Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 479: Restarting the plan to hunt down the gods! The terrifying effect of the witch ancestor&

Chapter 479: Restarting the plan to hunt down the gods! The terrifying effect of the witch ancestor's talent!
In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"Yes! Although the eighth heaven is dangerous... it is definitely a great place for cultivation!"

"Not to mention the abundant spiritual energy and the endless emergence of various treasure lands... just the blood and flesh essence of those first-level gods is the top tonic for me!"

The Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique, the sixth level requires the Tianyuan Divine Fruit to increase the internal energy.

As for the seventh level, what is required is the ultimate vitality and blood.

Apart from some top-notch natural treasures and elixirs, for Su Xingxing, the growth of ordinary Qi and blood treasures is very limited.

But top-notch natural treasures are extremely rare.

The effect is even worse than the blood and flesh essence of alien races!
"So! We have to get back to our old ways... and find a way to hunt down alien gods!"

Su Xing was quite excited. After obtaining the talent of the Witch Ancestor, Su Xing's body refining aptitude increased several times and has surpassed his Qi refining aptitude.

If there is enough blood and flesh essence to supply, it will definitely be like a tiger with wings.

Within two to three years, it would be no problem to perfect the Great Witch Body Tempering Technique to the seventh level!

"When the time comes, once you break through the eighth level of the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique, you will truly possess the combat power of a Daluo Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing murmured.

It would probably take another three or four years of Qi training to reach the combat power of a Golden Immortal.

And majoring in the Great Witch Body Refining Technique can save more than a year...

The past year or so has been extremely critical for Su Xing!
"Besides, thanks to the existence of the Zhengyi Fuqi Jue, I only need to spend a small amount of energy to improve my Qi Refining skills! I won't fall behind too much..."

When Su Xing thought about this, he felt that the "hunting plan" of the eighth heaven was very feasible.

"The only difficulty is... the alien race of the eighth heaven has an absolute upper hand..."

"You must be extremely cautious... before attempting to hunt a first-level god!"

Su Xing deduced several plans in his mind, trying to see if he could successfully hunt a first-level god.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Next, you spent ten years exploring the bases of alien races within tens of millions of miles.]

[In the eighth heaven, the forces of several general armies of alien races are gathered, and there are a lot of high-level alien races. ]

[Within a radius of tens of millions of miles, you have sensed at least two strongholds, some of which have the aura of a first-level deity.]

[Although you are confident that you can kill a first-level god by yourself, it will take you months or even years to kill a god from another race.]

[During this period, if the alien race comes to help, and you are outnumbered, the situation will be very bad for you.]

[So, you continue to expand your search, trying to find the stronghold of the "lone" alien god. ]

[Another ten years have passed...]

[In the 620th year, after more than 20 years of exploration, you finally found two suitable alien strongholds.]

[In one of the alien strongholds, there is a first-level god and three second-level gods... and there are no other first-level gods within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.]

[This is a perfect ambush location for you.]

[After that, you spent another three years investigating the strength of the first-level gods and their defense arrangements within this stronghold.]

[You are very lucky. In this stronghold, there is a red-eyed deity, a first-level deity, whose strength is far inferior to yours.]

【So, you started hunting. 】

[You should set up a shielding formation near this stronghold in advance to reduce the fluctuations of the battle. ]

[Then, he entered the stronghold alone and began a large-scale massacre! ]

[The sky was filled with sword energy, mowing down the lives of the alien races in the stronghold like mowing grass. ]

[Tens of thousands of alien gods, dozens of alien gods were quickly slaughtered by you.]

[Soon, only the first-level deity and three second-level deities were left in the stronghold.]

[These four aliens began to fight back... and the strategy you chose was to kill the second-level gods first, and then free up your hands to kill the first-level gods with all your strength.]

[You fought one against four and it took you an hour to kill three level 2 gods.]

[Falling into a one-on-one battle, you begin to focus all your efforts on dealing with this level of deity. ]

[This red-eyed deity is far less powerful than Red Moon. His Law of Slaughter has just entered the sixth realm, and the power of his various magical powers is also very different.]

[More importantly, the Red-Eyed Deity has a real body, and you can easily injure it...]

