Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 473 After two consecutive simulations, the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique fina

Chapter 473 After two consecutive simulations, the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique finally entered the seventh level!
"Wow, a whole deep pool of immortal liquid... the heritage of an ancient sect?"

"How many billions of immortal fluids are there in this? I'm afraid it's enough for me to cultivate to the Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing blinked, feeling extremely excited.

These inheritances will all belong to him in the future!
"And over there..." Patriarch Luo Tian pointed again, and his voice sounded at the right time.

As far as Su Xing could see, in this half of the Luotian Realm.

Secret places and treasure mountains emerged one after another.

Countless ores, materials, rare treasures piled up into mountains...

The entire secret realm is filled with long-extinct immortal medicines, spiritual plants, and natural treasures...

There are countless soul gathering flowers all over the mountains and fields...

An entire treasure mountain made up of magic weapons.

The hundred-meter-high Sutra Library is filled with various precious martial arts inheritances!
"My goodness, this is not Luotian Realm!"

“This is simply an inexhaustible treasure trove!”

Even though Su Xing had a premonition in his heart, he was still stunned by the "bold" scene before him.

Just like Granny Liu when she first entered the Grand View Garden, Su Xing couldn't stop smiling.

"Luotian Sect, the top sect in ancient times... I'm afraid most of the accumulation of millions of years is here..."

Su Xing said secretly.

No wonder the Luotian inheritance he found in the outside world was extremely limited in number.

It turned out that most of the inheritance and treasures had already been collected by Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​hidden in this Luo Tian Black Pearl, and handed over to the Demon General for safekeeping.

"That's right... If you don't even have Taiyi cultivation, how can you protect such a huge inheritance?"

Su Xing understood a little.

The shadow of Patriarch Luo Tian beside him saw that Su Xing had seen almost everything, so he said:

"Don't worry, as long as you pass the test and prove that you are qualified... all these inheritances will be yours!"

"But... before that, you must first incorporate Luotian Realm into your own spiritual realm..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, and asked eagerly and puzzledly:
"Ancestor, how can I make Luotian Realm a part of my spiritual realm?"

"After the Spirit Realm reached 100,000 miles, the range has not increased any further!"

After hearing this, Patriarch Luo Tian nodded slightly and said:
“This is what I’m going to teach you next…”

"You should first follow me and learn how to turn a small world into a part of your spiritual realm..."

Soon, Patriarch Luo Tian began to teach Su Xing the experience of practicing in the spiritual realm and how to completely naturalize a small world.

In the hands of this Daluo Jinxian, who is "the best in the spiritual realm" in ancient and modern times, Su Xing's mastery of the spiritual realm improved rapidly.


The immersive simulation soon ended, and consciousness returned to reality.

"Huh~ Luotian Black Pearl, it's really an incredible inheritance!"

"As long as I obtain this black bead, I think it will be enough for me to practice to become a Golden Immortal!"

A desire arose in Su Xing's heart.

"It's a pity that the Luotian Black Pearl is far away in the Heavenly Demon Realm... With my current cultivation and space realm, it will take at least twenty years to get there..."

"The most urgent task is to improve the way of space!"

Su Xing quickly determined that the way of space should be the main path for the next period of time!

"The Great Witch's Body Refining Technique also needs to break into the seventh level as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the 930th year, you entered the Luotian Mirror and began to spend more time every day improving your Qi and blood.]

[At the same time, under the teachings of Grandmaster Luo Tian, ​​you gradually began to master the methods of "naturalizing the world" and "combining the body with the world." ]

[In this way, two hundred and seventy years passed slowly! ]

[In the 1,200th year, you received a notice from the Demon General... The Nanman Territory has been completely invaded! ]

[This is a full hundred years earlier than your previous simulation! ]

[In the 1,400th year, the Qingyuan Territory was completely invaded...]

[In the 1,430th year, alien races invaded the Demon Realm in large numbers.]

[Under internal and external troubles, the Fourth Legion and the Seventh Legion worked together to put the situation in the Demon Realm into a desperate situation...]

