Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 456 The precarious future, the so-called decline of heaven and man

Chapter 456 The precarious future, the so-called five declines of heaven and man

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"The gold-level passerby's talent is indeed very effective!"

"If it were the previous simulation, eight hundred years later, I'm afraid I would have been assassinated hundreds of times..."

"Although it has something to do with my low-key identity hiding in this simulation, the role of passerby's talent cannot be ignored..."

Su Xing is quite satisfied with the results of this simulation.

He just wanted to see how the situation in Three Thousand Worlds would develop if he did not interfere at all.

Judging from the situation simulated for eight hundred years, the future situation is not optimistic...

"I wonder if the outcome of this battle in the Tianji Domain will change?"

Tianji Pavilion and Baidi Tower were well prepared for the eight-hundred-year-old battle, which was considered a rare victory in the war between the human race and the alien race.

It should have been a sure win...but now the future is constantly changing, and Su Xing is no longer sure of the outcome.

"I hope the human race can persist a little longer..."

"The only good news now is that thanks to the talent of Passerby A, I have not been hunted by aliens and Advent Cults..."

"However, how can the eggs be completed in a crowd? According to this trend, once the three thousand worlds are completely invaded, I will not be able to escape death..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[The war between the Tianji Domain and the foreign races is about to break out, and countless monks rush to the front line. 】

[Alien races also showed their terrifying fangs in the battle...]

[In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed. 】

[In the 820th year, the war did not end as you imagined, but entered a white-hot stage. 】

[According to the information you have received, in just twenty years... the number of immortals killed by the human race is no less than tens of thousands. 】

[The scale of this war exceeds your expectations. 】

[Thirty years after the war broke out, golden immortals began to fall one after another. 】

[In the 850th year, nearly ten golden immortals have fallen in the Tianji Domain. 】

[The determination of the alien race to inflict serious damage on the human race this time is unprecedentedly strong. 】

[But all wars have nothing to do with you. 】

[You did not join the battlefield, you still stayed in Canglan Realm and practiced peacefully. 】

[It wasn’t until the 900th century that this war that lasted for hundreds of years finally ended! 】

[According to your information, the number of immortals who fell from the human race in this battle exceeded 100,000! 】

[More than thirty monks above the Golden Immortal level have died...including even two Taiyi Golden Immortals. 】

[Of course, the battle on the alien side was even more tragic, with hundreds of thousands of gods falling...]

[But the improvement of the realm of human monks requires long years of accumulation, which is far from comparable to that of foreign races. 】

[Although the humans of the Tianji Domain won this battle, it was only a miserable victory...]

In the real world, Su Xing's face became serious when he saw this.

"Sure enough, the situation in the Tianji Domain's 800-year battle... has also undergone major changes!"

"It was originally a surprise battle of the human race. It only lasted ten years, but it achieved a lot of gains."

"But now, it has turned into a war that lasts for hundreds of years..."

"Although the human side still won because they were fully prepared, they paid a heavy price..."

After a pause, Su Xing said doubtfully:
"So, what is the reason for all this happening?"

Su Xing frowned. With the information he had now, it was not enough to deduce the mastermind behind the alien race.

But what is basically certain is that the alien side has indeed changed.

At least, they pay more attention to the invasion of the five major domains.

"The pattern of Tianji Realm is not clear yet, so let's take a closer look..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 900th year, the century-old war in the Tianji Domain ended... The human race had to launch a long defense due to heavy losses. 】

[On the alien side, red-eyed aliens continue to appear and begin to invade various worlds in the Tianji Domain. 】

[Fortunately, your Canglan world has not been invaded. 】

[And after quietly observing the changes for a hundred years, you will occasionally have insights in your heart. 】

[With Fu Ling's heart in mind, his cultivation level has reached the ninth level of the Golden Immortal...]

[In this way, another hundred years have passed...]

