Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 437: New simulation changes, the gap with No. 1 on the local rankings!

Chapter 437: New simulation changes, the gap with the top spot on the local rankings!
After Su Xing finished speaking, the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[The 159th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 5206 points... The remaining number of simulations is 7689. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, you drew the golden talent Star Divine Body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of the red talent is 20%...]

[Star Divine Body]: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies. This talent has the function of echoing the stars and strengthening one's own strength. All magical powers, talents and techniques related to the stars will be bonused.

"Well, the star body!"

Seeing the new talent appearing in front of him, Su Xing had a strange look on his face.

This star body is very useful for waking up.

The great witch's body training technique contains the way of the stars.

Su Xing's destiny and cause-and-effect method comes from Zhou Tian's stargazing method, and it is also inexplicably connected with the stars.

"Could it be that... I am really the Lord of the Stars?"

Su Xing complained, thinking of the respect that the old star slave had for him in the star world, and felt it was a coincidence for a moment.

"However, even if you are not the Lord of the Stars...after possessing this divine body, I am afraid that it is almost the same..."

Su Xing murmured.

This is the talent that Su Xing wants to bring out.

But now one awakening simulation can bring out four or five rewards. It's just a matter of spending a few more energy sources. It's just a matter of convenience.

At this moment, Su Xing is most concerned about the next development direction of his simulation!

"The real plan has been made. If no accidents happen... we will just develop according to that trajectory."

"It's just the direction of improvement in strength in the simulation..."

Wake up thoughtfully.

Nowadays, his strength mainly comes from three aspects.

First, the improvement of the realm of cultivation, the dual cultivation of Qi and body, is the source and foundation of everything that awakens strength.

Therefore, every simulation in Su Xing focuses on improving the realm.

Second, the state of enlightenment.

Since I woke up and became a true immortal, I have felt more and more the importance of understanding the great path!
If the realm of cultivation is the foundation, then the realm of enlightenment is the source of infinitely amplifying the strength of cultivation!

When monks of the same realm fight against each other, their understanding of the great path almost determines the outcome of the battle between the two!
For example, if two monks at the peak of the Golden Immortal are fighting, one party's Dao perception is the fifth realm of "entering the hall", while the other party is the "True Realm of the Dao".

The result of the battle was absolutely crushing!

Beings who can comprehend the true state of Tao at the peak of Golden Immortal can basically stay in the top ten of the Tianjiao list, and promotion to Taiyi is within reach.

However, the Golden Immortal peak has not yet comprehended the true state of Tao, and the gap is huge, that is, it is at the level of twenty or thirty people on the list of geniuses.

For Su Qing, the realm of the great road is the key to fighting across levels!
In addition to the two main sources of strength, cultivation and Dao perception, Su Xing's actual combat ability is also affected by several other important factors.

For example, proficiency in magical arts.

Magical powers are the best means to bring out the great realm.

For example, Su Xing's favorite Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique and the magical power of swordsmanship, and even the enhancement of magical powers in the spiritual world, etc.

There are also a variety of talents that can also bring huge improvements to Su Xing’s combat power!
Now Su Xing has more than 30 talents above the gold level, and he is a complete numerical monster!

Su Xing kept thinking about his shortcomings and the source of his strength. Suddenly he thought of something and said:
"There is one more key, the magic weapon!"

"Mo Bingjian is a bit behind the times after all... In the process of fighting against top experts with similar strength... the middle-grade acquired treasure is no longer enough!"

There are many magic weapons for awakening.

He also possesses the most precious treasure of chaos such as Luo Tianjing.

However, Luo Tianjing was not good at attacking, so the one that Su Xing used most skillfully and that showed his strength the most was still Mo Bingjian.

"It seems that we have to find a way to improve the quality of Mo Bingjian..."

Su Xing murmured.

Since Su Xing obtained Mo Bingjian, it has been Su Xing's main battle weapon.

Along with the awakening, I don’t know how many years in the simulation.

If he were to suddenly change his magic weapon, Su Xing would really be reluctant to part with it.

Not only because of feelings, but also because, using a new magic weapon, it will take a long time for Su Xing to reach the point where his mind is connected.