[Faced with the encirclement and suppression of several first-level gods, you eventually killed a first-level god, but you yourself died of exhaustion...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Looking at the simulated text in front of him, Su Xing frowned.

"It's actually... getting faster again?!"

"The time for the destruction of the Southern Barbarian Territory...is almost a hundred years closer!"

"Sure enough, the pace of alien invasion has accelerated. I'm afraid it has something to do with my promotion to Taiyi Jinxian!"

"That being among the alien race must have sensed my growth... so it has accelerated the invasion once again!"

"In that case...then we can only see who is faster!"

A strong fighting spirit flashed in Su Xing's eyes as he looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Big Sun Thunder Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 energy origins.

[The Great Witch Body Refining Technique Practice Results]: The energy tree in the body is nine feet, nine feet, and nine inches long. The energy is almost infinite, and the body and recovery ability are greatly increased. It is only one step away from entering the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique! Price: 3000 million energy source!
[Secret Method of Naturalizing the World (Minor Success)]: Created by the ancient Golden Immortal "Luo Ling'er", it contains the effect of naturalizing the world and incorporating it into the spiritual realm. After mastering it thoroughly, you can try to naturalize an entire small world. Price: 50 Energy Origin!
[Secret Method of Combining Your Body with the World (Minor Success)]: From the ancient Golden Immortal... you can merge your own spiritual realm with the world into one, speeding up the growth of your spiritual realm. Within the realm, your supernatural powers and understanding of the Great Dao will increase. Price: 50 Energy Origins!
Su Xing looked at the four rewards in front of him and chose to take all of them out except the Big Sun Thunder Body.

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique. You spent 3000 million energy sources... The remaining energy sources are 1...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the secret method of naturalizing the world (minor success)... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the Secret Method of Combining the Worlds (Minor Success)... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

As the prompt sounds rang out one after another, a large amount of memories flooded into Su Xing's mind.

Over the past hundreds of years, the teachings of Luo Tian Patriarch have covered the methods of assimilating the world into the Spirit Realm, as well as the future cultivation of the Spirit Realm...

Su Xing gradually absorbed a lot of experience.

At the same time, the strength of the awakened body is also rapidly increasing.

Qi, blood and recovery ability are further improved!
Compared to before the tribulation, Su Xing's vitality and blood have increased by about seven times!
Gradually adapting to the surge in blood and flesh in his body, Su Xing stretched his muscles and bones and said with satisfaction:
"The Great Witch's Body Refining Technique is indeed mysterious... My vitality is now terrifyingly strong!"

"If I can fully enter the seventh level, my vitality will probably increase by more than ten times compared to before!"

"It only takes a moment for a broken limb to regenerate... As long as the head and heart are still there, they can be restored quickly!"

"Cultivate to the peak of the seventh level... Rebirth through dripping blood is no problem!"

Su Xing was full of anticipation.

"And the two secret techniques of Patriarch Luo Tian are also really impressive!"

Su Xing experienced it carefully and found that he knew too little about the Spirit Realm before.

But after mastering the two secret methods, Su Xing can also begin to try to naturalize a small world.

"If there is a chance, naturalizing Blue Star would be the best choice!"

"There are still two simulation opportunities left, and more than 100 million energy sources, so let's continue the simulation!"

Su Xing didn't hesitate and immediately started the next round of simulation!
"Start simulation!"


【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden talent Innate Poison Body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing the red talent is 20%...]

[Innate Poisonous Body]: Golden talent, one of the hundred divine bodies in the world of immortal cultivation, has an amazing talent for poison, is good at using poison, and has greatly improved resistance to poison!
Su Xing just took a look at this new talent and didn't pay any more attention to it.

What Su Xing has learned so far is already sufficient, and the poison technique does not provide much improvement to Su Xing.

Poison resistance is pretty good though.

"After the simulation is over, take it out..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Please choose Xi Plus One...]

"I choose to bless late bloomers..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

Just like the last simulation, Su Xing began to repair the Luotian Mirror, went to the Luotian Sect to trade, and exchanged for a large amount of Qi and blood treasures.

After collecting Luo Tian's inheritance, he arrived at Tianji Realm in about twenty years.

