Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 463: 1 million energy sources, the first payment is received!

Chapter 463: One hundred and thirty million energy sources, the first payment is obtained!

A full eighteen pieces of intact Wudao tea!

Ninety-eight pieces of used Wudao tea leaves!
“It’s really against the will of heaven!”

"The enlightenment tea leaves copied by the Luotian Mirror can be copied again by the simulator!"

"This way, you will get double the amount of enlightenment tea leaves!"

There was a flash of excitement in Su Xing's eyes, which even attracted the attention of the god Tuna beside him.

But the god Tuna just glanced at Su Xing and didn't care too much.

Su Xing thought about it in his mind.

"Counting the three pieces of enlightenment tea leaves in my hand, the twelve pieces of enlightenment tea leaves in the hand of Qing Yunzi in the simulator..."

"A total of thirty-six intact pieces of Wudao Tea! One hundred and forty-seven pieces of used Wudao Tea..."

"My goodness, this amount can only be possessed by saints from ancient times, right?"

There was a flash of excitement in Su Xing's eyes.

According to the efficiency of digesting eighteen years of enlightenment in one cup of enlightenment tea, it would take Su Xing more than two hundred years to fully utilize these enlightenment resources.

"Tsk, tsk, what an astonishing fortune!"

"According to the preciousness of the Enlightenment Treasure... my worth is close to that of a Daluo Golden Immortal, right?"

Su Xing blinked and took out the enlightenment tea without hesitation.

[Ding, congratulations on bringing out the Enlightenment Tea... spent 616 million energy sources... remaining energy sources are 3384 points...]

After the prompt sounded, a small wooden box appeared in the space opened up by Su Xing, with the enlightenment tea leaves lying quietly inside.

"Tsk tsk, these precious enlightenment tea leaves will come in handy during the next simulation!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.


In the blink of an eye, nearly another month has passed.

The time has come to April 2027, 4 in the new era.

The faces of the two alien envoys who were driving the black boat changed, as if they had received some news.

Afterwards, the two messengers came to Su Xing and began to ask for his opinion.

"Respected Lord of Lesser Demons... There is a powerful being who wishes to see you!"

"I assure you that He means you no harm... Are you willing to go?"

When Su Xing heard this, his heart moved, knowing that it was Hongyue who came to visit him.

So, Su Xing hesitated symbolically and said:

"In that case, let's go and take a look..."

After getting Su Xing's consent, the Immortal Boat sailed towards the direction of Blue Star...


Just as he had experienced in the simulation, Su Xing saw the red moon.

Hongyue naturally didn't notice the flaw, and just tried to win over the evil demon vest that had awakened.

Finally, Su Xing and Hong Yue reached an "alliance".

Hongyue promised to provide Su Xing with 50,000 kilograms of flesh and blood essence of a third-level god within half a year.

The other 50,000 kilograms will be provided within three years.

Su Xing was naturally very satisfied. He only needed to pretend to be nice and he could get 1 billion energy sources.

After reaching an alliance with Red Moon, Su Xing did not stay in Blue Star for too long.

Before leaving, he just took a quick look at the situation within the Great Xia Kingdom.

Ever since Su Xing left, the red moon has been floating in the sky of Blue Star, making the people of Blue Star panic.

Even if high-level professionals try to investigate, they cannot obtain any information.

Fortunately, Hongyue did not attack Blue Star in advance.

So according to the simulation, there is still one and a half years before the destruction of Blue Planet!
And Su Xing must find a way to kill Hong Yue within this year and a half... or at least find a way to save Blue Star.

"Time is running out..."

Su Xing finally took a look at the blue planet, then turned and fled into the deeper void...


In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days had passed.

On May 1st, Su Xing finally arrived at the void world.

Passing through layers of void turbulence that even Golden Immortals cannot avoid.

Su Xing saw the invisible restriction near the Void Realm.

Squinting his eyes, Su Xing murmured:

"This restriction is really exquisite... Even a cultivator at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal level might not be able to see through it..."

"No wonder the Qingyuan Territory has not discovered the location of the alien stronghold so far..."

After arriving in the Void Realm, Su Xing was quickly greeted in person by the two commanders of the Fifth General Legion.

These are two alien gods!

One from the Tuna clan, who is good at the way of destiny and possesses terrifying mental power.

The other one is the famous patriarch of the Taolong clan, whose true god status is as huge as a world.

Su Xing had already had some dealings with these two main gods in the simulation, so he did not reveal any flaws.

The two main gods were very respectful to Su Xing. They explained the mission to Su Xing, made some promises, and then went about their business.

As the two commanders of the Fifth General Legion, responsible for invading the entire Qingyuan Domain, they are naturally very busy.

Su Xing was also unwilling to deal with the existence at the main god level. After all, if any problem was discovered, Su Xing would not be able to escape.

