Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 481: The power of the world is added, and the awakening auction begins

Chapter 481: The power of the world is added, and the awakening auction begins

"Even if the Master of Tianji Pavilion becomes a saint...it's too late!"

"Two thousand eight hundred years later, the human race is almost exterminated... If a saint appears at this time, can he turn the tide?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. He was not optimistic.

Even though the Master of Tianji Pavilion was extremely talented, he became a saint at the final moment.

It's just to prolong the survival of the human race...

Among the alien races, not only are there already people at the level of dominance, but their foundation is even deeper than that of the Master of Tianji Pavilion.

Moreover, the battle between the two generations of Red Moon is likely to catalyze the emergence of a "Lord of Death"!
Or, the first generation red moon devoured the second generation red moon, perfected its own "law of death" and ascended to the realm of domination.

Or, the second generation Red Moon will win, steal the "Law of Death" from the first generation Red Moon, and become the master...

No matter what the result is, it will be too unfavorable for the human race!

"Besides... if the current situation continues, the human race may not be able to survive for 2,800 years!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. With the help of his "Calamity Body", the human race held out for 2,800 years.

If Su Xing does not transform into an inferior demon, the human race can only last for two thousand five hundred years at most.

"We can't pin our hopes on the Master of Tianji Pavilion... We still need our own strength!"

Su Xing's eyes were determined.

"But the beam of light that destroyed the Canglang Realm in the end like a whirlwind... really shows that the combat power of a saint is much higher than that of a Daluo Jinxian!"

Su Xing murmured.

"With this simulation, the Spirit Realm has finally made a step forward! Let's take a look at what we have gained from this..."

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Xuanniao Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 energy origins.

[The result of practicing the Great Witch's Body Tempering Technique]: The Tianyuan Divine Tree in the body is fifty-six feet tall, and the life force, qi and blood are as hot as the sun... The price is 1800 million energy origins!
[Taiyi Golden Immortal Second Stage Mid-Level Cultivation]: Sold for 1 Energy Origin.

[World Power·Spiritual Realm (Small World)]: Enter the realm of the Immortal Realm through the Spiritual Realm. The great power of the world belongs to you. With the help of the world power in the Spiritual Realm, you can temporarily improve your understanding of the Great Dao. Currently, the range of the Spiritual Realm is 22 miles, which can improve the understanding of the Great Dao in the sixth realm by one small realm. The price is 1 million energy sources. (The range of the Spiritual Realm is worth 9876 million energy sources, and the total value of the small world is 1 million energy sources...)
Looking at the four rewards in front of him, Su Xing's eyes fell on the last one.

"World power, spirit realm? Holy shit... it's actually close to 200 million energy sources? That's too expensive!"

Su Xing had thought that the results of practicing in the spiritual realm would be very expensive, but he didn't expect it to be so expensive!

The spiritual domain has been expanded by 1000 miles, with an average of 1 miles worth 2000 million energy origins, which adds up to million!

"As for the price of the small world..."

Su Xing was glad that he had chosen a relatively barren little world.

If it is an expensive small world, it will probably consume more energy!
"Huh... Two hundred million is indeed a bit expensive!"

"But it's impossible not to learn the powerful combat power of Lingyu..."

Whether it is to enhance combat power or to naturalize on Blue Star in the future, Su Xing has to pay this energy source.

Without much hesitation, Su Xing took out all four rewards.

[Ding, congratulations on bringing out the golden gifted Black Bird Divine Body... The remaining energy source is 3 points...]

[Congratulations on achieving Taiyi Jinxian cultivation... The remaining energy source is 3 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the results of your practice of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique... The remaining energy source is 3 points...]

[Congratulations on bringing out the world power, the spiritual realm (small world)... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]

As the prompt sounds continued, some mysterious changes occurred in Su Xing's body.

His Qi refining skills had only improved slightly, and even still remained at the middle stage of the second level of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he was not far from the late stage.

The one who made the greatest progress was still the Great Witch Body Tempering Technique. The Tianyuan Divine Tree in his body was already fifty-six feet tall, not far from the hundred-foot height of the minor success realm.

Of course, what Su Xing is most looking forward to is the huge progress in the spiritual realm!
The Lingtian Cave where Su Xing was located was seen expanding rapidly.