Afterwards, he went to the fifth heaven to collect the treasure of Qi and blood... It was not until the "late bloomer" talent was triggered eighty years later that Su Xing began to practice desperately.

Seizing the opportunity, Su Xing joined the Tianji Pavilion, began to accumulate contributions, and gained an opportunity to enter the Mirror of Nothingness.

[In the 430th year, in the Heavenly Mystery Realm, you began to prepare to comprehend the Great Dao...]

Su Xing looked at the words in front of him and said silently:
"Use immersion... for 274 years!"

[Ding... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]


Soon, the immersive simulation ended and consciousness returned.

His comprehension of the Way of Space has also become closer, but he is still a long way from achieving minor success in the sixth realm.

"Next, let's prepare for a big battle and head to the Demon Realm!"

Su Xing said silently.

So, in the next simulation, Su Xing participated in the 800-year Tianji Domain War and performed outstandingly.

After the war, we headed to the Demon Realm as usual.

Activate the black bead and get guidance from Master Luo Tian.

Swallow the treasure of qi and blood every day to strengthen your body!
Until the 1,200th year...

[In the 1,200th year, the Southern Barbarian Territory was completely invaded... The Demonic Territory was invaded by even more alien races! ]

[In this critical situation, you practiced madly, and you are getting closer and closer to the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique! ]

[A hundred years have passed leisurely... You in the Luotian Mirror have practiced for another three thousand years! ]

[Finally, one day, you feel as if your body has been freed from its shackles, and you feel extremely relaxed.]

[The physical strength that had originally reached its limit has once again stimulated its potential! ]

[With a thought, the shadow of the Ancestral Witch behind him became more and more real, as if it had come alive! ]

[The energy tree in the body grows another inch! ]

[A ten-foot-tall Yuanli tree! ]

[At the same time, the body's ability to recover has reached a terrifying level! ]

[The broken arm regenerates in just a breath, the blood in the body burns like the sun in the void, as if it can burn everything! ]

[Congratulations, you have successfully broken through to the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Tempering Technique! ]

Looking at the words in front of him, Su Xing finally couldn't help but laugh heartily.

"The Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique has finally reached the seventh level as I wished!"

"Cultivate to the pinnacle, and be reborn by dripping blood... It is truly a terrifying ability!"

Su Xing seemed to have seen it, after reaching the peak of the seventh level.

Rebirth by dripping blood, coupled with Su Xing's own "one more shot" talent, it is simply an invincible monster!
Even if he is no match for Su Xing, it is unrealistic to kill him in a short period of time.

"If it is the way of space, and then enter the sixth realm of perfection..."

"Tsk tsk, that life-saving ability is probably terrifying!"

After knowing "that existence" among the alien race, Su Xing is more inclined to improve his ability to preserve his life!

"According to the time, this simulation is almost over..."

"If I had found a way to transform myself into a lesser demon god one thousand four hundred years ago, I should have been able to gain another wave of faith!"

Su Xing thought about it and prepared to give it a try.

[In the 1,300th year, after the Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique was promoted, you went to a void and transformed into the appearance of an inferior demon god! ]

【Afterwards, you traveled through mountains and rivers and returned to Qingyuan Territory! 】

[Seeing you disappear for more than a thousand years, the aliens were quite surprised and asked the reason. 】

[You just said that you accidentally entered the Endless Ocean, got lost in it for a thousand years, and just escaped.]

[Although the reason is a bit far-fetched, the aliens do not suspect you of being a traitor. ]

[And at this moment, Qingyuan Territory has almost been completely conquered, and you are no longer needed. ]

[So you were transferred to the Tianji Realm to train inferior demon cannon fodder...]

[In this way, five hundred years passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the 1800th year, you have trained 300 Lesser Demon Apostles and hundreds of millions of Lesser Demon believers, and are ready to begin harvesting the power of faith.]

[Without enough information, you cannot infer whether you will be in danger again.]

[So every hundred years, you will use up most of your faith power to improve your understanding of the laws of space.]

[Your mastery of the laws of space is slowly improving...]

