Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 460 After 4 consecutive simulations, he finally became a level 1 god!

Chapter 460 After four consecutive simulations, he finally became a first-level god!
After a pause, Hongyue finally proposed a condition that interested Su Xing.

"So, what if... I can provide you with high-quality blood and flesh essence on a regular basis?"

"How about this... Would you consider forming an alliance with me?"

Hongyue said slowly, her tone full of confidence.

It seemed that he was certain that Su Xing would be willing to trade with him.

In fact, Su Xing was really moved!

It’s not because of what Hongyue said, that providing the essence of flesh and blood can enable Su Xing to breed low-level demons and collect the power of faith faster.

But it is because awakening in reality requires the essence of flesh and blood!

A large amount of high-level blood and flesh essence is equivalent to a pure source of energy for Su Xing!
100 kilograms of blood and flesh essence of an alien true god is equivalent to a complete corpse of an alien true god, which can provide energy sources for Su Xing!

The 100-jin blood and flesh essence of a third-level god can provide one million energy sources for Su Xing.

If it is... the essence of the flesh and blood of a second-level god...

The value will increase tenfold!
One hundred kilograms of blood and flesh essence of a second-level god is equivalent to ten million energy sources!

If Hongyue could really provide Su Xing with enough blood and flesh essence, it would definitely save Su Xing a lot of effort.

After hearing Hongyue's conditions, Su Xing was surprised.

But on the surface, Su Xing still looked nonchalant and said:

"So...how much blood and flesh essence can you provide me?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Hongyue was silent for a moment, and then reported a number.

"In the next ten years, I can provide you with 30,000 kilograms of true god's flesh and blood essence or the same value every year... What do you think?"

After hearing this, Su Xing did some calculations.

One hundred kilograms of flesh and blood essence is one hundred thousand energy sources... Thirty thousand kilograms of true god's flesh and blood essence is thirty million energy sources!

The quantity is indeed not small, and the sincerity is great.

But Su Xing was still not satisfied!
Taking a deep breath, Su Xing slowly reported a number:
"Not enough. Every year, at least 50,000 kilograms of True God or the blood and flesh essence of the same value must be provided... and the transaction must be divided into two batches!"

"The first payment must be made within one year, and the second payment must be made within five years..."

Finally, Su Xing and Hong Yue bargained and reached a consensus.

In the next ten years, Hongyue will provide Su Xing with 40,000 kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence every year.

The blood and flesh essence will be provided in two batches, one within one year and one within five years, for a total of 400,000 kilograms of blood and flesh essence.

Soon after reaching a deal with Hongyue, Su Xing followed the two messengers to the Wukong Realm.


The one-year immersive simulation soon ended, and consciousness returned to reality.

He rubbed his brows and digested all the memories of this simulation.

"It's true... we got some incredible information from the alien race!"

"The struggle between the old and new Lord of Slaughter shows that the alien races are not united!"

"Through this simulation, I also learned about the deployment and strength distribution of the alien army in the Qingyuan Territory. This is a huge gain!"

"Finally... in addition to the blood and flesh essence provided to me by the alien race, Hongyue can also provide an additional amount, which is quite good!"

Hongyue promised to provide Su Xing with 400,000 kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence within ten years, which is equivalent to 400 million energy sources!

Including those provided by alien races, the amount of blood and flesh essence that can be obtained within ten years of awakening is one billion!

Although the pie was a little far away, Su Xing still ate it.

The most important thing is that Su Xing’s current strength is only at the peak of the second-level god!
If Su Xing breaks into the first-level god level, the bargaining chips will immediately be different!

The amount of this blood and flesh essence can at least double!
“Tsk tsk…it looks like the energy source that can boost me to the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal has finally been found!”

Wake up and feel very good.

"However, the most urgent task is to upgrade the inferior demon vest to the first-level god level as soon as possible!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[After reaching an alliance with Red Moon, you will breed inferior demons near the Void Realm for the next year.]

[In the second year, Hongyue asked someone to send you 200,000 kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence.]

[In the same year, Red Moon was successfully resurrected, and Blue Star was destroyed...]

[But it will take time for Hongyue to recover her strength. ]

[Until the fifth year of the simulation, Hong Yue informed you that his realm had officially recovered to the level of a master god.]

[For the next hundred years, you will stay in a small world near the Void Realm, breeding inferior demons in peace.]

[You have successfully completed the goal of cultivating an army of hundreds of millions of inferior demons, and the number has even exceeded the target by more than five times! ]

[You discovered that the blood and flesh essence provided to you by the alien race was indeed calculated.]

[Although it is enough for you to breed a sufficient number of inferior demons, the surplus is limited, and there is no high-level flesh and blood essence... Therefore, it is very difficult for you, the inferior demon vest, to improve your realm by devouring the flesh and blood essence. ]

[In this case, you are basically sure that what Hongyue said is true. Although those people under the dominance of the alien races are trying to please you on the surface and even give you more gifts when you meet them, ]

[But they don’t want you to threaten their position...]

[In this way, hundreds of years passed. ]

[In the fifth hundred years, nearly one-third of the territory of Qingyuan Territory was occupied by foreign races.]

