Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 472 Activate the Luotian Black Pearl and meet Master Luotian again!

Chapter 472 Activate the Luotian Black Pearl and meet Master Luotian again!

“For those cultivators who stay at the first level of Taiyi for their entire lives, if they want to cultivate a certain avenue to the peak of the sixth level, they will probably need to waste tens of millions of years!”

"However, the lifespan of a Taiyi Golden Immortal is only tens of millions of years, so how can they do this?"

After a pause, Su Xing murmured:
“Only those with enough talent to reach the second realm can hope to achieve Daluo… The gap also widens at this step!”

"For the time being, we will call the Taiyi Golden Immortal who can become the Taiyi True Man the proudest among the Taiyi Golden Immortals!"

"For them, it may take three to five million years to comprehend a certain avenue and reach the peak of the sixth realm..."

"In terms of qualifications alone, I should belong to this category now..."

Su Xing made a brief calculation.

This means that if he wants to cultivate the Avenue of Space to the peak of the sixth level without relying on external forces, it will take at least this much time.

But fortunately, Su Xing has a simulator, enlightenment tea, knowledge pills, and talents such as late bloomer and spatial holy body!

"So, this time... can be shortened by about 200 to 300 times!"

"This means that even with the help of Enlightenment Tea and other things, it will still take me 10,000 to 20,000 years to cultivate the Great Space Avenue to the peak of the sixth realm!"

"One immersive simulation lasts 274 years... At least fifty simulations are needed before the Great Space Avenue can reach the peak of the sixth realm!"

"That is, more than a year..."

This speed is really not slow!

But unfortunately, there is not much time left for Su Xing...

"As for cultivation, as long as there is enough immortal fluid and the blessing of the Luotian Mirror, it shouldn't be a problem..."

"It will take a little longer to reach enlightenment and enter the seventh realm..."

Su Xing calculated silently, according to this speed.

It would probably take at least three years for him to enter the Golden Immortal realm!
"If we hurry up, we'll still have time..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes. It would take one year for Hong Yue to be completely resurrected, and three to four years for him to recover to the realm of the Lord God.

As long as Su Xing works harder, or has some more adventures.

Maybe I can be promoted to Daluo before the red moon!

At that time, he was at the level of Daluo Jinxian and challenged a first-level god.

Combined with Su Xing’s own ability to fight across levels, killing him... is easy!
Apart from this, Su Xing can only place his hope on body refining!
If the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique can reach the eighth level, killing the Red Moon will not be a difficult task!

"Huh... I've been thinking too much. Right now, I should advance to the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique as soon as possible!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The 600th year, the immersive simulation ends, and your understanding of the avenue of space has advanced further! ]

[Next, you will start to carry out the mission and spend contribution points and treasures to exchange for various natural treasures in the Tianji Pavilion.]

[When you are not carrying out missions, you can practice in the Luotian Mirror. ]

[In this way, two hundred years passed! ]

[In the eighth hundred years, your Qi and blood are more abundant, and you have already passed two-thirds of the bottleneck from the peak of the sixth level to the seventh level.]

[This year, the war broke out! ]

[You joined the battlefield as a Taiyi Golden Immortal! ]

[Due to your great improvement in strength, you have been assigned to fight in a more dangerous area and lead the team alone. ]

[Fortunately, you were cautious, and with your own strength, you made great contributions in the war and survived.]

[In the 900th year, after the war, you were listed on the Tianjiao Ranking, ranking 69th! ]

[This is very close to your true strength. ]

[It was also in this year that you decided to leave the Tianji Realm and head to the Tianmo Realm! ]

[In the 820th year, you crossed the Endless Sea and successfully arrived at the Demonic Realm! ]

[Activate the Heavenly Demon Order, and the Heavenly Demon will appear and recognize you quickly! ]

[The most eye-catching genius in the past ten thousand years, who immediately reached the 69th place on the genius list as soon as he entered Taiyi! ]

[Even the Heavenly Demon General has to face it...]

[He was somewhat curious about why you had the Heavenly Demon Order. You did not explain too much, but explained your identity.]

[The demon will soon know why you are here...]

[Just like the previous simulation, Tianmo will tell you a story and give you the Luotian Black Pearl! ]

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"The Luotian Black Pearl is in my hands!"

"It contains half of the Luotian Realm, plus the orb inherited by Luotian Patriarch!"

