Chapter 478: Red Talented Witch Ancestor! Explore the Eighth Heaven!
The blood and flesh essence of Hongyue provided Su Xing with more than 500 million energy sources!
At this moment, Su Xing once again had the capital to improve his cultivation, which was enough for simulations for a period of time in the future.

"Tsk tsk, a full 500 million energy sources!"

"Hongyue is really generous!"

Su Xing sighed. After all, the previous 500 million energy sources were what Su Xing had accumulated over half a year, and the targets were many alien gods.

And now, just by trading with Hongyue, he has 500 million energy sources!

How could I not be excited when I woke up?
"Well, there are still five simulation opportunities left... With 600 million energy sources, we can indeed start a new round of simulations!"

Su Xing is now a human being and it is rare for him to go out.

Waking up enough to simulate the original body - the inferior demon vest, can maximize the benefits!

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"


【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract talents. Do you want to extract them? 】


[Ding, congratulations on drawing the red talent Witch Ancestor. The probability of drawing a gold talent next time is 80%, and the probability of drawing a red talent is 20%...]

[Witch Ancestor]: Red talent. You have an amazing bloodline inheritance and possess terrifying potential in body refining that is comparable to the twelve Witch Ancestors.

"Fuck, Wu Zu!"

Su Xing exclaimed and looked at the newly drawn red talent, feeling very satisfied.

Wu Zu, there is no doubt that Su Xing has the highest level of body refining talent that he has ever drawn.

From being strong enough to pull mountains, born with supernatural powers, etc.... to the ancient wizard body before, Su Xing's talent for body refining has gradually improved.

But the ancient witch body only gave Su Xing the body refining talent of the ancient witch clan.

Although he is considered to be the best in this era, looking at history, he can only be regarded as a small genius among the witches in ancient times, and not a rare existence.

"Witch Ancestor! Just the word 'talent'... is enough to show its value!"

A strange light flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he recalled the ancient books he had read in his mind.

In ancient times, the human race was weak, and the rulers of the world were the demons and witches!

Among them, the most powerful witch ancestors are the Twelve Ancestral Witches!
Rumor has it that each of the Twelve Ancestral Witches possesses terrifying talent and strength in cultivation.

Even the weakest ancestor witch possesses the strength of a peak Daluo Golden Immortal. Ancestral witches like Gonggong and Zhurong possess the strength of a semi-saint.

It is also rumored that among the twelve ancient witches, there is one named Hou Tu, who is in charge of reincarnation and the veins of the earth and is a proven saint!
From this, we can see the terrifying talents of the twelve witch ancestors.

"The red-level Ancestral Witch talent... I wonder how much stronger it is than the previous Ancient Witch Body?"

“Maybe you can give it a try!”

Su Xing murmured, preparing to try out the effect of this new talent.

"In addition to improving my strength... I should also start looking for traces of the Soul-Breaking Grass and the Holy Branch..."

Su Xing murmured.

In the previous six months, Su Xing also tried to use the time rewind function, but he did not reach the era when the Holy Branch existed, and instead wasted a simulation opportunity.

As for the Soul-Breaking Grass, Su Xing already has some information about it.

The place where the Soul-Breaking Grass exists is the eighth heaven of the Nine Heavens!
After breaking through the Taiyi Golden Immortal, Su Xing was barely qualified to go to the eighth heaven.

"Although the Soul-Breaking Grass is also rare in the Eighth Heaven, I already knew its specific location from the Pavilion Master of Tianji."

"As long as our luck isn't too bad, we should be able to find it after searching for a few times at most!"

After Su Xing determined the goal of this simulation, he looked at the simulation panel.

[Please choose Xi Plus One...]

"I choose to add late-blooming talents..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[As planned, you went to Qingyun Sect to trade, collect Luotian inheritance, and went to Tianji Realm in the tenth year. ]

[After arriving at the Tianji Realm, in the next few decades, you went to the Fifth Heaven to collect some natural treasures and transplanted them into the Luotian Realm.]

[In the seventieth year, you left the Tianji Realm and headed for the Tianmo Realm.]

