Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 457: Finally reaching the great perfection of the Golden Immortal, preparations for the blac

Chapter 457: Finally reaching the great perfection of the Golden Immortal, preparations for the blackmail plan began!
"However, since I started simulating myself...each simulation lasted no more than two thousand years..."

"Under ordinary means, I'm afraid I will never be able to survive the Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Being..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes and continued:
"Therefore, extraordinary means must be used to shorten the duration of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, so that there is a chance to survive!"

For ordinary cultivators, the most difficult thing for a Golden Immortal to break through to Taiyi is not the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Man.

Rather, it is the accumulation of cultivation and the improvement of the understanding of the Tao.

But for Su Xing, neither cultivation nor comprehension of the Tao is a problem.

This is the only thing that requires a long period of time, the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Earth, which occurs once every 3,600 years.

It would take at least 18,000 years for the five stages of decay to complete, and awakening in a simulation would be impossible to accomplish using ordinary means.

"Next time we simulate, we'll ask the Pavilion Master of Heavenly Secrets... to see if she has mastered the method of surviving the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man in advance?"

Su Xing thought so.

"However, the biggest gain from this simulation may not only be the improvement of cultivation and the grasp of the future..."

"The real key is that I did notice the existence of that person among the alien race... Originally, I was in the open while the enemy was in the dark, which was extremely disadvantageous to me... But now we are back on the same track!"

Su Xing touched his chin.

It’s been over three years since the awakening simulation.

It has always been the aliens in the light, while he is in the dark.

But after his strength increased, Su Xing had to take some risks in order to obtain energy faster.

From then on, the situation changed to one where Su Xing was in a semi-exposed state.

Until that person among the alien race may have realized the existence of Su Xing, but Su Xing was unaware of it.

At this time, waking up is very dangerous.

But after this simulation, Su Xing was sure that there was such a person among the alien race.

The situation has returned to the same line again...

"Before that person notices me... I should improve my cultivation as quickly as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the only remaining simulation opportunity and started the simulation without any delay.

"Start simulation!"

[The 166th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 2479 points... The remaining number of simulations is 1392. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden talent dragon and phoenix body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing the red talent is 20%...]

[Dragon-Phoenix Body]: Golden talent, one of the hundred divine bodies, possessing a trace of blood from the ancient dragon and phoenix, with amazing physique and excellent talent for body refining.

"Hmm? Another divine body..."

Su Xing nodded slightly. This dragon-phoenix body was actually a good talent for accumulating attributes.

However, Su Xing’s aptitude for physical training is already very high now. Unless it is a red-level talent, the bonus to Su Xing is really limited.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat!"

Su Xing muttered, and began to think about the plan for this simulation.

"The Qi Refining Cultivation Base has been raised to the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm, that is for sure..."

"The Great Wizard's Body Forging Technique should be improved as much as possible... The Speed ​​​​Path should reach the sixth level... The Alchemy Skill should reach the Grandmaster level as much as possible."

"I also want to ask the Pavilion Master Tianji if there is a way to overcome the Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Beings in advance..."

Su Xing went over the general plan of this simulation in his mind, and then looked at the simulation panel.

[Please select a talent to add...]

"I choose to bless late bloomers..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You go to the Thousand Islands Realm and start a war with Advent Cult leader Blood Four...]

[This battle lasted for a year and a half, and you finally killed him.]

[You left behind your Taoist name, Spirit Dragon Golden Immortal... Your fame began to spread throughout the Three Thousand Worlds.]

[You went to the Small Qingyun Realm. In order for the human race to hold out longer, you informed the Tianji Pavilion of the intelligence.]

[Next, you will trade with Qing Yunzi, teach Fairy Zi Ling the art of nurturing spirits, collect the inheritance of Luo Tian Sect... and go to Tianji Territory...]

[The plan was carried out smoothly, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye.]

[Time has come to the 300th year! ]

[This year, the immortal boat of Tianji Pavilion descended upon Baiyun Realm.]

[In the 320th year, the Immortal Boat Defense War broke out...]

[You have gained an opportunity to use the Mirror of Nothingness by relying on your strong strength and the reputation of being number one on the Earth Ranking.]

[In the 330th year, you successfully arrived at the Tianji Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use immersive simulations... for 100 years!"

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 2479 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.