[In the first thousand years, your alchemy skills have made a breakthrough. You can try to refine thirteenth-level elixirs, but you are still far away from becoming a master of alchemy. 】

[In the 1100th year, the tree of elemental power in your body has grown to seven feet and three feet... you are one step closer to reaching the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art. 】

[In the 1,200th year, you received news that the foreign tribes launched a general attack on the Southern Barbarian Territory. 】

[The Southern Barbarian Territory was difficult to defend and asked for help from the other four major territories. 】

[But among the five major domains, the most powerful Tianji domain cannot protect itself, and it is difficult to send reinforcements at all. 】

[In the 1,300th year, the Southern Barbarian Territory was destroyed, and the Daluo Jinxian Southern Barbarian Emperor died in battle...]

[In the fourteenth hundredth year, your cultivation has improved slightly and you have taken a solid step towards the middle stage of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal. 】

[You start to think about preparations for the tribulation Taiyi...]

[In the same year, Qingyuan Territory fell into crisis, and it was difficult to protect itself...]

[And the Canglan world where you are located has also begun to be attacked by foreign armies. 】

[In the 1500th year, the Canglan Realm encountered a general attack by aliens. The entire world was blocked and eventually fell. 】

[Fortunately, you sensed the crisis in advance and fled to a small world near Canglan Realm. 】

[You have received news that Bai Emperor was suspected of being seriously injured in this battle...]

[A few years later, the small world you were hiding in was attacked by aliens, and you began to escape to the next world. 】

[For the next hundred years, you have been on the run, and you have witnessed the fall of small worlds one after another. 】

[The Qingyuan Territory also completely fell in the 1500th year... A group of second-generation descendants of the Qingyun Sect, including Fairy Ziling, died in the battle. 】

[Poseidon Emperor Da Luo is suspected of being a traitor and joining the Advent Cult...]

[The 1,700th year, hundreds of years of running away, although the alien invasion is not mainly aimed at you. 】

[But the successive escapes still prevent you from concentrating on your practice. 】

[And your escape in recent years has also made you feel that the danger is getting closer and closer. 】

[After all, Passerby A's talent is only golden, not invincible... Daluo Jinxian can sense you a little, but if you encounter a semi-saint from a foreign race, you still can't save your life. 】

[After your cultivation reached the middle stage of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal, you finally gave up your identity temporarily. 】

[You decide to transform into a lemure god and continue to collect information. 】

In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

"If this trend continues... the human race will be completely destroyed within three thousand years!"

"Seeing that I, the vest, cannot continue to practice, I'd better change into the identity of a bad demon god!"

At present, the awakened evil demon gods are very close to the first-level gods.

Divine power has reached the threshold of a first-level god, and all that is lacking is divinity and godhead.

Look at the simulation panel again.

[This year, you transformed into an evil demon god and were quickly accepted by the alien race. 】

[At this moment, the alien race has gained an absolute advantage in the battle with the human race. 】

[Therefore, although you still get a good supply of resources, they are far less than the resources obtained in the previous simulation. 】

[You start to train lemure apostles and start to cultivate lemure believers on a large scale. 】

[In this way, three hundred years have passed...]

[Simulating the second thousand years, the Eastern Region has fallen...]

[This year, three of the five human domains have been killed, and only the Tianji Domain and the Demonic Domain are still holding on. 】

[Surprisingly, after occupying three major regions, the aliens seemed to have slowed down their invasion and seemed to be brewing some plans. 】

[In this way, another three hundred years have passed...]

[In the 2300th year, the role of the Divine Body of Disaster has become more and more obvious, and you have begun to encounter assassinations by human monks. 】

[Although Tianji Realm has lost most of its territory, it still maintains most of the powerful ones. 】

[Especially the strong team led by Bai Emperor began to frequently hunt foreign gods in the Tianji Domain. 】

[In the 2500th year, in order to prevent being assassinated, you will use most of the power of faith accumulated over hundreds of years to enhance your divinity. 】

[Your understanding of space, speed and the laws of fate and cause and effect has rapidly improved...]

[But obviously, with only a few hundred years of faith, both the market and the number of believers are far less than before, so it is difficult for you to reach the level of a first-class god. 】

[Twenty-six hundred years...A sudden attack took your life. 】

[Bai Di takes action! 】

[Faced with the attack and death of a Da Luo Jinxian, you have no power to resist at all. 】【But a few years before your death, you received information that the Demon Realm was about to be completely invaded...】

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing was silent for a long time.