"Now that I have finally entered the realm of Taiyi, I can try to activate it!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and prepared for an immersive simulation to personally test the mystery of the Luo Tian Black Pearl.

“Use immersion… for a year!”

[Ding... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


Demonic Realm, core area.

Su Xing entered the Lingtian Cave and carefully observed the Luotian Black Pearl in his hand.

This is not the first time that Su Xing has obtained the Luotian Black Pearl, but his cultivation was not enough before and he was unable to activate it.

Now that he has entered the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, Su Xing can finally try again!
A wisp of pure immortal power sank into the black bead.

The ordinary black beads of the past began to emit a crystal luster.

The next moment, Su Xing felt a suction force trying to suck him into a strange space.

Without resistance, Su Xing followed the suction and disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, Su Xing came to a strange yet familiar world.

What is familiar is that this Luotian Realm and some of the world fragments in the Luotian Mirror owned by Su Xing have the same origin.

What’s strange is that Su Xing has never been here.

This is the other half of Luotian Realm that disappeared in the Three Thousand Worlds!

Looking at the devastation that looked like a world-destroying war, Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

"What kind of horrific battle took place in Luotian Realm back then..."

"Let the entire universe be shattered into pieces?"

Su Xing murmured.

Just as Su Xing was thinking, a voice came to his ears.

"You finally came!"

Su Xing looked in the direction of the sound and saw a white human figure.

Through that layer of light, Su Xing also saw a thumb-sized white bead.

"This figure... Patriarch Luo Tian!"

Su Xing's heart moved. He had seen the appearance of Master Luo Tian when he went back in time.

Therefore, I recognized it at a glance!

"You seem to know me?" A voice came with some doubt.

Su Xing raised his eyebrows and shook his head:

"The sect has inherited some portraits of the ancestors, so I naturally recognize them!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the figure in front of him nodded slightly, without thinking too much, but asked:

"Now, how long has it been?"

"How many of my Luo Tian Sect members are still alive..."

"What is the situation of the Three Thousand Worlds now?"

Su Xing knew that the light and shadow before him were just a trace of Master Luo Tian's obsession and consciousness, combined with his supernatural powers.

The real Luo Tian Patriarch has already lost his soul and there is no possibility of resurrection.

Even so, Su Xing still patiently explained:
"Tens of millions of years have passed since our ancestor died in battle..."

Su Xing explained the changes that have taken place over the years, the situation in the Three Thousand Worlds, and the current situation of Luo Tian's descendants.

After hearing this, Patriarch Luo Tian was silent for a long time and said:

"Millions of years have passed... The Luo Tian lineage is..."

There seemed to be some sadness in his tone, but it was only for a moment.

Soon, the figure in front of him looked at Su Xing with admiration in his eyes.

"You are a talented kid... Have you actually already reached the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

"And the foundation is solid... there is hope that he will achieve Daluo in the future!"

As he spoke, the figure seemed to sense something and asked:

"Where's that little brat Luo Tianjing? Let it come out to see me!"

Patriarch Luo Tian frowned slightly, as if he sensed some breath, but was not sure.

Su Xing now possesses the highest authority of the Luotian Mirror, so he naturally cannot summon Luotian Patriarch.

So Su Xing's heart moved, and a palm-sized, ancient small mirror with many cracks on the mirror surface appeared in front of the light and shadow of Master Luo Tian.

"Grandmaster... Grandmaster?"

The spirit of the Luo Tian Mirror said uncertainly that after tens of millions of years of damage, she seemed to have lost most of her memories.

Upon seeing this, Patriarch Luo Tian frowned slightly and said:

"Sure enough, it has come to this..." "Sacrificed most of the power to save a trace of the remaining soul of the former Luo Tianmen..."

As a Daluo Jinxian and the former master of the Luotian Mirror, Patriarch Luotian quickly revealed the secret of heaven.

After a moment of silence, Patriarch Luo Tian said to Su Xing:

“Part of the core of the Luotian Mirror is sealed in this black bead.”

"It is precisely because of this that I was able to merge half of the Luotian Realm into one body and wait until today..."

"Once you have completely inherited my legacy, you will be able to take the core away..."

"By then, you will be able to integrate the entire Luotian Realm into your body, and possess power far beyond that of an ordinary Daluo Jinxian!"