[In the 100th year, you successfully obtained the Luotian Black Pearl and planned to travel to the Nine Heavens alone.]

[In the 101st year, you arrived at the Seventh Heaven and decided to practice in seclusion here to comprehend the Great Dao.]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:
"Since we are heading to the Eighth Heaven, we must be fully prepared..."

"My current strength is almost enough to reach the eighth heaven."

"However, the alien races in the Eighth Heaven are too dangerous, and we need to find the Soul-Breaking Grass, which may not be easy..."

"Since the 100th year began, it has only been 400 years since the immersive simulation ended... The remaining time should be enough for me to search!"

Su Xing also knows that there is gain in loss.

Since we have to search for the Soul-Breaking Grass in the Eighth Heaven, we will not be able to enjoy the various benefits of the lower world, such as the Void Realm and the blood and energy treasures brought by the Tianji Pavilion.

Fortunately, a batch of them were looted in the fifth heaven in advance and placed in Luotian territory for incubation.

With a tenfold time difference, Su Xing can be provided with some of the time he needs for cultivation.

Su Xing silently said:
"Beginning immersive simulation, duration 274 years!"

[Ding... The remaining energy source is 6 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he had arrived in the seventh heaven.

After finding a secluded place, Su Xing set up numerous protective and concealing formations, and began to comprehend the avenue of space.

After taking the first sip of enlightenment tea, the first three-year enlightenment officially began.

Feeling the aura of Tao coming from the many space treasures around him, Su Xing's understanding of the avenue of space increased rapidly.

Three years later, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, revealing a look of surprise.

"Hmm? Comprehending the great Dao in the Ninth Heaven Realm... seems to be much more efficient than in the lower realms!"

Su Xing was a little surprised.

In the seventh heaven, the speed of comprehending the great Dao is about 50% faster than in the five major domains of the lower realm!
"The most precious treasure of Taoism has its limits..."

"Since the Great Dao entered the sixth realm, the blessings of those space treasures have only become 20% to 30%."

"On the contrary, in the seventh level, the speed of comprehension has greatly increased!"

Wake up thoughtfully.

"In ancient times, between the upper and lower worlds, the upper world was closer to the Tao... and therefore, powerful people frequently appeared in that era!"

“No wonder they say that the secret to becoming a saint may be in the ninth heaven… The Dao essence of the upper realm is indeed much faster than that of the lower realm!”

Su Xing was very surprised.

A 50% increase in comprehension speed may not seem like much, but it is definitely a huge change for Su Xing!
If it originally took Su Xing three years (in reality) to push a road into the seventh realm, now it only takes two years!

This improvement speed is really fast!

"Only the seventh heaven has such a blessing... What if it is in the eighth heaven?"

Su Xing was even more excited.

"However, exploring the Eighth Heaven for the first time... might be a bit risky!"

"Let's use up the Enlightenment Tea and Wen Dao Pills first..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't wait to continue comprehending the avenue of space.

In the blink of an eye, another two hundred and seventy years had passed.

In the last year before the end of the immersive simulation, Su Xing ended his retreat ahead of schedule.

After carefully reflecting on the gains from his 270 years of retreat, Su Xing was very satisfied.

“The efficiency has indeed increased by more than 50%!”

"At this rate, within five simulations, I might be able to enter the sixth level of space mastery!"

"To reach perfection in the sixth realm, it can be achieved with at most a hundred simulations!"

Su Xing was very satisfied, if the way of space could reach the sixth level of perfection.

Su Xing can even travel back and forth between the major domains easily!

It only takes a little over a month to reach the Endless Sea from Qingyun Sect!

In this way, it would only take Su Xing half a year to rush from Qingyuan Territory to Tianji Territory!

The time to reach the Demonic Realm can be compressed to within two years!
Reaching the Demon Realm within two years and obtaining the Luotian Black Pearl was a completely acceptable price for Su Xing!

"Tsk tsk... This is only the amplification effect of the seventh level..."

"Logically speaking, the eighth heaven is at a higher level... maybe even closer to the Tao!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked up at the sky, eager to go and explore.

