Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 459: Incarnation of a Lesser Demon God, and a Talk with Hongyue!

Chapter 459: Transformed into a Lesser Demon God, Conversation with Red Moon!
"Start simulation!"

[The 168th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 2015 points... The remaining number of simulations is 4870. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden talent Blood Spirit Divine Body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing the red talent is 20%...]

[Blood Spirit Divine Body]: A golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies. You are born with the ability to gain energy from blood, and your ability to learn blood-related magical powers is greatly enhanced.

"Blood Spirit Body..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. His first reaction was that this talent seemed very suitable for the skills and magical powers of the Jiangling Religion!

Both the Blood Immortal Scripture and the Blood River Divine Ability seemed to benefit from this talent...

"What a pity, the magical power of the Advent Church is of no use to me for now... But maybe I can use it in the future, so I'll keep it for now!"

Su Xing murmured.

Although he changed into an alien form, Su Xing was still able to perform the simulation.

"This is the first time I've started a simulation in alien form!"

"I want to see if there are any changes..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[Ding, it is detected that the compatibility between your innate blood spirit body and inferior demon form is low...]

[This talent automatically transforms into... a slight increase in the understanding of the laws related to killing, blood, etc.]

Looking at the words in front of him, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

Since the birth of the inferior demon gods, talents cannot be changed.

"Looking at it this way... if the simulation is started in the inferior demon form, it seems that the talent will also have a certain increase in this form!"

Wake up thoughtfully.

[In the void, you realize that you are simulating. ]

[You concealed your own aura and continued to hide near the Star Realm.]

[Five days passed quickly...]

[On March 15th, you sensed two auras approaching rapidly...]

[These are two first-level gods, from the Shadow Clan and the Tuna Clan respectively.]

[After the two shadow gods found you, they immediately showed surprise on their faces. ]

[You pretend to be ignorant and cautious and look at them, acting very defensive...]

[The two gods were not surprised by your mentality and took the trouble to explain it to you.]

[Soon, after hearing the explanations from these two gods, you "gradually let down your guard."]

[They carefully teach you to connect to the divine realm...]

【Then, they told you that you were following the orders of a great being.】

[He sensed your existence and foresaw that you would be of great help to the future of the alien race, so he hoped that you could join the fifth general army of the alien race, which is the alien army responsible for invading the Qingyuan domain.]

[As a reward, the alien race will provide you with enough resources to help you increase your divine power and help you strengthen the inferior demon race.]

[After hearing what the two gods said, you showed an interested look and asked where they were going.]

[These two alien gods tell you that they will take you to a middle world called the Void Realm, where they are hiding.]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"The Middle Thousand Worlds, the Empty World..."

In Su Xing's memory, there was indeed news about such a world.

This is a middle thousand world, but its area is extremely large, comparable to the great thousand world.

At the same time, due to the unique void terrain outside the empty world, surrounded by many high-intensity void turbulences, cultivators below the Golden Immortal level can hardly enter.

Therefore, there are not many "specialty resources" in the Void Realm, and trade is underdeveloped, so there is very little communication with the outside world. It is basically an isolated middle thousand world.

Because there is no Luotian inheritance near the Kongwu Realm, Su Xing only knows the approximate location but has never been there.

"So that's how it is... The alien army that invaded Qingyuan Territory has actually been lurking near Kongwujie?"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes.

"The Void Realm doesn't seem to be far from the Small Azure Cloud Realm and the Blue Star... It's only about a few dozen space nodes away..."

"It seems that the alien race in Qingyuan Territory is using this world as a base to invade Qingyuan Territory!"

Su Xing silently took note of the news.

Just after changing into the disguise of the inferior demon god, he captured such important information!

"Tsk tsk... Just with this piece of information, this simulation is not a loss!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, feeling a little curious.

What will happen after I transform into a lesser demon god?

Look at the simulation panel.

[According to the words of the two alien gods, you will follow them to the Void Realm.]

[And the Fifth Legion will give you an entire small world near the Void Realm so that you can breed inferior demons. ]

[The Fifth Legion will provide you with enough blood and flesh essence... and what you need to do is to breed enough inferior demons as quickly as possible.]

[Within ten years, they want you to cultivate an army of five million inferior demons.]

[Within a hundred years, you need to cultivate hundreds of millions of elite-level inferior demons! ]

[The Fifth Legion's request is not difficult for you. With your strength, this time can even be shortened by several times.]

[So, you are ready to follow these two alien gods to see the so-called void world.]

[One month later…]

[Just when you were about to reach the Void Realm, the expressions of the two alien gods changed.]

[They told you that they received an order from an adult... and that adult is very interested in you and wants to meet you.]

[You feel a little surprised after hearing this, but it is just a simulation after all, so you don’t need to worry about your own safety.]

[So you agreed to this request, followed the two first-level gods and changed direction, heading towards another void...]