[Perhaps because of the Disaster God Body, the pace of the alien race's invasion of the Three Thousand Worlds has slowed down slightly. ]

[In the eighth hundred years, you received news that a war between the Tianji Territory and the alien races was about to break out.]

[You were in the Qingyuan Territory and did not go to join the battle.]

[In the 900th year, Hong Yue tells you that His strength has reached its peak.]

[But now the second generation of Hongyue is just as powerful, and Hongyue is preparing to continue accumulating strength...]

[In the first millennium, after a thousand years of cultivation, the number of inferior demon believers who believe in you has reached hundreds of billions.]

[There are also two hundred inferior demon apostles who provide you with a constant supply of faith power. ]

[You begin to accumulate the power of faith and prepare for the subsequent breakthrough. ]

[In the 1,400th year, the Nanman Territory was completely invaded by the alien Seventh Legion.]

[In the 1,600th year, the Qingyuan Territory was completely invaded... You were sent to the Tianji Territory to speed up the invasion.]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"It seems that the body of the calamity god, combined with my identity as a lesser demon god, can indeed have a huge impact on the 'luck' of the alien race. Even the originally accelerating pace of the invasion has slowed down..."

"The destruction of Qingyuan Territory in the 1,600th year was actually a hundred years slower than the previous simulation!"

"The most important thing is that the power of faith accumulated over a thousand years is enough for me to enter the first-level god level faster!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"However, there is still one more chance to transform into an alien, which will be needed at the last moment... The opportunity to comprehend the immersive simulation cannot be wasted!"

Su Xing's eyes flickered.

In the previous immersive simulation, Su Xing discovered that he was able to use alien talents!

However, just like in the previous simulation, after waking up and transforming into an alien race, he can no longer transform into his original form.

Once Su Xing changes into an alien in the form of an inferior demon, then the only chance of becoming an alien can only help Su Xing change into his original form.

And after using it, it is impossible to transform back into the inferior demon form.

Although it is a one-way deformation, it is also extremely useful for awakening!
As long as Su Xing transforms into his true self after exhausting the power of faith, he can perform an immersive simulation.

At the very least, it can ensure that Su Xing does not waste the opportunity for immersive perception in the simulation!
"Tsk tsk, this... can be considered as maximizing the use of the simulation, right?"

Su Xing was very excited and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1800th year, you continued to collect the power of faith in the Tianji Realm.]

[In the 2000th year, news of the destruction of the Eastern Region came in... You continue to collect the power of faith.]

[But as you survive longer and longer, the power of the body of disaster becomes more and more terrifying... You have a premonition that you are not far from death...]

[In this way, another two hundred years have passed! ]

[In the 2200th year, the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger, and you began to be hunted by the human race's Taiyi Jinxian.]

[And with the continuous invasion of the Three Thousand Worlds, the Nanman Territory, Qingyuan Territory, and Dong Territory have been destroyed one after another... The strategic significance of the inferior demon army has gradually decreased, and the protection of the alien races for you has also gradually decreased. ]

[Finally, you decided to use all your faith power to enhance your divinity this year! ]

[This is the power of faith you have accumulated over thousands of years...]

[With the infusion of the power of faith, your understanding of the laws of space continues to improve...]

[Fifth realm perfection... Fifth realm peak...]

[Finally, your understanding of the laws of space is only one step away from reaching the sixth level! ]

[You did not continue to collect the power of faith, but knew that this simulation had come to an end...]

[You left the alien base camp and came to a void where no aliens existed. ]

[Activate the alien talent and transform yourself back into your original form! ]

[Without any hesitation, you found a hidden place and entered Luotian territory! ]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
"Use immersive simulation for 100 years!"

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 2011 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


A hundred years of immersive simulation passed quickly, and Su woke up and returned to reality.

“Tsk tsk… It’s really difficult to improve the way of cause and effect and destiny!” “I’m still at the minor success stage of the fifth level… It will probably take a lot of time to reach the major success…”

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but was not in a hurry.

For a long time in the future, Su Xing will not lack simulation times, but the source of energy.

"Calculating the time, it's time to end this simulation..."

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[Soon the century-long immersive simulation ends, and your understanding of the law of cause and effect and destiny improves slightly.]

[Because within Luotian, a hundred years have passed inside, while only three years have passed outside...]

[In the simulated year 2203, you begin to explore the Tianji Domain, hoping to obtain useful intelligence.]

[But your presence was soon discovered by the aliens...]

[In the simulated year 2210, the second generation of Hongyue found you.]

[Under the will of all the alien gods, you have no power to resist...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and nodded slightly.

"Entering the simulation as a Lesser Demon... and ending it as a Human, that's a new idea!"

"In this way, while improving the realm of inferior demons, the understanding of the great way will not fall behind!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Blood Spirit Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 energy points.

"As expected, since I haven't been active much...so the rewards are limited?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Naturally, he looked down upon the talent of the Blood Spirit Divine Body.

"But it doesn't matter! The most urgent task... is to improve the level of the Lesser Demon Vest!"

Su Xing whispered, then looked at the simulation panel.

At this moment, Su Xing still has four simulation opportunities left.

