Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 471 Taiyi is divided into 4 realms, the road ahead is long!

Chapter 471 Taiyi is divided into four realms, the road ahead is long!
"Speaking of which, there is less than a year left before Red Moon completely destroys Blue Star..."

"And there are only four or five years left for Hong Yue to recover to the strength of a Daluo Jinxian..."

Su Xing murmured, a sense of urgency rising in his heart.

It took Su Xing a full six months to advance from the peak of the Golden Immortal to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although most of the time, Su Xing was spent on accumulating energy sources.

But this speed is quite fast!

But the awakened opponent, Hongyue, cannot be viewed with common sense!

As the former pinnacle of the gods and the first of the seven deadly sins, there is no doubt that his background is profound.

And relying on the previous accumulation, Hongyue is also reviving and recovering its strength at an astonishing speed!
Within a year, the Red Moon destroyed the Blue Star and was completely resurrected!

Within five years, Hongyue will regain the strength of the Lord God!
This is the time obtained by Su Xing through multiple simulations!
"Alas... it's difficult to have the strength to defeat Hongyue within a year!"

“Even if the energy source is sufficient, it seems unrealistic to reach the peak of Taiyi after more than fifty simulations and a mere 100,000 years…”

"The only hope is to gain as much strength as possible from Hongyue before she recovers to the Golden Immortal state, and then kill Hongyue in one fell swoop!"

"But by then... the Blue Planet might have been destroyed!"

Su Xing felt a little unwilling.

"In the final analysis, we must save Blue Star from Red Moon within one year!"

"Either kill Red Moon, or move the entire Blue Star away..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, and two plans emerged in his mind.

"The restoration of the Luotian Mirror has made the plan feasible..."

"Kill Hongyue forcefully, or defeat Hongyue, and then use the Luotian Mirror to take the entire Blue Star into it. This way, we can naturally save it!"

"But the risk is too great! Unless we have absolute power to suppress them, once we fight with Red Moon, the entire Blue Star will be easily destroyed..."

"This plan is unlikely to work!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Then, there is only the second option left..."

"Using the identity of a lesser demon god...trying to deceive the entire Blue Planet!"

Su Xing thought that with his identity, his status among the alien races was not low!

And Hongyue even needs his help, hoping to cooperate with him...

Therefore, Su Xing might be able to propose conditions to trade the entire Blue Star from Hong Yue!

In this way, after the Blue Star was taken into Su Xing's possession and put into the Luo Tian Mirror, everything became much simpler.

"But this plan also has two difficulties!"

"First, how much does Hongyue value Blue Star?"

"Hongyue values ​​Blue Star, probably because she wants to obtain the Luotian inheritance... But now that the Luotian inheritance has been seized by me... The only use for Hongyue is Blue Star and the creatures on the entire planet!"

"And on Blue Star, the strength of professionals is really limited. How much blood food can they provide to Red Moon?"

"Therefore, as long as a certain price is paid... there may be a possibility of a deal!"

Su Xing sorted out his thoughts and decided that from this perspective, it would be possible to seize Blue Star from Hong Yue.

"But even if the deal comes, there is still a second problem..."

"How can I migrate the entire Blue Planet?"

"Using the Luotian Mirror, we can naturally migrate all the blue stars..."

"But the problem is that only I can use the Luotian Mirror. Once my true self is revealed, how can I trade with Hongyue?"

"I must hide the entire Blue Planet as a lesser demon god, and then I can collect it into the Luotian Mirror when I have a chance..."

"Although the Inferior Demon Vest specializes in the Law of Space, his level of the sixth realm of the Law of Space is probably not enough to move the entire Blue Planet!"

"Therefore, the power of the space law of the inferior demon vest must be further improved!"

Su Xing quickly made a plan in his mind.

"Improve the spatial law to the sixth level of minor success or even major success, then trade with Red Moon, and then move the entire Blue Star away!"

"I will find another opportunity to put it into the Luotian Mirror... This way, I can safely protect the entire human race, as well as my family and friends!"

"And from now on, Blue Star will no longer have to suffer from alien invasions!"

"I can even use the advantages of the Luo Tian Mirror to train a group of loyal subordinates!"

Su Xing quickly deduced in his mind and felt that this plan of killing two birds with one stone seemed to be feasible!

"Huh... After I meet Hongyue next time, I can raise this request!"

"For now, it is better to upgrade the Great Witch Body Refining Technique to the seventh level as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the twentieth year, after repairing the Luotian Mirror, you left the White Cloud Realm and headed for the Nine Heavens Realm.]