In just a quarter of an hour, it increased from 100,000 miles to 220,000 miles.

The area has expanded several times!
Along with a complete small world that merged into the spiritual realm, Su Xing felt that there were many more living creatures in the spiritual realm.

With a thought in his mind, a thousand-foot-high mountain rose up from the spot and a vast river appeared on the land.

In this spiritual realm, Su Xing is like an omnipotent creator who can change the terrain of the world at will.

"Even the consumption of the Great Dao's comprehension has become much weaker..."

Su Xing took a deep breath and tried to use the full power of the spiritual realm.

With a thought in his mind, the entire spiritual realm, with an area of ​​220,000 miles, can be considered a relatively large small world.

And with the addition of the "power of the world", Su Xing's understanding of the avenue of space also easily broke through the bottleneck.

The avenue of space that has reached minor success in the sixth realm!

Although it was only an improvement in a small realm, Su Xing felt that his mastery of the way of space had increased by nearly double!
When giving it one's all, one can easily break through the void and travel tens of millions of miles in an instant.

“Hiss… The higher you go in your comprehension of the Great Dao, even if it’s just a small realm difference, it’s still a huge gap!”

Su Xing sighed slightly.

"The only pity is that this is only using the power of the Spirit Realm to temporarily improve the understanding of the Great Dao. It is not permanent... It can only last for a quarter of an hour..."

Su Xing sensed that this state of blessing from the Great Dao could only last for a short quarter of an hour.

Of course, this is also because the awakened spiritual realm has just broken through to the "immortal realm" level, the world scope is not enough, and the world power is not enough.

After the scope of the spiritual realm expands further, the improvement in the understanding of the Tao will be much more terrifying.

"Huh... this temporary improvement alone should not be underestimated!"

"And not only the avenue of space... the five elements and the avenue of cause and effect and destiny can all be temporarily elevated to a small realm under the blessing of the world's power!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this.

During the time when the world's power is added, Su Xing's strongest offensive method can be improved by at least 50%!

While feeling happy about his improved strength, Su Xing couldn't help but look at the simulation panel with some worry.

"There are only a little over 170 million energy sources left... and the number of simulations has also been exhausted..."

Su Xing touched his chin.

The number of simulations is not a problem for Su Xing, on average there is one more per week.

In the next few years, Su Xing will have at least two or three hundred simulation opportunities.

But the source of energy is about to run out, so Su Xing has to take it seriously.

"In Taiyi Jinxian Realm, each level of Qi Refining requires a full 100 million energy sources!"

"This little energy source is only enough for me to reach the peak of the third level of Taiyi Golden Immortal... It's not even enough to break through to the middle level of Taiyi!"

"However, if it is used to improve the Great Witch's Body Tempering Technique, it is enough to reach the seventh level of minor success..."

However, neither the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique nor the small realm breakthrough in Qi Refining cultivation was enough to bring about a qualitative change in Su Xing's strength.

and so……

"Make money! We still have to make money!"

"We need to earn more energy!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

After infiltrating the alien race, the speed of obtaining the source of energy was indeed much faster.

But compared with the dramatic increase in energy every day after the realm was improved, it is still a little bit not enough.

"According to the original plan... in the next year, the gifts given by the alien gods will be worth at most 100 million or 200 million energy sources... It's far from enough!"

Su Xing calculated, according to his current progress.

After twenty simulations of Qi Refining, one should be able to barely break into the middle stage of Taiyi.

That is the cost of 200 million energy sources.

The progress of the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique was even more obvious. It was not difficult to break into the seventh level in two months.

In this way, the cost is close to 200 million energy sources...

Add to that the expenses of improving the spiritual realm, understanding of the Dao... and so on, the source of energy is completely insufficient.

“Open source! It must be open source!”

Su Xing quickly thought about how much more benefit he could get from the aliens.

"Within two and a half years, Hongyue will have a source of energy worth about 500 million..."

"More importantly, it's the Second Generation Red Moon! There are three billion energy sources, it would be great if we could get them in advance!"

Su Xing was thoughtful. If he could plan ahead for the conflict between the two generations of Red Moon...

Perhaps, Su Xing can obtain more energy sources from the two generations of Hong Yue?

