Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 482: The grand auction, it’s so easy to make money from the alien race’s Yuanzi!

Chapter 482: The grand auction, it’s so easy to make money from the alien race’s Yuanzi!

Below the platform, some alien gods cried out in surprise. Obviously, the scene before them was beyond their imagination.

It should be noted that up to now, there are only three or four surviving god-level inferior demons in the entire alien race.

This even includes Su Xing, the lord of the evil demons!
And now, a new god-demon was born right before their eyes!

Looking at the exclamations of these alien gods below the platform, Su Xing became more and more satisfied.

Clearing his throat, Su Xing said slowly:
"Ahem, this is the second ability the Mother Goddess has bestowed upon me!"

"As long as you pay a certain price... I can catalyze a true god-level inferior demon!"

"A god-level inferior demon, I'm sure everyone knows what this means, right?"

And below, hundreds of alien gods were staring at the god-level inferior demon.

Obviously, they knew that a god-level inferior demon had huge strategic value, even higher than that of an ordinary god!
The inferior demons are a weak, selfish, and despicable race. It is not an exaggeration to even call them the "shame of alien races."

Their individual combat capability is at the bottom, and they do not obey orders and lack wisdom. In battle, they can only rely on their huge numerical advantage and serve as cannon fodder.

However, if there is a Lesser Demon above Legendary level, it will be able to initially develop intelligence and can better deal with 100,000 Lesser Demon cannon fodder.

At this time, the role of the inferior demon cannon fodder on the battlefield will be greatly enhanced!

And if there is a saint-level inferior demon, he will be able to command tens of millions of inferior demons. At this time, the role of the inferior demon cannon fodder will reach a terrifying level.

The saying that "a swarm of ants can kill an elephant" is not an exaggeration.

But when the inferior demon was promoted to the god level, a qualitative change really occurred!
Not only can he lead tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of inferior demons on the battlefield.

It can also quickly breed inferior demons, making them endless, and it will not hurt even if hundreds of thousands of them die in one battle.

This is why the inferior demons above the god level are so valuable and their strategic significance is too great.

After seeing Su Xing catalyze the creation of an inferior demon god, the alien gods below soon began to discuss.

Until a red-eyed alien at the peak of the first-level god asked:

"Respected Lord of Lesser Demons... How much will it cost you to catalyze such a powerful divine Lesser Demon?"

"How many can you catalyze?"

After hearing this, Su Xing pondered for a while and said:
“Ahem, the price I paid for catalyzing a god-level inferior demon was not small…”

"In the next ten years, I can catalyze a maximum of ten god-level inferior demons!"

"As for ordinary enhanced inferior demons... within a hundred years, I can catalyze a billion of them!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the alien gods below all showed surprise on their faces.

Ten inferior demon gods and one billion enhanced inferior demons, this is definitely a terrifying strategic value!

At this moment, these alien miracles all understood what this meant.

Su Xing saw that the time was ripe, so he didn't keep anyone in suspense and said directly:

"However, I need to pay the price of my origin to catalyze the inferior demons... I can't give it to everyone for free!"

"Therefore, I will sell the future inferior demon cannon fodder... All the inferior demon cannon fodder auctioned will be delivered to everyone within a hundred years!"

After a pause, Su Xing quoted a price:
"A group of inferior demon cannon fodder, numbering over one million, with a free emperor-level inferior demon commander... The starting price is five hundred kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence, or flesh and blood essence of the same value..."

"First come, first served. After all, within a hundred years, I can only catalyze a billion enhanced inferior demon cannon fodders at most!"

Su Xing slowly announced the auction price.

One million inferior demon cannon fodders, and all of them have been strengthened. The starting price is 500 kilograms of the essence of the true god's flesh and blood, which is energy sources!

This price is not expensive!
Therefore, the alien gods below were more or less tempted.

