Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 461: Red God-level talent as the heaven and earth array, a new round of simulation begins!

Chapter 461: The red mythical talent uses heaven and earth as a formation, and a new round of simulation begins!
[The 172th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 2004 points... The remaining number of simulations is 4992. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the red talent "Heaven and Earth Formation". The probability of drawing a gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing a red talent is 20%...]

[Heaven and Earth as a Formation]: A red talent. Your talent for formations has reached the pinnacle. If you focus on this for your whole life, you can walk to the end of heaven and earth. Using heaven and earth as a formation, even the Golden Immortal can trap and kill you.

"Finally it appears, the red talent!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up. The heaven and earth formed a formation. This was a talent for formation in a cultivation of the hundred arts!
But it is different from alchemy and weapon refining.

The art of formations is a great way that can directly increase a cultivator's combat power!

If one can reach the end of the path of formation, he may not be worse than the Golden Immortal!
Even in ancient times, there had been a supreme master of formations who used the heaven and earth as a formation and eventually killed the Golden Immortal!
"Tsk tsk... the heaven and earth are the formation!"

“If I can really delve into this Dao to a very deep level and prepare in advance… I’m afraid no one below Daluo can defeat me!”

“If I am lucky enough to obtain a peerless formation handed down from ancient times… I am afraid that even a Golden Immortal could be slaughtered by me!”

Su Xing was still very interested in the newly drawn red talent.

However, due to the development of the world of immortal cultivation for countless years, there are countless experiences left behind by geniuses and ancestors.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, the upper limit of the formation path is higher than that of the weapon path or even the alchemy path.

Moreover, the art of formation is also one of the most difficult avenues among the hundred arts of cultivating immortals...

"At present, my understanding of the Dao of Formation has reached the Grandmaster level..."

"Although the path of formation is difficult to climb...but in the next period of time, I still have enough time to learn!"

Su Xing murmured.

Before officially starting the simulation, Su Xing recalled his current attribute panel.

[Name: Su Xing]

[Age: 25 years old]

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator]

[Cultivation: Great Perfection of Golden Immortal, Perfection of the Sixth Level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique]

[Kung Fu: Ruyi Visualization Diagram, Luotian Immortalization Technique, Zhengyi Qi Submission Technique, Great Witch Body Strengthening Technique, Zhoutian Star Observation Technique (Introduction)]

[Talents: Dan Sheng, Thousand Illusions, Heaven and Earth Formation, Five Elements Holy Body, Alien, One More Shot, Good Luck, One More Bonus, Innate Dao Body, Void Spiritual Root, Space Source Body, Late Bloomer, No Martial Ethics, Heaven Devouring, Natural Sword Body, Invincible Cockroach, Hundred Battles God Body...]

[Skills: Void Sword (minor success), Spirit World (sixty-five thousand miles), Alchemy (Grand Master), Weapon Refining (Supreme Grand Master), Five Elements Immortal Explosion (perfect), Shennong Soul Cultivation (perfect), Divine Awareness Eight Million Miles (Heavenly Realm), Body Protection Sword Aura (6400/8100), Array (Grand Master), Sword Control (perfect), Puppetry (great success), several Immortal Cultivation Techniques...]

[Comprehension of the Great Dao: Great Dao of Thunder (fifth realm), Great Dao of Five Elements (sixth realm), Great Dao of Sword (sixth realm), Great Dao of Speed ​​(sixth realm), Great Dao of Power (fourth realm), Great Dao of Destiny (fifth realm), Great Dao of Cause and Effect (fifth realm), Great Dao of Space (sixth realm), Great Dao of Killing (fourth realm), Great Dao of Yin and Yang (first realm)...]

[Special Physique: Heavenly Thunder Holy Body]

At the age of only 25, Su Xing's Qi and body training both reached the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm!
The actual combat capability is even close to the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal!
If other cultivators and immortals knew about this kind of talent, they would probably be astonished.

Since ancient times, there has probably never been such a young Golden Immortal awakening in the world.

Of course...Su Xing's actual practice time is naturally more than twenty-five years.

