Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 443 Red Talent Alchemy Sage, Goodbye Master Tianji Pavilion!

Chapter 443 Red Talent Alchemy Sage, Goodbye Master Tianji Pavilion!
"The person who has been waiting for thousands of years...is it me?"

There was no doubt in Su Xing's mind that this idea arose.

There is no other reason...

Over the past tens of millions of years, how many geniuses and powerful monks have been born?
Just at the top of the Tianjiao list, the Taiyi Golden Immortal born is probably no less than a hundred!
There are probably several Da Luo Jinxian!

But these geniuses and powerful men... are not the people that the Master of Tianji Pavilion is waiting for!
"And I, with the simulator... it is true that I am not within the cause and effect of fate, and coupled with the terrifying growth rate... maybe it is me that the Master of Tianji Pavilion is waiting for?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

It's not that Su Xing is boasting, but he does have the confidence to own a simulator.

In the three thousand worlds, which talented monk has never thought that he is the son of fate and a savior-like existence?

Wake up is no exception!
"But..." Su Xing was a little confused.

"But how did the Master of Tianji Pavilion from thousands of years ago...know this?"

"How did that dream... come about?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

He had heard that powerful monks could occasionally glimpse a ray of heavenly secrets.

The so-called Dao Fifty, Tian Yan forty-nine... there is still a glimmer of hope.

And the master of Tianji Pavilion is a peerless expert who is well versed in the art of divination.

It doesn't seem impossible to catch a glimpse of the secret by chance...

"So...I am the person that Master Tianji Pavilion has been waiting for?"

Su Xing kept thinking in his mind.

After a long time, Su Xing figured this out and shook his head slightly.

"Whether the person waiting is me or not...it doesn't seem to matter anymore."

"I will change the future that should have been destroyed in my own way!"

"As for the Master of Tianji Pavilion... it's just an opportunity for me!"

Su Xing thought to himself.

In front of him, after answering Su Xing's question, the Master of Tianji Pavilion finally said:

"My child...I will set up three rankings on the list of geniuses...human, earth and heaven. If you reach the top of the ranking, you can ask me about all the principles in the world..."

"But the permissions of the three rankings are different...the higher up you go, the more critical questions you can ask..."

"What you're asking about, you should be at the top of the list before you can ask..."

"But you are the first to ask this question in thousands of years... so I answered it."

"But...you should still keep this secret..."

After saying that, the master of Tianji Pavilion said again:
"I look forward to the day when you become the top of the Heavenly Ranking... But now, this meeting is over!"

As he spoke, the phantom of the Master of Tianji Pavilion gradually disappeared.

At this moment, although Su Xing had too many questions in his heart, he wanted to ask them.

But I also know that I can only ask this time.

"It seems...the remaining questions can only be asked after the simulation!"

Su Xing thought to himself.


In the real world, when this immersive simulation ends, awakening consciousness returns.

Recalling the conversation with the Master of Tianji Pavilion in his mind, Su Xing murmured:

"Master Tianji Pavilion, whether the person waiting is me...it doesn't matter to me anymore."

"Next, I want to really make use of this opportunity as Master of Tianji Pavilion!"

"The most powerful immortal in the world... who claims to know everything!"

"It will definitely...answer many questions for me!"

Su Xing thought of this and quickly listed a few answers to the questions he wanted to know.

The first to bear the brunt...

This is how to rescue the possessed Qingyunzi!

Preventing Qingyunzi from falling into the devil's path is of great significance to Su Xing.

Not only would it give Su Xing an extra supporter at the peak of the Great Luo or even the Semi-Saint realm, but it would also save Su Xing from Qing Yunzi's pursuit.

Even after the Qingyuan Territory has this Dinghai Shenzhen, I am afraid it will be much more stable.

"There are also the secrets of Luo Tianzong...the results of the battle tens of thousands of years ago...and so on..."

"As long as I ask the Master of Tianji Pavilion for answers every time I simulate it, the doubts in my heart will naturally be solved one by one..."

Su Xing thought so.

But next, Su Xing should continue to improve his cultivation level as always.

Look at the analog panel!