[You went directly to the fifth heaven and found a secret island where a large number of natural treasures existed in ancient times.]

[You killed the giant of the Wu clan in the past with your bare hands.]

[And in the fifth heaven, there is more than one such secret place. ]

[Next, you spent several years exploring several secret realms and obtained many Qi and blood treasures.]

[In the 80th year, your late blooming talent is triggered. ]

[Without hesitation, you entered the Lingtian Cave Heaven and activated the thirty-fold time difference.]

[With your current cultivation level, you can already activate the time difference between the inside and outside by a maximum of fifty times.]

[But after activating the maximum time flow rate difference, you will lose about two-thirds of your mana every day, which will seriously affect your practice. ]

[On the contrary, with a flow rate difference of thirty times, you only need to consume one tenth of your mana every day, which will not have much impact on your practice. ]

[Therefore, practicing body training under a thirty-fold time difference is the most efficient.]

[You planted a portion of the Qi and Blood Treasures in Luotian Territory, and at the same time took the Qi and Blood Treasures to practice every day. In the blink of an eye, more than 200 years have passed.]

[In the third hundred years, you have been practicing in Luotian Realm for nearly eight thousand years.]

[The blood and qi in your body are becoming more abundant, and you are one step closer to the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Tempering Technique. ]

[In the same year, the Tianji Pavilion's immortal boat arrived...]

[In the 320th year, the battle to defend the Immortal Boat broke out.]

[In the 330th year, you arrived at the Heavenly Secret Realm.]

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"With the bonus of the Luotian Realm, the improvement of body refining skills is indeed much faster!"

"However... the time spent on the Wu Clan's physical training is still a little too long..."

"The witches have a long lifespan. It takes them millions of years to break through from the peak of the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique to the seventh level."

"Although I have incredible talent and sufficient resources, I am afraid it will still take me 100,000 years..."

Su Xing did some calculations and found that the nine-fold thunder tribulation had allowed him to complete half of his progress from the peak of the sixth level to the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique. Even so, it would take nearly 50,000 years to fully enter the seventh level.

Under the blessing of Luo Tianjing, fifty thousand years, or about two thousand years...

"Well, at this rate, the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique will be able to enter the seventh level in the next simulation!"

Su Xing felt a little bit of anticipation in his heart, and silently said:

"Starting immersive simulation... Duration 274 years!"

[Ding... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

With the use of 100,000 energy sources, the awakened consciousness enters the simulated world.


In the Tianji Realm, Su Xing turned around and entered the Luotian Realm.

"After entering the Taiyi realm, we still have to prioritize improving the avenues of space and speed!"

"After all, these two avenues are of great help to me in reality!"

"Then, let's first improve our understanding of the Great Dao of Space as much as possible!"

Su Xing thought so, drank a cup of enlightenment tea, and began to comprehend the avenue of space.

Hundreds of space-related treasures were placed in front of Su Xing.

Su Xing used the spatial essence in the treasure to begin his comprehension.

One month later…

Su Xing opened his eyes and frowned slightly:
"Sure enough...something is wrong with the laws of the great Dao within the Luotian Mirror!"

When Su Xing was comprehending the fifth level of the Great Dao, he vaguely felt that the effect of comprehending in the Luotian Mirror was several times worse than in the real world!
At that time, Su Xing hadn't thought too much about it, but he already had some guesses in his mind:

After all, Luotian Realm is the internal space of a supreme treasure and does not contain the complete Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, the efficiency of comprehending the Great Dao cannot be compared with the real world that possesses the complete Great Dao!

"This point has become even more obvious after entering the sixth stage of the Great Dao!"

"Luotian Realm is a Chaos Supreme Treasure after all, and it may be able to intercept some of the Heavenly Dao rules... But for cultivators at a high level, the effect of comprehending in Luotian Mirror is too far away!"

Su Xing estimated that one month of his comprehension in the Luo Tian Mirror was probably equivalent to three days in the outside world.

This is a full ten times difference!
"Perhaps, it is also related to the fact that the Luo Tian Mirror has not been completely repaired..."

Su Xing shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Instead, he left Luotian Realm and chose to comprehend in the Tianji Realm.

As expected, after returning to the Tianji Realm, he felt the power of the Great Dao filling the heaven and earth, and his speed of awakening and comprehension increased tenfold!
In this way, more than 200 years passed in the blink of an eye...


The immersive simulation ended, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and returned to reality.

After carefully experiencing the progress of his understanding of the great Dao, Su Xing frowned slightly.

“Although I have gained a faster understanding of the Dao Laws since entering Taiyi, and I have the blessing of the Space Saint Body…but my progress is still too slow…”

Su Xing shook his head.

