Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 436 Facing the red moon, wake up and release the ruthless chapter!

Chapter 436 Facing the red moon, Su Xing utters harsh words!
As the beep fell, Su Xing's aura grew again.

From the peak of the third level of the Golden Immortal, he smoothly broke through to the fourth level of the Golden Immortal.

Then it grows all the way to the late stage of the fourth level of Golden Immortal!

The awakening mana is more than 30% stronger again!

The most important thing is that with the breakthrough in cultivation, the awakening state has returned to its peak again!
Even the original source of the Five Elements Avenue that was lost before has been completely restored!

"Huh... As expected, a breakthrough in cultivation can also be used as a reserve of mana at critical moments!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction. This was one of the reasons why he wanted to extract his cultivation level after breaking through more than a dozen levels of endless abyss!

Su Xing carefully realized the growth of his own strength, nodded and said:

"Not bad, pretty much what I expected..."

"After breaking through the middle stage of Golden Immortal, the overall strength has increased by about 15% again..."

"The most important thing is that the magic power is strong, and the power of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique will be even more terrifying!"

It will be easier to break through the middle stage of Golden Immortal and wake up to instantly kill the aliens who are in the early stage of the second level gods.

For example, the enlightenment of the Great Dao is like the source of the power of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique.

But if you want to fully unleash the power of this magical power, you must have strong enough cultivation support!
"Three thousand worlds, seventy-two earthly evil powers, thirty-six heavenly powers..."

"Now, the power of my Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique should already belong to the top Tiangang Divine Power!"

"It is an existence that can be used as Taiyi Golden Immortal's trump card..."

"In comparison, the power of the Body Protecting Sword Gang and the Void Sword are slightly inferior..."

It's not that these two magical powers don't have enough potential.

But in the realm of awakening, what determines the power of magical powers comes more from the level of understanding of the great ways of heaven and earth.

The Five Elements is the first to break into the sixth realm, and it also contains the Yin and Yang of life and death. Such magical powers will naturally become more powerful in the hands of Su Xing!

"Phew...the strength is further improved!"

"There are less than four days left... I don't know how many more floors I can conquer!"

Su Xing glanced at the passage in the distance and murmured.

After entering the 400th floor, Su Xing clearly felt that the strength of these red-eyed aliens was almost the same, and the alien gods on the lower level might be slightly stronger than those on the upper level.

But generally speaking, it is still in the early stage of the second-level gods.

"It seems...at the bottom of the endless abyss, the strength of the alien gods does not grow without limit!"

"These red-eyed aliens should be the existences that have been sleeping since that war... they should belong to the alien heritage..."

Su Xing could feel that since the 300th level of the abyss, once those red-eyed aliens were killed, they would not refresh again.

Thinking about it, Hongyue may have the ability to regenerate the low-level red-eyed alien race infinitely.

But when it reaches the level of a god, even Red Moon cannot resurrect it without limit.

Otherwise, with the terror of the red-eyed aliens, the world of human immortality might have been overturned long ago...

"Then, every time I kill a red-eyed alien god, the alien's strength will be weakened by one point..."

"No wonder, this would alarm Hongyue!"

Su Xing murmured, if it were the red-eyed alien race in the first three hundred floors, Hongyue would not care so much.

"Then, let's make Hongyue more painful..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and prepared to leave for the next floor.

After being promoted to the middle stage of Golden Immortal, Xing Xing's state has never been stronger.

Half an hour later, the 417th floor of the abyss.

Su Xing still maintains a sweeping speed of one level for half an hour. Occasionally, after excessive consumption of mana and Taoist insights, he will take a short break.


In the blink of an eye, three days passed!

This is the fourth day after waking up and entering the four hundred layers of the abyss!
At the moment, the level where Awakening is located is...

The 460th floor of the abyss!

In just three days, Awakening swept through a total of forty-five levels of the endless abyss!

After three consecutive days and nights of releasing the "Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique", even though he was awake, he felt a little exhausted at this moment.

At this moment, in the empty 460th floor of the abyss, Su Xing drank a bottle of top-quality spiritual liquid. After feeling the rapid recovery of his mana, Su Xing let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh... After releasing the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique for three consecutive days and three nights... less than one-third of the Tao Yun of the Five Elements Avenue is left!"

"I must keep some of my Dao heritage to deal with emergencies... After all, this is my most powerful attack method at the moment!"

Su Xing looked at the abyss passage leading to the lower level, thoughtfully.

"As we go deeper and deeper...the malice coming from the bottom of the abyss becomes more and more terrifying!"

"If I leave the Endless Abyss now... I will definitely be able to escape intact!"