[As time goes by, more and more bad luck begins to befall you. ]

[You are careful in every way, protecting your own life, always hiding in a safe place among the alien races, and never going to the front line. ]

[This year, you received intelligence that the Demonic Realm was captured! ]

[The Demon General will lead a group of strong men to break out of the siege and join forces with the White Emperor, preparing to defend the last half of the Tianji Domain! ]

[At this time, four of the five major domains of the human race have been invaded... The alien race is getting closer and closer to achieving complete victory! ]

[The confrontation between alien races and humans continues...]

[You hide in the alien stronghold and absorb the power of faith steadily, improving your understanding of the laws of space. ]

[In this way, another five hundred years have passed! ]

[In the 2300th year, the alien stronghold you were in encountered a sneak attack by the human race led by the White Emperor.]

[You died along with the other alien gods in the stronghold...]

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

"Finally, it's over!"

"In the 1800th year, the four major domains were lost, and the human race held the Tianji Domain... Gathering the top masters, they can indeed hold on for a longer time..."

"In the 2300th year, the White Emperor will attack us. You can pay attention to it and try to avoid this crisis..."

Su Xing thought to himself.

As he awakens and enters the realm of a first-level god, his combat power is no match for most Taiyi Golden Immortals.

But because he majored in the way of space, as long as he was not facing those veteran Taiyi or even Daluo Jinxian, he had some chances to escape.

Therefore, Su Xing could also consider living longer and seeing the outcome of the final war between humans and aliens as much as possible...

With just a little planning, Su Xing quickly focused on the rewards of this simulation.

"The seventh level of the Great Wizard Body Refining Technique! Here I come!"

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Innate Poison Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[The result of practicing the Great Witch Body Forging Technique]: The Yuanli Tree is ten feet tall, and you have entered the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique. Your life and blood are as hot as the sun. As long as the vital parts are not completely damaged, you can recover quickly! Price: 2000 million Energy Origin!
[Secret Method of Naturalizing the World (Great Mastery)]: Contains the effect of naturalizing the world and incorporating it into the spiritual realm. After mastering it thoroughly, you can try to naturalize an entire small world. Price: 100 million energy origins!
[Secret Method of Combining the Body with the World (Great Mastery)]: From the ancient Daluo Jinxian...Selling price: 100 million energy source!
In this simulation, awakening is roughly the same as the last time.

The only difference is that Su Xing knows the time when he is facing the death crisis.

After completing the promotion in the Great Witch's Body Tempering Technique, he transformed into a lesser demon god and simulated it again for a thousand years.

"After all, if we want to deceive Hongyue, the space law of the inferior demon gods must be further improved!"

"As well as the rewards from this simulation, the two secret techniques have also been further improved, and perfection is not far away!"

Without much thought, Su Xing took out all four rewards.

[Congratulations on bringing out the innate poisonous body... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the secret method of naturalizing the world (great success)... The remaining energy source is 1 million 2571 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing forth the Secret Method of Combining the Worlds (Great Success)... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique. You spent 2000 million energy sources... 1 points...]

Four prompt sounds were heard in succession, and a large amount of memories first poured into Su Xing's body.

The methods of naturalizing the world and integrating the body with the world are all rapidly improved.

In this way, Su Xing's chances of naturalizing the entire Blue Planet have become greater!
And then, Su Xing's aura began to surge!
"Is it coming... the seventh level of the Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique!"

A look of joy appeared on Su Xing's face, and he felt that his body had been sublimated in some way at this moment.

Qi, blood and vitality have increased tenfold compared to the peak of the sixth level!
An astonishing heat wave seemed to be surging in all directions with Su Xing as its core!

Just like, the sun shines brightly in the world!
But under Su Xing's control, he soon calmed down.

After half a day, Su Xing heaved a sigh of relief, adjusting to his "refreshed" body, and said with a hint of joy:

"Is this the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique?"

"From the outside, it seems no different..."

After saying that, Su Xing took out the Mo Bing Sword without thinking, wrapped it with Yuan Li, and swung the sword into the air... triggering!
Chop towards his left arm!
(End of this chapter)

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