He skillfully brewed a pot of enlightenment tea, took out many treasures of the Tao of Speed, and began to comprehend the Tao.

In the blink of an eye, more than fifty years have passed...

I woke up from my seclusion and slowly opened my eyes on this day.

The speed of the avenue beside him was instantly restrained, and in the blink of an eye, it returned to its original state.

"On this day, the Avenue of Speed... entered the sixth realm!"

A gleam of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes. He could feel that after the speed avenue reached the sixth level, his escape speed increased again!
"Hmm... the overall escape speed is about three times faster than before!"

"The effect is not obvious in short-distance sailing...but if it is a medium- to long-distance trek, the effect will be amazing!"

Su Xing deduced a little bit.

After entering the sixth realm of speed, the time he takes to cross the Endless Sea and travel from the Qingyuan Domain to the Tianji Domain will be cut in half!
It used to take ten years, but now it only takes about five years...

"Yes, the Avenue of Speed ​​is indeed an all-rounder of offense and defense... and it is of great use to me in reality!"

"If we need to collect Luo Tian's inheritance in the future, it will be twice as easy to do!"

Su Xing said with satisfaction.

"Right now, there are still a few pieces of Enlightenment Tea and more than 70 perfect quality Wen Dao Pills that have not been consumed... Which avenue should I upgrade?"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, then turned his attention to the law of cause and effect and destiny!
"Faced with possible risks... the way of cause and effect and destiny needs to be improved urgently!"

"It just so happens that I have already obtained the Great Zhoutian Stargazing Method... It's time to try the difficulty of this magical power..."

Su Xing drank the enlightenment tea without hesitation and began to comprehend the Great Zhoutian Stargazing Method.


The stars move and the sun and the moon change.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty years have passed.

In the ninety-fifth year of the immersive simulation, Su Xing had used up all of his Wen Dao Dan and Wu Dao Tea.

"The law of cause and effect and destiny... is so hard to comprehend!"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

After more than forty years of immersive simulation, with the help of Enlightenment Tea and Wen Dao Pills, Su Xing's understanding of the law of cause and effect and destiny is still at the entry level of the fifth realm!

As for the Great Zhoutian Stargazing Method, he has not even started yet...

"Alas, the road ahead is long and difficult... It seems that this path of cause and effect and fate will take quite a while..."

Su Xing shook his head, not in a hurry.

"Now, it's time to go to the Mirror of Nothingness..."

After Su Xing finished speaking, he took a step forward and soon appeared at the Tianji Pavilion headquarters.

After successfully entering the Mirror of Nothingness, Su Xing asked the weapon spirit for the bonus option this time.

"Then let's give it a try... How can the Mirror of Nothingness improve the Way of Cause and Effect and Fate?"


A shadow flashed before Su Xing's eyes. After cutting off the power of the long river of time, he had many insights in his mind and fell into a coma...

When Su Xing woke up again, the first thing he did was to check his progress in understanding the law of cause and effect and destiny.

"Hmm...still stuck at the entry level of the fifth realm?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

He could feel that his understanding of the law of cause and effect and destiny had improved greatly.

But no matter cause and effect or destiny, they are both top avenues. Su Xing has no famous teacher to guide him, and he only has the Great Zhoutian Stargazing Method, which is still obscure.

It is too difficult to make progress in a short period of time...

"Let's just grind for now... According to the plan, there will be no shortage of simulations for the next period of time..."

Su Xing said with a slight flicker in his eyes.


In the Taixu Realm, Su Xing asked the shadow of the Tianji Pavilion Master in front of him:
"Senior, I want to know... Is there a way to save time and survive the Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Beings?"

Su Xing asked his question to the Master of Tianji Pavilion in front of him.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the shadow in front of him frowned slightly and said:
"The Five Degenerations of a Celestial Being will come naturally after reaching the Great Perfection of a Golden Immortal. A disaster will occur every 3,600 years... It is destined by heaven. It is not so easy to experience the Five Degenerations of a Celestial Being in advance..."

At this time, the Tianji Pavilion Master changed the subject and said:

"But it's not completely impossible..."

"Between heaven and earth, there are five kinds of poisonous substances. One is called the Filth Pill. Eating it can make the five kinds of decay of heaven and man more severe, and at the same time shorten the time to 360 years..."

"In addition, there are also Hualing Stone, Qiu Xie Powder, Stinky Pill and Self-loathing Water, all of which have the same effect..."

