Chapter 474: Facing Hongyue again and officially fighting!
All I heard was a crash.

The improved Yuanli came into conflict with the awakened and sublimated body...

In the end, Su Xing's attack was more powerful...

The entire left arm fell to the ground.

But in just a breath, Su Xing's severed left arm was reconnected, and the injury recovered quickly, as if nothing had happened.

"Hiss... this terrifying recovery ability..."

"It seems that only the Qi and blood in the body have lost some..."

Su Xing quickly understood the principle behind the seventh level of the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique.

The energy and blood, as hot as the sun, lurks under every inch of Su Xing's skin and in every cell!
When Su Xing is injured, the Qi and blood in his body will be digested quickly to repair Su Xing's injuries.

Even a "minor injury" like a broken limb can be reattached and recovered quickly by consuming a small amount of qi and blood.

If Su Xing's limbs were completely destroyed, Su Xing would need to expend even more energy to make up for it...

The more serious the injury, the more energy and blood will be consumed to wake up!
In this situation, there are only two ways to kill Su Xing.

Either exhaust the energy and blood in Su Xing's body... or kill Su Xing instantly!

But there is so much energy and blood in Su Xing's body that even Su Xing doesn't know where its limit is, and it can recover quickly.

If one wants to exhaust the energy and blood in Su Xing's body, it would probably require severely injuring Su Xing dozens or even hundreds of times in a very short period of time.

As for killing Su Xing instantly...

After the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique entered the seventh level, even the heart and head were no longer fatal.

Even a decapitation injury can be recovered as long as there is enough qi and blood.

I'm afraid the only way to kill him instantly is to cut Su Xing into pieces?
"Tsk tsk... the ancient witch clan is so terrifying!"

"Although I haven't reached the point of being reborn by dripping blood, it's still too difficult to kill me..."

This extreme vitality even gave Su Xing an illusion.

"Will I really die now?"

With this in mind, Su Xing couldn't wait to test his limits!

"There's only one...last chance for simulation left!"

"We have to try first to see if we can reach a negotiation with Hongyue..."

"At the same time, I still need to try... With my current strength, can I kill Hong Yue?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing first concealed the aura and traces in this small world.

Then he quickly used the art of space and spent half a day in the void, crossing an unknown distance of billions of miles.

After waking up, he activated the inferior alien talent and transformed into a simulation of an inferior demon god.

After traveling billions of miles again, Su Xing finally stopped in the void.

"The trace should have been lost..."

"Well, it's time to start a new round of simulations!"

Su Xing silently said:
"Start simulation!"


【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the golden talent sword spirit body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing the red talent is 20%...]

[Sword Spirit Body]: Golden talent, one of the special physiques in the world of immortal cultivation. The body nourishes the sword, and the stronger the sword, the stronger the person. The cultivator's cultivation will be enhanced as the natal spirit sword is strengthened!
"Sword Spirit Body... is a great talent!"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

The owner of this sword spirit body will become stronger as his natal spirit sword becomes stronger.

Very suitable for some weapon refiners.

If someone who is good at refining equipment has this talent, he will probably be able to grow up quickly.

"But unfortunately, it's of little use to me..."

"But I remember that my sister's profession seems to be a sword spirit? Let's see if it's suitable for her when we have a chance..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the void, you realize that you are simulating! ]

[You rush towards the direction of the blue star...]

[Half a month later, you arrived at Blue Star successfully.]

[You entered the Endless Abyss and contacted the Red Moon...]

[Hongyue kept her promise and prepared the promised blood and flesh essence for you in advance.]

[You proposed to Hongyue that you wanted to own Blue Star as your territory...]

[Hongyue was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then asked you the reason.]

[You said that this blue planet is part of the ancient Luotian Realm, so you want to see if there are any hidden secrets.]

[After hearing this, Hongyue fell silent again, as if she was thinking.]

[After a long time, Hongyue proposed a condition to you. ]

[Within a hundred years, provide them with 50 million low-level inferior demon cannon fodder, and the Blue Planet will be yours! ]

[You pretended to hesitate after hearing this, but eventually agreed.]

[Hongyue tells you that he will leave the vicinity of Blue Star within a year, and you can come and settle in then.]

[You agreed, and happily reached a consensus with Hongyue...]

[You left Blue Star, and one month later, you transformed into your true self and quietly returned to the vicinity of Blue Star...]

