Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 465: Red talent "Time Stop", Du Tianren 5th Decline!

Chapter 465: Red talent "Time Stop" to overcome the five decays of the celestial beings!
Although the calamity body was not directly awakened and brought out, it was bestowed upon the original body.

But the awakened inferior demon's vest, the original body of the god of disaster, was replaced by a body of disaster.

This horrible bad luck even made Su Xing feel uneasy at times!
Su Xing once tried the effects of the calamity body in a simulation.

If Su Xing continues to transform into a lower demon god, he can even delay the destruction of Qingyuan Realm for another 500 years by himself!

Originally, the Qingyuan Domain would have been destroyed by alien races one thousand five hundred years ago.

However, because of the blessing of the awakened calamity body, the speed of the alien invasion was slowed down by five hundred years!

That simulation was really exciting.

Several peak Taiyi masters seemed to be blessed by heaven and actually broke through to the Golden Immortal level!

Qing Yunzi also fell into a half-crazy, half-demon state, but he did not completely lose his mind and even began to attack the alien race!
In addition, the human race seems to have been blessed with great fortune, and the cultivators have transformed into sons of fortune, and the probability of breakthrough has greatly increased!
Rao is so...

About two thousand years later, the Qingyuan Region was destroyed by alien races with absolute strength!

However, since that simulation, Su Xing has already felt the horror of the calamity body.

[Disaster Body]: A red mythical talent. You have terrible bad luck, which will affect the people around you and even the luck of the entire race. Those who are your enemies will receive some of their luck...

“Tsk tsk, this calamity body talent… it would be great if I could find a chance to give it to a main god of an alien race!”

Su Xing murmured.

In addition to the strength bonus that can be seen on the panel, Su Xing has also gained other things in the simulation over the past six months.

"I finally got the Tianyang Grass..."

Su Xing found the Tianyang Grass during the 181st simulation.

It was located in the void near the barrier where the Fourth Legion was trapped, and it took Su Xing to search for it more than a dozen times before it was found.

And this Tianyang grass can be copied by the awakening Luo Tianjing mirror, and two plants can be obtained.

At the price of 500,000 energy sources per plant of Tianyang Grass, Su Xing brought two plants of Tianyang Grass back to reality.

"Huh... Tianyang Soul-Forging Pill, only two ingredients are missing..."

"In the past six months, I have investigated the locations of some Qi and Blood treasures... They will be very useful for me to break through the seventh level of the Great Wizard Body Refining Technique later!"

Su Xing murmured.

The above is all that Su Xing has gained from simulations over the past six months.

And now, Su Xing is ready to start a new round of simulation!

After half a year, after accumulating enough energy, Su Xing can finally launch the final attack on Taiyi Jinxian!
"Start simulation!"


【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the red talent "Time Stop Between Breaths". The probability of drawing a gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing a red talent is 20%...]

[Time Stop Between Breaths]: A red mythical talent. You have a little power to control time. You can control time within a radius of 10,000 miles and pause it for "three seconds". This can only be used once per simulation. (Note: Between breaths is three seconds!)
"What the hell... a talent for time!?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Between breaths, it sounds like some abstract talent.

The actual effect is to pause the time within a radius of ten thousand miles and stop it for three seconds!
Three seconds... doesn't sound like much, but it is deadly and crucial!

It is no exaggeration to say that with these three seconds, enemies with similar strength to Su Xing will no longer be Su Xing's opponent.

Even if someone is stronger than Su Xing, as long as the strength is not too much stronger, Su Xing has the power to resist... At least, the chance of escape is greater!

"Three seconds is enough to do a lot of things..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, for example, his strongest means of attack now.

A sword slashed out into the void by the sixth realm of swordsmanship can guarantee Su Xing 100% hit the target in three seconds!
In this way, enemies below the middle stage of Taiyi will at least be severely injured, or even those with weak bodies may be directly killed by Su Xing!

"Tsk tsk...it's indeed a very powerful talent, especially in battle!"

"I just don't know if this talent will have any effect on a Golden Immortal or even a Half-Saint?"

Su Xing was not clear.

According to his understanding, the Daluo Jinxian has not yet involved the time dimension.

But, if he were a saint... I don’t know if he could escape the constraints of time after he wakes up.

"Very strong talent...but next I still need to break through to the Taiyi Gold Fairyland as soon as possible!"