【Finally, the place you arrive at will shock you. 】

[It’s Blue Star! ]

[And the person who is interested in you... is Hongyue! ]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

"Hongyue... is actually interested in me?"

"Could it be that He saw through my identity?"

This was Su Xing's first reaction, but it was quickly rejected by Su Xing.

Although Hongyue is powerful, he is only at the level of a main god after all.

Moreover, the awakened and transformed inferior demon gods have come into contact with god-level alien races several times in simulations without revealing any flaws.

"It shouldn't be that he has discovered my identity... maybe Hongyue wants to find me for something else?"

Su Xing was thoughtful and decided to take advantage of the situation and go to Blue Star!
[Soon, you followed two first-level god messengers through the passage in the void and headed to the Endless Abyss...]

[Several months have passed, and the Endless Abyss that you cleared has been partially restored, but the red-eyed aliens above the gods have obviously been replaced.]

[You followed the two "messengers" all the way to the bottom of the Endless Abyss and saw the red moon! ]

[Obviously, the Red Moon has not yet fully resurrected. What you see is the real body of the Red Moon incarnation, a huge red eyeball as big as a hill.]

[This is also the true form incarnation of all the red-eyed alien races. ]

[Soon, Hongyue dismissed the two messengers, and seemed to have something private to say to you alone.]

[You stood there quietly, wanting to see what Hongyue was going to do.]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Hongyue, seems to be very interested in my incarnation..."

"But this is a rare opportunity to come into contact with the Red Moon. We should get in close contact with it!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Using immersive simulation, duration 1 years..."

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 2015 points...]

As the simulation prompt sounds, the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


Endless abyss, the bottom!

In my ears, I heard Hong Yue's sinister voice:
"You two, please go down for now... I have some personal matters to discuss with this person!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, and the huge red eyeball in front of him emitted a voice that struck the soul directly, which was transmitted into the hearts of the three people present.

After hearing Hong Yue's words, the two first-level divine messengers hesitated for a moment, but still looked at each other, performed a strange etiquette, and said:

"Yes, my lord!"

After saying that, the two messengers left the bottom of the Endless Abyss. After the messengers left, only Su Xing and Hong Yue were left in this space.

Su Xing looked at the red moon in front of him expressionlessly, quietly waiting for what was to come.

“Hehehe~ Hello, the new god favored by the Mother Goddess… Judging from your aura, it seems that you are not far from becoming a first-level god!”

“Tsk tsk, I didn’t expect that among the lowest level of inferior demons, there would be such a remarkable being…”

"If you are here, maybe the Lesser Demon Clan will be among the top ten imperial clans in tens of millions of years!"

The red moon in front of him spoke a lot of words, without the terrifying feeling that Su Xing had seen before.

On the contrary, the Red Moon in front of him seemed to be trying to win over the awakened incarnation in her words...

Su Xing's mind turned quickly, and then he tried hard to maintain the character of the inferior demon vest, and said sparingly:
"What do you mean?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Hong Yue was not angry at all, but said:
“Tsk tsk, you were close to the first-level god level when you were born. It seems that the Mother Goddess has invested a lot of effort in you... In the future, you will definitely be able to become the same as me!”

"No... You can even become a stronger being than me... You will have a chance to glimpse the realm of domination!"

Speaking of this, there was already a hint of madness in Hongyue's tone.

When Su Xing heard the word "master", he immediately perked up and listened carefully.

But obviously, Hongyue didn't want to say too much on this topic, so she changed her tone and said:
"But... you are still too weak now!"

"You were just born into the body of the weakest alien race... but you are in desperate need of opportunities to grow!"

"Right now, there is a bloody war between my race and the human race... It is very easy for someone like you to perish..."

"In fact, once your usefulness is exhausted, those who stand under your control will wish you to leave this world as soon as possible..."

Hongyue said a lot, and it seemed that she was always thinking about the inferior demon vest in her words.

Su Xing listened quietly, and after a while, he frowned and said:

"What do you mean?"

Hong Yue did not blame Su Xing. Instead, she said slowly in a bewitching tone:

"So, you who have just been born... need a truly trustworthy ally!"

"And I am your best ally!"

After hearing Hong Yue's words, Su Xing raised his eyebrows and murmured:

"You want to cooperate with me?"

Su Xing spoke word by word, staring at the red moon in front of him, as if trying to find some flaws in that huge eyeball.

"Yes! Cooperation!"

"You are favored by the Mother Goddess. Although you have great potential for growth... after all, you appeared a little too late!"

"Among the entire alien race, there are only a few who can help you grow..."

"But they won't really help you!"

"Whether it's Pride, Gluttony, Rage... or the current 'Slaughter'... they are just using you!"

"When your usefulness is exploited, they will kick you away!"

"But I... am different!"

After a pause, Hongyue said:

"You should have heard of my existence, right?"

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this. He did know it, but he couldn't show it at the moment.