"These five poisons were originally the most poisonous in the world refined by ancient cultivators. Even if a Golden Immortal cultivator is accidentally exposed to them, his strength will be greatly reduced, and only one tenth of his cultivation will remain... There is even a risk of death!"

"But, God left a glimmer of hope... Later, a cultivator discovered that if a cultivator could successfully resist this poison, he could survive the Five Decays in just over three hundred years, and the effect would be even greater!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly asked, "Senior, where can I get these five kinds of five-poison substances?"

The Pavilion Master of Tianji replied:
"I have these five poisons in my Tianji Pavilion... These five poisons are not expensive because there are not many cultivators who exchange them and they are not usually used..."

Su Xing wrote down everything the Pavilion Master of Tianji said.


Soon the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

"The five decays of the celestial beings, one reincarnation every 3,600 years, and it takes 18,000 years to complete..."

"And the Five Degeneration Poison... compresses the duration of the Five Degenerations of the Celestial Being ten times, so the effect is also ten times more intense?"

"An ordinary peak Golden Immortal would definitely not take such a risk, and would just safely survive the Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Being..."

“But this medicine is very useful to me!”

"After reaching Golden Immortal perfection, you can take this and break into the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal as soon as possible!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Now, it's time to leave the Tianji Realm... and head to the Tianmo Realm!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 430th year, the immersive simulation ended, and you learned from the Master of the Tianji Pavilion how to quickly overcome the Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Being.]

[You begin to prepare to cross the Endless Sea and head to the Demonic Realm. ]

[In the 460th year, in just 30 years, you successfully arrived at the Heavenly Demon Realm.]

[Activate the Heavenly Demon Order, the Heavenly Demon will appear soon...]

[In the next few hundred years, you will promote the Rebirth Pill to enhance the overall strength of the Demon Realm... work hard to practice, improve your own cultivation, and search for traces of the Sun Grass in the core area...]

[Time soon came to the 800th year! ]

[This year, your cultivation successfully broke through to the late ninth level of the Golden Immortal.]

[The energy tree in the body reaches 82 feet. ]

[Several years later, you, who were far away in the Demon Realm, received news of a war that broke out in the Secret Realm.]

[This battle still lasted for a hundred years...]

[Until the 900th year, the war ended with the Tianji Territory human race winning a tragic victory...]

[In the 900th year, you have explored the second planned area, but still cannot find any traces of the Tianyang Grass. You begin to explore more core areas.]

[In the first thousand years, your spiritual world reaches 58,000 miles, and your realm is slightly improved.]


[In the 1,300th year, the Nanman Territory was destroyed.]

[In the 1,500th year, the Qingyuan Territory was destroyed...]

[This year, the crisis facing the Demon Realm is unprecedentedly serious, and alien armies from other large realms continue to come to support it. ]

[Even you have been assassinated several times...]

[But fortunately, the Heavenly Demon General is here to protect you, so you are not facing a life-or-death disaster.]

[After several years, your cultivation finally reaches the peak of the ninth level of the Golden Immortal! ]

[At this point, your realm cannot be further advanced, and you have reached the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal.]

[If you want to improve further, you have to enter the realm of Taiyi...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt a little complicated when he saw this.

"Although the future situation is still not optimistic...but the good news is that I have finally entered the realm of Golden Immortal Great Perfection!"

"Next, we need to consider what it will take to break into the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm..."

"The Five Degenerations of the Celestial Beings... Is that enough energy source?"

Su Xing murmured.

The Five Deteriorations of Heavenly Beings should not be a difficult task considering Su Xing's foundation in Taoism.

But the energy source required to advance to the Taiyi Golden Immortal... is definitely a huge number!

"The alien god vest plan must be implemented as soon as possible..."

"The strength of the Inferior Demon Vest must also reach the level of a first-level god as soon as possible!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 1,600th year, the Demon Realm encountered a massive invasion by alien races...]

[You foresaw the danger in advance, left the core area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Realm, and transformed into the appearance of an inferior demon god.]

[After crossing the endless sea, you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

[Afterwards, with the blood and flesh essence provided by the alien race, you began to cultivate believers. ]

[In the 2000th year, you have enough apostles and begin to collect the power of faith...]

[In the 2600th year... you used up all your faith to elevate your divinity.]

