Chapter 464 Half a year later, the results of twenty-five simulations!
When Lord Tuna, whose head was as big as a bucket, heard this, he glanced at Lord Taolong and said indifferently as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person:

"This inferior demon lord is favored by the Mother Goddess... He was born at the first-level god level!"

"I have a premonition that He is the key to our conquest of the human race in the future..."

"As a lesser demon, he is naturally trustworthy..."

"It's just that the inferior demon is naturally timid and afraid of death, and is even more sneaky... I just want to see if he is serious about completing our mission!"

"Moreover, the essence of his flesh and blood that I provided to him...will take a long time to break through to the level of a Lord God, and it cannot threaten our status..."

After hearing what Lord Tuna said, Lord Taolong nodded in conviction.

The Taolong Lord, Gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins, possesses a horrific body and strength, but his wisdom is not even as good as that of ordinary alien gods.

The main god Tuna, one of the seven deadly sins of greed, possesses wisdom far beyond that of ordinary alien races, but his fighting power is slightly weaker among the main gods.

The two have a good relationship and have been working together for tens of millions of years.

Now he is leading the Fifth General Army and invading the entire Qingyuan Domain!

On the other side, Su Xing, who was in the small world, ended his 176th simulation.

In recent simulations, the plans for awakening are similar.

For the first twenty years, he stayed in the alien base camp, accumulating blood and flesh essence and gaining enough trust.

Afterwards, he found an opportunity to transform into his original form and went to Qingyun Sect to trade.

Spend 10 energy sources to undergo an immersive simulation lasting 274 years.

Use all the Enlightenment Tea, Wen Dao Pills, etc. to enhance your understanding of the law of cause and effect and destiny.

With the help of the Mirror of Nothingness, he improved his understanding of the Great Dao, and then asked the Pavilion Master of Tianji some questions about his cultivation.

After four hundred years, go to the Demon Realm to look for traces of the Tianyang Grass.

Finally, between 1,600 and 1,800 years ago, he died at the hands of a foreign god.

“Huh… The Path of Cause and Effect and Fate is getting closer and closer to the peak of the fifth realm!”

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and murmured.

"It's a pity that we haven't found the Tianyang grass yet... But we have explored five areas, so it should be soon..."

Su Xing was secretly thinking:

"There is less than half a year left before the deal Hongyue promised..."

"Half a year, six months... a total of more than 180 days, enough for me to conduct 26 simulations..."

"Half a year later, I will have 500 million energy sources. This will definitely be enough for me to become a Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"And this half-year simulation is the best opportunity for me to accumulate experience!"

Su Xing thought for a while.

More than twenty simulations, nearly five or six thousand years of immersive simulation time!
During such a long period of time, Su Xing was able to take treasures such as the Enlightenment Tea and the Wen Dao Pill.

This terrifying accumulation is probably equivalent to hundreds of thousands or even millions of years of comprehension!
"It is equivalent to a Golden Immortal... a lifetime of meditation..."

"Such a valuable asset must be carefully planned..."

Su Xing made some deductions and thought about his development direction in the next six months.

The way of cause and effect and destiny, enter the sixth realm as soon as possible!

The Way of Killing, the Way of Strength, etc. should also enter the sixth realm as much as possible!
The art of alchemy, the art of formation, etc., should be improved to the level of supreme grandmaster as much as possible!

"Half a year later, I will break into the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm in my prime, which will be enough to jump to the top 60 on the Tianjiao Ranking!"

Su Xing repeatedly deduced his plan, and after making sure there were no omissions, he said:

"However, in the past six months, in addition to simulations... we must also find ways to squeeze more benefits from the aliens!"

"Calculating the time... the greeting gifts from those foreign gods should be arriving soon, right?"

as predicted……

Not long after, the black stone in Su Xing's hand flashed a few times.

Then a voice came,
"Lord Demon Lord... I think there are some things that may bother you?"

"After learning of your existence, many gods have contacted me... They are either from the ten great imperial clans, or geniuses from certain royal clans..."

"And they all have strength above that of gods, and they want to meet you... I wonder if you have time?"

After hearing the words of the succubus in the black stone, Su Xing finally couldn't help but said:
"There is time...too much time!"

"I want to ask, how can I meet them?"

The succubus' voice continued:

"You can come to the Void Realm. Most of the gods will come back regularly to report on their missions... I think they will be happy to see you!"

"Of course, if you have time, you can also go to their territory... I think they will receive you with the highest etiquette!"

"In addition, you can pay attention to the information in the divine realm... Many gods have said that you have never connected to the divine realm..."

Su Xing listened quietly and glanced at the divine realm.

As expected, there were thousands of pieces of densely packed information.

This is just information from the gods...

After breaking the connection with the succubus, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and said:

"It's finally here!"

