Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 444 The answer from the Master of Tianji Pavilion, the way to save Qingyunzi!

Chapter 444 The answer from the Master of Tianji Pavilion, the way to save Qingyunzi!
After Su Xing asked the question that had puzzled him for a long time, he quietly waited for the master of Tianji Pavilion to tell him the answer.

However, under Su Xing’s full expectation, the master of Tianji Pavilion Xuying shook his head and said:
"Sorry...I can't give you this answer!"

"Qingyunzi was once a peak Daluo... He just tried to kill three corpses and become a saint, but he didn't know that the holy path was over... In addition, Qingyunzi's own Taoist heart has problems, and even I can't help him recover..."

"After all, he is now at the semi-saint level..."

"So...you'd better change the question!"

After Su Xing heard the words of the Master of Tianji Pavilion, his expression changed slightly.

"How come...even the Master of Tianji Pavilion can't solve this problem...Is it true that Qingyunzi is hopeless?"

Su Xing's face turned a little gray.

Although Qingyunzi killed him many times in the simulation, it was only after becoming a demon. Strictly speaking, Qingyunzi could be regarded as a righteous monk.

If Qingyunzi helps, the awakening can definitely be simulated for a longer time...

"There is nothing we can do..."


Su Xing suddenly reacted.

The current time point is the 900th year of simulation.

That is, nine hundred years later... At this time, Qingyunzi had indeed failed to kill three corpses and was devoured by the evil corpse... and was completely possessed.

But... what about nine hundred years ago?

Su Xing remembers that Qingyunzi was completely devoured by the evil corpse for about five hundred years!

In the subsequent simulation, Su Xing was able to think of a way to help Qingyunzi before he was completely swallowed up!

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the Master of Tianji Pavilion in front of him and asked:

"Senior...if Qingyunzi is completely possessed by the devil, is there any way to prevent him from becoming a devil?"

After hearing Su Xing’s question, the Master of Tianji Pavilion thought for a while and asked:
"Are you sure this is the answer you want to know?"

"A thing that has already happened...even if you know it, you can't change anything..."

After Su Xing heard this, he said firmly: "I definitely want to know!"

The master of Tianji Pavilion stopped asking after seeing this. He was silent for a long time, seeming to be thinking about something.

After a while, the master of Tianji Pavilion replied:

"The road to sainthood that Qingyunzi takes... is to kill three corpses to become a saint. This is the most common method of becoming a saint in the ancient times!"

"The good thing is that becoming a saint is relatively stable... Even if you fail to become a saint in the end, you can still achieve the realm of semi-saint, which is far more than Da Luo Jinxian!"

"But the disadvantage is that the time required... is too long!"

"Behead three corpses to become a saint, and it will take millions of years to kill one corpse... If we fall into a bottleneck, we may lose hundreds of dollars..."

After a pause, the Master of Tianji Pavilion continued:
"Therefore, Qingyunzi chose... to reverse the three corpses!"

"Although the risk is greater... but as long as the Taoist heart is firm, it can save countless time!"

"In just a few million years, Qingyunzi beheaded two corpses..."

"However, Qingyunzi's magical power, which can transform the three pure beings in one breath...has some shortcomings...the foreshadowing was laid in the past."

"It wasn't until the three corpses were killed that it was exposed, but after Qingyunzi discovered it, it was too late. In the end, he could only be trapped by the inner demon... and lost himself!"

Su Xing listened to the words of the Master of Tianji Pavilion and nodded slightly.

What the Master of Tianji Pavilion said was similar to what he knew before, but it was more detailed. Su Xing also knew the cause and effect.

But the question is, how can Qingyunzi be saved before he is completely possessed?
The master of Tianji Pavilion quickly replied:

"If you want to help Qingyunzi get rid of his inner demons before he is completely possessed by the demon, there are three ways..."

"First, re-cultivation of the Sanqing Kung Fu... Just dissipate the One Qi Transformation Three Purities Kung Fu, and the evil corpse will disperse on its own... It's just that the One Qi Transformation Three Purities Kung Fu has been learned by Qingyunzi for a long time, and has been with it for thousands of years. It’s hard to separate.”

"If the strong will is gone, Qingyunzi's cultivation may not be preserved... In the end, he may need to re-cultivate from the time of refining Qi."

"Even if Qingyunzi is a Da Luo, it will probably take millions of years to rebuild his San Gong to the peak of Da Luo..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing the first answer from the Master of Tianji Pavilion.

Re-cultivation of San Gong is indeed somewhat unrealistic.

Regardless of the fact that Qingyunzi definitely doesn't want his Taoist skills to be scattered...even if he is willing to start over, in millions of years, the alien race may have destroyed the world long ago.

Therefore, this approach will not work.

"What are the other two methods mentioned by senior?" Su Xing then asked.