[After that, there was a long tug-of-war. With your foresight, you had a good understanding of the Red Eye Clan's methods.]

[This battle lasted for six months.]

[Finally, you used the Yin-Yang Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique to successfully kill it! ]

[After destroying this stronghold, you quickly collect the essence of blood and flesh and sweep away all the natural treasures in the stronghold.]

【After that, you fled a million miles away from this stronghold.】

[Half a year later, other alien gods discovered something unusual about this stronghold and sent aliens to check it out.]

[But you had already escaped, entered a hidden cave, and started practicing.]

In the real world, Su Xing fell into deep thought when he saw this.

"After all, the five major domains of the lower realm are still the home turf of the human race, and the alien races are scattered... so it is difficult to support them!"

“But in the Eighth Heaven, the alien races are densely distributed. If multiple first-level gods unite, even I will be in a difficult battle, or even be killed!”

"Therefore, we must find the first-level gods with remote bases and defeat them one by one..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
“In addition, the blood and flesh essence of a second-level god, although not as good as that of a first-level god, is also a top-notch treasure… If I take a large amount, it will also help me practice the Great Witch Body Refining Technique!”

"Therefore, if there is no absolute certainty, the second-level gods should be the main hunting targets! The first-level gods can be hunted depending on the situation..."

“Even if I hunt down a second-level god, the natural resources and treasures in its stronghold will be of great use to my cultivation!”

"If the distance between two alien strongholds is only tens of millions of miles, we can provide support within a year or even a few months..."

"Therefore, it is safer to adopt a guerrilla warfare approach and move from place to place after each shot..."

Su Xing reviewed his experience of hunting a first-level god.

I finally understood why powerful people like the Master of Tianji Pavilion would choose to adopt the "guerrilla warfare" method!
In the eighth heaven, alien races are densely distributed, while the number of humans is very small, but they are all strong.

Adopting highly mobile interference and single-point hunting is indeed the best approach.

"Well, let's adopt this plan from now on!"

"Let's see first, after destroying the first-level god's stronghold, will the gains be enough for me to practice for a long time?"

After all, Su Xing’s current strength is limited, but as Su Xing’s strength continues to increase, it will become easier to wipe out the alien races.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 623rd year, you entered the Luotian realm and began to practice.]

[In the blink of an eye, more than seventy years had passed in the outside world, and nearly eight hundred years had passed in Luotian.]

[In the 700th year, the essence of flesh and blood and the natural treasures of qi and blood are exhausted, and you can successfully exit.]

[The Tianyuan Divine Tree in your body is nearly 13 meters tall, and your cultivation is getting closer and closer to the late stage of the first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. ]

[The harvest from destroying a first-level god's stronghold is enough for you to practice for more than eighty years. 】

[So, over the next few hundred years, you began to use guerrilla tactics to hunt down alien gods.]

[In the blink of an eye, five hundred years have passed! ]

[In the 1,200th year, during the 500 years, you hunted down two first-level gods and more than thirty second-level gods.]

[And after nearly five hundred years of practice, the Tianyuan Divine Tree in your body has grown to seventeen feet! ]

[It grows ten feet almost every hundred years...]

[And your cultivation is only one step away from the late first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal! ]

[But as time went by, after hundreds of years of hunting, rumors about you began to spread among the alien races.]

[More and more alien races are preparing in advance, not only gathering together to prevent you from hunting alone, but even several first-level gods have joined forces to look for your traces. ]

[However, fortunately, you are good at the way of space, and the way of cause and effect and destiny helps you shield your energy, so you have not been discovered yet. ]

[In this way, another three hundred years have passed...]

[In the 1,500th year, during the past 300 years, you successfully hunted down a first-level god, but you were ambushed and seriously injured before you managed to escape.]

[Unconsciously, it has been more than a thousand years since I entered the Eighth Heaven. 】

[But in the vast eighth heaven, you did not find any traces of the Tianji Pavilion Master and other human beings. ]

[This year, the Tianyuan Divine Tree in your body has grown to 190 feet, and your cultivation has officially broken through to the late stage of the first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal! ]

[Over the past hundred years, it has become increasingly difficult to hunt down first-level alien gods, and cultivation progress has been slow.]