And these alien gods all had an idea in their minds:
This demon lord is so absurd! He actually auctioned off his own kind? The demons' despicable and greedy nature is clearly revealed!

Although they looked down on Su Xing, the Lord of the Lesser Demons, in their hearts, these alien gods still put on a flattering expression on their faces.

After a brief silence, alien gods from other races soon began to offer prices.

"I'll give you five hundred kilograms of the essence of the true god's flesh and blood!" a second-level god shouted tentatively.

"I'll give you five hundred and fifty kilograms!" another second-level god shouted.

"I'll pay 600 kilograms..."

Soon, with a series of bids, the first auction, "One Million Lesser Demon Cannon Fodder", was sold for the price of 1300 kilograms of the essence of the flesh and blood of a true god.

"Tsk tsk... As expected, whether it's the human race or the alien race, there has to be competition!"

"Auctions still make more money than selling directly..."

Su Xing was secretly happy.

1300 kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence is equivalent to 130 million energy origins, which is much higher than Su Xing estimated!
What's more, what Su Xing is selling is a "blank check" that will take a hundred years to cash, so he is already very satisfied with the value.

"Ahem... Now let's start the second auction of inferior demon cannon fodder... the amount is 200 million!"

Su Xing gave some instructions to the succubus god, and then stood in a corner of the platform and quietly looked at the alien gods below the stage.

Su Xing informed about this auction one month in advance, and it was held in the Void Realm. There were dozens of first-level gods who came to participate.

There were also hundreds of second-level gods participating, so the scene was quite grand.

“Tsk tsk… Even if a god only buys a million inferior demon cannon fodder… I’ve made a fortune this time!”

Su Xing thought to himself.


This auction lasted for three full days.

Su Xing auctioned off a total of 500 million inferior demon cannon fodder and promised to deliver them within a hundred years.

Five hundred million inferior demon cannon fodders brought Su Xing tens of thousands of kilograms of flesh and blood essence, which was worth over 600 million energy sources!
About two hundred alien gods participated in the auction and successfully won the bid.

Originally, Su Xing thought the price would be higher. Five hundred million inferior demon cannon fodder could at least be sold for seven or eight hundred million energy sources.

But these alien gods who participated in the auction were all shrewd people and knew not to blindly drive up the price.

Following this trend, every alien god would be able to auction off at least one million inferior demon cannon fodder.

Therefore, in the last two days, the price of inferior demon cannon fodder was not high.

Under such circumstances, Su Xing stopped the auction in time.

"Ahem! Fellow countrymen!"

"I just received news... Many compatriots wanted to attend the auction, but they were unable to come because they were caught up in the war..."

"Therefore, I have decided to postpone the auction and hold three more auctions within the next year to auction off the remaining 500 million inferior demon cannon fodder."

"After these three, I won't hold any more auctions!"

"After all, within a hundred years... I can only catalyze a billion inferior demon cannon fodder at most..."

Su Xing said calmly, looking heartbroken and concerned about the aliens.

After hearing this, the gods below quickly understood Su Xing's subtext.

This is - hunger marketing!

Since every alien god present can be auctioned, there is a lack of competition.

Then just postpone it and only allow a small number of gods to take pictures.

As long as competition emerges, the price will be at least 30% to 40% higher!
As expected, as soon as Su Xing said this, the gods below immediately complained.

"No! Your Excellency, Lord of the Lesser Demons... I haven't even bought this yet! Can you sell me some more?"

"Yes! I just accepted the mission to invade a middle thousand world... I need at least five million inferior demon cannon fodder! How can I stop the auction like this?"

"Damn it! If I had known, I would have auctioned off more..."

Seeing that these inferior demon cannon fodders were no longer being auctioned, the alien gods below suddenly felt heartbroken.

Although the aliens are strong, they obviously cannot fully see through Su Xing's "tricks".

They only regretted that they didn't auction more items just now.

However, facing the desperate pleas of these foreign gods, Su Xing showed no mercy and just said:

"The first auction ends here!"