Moreover, as the natal weapon of awakening, Mo Bingjian still has a lot of room for improvement.

"It seems that the recasting of Mo Bingjian will be put on the agenda soon!"

Su Xing murmured.

After deducing his own strength and shortcomings, Su Xing had a rough plan for how to improve his strength in the next simulation.

"Body training is not far away from the sixth major achievement of the Great Witch's body training... It is still the main direction in the future!"

"As for the enlightenment of the great road..."

Su Xing thoughtfully said:

"If the way of swordsmanship has also entered the sixth realm...then I should be able to touch the number one position on the list!"

"It's time to test Senior Sister Ziling's strength..."

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, thinking about it in his mind, making sure he didn't miss anything, and looked at the simulation panel.

[Ding, please choose the target blessed by Xijiayi talent...]

"I choose to bless my late blooming talent!"

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You informed Tianji Pavilion of the information about the Red Moon on Blue Star, and told Tianji Pavilion to deal with it carefully. 】

[After Tianji Pavilion heard the news, it responded quickly. After all, the information provided by a golden immortal was extremely credible. 】

[But even so, it still took Tianji Pavilion a year and a half to reluctantly summon two Taiyi Golden Immortals to go to Blue Star to gather information. 】

[You brought the two Taiyi Golden Immortals to Blue Star and then left, and secretly observed in the void near Blue Star...]

[You are a little curious, how will you change after crossing the endless abyss and meeting the red moon? 】

[About a month later, you felt the terrifying battle fluctuations on Blue Star. 】

[Two Taiyi Golden Immortals are fighting against Hong Yue, and the alien Taiyi Golden Immortal with a strange aura is helping Hong Yue. It is the descending sect Xue San! 】

[Far away in the void, you quickly felt a gaze... It was Hong Yue who discovered you! 】

[Obviously, Hongyue noticed the familiar aura on your body and recognized you. 】

[You feel the battle on the Blue Star, but you feel hesitant in your heart. 】

[Two Taiyi Golden Immortals, plus your cultivation is very close to Taiyi Golden Immortal, perhaps this is an unprecedented opportunity to severely damage Hong Yue and kill Xue San! 】

[But at the same time, your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil is giving you a crazy warning... It seems that as long as you enter Blue Star and join the battle, you will no longer have any chance of survival. 】

[In the end, you decided to return to Xiao Qingyun Realm as soon as possible and wait for the outcome of the battle. 】

[In the blink of an eye, another year has passed...]

[In the fourth year of simulation, you received unexpected information from Tianji Pavilion. 】

[The entire Blue Star has disappeared! 】

[And disappearing together with Blue Star are the two Taiyi Golden Immortals! 】

[After hearing this information, your face changed slightly, because you knew...]

[The future has changed again! 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"The two Taiyi Golden Immortals were actually sacrificed...and even Blue Star was destroyed together!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, the changes this time were not small.

Since Su Xing informed Tianji Pavilion of the detailed information and strength of Hong Yue on Blue Star, the two Taiyi Golden Immortals have been seriously injured several times and escaped danger, but they have not been sacrificed.

But this time, the two Taiyi Golden Immortals were killed directly.

"This means... that Hong Yue's strength has grown further?"

"Or maybe...this is Hong Yue's true strength!?"

Wake up and think carefully.

Hong Yue, as the top strongman millions of years ago, was able to compete with the existence of Daluo Jinxian at the peak, and he must have reached the peak of the main god realm.

Even if it is just a preliminary resurrection, it seems that it is not impossible to kill two Taiyi Golden Immortals with the cooperation of Blood Three...

"But the problem is that Hongyue didn't kill the two Taiyi Golden Immortals before... This time, she exploded with more strength than before!"

"You should have paid a certain price for doing this!"

"Perhaps... Hongyue feels some threat?!"

Su Xing is more likely to think that it was his actions of sweeping the abyss deep into the abyss that made Hongyue realize that he had been exposed.

That's why Hongyue is so eager to improve her strength!

"Huh... I really ignored this!"

Su Xing sighed, maybe Hongyue had already shown signs of this in the previous simulations.