After Su Xing arrived in the Empty Realm, he soon came into contact with a person who specialized in receiving aliens.

This is a succubus of the second-level god level, with an enchanting figure and a beautiful face.

Succubi are a naturally good at seducing people. Whether in the aesthetics of humans or aliens, succubi are extremely beautiful.

According to the words of the two main gods, this succubus will cooperate with Su Xing's work in the future and try its best to meet all of Su Xing's requirements.

It seemed that she was serving Su Xing wholeheartedly, but Su Xing felt that there was some meaning of "surveillance" in it.

"Dear Lord of the Lesser Demons, my name is Amumei, and I will be responsible for your mission handover and your life for the next period of time..."

"If you have any needs, you can ask me... I will try my best to satisfy you!"

This succubus god knew her own advantages very well. She moved close to Su Xing and revealed her beautiful face.

Su Xing just frowned slightly, took a half step back without making a sound, and said straight to the point:

"I need the essence of flesh and blood to breed low-level inferior demons... Take me to see the world where I will live!"

After hearing this, the succubus god showed an unnatural look on his face, but he quickly covered it up and said with a smile:
"Lord Demon Lord... the blood and flesh essence you need has naturally been prepared long ago, enough for you to breed your people in the future..."

"As for the little world you will live in..."

The succubus took out a black stone and just lightly stroked it in the air.

A space gate appeared in front of Su Xing.

After Su Xing stepped into the space door, he soon came to an independent small world.

The area of ​​this small world is about the same as that of Blue Planet, but 90% of it is land.

Enough to accommodate hundreds of billions of low-level demons.

After Su Xing sensed it a little, he realized that there were already tens of thousands of inferior demons in this small world. It seemed that they were "seed demons" prepared for Su Xing in advance.

Then, the succubus god waved his hand, and the space fluctuated.

The essence of flesh and blood appeared in front of Su Xing like a small hill.

"Lord Demon Lord, this is your blood and flesh essence for the next year... Every year thereafter, we will give you enough blood and flesh essence to supply you with for breeding your people..."

The succubus deity said respectfully.

Su Xing nodded after hearing this and approached the hill made up of the essence of flesh and blood, his heart moving.

[Ding, a large amount of energy source material has been detected, worth 1 million energy source... Do you want to absorb it? ]

This mountain-sized amount of flesh and blood essence may seem like a lot, but most of it is the flesh and blood essence of low-level alien races.

Therefore, the energy source contained in it is not higher than the sky...

Even so, Su Xing was quite moved.

"Tsk tsk, hundreds of millions of energy sources!"

"This is definitely the largest source of energy I have ever seen..."

Su Xing could hardly contain his excitement.

After getting this energy source, Su Xing could even try to break through to Taiyi Jinxian! "No hurry... I am still under the surveillance of the alien race, so I definitely cannot transform into my true self..."

"I will find an opportunity later and then transform into my original form and break through..."

Su Xing is not in a hurry. His current task is to accumulate enough energy!
Although 100 million energy sources are a lot, they are still dwarfed by the 500 million or even 1 billion that we will get in the future!

Su Xing waved his hand, pretending to collect the essence of blood and flesh into the space he had created.

In fact, most of the essence of blood and flesh is converted into 100 million energy sources.

In this way, the number of awakened energy sources reached an unprecedented 130 million!

As for the remaining small amount of energy source, Su Xing stored it in the storage space, intending to use it to breed some low-level demons as a model.

"Very good, you can leave now. I need to breed low-level inferior demons next..."

Su Xing said to the succubus god.

After hearing this, the succubus god nodded respectfully, then handed the black stone to Su Xing and said:

"Lord Demon Lord, with this black stone in hand... you can contact me at any time. If you need anything, please let me know in time..."

After saying that, the succubus left this small world.

At this moment, Su Xing was the only one left in the entire small world.

Without rushing to implement the plan, Su Xing went to the tribe where tens of thousands of low-level demons gathered.

"Tsk tsk... low-level inferior demons, what a dirty race..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, looking at the low-level intelligent creatures not far away that were eating flesh and blood raw, and even eating each other's own kind.

"Well, let's just pretend..."

Su Xing's mind moved, and he appeared among the tens of thousands of evil demons.

Just a slight hint of his aura was revealed, and tens of thousands of low-level demons were stunned where they were.

Then he knelt on the ground like a madman and worshiped Su Xing madly, while performing some weird sacrificial movements.

There is no doubt that he is a first-level divine demon.

Su Xing is the only god of all the inferior demons!
No matter what race or realm the demons are in, after seeing the awakening, they will completely lose their minds and only be able to blindly obey and worship.

This is the characteristic of the inferior demon clan, and also the "invisible authority" of Su Xing as the lord of the inferior demons!
"Tsk tsk...what a weak race..."

"But the number of inferior demons is indeed terrifying..."

Su Xing murmured.

The weakest inferior demons can't even defeat ordinary humans.