"In the past six months, I have made countless preparations, all for this day..."

Su Xing took out several black bottles and jars.

These bottles and jars contain five kinds of poisons that Su Xing has collected over the past six months to help him experience the five signs of decay as quickly as possible.

"Although I have the talent of Shennong in the world...but the effect of the Five Decaying Poisons of Heaven and Man is terrifying after all. It should be successful, right?"

Su Xing said uncertainly, looking at the simulation panel.

[Please select a target that will receive a talent bonus...]

"I choose bonus, late bloomer talent..."

[In the Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You went to Qingyun Realm at the fastest speed and successfully traded with Qingyunzi.]

[After staying in Qingyun Sect for ten years, you collected Luotian inheritance and left Qingyuan Domain. ]

[In the twentieth year, you successfully arrived in Tianji Domain. 】

[In the Canglan Realm, you begin to prepare to overcome the first of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, the Decay of Filth! ]

[You took the highly toxic substance prepared in advance: the Filth Pill.]

[Due to your Shennong talent, the effect of poison has been slightly reduced, the effect of filthiness has been weakened by 30%, and the duration has been increased to 500 years...]

[You begin to experience the filthy decline and are in a state of exhaustion of blessings and end of life...]

[After a few days, filth begins to accumulate on your body and you begin to smell bad.]

[You have no choice but to bathe and purify yourself every day to remove this filth.]

[You are in a state of running out of luck, your luck has dropped to the extreme... You begin to suffer bad luck frequently! ]

[You are at the end of your lifespan. Your strength has declined significantly, less than one percent of your peak period...]

In the real world, Su Xing gasped when he saw this.

"It is worthy of being called the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Man... It is a disaster that even the Golden Immortals fear. It is truly terrifying!"

When going through the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Earth, there is no doubt that the strength of a cultivator will drop to a terrifying level.

A cultivator at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm might not even be as good as some True Immortals...

This is only secondary. What is more important is the negative effects brought about by the state of "blessings are exhausted and life is over".

Luck has dropped to an extreme point!
You must know that luck is a mysterious thing, but it really exists.

Su Xing has experienced the great benefits that good luck brings. With the bonus of good fortune, although not all his wishes come true, everything goes smoothly for him. He gets all kinds of blessings and treasures.

Everything in the world, no matter who it is, has a certain amount of luck, more or less. But when all the luck is gone, it is the worst possible luck!
The effect... maybe similar to the bonus of the Disaster Body...

Of course, this state only affects the cultivator himself and does not affect the people around him.

Specifically, it may be...awakening during retreat. No matter how you practice, your cultivation will not improve. No matter how you comprehend the great Dao, there will not be any results.

He was even discovered inexplicably by monks, who then killed him and took his treasure.

"But I have already prepared a lot of countermeasures. As long as I am not particularly unlucky, nothing should go wrong, right?"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You are in a state where your fortune and longevity are about to end. Your talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding danger is sending out warnings like crazy. It seems that danger may occur at any time...]

[Fortunately, you opened up the cave ahead of time, set up the formation, and entered the Lingtian Cave Heaven. ]

[With all the precautions, you didn't encounter any danger in the past two hundred years.]

[The time has come to the 300th year. On this day, you are awakened from your retreat.]

[It turned out that several casual cultivators from the True Immortal Realm discovered the cave where you were in seclusion, mistaking it for a secret realm, and just happened to catch up with the weak point in the Spiritual Field Cave Heaven, and were about to break in.]

[You reacted in time and appeared in the cave, ready to expel these wandering cultivators.]

[Who would have thought that these casual cultivators seemed to have noticed that you were not in good condition, and they wanted to kill you and steal your treasure. ]

[Although your strength has been greatly reduced to less than one-hundredth, it is naturally easy for you to deal with a mere True Immortal.]

[So, you killed all the True Immortals who were preparing to rob.]

[After killing these True Immortals, you removed all traces and continued to enter the Spiritual Field Cave Heaven to prepare for cultivation.]

[In this way, two hundred and twenty years passed quietly...]

[In the 530th year, one day you have a sudden enlightenment and feel the filth on your body disappearing rapidly.]

[At the same time, your strength also recovers rapidly...]

[Congratulations, you have successfully passed the first of the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Man, the Deterioration of Filth! ]

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"It was a close call... only a few True Immortals came..."