The master of Tianji Pavilion replied:
"The second method... transforming the three pure states into one qi is a mysterious magical power from ancient times. Along with it, there is also a method of cultivating the gods and contemplating the thoughts as desired."

"If you practice these two techniques, you can strengthen your soul and prevent accidents from beheading three corpses..."

"Although Qingyunzi has reached the end of his cultivation of turning three pure states into one breath... but if he can find the wish-fulfilling visualization diagram and practice it, he can also delay the outbreak of inner demons."

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this. This method was exactly the method Su Xing used to help Qingyunzi delay the outbreak of inner demons!

However, this obviously cannot fundamentally solve the problem!
So, Su Xing asked:
"Then what is the third method that senior said?"

The Lord of Tianji Pavilion said:

"As for the third method... it is a pill recorded in ancient times, called Tianyang Soul Forging Pill!"

"This elixir allows monks to experience the calamity of inner demons again... to discover themselves among the inner demons and finally defeat the inner demons!"

"If this elixir can be found and given to Qingyunzi hundreds of years ago, it may help Qingyunzi face the inner demon tribulation again, completely cut off the evil corpse... and thus find a glimmer of hope."

After Su Xing heard the third method, his eyes lit up.

If you can face the inner demon tribulation again, you can completely cut off the inner demon!

That would be easy!
So, Su Xing said:
"Senior... If you can cut off the evil corpse after experiencing the inner demon tribulation, there are many ways... Why do you have to use this Tianyang Soul Forging Pill?"

From Su Xing's point of view, the inner demon is nothing more than an illusion, and other similar pills may also be able to help Qingyunzi survive this disaster.

But after hearing this, the master of Tianji Pavilion shook his head and said:
"No...only Tianyang Soul Forging Pill can do it."

"Qingyunzi is the Great Luo Jinxian... Ordinary inner demon tribulations and illusions can be solved with just one glance..."

"There are thousands of ways in the world, but only this Tianyang Soul Forging Pill can actively bring Qingyunzi back to the heart tribulation and retain a certain level of consciousness... and it also has the highest success rate!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and understood.

To put it bluntly, Qingyunzi's level of strength is too strong, and ordinary methods will not work.

But the master of Tianji Pavilion made another calculation and said:

"This Tianyang Soul Forging Pill has been lost for a long time... Except for me, I am afraid that no one else in the world can find the pill recipe..."

"Now, I will tell you the recipe..."

With that said, the Master of Tianji Pavilion reached out and pointed at the center of Su Xing's eyebrows, and a memory flashed in Su Xing's mind.

The voice of the Master of Tianji Pavilion came to my ears:
"Tian Yang Soul Forging Pill has three main medicines... One is Tian Yang Grass, which is the most yang thing in the world, but it grows in the most cold and evil place in the world... It has not appeared in the world for millions of years. Only Tian Yang Grass There may be a place to find this medicine in the Demon Realm.”

"Secondly, the soul-breaking grass... is a magical elixir that cuts off the yin and yang souls. Even if Da Luo Jinxian takes it, his soul may be broken... This herb has appeared in the eighth heaven of the nine heavens. "

"Third, the Holy Branch of Mystery is the branch of the Holy Tree of Mystery. According to legend, the fragrance emitted by this tree will cause even saints to lose their minds for a short time after smelling it."

"However... this tree became extinct millions of years ago... I don't know if there are still scattered branches handed down..." Su Xing wrote down what the Master of Tianji Pavilion said one by one.


When the immersive simulation ends, awakening consciousness returns.

Rubbing his brows, Su Xing thought about the three alchemy ingredients in his mind, and felt a little headache for a moment.

"This Tianyang Soul Forging Pill is of extremely high quality...it is not as difficult to refine as the Nine Turns Golden Pill. Even a great alchemy master may not be able to guarantee its refining."

"Not to mention the difficulty of finding medicinal materials, even if I try to refine it, I can't do it at the moment!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, he still needed to continue to improve his alchemy skills.

"Tsk tsk... I didn't expect that this alchemy talent would come in handy so soon!"

Su Xing murmured that it is not difficult for Su Xing to improve his alchemy skills.

The red talent, combined with the Luo Tianjing simulated every time, can be simulated two or three times at most, and you can reach the realm of the alchemy master when you wake up!
Rare, is the search for medicinal materials for alchemy!
Su Xing thought carefully in his heart, looking for a way to use the three medicinal materials!

"The Soul-Destroying Grass... is in the eighth heaven, it has been confirmed!"

"If you want to obtain this herb, you must either advance your own strength...enter the eighth heaven to search for it."

"Either I can find a way to get it as the evil demon god...so I have a clue!"

"As for this mysterious branch..."

Su Xing thought about it and realized that Su Xing did have a way to get this extinct item!