"After obtaining the Great Zhoutian Stargazing Method, the Small and Large Zhoutian Stargazing Methods were combined into one, and it's only at the entry level?"

Su Xing looked at the column of skills on the panel and murmured:
“If my Zhou Tian Observation of Stars Method can achieve minor success, I’m afraid my Path of Karma and Fate will be able to enter the sixth realm!”

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"As for the talent column... I currently have eight red-level talents!"

"There are more than thirty or forty gold-level talents..."

"If you take any one of these talents, I'm afraid it will create a genius..."

"With so many talents, I have become a true numerical monster!"

"In the same realm, he is invincible for eternity... fighting across levels is even more commonplace!"

There was a glimmer of confidence in Su Xing's eyes, and what he said was not bragging.

But Su Xing, who possesses so many talents, does have this confidence!
"As for the column of Great Dao Enlightenment, I have invested countless efforts in it..."

"There are a total of ten great ways, of which the five elements, sword, space, and speed have already entered the sixth realm...but the remaining great ways still need to be improved..."

Su Xing summed up his current strength, naturally not to be proud and complacent, but to find his own shortcomings and make up for them.

"The ten great ways are all of great use..."

"In subsequent simulations, we will try our best to upgrade all these great ways to the sixth level!"

"There is also a skill column. I still need to continue to practice the Void Sword, and the upper limit of the body protection sword energy is currently 8,100, which also needs to be improved..."

"Among the hundred arts of cultivating immortals, those that are useful to me now are mainly the alchemy formations, instruments and talismans, which also need to be further improved!"

Su Xing continued to deduce in his mind, saying:

"Taiyi Golden Immortals can easily cultivate for millions of years..."

"Especially those veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals, who have practiced for more than tens of millions of years!"

"With my strength, I can still defeat those cultivators who have entered the Taiyi realm for less than a million years... But if I face those old Taiyi who have lived for more than five million years... I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Su Xing estimated:
"However, if one's cultivation reaches the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and the Great Witch Body Refining Technique also reaches the seventh level... plus a few more of the ten great ways of enlightenment, it will be elevated to the sixth level!"

“By then, I will have no pressure at all facing those veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals!”

Su Xing narrowed his eyes and recalled the information in his mind.

"For tens of millions of years, the number of Taiyi Golden Immortals alive in the five major domains combined is no more than two or three hundred, right?"

"But among them, there are only a few dozen who can be called veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals..."

"The Tianji Pavilion established the Tianjiao Ranking...Only the cultivators in the Taiyi Gold Immortal Realm can make it onto the list."

"Fairy Zi Ling is one of the best among all the previous No. 1s on the Earth Ranking..."

"After she entered the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage, she was able to directly rank at the top 80 on the Heavenly Ranking... At that time, she should have possessed the combat power of a mid-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal, right?"

Su Xing calculated it a little bit and said:

“The top fifty of the Tianjiao Ranking are basically all veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals, and many of them are even cultivators who are stuck at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal… With just one opportunity, they can achieve the Daluo fruit position, and from then on, they can roam freely in the world and enjoy a lifespan of billions of years…”

"If everything goes well, when I have both Qi and body training and have reached the Taiyi realm, coupled with my continued rise in my understanding of the Great Dao, I am afraid my combat power will be close to the late Taiyi Golden Immortal..."

"At that time, I should have barely been able to rank around 60th on the Tianjiao Ranking, right?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up.

More than 60th place on the Heavenly Ranking, this may not sound high, but it is very amazing.

Imagine that the Tianjiao Ranking is basically equivalent to the Combat Power Ranking!

There are more than sixty people on the Heavenly Ranking, which means that among all the cultivators alive in the world, even if the Daluo Golden Immortals and the secluded Taiyi Golden Immortals are included... their combat power can be ranked in the top one hundred among all human beings!

This kind of strength is generally at the level of the founder of the top-notch forces in the world of immortal cultivation!

"Tsk tsk, before I knew it... am I almost reaching this level?"

Su Xing murmured, with many insights in his heart.

Su Xing gave up his fantasy and looked at the simulation panel.

