Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 466: Going through four disasters in a row and finally becoming self-loathing!

Chapter 466: Going through four disasters in a row and finally becoming self-loathing!
[After activating the Xieqiusui, you feel that you have once again fallen into the state of ending your life and fortune. ]

[What's even more terrifying is that, in addition to your cultivation being greatly reduced, your physical strength has also become as weak as that of an old and dying person.]

[With just a little exercise, your armpits start to sweat and your whole body becomes weak.]

[This makes you even weaker than before...]

[But fortunately, with the protection of the Heavenly Demon General, you were able to get through the early stages safely...]

[Until the simulation of the 1,450th year, the 350th year of your decline, the aliens’ offensive became increasingly severe.]

[And the demon general will have no time to care about you...]

[You are being targeted by a second-level god from an alien race...]

[You desperately activated the time stop, making the world stand still for three seconds...]

[However, you are too weak. After the time stop, facing the pursuit of a second-level god, you still have no power to resist...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing felt helpless.

"The Five Degenerations of Heavenly Beings are really difficult!"

"But this is probably because I used poison to trigger the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man in advance... The power of the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man has increased several times!"

"If it were an ordinary Golden Immortal, it shouldn't be so difficult to survive the Five Deteriorations of the Celestial Being..."

Su Xing felt quite helpless. In order to get through it as quickly as possible, Su Xing could only take more risks.

"Huh... But I have successfully survived two disasters... I have gained something!"

Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Time Stop Between Breaths]: Red talent, priced at 100 energy points.

[Half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal]: Successfully passed through the Dirty Decline and the Hualing Decline, and the third decline "Xieqiu Decline" has 150 years left. Price: 5000 million Energy Origin!
Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him and frowned slightly.

"Just to survive two half-day human five declines, you need 50 million energy sources?"

"If we want to completely overcome the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man... I'm afraid it will require hundreds of millions of energy sources!"

"That's not even enough to be promoted to Taiyi Jinxian!"

Su Xing suddenly felt a headache.

Although he now has 500 million energy sources in his hands, I'm afraid they won't last long!

"No matter what, these two rewards must be taken out!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"I choose to bring out..."

[Ding, you have successfully brought out the cultivation of a half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal... The remaining energy source is 4 points...]

[You have successfully brought out the red talent "Time Stop Between Breaths"... The remaining energy source is 4 points...]

As Su Xing heard the simulator's prompt sound, Su Xing's energy underwent subtle changes.

A layer of dirt is visible on the surface of the skin, and its strength is rapidly declining.

But in the blink of an eye, the filth dissipated and his strength returned to its peak!
The first of the five declines of celestial beings - the decline of filth - will be overcome!
Immediately afterwards, Su Xing's black hair turned white in an instant, and the feeling of weakness appeared in Su Xing's body again.

The next moment, the white hair turned back into black, and the lost strength was restored!

The second of the five declines of the celestial beings - Hualing decline, get through it!
The feeling of being weak and then recovering to the peak twice in a row made Su Xing feel something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second...

Su Xing's armpits began to sweat and he became extremely weak.

But this time, Su Xing did not recover his strength.

The whole person was in a weak state, his strength was only one hundredth of what it was, even inferior to the Xuanxian cultivators.

"Hiss... Mistake!"

"I didn't expect that my bad condition would also be brought out..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. If he guessed correctly, he was now at the end of his life!

In this state, his strength dropped to a level lower than that of a Xuanxian, and he was in great danger.

"We have to start the next simulation as soon as possible!"

"We must overcome the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man in one go, otherwise it will be too dangerous!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Start simulation!"


【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the gold talent Nanming Lihuo Body. The probability of drawing a gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing a red talent is 20%...]

[Nanming Lihuo Body]: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies, has a natural sensitivity to the divine fire "Nanming Lihuo" between heaven and earth, and is born with this divine fire. (Nanming Lihuo, a magical fire that attacks and attacks at the same time and is good at refining pills.)
"Hmm? Nanming Lihuo..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. Since he started practicing, he has mastered a magical power called the Fire Separation Technique.

That magical power is a good means of attack when it is awakened to a lower level.

Although it is now outdated, it is still the fire that Su Xing uses to make elixirs.