In the real world, Su Xing was stunned when he saw this, and a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"It's actually... so easy to succeed?"

" there no conspiracy?"

Su Xing thought about it carefully and soon discovered his blind spot!
Yes, Blue Star is important to Red Moon!
But this was before Red Moon was completely resurrected!

After millions of years of dormancy, Hongyue hopes to find the Luotian inheritance that once remained on Blue Star...

But after tens of millions of years, the red moon has not been found!
This made Hongyue extremely convinced that there was no such thing as inheritance on Blue Star!

In this way, the entire Blue Star is nothing more than blood food for Red Moon!
Moreover, there are almost no powerful lives on Blue Star, but there are a lot of them... How much blood food can they provide to Red Moon?

In other words, it is equivalent to an ordinary small world!

"According to this line of thought...Blue Star is not irreplaceable to Red Moon!"

Su Xing thought silently.

"And the reasons I gave in the simulation are also very reasonable... Blue Star is part of the ancient Luo Tian Sect. It's appropriate for me to explore it myself, right?"

"This fits my image when I first joined the alien race..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Of course, the most important reason for all because I have enough status!"

"Hong Yue has a request of mine... that's why I agreed so easily!"

"Obviously, compared to the dispensable Blue Star... I, your ally, am more important!"

"Besides, fifty million low-level demons is not a small number!"

"It's enough to successfully build a huge cannon fodder army..."

"From this we can see that Hongyue's ambition is still very big!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and quickly figured out these points.

"In that case, all that's left is... to improve the Law of Space to the sixth level within a year!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a lot more relaxed.

"Sure enough, a roundabout way to save the country!"

"The human race and life on Blue Planet can be saved..."

After trying the first idea in Su Xing's mind, Su Xing quickly wanted to try the second idea.

"After half a year of recovery, how strong is Hongyue now?"

"Is it a paper tiger... or a real tiger that has been hiding its true nature?"

"It's time to give it a try..."

Su Xing thought silently.

After both Qi and body training have entered the Taiyi realm, they are blessed with the ten great principles and the spiritual realm.

Su Xing’s combat power is no weaker than that of a Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivator in the late stage!
Even on the Tianjiao Ranking, it shouldn't be difficult to rank over 60. Therefore, Su Xing wanted to try and see how far he was from Hongyue.

"If there is a chance, it would be best to kill Hongyue!"

"If my strength is insufficient, it shouldn't be difficult to escape with my vitality... and I can also find out Hong Yue's methods and strength!"

"Even if we take a step back... it's just a waste of a simulation opportunity!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing no longer hesitated and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation, duration... 10 years!"

[Ding... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

The prompt sounded and the consciousness woke up and entered the simulated world!


As the vision in front of him changed, Su Xing appeared again in the void near the blue star.

Familiar void, Su Xing quickly locked onto the location of the blue planet.

"It only takes a quarter of an hour to get from here to Blue Star..."

"A surprise attack on Red Moon seems worth a try!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little overwhelmed.

Finally, it’s time to confront Hongyue head-on!
"Even if we lose, it shouldn't be difficult to save our lives..."

Having made up his mind, Su Xing no longer hesitated and rushed towards the location of the blue star.

A moment later, Su Xing arrived at Blue Star.

At the same time, the red moon in the sky also discovered Su Xing...

The terrifying malice strikes instantly...

" actually have the guts to come back?" Hongyue's sinister voice went straight into Su Xing's mind.

Hearing this voice, Su Xing narrowed his eyes, raised a middle finger, and retorted:

"I told you, this time I come to take your life!"

Although he didn't know whether he could kill Hongyue, Su Xing would definitely not be at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

After saying that, Su Xing carefully sensed it and soon sensed countless space nodes near the Blue Star.

These are the spatial coordinates of various copy worlds hidden near the Blue Star.

"Endless Abyss, found it!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, and then he tore open the void and turned into the endless abyss!

The spatial fluctuation flashed by, and Su Xing entered the first level of the endless abyss.

"Well, with my current knowledge of space... it's easy to break through the Red Moon's barrier without going through a designated entrance!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, and then displayed his understanding of the avenue of space several times.

One layer of the abyss... one hundred layers... three hundred layers... five hundred layers... eight hundred layers!

Under the path of connected space, Su Xing was heading towards the bottom of the endless abyss at a terrifying speed.

The area of ​​the entire Endless Abyss is dozens of times larger than that of the Blue Planet.