"In just two thousand years...have three of the five major domains of the human race been lost?"

"And according to this trend... before the three thousand years are reached, I am afraid that the entire five major domains of the human race will be completely destroyed!"

"Where will the human race's habitat be then?"

"Could it be that only some of the powerful ones fled to the Nine Heavens Realm..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

Even though most of the five major domains of the human race were invaded, the Master of Tianji Pavilion still did not take action!

"It seems...the Master of Tianji Pavilion has not found the way to become a saint yet!"

"Bai Di and other top experts seem to be stalling for time for the Master of the Tianji Pavilion... They seem to have placed all their hopes on the Master of the Tianji Pavilion..."

Su Xing sighed, not surprised by this.

Under the absolute disparity in strength and racial numbers, the only way to win... is the emergence of a strong man who transcends everything.

The master of Tianji Pavilion becomes a saint... This may be the only hope for the human race.

"I don't know if the Master of Tianji Pavilion can finally enter the realm of a saint..."

Su Xing felt a little curious.

"However, this simulation has basically confirmed it!"

"In reality... there is a being from the alien race who 'discovered my traces', thus accelerating the pace of invading the Three Thousand Worlds!"

"Moreover, it seems that He has just discovered that... the pace of invading the Three Thousand Worlds is still accelerating!"

"Perhaps it won't be long before...the Southern Barbarian Territory won't be able to hold on for even a thousand years..."

Su Xing's eyes were a little solemn.

To put it simply, he was exposed, but not completely exposed...

Among the human race, there are still beings like the Master of Tianji Pavilion who are good at divination and can catch traces in the long river of time.

Among the foreign races, the existence of the suspected "saint" is probably even more so!

"As long as I'm careful... He shouldn't be able to directly capture my existence."

"But to be cautious, the path of cause and effect and destiny must be broken into the sixth realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured.

"For now, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation!"

[Passenger A]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Fifty-five thousand miles in the spiritual world]: The spiritual realm transforms and reaches the level of the spiritual world. The power of magical powers and the way of space within the spiritual world is greatly improved, and the spiritual world gradually evolves into the real world. The price is 50 energy sources.

[Golden Immortal Ninth Level Intermediate Cultivation]: The price is 1000 million points of energy source.

[Results of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique]: The sixth level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is completed. The tree of Yuanli is seven feet by seven feet. Yuanli is endless. The price is 550 million energy sources!
[Alchemy experience]: With thousands of years of experience in alchemy, I can refine up to fourteenth level elixirs, and I am not far from being a great alchemy master. The price is 50 energy sources.

In this simulation, although Su Xing did not directly participate in changing the future of Three Thousand Worlds.

But because of the talent of Passerby A, the time to wake up and practice is long enough.

A full 1,700 years of practice time...allowed Xing Xing to achieve breakthroughs in both the realms of Qi refining and body refining!
"There is also experience in alchemy... Although half a million energy sources are a bit expensive, it is still worth bringing out..."

"As for the passerby's talent... it can be stored in the talent pool for the time being. After all, this talent is really a double-edged sword..."

Although I have been struggling all the way, it is very pleasant to improve my cultivation level.

But for the current stage of awakening, whether it is the use of the Mirror of Nothingness, Qingyunzi's transaction, or the reward for being number one on the Earth Ranking, they are all very impressive.

"I choose to take him out..." Su Xing muttered silently, and the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[Ding, congratulations on bringing out the middle stage of the ninth level of Golden Immortal...the remaining energy source is 3029 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique...the remaining energy source is 2579 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing you 2524 miles out of the spiritual world...the remaining energy source is 1392 points...]

[Congratulations on your alchemy experience...the remaining energy source is 2479 points...]

Four beeps sounded in succession, and Su Xing's aura began to change.

In terms of Qi refining cultivation, he directly broke through from the late eighth level of the Golden Immortal to the middle stage of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal!
The tree of elemental power within the body grows by one foot and one foot... the scope of the spiritual world is further increased...