"And those residual souls in the Luotian Mirror can also be revived in some way..."

Su Xing's heart moved after hearing this.

"The body is compatible with the entire Luotian Realm?"

"The core of the Luotian Mirror has returned and has been completely repaired?"

"Resurrect the remaining souls in Luotian Sect?"

These are what Su Xing urgently wants to see!

The complete resurrection of the inner disciples of Luotian Sect is definitely a strong support for Su Xing!

Apart from anything else, just the inheritance of the hundreds of arts of cultivating immortals, such as alchemy, weapon refining, and spiritual plants, can provide a lot of help for Su Xing!
In addition, the Luo Tian Mirror has been completely repaired, making it even more powerful than before!

So, Su Xing couldn't wait to say:
"Grandmaster, I would like to ask, how can I inherit the legacy you left behind?"

Patriarch Luo Tian did not keep the secret and said directly:
"Among all the great golden immortals in the past, my combat power should be number one!"

"Do you know why?"

"This is because of the Spirit Realm!"

"The Spirit Realm, when cultivated to its ultimate state, is the most powerful auxiliary magical power in the world, without a doubt!"

"Because, within the spiritual realm, one's understanding of the great Dao can be greatly enhanced!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. His spiritual realm had now been cultivated to the level of the spiritual world, reaching a range of one hundred thousand miles.

Naturally, he also felt the enhancement of the great Dao and supernatural powers brought by the spiritual realm.

But it seems... the increase is only limited!
If the increase is based on this, the Spirit Realm does not seem to be as strong as imagined.

"Grandmaster, I have some questions for you..."

Su Xing gave a detailed description of his insights from his years of spiritual practice and his own realm.

After hearing this, Patriarch Luo Tian nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yes, your spiritual realm has reached 100,000 miles... It saves a lot of effort!"

"Then do you know how many realms the Spirit Realm is divided into?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

But I saw Luo Tian Patriarch pointed out:
"The Spirit Realm is divided into four realms!"

"The first realm, the Spirit Realm, since the prototype of the Spirit Realm was formed, the highest Ten Thousand Miles Spirit Realm, within the same realm, has a slight increase in the power of magical skills!"

"The second realm, the Spirit Realm, increases the power of magical skills exponentially. The external manifestation is that the range of the Spirit Realm can reach up to 100,000 miles!"

"That is, your current realm!"

"The third realm, the Immortal Realm, when you reach this realm, the Spirit Realm will show its true effect!"

"The sign of reaching this realm is that the spiritual realm is more than 100,000 miles, which is enough to fit into the entire small world... or enough to fit into the entire universe!"

“When a cultivator reaches this level, the blessing of the spiritual realm is not only limited to magical powers and techniques, but directly points to the Tao!”

"It is a direct blessing for the realization of the Great Dao!"

"Depending on the different perceptions of the Great Dao, the range of the Immortal Realm is different... the added effect also varies in strength..."

“When you first enter the Immortal Realm, you may only be able to add half a small realm to a certain avenue.”

“But if you cultivate to the peak of the Immortal Realm, you can even raise a certain avenue by two small realms!”

"For example, my mastery of the Way of Space, with the blessing of the Immortal Realm, was directly upgraded from the seventh level of minor success to the seventh level of peak!"

"In addition, the Way of the Five Elements, the Way of Speed, etc. can all be improved!"

Su Xing listened silently to Master Luo Tian's sharing of experience, but his heart was filled with turbulent waves!

At this moment, Su Xing finally understood why Patriarch Luo Tian was regarded as the number one Daluo Golden Immortal in the past!

The cultivation and magical powers of those veteran Golden Immortals are actually similar.

The gap is more reflected in the understanding of the Tao!

After all, it takes millions of years to advance from the sixth realm to the seventh realm.

If one wants to comprehend a certain avenue and advance from the seventh realm to the peak of the seventh realm, it will probably take tens of millions of years!

Even if one is a Golden Immortal, there are only one or two ways to reach the peak of the seventh realm after spending his entire life!

But for Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​everything is different!

The number one person in the spiritual realm of the world, his understanding of the Tao directly elevated his realm by two levels!
This means that perhaps Patriarch Luo Tian at that time mastered several great ways to the peak of the seventh realm at the same time!
Compared with other Daluo Jinxian, this is a qualitative change!