"But according to the simulation time, there will be one day before Red Moon will attack... The difference is that the number of levels I have reached now is far more than before!"

"I don't know if the red moon will speed up the awakening..."

Su Xing hesitated a little, whether he wanted to take this risk...

But after taking a look at the source of energy on the panel, Su Xing decided to take this one-time adventure!

"3056 million energy sources...just the forty-five levels of the endless abyss have brought me a profit of nearly million energy sources!"

"It's not that I'm not steady enough...it's that I gave you too much!"

Su Xing sighed.

It only took Su Xing three days to obtain more than 30 million energy sources!

Unprecedented efficiency, this feeling of increased foundation, makes Su Xing unable to stop!
"Now, every time I go deep into the endless abyss, it can bring me nearly 800,000 energy sources!"

"Ten floors, that's eight million!"

"Then let's take a risk...if we go through ten more floors, I'll stop!"

"In one day, it should be too late to reach the tenth floor... and then leave the endless abyss!"

Su Xing licked his lips, with a rare look of greed in his eyes.

The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish!

Unprecedented profits made Su Xing brave enough to seize food from the tiger's mouth even if he knew that his enemy was the terrifying Hong Yue!
Make a decision, wake up and act resolutely, and quickly enter the next level of the abyss!
The 461st floor...

Su Xing spent most of an hour cleaning this layer.

After insufficient understanding of the Five Elements Avenue, the speed of waking up and killing foreign gods was obviously much slower.

However, it is still a crushing force!

The 462nd floor of the abyss... The 463rd floor... The 465th floor...

Finally, the 470th floor of the abyss!

When he woke up, his whole body was filled with terrifying fluctuations, and the Mo Bingjian exuding terrifying sword intent was pulled out from the heart of a second-level god.

The life breath of this second-level god quickly diminished until it was annihilated.

Get the last stone of the abyss, wake up and convert it into the source of energy!
Glanced at the simulation panel.

3872 million 4399 points of energy source!
The unprecedented numbers give Su Xing ample confidence once again!
I glanced at the time and saw that there were less than two hours left before the five-day time node.

Su Xing was thinking about whether to go down one more level.


At this moment, Su Xing's face changed, and his originally casual expression instantly became serious.

He could feel an unprecedented terrifying malice waking up from his slumber!
At the same time, Xing Xing’s talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil sent a crazy warning!

A frightening pressure enveloped Su Xing.

At the same time, the entire endless abyss was covered!

Su Xing resisted the terrifying pressure, gritted his teeth and said:

"Sure enough, it's faster than in the simulation..."

"It is indeed the old fox, Hongyue!"

Su Xing didn't have the slightest contempt for this old rival.

"But the person I am now is different from before!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and the three flowers on top gathered together, briefly breaking free from this pressure.

Then, the way of space crazily impacted the space of this endless abyss.

The restrictions are slowly being broken...

A space passage was opened with great effort in front of Su Xing!

The avenue of space that has reached the true realm of Tao has finally broken the restriction of the red moon!
The corner of Su Xing's mouth rose, and before the malice came completely, he turned around and entered the space passage...


Blue Star, Daxia Kingdom.

Su Xing appeared in a barren mountain and looked up at the sky.

The originally blue sky has been covered with a layer of red light.

The red gradually deepened and turned into a shocking blood red!

A red moon, as red as a pupil, hangs in the red sky, looking particularly eye-catching.

At this moment, the entire Blue Star.

All the creatures in the Seven Kingdoms and Twelve Regions invariably looked up at the sky.

The malice that penetrated deep into the bone marrow made all living beings shiver involuntarily.

Su Xing stared at the increasingly red moon, and felt that the true form of the red moon was quickly descending on the Blue Star!
"Although I'm a little unhappy...but no matter what, it's not time for a complete battle yet!"

"The strength is still a little weaker..."

Su Xing could feel that the red moon was very close to completely descending on the blue star.

Maybe, just in the next moment!
"But... there is still enough time!"

After Su Xing said that, he quickly cast a spell in his hand, and the restriction placed by Hong Yue on the Blue Star was being quickly torn open.

A space passage leading to the endless void completely appeared in front of Su Xing!

at the same time!

The red moon in the sky slowly opened its eyes.

A huge, blood-red eye was completely exposed in the blue starry sky.

At the same time, a strange murmur sounded in Su Xing’s ears:

"Human, you have crossed the line..."

"Now that you're here...let's stay forever!"

As the words fell, a terrifying and strange red light shot from above the red moon quickly toward Su Xing on the ground.

At this moment, Su Xing had already stepped half of his foot into the space passage, but stopped.

Smiling contemptuously at the red moon in the sky, Su Xing opened his lips slightly and responded:

"Old dog, it's not time to take your life yet..." "The next time we meet... it will be your death!"