"But all this is after I've been promoted to Taiyi... For now, let's continue with the simulation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[In the void, you realize that you are simulating. ]

[Five days later, two alien envoys found you... and introduced you to the Void Realm.]

[The two alien envoys are amazed at your realm. You are already a first-level god! ]

[A first-level god-level inferior demon, this is of great significance to the entire alien race... Soon the two messengers realized your importance and spoke to you in a flattering manner.]

[Even, the two messengers gave you a welcome gift, a total of two thousand kilograms of third-level god-level flesh and blood essence.]

[You accepted the gift with a little surprise, and followed the two messengers to the Void Realm.]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Sure enough, among the alien races... there is also a sense of social etiquette!"

"In the previous simulation, I was only a second-level god after all, and my status was similar to that of these two messengers..." "But after being promoted to a first-level god, it's completely different! My status among the alien races is already close to that of the main god."

"Isn't that why these two gods are so kind to me?"

After a pause, Su Xing thought of something again and murmured:
“It seems that I have enough bargaining chips to bargain with Hongyue this time… Four hundred thousand kilograms of true god’s flesh and blood essence is not enough!”

Su Xing's eyes lit up slightly, and he looked at the simulation panel again.

[On the way to the Void Realm, the two messengers' faces changed slightly, and then they told you that they wanted to introduce an ancient being to you.]

[While informing you of the news, the two messengers also asked for your opinion. If you disagree, you don’t have to go.]

[You knew you were going to see Red Moon, but how could you not accept the essence of flesh and blood that was delivered to your door? ]

[So, you followed the two messengers to the vicinity of the Blue Star and arrived at the bottom of the Endless Abyss...]

[After seeing Hongyue, He quickly dismissed the two messengers and began to win you over.]

[The words in the speech are roughly the same as you remember, but the attitude is more gentle.]

[After some bargaining, you and Hongyue finally agreed on the amount.]

[In ten years, Hongyue will provide you with a total of 100,000 jin of flesh and blood essence of third-level gods, or flesh and blood essence of the same value. The supply of resources after this will depend on the situation.]

[And this 100,000 jin of third-level god-level flesh and blood essence will be provided to you in two installments. ]

[The first batch will be provided within six months, with a quantity of 50,000 catties; the second batch will also be provided within three years, with a quantity of 50,000 catties...]

[After accepting Hongyue's conditions, you happily formed an alliance with him. ]

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"Sure enough, the treatment of first-level gods and second-level gods is completely different!"

"Not only did other alien races send greeting gifts...but the conditions offered by Hongyue were also too generous!"

Su Xing did some calculations.

One hundred thousand kilograms of blood and flesh essence of a third-level god is equivalent to ten billion energy sources!
Moreover, the first batch will have 500 million energy sources, which will be provided within half a year; the second batch will also have 500 million energy sources, which will be provided within three years.

Both the speed and quantity provided are much higher than before!
"Tsk tsk... A first-level god already has such treatment, what if he is promoted to a main god?"

Su Xing couldn't help but think about it, but then shook his head.

Regardless of how terrifying the power of faith required to be promoted to the Lord God is, it may not be possible to improve the alien vest realm every time a simulation is awakened within a few years.

More importantly, if Su Xing is promoted to the main god, will he still receive these benefits?
The awakened inferior demon vest is a first-level god, so he is treated like this.

There are two most important reasons:
First, the characteristics of the inferior demon clan determine that a large number of inferior demon cannon fodder are needed no matter where on the battlefield.

Therefore, these main gods and even the first-level gods would try to win over the inferior demon vests.

Secondly, the inferior demon vest has a shallow foundation, and the inferior demon's combat power is destined not to be too strong... The first-level inferior demon god sounds very strong, and its status is comparable to that of the main god, but it is destined not to threaten the status of those top main gods.

For example, the "Seven Deadly Sins" headed by killing, the seven old main gods, the patriarchs of the ten imperial clans...

If he were to wake up and become the main god, and the number of inferior demons under his command reached a terrifying level, it might really threaten their position.

By then... they will not give Su Xing the resources.

It's even possible that he was secretly trying to trip up Su Xing...