"Tsk tsk, the Spirit Realm only starts after 100,000 miles?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

He was stuck in the spiritual world within a radius of 100,000 miles, and had already gone through several simulations.

Never got promoted...

Now, with the guidance of Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​Su Xing finally found the problem!
The awakened spiritual world is integrated with the spiritual fields and caves.

But it is not a complete little world!
Therefore, the spiritual world cannot be broken through!

If you want to make a breakthrough, you need to merge with a small world first before you can enter the fairyland level.

By then, the scope of the spiritual realm will be able to grow further!
"I see...thank you for your guidance, senior!"

Su Xing bowed respectfully to Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​and then said:
"Senior, you said the Spirit Realm has four realms, what is the fourth realm?"

"Besides that, I want to know how to inherit your legacy... and merge with the Luotian Realm!"

After hearing this, Patriarch Luo Tian said leisurely:
"As for the fourth realm of the Spirit Realm...it's just my guess!"

"After all, I only cultivated to the peak of the third realm back then, and my body merged into the Luotian realm... I was unable to take that step!"

"However, the avenue I was best at back then was the avenue of strength, which I have cultivated to the peak of the seventh realm!"

"And with the blessing of my spiritual realm, I have even vaguely touched the threshold of the eighth realm!"

Su Xing was shocked when he heard this. The eighth realm is a realm that belongs only to saints!
"Could it be..." Su Xing had a guess in his mind!
I saw that Patriarch Luo Tian nodded slightly and said:
"That's right. According to my speculation, after the Spirit Realm enters the fourth realm, it will be able to directly upgrade a certain avenue to a higher realm!"

"That is, a certain avenue at the peak of the seventh realm, which can exert the power of the eighth realm in battle!"

After hearing this, Su Xing thought to himself, as expected!

If this is true, the value of the Spirit Realm is enormous!

The gap between the peak of the seventh realm and the eighth realm can be imagined!

If this is really possible, facing cultivators with similar cultivation levels would definitely be a dimensionality reduction attack!

"Hiss... The Spirit Realm is indeed extraordinary!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't wait to know what the test from Master Luo Tian was.

Patriarch Luo Tian did not keep the secret. He just pointed to the world under his feet and said:

"The test I give you is to transform this half of the Luotian Realm into a part of your own spiritual realm!"

"As long as you can do it, you won't be much worse than I was back then!"

"When the time comes, the core of the Luotian Mirror will be given to you... and I will also leave you the inheritance of the Luotian Sect at that time!"

After saying this, Patriarch Luo Tian waved his hand, and a huge mountain appeared in the distance.

The mountain is about ten thousand feet high and unknown how wide it is.

In Su Xing's eyes, the entire mountain was filled with spiritual stones! And they were top-grade spiritual stones!
"Hiss... the best spiritual stone from a thousand-foot-high mountain?"

Su Xing blinked, thinking to himself that this was worthy of Luo Tian Sect’s foundation!

"Huh? It seems... there's more to it than that!"

When Su Xing woke up, he vaguely felt that there seemed to be two lives sleeping under the thousand-foot-high Lingshi Mountain.

"This aura... is a spirit dragon!"

Su Xing widened his eyes. Under this thousand-foot-high mountain, there were actually two spiritual dragons sleeping!
Moreover, a thousand years ago, these two spirit vein dragons have probably completely entered their maturity stage.

This means that a dragon vein dragon is an inexhaustible mountain of spiritual stones!
"Luo Tian Sect's background? It is indeed extraordinary!"

Su Xing smacked his lips. Just this Lingshi Mountain and the two spiritual vein dragons were already a huge foundation.

However, that’s not all!
Patriarch Luo Tian pointed to the long river under the mountain.

Cascading down from the top of the mountain, several mountain streams converge into a river, stretching for hundreds of miles.

"Hiss... Is this a long river of spiritual fluid?"

Su Xing was shocked again.

In his own spiritual field, there is also a small river where spiritual fluid gathers...

But compared with the river that stretches for hundreds of miles in front of us, it is truly a dwarf compared to a giant!

There is no telling how much spiritual fluid there is in this long river alone...

"Is this the foundation of top strength?"

Just as Su Xing was sighing, he discovered with his sharp eyes that there seemed to be a deep pool on the Lingshi Mountain.

"Huh? This pool of water..."

"It's the immortal liquid! A whole pool of immortal liquid!"

(End of this chapter)

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