[The power of faith is insufficient. Your divinity level has not yet reached the first-level god level...]

[A few months later, you were hunted by Baidi...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

"Another simulation... I have finally reached the Golden Immortal Great Perfection!"

Su Xing looked somewhat excited.

Now, he is only one step away from becoming a Taiyi Golden Immortal...

Su Xing has also learned the method to achieve the Five Degenerations of Heavenly Beings.

As long as the energy source is sufficient, after a few more simulations of awakening, one can achieve Taiyi Golden Immortal!

"But the headache is the source of energy!"

Su Xing rubbed his brows. According to his experience, in order to break through to the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, one would need at least 100 to 200 million energy sources!

But Su Xing at the moment obviously cannot afford that much!
"The only way is to transform into an inferior demon god and extort money from the alien race..."

Su Xing blinked, wondering where it would be more appropriate to transform into a lesser demon god.

"But before that, it's better to bring out your cultivation first!"

Look at the reward list.

[Dragon Phoenix Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[Spiritual Realm 50 Miles]: The spiritual realm transforms and reaches the spiritual realm level. The power of the magical power and the way of space within the spiritual realm is greatly improved, and the spiritual realm gradually evolves into the real world. The price is energy sources.

[Golden Immortal Great Perfection]: Price: 1 point of Energy Origin.

[The results of practicing the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique]: The Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique has reached the sixth level, the Yuan Force Tree is eight feet high, the Yuan Force is endless, and the price is 550 million Energy Origins!
[Alchemy Experience]: Thousands of years of (realistic) alchemy experience, capable of refining up to the fifteenth rank of elixir, has reached the realm of a grand master of alchemy, and is sold for 100 million energy sources.

Looking at the rewards for this simulation, Su Xing took out all five rewards without hesitation.

An emulator beep sounded in my ear.

[Ding, congratulations on reaching the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal… The remaining energy source is 2479 points…]

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique...the remaining energy source is 2024 points...]

[Congratulations on taking you out of the spirit world for 1979 miles... The remaining energy source is 1392 points...]

[Congratulations on your alchemy experience...the remaining energy source is 1869 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the Dragon Phoenix Body talent... The remaining energy source is 1869 points...]

The simulated prompt sounded, and Su Xing's aura changed again.

The realm of cultivation was finally elevated to the Great Perfection of the Golden Immortal, and there was no further to go.

The energy tree in the body grew ten feet taller...

The experience of alchemy, the understanding of the spiritual world, and the dragon and phoenix body are brought out one by one...

It took some time for Su Xing to adapt to the new level of cultivation and realm, and he nodded with satisfaction.

"It is impossible to improve Qi Refining in such a short period of time..."

"When the energy tree in the body grows to nine feet, nine feet, and nine inches, the Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique will also be perfected to the sixth level."

"If both of them break through... then we will have completely entered the Taiyi realm!"

The improvement in his cultivation was within Su Xing's expectations.

But right now, what Su Xing needs to consider is how to obtain new sources of energy!
"Whether it is the energy source provided by Blue Star or Small Azure Cloud Realm, it is just a drop in the bucket for me in the future..."

"Only the star stones in the Star Realm can provide a large amount..."

"But star stones are limited after all, and it will take time for the tribe to provide them... and now I can't wait any longer!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and glanced at the simulation panel.

There are still three days until the next simulated cooldown refresh...

If the awakened inferior demon god vest wants to break into the first-level god level, it will require at least several simulations.

And it needs to wake up and simulate the identity of a lesser demon for more than two thousand years to accumulate this amount of power of faith.

"Then in the next month, let's first settle down and then improve our understanding of the Great Dao and the realm of the inferior demon gods!"

After a pause, a gleam of light flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

"But... before that..."

"We have to attract the attention of the aliens first!"

Su Xing scratched his head, regretting killing those Advent Church cadres and aliens who came to look for him.

If they are not killed, after they awaken and transform into inferior demon gods, they will surely be attracted here soon.

"Oh, I was careless!"

"But it's too late to regret now... In order to attract the aliens to come find me as soon as possible, I need to leak out some more of my aura!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's figure flashed and appeared on a deserted wasteland in the Star Realm.

Then, his mind moved and his alien talent was stimulated!
Then, Su Xing's appearance began to gradually change...

At the same time, the aura of the inferior demon gods enveloped the entire star world...

(End of this chapter)

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