“Tsk tsk… This feeling of energy entering my account is truly wonderful!”

After saying that, Su Xing left this small world and headed for the void world.

----(Dividing line)
Time flies, and in the blink of an eye... half a year has passed!
New Era December 2027, 11.

On this day, Su Xing was in the small demon world.

"Great God... Bass has completed the task you assigned to me."

"After counting, we now have more than 270,000 inferior demons in our tribe... most of them are not yet adults..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, waved his hand and said:

"Understood, let's go!"

Bass respectfully withdrew upon hearing this.

At this moment, Su Xing suddenly felt a message connecting to his divine realm.

"Hmm? The red finally here!"

Su Xing raised the corner of his mouth and quickly connected with Hong Yue's consciousness.

"Your Excellency, Lord of the Lesser Demons... the things you want are already prepared. Should I send someone to deliver them, or do you want to come and get them yourself?"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes and quickly replied:

"I'll go there myself..."

After saying that, Su Xing’s consciousness left the divine realm, explained some things to Bass, gave him a batch of flesh and blood essence, and then left this small world.

With a thought in his mind, the laws of space were released.

A void passage appeared in front of Su Xing's eyes.

After saying hello to the succubus god, Su Xing took a step forward and left the void realm.

In the void, Su Xing's figure kept flashing. With each space jump, he crossed tens of millions of miles and quickly rushed towards the Blue Star.


At the same time, in the Void Realm. "Greed...are you going to let Him leave the Void Realm like this? Aren't you afraid of something unexpected happening?"

The Lord of Gluttony, Tao Long, held a black sphere in his hand, chewing it in his mouth, occasionally making satisfied sounds.

After hearing this, Lord Tuna shook his head and said:
“Don’t underestimate Him!”

“Although he was born as an inferior demon, his strength is not weak among the first-level gods.”

"He is more proficient in the laws of space... In the entire Qingyuan Domain, there should not be many people below the Daluo level who can threaten him!"

"Besides, he has gone out more than once in the past six months..."

After hearing this, the Taolong Lord God nodded, and suddenly said mysteriously:

"Greed... don't you know?"

"The person he is going to meet this time is... the previous Lord of Slaughter!"

"You just let them meet like this?"

After hearing this, Lord Tuna glanced at him and said calmly:
"I advise you to just pretend you don't know..."

"What does the struggle between the two killers have to do with us? We just need to do our part... The great being will not ignore our contributions!"

After hearing this, the Taolong God nodded, but hesitated to speak.

Seeing this, Lord Tuna finally became impatient and said:
"'re too anxious!"

"Lord of Slaughter! The head of the seven deadly sins... Have you never thought about this position?"

After hearing this, a look of desire flashed in Taolong's eyes.

The first of the seven deadly sins... maybe I'm closer to that great realm?

Seeing this, Lord Tuna smiled with an ambiguous meaning and said:

"Haha, the first of the seven deadly sins!"

"Have you ever thought about this... this position can be killing, it can be greed... it can also be your gluttony!"

"The fight between them is beneficial to us!"

After hearing the words of Lord Tuna, Lord Taolong showed a look of desire, and even his huge eyeballs were faintly red.

It seemed as if I saw myself sitting on that throne...

Lord Tuna was speechless upon seeing this, and thought to himself, "What a stupid god..."

But wasn't there greed for that position in His eyes?

Five days later, somewhere in an unknown void.

After five days of non-stop travel, Su Xing had already left the Void Realm and was in a deserted void between the Void Realm and the Blue Star.

After making sure there was no danger around, Su Xing used his alien talent and transformed back into his original form!

After that, Su Xing continued to travel for two days and two nights before he entered an ordinary small world that had not yet been invaded by aliens.

"Huh... after half a year, I'm finally a human again!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, adjusting to his original body.

After feeling the infinite power in my body, my heart is filled with a sense of security.

"The source of energy has almost been accumulated... I should take this opportunity to try to break through to the Taiyi Golden Immortal realm!"

Su Xing murmured.

Within half a year, Su Xing has conducted more than twenty simulations, and now he has five simulation opportunities left.

Although Su Xing's realm has not improved in the past six months, his overall strength is much stronger than before!
All of this comes from the understanding of the Great Dao and the improvement of various magical powers!

Su Xing's heart moved, and he looked at the attribute panel after half a year.

[Name: Su Xing]

[Age: 26 years old]

[Occupation: Immortal Cultivator]

[Cultivation: Great Perfection of Golden Immortal, Perfection of the Sixth Level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique]

[Kung Fu: Ruyi Visualization Diagram, Luotian Immortal Transformation Technique, Zhengyi Qi Submission Technique, Great Witch Body Strengthening Technique, Zhoutian Star Observation Technique (Minor Success)]

[Talents: Eternal and Immortal Body, Space Saint Body, Alchemy Saint, Thousand Illusions, Heaven and Earth Formation, Five Elements Saint Body, Alien, One More Shot, Good Luck, One More Bonus, Innate Tao Body, Empty Spiritual Root, Late Bloomer, No Martial Ethics, Heaven Devouring, Natural Sword Body, Invincible Cockroach, Hundred Battles God Body...]