So he showed a look of confusion and interest at the right time and asked:
"So, who are you? And why do you want to form an alliance with me?"

"What good will it do for you?"

Su Xing asked three questions in a row. He really wanted to know why Hong Yue was looking for him.

But Hongyue said slowly:

"As for me...I am just a loser in the past!"

"But now, I have gained new power from death and failure... I want to make a comeback..."

"Perhaps... you can also call me the previous 'Slaughter'!"

"Tens of millions of years ago..."

Hongyue told Su Xing as much as possible about His former strength and advantages.

Su Xing listened quietly, hoping to extract useful information from it.

After a moment, Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and thought to himself:

"A fight between two killers...I see!"

It turns out that among the alien races, the ten most powerful races are called the Imperial Race!
Below the imperial family, there is the royal family...

Among the imperial clan, the seven most powerful clan leaders are known as the "Seven Deadly Sins"!
Of course, this is Su Xing’s own understanding, not Hong Yue’s original intention.

The code names of these seven powerful demon gods are: Killing, Wrath, Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Lust and Jealousy!
And among these seven, killing is the leader!
The seven most powerful gods enjoy the highest priority resources.

Endless essence of flesh and blood...the sweetest "world will"!
And obviously, the red moon in front of him was the previous Killing!

But since the battle tens of millions of years ago, Hongyue led several main gods to fight against Patriarch Luotian!
Although Patriarch Luo Tian died in the end, Hong Yue also died at the same time!
After the fall of Hongyue, the law of killing that he comprehended was very similar to the higher-level law of "death".

And before his death, he caught a glimpse of the origin of the law of death!

Because of this, Hongyue has the opportunity to be resurrected now!

As the previous patriarch of the Akame clan and the most powerful being among the Seven Deadly Sins, he had naturally been very powerful in the past!

But the red moon now is not so beautiful.

Since Red Moon's "death", there has been a long period of silence...

It was not until the last million years that they reestablished contact with other races.

But tens of millions of years have passed, and everything has changed!
The previous Lord of Killing, Hongyue, has become a thing of the past!
And the current Lord of Slaughter is the son of Red Moon!
In other words, the second generation Hongyue, the new patriarch of the Chitong clan!

Relying on the foundation of the Red Eye Clan, the second generation of Hong Yue surpassed the old seven deadly sins gods in just tens of millions of years.

Became the new Killer, the first of the seven deadly sins!
But the Dharma cannot be practiced together!

For any superior law, there must be only one existence who can reach the end!
Therefore, a good drama of a breakup between father and son was staged!
The current Lord of Slaughter, the second generation Red Moon.

His strength is top-notch among the main gods, equivalent to the peak of the main gods.

Moreover, after millions of years of operation, it has countless supporters and the backing of the entire Akagami clan.

And Hongyue, as the previous Lord of Killing.

Although he was once very powerful, he has fallen for too long... Millions of years have passed, and he is no longer the patriarch of the past, and has lost the support of the Red-Eyed Alien Clan.

The network of relationships among the entire alien race has also weakened a lot.

But Hongyue does have certain advantages after all.

At the moment of death, the understanding of the law of death...

Old subordinates accumulated tens of millions of years ago and countless red-eyed aliens.

There are also some contacts with old friends, and among the current Akagi clan, there are some strong older generation people who support Hongyue!

But Hongyue’s biggest disadvantage is that she has not yet been resurrected!

Even if he was completely resurrected, it would take some time to restore his former strength.

Su Xing rubbed his brows, gradually sorted out his thoughts, and a thought arose in his mind:
"When two tigers fight, one of them will be injured!"

"Not to mention the struggle between the great ways and the laws?"

"Even if they are father and son..."

"Between the first and second generation Red Moon, only one can survive!"

"This seems to be... information worth using!"

Su Xing kept deducing in his mind.

Provoke a struggle between the old and new Red Moons, thus causing chaos within the alien race.

This will definitely have a huge impact on the entire human race!
“This is definitely a huge opportunity…but how to use it specifically still needs to be considered!”

"But right now, Hongyue needs my help... I can get enough benefits from him!"

A thought flashed through Su Xing's mind, and he soon came up with an idea.

Looking at the huge red eyeball in front of him, Su Xing said slowly:

"So, you want to form an alliance with me and regain the chance to become the leader of your Red Eye Clan?"

"But...what good can I get from this?"

Hongyue heard the interest in the alliance in Su Xing's words, so she said:

"From what I see, you seem to be following the path of faith, right?"

"Relying on the power of faith, one can quickly increase divine power, divinity, and godhood... without having to go through a long process of devouring."

"For the inferior demon race, it is indeed a unique advantage!"

"This is also the reason why I am willing to cooperate with you..."

"To gather the power of faith, we need a large number of believers...which means we need a large number of low-level demons!"

"And the reproduction of low-level inferior demons requires a large amount of blood and flesh essence..."

(End of this chapter)

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