"Besides that... there are still more blood and flesh essences in the hands of the gods of other races that can be swindled away..."

After much thought, Su Xing finally came up with a good idea -

Auction of low-level demons!

"Yes! I can totally make plans in advance and sell the low-level inferior demons in packages to those inferior demon gods!" Su Xing's eyes lit up as he pondered the feasibility of this plan.

First of all, most of those inferior demon gods who want to make friends with and please Su Xing are worth quite a lot!
They basically lead a small legion, and have many second- and third-level gods under their command, and countless god-level subordinates.

And the reason why they are trying to please Su Xing so much is not to get more inferior demon cannon fodder?

One million inferior demon cannon fodder is enough to cover the cannon fodder consumption for invading a small world!
Ten million inferior demon cannon fodder can allow those legions to invade a small world!
And one hundred million inferior demon cannon fodder are enough to attack a middle thousand world for a hundred years!
Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Not only do I want to sell low-level inferior demons as cannon fodder... I also want to sell commander-level inferior demons, and even god-level inferior demons!"

"One million inferior demon cannon fodder in exchange for one million worth of energy source, isn't that too much?"

"One inferior demon god in exchange for 10 million energy sources, isn't that too much?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and his plan to make a fortune had begun to take shape!
"I can definitely make promises to those alien gods. As long as they give me the source of energy... I can supply them with inferior demon cannon fodder in the next hundred years!"

"As long as I demonstrate my abilities, it will be easy to raise a billion inferior demons as cannon fodder within a hundred years... I can even raise tens of billions of energy sources in a short period of time!"

"As for the 100-year deadline... I've already said it's just a pie in the sky, it's naturally impossible to achieve!"

After repeatedly deducing his plan and making sure there were no flaws, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction.

"It will take more than half a month, so let's prepare to return to the Void Realm first!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing stepped on the void, constantly traveling through space, and headed towards the direction of the void world.


Half a month later, Su Xing was not far from the Void Realm.

At this moment, Su Xing had accumulated two new simulation opportunities.

Before returning to the void, the simulation opportunities must naturally be used up.

So, Su Xing started the 210th and 211th simulations in succession.

After two simulations, Su Xing gained a lot.

The Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique took a further step forward, and the Force Tree in his body grew to sixty-five feet.

His Qi training had also reached the late second stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

At the same time, Su Xing began to try to naturalize the Luotian Realm, and the scope of the domain also increased by 23 miles, reaching miles.

The Way of Space is getting closer and closer to the sixth level of success.

The Inferior Demon Armor's mastery of the laws of space is also steadily advancing towards the sixth level.

The only pity is that the simulation still couldn't last more than two thousand eight hundred years.

Under the terrifying white light power, Su Xing was completely unable to fight back.

Because his Qi Refining skills had not yet broken through, the two simulated awakenings only consumed tens of millions of energy sources.

The remaining energy source is 1 points.

"Huh...After two consecutive simulations, my strength has improved again!"

"Now, I barely have the strength of Taiyi Zhenren... enough to crush most Taiyi Jinxian!"

Su Xing sensed the power in his body and was very satisfied.

"It's time to return to the Void Realm and start planning!"

Su Xing's mind moved, and he changed into the identity of a lowly demon, and then rushed towards the empty world.

One day later, Su Xing arrived at the Void Realm and found the succubus god.

"Amumei, I want to contact those friendly first-level gods... and please help me announce a message..."

The succubus god was a little confused after hearing this, but still said:
"Respected Lord of Lesser Demons... Please let me know if you need anything!"

"I will pass the message to other first-level gods as you requested..."

Su Xing was not vague and said directly:

"In a month, I will host a banquet for guests and hold an auction in the Skyless Realm..."

"And the content of the auction is..."

Su Xing told the succubus god about his plan to "auction the inferior demons".

Of course, Su Xing would never tell the truth that he would eventually run away.

The succubus Amumei was so surprised when she heard this that her beautiful red lips opened slightly, and she could even swallow a whole eggplant.

Finally, the succubus god said:
"Respected Lord of Lesser Demons... I will convey your request to other first-level gods as soon as possible..."

"Compared to those legion commanders, they will be very interested in this..."

