

Having made up his mind, he looked at the simulation panel with his awake eyes.

[In the 812th year, after coming out of the Mirror of Nothingness, you successfully entered the fifth realm of the Five Elements. 】

[You continue to maintain a thirty-fold time difference between the inside and outside of Luo Tianjing, and the Tianyuan Divine Fruit continues to be nurtured. 】

[Time soon comes to the 880th year. 】

[You took all the forty-nine Tian Yuan Divine Fruits, and the tree of Yuan Power in your body also grew to seven feet. 】

[The new batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit has not yet been conceived. 】

[And in the past few decades, you have been assassinated several times. 】

[The early warning coming from the talent of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil is getting stronger and stronger. 】

[You know in your heart that it is time to leave the Tianji Realm and go to the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[So, you set out for the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[With the blessing of the sixth realm of space, it only took a few months for you to reach the seventh heaven of the nine realms. 】

[After entering the seventh heaven, you once again feel the abundance of spiritual energy here. 】

[But you, who owns the Lingtian Cave Heaven, look down upon the spiritual energy of the seventh heaven. 】

[The difference from before is that you know that there are many dangers in the seventh heaven. 】

[You did not emit your spiritual consciousness immediately and wantonly explore the seventh heaven. This will inevitably attract the attention of foreign races. 】

[You found a safer hiding place according to the memory in your mind. 】

[After setting up the concealment formation, you decided to practice cultivation here first. 】

[You tried your best to maintain the effect of Luo Tianjing, but this made the mana in your body weak and unable to maintain its full strength. 】

[But fortunately, you have not been discovered by aliens in the next twenty years. 】


[In the 900th year, a new batch of Tianyuan Divine Trees matured. 】

[You hid in the cave, entered the Lingtian cave, and began to practice. 】

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed...]

[In the first thousand years, the tree of elemental power in your body has grown to eight feet! 】

[I think your body is several percent stronger than before, and the energy in your body has become more than half pure. 】

[At the same time, your Qi refining realm is getting closer and closer to the late stage of the third level of Golden Immortal. 】

[Just as I had harvested a new batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit and was preparing to continue practicing, I suddenly sensed an early warning from the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil! 】

[After all, after hiding for more than a hundred years, you were discovered by a foreign race! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was not sad when he saw this. Instead, he was a little happy and said:

"After hiding for more than a hundred years, I was discovered by a foreign race... This kind of luck is indeed very unnatural!"

"It seems that the gold content of Lucky Talent is still increasing!"

"After all, among the alien races in the seventh heaven, there are existences such as the shadow gods who have entered the sixth realm with the way of space... Could it be that he discovered me this time?"

After a pause, Su Xing was also a little eager to try.

"I think my strength will be much better in this simulation than before..."

"It shouldn't be as embarrassing as last time, right?"

"If you use the 'One More Shot' talent, you may not be able to compete evenly with this shadow god..."

Of course, what Su Xing wanted to do was to try to keep this talent as much as possible.

Another shot is used as a life-saving talent. Su Xing does not intend to use it until the moment of life and death.

Moreover, within a short period of time after awakening, there may not be anyone like the Shadow God who can help awakening and trigger the heart of the strong!
"Tsk, tsk, I missed the shadow god... It's hard to find such a suitable experience baby!"

With another talent, Su Xing felt confident.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the Lingtian Cave, you feel the fluctuations in the surrounding space. It seems that there is a powerful existence who wants to strengthen your mind and enter this cave! 】

[Of course you don’t want to place the battlefield in the Lingtian Cave. This may destroy your carefully arranged cave. 】

[So, you returned to the seventh heaven...and quickly found the source of the danger. 】

[As expected, this source of danger is the shadow god who severely injured you before! 】

[The enemy was extremely jealous when he saw you, so you didn’t hesitate at all and launched an attack directly towards him...]

[After the previous battle, you already have a clear understanding of the methods and strength of this shadow god. 】

[Idea, the shadow gods don’t know your origins. 】

[Therefore, not long after the battle started, the shadow god suffered a heavy loss...]

[Relying on the Five Elements Principle that has reached the fifth realm, you use the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique, combined with the talent of "No Martial Arts", to directly blast a blood hole the size of a bowl on the back of the shadow god. 】

[The yin and yang energy in the Five Elements Principle prevents the recovery of the shadow gods, giving you a considerable advantage in the early stages of the battle. 】

[However, as the battle continues to progress... the shadow gods gradually become familiar with your magical powers and tricks, and begin to launch counterattacks. 】

[This battle lasted for three months. 】

[In the first three months, you relied on your understanding of it to gain the upper hand in the battle. 】

[But starting from the third month, the shadow god's injuries gradually recovered, your advantage was no longer there, and the battle gradually became more intense. 】

[The shadow god tore off his sharp claws and summoned his own magical weapon. The one-foot-long dagger emitted a terrifying light. 】

[You are holding the Mo Bingjian, knowing that this dagger is as strong as an innate treasure and is invincible. 】

[So, you choose to wrap a lot of energy around Mo Bingjian to ensure that Mo Bingjian can fight for a long time. 】

[The growth of the Yuanli Tree makes your Yuanli more pure, and both its power and defensiveness are far higher than before. 】

[Therefore, in the tug of war that lasted for several months, Mo Bingjian was not damaged. 】

[And with the continuous enveloping of Yuanli, you also notice that the material of Mo Bingjian seems to have become tougher...]

[In the blink of an eye, one Kun year has passed. 】

[At this point in the battle, most of the mana in your body has been consumed, and you have suffered many wounds. 】

[The most fatal thing is that even with the protection of Yuanli, part of Mo Bingjian was inevitably damaged during the long battle. 】

[On the other hand, the shadow god, although he has suffered several injuries, is still capable of fighting. 】

[If you want to save your life, I'm afraid you have to activate the 'One More Shot' talent! 】

[Just when you were hesitating, you felt keenly that a powerful aura was quickly approaching. 】

[You are very familiar with this breath. It is the loli girl who saved you in a previous simulation, Tang Yiyi! 】

[You know in your heart that Tang Yiyi is hiding in the dark, looking for the right moment to prepare a fatal blow to the shadow god. 】

[With the "reinforcements" joining, you felt relieved and temporarily stopped planning to activate your talent. 】

[But I am going to take this opportunity to see if I can trigger the Heart of the Strong talent again! 】

[So, you and the shadow god fought fiercely for another month...]

[During this period, you continue to consume the space power of the shadow god to prepare for Tang Yiyi's one-hit kill. 】

[And your injuries are getting worse. 】

[Finally, as you kept "exchanging injuries for injuries", the shadow god Han Aha took advantage of the flaw and severely damaged you with one blow! 】

[Before comatose, you still retain the option of activating the 'One More Shot' talent. 】

[But after the black and white sharp arrow symbolizing the path of yin and yang pierced the space and hit the shadow god, you breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[Vaguely, you hear the frightened voice of the shadow god. 】

[Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier... You fell into a coma! 】

(End of this chapter)

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