"Brothers who just bought inferior demon cannon fodder... come to me later and give me the essence of flesh and blood first, and then I will give you a mark!"

"With this mark, once the hundred-year deadline is up, you can come to the Void Realm to find me and take the inferior demon cannon fodder..."

After hearing this, the gods who had just auctioned off the inferior demon cannon fodder were immediately delighted.

The blood and flesh essence was delivered in full in advance, but the "goods" of inferior demon cannon fodder would take a hundred years to arrive. This would be impossible in the human business world.

But the alien races don’t have so many twists and turns, and Su Xing’s credibility as the “Lord of Inferior Demons” is extremely high, so naturally these gods are willing to do so.

Of course, the more important point is.

For these gods, a hundred years is just a "nap" in the long years.

It is equivalent to buying something on Blue Planet, paying in advance, and having it shipped three days later. There is nothing wrong with this.

Su Xing looked at the gods below with different expressions and smiled.

I believe that after this auction, the reputation of the inferior demon cannon fodder will become even more famous.

The subsequent auctions will be even more intense!
And at the same time...

Above the void, in some strange space.

The huge black figure opened its bloody mouth and kept chewing the black ball. It said with a hint of doubt in its eyes:

"Greed, do you think that the Lord of the Lesser Demons...what he did was a little strange?"

"The breeding of inferior demon cannon fodder... He is obviously an important figure in the clan, why would he auction him off directly? This seems a little... against the rules?"

While eating the strange food, the Lord of the Gluttonous Dragon stared at the situation of the boundless auction in the light curtain in front of him.

With His wisdom, He knew that what Su Xing did was a little too strange, but He didn't know what was wrong exactly?

On the other side, the Lord Tuna, who represents "greed" among the seven deadly sins, is a rare god among the alien races and possesses extremely high wisdom.

At this moment, He looked through the light curtain at the scene at the auction below, and said thoughtfully:

"The Lord of Lesser Demons... is his wisdom so high?"

Lord Tuna naturally saw the reason why Su Xing held the auction, and also saw through Su Xing's "hunger marketing" routine.

But as the almighty Lord God, a powerful being codenamed "Seven Deadly Sins", Lord Tuna doesn't care.

“Hehe… the foundation of a newly promoted first-level god is still too shallow!”

"He auctioned off his clansmen in this way...naturally to obtain their blood and flesh essence!"

"After all, with enough blood and flesh essence, He can grow faster and even make the inferior demons stronger..."

Lord Tuna did some calculations and realized that if all of the 1 billion inferior demon cannon fodder were auctioned off, it would be worth millions of kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence...

"For those gods, it is indeed a huge fortune... But for us, it is still too little..."

Lord Tuna looked at Lord Taolong calmly and said:

"Even if your 'Origin' that you need to consume in large quantities every day is not worth more than ten thousand catties of the flesh and blood essence of a True God?"

"After all, he is only a first-level god, so it's just a minor incident..."

Lord Tuna pondered for a while and said:
"Although the Lord of the Lesser Demons may be suspected of favoritism, if he is not allowed to earn some profits, how can he devote himself to breeding Lesser Demon cannon fodder?"

"The evil demons are greedy for money and afraid of death... It's their nature!"

"Although there are some selfish interests involved, this move will only benefit our invasion of the Qingyuan Territory, so there is no need for us to stop Him!"

The Taolong God standing aside nodded in confusion after hearing what the Tuna God said.

He, who was not wise, knew that he could only listen to the advice of Lord Tuna.

This has also been the basis for the cooperation between the two gods for tens of millions of years.

"The Lord of the Lesser Demons is quite interesting..."

Lord Tuna thought to himself.

In fact, in addition to what He just said, Lord Tuna may not be without selfish motives.

What he saw was the Lord of the Lesser Demons accumulating his strength.

It was also seen that the Lord of the Lesser Demons was not only talented, but also intelligent...