“Tsk tsk… The Nanming Lihuo Body should be able to enhance the power of the Lihuo Technique, or even directly upgrade to the Nanming Lihuo!”

"It's helpful for me to make the elixir!"

Su Xing nodded slightly. He felt that he was lucky this time as he had drawn a useful talent.

"Then, let's start the simulation!"

"The key is to find a way to get to a safe place and get through the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Please choose Xi Plus One...]

"I choose to bless my late blooming talent..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You are in a state of near-death and feel that danger may occur at any time.]

[Without hesitation, you immediately rushed towards the direction of Xiaoqingyun Realm.]

[It took you a full year to reach the Little Blue Cloud Realm.]

[During this year's void voyage, you have been attacked by void beasts dozens of times.]

[However, fortunately, you have a deep understanding of the way of space, and you used your talent of "one more shot" and "time stop between breaths" to finally save your life. ]

[In the second year, after arriving at Xiaoqingyun Realm, you quickly rushed to Xiaoqingyun City.]

[Afterwards, you found the elder of Qingyun Sect and revealed your identity, intending to go to Qingyun Realm.]

[The True Immortal Elder saw your current state and knew that there was no time to lose, so he took you to the Qingyun Realm without any hesitation.]

[In the third year, you successfully arrived at the Qingyun Realm and met Qingyunzi.]

[At this time, Qing Yunzi has not yet become a demon, and you have reached a deal with Qing Yunzi.]

[You know that it is difficult to survive in the Three Thousand Worlds in your current state, and Qingyun Sect is a rare safe place.]

[So you plan to stay in Qingyun Sect and safely spend the next one hundred years or so of the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Man...] In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"After arriving at Qingyun Sect, it should be safe..."

"Although Qing Yunzi will be possessed by the devil, that will happen five hundred years later..."

"Now that Qing Yunzi has not yet become a demon, the Qing Yun Sect is indeed the safest place in the entire Qing Yuan Domain!"

"However, after successfully surviving the calamity, we still have to leave Qingyun Sect and go to Tianji Territory to see if it is safe..."

"The Five Degenerations of the Celestial Beings are getting more and more difficult each time. I'm afraid that even the Canglan Realm isn't safe enough... I can only try my luck in the Tianji Realm!"

Su Xing sighed again, no wonder it was so difficult for a casual cultivator to become one, and only a few could cultivate to the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Not to mention other things, just the Five Deteriorations of Heaven and Earth is enough to make those wandering cultivators and Golden Immortals suffer.

Only by finding a reliable sect can your own safety be guaranteed.

However, people die for money, and cultivators are even more so... Who can guarantee that their former fellow disciples will not harm them when they are weak?
Su Xing sighed and looked at the simulation panel.

[For the next one hundred years or so, you will stay in Qingyun Sect and survive the tribulation safely.]

[For more than a hundred years, you have taught Fairy Zi Ling how to nurture spirits.]

[In the simulation of the 100th year, Fairy Zi Ling successfully ascended to the Taiyi realm.]

[In the 153rd year, you successfully survived the period of decline, the weakness in your body faded away, and your strength increased again.]

[At this time, the Five Decays of Heaven and Man have been completed three-fifths! ]

[But you know that the next Qingyuan Realm is not a place to stay for long, so you choose to go to Tianji Realm. ]

[In the 160th year, you successfully arrived at the White Cloud Realm.]

[If you want to gain a certain position in the Tianji Pavilion, you still have to rely on the next battle to defend the Immortal Boat. ]

[So, you didn’t rush to take the Stinky Pill and start the Stinky Decay…]

[You choose to comprehend the great Dao during this period...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
"Use immersive simulation for 274 years!"

[Ding..., 10 energy sources spent, remaining energy sources 4 points...]

In the last simulation, Su Xing did not use immersive simulation because there was not enough time.

And this time, since Su Xing plans to join the Tianji Pavilion, he naturally cannot waste simulation time.

Then, as the prompt sound fell, the awakened consciousness entered the simulated world.


Soon, the immersive simulation of more than two hundred years ended, and Su Xing opened his eyes slightly, revealing a look of satisfaction.

"Yes, the Great Way of Thunder has finally entered the fifth realm!"

"We are not far from the sixth realm... I wonder if when I pass the Taiyi Thunder Tribulation, I can directly enter the sixth realm with the Great Way of Thunder?"