[After leaving the Taixu Realm, you set out for the Nine Heavens Realm. 】

[In the next hundreds of years, you will work hard to practice...to improve your cultivation. 】

[The time will soon come to the 1,300th year of simulation! 】

[At this time, the tree of Yuanli in your body has reached three feet and nine feet... your cultivation has reached the middle stage of the sixth level of the Golden Immortal... the scope of the spiritual world has grown to thirty-five thousand miles. 】

[You try to cooperate with Tang Yiyi's human genius to ambush the foreign race in the seventh heaven. 】

[But the alien army coming down from the eighth level is too powerful after all, and it is far beyond what you can contend with...]

[You transformed into the appearance of a lemure god...]

[In the next hundreds of years, you gather believers and absorb the power of faith. 】

[Until the 2800th year, all the power of faith you have accumulated will be exhausted in this year. 】

[In the end, your divine power rises rapidly... you are only one step away from reaching the level of a first-level god. 】

[A few months later...you died at the hands of Qingyunzi. 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:

"Yes, my strength is steadily improving... The strength of the evil demon vest is not far away from reaching the level of a first-level god!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while. Although the improvement of the alien realm was different from the monk system, there were many similarities.

From a second-level god to a first-level god, one needs to pass through three levels of passes.

Divine power, divinity...and godhead!
For evil demon gods, all three can be improved through the power of faith!

It can save a lot of time to wake up...

"It's just that it's probably not that easy to be promoted to the first level of god..."

"The power of faith required must be much more than before!"

"I just don't know, how many simulations are needed..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and at the same time as he was improving his cultivation level, it would not be troublesome to improve the level of the evil demon vest along the way.

"Then... let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation!"

Look at the reward list.

[Yin and Yang Duo]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Thirty-five Thousand Miles in the Spiritual World]: The spiritual realm transforms and reaches the level of the spiritual world. The power of supernatural powers and the way of space within the spiritual world is greatly improved, and the spiritual world gradually evolves into the real world. The price is 50 energy sources.

[Golden Immortal Sixth Level Intermediate Cultivation]: The price is 1000 million points of energy source.

[Results of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique]: The sixth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is completed. The tree of Yuanli is three feet and nine feet long. Yuanli is endless. The price is 300 million energy sources!
Su Xing did not hesitate and took out all the rewards.

Whether it is cultivation, magical powers, or new talents, they are all useful for awakening.

[Congratulations on bringing out the golden talent of Yin and Yang...the remaining energy source is 2296 points...]

[Ding, congratulations on bringing you 2241 miles out of the spiritual world...the remaining energy source is 6956 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique...the remaining energy source is 1941 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the sixth level of Golden Immortal...the remaining energy source is 941 points...]

Several beeps sounded in succession, and the source of awakening energy began to decrease sharply!
In the blink of an eye, the remaining energy source was less than ten million points.

But then, Su Xing's aura began to surge...

Refining Qi and making a breakthrough!
Successfully promoted to the middle stage of the sixth level of Golden Immortal, Xing Xing's mana is about 20% strong.

Refining the body and making a breakthrough!
The tree of Yuanli within the body reaches three feet and nine feet, which also allows Su Xing's physical body and Yuanli to grow slightly.

The scope of the spiritual world increases... new talent blessings...

After a simulation, Su Xing's strength once again made another leap.

However, at the same time as he was happy... Su Xing also had a sad look in his eyes.

Su Xing looked at the energy source with less than 10 million points in front of him and sighed:

"Alas, this energy source... although it is easy to use, it is still spent too quickly..."

Su Xing had been plotting for a long time, even risking his life to pull out the teeth from Hong Yue's hands, and managed to earn tens of millions of energy source. Not long after, it was all used up!

"Alas, the next source of energy... is not even enough for one simulation!"

"It seems that we have to go find a few more Luotian inheritances first!"

Su Xing thought so, he still had two chances left in his hands.

After waking up and preparing to accumulate enough energy source, break through to the late Golden Immortal stage in one breath!
As long as you break through the late Golden Immortal stage and your awakening magic power becomes stronger, you will be able to use the Luotian Mirror more easily!
"From the Ruyi Realm where I am to the Star Realm, you can pass through the Luotian inheritance in four places..."