Soon, the news that Su Xing was going to auction the inferior demon cannon fodder spread like a tide to the ears of dozens of first-level gods.


One month later, there is no boundary!
In a certain alien stronghold, a temporary platform similar to the human auction was built.

At this moment, Su Xing was standing on the podium of the auction. Below the podium were dozens of powerful first-level gods and hundreds of second-level gods.

So many alien gods gathered together, I am afraid that we can only see it in the war that destroys the world.

Of course, this time Su Xing used benefits to gather these alien gods together, naturally in order to make a big profit!
"Ahem... fellow tribesmen, I invite you all to come here today in order to increase the strength of my race!"

"It is also to revitalize our race and invade the human world as soon as possible!"

"Although my race is strong, humans are not made of dough..."

"I'm sure that many of your fellow compatriots' elite soldiers died in the war..."

"At this time, more cannon fodder is needed!"

"And today, I am here to prevent the elite from dying in battle and provide you with more cannon fodder!"

Su Xing spoke eloquently, and his tone showed consideration for the foreigners.

Want to arouse the desires of these first-level gods.

But these first-level gods have all lived for millions of years and have seen many storms and waves. It is difficult to move them with just Su Xing's empty words.

So Su Xing didn't waste any time and started his performance directly.

In an open space in front of the high platform, there were ten thousand low-level demons that had just reached adulthood. They were only at the Foundation Establishment stage and were considered cannon fodder among the alien army.

Below the high platform, hundreds of alien gods watched with great interest, wanting to see what Su Xing was up to.

"Cough cough!"

Su Xing cleared his throat and said:
"I am a chosen alien selected by the great Mother Goddess... and the Mother Goddess has also bestowed upon me powerful strength!"

"And my first power is to strengthen the Lesser Demons!"

After saying that, Su Xing stretched out his hand and waved it. A little bit of the power of faith sprinkled on these ten thousand inferior demon cannon fodder like starlight.

Soon, a magical scene happened!

In just a moment, the 10,000 inferior demon cannon fodder below underwent a huge change!

The bodies became visibly stronger, and all the inferior demons became larger!
This "evolution" lasted about a quarter of an hour.

All the alien gods stared at the ten thousand inferior demon cannon fodder with wide eyes.

Originally, these ten thousand inferior demon cannon fodder were equivalent to the Foundation Establishment stage of the human race.

And with Su Xing's blessing, he directly possessed the strength of the Golden Core Stage in just a moment!

In other words, it is equivalent to the grandmaster or even the king level among the alien races.

Not only that, some of the stronger inferior demon cannon fodder even possess strength comparable to that of the Martial Emperor and legendary inferior demons.

It should be noted that the legendary inferior demon is already considered a commander-level figure among the inferior demon cannon fodder, and is able to lead the inferior demon army in battle!

After Su Xing used the power of faith, he glanced under the auction table, looked at the reactions of the alien miracles below, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Ahem! That's right, my first energy can catalyze the growth of inferior demons, allowing those originally weak cannon fodder to improve one or two realms!"

"The strengthened inferior demons are still cannon fodder... but they are the elite among the cannon fodder and can play a greater role on the battlefield!"

"Moreover, within the next hundred years... I am confident that I can breed and strengthen more than one billion elite inferior demon cannon fodder!"

After Su Xing said this, the alien gods below looked at each other.

Obviously, Su Xing's move made them excited.

The strengthened inferior demon cannon fodder obviously has considerable strategic value to these legion commanders.

Of course, the premise is that the number is large enough, millions!
Looking at the first-level magicians below communicating with each other and whispering, Su Xing knew that it was time to add fuel to the fire.

So, Su Xing waved his hand and dismissed ten thousand inferior demon cannon fodder, leaving only one stronger inferior demon.

Then, Su Xing took a deep breath, and the power of faith condensed into a huge fruit, which landed on the body of the strong evil demon.

The next second... the evil demon's aura changed drastically!
King level... Legendary level... Saint level... Demigod level... God level!
Under the astonished gazes of the first-level gods, the realm of this originally weak demon continued to rise.

The divine power continues to expand, the divinity continues to gather, and the godhead quickly condenses!
In the end, he actually turned into a god-level inferior demon!

"A new inferior demon god has been born!"

(End of this chapter)

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