[Skills: Yin and Yang Reversal (beginner), Void Sword (great success), Spirit World (8100 miles), Alchemy (Supreme Grandmaster), Weapon Refining (Supreme Grandmaster), Five Elements Immortal Explosion (perfect), Shennong Soul Cultivation (perfect), Divine Awareness 8100 Million Miles (Heavenly Realm), Body Protection Sword Aura (/), Array (Grandmaster), Sword Control (perfect), Puppetry (great success), several Immortal Cultivation Techniques...]

[Comprehension of the Great Dao: Great Dao of Thunder (fifth realm), Great Dao of Five Elements (sixth realm), Great Dao of Sword (sixth realm), Great Dao of Speed ​​(sixth realm), Great Dao of Power (sixth realm), Great Dao of Destiny (sixth realm), Great Dao of Cause and Effect (sixth realm), Great Dao of Space (sixth realm), Great Dao of Killing (sixth realm), Great Dao of Yin and Yang (fifth realm)...]

Half a year later, Su Xing has already turned 26.

In the column of exercises, the Zhoutian Stargazing Method has achieved minor success.

In the skill column, Su Xing's half-year accumulation allowed the Void Sword to reach perfection, and the spiritual world was also upgraded from 65,000 miles to 100,000 miles!

At the same time, the alchemy master Su Xing also finally entered the realm of the supreme grandmaster, and he saw the end of the alchemy path in the three thousand worlds!

Su Xing easily made the fifteenth-level elixir!

Even now, Su Xing can begin to try to refine the "Nine-transformation Golden Pill" that countless cultivators dream of!
Unfortunately, the materials for the Nine-Transformation Golden Pill are too precious, and Su Xing can only refine it a few times.

Therefore, Su Xing can now only refine the "Third Transformation Golden Pill" at most.

Even if a mortal takes it, he can instantly ascend to heaven and reach the realm of celestial immortal!
The number of sword energy protecting the body has also increased from 6,400 in the past to the current bottleneck of 8,100!

Only his formation skills are a little weak. Su Xingfang has entered the realm of Grand Master and can set up a sixteenth-level formation, but trapping and killing a Golden Immortal is no problem at all.

As for the realization of the great Dao, it is Su Xing’s greatest effort in the past six months!
In half a year, Su Xing had successively entered the sixth realm of the four avenues of cause and effect and destiny, the avenue of power, and the avenue of killing!

In addition, although the Avenue of Thunder and the Avenue of Yin and Yang have not entered the sixth realm, they have reached the fifth realm!
"The difficulty of the Yin-Yang Avenue is not much lower than that of the Cause-Effect Destiny Avenue!"

"After that, I will have to put in a lot of effort to enter the sixth realm..."

Su Xing murmured.

"Besides that, it's talent!"

"In half a year, a total of 23 simulations were conducted... and more than golden talents were extracted!"

"I have collected nearly half of the hundred great divine bodies in the world of immortal cultivation..."

"Of course, the most important thing is the three red talents!"

"The Eternal Immortal Body, the Space Holy Body... and the Disaster Body!"

[Eternal Immortal Body]: A red mythical talent. You are the oldest life between heaven and earth, possessing a lifespan beyond that of ordinary people. Your lifespan is 100 times that of a cultivator at the same level!
Yes, the eternal and indestructible body, sounds awesome, but in fact it is just a talent that purely increases lifespan!
A hundred times lifespan bonus is indeed much stronger than the previous Xuanwu Divine Body or Immortal Body.

And it is a red mythical talent. Although it is useless for Awakening in the simulation, Awakening is still brought out.

As for the second talent——Space Holy Body!
[Sacred Space Body]: A red mythical talent. You have a terrifying understanding of the way of space...

Yes, a simple introduction, but an extraordinary effect!

Su Xing tried it and found that after possessing the Holy Body of Space, the effect of his comprehension of the Great Dao of Space was about two to three times stronger than his previous Space Source Body!
This means that Su Xing’s talent in the way of space has increased again!
"As for the last red talent... the body of misfortune..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, and an unusual look flashed in his eyes.

The Disaster Body is a red-level talent, and is also an upgraded version of the previous Disaster Divine Body.

But it did not appear on Su Xing's simulation panel.

Truly, the misfortune brought by the calamity body is too horrible!

In the simulation when Su Xing drew the body of disaster, he tried out its effect.

That time, Su Xing only lived for more than 200 years before he was slapped to death by a passing Lord God...

The effect is so terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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