After a pause, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and revealed a sarcastic smile:

"And now...bye bye!"

After that, Su Xing completely stepped into the space passage, and his breath disappeared above the blue star.

slip away...

Hongyue, who had recovered in advance, felt that she had been teased, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of humiliation in her heart.

Above the blue star, it seems that the endless angry roar of the red moon can be vaguely heard:

"Humanity... No matter where the world ends... I will definitely cut you into pieces!"


At the same time, in the endless void.

Somewhere in the unknown void millions of miles away from the Blue Star.

The awakening figure suddenly appeared.

Here, you can still vaguely see the shadow of Blue Star...

Patting his chest, Su Xing couldn't help but said:

"Damn, I put on a big show this time!"

"Run away from Hongyue's nose... Now the old dog Hongyue is going to be furious!"

The move of waking up seems to be of no use at all, it just angers Hongyue.

But in fact, it is the result of Su Xing's careful planning.

Clean the endless abyss, anger the red moon... and then escape easily!

Every step seems dangerous, but in fact it is all within the plan.

The purpose of waking up is to let Hongyue wake up from her deep sleep in advance!

In this way, Hong Yue, who revived in advance, must have paid some price. When he wakes up and fights with him in the future, it will be able to slightly weaken Hong Yue's strength!

As for offending Hongyue and being hunted?

Su Xing is not afraid at all!

Over the years, are there still many people who are chasing after the awakening?
But, as Su Xing said!

The next time we meet...

What should be feared is the red moon!
"Well, no matter what...before my strength grows enough, I will never return to Blue Star again!"

"The next time I see the red moon in reality... I should have the strength to crush him, right?"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the remaining energy source on the simulation panel, the corners of Su Xing's mouth raised.

"Before leaving Blue Star... I finally had a full meal!"

Nearly 40 million energy sources!
After several simulations, Su Xing's strength will definitely reach new levels again!
Even the number one position on the scale... is no longer out of reach!

Didn't stay there too long.

The distance here from Blue Star is not far enough, and it is far from being completely safe to wake up.

The direction in the void and the coordinates of the next void node were quickly determined.

Su Xing used the way of space and escaped millions of miles again in just one breath.

Su Xing rushed to Xiao Qingyun Realm at an extremely fast speed...


An hour later, Baidi City in Xiaoqingyun Realm.

After nearly two months, Su Xing returned to this immortal city again.

In front of him is the extremely respectful actual helmsman of Wanjin Pavilion, Earth Immortal Bai Xuan.

The "Earth Immortal Ancestor" who usually dominates Baidi City acts like a child in front of Su Xing.

He respectfully handed over a few storage rings, and then stood aside honestly waiting for Su Xing to speak.

Since waking up and exposing part of his cultivation, Bai Xuan has become a lot more honest after beating Bai Xuan, and even the efficiency of collecting spiritual minerals has become much higher.

Su Xing exchanged all the spiritual minerals in the storage ring for energy sources and sent them away.

When there was only one person in the room, Su Xing's figure flashed and returned to his cave in Baidi City.

Then he turned around and entered Lingtian Cave...

With a thought in his heart, he absorbed the ores in several storage rings, and woke up with nearly two million more energy sources!

At this moment, the awakened energy source reached 4073 points!
"With more than 40 million energy sources...it's time to make plans for the next step!"

Su Xing murmured.

At this time, the number of simulations on Su Xing's hand was all gone.

There is still more than a day until the next simulation opportunity is refreshed.

Su Xing began to think about his future plans.

Whether it is reality or planning in simulation...

"Blue Star, we can't go back in a short time!"

"I will lose a stable source of energy for some time to come..."

"But fortunately, I made a fortune before leaving, so it's not a loss..."

Su Xing paused and then said:
"Then, the only ways I have left to stably provide the source of energy... are the Little Qingyun Realm and the Star Realm!"

"If we are more diligent and look for more inheritances left behind by the Luo Tian Sect, we should be able to get a lot more energy sources..."

Su Xing thought carefully and quickly made a plan.

"In the next one or two months...then collect as much Luo Tianzong inheritance as possible!"

"When the time comes, I will go to the Star Realm and get all the star stones obtained from the Star Conference..."

"These energy sources should be enough to make my cultivation infinitely close to Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"But, that's as far as it goes..."

Su Xing has raised his Qi refining and body refining to the peak of the Golden Immortal and the Sixth Realm. It is estimated that the energy source required will be more than 100 million.

As for the promotion to Taiyi Golden Immortal, there is a gap of 200 million energy sources required...

It will definitely be impossible to get it within a short period of time after waking up.