Perhaps after countless years, this Lord of the Inferior Demons will also be able to become a god-level being!
By then, this friendship will be beneficial to Lord Tuna!

On the other hand, Su Xing at the auction was unaware that his "crazy money-making" behavior was being studied by the two main gods.

Su Xing coughed twice lightly and looked at the alien gods below, guessing that they should still have a lot of energy sources in their hands.

"Tsk tsk... I really can't bear not to drain the energy source from them!"

Su Xing said secretly, cleared his throat and said:

"Ahem, everyone, be quiet!"

"The first auction, the ordinary inferior demon cannon fodder has been auctioned off..."

"Then next, I will auction the inferior demon god!"

As he spoke, Su Xing pointed to the inferior demon god in the corner of the platform that he had just catalyzed.

"As we all know, inferior demon gods have great strategic significance on the battlefield!"

"And the birth of every inferior demon god is precious!"

"Even if it's me... in the next hundred years, I can only catalyze three inferior demon gods at most!"

"And for the sake of my clan's growth, I will permanently rent out the right to use a lesser demon god..."

“…Starting price: 10,000 kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence!”

So, although Su Xing said a lot, the alien gods below could hear it.

Su Xing is going to auction a god, a inferior demon god!
How can gods be auctioned?

After all, this is a truly intelligent creature with independent will!
For other alien gods, this is naturally impossible.

But the characteristics of the inferior demon clan mean that low-level inferior demons are completely obedient to high-level inferior demons.

In particular, the inferior demon gods catalyzed by Su Xing himself are Su Xing's apostles and are 100% loyal to Su Xing!
Even if Su Xing asks him to serve an alien legion, this inferior demon god will go through fire and water for it.

As Su Xing's voice fell, the gods below fell unusually quiet, as if they were shocked by Su Xing's action.

Once upon a time, they would not have believed that a strategic-level existence like the "Inferior Demon God" would be auctioned as a commodity.

And now, it actually happened!
However, ten thousand kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence is worth 1000 million energy sources!
This huge number still deters most of the aliens off the field.

Only those dozens of first-level gods are qualified to participate in the auction.

Soon, a first-level shadow god below quoted a price:
“Ten thousand pounds of true god’s flesh and blood essence!”

As the first offer came out, dozens of first-level gods below finally rushed to make offers:
"1 jin!"

"1 jin!"


"2 million catties!"

After a round of fierce bidding, the price quickly climbed to 28,000 kilograms of the essence of the true god's flesh and blood!
A full twenty-eight million energy sources!
Su Xing had not expected that the price of just a lowly demon god would be much higher than he had imagined!
It should be noted that the blood, flesh and essence of a corpse of a first-level god only weighs more than 5000 kilograms, which is only million energy sources.

And this inferior demon god is equivalent to half the corpse of a first-level god!
Although he was extremely surprised, seeing that the price was no longer rising, Su Xing decided to add fuel to the fire.

"Ahem, because my power is limited, I can only catalyze three inferior demon gods within a hundred years!"

"And the next two inferior demon gods... will be delivered in a hundred years!"

"So... please cherish this rare opportunity!"

The meaning of awakening is obvious.

Lesser Demon God, a true "Glorious Collection"! Only three of these are available!
And this is the only one in stock! Hurry up and pay!

Sure enough, after Su Xing added fuel to the fire.

The alien gods below were silent for a moment, and soon began a new round of bidding.

“Thirty thousand kilograms of true god-level flesh and blood essence!”

"Thirty-two thousand jin!"

"Thirty-five thousand jin..."

After Su Xing added some exaggeration, the price continued to rise until it reached 3800 kilograms of flesh and blood essence, which was equivalent to million energy origins!

Just when Su Xing thought this was the final offer.

A voice suddenly spread throughout the auction hall:
"A complete corpse of a first-level god!"

(End of this chapter)

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