But the pressure Su Xing put on at that time was not that great!
But this time, Su Xing not only had a face-to-face encounter with Hong Yue, but he even escaped from Hong Yue's nose.

I'm afraid it was this that made Hong Yue accelerate her resurrection plan.

"And Blue Star...will disappear in four years!"

What Su Xing noticed was that the Chinese text in the simulation said "disappear"!
Instead of Blue Star being destroyed, all Blue Star humans died. Su Xing could think of the existence that made Blue Star disappear...

That statue has been there since the first simulation after waking up, a giant beast that covers the sky and the sun!

"Sure enough... that giant beast was dispatched in advance!"

Su Xing murmured.

Once upon a time, that terrifying beast that covered the sky and sun was a nightmare that lingered in Su Xing's heart.

But now, Su Xing's strength is completely worthy of that giant beast!
Even in the last simulation, Su Xing also obtained the identity information of the giant beast.

One of the ten major alien imperial clans, the gluttonous dragon clan codenamed "Gluttony" of the Seven Deadly Sins!
However, the gluttonous dragon that Su Xing saw was not a living gluttonous dragon.

That gluttonous dragon died millions of years ago.

It's just that after his death, he was transformed by Hongyue into something similar to a "puppet"!

Its internal space is not as large as void, enough to swallow the world.

"The corpse of the gluttonous dragon!"

"That was the corpse of a former main god... but it has become one of the most terrifying threats to the alien invasion of various worlds..."

Su Xing murmured.

When aliens invade a certain world and squeeze out the last trace of its value, they will send out so-called "gluttonous dragons" to devour the world and absorb the purest "origin of the world"!
The origin of the world is the name of the alien race.

In the human world of immortality, the origin of this world is also called - the way of heaven!
The three thousand avenues all come from this.

The thunder disaster that Su Xing experienced was also the handiwork of Heaven!

"Anyway, the future has changed... it's definitely bad news!"

"Within four years, if I don't respond, will Blue Star be completely destroyed?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, the time left for him... seemed to be less!

"However, it seems that it is not impossible to have the strength to defeat Hongyue within four years!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"But water close by can't save fire far away... Let's think about the current situation first!"

"Next, it's time to go to Qingyun Realm and give Senior Sister Ziling a try..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel. He was a little curious about how far he was from being number one on the earth rankings.

[After receiving the information about the destruction of Blue Star, you feel neither happy nor sad, but you only hate Hongyue and the aliens more and more. 】

[After more than a month, you left Xiao Qingyun Realm and went to Qingyun Sect. 】

[In Qingyun Sect, you successfully reached a deal with Qingyunzi. 】

[After that, you did not leave Qingyun Sect, but stayed in it to practice peacefully. 】

[Soon, as a second-generation junior brother, you met many senior brothers and sisters of the same generation. 】

[Including... Ziling Fairy! 】

[Fairy Ziling was originally the youngest junior sister of the second generation of Qingyun Sect. A collection of thousands of favors. 】

[And now, she finally has a junior brother who is younger than her, so she also takes good care of you. 】

[In the twentieth year, the more than ten years you spent in Qingyun Sect have made your relationship with Fairy Ziling very good. 】

[Fairy Ziling will occasionally give you guidance on your doubts in practice, and you will also teach Fairy Ziling how to cultivate spirits. 】

[Finally, when you saw that the time was almost up, you extended an invitation to Fairy Ziling for a discussion. 】

[Fairy Ziling nodded slightly after hearing this, indicating her agreement. 】

[Competition, pay attention to one point... In the next ten years, you will compete with Fairy Ziling hundreds of times, and you will have a general understanding of Fairy Ziling's strength. 】

[To put it simply...you are no match for Fairy Ziling! 】

[You are far inferior to Fairy Ziling in terms of your understanding of the avenue and your powerful magic power... What troubles you the most is Fairy Ziling's three innate treasures, which are very powerful and completely crush the Mo Bingjian. 】

[During the fight, you even suspected that Fairy Ziling had the strength to kill Taiyi Golden Fairy in the early stage...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"Fairy Ziling... is number one on the Earth Ranking, and her strength is actually so great?"

"It's just a discussion, but I'm no match at all?"