A large number of alchemy memories and experiences poured into Su Xing's mind.

A full quarter of an hour later, Su Xing gradually grasped the newly acquired power with the help of the simulator.

Frowning slightly, Su Xing murmured:

"With the improvement of cultivation level...does it take longer and longer for each cultivation level to adapt to feedback..."

"If there is a breakthrough in cultivation after Taiyi Golden Immortal, I'm afraid there won't be timely feedback..."

At a low level, Su Xing has not yet sensed the bottleneck of breakthrough in cultivation.

Every feedback on cultivation level is almost immediate improvement.

But as his awakening level got higher and higher, and after breaking into the Golden Immortal, he clearly felt that he had touched the upper limit.

Whether it is the mastery of strength or the feedback of cultivation, it will take a certain amount of time.

"However, this is reasonable... If it really remains unchanged, the feedback on cultivation will always be completed instantly, and it may even reach Daluo..."

"Then I really have to think about what level the simulator is..."

"Even a saint can't do this, right?"

Su Xing thought so.

After taking a look at the simulation panel, Su Xing murmured:
"There is only one simulation opportunity left... There are still more than 20 million of the energy source in hand, so it's time to start the next round of simulation!"

"In this simulation, there is no need to rely on the talent of passerby A... In line with the principle of maximizing profits, it is time to continue trading with Qingyunzi and join Tianji Pavilion..."

Wake up and make a plan quickly.

"Also...it's time to think about being promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing looked at the cultivation realm column on the panel.

[Cultivation realm]: The ninth level of the Golden Immortal (middle stage), the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art (seven feet and seven feet)

After more than ten simulations, Su Xing's cultivation finally approached the peak of the Golden Fairy Realm.

"But... it's not that easy for the Golden Immortal to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, recalling in his mind the method of promotion that Bai Di once told him.

The realm of Xuanxian condenses the five qi in the chest.

In the golden fairyland, three flowers gather on top...

As for Taiyi Golden Immortal, you need to survive the most terrifying disaster for monks...even dozens of times more terrifying than thunder disasters and wind disasters.

That is... the five declines of heaven and man!
After arriving at Jinxian, every three thousand six hundred years, you will experience the five declines of heaven and man.

As far as Su Xing knows, the five declines of heaven and man are:
When filth fades away, immortals are immune to all poisons and dust.

Even the lowest immortal does not need to worry about dust staining his skin or mud staining his clothes.

Only when a monk is nearing the end of his life will impurity arise.

At this time, the monk has reached the end of his life. It is difficult to cure with medicine and stone, and it is difficult to save Dalu...

But after the Golden Immortal, once the filth decline occurs, it will last for 3,600 years, and the magic power will be weakened and the magical power will be difficult to use.

At this time, the monk's strength will drop significantly.

The second of the five declines of heaven and man is the decline of Hualing.

The three thousand green hairs on the head of the Golden Immortal will also turn into white hair and last for three thousand six hundred years.

During this period, the monk's cultivation and combat power will still drop significantly.

The third of the five declines of heaven and man is the decline of armpit fur.

When experiencing this decline, the immortal's armpits were sweating, his strength was exhausted, and his strength was completely gone.

The so-called victorious body is subtle, light and clean. Only when the immortal is at the end of his life, his armpits will naturally sweat.

The fourth of the five declines of heaven and man is the decline of stench and filth.

Immortals have a refreshing fragrance on their bodies, which does not mean they smell foul.

However, when experiencing this decline, even the Golden Immortal will exude the "old man's odor", which is the sign that his life span is about to end. If he wants to survive, it will still take 3,600 years.

The last of the five declines of heaven and man is the decline of self-loathing!
It is also the most dangerous existence among the Five Declines.

After experiencing this decline, the Golden Immortal hated himself so much that he could not control himself, so much so that he became very lazy and did not practice or cultivate his mind...

Self-loathing also lasts for three thousand six hundred years!

"With the five declines of heaven and man, even golden immortals are at risk of falling... Only by surviving the five declines can we attain the Taiyi Dao Fruit!"

Su Xing murmured slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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