Twenty million energy sources!
The alien vest's strength enhancement does not require any energy source.

This means that all that needs to be paid for awakening is the 36,000 energy points required for the immersive simulation.

Apart from that, if you come across a good talent, it will only cost more than ten points of energy.

"Then, let's start a new round of simulation!"

[The 169th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 2011 points... The remaining number of simulations is 8005. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden talent Hundred War God Body. The probability of drawing a golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing a red talent is 20%...]

[Hundred Battles Divine Body]: Golden talent, one of the hundred divine bodies in the world of immortal cultivation. You have a natural super-strong comprehension of magical powers, techniques, and physical skills. As you continue to fight, you will be able to maximize the power of magical powers and techniques in actual combat.

"Huh? This is a good talent..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the void, you realize that you are simulating...]

Next, Su Xing spent an entire simulation repeating the plan from the previous simulation.

From being discovered by alien envoys to forming an alliance with Red Moon.

Finally, with the help of foreign races, Su Xing continued to cultivate believers and apostles.

It took thousands of years for Su Xing to cultivate the number of apostles and believers to its peak.

Then it took another 1,200 years for Su Xing to harvest this huge amount of power of faith in order to improve the laws of space!

With the infusion of massive power of faith, Su Xing's comprehension of the laws of space unsurprisingly entered the sixth realm!
Thus, the awakened divinity also reached the first-level god level.

Only the last bit of the divine nature is left, and he will be able to completely become a first-level god!

After harvesting the power of faith, Su Xing transformed back into his original self, without wasting the opportunity for perception in the immersive simulation.

With the help of the Enlightenment Tea and the Wen Dao Pill, Su Xing's understanding of the law of cause and effect and destiny was further improved.

In the end, Su Xing died while being hunted by the alien god.


Lines of simulated text flashed before Su Xing's eyes. Su Xing took a long breath and nodded:

"Finally, I am one step closer to becoming a first-level god!"

"There are three more simulation opportunities left. I should be able to successfully enter the first-level god level!"

Su Xing took out the talent "Hundred Battles God Body" for this simulation, and then decisively started a new round of simulation again.

"Start simulation!"


Next, it took about a quarter of an hour to wake up.

Completed the 170th and 171st simulations!
In the second half of the 171st simulation, the awakened inferior demon vest finally reached the first-level god level.

[In the first thousand years... you have cultivated enough believers and apostles, and started to collect the power of faith...]

[In the 2200th year, you will use all the power of faith accumulated over a thousand years...]

[Finally, with the infusion of a massive amount of faith power, your godhood has undergone a qualitative change.]

[At a certain moment, your godhood broke through the limit...]

[At this moment, your divine power, divine nature, and divine nature have all reached the first-level god level! ]

[Congratulations, you have become a first-level god! ]

[After becoming a first-level god, you carefully comprehend your additional abilities...]

[Finally, you find that your newfound ability is added to the cultivation of apostles! ]

[After being promoted to the first level of God, the number of apostles you can cultivate reaches 500! ]

[This greatly increases the speed at which you gain the power of faith...]

[More importantly, you can directly use the power of faith to catalyze apostles at the god level! ]

[You sensed the power of the inferior demon god after his promotion, then found an uninhabited place and transformed into your true self.]

[You enter the Luotian Mirror...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw a slight light in front of his eyes.

"Directly catalyze the emergence of god-level inferior demon apostles?"

"Wow... this ability is incredible!"

Su Xing blinked. Even within the alien realm system, it was very easy to improve one's realm.

But the birth of a god is still not easy.

Especially, the inferior demon gods!

You must know that among the entire alien race, there are only two or three inferior demons above the god level!
As for awakening, as long as some power of faith is paid, the inferior demon god can be given birth almost painlessly.

The maximum number of awakened apostles is 500...

This means that Su Xing can cultivate at least five hundred inferior demon gods!
“Even if it is a main god of an alien race, if you want to directly cultivate an alien god, you need to pay a certain price, right?”

"Compared to that, the cost of the power of faith is almost free..."

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, and then said silently:
"Use immersion... for 100 years!"

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 2004 points...]


Soon, the immersive simulation ended, and the awakening consciousness returned to reality.

"Huh, this simulation is finally over..."

"After four consecutive simulations in a short period of time, I finally upgraded the Lesser Demon Armor to the first-level god level!"


Su Xing frowned slightly and looked at the insights on the list.

The Way of Cause and Effect (Minor Success of the Fifth Realm), The Way of Destiny (Minor Success of the Fifth Realm)
"Through three consecutive simulations, my understanding of the law of cause and effect and destiny has greatly improved."

"But there is still a long way to go before reaching the sixth level!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"But the cost of each immersive simulation is still very low..."

"After three consecutive simulations, I still have 20 million energy sources left!"

"There is still one simulation opportunity left..."

Su Xing touched his chin and murmured:
"It's time to use this last simulation opportunity!"

"It's a good opportunity to test it out. After I become a first-level god, how much benefit can I get from Hongyue and the aliens?"

Su Xing's heart moved and he muttered silently:
"Start simulation!"

(End of this chapter)

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