[In this case, you decide to change into a lesser demon identity...]

[In the 1500th year, you transformed into a lesser demon! ] [Soon, your presence attracted the attention of the alien army. ]

[You have disappeared for more than a thousand years, and now you are back in the sight of the alien race. ]

[Soon, you were sent to the lower world, the Tianji Realm.]

[In the next hundred years, you will cultivate inferior demons and accumulate believers in the Tianji Realm.]

[In the 1,600th year, Hong Yue found you. The game between Him and the second generation Hong Yue has reached a critical moment.]

[Red Moon wants to devour the second generation Red Moon and get a glimpse of the realm of domination. ]

[The second generation of Hongyue also has the same idea...]

[You previously received bribes from the two generations of Hongyue, but you had no intention of doing anything.]

【You stay out of it and continue to cultivate believers. 】

[Until the 2000th year, the number of your hundreds of Lesser Demon Apostles and millions of Lesser Demon Followers has temporarily reached the upper limit, and it will be difficult to continue breeding in the short term.]

[So you begin to accumulate the power of faith...]

[In the 2300th year, the stronghold you were in was attacked by the White Emperor.]

[In the entire world, countless alien gods were killed by the human cultivators led by Baidi...]

[Fortunately, you knew this in advance and escaped...]

[In the next two hundred years, the ominous premonition became stronger, and the Tianji Realm was defeated by the invasion of foreign races.]

[Until the 2,500th year! ]

[The effect of the 'Disaster Body' is getting stronger, and you have a premonition that you will encounter an unprecedented assassination. ]

[You have used up all the power of faith... Your mastery of the laws of space has rapidly improved! ]

[A few months later, the demon will lead some humans to hunt down aliens! ]

[This battle was extremely brutal. The Taolong Lord God personally came out to fight against the demons.]

[You don’t know the outcome of the battle, because during the war, you were killed by two Taiyi Golden Immortals who jointly assassinated you...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing did not rush to choose a reward, but began to reflect on the gains and losses of this simulation.

The first four hundred years are the best template for Su Xing's deduction.

Trade with Qingyunzi, collect Qi and blood treasures, and go to obtain Luotian Black Pearl.

Although he was unable to rely on the power of the Tianji Pavilion, Su Xing saved hundreds of years to explore the Eighth Heaven.

After obtaining the Luotian Black Pearl, Su Xing can also begin to try to integrate with the Luotian Realm.

After that, more than two hundred years of immersive simulation is also necessary!
“After that, maybe we can do an immersive simulation in the eighth heaven and get twice the result with half the effort!”

Su Xing murmured.

"Four hundred years from now... it will be time to explore the eighth heaven and practice!"

"I already know the location of the Soul-Breaking Grass, but I am not strong enough to obtain it..."

"And in the eighth heaven, there are a large number of high-level alien races that can provide blood and flesh essence, as well as various natural treasures that have been cultivated for billions of years. They are of great use to me!"

"Although it's a little dangerous, after a thousand years of continuous practice, I'm growing rapidly!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"After 1,500 years, it will be difficult to hunt aliens, so the transformation into a lesser demon vest is within expectations!"

"The struggle between the two generations of Red Moon will probably end in death! After all... this is about the realm of domination!"

Su Xing frowned. After he changed into an inferior demon in the simulation, he naturally didn't care about the struggle between the two generations of Red Moon.

But if it were reality, Su Xing would have to pay attention.

If a certain generation of Red Moon were to successfully devour it and ascend to the realm of domination...

The human race is really at a critical moment of life and death!

"But fortunately, these two generations of Hongyue are not easy to deal with, so it shouldn't be that easy to determine the winner!"

"If the situation permits, I might be able to add fuel to the fire and make them both lose..."

"Finally, at the time points of 2,300 and 2,500 years...if we prepare in advance, we may be able to avoid death..."

Su Xing closed his eyes and reviewed the game. After making sure that there was nothing missing, he looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Ancestor Witch]: Red talent, priced at 100 energy points.

[The result of practicing the Great Witch's Body Tempering Technique]: The Tianyuan Divine Tree in the body is nineteen feet high, and the life force, blood and qi are as hot as the sun... The price is 2400 million energy origins!
[The first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal's late cultivation]: Sold for 1 point of Energy Origin.