That is, the function of the simulator, time retrieval!
Once upon a time, Su Xing used this function to find the Tianyuan Divine Tree!

If you use it again, it shouldn't be difficult to find the Mysterious Palm Branch.

"As for the last medicinal ingredient...Heavenly Sun Grass!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, Demon Realm!
"It seems it's time to go to the Demon Realm!"

Su Xing is now strong enough, and he is certain to be able to pass through the barrier between the great realms and go to the distant Demon Realm!

And going there is not just for Tianyang grass.

"Whether it's...the items left behind by Patriarch Luo Tian...the position of the Heavenly Demon General, or the Tianyang Grass...it all points to the Heavenly Demon Territory in the end!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, he had to go to this Demon Realm.

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and cleared his mind.

"The way of swordsmanship has also successfully entered the sixth realm!"

"Now my strength has completely reached the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"Compared to Fairy Ziling before becoming Taiyi, it is no less generous..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"The biggest confusion in this simulation has been solved... Next, let's continue to improve our cultivation!"

“I don’t know if this simulation can break into the late Golden Immortal stage!”

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 910th year, you got the answer you wanted from the Master of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[But now the remaining time is obviously not enough to go to the Demon Realm. 】

[So, you decided to go to the Nine Heavens Realm and continue to improve your cultivation. 】

[In the thousandth year, your Qi refining cultivation has finally reached the peak of the sixth level of Golden Immortal! 】

[There is only one step away from reaching the late Golden Immortal stage...! 】

[So, you put more attention on improving your Qi refining cultivation! 】

[In this way, more than two hundred years have passed...]

[In the 1260th year, after more than 200 years of hard work, you have matured both in terms of your magic power and your opportunity for breakthrough! 】

[So, you don’t hesitate... launch the final attack towards the seventh level of the Golden Immortal! 】

[Hundreds of thousands of drops of immortal liquid accumulated, pouring into your body crazily, nourishing your spiritual roots... The three flowers on top have reappeared unknowingly. 】

[At the last moment of the breakthrough, it was still the Spirit Vein Dragon who helped you! 】

[After being nourished by the fairy liquid, the Spiritual Vein Dragon has evolved to a greater extent... The pure fairy power spurted from its mouth will finally help you break through to the next level! 】

[After spitting out a mouthful of pure immortal energy, the Spirit Vein Dragon fell into a deep sleep...]

[Congratulations, you have been promoted to the seventh level of the Golden Immortal! 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"Finally, I have entered the seventh level of the Golden Immortal!"

"After entering the late stage of Golden Immortal...my mana will definitely be much stronger! It will increase by at least 50%!"

Su Xing was inevitably happy. The improvement of his cultivation level not only meant that Su Xing's strength increased.

More importantly, Su Xing can also rely on a higher level to try to repair Luo Tianjing, or open a higher multiple of time difference!

At that time, the speed of awakening practice will be even more terrifying!
At the same time, Su Xing also noticed the changes in the Spirit Vein Dragon.

"Tsk tsk... It deserves to be the top of the list of acquired treasures nurtured by heaven and earth... Can it even help the Golden Immortal's breakthrough?"

"As the Spiritual Vein Dragon continues to absorb the fairy liquid and grows... I'm afraid it will continue to be a big help to me in the future!"

Su Xing murmured.

Since the birth of the fairy liquid, the growth rate of the spiritual dragon has been much faster than before!
Thinking of this, Su Xing glanced at the spiritual dragon swimming in the spiritual liquid stream not far away.

As early as a few months ago, the black evil aura of the Spiritual Vein Dragon had been awakened and eliminated.

Nowadays, the growth rate of the Spirit Vein Dragon can be said to be very fast, and it is about to enter its youth.

"Huh...then the next step is to finally increase the power of the evil demon gods!"

"This time, we must work together to upgrade our divine power to the level of a god!"

Su Xing thought to himself, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the 1,300th year, the alien gods from the eighth heaven arrived...]

[You activate the alien talent and transform into the appearance of the evil demon god. 】

[Then you return to the Tianji Realm and start cultivating believers and accumulating faith. 】

[In the 1800th year, you went to Qingyuan Domain to take refuge...]

[For the next thousand years, you have been accumulating the power of faith. 】

[In this way, time will soon come to the 2780th year...]

[The power of faith accumulated over the past thousand years gives you enough confidence to launch a sprint towards the first-level god! 】

[As the power of faith continues to be used like running water... your divine power is also growing rapidly. 】

[Finally...at a certain moment you feel that your divine power has broken through the shackles...]

[Congratulations, your divine power has reached the level of a first-level god! 】

(Sure enough, all the manuscripts from last night are gone...I have reorganized my ideas and rewritten today. I hope everyone is satisfied! The update will be resumed tonight.)
(End of this chapter)

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