He did it right away. Su Xing used the power of space and took a step forward, crossing a distance of millions of miles.

Then, it headed towards the eighth heaven at an astonishing speed.

About a month later, Su Xing could feel the "pressure" from the Eighth Heaven growing stronger and stronger.

Finally, not long after, Su Xing saw the "barrier" that divided the seventh heaven and the eighth heaven!
"This is……"

Su Xing frowned slightly, looking at the boundless water above his head. There were ripples on the water, and Su Xing's appearance was reflected on the water.

"Can we reach the eighth heaven by crossing this water?"

Su Xing seemed to be lost in thought. He could feel an invisible force attracting him from the water above his head.

To be on the safe side, Su Xing unleashed 8,100 sword auras to protect his body, and also released a spiritual realm within a ten-mile radius around him.

After shielding himself from the dangers of the world, Su Xing dived into the water.

Like a fish, Su Xing kept swimming upwards in the water at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly at a certain moment, Su Xing felt dizzy, as if the world was upside down.

After a few breaths, Su Xing emerged from the water and appeared in a strange world.

"Hiss... Such a rich spiritual energy!"

Su Xing widened his eyes and looked around.

After emerging from the water, Su Xing clearly felt that he was no longer in the seventh heaven.

"This is the eighth heaven!"

"The amount of spiritual energy here... is at least equivalent to that of a top-grade blessed land!"

Su Xing blinked. He was not sure whether the "birthplace" after he entered the Eighth Heaven was the "treasure land" in the Eighth Heaven, but he thought it was not such a coincidence.

So, the greater probability is...

Every random spot in the entire eighth heaven has the spiritual energy level of a top-grade blessed land!

As for the “secret realms” and “treasure lands” in the eighth heaven, they are probably at least at the cave heaven level!

Even the "Big Cave Heaven" that Su Xing painstakingly arranged might be formed naturally in the Eighth Heaven!

“Tsk tsk, the upper realm… is indeed the treasure land that the monks in ancient times dreamed of!”

Su Xing was only surprised for a moment, then he reacted quickly and left the lake.

Then hide your own breath and try to avoid being discovered by other lives.

After all, the eighth heaven is the home ground of the alien race!
Billions of alien races exist in the Eighth Heaven, but there are only dozens of strong humans.

If Su Xing is discovered by aliens, he will be in big trouble!

After leaving the lake, Su Xing used the escape technique to control his consciousness within a range of ten miles and quickly observed the environment of the eighth heaven.

In this way, about an hour passed.

With Su Xing's escape speed, although he was only moving slowly and exploring the Eighth Heaven, he had also traveled millions of miles.

At this point, Su Xing roughly determined his position and the general situation in the surrounding area.

Based on the information collected before waking up.

The eighth heaven is roughly divided into five areas.

It corresponds one by one to the five major domains of the lower world, the southeast, northwest, northeast and central domains, and is as vast as the entire domain!
The difference is that there is no endless sea blocking each area.

It is very easy to travel across the vast domain. Theoretically, it is possible to cross the entire eighth heaven.

With the help of space nodes and the speed of awakening, it would only take a thousand years to succeed.

"But... the eighth heaven is almost the home turf of the alien race!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes.

Within a million miles around him, the number of alien races he could sense was more than a million!

Every alien has at least legendary strength.

And there are quite a few foreign gods...

In comparison, Su Xing didn't even see a single human monk.

After all, in the vast Eighth Heaven, there are only a handful of dozens of people led by the Master of Tianji Pavilion!

“Huh… But the spiritual energy of the eighth heaven is indeed much higher than that of the lower realm!”

Su Xing had just explored no less than a hundred cave-level treasure troves.

On average, there is a cave every ten thousand miles.

There are even one or two top-quality caves...

However, most of these caves have been occupied by alien races.

"The Great Cave Heaven is still rare in the Eighth Heaven..."

Su Xing quickly determined his location.

Because it is entering the Ninth Heaven Realm from the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Therefore, the place where Su Xing is located is in the "Center of the Western Region" in the eighth heaven.