"If everything goes well, assuming that one inheritance provides an average of five million energy sources...it will be another income of more than 20 million!"

"If you are lucky and find one or two resources suitable for trading, they can also bring a good source of energy!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing did not hesitate and drove towards the Tianji Domain along the route planned in advance.


In the blink of an eye, more than three weeks have passed! The time has come to the new era, February 2027, 2!
On this day, Su Xing arrived in the Star Realm.

Without making any announcement, Su Xing shielded his own aura, searched around the star world, and then returned to the Ziwei tribe.

It did not alarm Xing Nu and other local monks in the Star Realm.

Su Xing just found a random place to live in the Ziwei tribe and quietly watched the Star Conference held smoothly.

"Sure enough... the Advent Sect and the alien race have set their sights on the Star Realm!"

"As soon as I show up, I will be discovered by the Advent Cult soon..."

Su Xing thought for a while.

Just now, Su Xing sensed the auras of several cadres from the Adventist Sect and a few shadow aliens in the Star Realm.

Obviously, these people and the alien race are looking for news about the awakening of the evil demon vest.

"Let them hang there for now...don't rush to attack them yet!"

Su Xing glanced at his simulation panel. He had accumulated five simulation opportunities.

In the past month, Su Xing has found four Luotian ruins and discovered an excellent energy resource called "Longevity Fruit", earning millions of energy sources.

Today, the total number of awakened energy sources has once again reached 3526 points.

"More than 30 million energy sources...enough for my next two simulations!"

"The top priority is to break through to the late Golden Immortal stage first!"

"When the time comes...whether it's to kill these Adventist cadres or to hold on for the time being, there will be more room for maneuver!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel impatiently.

"Start simulation!"

[The 162th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 3526 points... The remaining number of simulations is 7998. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the red talent "Alchemy Saint". The probability of drawing the gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing the red talent is 20%...]

[Alchemy Sage]: Red talent, your talent in alchemy is far beyond ordinary people, and you have the talent to reach the end of this road.

"Damn...there is a red talent!"

Su Xing blurted out, but after seeing the effect of the new talent, Su Xing was a little disappointed.

"It's a pity...it's a red talent for cultivating immortals and hundreds of arts...it's not meant to increase combat power..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"However, as the leader of all the arts of cultivating immortals, the way of alchemy will be of great use to me in the future!"

"Being able to obtain the talent of Alchemy Saint... is naturally not bad!"

Su Xing thought so.

Since Su Xing's cultivation has become more and more advanced, coupled with the innate terminal pulse, Su Xing cannot increase his cultivation by directly swallowing pills.

Su Xing hasn't learned any new pills for a long time.

But after getting this talent, Su Xing became interested in learning new pill refining.

"Speaking of which...if I remember correctly, there is a kind of elixir called Immortality Pill...that can directly turn monks into immortals on the spot. Although they are only the weakest human immortals and damage their potential, they are absolutely priceless! "

"I even heard... that the rumored Nine Transformations Golden Pill can directly make monks ascend to the Golden Immortal!"

"I just don't know if there will be a chance to refine it in the future!"

Su Xing murmured.

It's time for him to think more about his relatives and friends.

If you can learn how to refine the Nine Turns Golden Pill and help your parents, relatives, and even friends get rid of birth, old age, illness, and death, that would naturally be the best.

Or you can use this golden elixir to win people's hearts.

“But for now, it’s better to advance to the late Golden Immortal stage first!”

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

【please choose……】

"I choose late blooming talent..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You collected enough star stones from the star world and left this world. 】

[You have gone to a middle-thousand world called Thousand Island Realm...According to the intelligence, Blood Four is performing a mission in this world at the moment. 】

[With the help of divination and super spiritual consciousness... Soon, you found Blood Four. 】

[The war is about to break out! 】

[Compared with the previous simulation, your strength has improved... but it is still not enough to kill Taiyi Golden Immortal. Facing monks like Xue Si and others in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, you can barely remain undefeated. 】

[This battle lasted for three full years! 】

[After paying the price of "one more shot", you have cut off a total of 40 blood points and nearly 100,000 years of life in three years! 】

[This makes Blood Four not want to fight you...]