The vast majority of the inferior demons possess the strength of the human race's Golden Core to Spirit Transformation stage, and are the backbone of the inferior demon clan.

Only a small number of inferior demons have the strength to return to the void and merge.

As for the inferior demons that have reached the immortal level, there have been only a few of them over countless years.

"However, despite his weak strength...he also has an amazing reproductive ability!"

Su Xing glanced at this group of evil spirits, among whom were some evil spirit babies that had just been born from their mothers' wombs.

The inferior demon babies are as weak as human babies.

But the lemures are extremely good at reproduction.

A female inferior demon can give birth to eight to ten inferior demon babies in one litter.

It can breed three to five times a year.

The most common inferior demons can easily live for fifty to one hundred years.

What’s even more terrifying is that once a low-level demon enters adulthood, it only takes one year for it to have the strength of a cultivator at least in the Foundation Establishment stage.

After a year, the inferior demon babies will grow up and be able to breed a new batch of inferior demons...

Moreover, the inferior demons do not have reproductive isolation, and there are no genetic defects caused by close relatives...

As long as there are two inferior demons, one male and one female, they can breed thirty to fifty inferior demons in a year!
Then in the second year, a new batch of inferior demons will grow up and will continue to be able to reproduce!

This is a geometric, exponential explosive growth!
It can be said that as long as there is enough food and a favorable living environment, the demons can expand endlessly and fill the planet in a very short time!

"Of course, this only exists in theory..."

"The inferior demons are very low in intelligence, timid, and aggressive... Most of them are eaten by their own kind before they grow up..."

"So, if left unmanaged, the Lemurs will multiply far faster!"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
"And what I have to do is... to cultivate a group of inferior demons in a short period of time at the lowest cost to complete the task..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes and waved his hand slightly, and a gentle power of faith enveloped the tens of thousands of inferior demons.

When the light falls on these low-level demons, everything is different.

These originally stupid and timid demons now have a kind of wisdom in their eyes...

This is Su Xing’s authority as the Lord of the Lesser Demons.


With just a little price, Su Xing can easily give these inferior demons wisdom!
And now, these tens of thousands of inferior demons have become awakened "pan-believers".

Although they are just general believers and provide a small amount of faith, they will never disobey Su Xing's orders.

Even if Su Xing asked these low-level demons to surround and kill a foreign god...

"Well... we are still missing a Lesser Demon Apostle!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes and picked out the strongest one among the tens of thousands of inferior demons.

Then, a force of faith surged in.

In just a moment, this half-human-tall inferior demon grew to a full two meters.

His body was filled with explosive muscles and had a hint of blood red.

At the same time, the wisdom in their eyes is greater than that of other inferior demons.

At this moment, this inferior demon evolved into a saint-level inferior demon!

Among all the inferior demons, he is considered a commander-level figure!

"Great God... Your most loyal believer, Bas, is willing to sacrifice his life for you!"

The first awakened inferior demon apostle named Bass spoke in a foreign language and saluted Su Xing.

Su Xing sensed it a little and could feel that this inferior demon apostle was loyal to him and would not hesitate at all even if asked to commit suicide.

"Yes, Not Bad……"

"Next, you will be responsible for the reproduction of these inferior demons!"

"Remember, I want to see one million of my people within a year... and they must consume the least amount of food!"

As he spoke, Su Xing left behind a pile of blood and flesh essence.

It is worth about one or two million energy sources.

The tens of thousands of inferior demons around had red eyes the moment they smelled the taste of blood, and some of them could not suppress the desire in their hearts.

If Su Xing and Bass hadn't been there, these low-level demons would probably swarm in instantly and divide up all the food.

But as a high-level inferior demon, he naturally has absolute suppressive power over low-level inferior demons.

Bass took the pile of flesh and blood essence and then put it into a temporary cave.

Under Su Xing's watchful eyes, Bass distributed food appropriately and began to maintain order.

"Very good, I will sleep for a while...please don't disturb me!"

After saying that, Su Xing left the tribe and came to a big mountain, where he temporarily built a cave to live in.

"It only takes a few million energy essences of blood and flesh... It should be enough to breed inferior demons for the next year..."

"As for the extra 'funds', they are naturally mine!"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth, and was quite satisfied with this.

"Huh, before arriving at the Void Realm, I tried two simulations, and the Way of Cause and Effect Fate has finally entered the fifth realm of perfection!"

"But unfortunately, I didn't draw the red talent... and I didn't find the Tianyang grass either..."

"There are still four simulation opportunities left... Let's use them all..."

After saying that, Su Xing muttered silently:

"Start simulation!"



At the same time, in the void.

Lord Tuna and Lord Taolong observed the situation in the small world where Su Xing was through a layer of light curtain.

"How...is He trustworthy?" asked the Taolong Lord in a dull voice.

(End of this chapter)

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