More than 270 years of simulation...

More than ten cups of enlightenment tea, hundreds of Wendao pills, plus the blessing of the void realm, the awakened space avenue still remained at the entry level of the sixth realm...

"Sure enough, the further you go in the Great Dao Contest, the more difficult it will be, whether it's improving your cultivation... or comprehending the Great Dao!"

“However, although I have not yet achieved a small realm breakthrough, the immersive simulation for more than 200 years has indeed deepened my understanding of the way of space!”

After a pause, Su Xing sighed and said:

"But it's still too difficult to move from the sixth stage to the seventh stage!"

Su Xing recalled a question he had asked the Tianji Pavilion Master:
How many Taiyi Golden Immortals are there in this world?
The answer from the Pavilion Master of Tianji was: Two hundred and seventy-four!
Oh, yes, including Su Xing now, there should be 275...

At that time, the Master of Tianji Pavilion also explained to Su Xing the power division of the Taiyi Golden Immortals!
Yes, Taiyi Golden Immortal is also divided into four realms!
The first realm: the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, or the most common Taiyi Golden Immortal, refers to the magic power that has not yet reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the comprehension of a certain great way has not yet reached the peak of the sixth realm.

Nine out of ten Taiyi Golden Immortals in the world are at this level and have no hope of achieving Daluo in their lifetime.

The Taiyi Golden Immortals in this realm include those Taiyi who have not yet been included in the Tianjiao List, as well as all the Taiyi Golden Immortals below the 50th place on the Tianjiao List!
A total of two hundred and twenty-five!
Su Xing now is naturally at this level.

And when one's cultivation reaches the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal and a certain avenue enters the peak of the sixth realm.

He entered the second great realm of Taiyi Realm, the Realm of Taiyi Zhenren!

The Taiyi Golden Immortal at this stage is a true strong man, a powerful being who can be ranked in the top 20 of the Tianjiao List!

There are only more than twenty people in the world and the five major domains!
The third realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal is called Taiyi Zhenjun!
Taiyi who has reached this realm is still at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but a certain avenue has already entered the seventh realm!
Moreover, he has already begun to overcome the three disasters and six calamities... and has a great chance of achieving the Golden Immortal!

The fourth realm of Taiyi Jinxian is called Taiyi Tianzun!
Taiyi Tianzun, his cultivation has reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, and at least three avenues have reached the seventh realm!
And we are very close to completely overcoming the three disasters and six tribulations...

Those who can reach this realm are either "old men" who have lived for tens of millions of years with the help of natural treasures, special skills, and physical fitness. Their cultivation, strength, and understanding of the great Dao have all reached the peak, but they have no chance of breaking through to the Daluo Jinxian...

Such an existence is invincible under the Daluo!

Or, he has incredible talent and may break through to the Golden Immortal at any time!
"Alas... Taiyi is divided into four realms, and each realm is more difficult than the last!"

"Now, I am not even considered a strong person in the first realm..."

Su Xing estimated that when he reached the seventh level of the Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique, he would be ranked around 60th on the Heavenly Ranking.

Although his magic power has not yet reached the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, he is no less capable than a Taiyi Golden Immortal of that level.

"The vast majority of Taiyi Golden Immortals remain in the first realm throughout their lives!"

"Is it because of lack of qualifications? Definitely not!"

"How can a cultivator who can become a Taiyi Golden Immortal be inadequate in qualifications?"

Su Xing sighed. There was only one reason why these cultivators were trapped in the first level of Taiyi: insufficient foundation!

At a lower level, perhaps due to impatience at some point, one may not be able to achieve perfection in this level.

From now on, one step wrong will lead to every step wrong!

In the end, the foundation of the Great Dao is insufficient, and there is no hope of achieving enlightenment in one’s lifetime…

"Lack of foundation is worse than lack of talent!"

"I am not qualified enough, but there are treasures in the world that may increase my qualifications."

"But the foundation is not enough, the only way is to disperse the power and rebuild again!"

"But who among those who can cultivate to the level of Taiyi Jinxian is not the founder of a sect or a hegemon of a region?"

"In charge of countless lives, reducing the burden on the rise and fall of the sects and families...how many people have the courage to return to the lowest level and cultivate again?"

"Therefore, there is no hope for me to attain enlightenment in my lifetime, and the end of my path is Taiyi..."

At this point, Su Xing sighed.

"Taiyi, Daluo... the difference between these two words is like a chasm in the sky!"

(Oh oh, brothers, it’s the last day, can you get 5,000 votes?)

(End of this chapter)

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