"This state of ending one's life is truly terrifying... I was hiding in the spiritual field cave, but was actually discovered by a mere True Immortal..."

Su Xing shook his head. The retreat place in Canglan Realm was the one he had already found in his previous simulation.

It is one of the few safe places, but it still has some loopholes.

"Perhaps I should go to the Tianji Realm for retreat. It might be safer there?"

Su Xing said somewhat uncertainly.

However, what is certain is that the Demon Realm is full of dangers. Su Xing, whose strength has been greatly reduced, may not be able to guarantee safety all the time even under the protection of the Demon Generals.

After all, the Demon General is a great Golden Immortal. It is impossible for him to ignore the safety of the Tianji Realm and only protect Su Xing all the time.

Similarly, the Tianji Realm might not be much safer...

"However, we still need to be more careful... and make more preparations!"

Su Xing's mind was focused and he looked towards the simulation panel.

[In the 530th year, after overcoming the Filthy Decline, you were not in a hurry to overcome the Hualing Decline.]

[Instead, he took advantage of the time to recover his strength to go to Luotian Territory and refine a batch of disposable magic weapons. ]

[These disposable magic weapons, such as the "Five Thunder Stones", can be triggered by injecting immortal power. They are extremely powerful and it is difficult for those below the Golden Immortal to be immune.]

[After refining hundreds of disposable magic weapons, you finally felt relieved and returned to the Lingtian Cave to meditate.]

[At this moment, the time has come to the 550th year! ]

[You took the highly poisonous substance Hualing Stone and officially entered the second state of the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man, "Hualing Degeneration"! ]

[In just a moment, your black hair turned white. ]

[At the same time, you feel your power rapidly declining, and your luck gradually leaving you...]

[You have once again fallen into the state of having your blessings and lifespan exhausted. ]

[Fortunately, you are no longer as embarrassed as before after your second time through the Five Decays of Heaven and Man.]

[You try hard to adjust your mentality and avoid being impatient, but just live in Lingtian Cave Heaven as usual, day after day...]

[In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed...]

[In the 650th year, one day you had a premonition that a few extraordinary guests had once again entered your cave.]

[You frowned slightly and came to the cave where you were hiding. ]

[It turned out that the formation was damaged, causing several Xuanxian to mistakenly enter it and discover the Lingtian Cave Heaven where you were in seclusion. ]

[What's even more coincidental is that these Xuanxians and the Zhenxians you killed before are from the same sect.]

[Moreover, within the sect, there are life tablets that can sense the locations of death of disciples and elders...]

[As expected, these Xuanxians think that you killed those Zhenxians.]

[Or maybe they saw your gray hair and weak breath, and they wanted to kill you and steal your treasure. ]

[You had no choice but to kill all these Xuanxians...]

[Your retreat was interrupted for the second time, and you knew that you could not stay here any longer. If a stronger cultivator came, you might die this time.]

【So, you left this cave where you were in seclusion. 】

[Rush to the second cave you had picked out in advance in the Canglan Realm.]

[However, you encountered three robbery cultivators on the way. Fortunately, their cultivation was not high, so you killed them all.]

[After you arrive at the second cave, you continue your retreat... and everything will be peaceful for the next four hundred years! ]

[In the 1,050th year, you successfully survived the second disaster, and Hualing fell.]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"Being targeted by robbers twice in a row...it seems that my luck is really bad!"

"It seems that I can't stay in Canglan Realm any longer. I have to find a way to go to Tianmo Realm..."

Su Xing was not sure how long the demons in the Demon Realm could protect him, but Su Xing planned to give it a try.

Moreover, around the 1,500th year, the Canglan Realm will be invaded by alien races, and it will no longer be safe.

Before that, Su Xing must go to a safer place to survive the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 1100th year, you successfully arrived at the Demonic Realm.]

[After that, you met the Heavenly Demon General. After you revealed your identity, the Heavenly Demon General said that he would do his best to help you get through the Five Degenerations of Heavenly Beings. However, the Heavenly Demon Realm was in frequent battles, and he could not guarantee to protect you all the time.]

[But you have no other choice at this moment, you can only survive the Five Degenerations of the Celestial Being under the protection of the Heavenly Demon General.]

[This year, you took the Xieqiu powder, and started the third of the five declines of heaven and man, "Xieqiu decline"! ]

(End of this chapter)

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