Su Xing was a little unbelievable. He originally thought that even if there was a gap between himself and Fairy Ziling, it would only be limited, but he didn't expect that the gap was so big.

"So, being number one on the Earth Ranking... is indeed equivalent to the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, the combat power displayed by Fairy Ziling was even more amazing than Tang Yiyi at that time.

"Think about it carefully... When Fairy Ziling fought with Xue San, although she was at a disadvantage... she was not dead."

"And Blood Three may not have just broken through Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

According to Su Xing's calculations, Xue San's strength should be at the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

And it should not be the first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, or the second or third level of Taiyi.

"Huh... As expected, there is still a big gap between me and Senior Sister Ziling!"

Su Xing suddenly remembered something.

The reason I ranked second in the school in the exam was because I was only second in ability.

And the reason why we are number one in the school is because we can only be number one...

Ranking on the Tianjiao List is also based on this principle!

"Tsk tsk... With Fairy Ziling's strength, as long as she breaks through Taiyi Golden Fairy, I'm afraid she will be able to enter the Tianjiao Ranking immediately, right?"

"Senior Sister Ziling's strength is already known, so next, we must improve her cultivation as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the thirtieth year, you left the Qingyun Sect and left a jade slip recording your spiritual education experience as a gift to Fairy Ziling. 】

[In the next ten years, you will take away the inheritance of Luo Tianzong scattered in Qingyuan Domain. 】

[Before leaving Qingyuan Territory, you can feel that the situation in Qingyuan Territory is already very bad. 】

[Alien races have successively captured multiple Small Thousand Worlds, and their invasion is far more terrifying than any previous simulation. 】

[You did not stay in Qingyuan Domain, but went to Tianji Domain. 】

[In the fiftieth year, you arrived in the Baiyun Realm. 】

[For the next two hundred years, you cultivated the Tianyuan Divine Tree while working hard to practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue. 】

[In the third hundred years, the Tianyuan Divine Tree matures... the Tianji Pavilion Immortal Boat also arrives at the Baiyun Realm. 】

[In the 320th year, you performed amazingly in the battle to defend the Immortal Boat...]

[After arriving in the Tianji Realm, you have been practicing hard for dozens of years. 】

[In the fourth hundred years, the first batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit matures, and you begin to improve your body training. 】

[In the fifth hundred years, the tree of Yuanli in your body has grown to two feet and four feet. 】

[The sixth hundred years...your Qi refining cultivation level has successfully broken through to the peak of the fourth level of Golden Immortal! 】

[You begin to prepare for breaking into the fifth level of the Golden Immortal...]

[The seventh hundredth year...]

【The 800th year! Finally, the war between the alien race and the Tianji Domain broke out. 】

[And after hundreds of years of hard training, your realm has further improved. 】

[Qi refining cultivation has finally reached the fifth level of the Golden Immortal! 】

[The range of the spiritual world has also increased to 25,000 miles. 】

[And the tree of Yuanli has reached two feet and seven feet. 】

[You believe that you can save your life even in the hands of enemies who are new to Taiyi Golden Immortal. 】

[In the 810th year, this unprecedented war ended. You performed amazingly in this battle and reached third place on the Earth Ranking. 】

[At the same time, you get a chance to use the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[Because of your performance in this battle, Bai Di also admired you very much and offered to teach you the way of the sword. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction when he saw this:
"This is the time you've been waiting for!"

"With Bai Emperor's guidance, I believe it will be faster for me to reach the sixth level of swordsmanship!"

There may be more than one swordsman in the world who has understood the seventh realm of swordsmanship, but Bai Di is probably the only one who has reached the end of the seventh realm.

"Using immersive simulation, duration... 100 years!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive...the remaining energy source is 5203 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


In the Tianji Realm, the carefree man in white appeared before Su Xing's eyes.

I saw Bai Di saying:

"The higher the level of swordsmanship, the more you need to find your own way!"

"What I can teach you is not my swordsmanship... just some experience."

"It is said that those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die! Do you understand?"

After Su Xing heard Bai Di's words, his face straightened and he said:

"I understand, senior!"

Bai Di: "Very good, let's officially start!"

(End of this chapter)

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