[After this battle, your reputation began to spread in the three thousand worlds, and you became the veritable second place in the world rankings under Fairy Ziling. 】

[According to the plan, you go to Xiao Qingyun Realm... and then go to Qingyun Realm to trade and make friends with Fairy Ziling. 】

[The thirtieth year of simulation... You left the Qingyuan Territory with the Luo Tian inheritance that you searched for. 】

[After arriving at the Baiyun Realm of Tianji Domain, you will practice steadily for the next two hundred years. 】

[In the third hundred years, the fairy boat from the Tianji Realm arrived. 】

[During the battle to defend the Immortal Boat, your identity was discovered by a group of monks due to your intentional exposure. 】

[You have become a heaven-level elder of Tianji Pavilion...]

[After more than two hundred years, you stayed in the Tianji Realm to practice. 】

[In the fifth hundred years, your Qi refining cultivation has finally taken a step further, reaching the late stage of the sixth level of Golden Immortal! 】

[In the same year, Fairy Ziling obtained the Taiyi Dao Fruit... and you were promoted to the first place on the Earth Ranking! 】

[In the 550th year, the tree of elemental power in your body reaches four feet and one foot... As the great witch's body training skills continue to improve, you feel that it is becoming more and more difficult to improve. 】

[The effect of the Tianyuan Divine Fruit is gradually weakening... You are still far away from reaching the sixth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique...]

[In the sixth hundred years, the scope of the spiritual world reaches 37,000 miles...]

[In this way, more than two hundred years have passed...]

[In the 800th century, a war affecting an entire region broke out! 】

[In the 810th year...the war that lasted for ten years ended. You performed well after this battle and returned to Tianji Domain to learn swordsmanship from Bai Emperor. 】

Seeing this, Su Xing took a deep breath.

"Very good... Next, it's time to try to break into the sixth realm of swordsmanship!"

"Once I enter the sixth realm... my strength will further increase dramatically!"

"Even, when the time comes, you will be able to truly have the strength to defeat Blood Four!"

After a pause, Su Xing muttered silently:
“Use immersive…”

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 3523 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


In the blink of an eye, ninety years of immersive simulation have passed.

After receiving Bai Emperor's guidance for nearly a hundred years, Su Xing said goodbye to Bai Emperor that day and went to Tianji Pavilion headquarters alone.

"It's a pity... the way of swordsmanship is still one step away from the sixth realm!"

"But fortunately, with the help of the power of the Void Realm, we should be able to break through smoothly!"

When Su Xing thought about being able to break into the sixth realm of swordsmanship, he couldn't help but feel excited.

"Besides...if you want to see the Master of Tianji Pavilion, you also need to go to the realm of nothingness!"

After a while, he woke up and entered the Mirror of Nothingness.

It’s still a familiar process…

When Su Xing came to his senses again, he felt the changes in his swordsmanship.

From the peak of the fifth realm...to the sixth realm smoothly!
After entering the sixth realm, Su Xing felt that his sword seemed to have become "ordinary"!

It was as if the sword energy that was originally like waves gradually became as ordinary as the breeze.

"Kendo... has it returned to its original nature?"

Su Xing murmured, he could feel that his sword skills had made an amazing breakthrough!
Whether it is the understanding of swords or the power of magical powers, there have been earth-shaking changes!

As for...the specific changes, I can't test it when I wake up at this moment.

At this moment, Su Xing heard the phantom voice of the master of Tianji Pavilion.

"Little friend..."

Su Xing followed the procedure in the previous simulation and left Tianji Pavilion, and then his consciousness entered the Taixu Realm.

Not long after entering the Taixu Realm, Su Xing felt a connection with his spiritual consciousness.

After that, Su Xing followed the spiritual consciousness and came to the deeper area of ​​Taixu Realm.

I also met the Master of Tianji Pavilion again!
"My little friend... you can ask me any question, as long as it's something I know!"

The shadow of the master of Tianji Pavilion said slowly, and his voice sank into Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing took a deep breath after hearing this, and finally asked the doubt in his heart.

"Senior... I want to know if there is a way to prevent Qingyunzi from becoming a demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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