[Secret Method of Naturalizing the World (Perfect)]: It is not far from perfection. It contains the effect of naturalizing the world and incorporating it into the spiritual realm. After mastering it thoroughly, you can try to naturalize an entire small world. Price: 300 million energy source!
[Secret Method of Combining the Body with the World (Perfection)]: Not far from perfection, it is from the ancient Daluo Jinxian... and is priced at 300 million energy source!
Su Xing gained a lot from this simulation!
Especially after obtaining the talents of the Witch Ancestor, the growth of the Great Witch's Body Tempering Technique was even more rapid!

After just one simulation, in just a thousand years, the Great Witch's Body Refining Technique had greatly improved, and the Tianyuan Divine Tree had grown a full eight feet, nearly doubling in size...

"The secret method of naturalizing the world and integrating the body with the world has finally been improved to the perfect state. After that, I can try to integrate the body with the small world..."

Su Xing nodded slightly. Without a doubt, he wanted all five rewards!

"I choose to take it out..." Su Xing muttered to himself.

[Ding, congratulations on bringing out the red-talented ancestor witch... The remaining energy source is 6 points...]

[Congratulations on achieving Taiyi Jinxian cultivation... The remaining energy source is 6 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of your practice of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique... The remaining energy source is 5 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the secret method of naturalizing the world (perfect)... The remaining energy source is 5 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing forth the Secret Method of the World Combination (Perfect)... The remaining energy source is 5 points...]

Five prompt sounds were heard in succession, and Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, accepting the feedback on his memories and cultivation.

The change in Qi training from the middle to the late stage of the first level of Taiyi Golden Immortal is not that big.

But it is also the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years by an ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The growth of the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique, the growth of the Force Tree in his body from eleven zhang to eighteen zhang, is a huge improvement!

Su Xing could keenly sense that his terrifying recovery ability had increased by about 20% again...

The two secret methods of spiritual cultivation were also mastered by Su Xing.

Su Xing took a long breath, slowly opened his eyes, and said with satisfaction:

“No wonder the Great Wizard’s seventh level of Body Refining Technique is said to be reborn by a drop of blood… His previous vitality has not yet reached its end!”

"When I reach perfection... I'm afraid the vitality of my physical body will rival the entire world!"

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"At this rate, within a dozen simulations, I will be able to cultivate the Great Witch Body Refining Technique to the seventh level, and the energy tree in my body will be over a hundred feet tall!"

Su Xing was very satisfied with the increase in his strength in this simulation.

At the current level, this kind of growth is already very good.

"Right now, I still have five simulation opportunities! Nearly 600 million energy sources!"

"I will use four simulations first to improve my cultivation!"

After that, Su Xing started the continuous simulation in one go.

In each simulation, Su Xing adopted roughly the same strategy.

He traded with Qing Yunzi, accumulated rare treasures, and went to the Demon Realm to obtain the Luo Tian Black Pearl.

And after the first hundred years, you will arrive at the eighth heaven and begin the immersive simulation!

The only difference is that in the eighth heaven, the comprehension of the laws is even greater than that in the seventh heaven!
After waking up for several simulations, he found a suitable place for retreat and contemplation, and his comprehension of the great truth became twice as easy with half the effort!
After that, it is time to hunt down the first-level gods of the alien race and obtain the essence of their flesh and blood.

And after one thousand five hundred years, he transformed into a lesser demon to increase the power of faith!

In the successive simulations, Su Xing's strength continues to improve!


According to Su Xing's plan, the 205th, 206th, 207th and 208th simulations were successfully completed!

After performing four simulations in a row, Su Xing rubbed his brows tiredly.

It was mainly an immersive simulation. After thousands of years of continuous contemplation of the Dao, it was still a bit tiring for Su Xing.

“However, the progress we have made is enormous!”

Su Xing's eyes lit up slightly and he took a look at his attribute panel.

[Cultivation: Taiyi Golden Immortal Second Stage Middle Stage, Great Witch Body Forging Technique Seventh Stage Entry (Elemental Force Tree 50 feet)]

(End of this chapter)

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