When the time comes, Su Xing must find new channels and methods!
"At that time... we will need to use the identity of the evil demon vest!"

Su Xing already had a plan in mind and murmured:

"The status of a first-level god-level lemure among foreign races is probably not much worse than that of the main god!"

"Furthermore, in order to invade the Three Thousand Worlds as soon as possible, the alien race will definitely provide enough flesh and blood essence to ensure that I cultivate lemures."

"These essences of flesh and blood... are the source of Bai Huahua's energy!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

As long as you show up as a lemure god among aliens, you will definitely be able to get enough energy sources within a short period of time after waking up!
It’s even enough to awaken me and advance to the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal!
"This method can not only strengthen oneself, but also weaken the strength of foreign races. It's wonderful!"

"However, the only thing that needs to be noted is that...the improvement in the strength of the lemure should not be too obvious...and during that period of time, I will not be able to appear as my true self."

"Therefore, the strength of the evil demon vest must be increased to the level of a god. It can only be implemented after it cannot increase dramatically in a short period of time!"

Su Xing calculated that in the next two months, it would be enough to increase the strength of the evil demon vest to the level of a god!

"For some time to come, the actual plan should be like this..."

"As for the simulation, let's continue to improve our strength!"

"I'm just waiting for an opportunity to make progress!"

Su Xing thought so.

With a plan in mind, Su Xing mapped out a route for sailing in the void.

This route starts from the Little Qingyun Realm and aims at the Star Realm!
If you travel in a straight line, it won't even take three days to wake up and go between the two worlds.

But Su Xing decided to take a slightly detour along the way.

With the Xiaoqingyun Realm and the Star Realm as the core, all the secret realms containing Luo Tian's inheritance around the two realms were taken away.

Su Xing calculated that two months would be enough for Su Xing to take away about ten Luotian Sect inheritances!

By then, the energy source and foundation of Awakening will be strengthened again!

"Now that you've decided, let's go!"

After Su Xing said this, he took one step forward and escaped in the void with his physical body.

With Xing Xing's physical body and space control now, the speed of the stars, sun and moon shuttle is completely inferior to that of Xing Xing himself.

But escaping into the void for a long time still consumes a lot of money.

Therefore, Su Xing will occasionally ride the stars, sun and moon shuttle, and restore his mana and consciousness along the way.


In this way, January has passed in the blink of an eye!
At this moment, Qingyuan Domain is in a Zhongqian world called Ruyi Realm.

Su Xing took away the sixth Luotian inheritance, and planned to see if there was any energy material worth buying in this world.

After searching like this, Su Xing really discovered that in the world of wishful thinking, there is a magical fruit called wishful fruit, which contains considerable energy.

This fruit is very magical. After taking a small fruit, a dream like reality can be born.

This dream is so real that even an immortal would have a hard time telling the truth from the false.

Many monks regard this fruit as a "source of happiness".

A small wish-fulfilling fruit can make monk Huang Liang have a dream, and he can do whatever he wants in his dream and satisfy his seven emotions and six desires.

There are also monks who use the wish-fulfilling fruit to polish their state of mind and look for opportunities in dreams.

Ruyiguo, hence its name!
For Su Xing, the purpose of this wish-fulfilling fruit is more to earn energy from the price difference.

A wish-fulfilling fruit is worth a hundred top-quality spiritual stones and contains about fifty points of energy source!
If he wakes up and directly exchanges the best spiritual stones for energy, a hundred of the best spiritual stones will only be exchanged for ten points of energy source.

Therefore, although the price-performance ratio of Ruyiguo is not as good as Tiejing, it is still good.

Moreover, the number of Ruyiguo is quite large!

Many chambers of commerce will come to the Ruyi Realm to purchase large quantities of Ruyi Fruits in order to sell them at high prices in other worlds.

And Su Xing spent tens of millions of top-quality spiritual stones to purchase 100,000 wish-fulfilling fruits!

This is equivalent to the output of the entire Ruyi world in one year!
And the one hundred thousand wish-fulfilling fruits also brought a profit of nearly five million energy sources to Su Xing!
"The spirit stone is useless, the energy source... is very useful!"

Su Xing turned around and entered the Lingtian Cave and murmured.

Taking a look at the simulation panel, the energy source awakening at this moment was 5206 points!
The useless resources in the six Luotian Sect inheritance, coupled with a transaction, brought Su Xing more than 10 million yuan in energy source income.

For this reason, it took nearly a month to wake up!
Thinking of this, Su Xing already misses the days of frantically earning energy sources in the endless abyss!
"Phew...but this is enough!"

"The number of simulations has been accumulated five times...then it's time to start a new round of simulations!"

Su Xing murmured:
"Start simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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