"Alas, if I hadn't talked to Hongyue, I probably wouldn't have known that the alien races are not united, but that some of them are independent..."

"It's just that the alien races are still much more united than the human race!"

Su Xing sighed, thought for a while, and made a plan for this simulation.

"After extracting enough benefits from the alien race... I will practice in my true form as soon as possible!"

"After all, the Lesser Demon Vest has already been promoted to the first-level god, and it is unlikely to be promoted in a short period of time..."

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[After reaching an alliance with Hongyue, you followed the two messengers to the Void Realm.]

[Soon, you own a small world occupied by aliens near the Void Realm.]

[This entire small world is for you to breed low-level demons. ]

[Due to your improved realm, the alien races have higher requirements for you. 】

[Within ten years, they require you to breed tens of millions of inferior demons; within a hundred years, breed two hundred million inferior demons.]

[Of course, for this, they will provide you with more blood and flesh essence. ]

[Every year, the alien race will provide you with countless amounts of flesh and blood essence from master level to god level.]

[But according to your calculations, the total value of these flesh and blood essences is about 100,000 kilograms of the flesh and blood essences of alien true gods.]

[That is, equivalent to 100 million energy sources...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"One hundred million energy sources every year... that's really sincere!"

"Except for cultivating some low-level inferior demons to do superficial work... I can at least embezzle more than 90 million energy sources in private..."

Yes, Su Xing is prepared to embezzle the money to the end.

As for sincerely cultivating low-level demons for alien races?
Just think about it, it’s impossible!
At most, the awakening in reality would only accomplish the task of nurturing tens of millions of low-level inferior demons...

As for the energy source provided by the alien race within a hundred years... naturally it all belongs to Su Xing alone!
"However, the aliens are still a little too stingy!"

"I have to see if there are any other alien gods who will give me a greeting gift?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[After joining the Fifth Army, you naturally became the deputy army commander and owned a small world dedicated to breeding low-level demons.]

[For a time, you were the most popular among the alien races. In the entire Qingyuan region, all the alien races above the level of gods were eager to meet you, the upstart leader.]

[After all, no matter which legion it is, they all hope to have more cannon fodder under their command to reduce the loss of elite troops. ]

[Soon, within just one year, you received a large number of greeting gifts from the gods of other races.]

[From the third-class gods who sent hundreds of kilograms of true god blood and flesh essence to the first-class gods and the main gods who sent high-level blood and flesh essence, you accept all of them! ]

[In just one year, the amount of blood and flesh essence you possess has reached an astonishing number.]

[After a quick calculation, the value of this amount of blood and flesh essence will be between 700 and 800 million energy sources!]

In the real world, Su Xing could no longer hide his excitement when he saw this.

"My goodness, as long as you join the alien race, you can earn at least a dozen billion more energy sources in just one year!"

"This move is really the right one!"

"Getting the essence of flesh and blood from the alien race is equivalent to weakening the overall strength of the alien race in disguise... and we can even explore more intelligence. It's really killing two birds with one stone!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"I want to see how much benefit I can get from the aliens in this operation..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[You just stayed in this nameless little world to cultivate low-level inferior demons, and several years passed in the blink of an eye.]

[In the past few years, Hongyue has delivered the second batch of blood and flesh essence on time, worth 500 million energy sources.]

[Other alien gods also offered a lot of blood and flesh essences. Although not as much as in the first year, the total amount was about 500 million energy sources.]

[In this way, more than ten years have passed...]

[During this period, Hong Yue recovered his power to the level of a main god, and began to lead a group of old subordinates to invade Qingyuan Territory. ]

[In the 20th year, almost all powerful alien gods in Qingyuan Territory have sent greeting gifts.]

[So, the amount of blood and flesh essence you have harvested in recent years has been decreasing...]

[At this rate, you won't get much benefit from staying among the alien race. ]

[So, you plan to quietly leave the alien base camp and find an opportunity to resume your practice as your original deity.]

[However, at this moment... an unexpected existence contacts you. ]

[The current leader of the Red-Eyed Alien Clan, the Lord of Slaughter—the Second Generation Red Moon! ]

(End of this chapter)

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