But even so, it only took Su Xing a moment to reach the deepest layer.

And here, Hongyue has been waiting for a long time.

At the bottom of the endless abyss, above the vast red land where the sky is so high and the earth is so wide, and in the blood-red sky.

A red pupil emitting a terrifying aura, like a blood-red moon, appeared in front of Su Xing.

This is, of course, Hong Yue’s real self!

"Human... I didn't expect you to be so bold!?"

"You are really courting death..."

When enemies meet, their eyes are filled with jealousy. Hong Yue's anger was transmitted to Su Xing's mind.

The next second, a beam of terrifying red light emitted from the pupil and shot quickly towards Su Xing.

This is the terrifying red light that once killed Su Xing instantly in the simulation!
But now, facing this red light, Su Xing is no longer as panicked as before!

The protective sword energy surged out in an instant!

A total of eight thousand one hundred sword auras, combined with the scattered Yuanli, protected Su Xing firmly.

The red light hit the protective sword energy, and the two made a huge collision sound.

The outermost circle of protective sword energy shattered like a spider web.

But then, the next protective sword energy continued to fill in!

The ten-zhang-tall Tianyuan sacred tree inside Su Xing's body provides Su Xing with an endless supply of energy!
One... two... five... ten!
This terrifying red light shattered ten protective sword auras in a row before it was finally blocked by Su Xing!

However, Su Xing, who was surrounded by the protective sword energy, did not suffer any harm.

The first round of confrontation between Su Xing and Hong Yue ended in a draw!

"The power of essence can break all laws... This is especially true after the Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique reaches the seventh level!"

"The terrifying red light from the past is not unstoppable anymore..."

Su Xing thought to himself.

"It's impolite not to reciprocate! Then you should take my sword too!"

After saying that, Su Xing took a deep breath, holding the Mo Bing Sword, and condensing his sword intent, mysterious spatial fluctuations flashed around Su Xing.

The next second, an astonishing silver sword light slashed towards the blood-red pupil in the sky at an astonishing speed.

It flew across the sky thousands of miles high, disappeared into space, and appeared in front of the red eyeball the next second.

Just when it was about to hit...

The sword in the void suddenly stopped in place.

Then, it came back at a strange angle...

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, leaped forward, and crossed a distance of a hundred miles to avoid the sword that was deflected back.

"Is it similar to telekinesis?"

"'s more like extreme mental strength!"

Su Xing murmured. Before the sword in the void was about to hit the red moon, Su Xing felt an invisible resistance blocking the sword intent.

Then the sword intent lost control and struck back in the opposite direction.

"As expected of the Lord God of the ancient times... This method is indeed extraordinary..."

Su Xing thought to himself, and looked towards Hongyue with a little more caution.

"One can block it...but what about more?!"

Su Xing did not stop attacking.

The eight thousand one hundred protective sword auras around his body gathered and dispersed, like a flock of geese flying together, transforming into thousands of sword lights, slashing towards the red moon in the sky!
The sword energy protects the body, attack and defense at the same time!
Even if the 8,100 sword energies were dispersed, with Su Xing's current sword skills and energy cultivation, they would be enough to severely injure an ordinary Golden Immortal cultivator.

"I want to see if you can block more than 8,000 sword energies."

Su Xing looked up at the moon, wanting to see how Hongyue would respond.

As Su Xing's sword energy slashed out, a layer of light red as thin as a cicada's wing suddenly appeared in the sky.

It's like a huge glass cover, separating the upper and lower parts.

Most of the 8,100 protective sword energies were blocked by this huge red shield.

Only a small part passed through the shield and slashed towards the red pupil.

The sword light sank into the red moon and soon disappeared...

But Su Xing still keenly noticed that the sword energy hit the entity!
"Red Moon... was hit!"

"But it seems... that he didn't suffer many injuries..."

Su Xing frowned slightly.

After all, the number of protective sword auras that hit Hong Yue was too small, only a few dozen.

Obviously, it was still not enough to hurt Hongyue.

"However, this also shows that... Hongyue's weird defense is not invincible!"

Su Xing was not discouraged after two consecutive attacks failed to produce any results. Instead, he began to observe Hong Yue's weaknesses and flaws.

At the same time, the red moon in the sky began to flicker, showing His unrest at the moment.

"No, it's impossible!"

"It's only been a short could your strength have grown to this point?!"

(End of this chapter)

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