Su Xing was quite looking forward to it.

"Now that I have successfully arrived at the Tianji Pavilion, I am now in seclusion... I hope that I will not have to participate in the eight hundred years of war..."

Su Xing estimated that since he had gone through the Five Degenerations of Celestial Being, he would not be forced to join the war.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 400th year, after being enlightened by the Mirror of Nothingness, you successfully entered the fifth realm of the Great Way of Thunder.]

[There is nothing much to do at this time, so you bought a high-level cave in Tianji City and took the Stinky Pill.]

[You begin to overcome the tribulation of filth and decay...]

[You are in a state of exhaustion and end of life, and your whole body emits an unpleasant odor...]

[This stench ignores space and isolation, letting everyone around you know clearly that you are in seclusion. ]

[If you were in other places, just based on the stench, a robbery cultivator might target you.]

[But fortunately, you are now a Heavenly Rank Elder of the Tianji Pavilion and are in seclusion, so it is relatively safe.]

[Although the stench is unpleasant, it is not too dangerous. You will feel a lot more relaxed when passing the stinky pass...]

[In the blink of an eye, five hundred years passed. ]

[You did not participate in the Tianji Domain War in the eighth hundred years. This war lasted for a hundred years, and the human race suffered heavy losses.]

[Until you come out of retreat, the war between Tianji Territory and the alien race ends...]

[You know, in the next four to five hundred years, although there will be battles in the Tianji Territory, there will be no large-scale battles.]

[You ask the White Emperor for permission, take the "Self-loathing Powder", and prepare to begin the last stage of the tribulation, the Self-loathing stage.]

[Although Tianji Pavilion needs high-end combat power at this time, he knows that you can only play a greater role if you are promoted to Taiyi Jinxian. ]

【So, Baidi agreed to your retreat. 】

[You are in Tianji City, and you are beginning to prepare for your last decline, and you are loathing your decline! ]


In the real world, Su Xing felt a little nervous when he saw this.

"The five stages of decline of the gods and humans are self-loathing decline! It is also the most dangerous stage among the five stages of decline!"

"The first four kinds of decline, whether it is filth, gorgeous, armpit or smelly, all weaken their physique and cultivation!"

"Only self-loathing is different, it weakens one's spirit and eats away at one's will!"

"If your will and your heart are not firm, you may not be able to overcome your self-loathing..."

"But ordinary self-loathing is not a big deal, I have full confidence... But this self-loathing that has been enhanced by the self-loathing water is really dangerous, I don't have much confidence!"

Su Xing broke out in a cold sweat.

Self-loathing is the most dangerous of the five signs of decline in the celestial beings, and even has the highest mortality rate!

This is because even a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Immortal realm, when going through a period of self-loathing, may... commit suicide!

Yes, naturally!
A cultivator who is at the peak of Golden Immortal and one step away from achieving Taiyi Dao Fruit may choose to commit suicide at this moment!

The reason is that the effect of self-loathing is to make the monk lose all interest in life, monasticism, and even life itself.

After experiencing aging and illness, the monks feel that monasticism is meaningless and even develop a feeling of self-loathing!

Under such extreme emotions, many peak Golden Immortal cultivators will commit suicide!

"This is just ordinary self-loathing... and I took the self-loathing water, which has multiple benefits, but I don't know if I can get through it smoothly?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 900th year, half a year after you had survived the calamity of filth and decay, you drank the water of self-loathing and began to survive the calamity of self-loathing and decay! ]

[When you were overcoming the self-loathing, your body was strong and your cultivation was at its peak... This time, the calamity that befell you is your will and your heart of Tao! ]

[In the first few decades, you didn’t feel much difference, and even secretly thought that this was the simplest of the five signs of celestial decay.]

[Until the first thousand years, when you spent the first hundred years of your self-loathing, you began to gradually change.]

[This change is subtle and you are completely unaware of it.]

[At first, you just lamented the birth, aging, illness and death of people, and recalled the pain when your body was weak. ]

[At this stage, you begin to feel compassion for the world and the suffering of ordinary people...]

[In this way, another hundred years have passed! ]

[In the 1100th year, you spent the 200th year of self-loathing.]

[At this moment, you gradually began to shift your compassion for mortals to disgust at the injustice of heaven! ]

(End of this chapter)

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