"My location... seems to be less than a billion miles away from the Soul-Breaking Grass..."

Su Xing narrowed his eyes. This was also the reason why he chose to enter the Eighth Heaven from the Tianji Realm.

This place is very close to the location where he obtained the Soul-Breaking Grass.

"Don't rush to look for the Soul-Severing Grass yet... First feel the speed of the eighth level's enlightenment!"

After Su Xing found a hidden cave, he began to comprehend the avenue of space.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, showing a look of surprise.

"The eighth level... the increase in the understanding of the Great Dao is at least 80%!"

"Moreover, the distribution is uneven..."

"In some places, the bonus from understanding the Great Dao can be doubled, or even more!"

Su Xing concluded.

In the eighth heaven, the speed of comprehending the great Dao is increased by between 80% and twice!
The highest comprehension speed is three times that of the lower realm!
"The more precious the land is, the richer the spiritual energy is... the more efficient one's comprehension of the Great Dao will be!"

"However, most of those treasured lands have been occupied by foreign races... It is already difficult to find a treasured land with double the bonus!"

The understanding of the great Dao required by human cultivators and the "power of laws" of alien races are essentially the same.

The alien races occupied the most valuable areas in the eighth heaven, so they naturally comprehended the laws faster.

"Even so, the speed of comprehension is twice that of the lower realm... It is also a huge improvement for me!"

Su Xing estimated that if he could comprehend the great Dao in the eighth heaven for a long time, perhaps in just over a year, Su Xing's mastery of the great Dao of space would reach the peak of the sixth realm!

At that time, Su Xing can try to go to Tianji Realm and obtain Luotian Black Pearl...

"The Eighth Heaven is a great place!"

Su Xing sighed, and then rushed towards the place where the soul-interrupted grass in his memory was.


The immersive simulation soon ended, and consciousness returned to the body.

Before the immersive simulation ended, Su Xing found out where the Soul-Breaking Grass was.

"But, getting the Soul-Breaking Grass... isn't that easy!"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes.

"That Soul-Breaking Grass is actually in a treasure land of the Great Cave Heaven level!"

“And in that treasure land, there are no less than a thousand foreign gods, and there are hundreds of second-level gods and several first-level gods…”

"Among them, there is an aura that makes me feel frightened. It should be a peak level one god!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little headache.

The good news is that Su Xing has found the location of the Soul-Breaking Grass.

The bad news is that the precious land where the Soul-Breaking Grass is located is an important stronghold of an alien race.

With Su Xing's strength, I'm afraid he won't be able to obtain it for the time being...

"Huh... Just determine the location!"

"As for obtaining the Soul-Breaking Grass, as long as you have enough strength, it is only a matter of time!"

"Next, we will find a secret place to continue practicing... Of course, if we can find a way to reunite with the Pavilion Master of Tianji, that would be even better!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 380th year, you found a secret cave in the Eighth Heaven and began to practice...]

[After entering Luotian Realm, the time difference between inside and outside is ten times, you take the Qi and Blood Treasure and practice the Great Witch Body Tempering Technique. ]

[In this way, two hundred and twenty years have passed in the outside world! ]

[In the sixth hundred years, you in Luotian Realm have practiced for more than two thousand years! ]

[At this time, the Tianyuan Divine Tree in your body grows to twelve feet, and your Qi, blood, and strength also increase slightly. ]

[With the blessing of the witch clan's talent, just two hundred years is equivalent to the results of your nearly a thousand years of practice! ]

[Your talent for practicing the Great Witch Body Refining Technique has greatly improved. At this rate, you can reach perfection in the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique within two or three years, far exceeding your Qi Refining talent.]

[But what bothers you is that the natural resources and treasures you have accumulated have been exhausted. ]

[You need to find more Qi and blood treasures to supply your practice. ]

[In the eighth heaven, there are countless natural treasures in various secret places... More importantly, the blood and flesh essence of those alien races are great tonics for you! ]

[Especially the blood and flesh essence of a first-level god, for you, it is equivalent to top-notch treasures from heaven and earth! ]

[So, you began to try to hunt first-level gods...]

(End of this chapter)

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